The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 12, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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    4 '
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Special lo tlio Scranton Tilbinie
I'lttston, Nov. 11,EvniiH Ihos., the
South Mnln stioel Rroecis, have leased
the vacant Gillespie fitoio room ad
joining tliclr present store room, and
will open a shoe department within a
shot I time.
The fuueial of the late Mrs. Mar
gin at Evans tool: place Sunday after
noon ft oin the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Edmund Uvuim, nt Sobnstopol.
Hei vices were held In the Welsh Con
urcKatlonnl church, In charge of Rev.
W. 1). ThoniiiH, of this city, and Rev.
Thomas P. .tonkins, of Home, N. Y.
The pall-hearers weto grandsons of the
deceased. Interment, was made In the
Plttston cemetery.
The Chautauqua, chcle una enter
tained last evening at the homo ot I.
W. Dei shinier, on Wyoming avenue.
The Exeter hoiough school board luis
decided to engitge no new principal for
the balance of tho term, the position
having been vacant for the past few
veel owing to tho resignation ot tho
fotnier principal. MIb Cavvlcy, form
erly nsslstunt, is acting In the capacity
of principal, and sho is assls'tcd by one
of the substitute teachers.
Tuu now business department which
has been nddrd lo the cuirlculuin of
the I'lttston high school was opened
today fr the lhst ,tlme. Professor Mc, formeily of St. Thomas' col
lege, Scanton, Is in charge.
The Welsh Congicgiitlonal mlnisteis
of Luzerne and Lackawanna counties
held their monthly meeting here Mon
day afternoon. This evening Rev. T.
C. Edwards, of Kingston, deliveted a
lecture in tho Welsh Congregational
chuich on his recent trip to the Holy
'Squlie Nathan Moise, of Hughes
town borough, has secured a. patent on
a hub for wagon wheels that Is bald by
local wheelwrights to be one of the
slickest things out. By means of tho
, 'squire's Invention it Is possible to
place a new spoke in a wheel without
taking the wheel fioni the ncle of the
wagon or eaniage, and the wheel can
be tiued with nccuiacy. The patent
was granted at the Washington patent
ofTlcc in remaikably quick time.
Edwuid Waffner, of Duiyea. a dilver
hoy .it the William A. colliery, was
caught between two yesteiday
morning and badly squeezed. He was
lemoved to his home.
An Italian laborer at the Stevens col
lit, y had his leg broken by a fall of
rock Satin day afternoon.
The til st of it feeiies of live basket
ball games between the Ninth Regi
ment and the Plttston team took place
in Kitby's hall here last evening.
Rev. John Render, of Tamaqu.i, has
been choc" n pastor of St. Peter's Lu
theian chinch, of Hughestovvii bo--
ougli, to (ill tho vacancy created by the
leslgnation of Rev. O. F. Ettweln. He
will take c'naige of the congregation
on Nov. 23.
Special to tho Scinnton Tiibuuc.
roieat'citv. Nov. 11. Dis. C. It.
Kjiupp and It. C. Noble and L. J. Wells
mil Phllo Leu letuined this moinlng
liom a hunting tiip In Pike count j,
laden with two deeis.
Peter Bias, who was killed at Cai
bondnle this afternoon, hud spent Sun
day with fi lends In Foiest Citv. Ho
was a native of the noithein pail ot
Wayne county, and .is a member of
Company 13 was stationed hue lor sev
cial months dining the stilke.
Rai low's inlnstiels held down tin
bo.u ds In tlie opei.i house last evening
and cracked tho jokes that have been
making theatie-goes laugh for u gen
eration. It is the lhst onteit.'ilnmeut
Forest City has had In many davs.
r.hrn Bums, one of the Noitheaslein
Pennsjlvnnla Telephone company di
rectors, was heie on business todav.
In commenting on the olfoits of Sus
quehanna to secuie the county Instituto
for that place next j ear, the News
asks: "Why uot.hnvo the institute in
Foiest Cltv ? Give the lencheis a
chance to ce tho biggest town In tho
county, Km in a few modem languages
and cxploie a coal mine. The natuial
advantages of Forest Citv should bo
recognised at Hist glance." Why not?
Special to t'lo Scrantou Tilbune.
Durypii, Now 10. ail . and Mia Bai
ley, of Wilkes-llnuo, and Miss Lizzie
Davis, of Nanticoke, spent Sunday at
the homo of Miss Liza Blown, of this
The Mineral of Mis. Cniyl, of Giovo
sticet, took place yesteiday. Inter
ment was made In Maroy cemotmv.
Mrs. Edgar Davis, of Gieeuwood, Is
visiting at the home of her grand
mother, Jlis. Leg, of this place.
Mrs. Burleigh and daughter, Lllllc,
Is visiting at the home of the iorniera
daughter, Mis. William Shales, ot this
Miss Chin lotto Blown spent Sunday
with friends In Sernnton.
Miss Eva Lane visited In Seiunton
Special to tho Hcranton Tilliiinn.
Dundnff, Nov. 10.-O. T. Hull Is mak
ing some lmpiovements In and about
his stoie, which adds much to the up
peaianeo of tho piopertv,
Mr. Aithur Leo has accepted a posi
tion with Dr. Nlles, of Caibondale.
Itupeit AVells hus accepted a posi
tion with the Curbondule Machine com
puny. He will moo his household ef
lects to Curbonclalo soon.
Mis. H. I). Nicholson Is spending n
few dayK with fi lends down the valley,
Ir, Ruluh liiiullcW has been ap
pointed to 111! the vacancy In the bor
ough council caused by the death of
deafness Cannot bo Cured
by local implications us they cannot icach
tilO diseased liintlon nf lhu niLl. 'I'huw, Is
It only onu way in euio deafness, mid thai
is uy constitutional icmeilles. uearness is
caused by un intlumcd coiulltiou of tlu
mucous lining of ilia Eustachian Tube.
A hen this uibo Is lutlamcd ou hive a
lnniblitig sound or Imp 'ct healing, anil
when It Is untiioly closed, Detifiiess Is
tlio icsult. and unless tho influmutlou can
can bu taken na und this tuba icstoied
to Us normal condition, healing will bo
destioycd foieinr: nine cases out of ten
nru caused by Cutawh. which is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of tlio mucous
sei Ices.
Wo will eivo One Bundled Dollais mr
any raw of Deafness (caused by eatallh)
that cannot bo ruied by Hulls Catuuh
Cure, bend for circtilui. fice
E. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo. O.
Sold b.v Dl ugglsts. 7Jc
Halls Family Plll ilia i.j(.
O. P. Phlnney. Rnlph will make a
good councilman.
Ralph Thatcher has enlisted In tho
Thirteenth leclnienl and is now on
dutv. ;
The (lancing class In Decker's link
Is being well attended, Everybody is
w olconie. ,
Rev. Mr. Putmnu has moved Into the
piopeity adjoining the Episcopal
chut cli.
Miss Delia Baker has moved to
Scinnton, whcio she has accepted a po
sition with Mr. Knuffold.
Clllfoid creamciy will run hut eveiy
other dav for the remainder of the
Funnel a ate veiy Indignant ocr the
ndvnnced price of coal.
Special to the Scianton Tiibuuc.
Tunkhannock, Nov. 11. The annual
teachers' Institute for Wyoming coun
ty will be held heic at the couit house
during the we'ek commencing Dec. S.
County Superintendent Frank H. Jiu
vis has seemed an nble corps of lec
turers for the occasion, Commander
Richmond P. Hobson, of Merrlmuc
fame, having been listed to deliver a
lectin c during tlio com so.
Bert Stone and family, of Stull, aio
the guest ot his btother, Cashier Ed
win N. Stone, of the Wyoming Nation
al bank.
Tin matter of the application for a
chaiter for Lacoyvlllo boiough, to which
exceptions have been tiled, will come
up for argument In court this after
noon. Ex-Sheilff Frank T. Knupp, of Mill
City, was calling on friends bote on
Monday. Mr. Knapp was elected one
of the county auditors at the election
held last eek.
Attorney C. B. Little, of Scianton,
spent Sunday with his mother at this
AVllbur R. Artits was a business man
at Wllkes-Barre yesterday.
Mrs. Joseph Com Might, of Parsons,
who lias been visiting relatives at this
place, returned home on Monday.
Another Hallowe'en mischief case
will be tried at Nicholson today before
a justice of the- peace. Aithur Smith
Is the Injured party, and he claims
that on thut night a crowd of boys of
the town maliciously lemoved the
wheels and other parts fiom a valu
able wagon and threw them away so
that he has been unable lo lecover
Special to tho Scianton Tiibuue
Hamllntou, Nov. 11. Miss D. P. Ham
lin entertained at luncheon Friday last
the following ladle-,: Mis. Thomas
Cook, Mis. Sanfoid William", Mis.
Ann Nash, Mis. F. A. Oichaid, Mis
Lucia Moigan and Miss Manilla Jones.
Mr. C R. Spangenbeig has lemodeled
tho house lie lecently pui chased of C.
R. Fitch and expects to occupy it this
w eel-.
Mis. Ainos Biooks bus moed into
John 0bot ne's house, Mr. and Mis.
Osboine sue spending several months
with their daughter, Mis. David Bid
well, of Ciesco, Pike county.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Edw ai ds gave
a dinner Hallowe'en night. Those pies
ent weie Mr. and Mis. Thomas R. Ed
wards, of San Fianclsco, Cal.; Mr. and
Mis. D. W. Edw aids, daughter Flossie
and son, Edwin, of Gravity, Pa.; Mrs.
Myito French Kuresteiner, of Engle
wood, N. J; Mis. F. A. Orchaid, Miss
Fiances Oichaid and Mi. and Mis. T.
li. Oichaid.
Mis. William Noble and Son, of Ster
ling, and Mis. C. E. Wright, of this
place returned last week fiom visit
ing fi lends in New York state.
Mis. Mjita Fiench Kuresteiner, of
Engluwood, N. J., spent a fow days
last week with her grand-pnients, Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Edwaids.
MKs Mahahi Jones left Tuesday for
Jcrmyn, Pa., wheio she expects to
spend the winter with her sister, Mrs.
Adeline Sampson.
Mr. William Alt Is on a hunting ex
pedition in the wilds of Pike county,
Mrs. II. F. Nicholson and Miss D. P.
Hnmlln spent Saturday last in Pau
pack as the guests of Mis. B. F. Kel
iain. FACTOliYVJLLE. to the Scianton Tribune
Factoiyvllle, Nov. II). The foot bail
game last Satuiday between Scianton
high school and Keystone academy was
won by Keystone, the scoie being 2S-0.
Some twenty-llvo joung fi lends of
Miss Fanny Wrlgley tendered her a
surpilse paity lust Satuiday evening
In honor of her seventeenth birthday.
They weio veiy pleasantly entei tallied
with games and lefieshnients and Miss
Wiigley was lemembeied with a num
ber of pietty souvenirs.
Miss Flota Biddlemtm entertained a
paity last Filduy eonlng at her pleas
nut home on Bunker Hill.
Paulowna lodge, D. of R. will hold
a special meeting next Filduy evening.
All memljPiH of the degiee staff aio
icqueslcd to be piesent.
Theieunlonand toll call of the Metho
dist chuich will he held next Thursday
Nov. IV, fiom 10 a. m closing with a
seinioii In the evening by Rev. J. S.
Lewis, a foimer pastor. Tho ladles will
seivo dinner and supper In tho chinch.
Miss Minnie Baldwin, of Dixon, Is
spending a few days with Mis. James
Mis, Jennie S. Roe and sou, Hawaii,
nie visiting fi lends nt Laceyvllle.
Special to' the Scranton Tilbune.
New Mllfoid, Nov. II, Mrs. Goldei
and son, of Cohocton, Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Charles Qulun.
Tlio Sigma society will meet nt the
home or Miss Maude Spencer, Thurs.
day evening.
Mis. Hnny Bartlett, of Blnghainton,
spent Monday with her puieuts, Mr.
and Mis, Jesse Vails.
The AAr. J, C. society meets at the
home of Mis. Snyder, Thuisday after
noon. '
Mr. and Mis, Huiinah, ot Scrunton,
weio guests of Mr. und Mis. David Mc
C'onnell, the foie part of the week.
Special (o the Scianton Tiibuue.
Dundaft, Nov. 11. The outlook lieia
now Is that during the coming winter
everybody wll bo his own butcher,
Elmer Rldgeway, our genial butcher,
who has served us so futhfully Jor life
past years, has decided not to come to
un durlnff the winter months, ns there
Is not business enough In his line to
wairant It. This h regretted very much
by not only the people of this borough,
but by nil who dcnl with Mr. Ridge
way for miles around thin section. The
people who did business with Mr. Rldge
way nlwayH found him ptenBnnt and
agreeable. We sincerely hope ho will
return to us In tho spring, ns he Is al
ways n welcome visitor.
Special to the Scianton Tiibuue.
Honesdate, Nov. 10. A special tialn
will tnko from seventy-live to one bun
dled Free Masons fiom Honesdnle to
Hnwiey, Tuesday night, to attend the
banquet and Mnsonlo nnnlveisary to bo
observed by the Hnwiev lodge.
Isnnc Hani Is at the homo ot his
mother, Mis. R. W, Hum, on Second
sticet. He has lcllnqulshed his position
In Burfalo, N. Y., and accepted one with
the Honesdnle Elevator company.
The county Instituto opened with n
large poitlon of tho teachers present
at the flrst session proper Monday, nt
1.30 p. in. Theie are ills teachers In
the tVnmty. Tuesday at 9 a. m. devo
tional exorcises wilt be conducted by
Rev. James P. Ware, followed by Hon.
H. R. Pattcnglll; subject, "Primary
and advanced Lnngungo." Piofessor
K. Ij. Kemp: subject, "Emlle," and Dr.
E. F. Blgolow, "The Cue Bono of Na
ture Study." At 1.30 p. m., "The Pub
lic School and Its Mission," Piofessor
E. L. Kemp; "Plant Life," Dr. Blge
low; "Instiuctlon," Superintendent Pat
tenglll. At S p. m In the Opera House,
entertnlnment, musical and humorous,
tho Rogeis-Grllley Combination.
Special lo tho Scianton Tribune.
Hopbottom, Nov. 11. Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Tiffany arc spending the week
In Now York.
The ladles of the Unlversallst church
will meet with Mrs. W. E. Brown, on
Wednesday afternoon, for a business
meeting and lo woik for the fair. No
supper will be served.
Mrs. Frank Bell and sons have le
turned to Scranton, after spending
some time with Solomon Boll.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McVicar vis
ited their daughter In Oiange, N. J.,
last week.
Mis. Frank Benjamin, of Nicholson,
culled on Her mother, Mrs. Titus, one
day last week.
Mis. Almlra Blown has relumed to
her home In Newark Valley.
George Ackerly, of Blnghainton, and
Miss Myia Jackson spent Sunday with
Nelson Jackson.
Speilal to the Scranton Tilbune.
Nicholson, Nov. 11. Hairy Benjamin,
who is working in Scianton spent Sun
day with his mothei.
A. L. Thnycr, of Blnghainton, is a
caller in town.
N. V. Walker, of Keelersbuig, was a
caller In tow n Monday.
Miss Estel Stark, spent the Sabbath
with Ruth Wldermuu, of D.iltou.
Bruce MucConnell spent Sunday with
his patents at Haifoid.
The social club will meet with Miss
Juna Wainer, Filday night.
Motley Hawl:, of Prlcebuig, s-pent
Sunday in tow n.
Mrs. T. Jf. Stearns und daughtoi,
Jesie and Elsie, of Gieen Itidge, have
returned home after spending a few
days In town. i
Mrs. Meriitt Pediitk, of Scinnton,
pent Sunday with her sister, Mis. S.
J. Hinds.
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion have tented the rooms founeily
occupied by P. J. Holland In tho Lew is
Chailcs Snyder has entered the gio
teiy busines-3 In partneiship with
James AVhithead.
John Close, formeily employed with
tho Spring Biook Lumber company,
has accepted a position In Scianton.
Mrs. Twining and daughter, Jose
phine, of Park Place, aie visltlntr with
friends in town.
Situations Wanted.
stenoRinpher. Address Ariios, Tilb
une office,
experienced in stenography nnd type
writing; wiltes Rood long hand; desiies
position Immediately. Addicss AV., caro
Tilbune ofllce.
Ceitlfied Public Accountant.
Tiadeis" Bunk UuildliiR. Old 'phono 1S(M.
Real Estate Exchange Bidg., 120 AA'nsh
lljRton avenue.
Civil and Mining Engineeis.
null building.
building, Spitico sticet, Scianton.
DR, C, C. LAl'BACH, 115 AVYOMING nvo
File Insurance.
SCHLAGER tc CO., 401 Connell llulldliiE
Patent Attorneys.
nTr MTO Inallcountrles
MA I b IM I O of the Globe.
Tho only licensed und equipped patent
solicitor In tho city. No uhaigo tor In
tormatlon on patentability; over ten
euis' uNpeileucc.
Ituploglu & Co., Mcars Pldg.
Hotels and Restaurants.
lln uvonue, Rates icabonublo.
I', U1EGLER, Piopilotor.
Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu
lopean plan, Victor Koch, Piopilctor.
and i eta pools: no odor; only linpiovcd
pumps usttd. A. Ji. llilggu. piopiletur.
Leavo oiduis no Not th Main avenue,
or Elcke's drug stoio, corner Adams and
Mulbeiiy, Both telephones.
Wiie Screens,
avo., Seiunton, nifis. of AVI re Seieens.
pllos, onvolopes. paper bags, twine.
Warehouse, L0 AA'ashlngton avenue.
be bud In Scranton ut tlio news stand
of Relsman llios.. 4u0 Spiuco and Wi
Linden; M. Noiton. 32J Lackawanna
uvu.; 1. S Si'lintzei. 211 Spiuio btitct.
' WANTS. FOR HS. 1 SALES Half a Cent a Word.
Real Estate.
A Handsome New Steam Heated
Residence; Worth $1,000 More.
This beautiful house Is only twenty minutes' walk from the court house
There are seven rooms finished, also a handsome bath room and a store
room. The reception hall and dining room are finished in oak, with hard pol
ished floors. Every room in the house Is bright and attractive, and so arranged
as to appeal to the ladles, as they will certainly testify when they see the house.
The owner and architect worked hard, and as the result shows, wisely,
in the planning and construction of this residence, and nothing but a knotty
business transaction has caused the owner to make the sacrifice which this
offer entails. If you are looking for such a place and the prlc6 Is right, you
need look no farther, but call at once and see about the terms of sale, which
are very fair.
The Real Estate Broker,
Real Estate Exchange Building, 136-138 Washington Avenue
The house is a substantial stone front structure. It is large and
beautifully finished ; has four open fireplaces, together with large set
plate glass mirrors, and in every way this house is modern and unique
in its appointments. It is situated on a lot 72 ffxl81 ft., on Washing
ton avenue.
This Place Can & t p fif
Be Bought for $ 12, UUU
Or owner will exchange for double house, centrally located.
$2,000 I $6,000
"Will Buy a
Property Listed Will Buy a
The demand for pi opcrty In this lo- ' 2 Room "ousc
cation vill make It -woith $.",000. It 600 Block on
Bideiatlon"'"10"' Wrth ,OHP C" Quincy Avenue
A Building Lot A Washington Ave.
Tor $400 Building: Lot
This lot is well situated, convpiii- An exceptionally good Investment
out to the Washlni'toii npnun piopeity. an Its location and sizo
Ktieet car line and wiii be" bal- m,lUeb il suitable for building a
caln for home ono wlshlii"- to linllrl stoio mid homo combined. It can
ft nice llttlo Tom"? bnpui chased If taken at onco for
HBB-"f - a Op!"" Heal Estate
. HOLuA 1 b BsSffie'
Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa,
For Rent.
FOR RENT Desk loom pilvileges, 111-
oludlnR use ot new Remington ma
chine. Council building. Addiess D., Tilb
une oflico.
FOR RENT Dwelling house coiner ot
Hrjn Mawr and Paik avenue. Ten
dollais per month.
?1S For Rent Ten-mom houso; excellent
ncighboihood; nil modem lmpiove
ments, on avenue. Apply to R. P. Ham
ilton, 12b Spiuco stieot.
For Sale.
Genuine diamond in 14K ling, H lauit,
$10; li curat, J12; H caiat ling, $28; hoop
ling, tlvo diamonds, V2 caints, $05; dia
mond nnd ruby ling. $.'0; diamond ling,
tlueo stones, piuo white, V- cniats, $85;
diamond ling two stones, ii carat, $30;
diamond stud, 1 1-10 caits, $90; tlueo
diamonds and two mbles In ling. $10; Tlff
unv ling, 1 caiat, $90; eaidiops, 1V6 caiats,
$113; ladles' biooch, l'i caiat, $90; ladles'
pin, caiat, $15; gents' ling, ueuily 7
caiats (not a. jellow stono), $000. Your
money buck without aigument If not s-at-isfled.
AValter AV. Wlnton. Diamond Pal
lor, Room 007, Mears building.
FOR SALE Dining loom nnd ojster
houso, 207 Lackawanna tivenue.
FOR SAIjE Ono pair of ginv maies, wall
matched, weight 2300. Hound and gun
llo, good dilvei.s nnd woikeis, slnglo or
doublo. Iuuulia of Manning Gillespie,
Now Mllfoid, Pa.
FOR SALE A pair of well-matched Reld
Ings at WO Gieen Rldgo sticet, city.
FOR SALE-About 20 foot of desk coun
ter, surmounted with glass fiont and
two openings, lower poitlon nicely pan
elled, with diawurs and shelves undoi
ncath. May be seen at the offlce of Tho
For Sale or Rent.
TOR SALE OR RENT-Tho 3.stoiy bilcl;
building, Willi boiler house attached,
and long low of bheds for hoises. wag
ons, etc; also lalhoad switch suitable for
mnnufactuilnR pill poses; lately occupied
by the Clock Tobacco Co B, M. Wlnton,
Room No. C05, Mcuis Building,
Furnished Rooms for Rent,
IOR RENT A furnished loom on hocond
lloor fiont, $150 wouk. u)5 Adams avo,
WANTED Five shaics of Title Guaiunly
stocK. Aiiuress ji., mis aiiicu.
AVANTED-Small fuinlslied hoiibs.
ill ess Box UK), city,
WantedTo Buy,
WANTED To buy, second-hand safo.
AddiebH, stating plica and sUe, Au
di evv .Mitchell, Jr., Coibondule, Pa
LOST Pay envelope containing $J5 00; will
Under please letuiii It to the Electilc
Light oflico, boaul of trade building.
LOST A wutch fob with cold locket
attached. Finder will bo luvvarded by
loUunliig to 410 AVyomlng avenue.
FOUND A large pet cut, tiger (black and
giuy), wiin wiuiQ nice, neci; ami reut.
Apply at S29 Mudihon uvcuue. Has ben
ut lids uddiess for about a week.
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Than 10 Cents.
Real Estate,
Branch WANT Offloas.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
beiiy sticet nnd Webster live.
West Side
GEO. AV. JENKINS, lot South
Main avenue.
South Scianton
FRED L. TERPPE, 729 Cedur
North Scranton
GEO. AV. DAA'IS, coiner North
Main avenue and Maikot
Green Ridge
CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dick-
s-on ave'nuo,
V. J. JOHNS, 920 Gieen Rldgo
C. l.ORENZ. coiner AVushluRton
uvciuio nnd Million stieet.
AV. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Iivlng
Help Wanted.
AA'ANTED Agents to sell tea and cot
fco to coiisuiuots. Positloim pel ma
nent. Gtnnd Union Tea Co,, Jtl LueUu
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED Five lhst class cuipentoi.s,
Apply to Hciantou uiass Ainnucuciur
lug wo , Moohlc,
PATTERN MAKER wanted! good wages
to good uiC'ii famlliur with our wink,
Scianton Steam Pump Co,, Uieen Rldgo,
WANTED An expel lenced man In linen,
domistlo and wubli goods, ail com
munications ati let ly coiilUluutlal, Ad
ill ess C, D. E., Tllbuno ofllce,
WANTED EMiorleiK oil iluemau for ton
stl action woik. Apply A', D. Lulh
lope, 50 Noith Main sticet, Caibondnlo,
AVANTED-Fcity niuii at Toiijhouna,
Pa to woik nu grading for a i. id
iom) bvvitcli and dealing u plecu of wood
land. Call ut lAi Mcais building, Toby,
haiina Cicek Ice Co., C. C. Fcibor, ticus.
Help Wanted Female.
AVANTED A good gill for geneiul hoiibe
vvoiK. Mrs. A. B, Rolph, ill Seventh
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants eneigetle
Ueauial Agent for this imiiily. No
books, iiibiimuce, or cuuvusbing. Ac
nualntanco with meichauts und inauu.
fuctuieis neccssaiy, Peimauuut. Bond.
Stute ugo, exiicileiicu. icfeirntos lhst let
teu Addicts. Suite 072. No 1001 Chestnut
Only Half a Cent a WorJ.
Business - Opportunity.
out delay. AVilto for our special mar
ket loiter. Vrco on application, S. At.
Illbbaid & Co., mcinbeiH N. V. Consoli
dated and Stock nxcliange. II and 111
Hi midway, Xcw Vuik. INtahllshcd Wl.
Long Dlslnnio 'Phone HISS Utoad.
Monoy to Loan.
Quick, stiulRht loans or llulldlng and
I.oan. At fiom I to II per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker. mi.3lii Conned buttdliiK.
THi: ' MODI2T, LAUNDUY, Diinmoto,
laundeis shlits at So. each and collaia
and carts at lc. each. Family Uih1iIiik.
i ccntB per pound.
TUB ANNUAL, ntockholdeii niicthlK of
tho Consolidated Water Supply Co.,
ttlll be held at tlit'lr ollleo In tlio city
of Scianton, IM Wednesday, November
L'U, 100J, at n a. in., for tin- election of ol
llceis for thu oiisuIiib year and for tho
tiansactton of anv other business that
may como before tlio meetliiR.
tlUOHOi: IJ. JUU.MYN, Seuoluij.
TI1H ANNUAL Htoekholdeis mectiiiR ot
tho Panther Creek 'Water Co., will bo
hold at their oflleo In tho city of Scian
ton, Pa,, Wednesday, November , l'WJ,
at 9 a. m , for tho election ot olllccis for
tho ciiHUiiiK ear and for tho tuinsactlou
ot uny other business that may comu
bofoie the meeting.
GEORGE li. JURMYN, Secictnry.
TIII2 ANNUAI, stockholder meetliiR ot
tlio Lackawanuii Valley Water Supply
Co, will bo held nt their ofllec In thu Uty
of Scianton, Pa., Wednesday, November
M, W2, at 0 a. m., for tho election of ol
llccis lor tlio ensuing jcai and for the
transaction of unv other business that
may como befoic the meotlnR.
GEORGi: D. JBItMYN, Secietaiy.
TH13 ANNUAL htoekholdeis mectinq: ot
tho Caibondale Water Co, will be
held at their otllco In tho city ot Scian
ton, I'n., Wednesday, November 2d. 190J,
at !) a. m, for the election ot oniceis for
tho enRiihiR year and for tho tiansactlon
ot nny other business that may como
bcfoie tho meetliiE;.
GEORGE li. JERMYN, Secietaiy.
THE ANNUAL, stockholder meeting of
tho Fall Brook & Nowtoti Water Co .
will bo held at their ofllec in the city of
Scranton, Pa., Wednesday, November L'o,
mo.', at 9 n. m., for tho election ot of
llcois for the ensuing; year und for the
tiansactlon ot nny other business that
may come befoio tho meetlnij.
QEORGD 13. jnilMYN.Secieliuy.
THE ANNUAL stockholders mcotliiR of
tho Uunlondale AVatcr Co, will bo
held at their ollico In tho citv ot Scian
ton. Pa., Wednesday, Novembei "i, 1U0.',
nt 9 a. in., for tho election of oillteis for
the ensuing jear and lor the ti impaction
of anv other business that may como be
foio tho nicotine.
GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secietary.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meetlnR ot
tho Rock Cliff Water Co , will bo held
nt their office in tho city of Scianton.
Pa , Wednesday. November 2, 19U-', at 9
a. m., for the election of officers tor tlio
onsuInK jear mid for tho tiansactlon ot
any other business that may como be
foio the meetlmr.
GEORGE li. JERMYN. Secietaiy.
THE ANNUAL stockholdeis mcetins' of
- tho Vniulllng Water Co . will bo held
at their ofllec in tho citv of Scianton,
Pa., Wednesday, November "C, 1'JOJ, at
9 a. m . for tho election of otllceis for tho
-I ensuing jear and for tho transaction of
any other business that may come be
foio tlio meeting.
GEORGE li. JERMYN, Secietary.
THE ANNUAL stockholdeis meetinR of
the Fell AVnter Co, will be hold at
their oflico In the city of Scianton, Pa ,
AVodnesdny, November 2i,, 1902, at 0 n. in
for tho election of otllceis for the ensu
ing vear and for tho transaction or any
other business that may come befoio thu
GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secietaiy.
THE ANNUAL stockholdeis moctlliR of
tho Ciystal Lake AVater Co., will bo
held at their otllco in the city of Scran
ton. Pa . AVednesdav, November 2'", 1902,
at 9 n. m., for the election of officers for
tho ensuing e.u and for tlio tiansactlon
of anv other business that may como be
foio the meeting.
GEORGE B. JERMYN. Secietaiy.
THE ANNUAL stockholdeis meeting of
tho Jerniyn fc Rushbiook AVatcr Co.
will bo bold at their oflico In tho city ot
Scianton. Pa.. AVcdnesday, November 20,
1102, at 9 a m.. for the election of of
llceis for tho ensuing year and for the
tiansactlon of anv other business that
may como bcfoie tho meeting.
GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secietaiy.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meetliiR of
the Jeimjn AVater Co, will bo held
at their oflico In the city of Scianton, Pa.,
AVednebday, November 20, 1902, at 9 a. in.,
for tho election of olllceis for tlio ensu
ing year and for tho tiansactlon of any
other business that may como befoio the
GEORGE B. JERMYN. Heciclury.
THE ANNUAL htoekholdeis meetliiR of
tho Rushbiook AVater Co., will be held
at their ollico In tho cll.v of Scianton, Pa.,
AVednesday, November 20, 1902, at 9 a. in.,
for the election of olllceis tor tho ensuing
year nnd for tho tiansactlon ot any other
business that may come befoio tho meet
ing. GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secietaiy.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting of
tlio Clinton AVater Co., will bo held ai
their oflico In the city of Scianton, l'.i ,
AVednesday, November 20, 1902, at 9 a. ni ,
for tho election of ofllcem tor thu ensuing
vear und lor tho tinnsnctlou of any other
business that may como befoic tho input-
"' GEORGE IJ. JERMYN, Secietaiy.
THE ANNUAL stockholdeis mooting of
tho Glenvvood AVnter Co.. will bo hold
at their ollico in tlio city of Scranton, P i.,
AVednebdny, November 20, 1902, nt 9 a. m ,
for the nlectlon of ofllcois tor tlio ensuing
icar and for tho tiunsnctlon of any other
business that may como bufoiu I ho mul-
GEORGE B. JERMYN, Societal y.
THE ANNUAL stocltlioldeis meeting of
tho Mavllold AVater Co, will bo hold
at their ollleo In tho city of Scianton, Pa ,
AVednesday, November 20, 190J, at 9 a. in ,
lor tlio election of ofllcois for the ensuing
year und for tlio tiunsnctlon of any other
business that may come boioio tlio meet.
" GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secietary.
meeting of tho htoekholdeis of thu
South Sldii Bank will bu held at tho bank
lug houso on Monday, November 2 lib,
1902, between the bonis of 3 and t o'clock
p. in, to tnko action on or dis
appioval of tho pioposed Incieaso of the
uipllul btock of the bank fiom $50,000 to
FRANK Jil'MMLER, Secietaiy
IN RE: Insolvency of Patilck McNulty.
In tho Coutt of Common Pleas of
Lackuwunua county, No 111 November
Toini, 1902,
To all ciedltois of Put! Ms McNully of
thu City of Caibondale, Statu of i'emi
sylvuula; Please tulfo notice, tliat tho
said com I huu llcd Monday, tho 1st
day of December, UK)., ut nluu o'clock a
in., in open couit, as thu tlmo and plain
for licuiiug thu petition ol the above
named Patilck McNulty, fot bis ills
cli.ugo as an Insolvent.
A. AV. BEftTHOLl'.
Attoiney for PctUlouei,
ESTATE OP Clnlatlna R. I.lzleman, de
ceased Letters testameutuiy upon thu
above named estate buying been guinted
to tho iiihIbi signed by tho icglstcr ot
wills of Lulmuunna county, all poicons
having claims against the estate aio io
uuested to piesent them, and those In.
ilobted to tlio estate ale icquhcd to lual.o
Immediate payment to
Admlnistiator, Seiunton, Pa.
R L. LEVY, AltoniQV.
Delaware, Lnckawnnna and Western.
. , IN Effect Juno l, mi '
Tialns leavo Bcinnlon for Now' Ydrlt
AtUiO, 3.:o, Co-,, 7.G0 and ipjo-tt. m.; 12.40,
3 40, nnr. p. in. For Now Yoik and Phlla-delphla-i.W.
10.10 a. in., and 12.40 und 3 31
p. in. For Gotlldsboro At 0.10 p. til. For
UtllTnlo 1.15, 0 2.' and 0.00 a. m.S 1.K5, 0 60
and 11.10 p. m. For HinBhamton. ifilmira
and way Btfttlons-10 23 n. m., 1.0H p. m.
I' or Osweuo, Bvractiso nud Utlca 1.15 and
0 22 n. m.j i.ri p. m. oswcro, Byracnsn
and Utlca tialn at 0 22 n.ifu. dally, except
Sunday. For Monti oso 9 00 a. m.i la"
and 0KO p, m. Nicholson accommodation
4 oo uild .l" p. in.
nioomsbiirR Dlvlslon-For Nortliumbor
lniuh at (J33 nnd 10 10 a. m.i l.C't nnd il.W
p. in. For Plymouth, at S.10 a, in.; 3 W
nnd 9 05 p. in,
Biniduy Tialns-For New Yoik, 1.W, 3 20.
0.05, 10.10 a. m.i .110 and 335 p. III. For
Buffalo 1.15 nnd 0 2-' a. in.; 1.55, ur.0 and
ll.lo p. in. For ninth n and way statloim
10.25 n. m. For BliiRhamton nnd way sta
tions, 9 00 a. in. DIoomsbuiR Division
l.eavo Scranton, 10.10 a. m. and 610 p. m,
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Ill Klfrct .IllllO 15, 1902.
Tialns Leave Sciantim
For Philadelphia and New Yoik via D.
& It. It. R, nt 7.11, thioiluli Pallor Car
and Day Coach Catbondalo to New, Yolk
and 9.47 n. m.. with L. V. Coach Caibon
dale to 1'hlladolphla, and 2.1S, 4 35 (Black
Diamond Emu ess), and 11.41 p, m, Sun
days. D. & U. R. It., 1.BS, 9.t" a. m.
I'or Whlto Haven, Hazletoii anil ptlnil
pal points lit the coal reRlons, via. D. As
II. Jl. It., 7.11, 2.1S and 4!tt p. m. For
X'otfavllle. 7.11 a. m.
For Bethlehem, Easlon, Rciulhiff, Ifnr
llshuiR and pilnclpal Intel medium tda
tloiis. via D. .V II. R. R ".It, 9.47 a. m ;
2.1?, 135 (Illack Diamond Expicss). 11.11 p.
in. Stindu.vs, D. & H. n. R U3S a. m.
and 1,58 and 9.17 p. in.
For Tinilchnunock, Townnda, Klmliii,
Ilhaea, Geneva and pilnclpal lutermodlnto
stations via D, L & W. It. It., C35 a. in.
and 1.55 p. m.
For Geneva, 15ocheter. Buffalo, NitiR
nta Falls, ChicoRO and all points west via
U. & II. R. R. 12.01 p. m.; 3 28 (M.ltlc
Diamond Evpiess). 10.11. 11.41 p. in. Sim
da vh, D. & 11. R. It., 12 0.1, 9.17 p. m.
I'lillnipti parlor and slecplnR or Lrhlnh
"nlley Paiinr cats on all tialns between
Wllltes-Bane and Now York. Philadel
phia. Buffalo and Suspension BildRO.
ROLL1N 11. AVILBUR. Gen. Supt.. 20
Cot Hand street. New York.
CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt.. 21
Coitland sticet. New York.
A. AV. NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Aat ,
South Bethlehem. Pa.
Con cried to September 10, 1902.
For tickets nnd Pullman reservation ap
ply to citv ticket ofllce, 09 Public Squuie,
AVUkes-Baite, Pa.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
Stations In New A'oik foot Llbeity
sticet and South Feny, N. It.
Trains leave Scianton for New Yoik,
Philadelphia, Huston, Hothlchom, Allen
town, Munch Chunk. Whlto Havon, Ash
ley, AA'llkes-Baire und Plttston at 7.30 a.
m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Quaker City Expiess leaves Scianton
7.30 a. ni tluoURh solid vestibule tialn
with Pullman lliKTct Pallor Car for Phila
delphia with only one change of cntH for
Baltimore and AA'nsIiiiiRton, D. C, and all points south and west.
For Avocn, Plttston and WIIkes-Bawe,
1 p. in. and t p. in. Sunday, 2 10 p. m.
For Lour Blanch, Olc.iii Giovo. etc.,
7.30 a. m. imrt 1 . m.
For ReadlnR, Lebanon and HniilsbuiR
via Allcntown, nt 7,"0 u. m , 1 p. m. and 4
1). m. Sund ty. 2.10 p in.
For and Pottsvllle, 7"0 a. m.
1 n. ni. and 1 p. m.
For latet, and tickets apply lo agent at
AV. G. BESSLER, Gen. MunuRCr.
C. M. BURT, Gtu. Pass. ARt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Scbedulo in Effect Juno 10, 1902.
Tialns leave Scinnton 638 a. m, weelc
duvs, thiougb vestibule train lrom
AVilkes-Baiie. Pullman buffet parlor cir
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllle; stops at pilnclpal intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury. Har
ilsbuig, Philadelphia. Baltlmoie, Wash
ington and foi Pittsbuig and tho AVest,
9 47 .i. ni.. week dnjs, for Sunbury, Hnr
llsbuig, Philadelphia, Baltlmoie, AA'ash
lngton nnd Pittsbuig nnd tho AVest.
142 p. m., week dajs, (Sundajs. 1 5S p.
m.), lor Sunbuiy. Harrlsbmg, Philadel
phia, Bnltlmoio, WashlnRton nnd Pitts
duir nuu mo west
3 IS p m , wfcek dnys, through vc&tlbuln
tialn Horn AA'llkcs-Barie. Pullman buffet
pallor car and coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle. Stops at principal lntcrmoill
uti stations
1 35 p. m , week dajs, for Hnzlcton, Su,i
bury, Hniilsbiug, Philadelphia and Pitts
burg. J. B. T1UTCIIINSCTN, Gen. Mgr.
.1. B. AVOOD, Gen. Pass Apt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Uffcrt Juno 1(5, 1102.
Tialns for Caibondale leave Scianton at
0.41, 7:.0, SJ0. 10.13 a. m; 12 05, 1.12. 211,
3 50, 5 29, 0 25, 5,21, 9.15, 10 01 p. 111.; 12.1S,
1.18 a. in.
For Honesdnle 6 14, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 ami
5 29 p. m
For AVilkes-IJano G.1S 7 11. S 41. 9 17,
10 51 a. 111.; 12.03, 1.42, 2 IS, S 2S, 135, t, Hi,
7.IS. 10 41, 11,11 p m.
For L. Ar. It R. 9 17 u. in.!
2.1S, 4 35 and 11.19 P m.
For Pcnnsvlvaula It. It, Points fi H, -9.17
a. m.; 1.42, 3 2S and 135 p. in.
For Albany and all points ninth 7 SO a.
m. and 3 50 p. m.
For Caibondale 8 50, 113.! a. m.; 2.11,
3.50. S 52 and 11.17 p. in.
For AVllkes-Bane 9 3S a. m.; 12 0.!, 15!,
3 2S, 0 32 and 917 p in.
For Albany and points north 3 50 p. in.
For Honcsdalo S 50 a. in.: 11. JJ und 352
P. m.
A. L. PRYOR, D P. A . Scianton, IM.
Erie Railroad Wyoming Division.
In Effect September 15, 1902.
Tinius leave Scianton for Now Yoik,
Novvbuigll und Intel mediate point, also
for Hawloy nnd local stations ut 7.20 a.
m and 1.35 p. in.
For liniipsdalu and AVIitto Mills at l,-!.,
p. m.
Tialns ai live at Scianton nt 10 ns a. in.
and 9.15 p. in.
NeAV Yoik, Ontario and Western.
Tlmo table In effect Sunday. Sept. 21, 19)2.
Leave Leave Anho
Tialns. Scianton Caibondale. Cadosla.
No, 1 ID M)n. m. lllrta. in 100 p. ni,
No, 7 li lop. m Ai.Cuihijiuliilu Gt'i p in
Leave Lcuvu Allivo
Tialns. Cadosla. Caibonduli-. Scianton.
No. ii b50u in. 7.25a. m.
No. 2 2 15 p. m IWpill. M P. ill.
Lenve Leavo Aulvn
Tialns. Kciniitou Caibondale. Cadosla.
No. 9 f:itu, in. 910a. in. 10 15 a, in,
No. 5 7.1) p. m.Ai .Caibondale 7, 15 pm
l.eavo Leavo Alllve
Tialns, Cadosla Caihnndalo. Scianton.
No. I l Wt it ni. 725a. m,
Ni. 10 I 30 p. m. I, mi p. in C 15 p. m
Tinlns Nos, on woe!; dajs,. and 0 on
Sundays uiunieVfpr Now" York 'city. lUil
dlotovvn, AValton, Norwich, Oitoltia, ps.
vvprii und nil points west t.
Tialn No. . with "Ounkor City rCc
pichs" at Scianton, via (' R. R. of N. J.,
lor Philadelphia, Atlantic City, liiltlmore,
AVashlngton and Pennslvanla statu
Seo tlme'iablu and consult tic Lot agents
for connections with other lines,
J C. ANDERSON. O. P A.. Now Ymk.
J, V.. AVEI.SU, T, 1" A., Scianton, Pa.
application will bo niado tu the Conic
of Common Pleus of Lackuwutum county
on tho 19th day of November, A. D. 1902.
at nine o'clock a. in. under tho Act-of
Assembly ut tlio Commonwealth of Pejui
wlvanln, tntitled "An Act tu irovldefor
tho imoipoiatlon and icgiilntfou'ot cer
tain loipuiatioiiB," appiuved tlio 29tli day
of API II, A, D. U7I, and the suppleiTiClits
thoieti), for the rliuiier of an intended
(animation, to be calltd "The Itah.un
Aiui'ilcan Citizens' Benellclal Society of
tho Boiough of Old Foigo, Peiinu..". tlia
(liuiactcr ami object ot which ls-tli(
maintenauco of the society lor the pur
posu of fiiinlsliing to and piovldlng rollol
tor inembeiK who slinll be sick and dlb.
abled by accident, und furnish meuiis 'for
the Inula! of membeis and lor tlio aid of
tho families of stub deceased mombci.s,
fiom funds colleited thereon; nnd for
Ibis pui pose to have, possess and enjoy
all the lights, boncllis and pilviloges uf
the said Ait of Assembly and its suppl?
muntb.$Tho luopobed chaiter Is now on
Ilia III thu piothonolao's oflico In ail
court, Number tX Nov ember Term, 1912.
WELLES & TORREY, Sulltltoi?.
Rooms and Board.
PLEASANT looms with board for four
or nvo joung men. unpiue u-i. vvasn
luston avenue.