The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 13, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Question Now nt Issue Is Whether
or Not the Appeal to the Suprome
Couit Acts ns a Supersedeas Mrs.
Andiews Wnnts to Annul Her
Mniilage Judge McOlure Sustains
Two Non-suits Strike Cases Mako
Necessary an Extra Teim of Couit.
Common Pleas Cases.
Application for nu Inluiatloii to te
Btriiln Dr. V. A. Paine fiuin exeiels-ltif,-
the rights ami duties of poor dl
lector from the Hyde I'uik district
was miido yesteu'.ny to J ml go lMwnnls
by Attorneys I. II. Hums anil '. H.
Olver. rcpresenttntr James A. Hums,
whose claim to the oflleo lv election
has bren declined a lewil me.
In Ills petition All. IJviins sets forth
thut, despite the Judgment of ouster,
Dr. 1'nlne continues to hold the .sent,
and that because of this he should be
adludped In contempt of couit. Fur
ther, it Is pointed out that If the petl
loner Is put to mandamus pioceedlngs,
it Is llkelv the teim for which he amis
elected -will have ep!ied befoip the
pieieecelliiKS leach a delei initiation.
Judge I'd wauls took the application
undei advisement. The judgment C
ouster Is to be appealed to the Ku
piemo couit. When this Is done a
hearing will be had to doteimlne
whether or not the appeal shall be
pel milted to act as a supersedeas, 01,
hi other words, whether or not I'.iiuu
riiall continue In the ofllce until the
rhtpiemc cotttt decides the case.
Common Plena List Exhausted.
The open cases on this week's com
mon pleas list weie exhausted, yester
day ntteinoon, with the calling of the
suit of Peter Honnett against John W
Williams, the Jurois not called on this
case or out on others wete dlschaiged,
The case of Dennett against Williams
grows out of a Collision between their
wagons on UimdafC stieet, Caibondale,
In Julv, 1901. The patties ate aged
faunei.s living near Ollffotd, Williams
being Sii yenis old, and Dennett only
a few J ears his Junior.
The fiont wheels of their vehicles
locked, and one of Williams' hoises be
gan to kick. Uefore he could be sub
dued the animal had demolished the
wheel of Dennett's wagon and cut hlni
over the eye. tie claims that leekless
dilvlng on the pail of Williams was
lesponslble for the collision. Williams
pays In defense that Dennett did the
reckless driving. The case was on bo
foie Judge Kelly at adjournment. It.
W. Lowiy and James Hot ton lepiesent
the plaintiff, and John F. Sciagg anil
Hon. John K, Heyiuilds, the defendant.
The ease ol Hauy Comstock against
J. W. Jones was lefeiied to Attorney
Cleoige S. Hoi n, and the case of S.
nainett & Sou against Hooker Dins,
was ctmllnuicl.
A eidlct tor tho plalntlri was io
tuined In the divorce case or William
Noll against KlUnbeth Noll.
In the (ase In which Attorney J.
IJIIlot Doss sued the Adam Fasshold
estate for counsel fees, a vet diet of
$M 11 for the plaintiff was leliumd.
Dv aguement, a eidlit of $2,200 was
nleied in favor ot the plalntilf In the
use ol the Commonwealth Building
ami Loan association against James J.
Golden, It was a suit to iele ludg
ment. O. H. I'aitrldge appealed for
the plaintiff, and O'Hilen & -Mai tin,
for the delemlant.
Just altei couit ndjoutned, the jiny
agieed In the case of the Ceieallne
llanulaetui lug compiny against the
Alithtnclto Doer company. The Jmy
will have to assemble again this morn
ing to make a repot t.
Non-Suits Mus't Stand.
Opinions were lecelved yesteiday
from Judge II. W. McCluie, of Lewis
bun?, discharging the lilies to sit Ike
oft the non-stilts he gi anted in two
lases In which the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western company was de
fendant. In the one, the plaintiff, Mi. Mar
gnret Thomas, of West Set anion, sued
for $i0,000 damages for the denth of
her husband, O. J. Thomas, who was
the engineer on the Ice tinln Which
inn away on the Pocono mountain,
July 1L', 1900. The Judge says there
was nothing In the e ldence to allow
that the company was sponsible for
the accident, while there wns undis
puted evidence tending to ptove con
irlbtttory negligence on the pint of
the engineer. If the unknown cause of
the accident was to be guesed, the
ludge, piactlcally, says, It was the
falline of the engineer to piopeily set
the air cock after testing the hi alecs
at tile top of the mountain.
The second or the cases Is that In
which James Doblnson, of West
Scranton, sought to iecoer $1,000 foi
burns lecelved In an eploslon of gas
at Hip Sloan colliery. He applied to
Dlstilet Huppilntemlent Dvans for
woik. and was told to ee the foi email
at the Sloan, Tin1 foienum was In the
mine and Doblnson went down to see
him, Detutnlng, he declined to wait
until noon and llde up on the cai
ilnce. but Instead attempted to walk
font by an old mntiway. Passing
through some abandoned woi kings his
lamp set lite, to gas and lie was badly
binned. ,
He tiled to hold the company liable
on the giolind that the dlstilet Mipei
Intendent's dliections weie lesponslble
for his going into the mine, and that
In coming out he was diiected to tnke
the loute he did, bv one of the lom
pany's emploves.
The judge the company cannot
With a Dollar Purchase, Friday, Saturday and flonday,
November 14, 15 and 17.
Great Attractions in
ever seen.
Thousands of .the newest styles in Ladies' Misses' and
fhilHrpn'c: nn-tn-Hntp Pnflt;. I.aHip;' P.anc nH Ssnitc nil frp:h
from the best designers in Greater New York. We don't se-
lect garments months before the season. Mr. Hagen has been
in New York all the week buying the very latest styles pro
duced and we will make the greatest exhibit Scranton has
We suggest customers come in the morning and
avoid the great afternoon rush.
Ladies' Coats
45-inch, full lipper back; Jlilltaiy and Tuedo;
cants huge: ilowimj sKees, with mammoth cuffs
Jlont Castoi, with Knglish top b.ic ls The Famous
lotiopole Hippie Zeb ilines. Hast ol Hnglaml Mel
tons, Chinchillas, .Mont X.uks Fikve, etc I'.lul,,
Gioen and Castor
Velour gamientv, Ciacnctlc Unglaus, re.iu du Side
Silk Cents. tini monts at all in lies iiom $.' ml to
$7". no
Xobbv Dies ami Stuet Suil lluudiid- ot s mi
Ii skills. You Miiely will nil-s It It ,um do not st-(.
lids suipilslur cullection ol t-tv lili gatiiiotiis,
llundieds ol small Fins in nil lln- desk able snlt.
Thanksgiving Sale of Table Linens
Damask and Napkins in st ts
Iaiiieli cloths and Tia Conhm.
.V'i . Cieam Table Damask .'1o
lc . ('team T.ilde Damask ""(
Lie. Cieam Tabic Damask ."ne
7.k'. Cieam Table Damask tSc
SI. 00 Cie.iiu 'I'.ible Damask S9e
1..'". Cieam Table D.umisK $1 no
61c. Siicev Wliim i.lnen .Hi
SOi. Snow While I.lnen 7.1o
J1.2". Snow White I.lnen 'O.OO
Deed's 1.lo Snow White I.lnen $1.21
Deed's 'J.MiO Snow While I.lnen l.!iU
I ecd'.s T.'.30 Snow White Linen $.'.00
Pino I.lnen Napkins 7,-,o
Pine I.lnen Napkins kuo sle $1,00
Pino Dim n Napkin", J-l le $1,27
Pino'ti Niipklps, I.11 rfe .sie $1,"i0
Double DamasK Napkins $2 oO
Double Damask Napkins, kuge, he.i $j,oo
Sllser Uloaehed Napkins , 1,27
Silver Dlcached Napkins, hiigc ami heay $1,D0
Underwear and Hosiery
Dojh' and Ghls' Fast Dine k Hose ijic
Dojw' and Gills' Dlaek Cat lloi.c slt.
Misses' Fine Dlbbed Hose -H.
Dailies' Fast Dlaek Hose
Dailies' Fine lilac k Hose .,.
Ladles' Main Dl.11 It Hose ,' -,c
T.adlos' Taney Hoi In groat uulety. Spi-clals m
3"ie :i"i .10e 7.'c, Sic,, 11,00
Clllldien's Fine riocced Dndeiweai ir.e. to ,)ue
Dailies' Deay Fleeced I'lidorwear '.'-,e!
Ladles' Tine Jotsey Ribbed Underwent ,.,,, r.oe
Dadles Natuial (liey t'ndoiweni 73,1
Dailies AVhlto Wool or Natuial Undeiweiii $,oo
Dadle-s' Dtia Fine Dndei wear, ,,,,$l,no
D-ulles' I'nioii Suits , .'0i. up to $5,00
Men's Fast Dlaek Hose, ;i palin,.,, , ;a
Men's White Foot Heise...,. I3c
Alen's Dxtia Fine Hose, black or fancy ,,. 23o
Men's Daik Fleeced Dndeiweai , , ,Wc
Men's Light Fleeced Undeiweiu aflo
Men's Fancy Fleeced Underwear,, ,.,,., COu
Men's Natuifil Underwear GOo
Men's Jeihey Dlbbed Underweiii ,.,., r0o
Men's Heavy AVool Undec-ear , $1,00
Men's Light, Flue Wool Un.U'iwcur $1,00
Men's Heavy Double Dreasted J1.75
Dress Goods X
Fioiiih Flannels, )iinled is,.
7".e Fancy Stiipe Vaistins, shin t lengllis r.Ue
C'lildien's Clnakings al ml pines a
Colt plain-back Clnakings to dose. J
De'iiutilul new Dti.slali Snipe Meietiitd AValstins.
While Pique Mm settles and choice new meiceiled
white Waihtiiigs j",e to $1 00 J
f-liephetd CheiKs. .ill sies, Blink and While :,0e
Whip Cot els, hlgli lustie, i.le 11lue 70e
Iloinesiim Tweed MKtutes, ."iSi. alue Tic
Coloicd Chelnls, r, inches wide, OJe allle .10e
Albuttiis, all the 1 liolce similes, 70c aiue Mi-
Poplins, Prunelles, Al mines, Tile value .1'te
(iiaiiltes, Aiinuies, Pebbles, etc., $100 value 7.1o J
Venetians, all new iolors, $l,J1alue $1.00
OmouI and (itey Venetians, ji.oo value 73e A
C'foid and (liey Venetian", $1 .'.". alue $1,00 X
J'ei-ian Stiipe, wliite kiouiuI, mei ceiled, $1.00
alit. 7,-,o
I'lne WaistinKs, slioit loiiKths, 73c. and $1.00 fjoods.. 3flo
Wot slid tlnlsh Waistlnp, new slilpes 13e and L'".e J
Light Weight Dress Goods
VonIo's Mlsiiels, Diamines ami ptetty Silk Waip
Snipes in new Dlues, Cliecus, Diowns and
Hlae ks 7.1c to JJ.oO
New Tailor MKtuus, snow Hake effects, Doiuetlo J
and Fancy Nenelty Tweeds 73c to l.'.OO
Black Dress Goods T
Lie Haul Finish Dku k Cheviot .Hie A
$1.00 Black Camel Hair Che!ot 7,1e
?i.lir. Black Camel Hair Cheviot $1.00 '
$J.0O Bluck Camel Hair Cheviot $1.30
U'.OO Dlaek Camel Hair .eballne $).So
JIL'7 Dlack A'enetlans $1.00 J
$Ui0 Dlack Venetians $1.5
$.'.00 Dlaek Venetians $1.30
JI.'J.I Whip C01 els ninl Poplins $1.00 J.
51.23 Heavy Sklrttims $1.00
Sic Heavy SlihtitiRS 0o e
73i Heavy Skll tlllffs 3tio a
New Fine Silks 4
Deautlful InlBlit Clan Plaid Silks, 73e for , 50o
Beautiful blight Clan Plaid Silks, Jl.00 for 75d
Hood Coloicd Taffetas, 7.1e for toe
Fancy Taffetas, Flmnes and Stllpeh, $1,00 foi file
Fancy Taffetas, Figures and Snipes, 73o for fisn
Cheney's Cashmere Silks 73e Y
Molte Silks, $1.00 goods tine
Black Silks
S.'e I'eau de Sole ,,,, 73c
!'3e Peau do Sole, tiokl Selvage , ,.,,, 83o J
?i,lS Peau de Sole, Red Sejvage ,', ,,,.,, 03o
Jl.r0 Peau dc Solo, yattl wide $1,25
Danner Taftetas, yard wldo iilo J
Rdyul Dlack Taffetas, aid wide , $1.2.1 W
Duaiallteed Dlack Taffetas, 1'.- yauls wide ,$1,73 A
Huskell's Peau de Sole and Taffetas 73e to $.'.00 J
: Bargains
in Comforts, Cotton and Wool Blank
ets, Bed Spreads, Outing Flannelettes,
T Cantons, Shakers, Muslins, Ginghams, Etc.
Cut Out This Coupon
Present at our office,
purchase $1.00 worth of
goods or more and you
will receive 30 stamps.
Nov. 14, 15 and 17.
Mears & Hagen
415 and 417 Lackawanna Ave
bo held liable on either ground and
that Doblnson was guilty of conttlbu
loiy negligence In attempting to find
his way out of a stiange mine by a
passage which his expctletice as u
miner should have told him was dan-goiotls,
Still Hearing' Stllko Cases.
The giand Jury, yesteiday, spent an
other day hearing Hit Ike cases, One of
those consldeieel was that In which
Fiank Decker, a wntilinian at the F.d
Kcrtou coltleiy, shot Michael Connolly
and Mouls Crossman, Aug. is, while
they were, as they claimed, passing on
the public roael near the bleaker.
Ciospimin was shot In the leg and had
to have that member amputated Just
below the knee. 'Connolly was stiuck
near the eje with a buckshot.
Another case heard was that In
which Dlstilet Supeilntendont .lobn
Deikhelser, of the Ontailo and West
ern company, and Jail Wat den Miles
McAndiew me ihuiged with shooting
Aften Tnllcc. one of a eiowd which
itttackeel and lb eel on them while they
weie dilvlng thiougli Pilcebuig. Tnl
lec was shot In the left bieast. lie Is
able to be about, but his constitution
has been gtcutly linpalted by the
Twent iases In which the Delawaie,
Lackawanna and Western Is piosecut
lng coal idekcis weie alo heaiel.
To Annul a Marilage.
Mjitlllii V. Andtews, nee Kiomer,
npplled to coin t yesteiday for n 1 tile
to annul the maiilage she conti acted
with Dmeiy I'. Andiews, twelve
mouths ago, She alleges Andiews was
a man It el man when the ceiemonv
was pet foi Intel.
Four months aftei tho mini Inge, An
diews' wife came liete fiom Wlllliims
poi t and had lilm at tested for blg.imv.
Aldeiinan Kasscm allow eel him to get to
his home In custody of Constable lia
Mitchell to look lor bajl. He eluded
the constable bv jumping out of a
back window. and has not been heaiel
Doin sim.0.
Pi oofs of his maiilage to the Wll
llniuspoit woman me In the possession
of Attorney It. II. Holgate, who lep
losents Mis. Andiews No 'i
Oiphans' Couit Matteis.
In Oiphans' eemit jesteulnv, Judi;e
A. A. Vosbuis he.ud evidence ii the
AV. W. Smith estate, in which the pin-,
eeeeks ol a muitgagc- of leal estate of
the deceelent came up for dlsttibutlon
Many disputed ilalms weie picsenteti
among tlicm bv O. W. Mason, Pi. ink
Col v In, and othcis The aiious ji ti
tles in intei est weie lepieseiited bv D
F. Tlukham, A. D Dean. II II. Holgate
and Claience Bnleiitiiie. The evieleure
wns concluded, and Tiielav, November
-'1, at ! o clock, lied for the aigument
of counsel.
D ldence was also heal it in the audit
of the estate of M.ngaiet Mooie. de
ceased: D. II. Hippie, executor. Also In
the estate of John Angle, the Lacka
wanna. Tiust and Safe Deposit eompanv
being the atlmlnistiatoi. In both tif
these estates the evidence 1 elated to
the (listilbutlon of the funds.
In the estate ol Dmily Blown, ile
ceaseei, ns the oai allowed by law lor
the .settlement of the estate bad not
fullv expired, the audit was held open
until the epitntlon of that time
The audit ot the estate of Calamine
Mlttnn, deceased, was continued until
Kaluiilay of this week, at 10 o'clock
a in.
'Hie pioceedlngs in the estate of
Dllabeth Zieglei deceased will be con
tinued on Fi Id.iy at 10 a. m.
Extin Teim of Quaitei Sessions.
Because of the gieat nutnbei of easts
lesultlng fiom the stiike, an etia
teim of q 11,11 tei sessions was eslei
elny onleied for the week beginning
Dee. 11, whli h lollows the legiilui tv o
week-, of the Dei embei teim.
Tluee comts will be urn steadilv leu
Hie tluee weeks. The sheillf was dl
leeteel to diaw a special pinel of sixty
Jul ois to the special teim.
Filling the Juiy Wheel.
Judge Ddwaid-, vesteidaj, made the
foimiil oielei foi lining the liny wheel
1m 100.: He- eliieits that 100 names be
plmed in the wheel.
In loimer veais only l.blO names
wete plated in the wheel. Imiease in
Doth ilvll and ciiuiiual business ac
i omits for the im tensed immbti of
Mnninge Licenses.
Jieph Dfi kei Spilut. Uiook
Maltha A, itoodiiili .hpiini, liuiok
Cluitiice V. Jllllei New toh
lull.lllie Hos.'iiKl ms New Inn
I i I'll t .v Mliltlletnn ,Seiauton
H. Alkldk'lcm beiantnii
An appeal was taken vestiulav l Tax
Cokctor l. J, Unban, ol DlMihaul. Hum
the lepiiit of the l.l iiliiuil Ke obol ilistllet
iimlltois, Jiinii" J. O'ilulk v is ills ,ii
Tllliillgll Allot nev A A. Cllilse. 'J'liOllins
It. DavlH csleiilt applied I in a lain to
loinpil Jiimts M. Itibblu and otlieis to
lillllt? a Milt ill ejectment till It two-ileli)
plot of land near Hlglilnnd m .South
Ablngtou, which both paitles (latin, It
wiih uleiieel to aigumenl e.nat.
I.ouIni Weave 1, who was anillitltel Feb.
i u.ii I. last of the thaifiu of uimhi on Ike
Kitiiuid of lusault, and theieiipnp com
inltltd to the Hillside home, was estet
clay onleied leleascd and given in ihtiigo
ot lui sou. Fitilitlik W'eaioi, upon his
giving bond In the sum of $1,000 in guat
anteti thut, bo would lestialn her liom
fill tiler cilmlual, Tho lioael was
liiinlslieil and .ludge Nnweeiiab gavei It tils
Lnige Sura Subsciibed to Estnbllsli
a Piofessoishlm
0 Kelulf Wire from The Aociteil Pr.
Philadelphia, Nov. l. Messis. Dd
wuid W and ciaieni-o H. Clark, of
Philadelphia, have subsciibed $100,000
to found a piofeh.soishlplii Assyilology
at the I'nlvoislty of Pennsylvania, The
Messis. Clink have beep among the
laigest subscilbeis to the Habjlonluu
expeditions, of tho I'nlveislly of Peun
Silvunla for the past fourteen yeais,
and the success of those! expeditions
now known nil over the wot Id has led
them to endow this piofessoishlp,
Tho tiustees of the unlveislty have
accepted the gift, and have named the
chair "The Cloik Piofessoishlp of As
syilology," nud Dr. 11. V. Hllpiecht
will bo the Hist liuuiiibent, under this
endow nieiit.
Geimany Agiees to Our Pioposal
Upon Chinese Indemnity,
U I xciutc W ire irom 'I lie Asyxijieel l'iu.
Pekln, Nov, Vi. Gennany lues agieed
to the Ameilcaii pioposal to submit
the eiuestlon whether the Chinese in
demnity Is payable In gold or silver to
The Hague tilbunal.
- ?
Shoes for Men
The name of Hanan is connected
with the best shoes for men in just the
same way as "Atterbury System" is
connected with the best clothes.
There's something about every tlHan-
" - a .4 4 1 . 'Tl t
an snoe tnat Dreatnes lncliviauaiitv. J nere s men
in this shoe factory who have worked on "Hanan"
Shoes for twenty years who are continually aiming
for the highest standard. Such progression of method
does not exist in every shoe factory. All leathers that
are cut for "Hanan" shoes are thoroughly examined
and tested. It may be a patent leather that has good
wearing qualities, but has not the necessary finish.
Such leathers are not accepted for "Hanan" shoes.
The best and the best only is used, whether it be
a patent, a box calf or a vici kid. All the new lasts
in our shoe department.
"Sorosis" Shoes for Women.
Shoe style is quite an item with most women,
but never at the sacrifice of comfort, if the proper
method of measurement is followed. If you have ever
been fitted with "Sorosis" Shoes you know just what
we mean by "proper measurement
method." "Sorosis" lasts-are pro
duced from living 'models of different
and distinct forms. That's one of
the principal reasons why these shoes
for women combine comfort and style.
AH Styles
and Leathers
Samter Brothers,
Complete Outfitters.
Cost Eijfra
Buy Now,
Pay Later
fl Factory
34 Stores
Thanksgiving Is Near
Clothing, Hats, Shoes
fit; w,H.-iw
flan or Woman
Boy or Girl
It you've iii miucl any thing in our Hue for .';
Thanksgiving wear, we urge you to come now. ''l!',
There is always a rush to buy just before
Thanksgiving, and you cau avoid this by
buying today,
Never mind the money; get what you
want now aud pay later in small, convenient
payments. V., Vin1-nrrr1 oVlrtllf nnlllltltT MPrft SfjS '
uuu e. UC UUHknmuuuuw. ...(, --. .-irv
w vttanWt vmir runit to credit. V,
All our Clothing is stylish and relia
y-Af I. lUKb
nJ JM- r
--"t yjr
317 Lackawanna Ave,
First Floor,
Open Evenings.
It H pioWeleel tlwt oul tlmt fcnliuu
of the piotoiol l)ej liiflueloel 111 tho ui
Minister to Guatemala Succeedetl by
Xeslte Combes of Louisville.
Uj hclust Wlies fiom 'Hit AsoclalfJ I'rc.s.
"WahliliiKlon, Nu. 12, W, Cloelfu-y
Hunter lias teueJuied his ie&lKuttlon as
t'nltea SUUes minister to Guatemala.
Tlie piehlelent 1ms uctepteel tin teslg
nation ana hus behcteel r.esllo Combe,
ut iiesent Unlteel States pension agent
ut Louisville, io suLLeed l)r, Hunter
as iiilnWter tei fiimtem.ila nml Hon
tint .if.
Dr. Ituntei bus hud u Hloinij mieer
in f'tnttal Aineilen met siiuu he went
there In H'.7. It la absuined that he
lias tit hiHt heroine tiled of the htiun
Kle, for It hus been Uiiown that tor
home timet he contemplated le.slKiiliiK.
Tho place pays 110,000 a year.
Lieut. Davis and Miss Ruby Caio-
line Hale Wedded.
My Kclu3ie Wire from i he Auciltted V:tn
Lancaster, Nov. 12. Lieutenant Huh.
cit c, Davis, c-'"vrntrHi'lui""""''
States Infant i , pinfis.jjor of t.jj tl(,s at
the West I'lilul luaeleinj, and
MibS l(uh I'.uollne Hah, nf this ,i'IJ.,
v.Hs man Ud this eenliiK In St. Japie
Lplhcopal ehuuli It iih a mllitiity
weilelliur and u lullliaiit hoelal aftuh.
The best man was Captain William
,S. tiulKiiaul, Culled States uitlllety;
MUs Ullzabetli StelniiKin, maid of Jion".
oi, usheis, Captain Albeit J, llowly,
Lieutenant !', C. Jewell, Captain H.'Sl,
John Ciiehlile, uf the United States ai
tillery cotp-sj t'aptaln V. W, Slade'u,
lViurteenth I'nlted States lufanto;
Lieutenant II. Pone, Second Unlteei
States cavahj, 1'ercy A. Mutphy,
Seventh United States c avail y.