The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 13, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    J h- f i " J ' V
sik. .
- i afr jifc r- W V' r. w,
0e Jtoftttfot tMSuttt
rubllihcd Dairy Jtveept Similar, by 1 hi Trlbnti
rubtlihtat Company, Fifty Ctntt Month.
UVY B. ntCUAltD t'.MtoB,
O. F. BYXSKE ItutlsMi JtAiH.
Entered at the poslofllca M florantnn, Hecomt
Ulais Mill Matter. '
tfhea ipc will pirnill, Th Tillnuie li
Ittny Bind to print hortlrtten from It
frlanda bearing on current tnplei, lint Hi
rule U that theaa mutt ba algMcd. fnr tmli.
ligation, br the writer's rent nnmet nml
the condition precedent to neeeptHtiue It
that nil contribution! (hall be aulijeot to
rttltorltil rTlilon.
The following; IMile aliom tha price per Inch each
Imertlon, ipaea to he used n It 111 u one ymn
on I
ItemUM '
.ffs i
Forcaritnoflhank, reiolullom of condolence, nnil
Irallaricontrlbiltlon In the nature of advertising,
Tlio Tribune makes a charge of 5 cent a line
AVIth only a dozen i'inillilnten for ic
cmtlpr yet nniiotinccil there Is; loom ut
the top.
New Control of CharltUs.
TWO YlJAIiS ubo ii Joint eoni-tiils-Mon
was iipiiolntoil by
the IVinitiylviiiilii lea i.ln tine
to teo wliii t rottlil he done
to y4lcnuillc niul i-rotioinl.e lit tlie
Htntp's lelntlons to i-liai lllcn. As is
well ItnoiMi, "lli- ."I'coiiil Iiuko-H item
of tati .ippiopiliitlottx sues to Itmtl-tutlon.-
for tin- tellef of iHstre"-. The
lotul thin :ipiiniihiteil ut the lice
lefflslntlve session amounted to :l,071,
S17, behiR exceeded In iinimmt only by
the public school nppiopi latlon.
Notwithstanding the Kenetoslly of
the loninionwenltlt in this illierlUm
there bus been piiiloned and jlisl com
plaint that It- funds hne been npino
jnlnteil c.iieli'sxly tunl uilmliiNteieil
nii-.yleniiltli-nlly, and tliete have oe
r.islonally been mowing out
of the liupoi tuning f li'Klslatoi.-. by
lobbyists In the InU-ltsis of lotal
ih.ititles eeldnn -tale aid. Alton. titer,
while theie is niueli ill the situation to
be grateful lor, expecl.ill the litvNh
sca'e of past osprnilltuic. It is geml
nlly uoneedeil thai there Is laige louui
lor linptou'tuent In detail.- and meth
ods. The Snyder ( oiiiihI-sIdii i.s pn-p.ii-lng-its
ipport and It is .iiiiiouueed the
loitinlatloit of it- HHoniniendatlons will
be the luiupliiir, ol the nppinpi Unions
for eharitable putpo.-es and a system
nt dlsbur.-fctneiit under the -npei vl-ion
of a state rilbillel olhcer to be kll(i) it
is tha sutiei inteiidenr oT t li.u ltle-.
Kefo.e a eenl of shite money tail bo
seemed In aid ot n hxal eliatity II Is
l)iopo-ed to leqtihn ,l tliolouRh e.nnl
tintlnn and eettillr.uion b, deparitueiit
expcit. When th" head m the new
(lepni'tmcni i'- sin I-Heil that the ihar
ity i- hat it Hallux to be anil tlu.t
it is eapr.nle ol pet lei ndii;; the set It .
Hint it :i"K.4 stale helf ini', thi-i., but
not until then, he !, to di.iw on th
Mate tii-iisiiiv by votu In r in uHi
'tuns .nn! In -in !i pmpir tion to the
whnl" npiniijii latin i as in hi,- judg
ment the ase leiiulie-.
We hae siiukn nl" thi a- tliough it
weie to be a power of dot I
Mon and di"ti lliiitioii. The eoniinls-lon,
we understand, has nut fully dei itled
whether to leeoinnieud a one-man ad
mliiistiatlon or an .idmlui-tKitlou by
:t boatd or emuml"-lon 1'iob.ibly the
latter will be the nuuoine. In that
eent, there would be manifest pi o
pllety in liuitliiK mei the duties uf ad
lulnlslialion to th" pre-ent ili.nity
lonnni-slonei-, ww, without power,
and under hampering eliciuiislanee",
have shown notable dootiou and pub
lic spirit.
We that theie ir- mote tiutli than
poetry 'lit Major Allll.u's lonientlon
that as now constituted and inanaged
llicro is tun intU'h polltlis in the ;a iltiaid of J'etins.vlvaiiia. tint
wnelher the best way to e.irteet this
ell Is to letiie 1 1 Dill It- pie.-eiiie of
tight is a qui stlon.
Is Our Prosperity Well Pounded?
MANY thoughtful pers-ons
line been asl.lug then),
helves whether the unde
nl.ihl tapld leient ail
vaneoiueut of the Anieiiean people in
lnatetial wealth and outwuid sisus ot
piuapeilty has not been too tapld lot
safety and permanence. Is It not of u
mushtooni ehaiaeter, and liable in dls.
nppear as swiftly as It eauie'.'
Xo one Is better ptepated to letillil
mi aeour.ite. answer to this inaction
than the lomptioller of the euuem-y,
an itjiel,vl In vontlnuiil imieh with tlio
banl;ng lutetests ot the tountiv and
nevfMMrily Ut lit Inlonned as to the
uin.iujil and thataeter of busliie,..- eied
Its (mm ocean to mean. In his spe.-i h
ut Xi-w Oilf.ui Tuesday bctoiu tlio
Ami)win Baiiktis' iihsociatlpii, i.'onij)
ttnl(er ItiUgely gAVu til's i oiiulu.slons us
to the substantiality of our pie-pnt
pfohpeilty and tln-i ,ue worth lepcat-
llv'I'UlltttU out 111 the lust U)
em-s the value of faun lands In u,e
i;nlted Stute.i has lnci,eiittl a.Wi mill
iui.s of ilollar.-; the lnulenurils and
niaelilnciy on the fainis i7 iiillllot,
(he lhe stoel. 7W iiillliiuis; and tlio
value nf mie ear's faun iirodtu ts has
lueifated U',i7;i mllllonc. Tin tutu) ulue
of thljiuini ptoduets for the jear im
rpiu'lied tint enoi'iiious sum ot H,";!ii mill.
Jon doiiats, and foi the year iaoa it win isiecil Ibis, lie also died
the fiiet that from JS'jO to jyou ihu uuut,
lifr of innuutitetiiiiiig establishments in
the I.'jtlteii States has iuu eased by J,'.;,.
ir0; the nutnbef of employes by lius
millions; the toml wuaes iiald n p.iuo
was '-',;wt) pillllous of ilollurs and the
vulue of tlio liiuniitaetuied piodtitts
wut, over 13 billions of ilollms. M:
Hldsely then said;
"A eonipdU!JU of the Hsues
lhe Uiii'iiug totals with ;tlnM- 'ghins
ttc-tuSl luetonsij:)! In iju.uiIIUCj and
values, uf thosu ihlntS wlilcli ar the
l.tsli of all weitltli and firtilitt, Juotliu
nmpr.AY I ,t.1.1" of
f.m itianto Inihea , .W
Ml luclie .... .41)
too " .'
910 " it,
Ml " .''0
IKK) " ' .11
the Btatement tlint Imicil nn fttmltt
nietilnl cotulltlom tlio expansion which
has t.tlten lnee Is IcrIIIiiiiiIc lnwHt.
It In eximtmlon, not liillntlon. The In
etene In tilt' tolnl lounn of all Hie Intuit"
for the yeiif Is only ubotit eighty jut
cent, of the liieiense In value1 of the
fin tiling lands and just about ctimtl to
the Itit'tciiiu of thl ill's flops nvtr
lli'isp of ten eats uitii. It Is only ttbnitt
"evelily-fotir ppr rent, of 4he lltciease
In the vuliie of one .mhii's production of
ltiunuruetured nitleler, find less than
firty iier eeiit. of lhe InerenBe In value
uf both fiirni nnil imiuurnetuieil pio
duels. The total niuounl of, loans, T.lfif
millions nf dollats, Is only about sixty
per rent, of the value of olio yenr's
iiiuiiufnetuie's and only roily per cent,
of the vuliie of the combined rami nnil
inamil'neluted pioditets for u single
year. These loans uie forly-three per
cent, of the value of the rn mi lands of
the I'ulted Stales and seventy-two per
rent, or the (ttplttt! Invested In Miami
I'aetuies, To me they seem lo be no
mot" than hould be made on the vnlues
whleh for their basis and that we
n ie theiefoio not on nn lull. lied basis
of Io.iiim."
That theie bus been nitieh speeula
tlou lie admits mid deplores, but specu
lation, he contends, Is a result of pros
pet liy Inevitable In Its appeal anee and
i onseuuenees, unit not a. cause or foun
dation or prospeilty. Speculation may
overdo nml collapse, but so long us the
piops of our welfaie lomaln as now,
solidly testing on actual gnlns In
wealth, the ft till of liuclllseut labor,
teal values will surfer little limn the
flurttintlons In the speculative markets.
It Is a le.issutlng doctilne and It seems
It Is unite certain that no tuemoilnl
could be selected better lilted to per
pettnte the fame and kindly reineni
bruin e of the late John .Terniyn than
the pioposed swimming pool in Xny
Aug park. It will be, as he was, irst
of all, pi.ii Ileal, yet having n chwe ie
latiousliip with the beuulles and giaces
of life and dlU Uniting- Its benefits
widely. Vpon his selection of a method
of nieinoi Inllzing his fathei's iner
lls a- well as upon the geiieious .scale
lonteniplitted in ll execution, Mr. Jo
seph. Ji'imin I.s certainly to be con
gratul.iled. Scarcity of Anthracite.
Till: St'l'PLV of antluai-ita
has fallen so eiy far shott
of the lite demand In Xew
York, Philadelphia, Wash
ington and some other cities that it is
minor cd and believed that the retail dealei.- ate comet lug Hie mm Kpt.
If they ate. they ate doing so at t,helr
own ti-k. The tte.itlon of an .tititklal
i out lanilii" would veiy quk-kly lead
lb; ippei.tlovs to establish their own
dt-pots. They h.te prnctieallj pledged
then:-ilw- to do so in stirh an event
uality. Once e-tabllshed they would le
miilii open when the nec.e.-sit. lot- tliplr
in-titutli.i: had p.i--eil away.
On the other hand, the coal dealei -have
hati lo contend with iit.inj illMk-til-ur.
Theh tesetvy totes. weie entirely
r leaned out. Piai-lieally every ton of
i on the market has to be tiaiit
p.uied lioin the mine.- ,i day of two
bjltiti II N dl-llibulcd. All tho-e who
(in altoul to buy It in latge or com
p, natively laige (iii.intitles aie cl.imor
Inj, to have It deliveied at once. The
plii' a of winter 1- in tlte air and will no den.vlpg. The uoi nul aveiage
llppl. of .nuhi. u lie I- not te-e.-tablish-ed
jet, nor will It be until the mines
nf the pilv.ite operatois are working.
An adjustment of the dllllcitllies at the
Maikle and at the f'.inlee collieiies is
now neat ln;v i ompletinu.' An liuplk-d
pledge nut to molest noti-unlon 'men
wa- one of the conditions upon which
lit" union men i etui lied to wolk. A
foiinal pledge In wilting would not stay
the hand ot the despeiado who con
stitutes binitelf the at biter of another
man'.- i ighls.
The pic-sent pike of coal is a power
ful .tigunicni for nystatin the next
time thete'.s .i coal .-ttlke.
dtonism in tlie I'hillpplues
will nut be an eit!y task. It
Is an opeiatlon, however,
that inu-t be undertaken and enriled
out sj sterna tlcally and eifectually.
When liteat Hiltulii eouqueied I'pper
Uutniah sonie ten ears ago, Iniine
dlately alter the detlnonment of the
old savage who rtik-il as king unit Hie
dispet sloii ot hi- watt lots, the i minify
was ovt-r-mn by bands of liloodthlrsty
and audacious bandits, who have- the
-.line relation to the civil ,-oeleti of
that lountiy that tlte ladrones have in
the Philippines. The lngllsh tound, us
we shall llud, that while the peareublo
imtlv'is ablior tluno wtetehc-s and will
iugly beii-ay theni whenever It Is safe
to do so, they aie oidlu.uily ,-o ter
loilzed by them that It was with the
utmost illllleitllj and uftei yeais of
aidttous mllllai.v tiavnil that tlte lalis
of those lobbets weie dbeoveieil and
their leaileis inn down, The ladiones
aie naturally uiotn intelligent than the
iliicolis, but It would be an exaggera
tion to say that the i-luuds In which
the bandits tint linking l- mine illlllcult
lor a police campaign than llurmali
pioved Itself to be,
Oo-opeiatlon between lite civil and
mllltmy authorities Is, of cnuise, abso
lutely indispensable. The ladinite. Is
something nioie than n lohbei. lie has
,uiUllrd as a tebel the uiilltaiv 111
stlnil. nnil as a hriguud the dm. devil
lecklessness of an outlaw. Ills wild life
gives him an 'nvullable UnnwleiUn of
thu fotests, moiasses ami inuuiualna
vvhli h his puistiei-s cutiuot hope to
equal. Tim best, Indeed, the only, way
to iivetiouif or mitigate, theso dllll
utile Is to educate thu otdeily mid
peaceable natives Into tlio neeesslly ot
etli paling their worst enemies and to
Imptfss upon tliem the tact that htir
hoihig or .isslstlu? u ladioue In any
way is moio culpable and dnugeious
than being a bull one.
The action of the ,Vew York Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty In the
i.tse of the little Cubans who had been
In ought to this country to be educated
ut the Tlugley School of Theosoplsts
migccMs the title is n misnomer.
The Society for the Pievenllon of
('"iieltv. evldeii'ly picfcia thru tha young
f'ubnns should stuvc In squalor and
111th at home mt'u&r than bo comfoi-i-
itbly rated for nt nn Institution of un
orthodox but harmless tollglous sentiment?.
A ghiiKlly tnle ot famine coinen fitnn
the Vest. TliousitndH upon thotistmtls
of people itte suffering loss nitd Ineon
Venlt.'nep. And nil because llepulilleiiu
ptosperlty Iuib swiitiipeil the rnllronds,
overtnxen their, enrrylng facilities nnd
simply glutted the channels of distri
bution, You didn't hear thiHe com
plaints In larlff leform times.
Mix years ago Colorado gave llryan
!H,S03. This year Its Hepubllcitn nin-joi-lty
exceeds 11,000, the legislature Is
safely llepubllcau ami as Senator Tell
er goes out ex-Scnntof Wolcolt will
come In again, lllttstratlng that you
cannot keep a good man down.
Now the question arises whether u
man like Alan O. Mason has any le
dtei.s for the enor or Justice which
locks him up mid spicads odium over
his nniiic for a despicable crime which
It Is iifterwiuds discovered he knew
nothing whatever about.
According to our consul In Toronto,
Canadian Inventors have dually suc
ceeded In inaiHifacttiilng peat bilc
qtieltes that will hum ns well and as
long us iinthrnclte coal and cost lo
manuiiictiire only $1 .50 u ton. Seeing
Is believing.
Predictions tire ngalu made that or
ganized llepubllcau opposition will ic
appear to Cuban leclproclty. Then
theie will have to be "more voik for
the ttndeitakei" and several "new Jobs
lor the casket nuiker."
It took four yenia In ptlsou and a
good deal of money to clear young
Molluetix of the suspicion of minder,
and chiefly because he had sowed wild
o.its. It I.s a dangetous and an un
profitable ci op.
Fiom the sentiment of his Xew Yoik
bietheni Hon. David 13. Hill Is a tillle
uncertain ns to whether he is a Jonnh
or a scapegoat.
The fact that sentimental women full
ed to come forwaul with bouquets for
Mollucux has always lalsed a doubt of
his guilt.
Roosevelt's Chamber of Commence
speech boiled down: More power to
the Golden little.
The barbarians of the Colombian gov
ernment seem disposed to live up to
their leputatlon.
Whatever his faults, Ptesldent Baer
certainly knows how to u-e the Kngllsh
I'm- The Tilbune by Waller J. Kallaid.
n the Hist nine months of the Dein
ocratle .vear ot lb, we espoitcd $SJ,lKK),tK)0
woith ot liianiilactuied goddo. The nri
venL of Itepubllcftii eouliol In Match, JW,
gav-o such an Inipetus lo our factoik-s
thut we gufdually incieasdl our expoils
In that line till we le.iebcd $-i.!S iihO.oiiu tor
tile same polled of J'kKl. Then'b.v leiisou
of thu v high pilee of copper
in the I'nlteil States in 1901, and the uu-u-ual
liume demand lor lion and steel
niiiiiiif.iiiiiii-s, wo i an down to f..nuD.nW
in thai nine lnouths. Xovv the tieasury
biuenit of statistics comes to tlte fionl
with the llgilio of Jlll.iltW.iliW lor the nine
nioiilh.; ending September. NHL'. This is
very s.illsfactoiy, and it looks as If the
Usui! .vent ending .lime tin, 100!. will give
us a belt. -bowing than the high water of Jt'UO.
t'oppif has given u- $U,t"u0,0ii0 of this
piesent inciease, and In lion aun steel
ni.iuut.ictiues we aie only $J,iiul,0u0 sboit
of v.iiM, ihotigli the home demand is
girali-i than eei. In fact we have been
obliged to increase our Imports in that
line by over JI.'.iKjO.UW, or ptactk-.illy
doiihlo the linn and steel lutpoits tor the
nine muntlis ol 1W.. Cotton tnanutactiues
eioi led this nine months show an In
crease of iioiiily $7.GV0,uiH. Itellned mitiDt
ul oils fall off J..C0.tjiif-. Silenilflo Iiisiut.
liientK deci eased by $T.0ti,mni. Cats and
cailiages decreased by $7.".0,000. Wood
m.iinifaetiues and lealhPf and rnanufac
ttues thcieof lueieasc-d over Sl.ntai.OilnO
each. Uooks, maps, etc. Inci eased by
$"u0,ij'i. I'm. iuln ntul paratthi wax In
ci eased by a nilllioi' and a quaiter.
("eitalnly we me olhnblnp up. Now tlie elections arc over and the labor
tioubles qnliled down, tlie benefit of our
energies, being fled on ptodiicinfi instead
of disputing, will soon be felt.
Th? Triumph
of Honesty
Favorites with the People
The Kurt Korrcct
Shape Shoe for CI flfi
xcntleinen S3. sound q).UU
The navin c. Burt jj cn
Slioc Tor Ladles . . . PO,Dt
Wholesale and Hetall
lU-IKi Wyoming Avenue.
' Atfautlc'7JTtyr
Iht; tfrnperatnre at the AGMiW,
On the Beacli, In Cheliea, AtUntlc City,
I'lionilay wan is",
lively appointment of a modern Hotel.
We have now in stock the finest display
of these goods ever made in Scraiiton.
Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na
poleon post bed styles. They are ele
gantly rich.
Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully
finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis
XIV styles.
We Invite Inspection Whether You Arc Going to Buy nLOncc or Not.
Hill & Connell,
lf 'f4-f44f4-r'-t't'l4.4.-f4444f-f44I'-I4'4'f'4'44.
Nothing Else Just Like
Ehrefs Slag Roofing.
George W. Watkins' Store,
500 Lackawanna Ave.,
2.30 and
The Best
Dressed Men
In Scranton...
Arc Our Patrons.
When a man in this section wants the Best
Clothing, he comes straight to this store. In
addition to getting the best the latest styles
to choose from, the highest grade materials,
and Finest Tailored Garments he pays less
than he'd be asked at any of our, competitors
for "Just Ordinary" clothing.
Our garments are all Stylish they fit
perfectly, and they have a manly grace about
them that makes the wearer feel proud of
his appearance.
We'd like you to come in and see
the New Fall and Winter Suits and
the New Fall Topcoats and Winter
Overcoats. You'll not find their
like elsewhere that's certain. . . .'
John D
Washington Avenue
..4..j.4..I.. ..I. .
7.30 P. M.
,,,,,, J i Hi(
416 Lackawanna Avenue
$20.00 b GOLD
For a Christnias Present?
Twenty Christmas Presents
To lie Olvcii by The Scrnnioit Tribune to ttic Children oT
berantoti and Nnrtlicanlcrn Pentiaylvatilu, '
One Present
Ono Present
One Present
Two Presents
Ten Presents
Total Twenty Presents
run TitinuNG's sncoM) annual
Junior Educational Contest.
A Contest in Word-HnlldliiR-.
Who Can Alakc the Most Words Out or the Letters In
THIS IS much easier limit
tlie brightest boys and
in cash for malcing the
llwiCM lnlfr.c.-. 1. !.. I . . f (
...v..v. iniii.i, j 1., ujls ui inn
uieni up in tlie dictionary, and besides it will hell) you with yc
spelling. Yati will be surprised at the number of different wf
inesc twelve letters can lie used.
Rules of the Contest.
Presents will be given to tlie bovs or girls, whose parents
01 guardians are subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the
largest number of words out of the letters contained in '"The
Home Paper."
No letters must be used any more times than they appear
in these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be
used, but there might be two "ll's" or three "E's."
Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Web
ster's International Dictionary" (edition of 1S!)S) will be al
lowed. Anv dictionary can he used, but in judging the contest
THE TR1P.UNE will debar all words not fomufin Webster's.
Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap
pendix" will not be allowed.
Obsolete words arc admitted if defined in the dictionary.
Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once.
Words with two or more definitions can be used but once.
No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O."
How to Write Your List.
Write on one side of the paper only.
Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter.
Place the words alphabetically.
Write your name, age, address and number of words at the top
of your list.
Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and
who is a renular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE.
Fold trje list DO NOT ROLL.
All letters, of inquiry for information will be promptly an
swered. Address your list of words, or any question you wish
answered, to
II ill ! iW ?
fipK.fiRftii- J
plHHjjji ) M
o r
$20.00 In (told $20.00
I0,00 q0A IOl0o
5.00 In Qoltl 5.00
2.5a Each 5.00
1.00 Each 5.00
50C Each 5.00
last year's conlest. and twenty of
girls" will secure Christmas Gifts
largest number of wortls out of
j- il- I- ... .1. ...I- I 1 L
uj inuiK out itte wonts ami num.
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Not a fcliort roureo, nor n hsj rourie,
nor a cheap course, but I lie belt education
to be had. No other eduiatlon is worth
spending time and money on. II 7011 do,
rite tor catalosue ot
Easton, Pa.
nhlcli ofTera thoroujli preparation In tha
l.nglnccrlng and Chcmicai I'rolcsslocj u well
113 the regular College couraes.
IloRiilar Stato Normal Coniscs anil
SpPL-lal Dcpartinonta nf MnMi.', l'.locn
lion, Ait. Drilling, StenoBiiipliy and
Typowiltlns; Htiong ColIct;o l'tep.tia
toiy Dcpttitnicnt,
Itoaiillnc; oxpeiisos J3.."i1 per wrok
Pupils ailniltti'il nt any time. Winter
Term opens Dec. SDtli. Wilto for cata.
E. I,. KEMP, A. M.,
rostc-r.Pres, Hlnior II l.awnll.Treas
1'ostcr Stimley V. Allen,
Vice Pi-rsldent, Seerntary