THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, M)VEMf?ER iO, 1002. - - m I , , ,-! I -- I , " ' - "1 GREEN RIDGE, ywt&as'Q S&kgn rll? MEETING- OF THE W. C. T. U. AT, MIIS. J. HARVEY'S. County President Mndo nn Address and the Delegate to the State Con vention Presented ft Report Enter tnlnmeilt to Be Given by Indies' Aid Society of Presbyterian Church This Evening It Will Bo Entitled "The Old Molds' Convention." News Notes nnd Personnls, The H'KUliif itloetlliK ot the Woiiioii'b Clirlstlun Temperance union of Clrren IIIiIru, held at Mrs. ,f, Harvey's home yoHtenlay, was unusually Interesting. The services opened with devotional exercises led by the president, Sirs. T. it. Howell. After flinging, the presi dent read the Scripture lesson, and Mm. U. II. Uhuinberllu, secretary ot Luzerne county Women's Christian Temperance union, offered prayer. After tlic read Ins of the minutes of the previous meeting by the secretary, Mis. Howell Invited the county president to speak on the s.tate work, and most especially upon the last state convention, recently held at Allentown, which she did In a very able manner. The report of the delegate of the union was also hoard. Site brought many helpful words and added to tlio enthusiasm of the meeting. The dele gate, airs. Nolan, stated that there aro (!(SD local unions In our state, with about 15,000 active members and 1,199 honor ary memoers. tiic meeting adjourned to meet at Mrs. Campbell's, on Mousey avenue, November 19, which will be an evangelistic service, with Mrs. J. S. Mil ler, superintendent ot the department, in charge. Old Maids' Convention. The Ladles' Aid society of the CJiecn Ridge Presbyterian chuich will liold an entertainment In the church parlors this evening, entitled "The Old Maids' Convention." The scene represents a parlor, with the hostess awaiting the arrival of the delegates. The delegates arrive in twos and threes, and the meeting is called to order by the presi dent. The secretary calls the roll and each of the delegates res-pond -with a few appropriate words, after which there will be several addresses and le ports of committees. The following are the enrolled mem bers: Hostess, Angelina Cloverblosom, Bcranton, Pa.; Desire A. Mann. .lones vllle, Squeedonk county; Susan B. Scruggins, Salt Lake City, Utah; .Ter usha B. Tryall, Talahasse, Fla.; Nancy Fircup, Promise Land, Pa.; Polly For-get-Me-Not, Spion Kop, APrica; Kat rlna. Schmidt, Herlln, Germany; Luclnda Looknice, Matanzas, Cuba; Serephina Sentimental, Lovesorrow, New Mexico; Prldget O'Reilly, Cork, Ireland; Truth ful Tompkins, San Juan, Porto Uico; Saliie Ann Higglns, Tuckahoe, N. J.; Serephina Sad Heart, No Man's Land, Ark.; Faithful AValtstill, Yaukeetown, Me.; Mariah Hannah Livingstone, Cooseberryville, N. II.; Sorry Slmpklns, Lost Hope, Cal.; Ilezzy Jane Hopelui, Ivlondike, Alaska; Dr. Mary Walker, Washington, D. C; Prof. Makeover, Sandwich Islands. John, of 1 law Icy, arc guests at the home of 11. P. Savage, on Green Itldgo, stieet. Wllllum. Selgle. of Troy, N. Y 13 visiting ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Selgle, of Kim street. Charles Klpp has pun has nl one of the houses recently built by t L. M.inley, on lilggs sired, and Is now octupylng It. Dr. F. W. Winters and John Nli lio'.s retumrd on Tuesdav nlghl, from a ten day limit In Tike i-ounty. They biought two line dc-jr a-i tiophles of the chase and evidence of their rkl'l. Mrs. John Coidy, of Hlakely sluet, !s slightly III. The Women's Christian society of Dunmoro will meet at the home of Mrs. L. V.. Suaits, of Klectrlc avenue, Thursday afternoon nt -' o'clock. I'! very member of the society Ik iviuerl ed to be present, .i IhisIiksV. of Impuit ance will be traiisacltd. K. L. Washer and Thuinas Caynor left yesterday for a hunt in Piomlte Land. Don't Miss It. lie Mire and read Mourn & llageu's advertisement on another page of this paper. " Don't Miss It. Re sure and read Mears & Hagen's advertisement on another page of this paper. SHORT PARAGRAPHS. The watering trough at Dickson ave nue and Green Illdge street lias been dry for several days, the water having been turned 'off. This trough is the regular watering place of a large num ber of horses which pass these corners, and the lack of water is a gieat incon venience to their owners. itoy Meabell, of Mousey avenue, vis ited Carbondale yesterday. Mrs. M. 11. Kays, of Sanderson ave nue, returned yesterday from a two weeks' stay at Philadelphia. H. P. Tinkham, of Forest City, spent yesterday with Green Ridge friends. , C. 13. Pond, of Dickson avenue, lias returned from a few days' stay at Or ange, N. J. A number of the members of Green Ridge lodge. Order of Odd Fellows, at tended the session held in Carbondale last evening by the slate officers. The electric lights failed to shine during the early part of last evening and darkness pervaded the streets. Mrs. Ell Brown and Mrs, Mary Itrown, of West Pittstou, are visiting Mrs. H. L. Butdiek, of Mousey avenue. DUiNMORE. Miss Flora Dony, of Church street, H visiting her sister, Mrs. J, AV. Kast erlino, of Cliambersburg. Mrs. William Ames and little son, A MAIM CAN'T swim in shackles. Iflrtll Vrtll I R isn't a question of his winning a race, but a question of being able only to keep afloat. The man who is suffering from malnutrition is like the fettered swimmer. His stomach and its allied organs of digestion and nutri tion are diseased. It is not a question with hitn of winning In the race for busi ness but of simply keeping up under any circumstances. Whenever disease affects the stomach it is affecting also the blood and the health of every or gan of the body. For blood is only food converted into nutrition and nutri tion is the life of the body and every organ of it. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutri tion. It purifies the blood and enables the perfect nutrition of the body which means perfect health, "For six long years I suffered with iudiees tioii aud my liver and kidneys, which liafiiedlhe best doctors in our country," writes H. I Kau sell, .q.. or Woolsey, l'rince William Co., Va, "I suffered with my stomach and back for a long time, and after taUlue a ' cart-load of medicine Jrom three doctors I crew so bad I could hardly do a day'b work. Would have death-like pains in the side, and Wind spell, J began taking Br. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery aud 'Pleasant I'elletn.i nr-rnr. i i,,i .,.-.. (,,-r the second bottle I began to feel relieved. I got ix more bottles and used them, and am happy to say I owe my life to Dr. Pierce." Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery.'' There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, , ioo8 large pages, in paper covers, is sent I fret on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to 1 pay expense of mailing otlv. Address Br. R. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N, V, OBITUARY. MRS. KATPJNA D1MLKU, aged G7 yeiiis, died yesterday at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Kate Gels', of -101 Irving avenue. She is survived by two children, Fred Dlmler and Mrs Sarah Houck. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at - o'clock from her late residence. HKX.1AMIX TON'KIX, an aged resi dent of .Summit avenue, died yester day afternoon, after a lingering illness. The deceased was well known and a highly lespeeted resident. The funeral will be held from his late home, Fil day afternoon. I Rkb I 5PLv aaaaV&H aejsw msm TVI 11 TO The Style of a "Dorothy Dodd' " LUXURY IN WALKING, - PAINTED THE GATES WHITE. Manner in Which Non-Union Men Are Designated at Lattimer. A novel incident, which Is the result ot" the recent strike, is reported from Lattimer, says the llnzleton Plain Speaker. There is a number of men in that town who remained at woik dur ing the strike. Sunday morning when tlie town awoke it was discovered thai the gates In front of the houses occu pied by these non-union men had been whitewashed, aud each stood out In conspicuous purity from neighbors' gates as the people wended their way to church. The woi k had been done by come un known parlies during the night and the affair caused a sensation. Xu one ot the non-unionists had been ignored, aud some were singled out for the ob jectionable distinction wlio had not been vegaided as coming under the category of the iiou-unlonlsts. Some of the householders wlio had their fences whitewashed undertook to olilllerat" the lime by painting- their fences, but this eouise, according to the viewpoint of the other residents of the town, will only make matters worse as to have u painted fence in a town like Lattimer Is an affectation which never earned anything but oppioblum from the people In general. ' TO EXAMINE JUDOE MITCHELL. Commission Has Been Appointed by Governor Stone. Hj- llu'liuhe Wlic trom The Associated I'rm ilanlsburg, Pa,, Xov, 1.'. Governor Stone today appointed Dr. J. V: Shoe maker, of Philadelphia: Dr. A, .1. Con nell, or Serantou, and Dr. M. L. Hacon, of Wellsboio, ihe family physician of Superior Court Judge John 1. Mitchell, of Wellsboio, to examine and report on Ills eondltlftu, he btlng unable to per torm his Judicial dutits. This loiiiinlfsloir will make report to tlio governor, aud if It finds that Judge Mitchell Is Inc.isMcltuted from serving oil the bench then the judge can be le tired on half pay for the balance of bis term, .liaises of the Supeilor couit aio paid a salaiy of ST.SOrt per annum, and 011 Judge Mitchell's letlmnent lm would get W.TmO per annum for the next seven years, he having gone on the bench January, liwo. Judge .Mitchell was uouiiiutled tor Supeilor court judge in ISM to take tlin place of the late Joslah 11, Adams, of Philadelphia, who withdrew as the lie publican candidate. Judge Mitchell was elected aud took his seat on the bench In Januaiy, lflOO, About a year after waid he was piostrated by a stroke of paralysis and has not served on tha bench since then. Governor Stone wilt appoint a suc cessor to Justice Mitchell If ho shall re tire, who will serve until January, 1001. SMITH PLEADS GUILTY, Will Be Sentenced on Saturday for the Murder of Daniel Sweeney. By Kiclushc Wire (roia 'I lie AHOciated Prw. Wllkes-Parre, Xov, 12. John Smith, a Lithuanian, wlio, with four other foielgners, Is charged with the muider of Daniel Sweeney, n night watchman employed at (lie mines in Nuntlcoko during the miners' strike, pleaded guil ty In court today of mutder in the sec ond degree. lie will be sentenced on Saturday. Sweeney Was accused of being a non union man and while on ills way from work was clubbed to death In the street, You Take No Chances When purchasing a Piano, It's a great satisfaction to know you are getting dollar for dollar on your investment. You take no chance of being disappointed after a year or so by finding out that the instrument you purchased was an inferior one, if you buy from this factory. Every Piano bearing our name and trade mark Is covered by a ten year guarantee, and wo stand square ly behind that guarantee. EVER mind what old-fashioned peo ple tell you Style and comfort Cdfl live together in a pair of shoes. The "Dorothy Dodd" proves it. They are the utmost height of style. They are slioes of genuine distinction. The high est praise you can give a shoe is to say "It has the Style of a 'Dorothy Dodd' " Yet the "Dorothy Dodd" is the most comfort able shoe ever made . . . You long to walk for the pleasure of walking. It holds the foot firmly around the instep and supports the unsupported arch. You escape the "slouchy" gait which comes with some shoes. It gives a new poise to your body in walking. Your carriage is more light and graceful. Just try one pair. They cost $3.00. Don't forget to ask us about the $4,000.00 in Prizes. You have a chance at this money if you buy a pair. The Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Co., Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. If you want a new Piano or would like to exchange your old one tojrethcr with a little money for a new--write us. 6J Keller & Van Dyke, PIANO FACTORY 1043-1051 Capouse Avenue. WHITE FOR CATALOaUB. .;i..;..;..;.,.;..j......5,..j,.t.,...j,,j.j. t t V I f i t T v t A. Hunter Whiskey Always delights and never disappoints. It never lowers its high standard of quality. It never varies its perfect purity and mellow flavor. It is the charm of hospitality aud the tonic of health, It is always bost by every test. V fold i All fliKt-claM rare sn1 by johliprs. u A WJ), I.ANAHAN .V BON, Baltlmoio, Jill. , D., 1. & W, BOARD. Following is the make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today; WKDNKSDAY, NOV. 11, Uxtius L'ust U p. in., ItlnslleU; 7 r. m., Klngbley; b p. in., Ketchum: !) p, in , Smith; iu p. ni.. McCaim; 11 . in., Cava- naugli; r.' midnight, Hour, Hummlta-ij p, in., J. J. Murray (oust); 8 p. in., Tliunipson (oust); 11 p, ni., J, Jlun iiIkuu (west). Uxti.ia Wi'Ht U p. in., Reunion, THUKSDA?, NOV. 13. 1-JstruH Kant 1 a. in., V. MeDonnellj 2 a. in., J, Olnley; 3 a, in., Singer; 1 a. ni., nuecg; fi a, in., llagceity; 7 . in., Gor don; !) a. in., lllee; 10 a, 'in., Coalurj 11 a. in., i.auimcr; n noon, I'lwparicKi i p. in., Uurldmrt; -. p. in., I.aikin; a p. in., Povlne; 1 p. ni. I.ougliney; 5 p. in., mailing-. v BunimitH-rSt u. in., Frounfelker (wes.0; 3 ii. in., Cirrlgg' (eafit); 10 a. in., Nieliola (west); 1 p. in,, Golden (west); 'i p. ni., Gin ley (east). Pusneis L'.uo u. m., U. Decker (weat); 7 n. ni., Wldner (west); 7 a. ni., Finnetty (weat); S a. in., llouacr (cast); U.U a. in., Moran (eust); 1 p. in., A. J. McDonnell A NEW YORK HOTELS. ldTTnTe uotel Hi 4TIIAV..BETWKEN20T1IAND30TUSTA NEW YORK. EUROPEAN PLAN. NEW. FIREPROOF Convenient to Theatres and Shopping Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town cars and transfer at 4th ave. direct to hotel, Itooms with Catli 1 j'Sulli with lath S'-'.oo I t ?:t.oo. W. H. PARKE, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. SUtccnth St. and Ir Ing Plac, NEW YORK. American Man, $3.00 Per Day and Upward. European Plan, $1,00 Per Bay and Upwjrdi Special Hates to Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. t-H-m,-M"rf -M- i For Iiiislness Men In tlio henit of the wliolcbulo dls. 4- trlef. f For SlioiJiiei'.? t 3 minutes" walk to Wannmakers; f " minutes to Slegel Coopcr'H Wk T Stoic, linsy of access to tlio great T Dry Goods Stores, f For Sightseers t One block from B'way Cars, glv- L ins easv transportation to all I. poiiita or interest. i. I HOTEL ALBERT J NEW YORK. I i Cor 11th ST. & tJNIVintSlTY PL. T Only ono Ulock from U road way, J Rooms, $1 Up. p'.tc'iui, I (west); 7.S0 p, m., Muipliy (east;); 9 p. m., W. II, Bartholomew (east), Helpers l a, in.. Mugovern; 7 a. 111., Gaffney; 10 a. 111., Sccor; 3.15 p, m., Htan ton. U.Ntias Tlilid 01, Itoss; 5 a, in,, Noouan; U a. 111., Jtatcliford; I p. 111., Castner. NOTICU, Hoar, McDonnell, Coslar and l.atlmei call at yaul otilco for instiuetioiiM See the Out Man. Effective and attractive lialf-tonee and lino cuts for card, advertising; or any other purpose, can be secured at The Tribune oillce. Wo do work that is unexcelled, do It promptly and at lowest rates. A trial order will con vince you. iwmmmwmmmmmmmmmm L, i m is 1 Lager Beer.. Maniiiiictui'crs of Old Stock l PILSNER I N.SSt.. Scranton.Pa. Old 'Phone, 3331. New 'Phone, 2935, ! S . S 5 i ! V. K ? n ! . i 5 5 . . DICKSON'S Best ! PATENT FLOOR The Celebrated H-awes Specials Original and Exclusive. 45OU !s the price. The Values Are Incomparable. CONRAD SELLS THEM At 305 Lackawanna Ave. Green Trading Stamps. -SNOW WHITE; Always reliable. Dickson ;: Mi II & Grain CoS Scvanton and Olyphant. M M '4 ' "A 'A 'A 'A "A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A A 'A When in Need Of nnythlnfj tn the line of optical goods we can supply it. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Properly fitted by an expert optician, From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of prescrip tion work and lepairing. t Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. GOOD SHOES LOW PRICED. You cannot find better shoe bargains in tlie city than the following. Hetc ere reduced prices on Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes for this week only. Stylo and good service in every? pair, uali ana see tnem for yourself. $1.25 Men's Working Slioes 90c gl. 75 Men's Medium Weight Shoes 1.25 Ladies' Vici Shoes 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 Misses' Extra Value Shoes -00, 2S Child's Extra Value Shoes 75c, 1.00 Boys' and Youths' School Shoes Sc LEWIS ! RUDDY i IS k Bmr Wt 1 fkfsTi wm saR MUflPHT. 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Next Door to new First National Bank Building. m. The Moosic Powdet f Booms 1 and 3 I .ft . Commonwealth Dldg. Vrf' SORANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER Made at Mootia snl Ituslijaie Works. H Laflin & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER tlectrio Ditlcries. Klectrio Esploderj, Vx- plojiog lllasls, bjfety fiue. REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Lubricate Your riachinery by Scientific flethodS' nn.l wivo SIXTV PIUl CUNT, ot qs, )CIISl'tJ. Wo make u siioclalty of proper lu lillciints, tor propel' imposes. The Samlorson Oil and Specialty Co.j I Race Street City. Lawyers The (Trlbuiio will guarantee to print your (aper book quicker than any oth cr pri'.tliif liouso in the city,