, snin fWvfS qgfmftij tBw vVi H, '( ? ( ' 'J ' .-II I " THE SCRANtfON TRIBUN3G-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1902 W3TTW 1 BANKERS AT NEW ORLEANS Fifteen Hundred pclcoates at the Twentu-clQhtli Annual ' Convention. THE ADDRESS BY COMPTROLLER RIDGLEY A Note of Warning Is Sounded Tho Country Too Prosperous and the Time for Caution Has Arrived We Must Either Beduco Volume of Traffic or Increase Facilities for Handling It Cause of Speculation. A Credit Currency Suggested to Make tho American Banks the 3?cst in tho World. llj ExclnsUc Wire from The Asociled Presi. Now Orleans, J-.ii., Nov. 11. Tho 'wenty-elghth annual convention of .lie American Hankers' association to lay began a three days' session. " Fif teen hundred delegates had registered at headquarter;) tonight, in addition to nearly COO visitors and ladles. The first day's session was opened with prayer by Kov. Dr. Beverly Warner, and then addresses of welcome fol lowed. President Hewlett replied to the welcome and delivered his annual address. ' The formal business, which consist ed of tho reception of reports of otll eers and committees was then taken up, after which Comptroller of the Currency W. E. Itidgley spoke of the change in banking conditions. Mr. Ridgeley's Address. Mr. Itidgely said in part: t have recently seen a statement that tho profits of tho operation of one of tho groat railway trunk lines arc being reduced by too great a density of trat 11c and too largo a volume of business. Heretofore it had been found that as the volume and density of tralllc Increased, the cost of operation, and particularly thu cost of conducting transportation, was a much smaller proportion of tho gross earnings, and, In consequence, tho not earnings increased mote rapidly than the gross. Now, however, It Is found that there Is a limit to this with a given plant of tracks, terminals und motive power, and that when tho volume and density of traffic passes a eertaln point, tho slight est delay or derangement of train move ment spreads so rapidly and to far that Jt more than proportionately Increases, tho cost of operation and tho resulting net earnings are less than with a smaller gross amount. Tho general business m tho United States and more particularly iho financial and banking operations are In much this same condition today anil tboro Is danger in our situation from an excess of businoss and a lack of machin ery and facilities for conducting it. It is becoming more and more apparent that thero must bo some curtailment of opera tions or increase in facilities cither by the addition of now means or more efficient lue of the old ones If wo would avoid serious trouble, if not disaster. Too Prosperous. We now find ourselves in tho condition f tho railroad embarrassed by the vol ume of traffic. With all the machinery uf exchange strained to Mm utmost to keep up tho present rate, and with every channel swollen to the full with the rush ing tide, the slightest disarrangement spreads at once, and is very far reaching Jn its effects. AVe- must cither reduce tho volumo of tho traffiu or add to our facili ties for handling it.. In tho present condi tion there is not a sufficient factor of mi f toy and there is danger of the strain exceeding tho limit of elasticity if it does not reach tho point of ultimate rupturo. There has boon no fulling off In rall icad earnings; on tho contrary, they con tinue to increase. The consumption of iron and steel proceeds at a rato never equaled before, and manufacturing con cerns nt nil kinds are actively and profit ably employed. Business failures are few in number and small In size. TSero have been but two failures of national banks Inon Aug, :', 1901, and these woro or very mnall banks which had been mined, if not looted by their officers. Our farmers arc now gathering and beginning to sell thu largest and most valuable crop they havo ever produced. They aro well sup plied with money as a result of good crops and high prices for the past few years. Wholesale and retail business is good in all parts of tho country, and the univers al report Is tliut collections wero novel' easier to make. Time for Caution. In splto of all Mils, tho banking and financial situation Is looked upon with considerable apprehension. Wo cannot disguise tho fact that with reserves run ning down, not only In the rescrro cities, but In all the banks of Iho country, tin hlluatlon is se.ilous and requires close at tention and careful handling, Now is tlio time for caution and care in bank man agement. It Is In times such as wo havo been having for several years that banks get Into trouble. What becomes later a bad lino tl credits Is apt to bo madn In prosperous years, not when times uro dull and business bad. Cause of Speculation. Thero has been a tremendous (.pociitn- lon In stocks of all kinds, mid values now are on a very high lovel. Tho Fehciues of promotion and combination havo been on such nu enormous scale as in bo startling and bewildering. This Is all so spectacular and sensational that it attracts great attention in tho nowspnpers and the public mind Is filled with stories of great stock deals and enormous sums mndo by speculators. Wo should remem ber, however, that all this Is not tho rntiso of our great prosperity nor Its chief result, but merely an unavoidable, if not neceshury, feuturo of It. It Is not speculation which has advanced prices mi much us It Is advanced prices which have caused speculation, Itailroad stocks havo gono up because wo havo four billion dollars' worth of manufactured goods to move. In consequence, railroad earnings wero moro than SO per cent, higher in loi than in li'JO. and tho tralllc of the rail loads today is only Unit led by tho capac ity of tho curs and motive power. A hll-llon-dnllar steel combination was only po&slhlo bocaiuo we woro producing "S.. Wt.OOO tons of iron oro; 15,MO,noo tons of pig Iron; 13,000,000 tons of steel Ingots, ami U000,ooo tons of finished steel a year, and vero finding a ready market for it all. May Have to Hest. Nothing can prevent tho development and growth of this country. Wo have all the elements which aro necessary and a great lead over all our competitors. Our destiny was fixed when nil these un equalled natural advantages wero placet), nlde by side, and it only awaited for Its fulfillment tho coming of our masterful jaco of men who, for centuries, have been bred and trained for such a career as is before us. Tho final result Is absolutely certain, but It nay from time to time bo Impeded ond checked as it has been by bad finance and by trying to do too much in too short a time. It seems to bo in evitable that wo should havo periods of rest and recuperation. They aro unt to 4 most severe when wo havo beon going J too fast. The puce wo have traveled for the past five or six years has been a rapid one, Tho signs aro not inching that It should be moderated hoforo wo aro too far siicnt. Thorn Is yet time, and with prudence and care we should bo able to avoid any lasting ill efTocts, I do not bo llevo that the strain Is moro than we can safely stand up to thin point, but It is Mnio to paliso and consider. Wo have prices for materials of all kinds up so high Mint ilin cost of living has greatly Increased, Wo havo been consuming our available liquid capital nt a very great rate and changing it to fixed capital where It may bo unproductive for a long time. Cost of piodtictlon has so In creased that our bnlnnco of foreign trade Is falling oft at tho rato of hundreds of millions per yenr. Our bank reserves aro low and the loans as highly expanded as Is prudent. The situation hns lately beon so acute ns to ronclor assistance from tho treasury department necessary to glvo somo relief. Cumbersome) Federal Laws. Ordinarily tho operations of our govern mont finances add to our dlfllctllties rather than help tho situation, nnd tho best that the secretary of tho treasury can do when called on to help tho situation Is merely to undo some of tho harm which has been dono by the operation of our laws for tho collection of tho revenuo nnd tho hoarding of "monoy In our treasury. Tho Federal government, under existing laws, continues to collect a largo surplus revenuo and lock a largo part of tho money collected up In Its vaults where It Is no longer available for business. In If.)-, there was in tho treasury as assets $lr,l,- 000,000. l)y 1S97 this had grown to $:MG, 000,000 nnd on Sept. 1, 1002, the treasury bad In Its vaults as assets Ml 1,000,000, or ono-olghtlrof all the money In tho United Stutcs. It Is anything but a help to busi ness to tfflto money from the people by taxation, simply to lock It up in this way. It Is almost equally harmful to take money which Is needed for business enterprises of all kinds and for which tho people would gladly pay C or 0 per cent, and buy bonds with It on a basis which nets under lJ per cent.; nnd yet this is the way tho secretary of tho treasury can best undo the harm caused by tho laws now existing. Something should bu dono to moro nearly equalize government teeelpU and expenditures. We should years ago have changed our obsolete sys tem so that tho funds of the government can stay In the channels of trade and not bo locked up in vaults by the hundreds of millions. The Weakest Point. It is unfortunate, Mint tho weakest point of our banking system Is In Its provisions lor dealing with such a situation as seems before us today. Nothing could better Illustrate tho necessity for a more elastic banking currency than tho de mand for it at the present time. Our banks havo been and are being culled upon to furnish the currency and credits necessary to move enormous crops, prob ably the largest in volume and value the country has ever produced. Wo have, raised over ii,no0,000,ono bushels of grain worth at least $1,SOO,000. and 10,000,000 bales of cotton worth $Mi1,000,0'U. With tho oth er vailed products raised the total value will probably bo about $.",000,000,000. Tills all for currency comes at a time when all business is being dono on an enormous scale. Of course this crop does not all move at once and somo of it is u'eil where It Is raised, but enough of It to lequiro a very large amount of money must be financed in somo waj; within si few weeks. Much of it is done on bank credits not requiring actual currency, but the currency required Is enough in vol ume to bo n largo and difficult matter to handle each yenr. This year it has boon moro so than usual and has been a cause of considerable anxiety. In tho farming states wheio this harvest is being gath ered, there are' D,-J!I5 banks with SCO.'.OOti.OOO of capital and $70,Cno.(w0 of surplus. The people who want this money advanced against theso valuable and readily sal able products own lands valued at $U1, 674,000,000: have farm implements and ma chinery worth $71)1.0110.000; live stockAi-orth J3,O7S,0Oi), and raiso over $1,000,000 "voiln of produce each year. BACK ACHE RHEUHATISM Arc Caused by a Weak, Unhealthy Condition of the Kidneys, which will Prove fatal If not At (ended To. ' CURE FREE A Trial Bottle of Warner's Safe Cure, the World's Greatest Kidney Cure, Sent Absolutely Free to Every Deader of tho Scranton Dally Trib une, who Suffers from Kidney or Bladdor Trouble, Hrlght's disease, diabetes, rheuinallsm, rheumatic gout, uric ncld poison, Jaun dice, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain ful passago of the urine, frequent desire to urinate, especially In tho night: a dull, drubbing ache In the small of your back, paliiB In your groins and tho lower bow els, sore joints nnd muscles, dizziness, pains lu tho back of your neck, torpid liver eczema and scrofula, yellow, sallow complexion, coated tongue, tired, nerv ous, worn-out fccllnc lack of energy and amomon, aro an caused uy a wcuic, un healthy condition of tho kidneys. If you havo any of theso symptoms, or if you fool badly, take Safe Cure, which has a record of over U) years of success ful cures of all these diseases; a freo trial will convince you Hint it will cure you. If In Doubt Hake Till Test. Lot your morning urine stunl for twenty-four hours in a glass or bottle; If there, is a reddish sediment In tho bottom of the glass, or If the urlmj Is cloudy, or if you sen particles or germs Uoutlng about In It, your kidneys are diseased. If, after you havo mado tills test, you havo any doubt In your mind as to tho development of the disease In your sys tem, send a sample of your urine to Medical Dept., Warner's Safe Cure Co., ltochester, N,' Y and our doctors will analyze it and send you a report, with udvlco. free of any cost to you. All letters from women read nnd an swered by a woman doctor. AH corre spondence In strictest confidence. WARNER'S SAFE CURE Is what you need. You can buy It at any drug store, two sizes, o0 cents and $1.00 a bottle. Beware of so-called kidney cures, full of sediment nnd of bad odor, far from, relieving the1 sick, they are positively harmful. KnPUSBSUDSTIlUTBS AND IMITATIONS. lie suie you get Warner's Safe Cure; substitutes contain dangcious drugs. Thero is none 'just as good" as Warner's Safe Cum Warner's Safe Pills move tho bow els gently, and aid a speedy cmo. SAflLE BOTTLE FREE. To convince every sufferer from diseases of tho kidneys, liver, bladder and blood that Safe Cure will euro them, a sample liottle ot this great kidney euro will bu sent absolutely free, postpaid; also a s-amplo box of "Safe Pills," and a valu able medical booklet which tells all about the diseases of the Kidneys, Liver and Bladder. Willi a prescription for each dis ease, and many of the thousands of testi monials received dally from grateful pa tients who havo lieen cured by Safe Cure. All you havo to do is write Warner's Safe Cure Company, ltochester. N. Y.. and mention having read this liberal offer in Mm Scranton Tribune. The genuineness of this offer is fully guaranteed by the publishers. It's About the Season to Interest You in Winter Clothes It's a habit we have, this talking about Clothes. Sometimes we talk much louder than others, but whether it's shouted or quietly said, you always rea ize it means something. This time it's the $10.00 and $12.50 Suits we are showing. We consider them the best that could possibly be shown at these prices. We don't propose to tell you they are worth $25 a suit, because they are not. We do say, however, that the $12.50 Suits will compare very favorably with some we have sold at $15 in previ ous seasons. They are marked plainly in our window . . . . . $10 and $1250 TV. 1 U " 1 Hi mSSmKk Y il4AVHrA ' l-vTCreyZ&H Overcoats that are built on the same exclusive lines that is characteristic of all our ready-to-wear clothes. All lengths, long, medium and short box. Wants Credit Currency. It would not bo any unduo expansion or Inflation if these banks had tho privilege of issuing in addition to their notes cov ered by bonds an amount of uncovered notes equal to say SO per cent, of their covered issues. Call it credit currency, as-set currency or emergency currency, or what you will. A small tax will provide a guarantee fund which will absolutely protect tho noteholder and tne public. A graduated tax and ample provision for re demption will insure tho retirement of these notes as soon as tho necessity for them ceases. Such notes have boon found safo and satisfactory in other countries. They will be more so bore where we havo abundant basis for the credits and a groat need for such an improvement in a banking system which, in all respects but tho lack of elasticity of Its currency, is most excellent. Thero has been no sys tem of banks in this country as good as our national system, and no system In any country will be any better If wo make this improvement, whh'h Is almost an It needs. Our people believe In tho national banks and well they may. Noth ing could be better than tho quality of their notes, which havo never resulted In tho loss of a dollar to a noteholder. The total loss to depositors since tho be ginning of tho system Is about $3l,noo,0li0. This Is only about 8-100 of 1 per cent, of the average amount on deposit, and tho smallest fraction of tho total amount of dcnosltH handlnd. With nn iiuti,. , reucy wo need nsk for little moro im provement in our national banks. They would bo tho best banks in tho world, John Johnston, vice president of tho Marine National bank of Milwaukee, spoke on "The Scottish Hanking Sys tem," and Joseph D, Urown, president of the Citizens' Nntional bank, of Itat oiffh, N. C, spoke on "Tho Now South." The convention then adjourned until tomorrow. An informal reception was given tho visitors In tho Palm pardon at tho St. Charles tonight. Tho trust section of tho American Bankers' association met this after noon niui heard thn reports of commit tees and several addresses. A. C Stewart, of St. I.ouls, spoke on "Tho Trustworthiness of a Trust Com pany," Clark Williams, of New York, was hoard next on "Moro Adequato Protection of Municipal Honds Through tho Certification of Trust Companies." W. O. Klltrcdge, of New York, fol lowed. J. D. Drown, of San Fraunlsco, spoko on "Tho Development of Trust Companies on the Paclllc Coast," NOMINEES FOR OFFICES. Those Who Would Serve the Mine Workers Next Term. By F.scliube Wire from The Associated I'rts Shaniokln, Nov. 11. The names of nominees for ofilces of tho United Mine "Workers' District Hoard No. 9, whoso convention will ho held at Mlnersvlllu Dec, IS, were announced today us follows: President, John .Faliy, Shaniokln; vice president, Paul Pulaski, Mt, Car melj secretary, George Hartleln, Sha inaklu; treasurer, W. O. Yoder und Patrick Smith, Shnmokln, Twenty seven men wero named for membership of tho executive board, nine to bo elected. Tho election will be held during tho convention. President Euroute for Memphis. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rv New York, Nov. .-President Roose velt, who delivered tho principal address at tho Chamber of Commerce banquet last night loft tho Waldorf-Astoria hotel ut 11.15 for Jersey City. At that plaeo ho boarded a special train bound for Mem phis, traveling by the Pennsylvania rail road for Pittsburg. The train left Jer sey City at 12.13 a. m. ANSWERS THE MINERS Concluded from Pago l. ers ond mills instead of being supported and educated upon tho earnings of their parents beeauso of low wages of sucn parents, or that such wuges aro below tho fair ond just earnings of mine workois lu this industry." It avers that the state of Pennsylvania makes large annual appropriations to schools and that school districts levy lo cal funds and that the laws provide for compulsory attendance at public schools. In tho county of Schuylkill tills company paid for school taxes lu the year llhil, $S0, 000. The local fiohoo! boards are elected by Iho qualified voters of the townships, bo roughs and cities. The means of educa tion provided by tho slate, through its system of free schools and compulsory at tendance, aro not fully utilized, because of tho failure of tho local school boards to enforce compulsory attendance, but tho wages paid aro ample to Insure a good common school education for all children in tho coat regions desiring to attend school. No boys arc employed in and about tho mines and breakers In violation ot tho statutes fixing tho ages ot employment. in addition to provisions for education, amplo hospitals arc provided for tho sick and injured in the anthracite coal re gions. This company avers Mint there Is not nnywhero elso In tho world a mining re gion where the workmen havo so many comforts, facilities for education, general advantages and such profitable employ ment. Seventh Tills company denies that the second demand, for a reduction of 20 per cent, lu hours of labor without any reduc tion of earnings for nil employes engaged by tho hour, day or week, is neither just or equitable, and avers that tho reasons assigned In support of tho demand aro Im practicable, In so far as they relate to tho mining of anthracite coal. Tho certlllcd miners, under present conditions, seldom work eight hours a day. Tho greater cost In tho production and preparation ot anthracite) coal for market Is not tho cutting of tho coal. Many employes aro paid by tho month, the pumping continues clay and night, tho machinery is expen sive, and tho cost of coal Is largely con dltional on tho collieries running full time, Tho output, is entirely dependent on tho quantity of coal a cortlllcd miner Is willing to cut dally, and because ot Mils it Is seldom practicable to work tho break er full time. Shorter Hours. In general, wo deny that in.sofar as they relato to anthracite mining, "Mm ten hour day Is detrimental to the health, llto, safety and well-being of tho niluo work ers"; that "shorter hours Improve the physical, mental and moral conditions of tho workois"; that "shorter hours In crease tho Intensity and efficiency of la bor." It admits that tho tendency of national and stato governments and of labor or ganizations is toward Hliorter hours, but denies that a working day of less than ten hours is(too long, lint thero Is no ox worknien engaged In and about tho an thraclta mines and collieries, In somo exceptionally exhausting work, a day of ten hours is tool ong, but thero Is no ex hausting labor which justllles a reduction of hours of work In thu anthracite coal operations. Any Increase In wages will necessarily Increaso tho prlco of coal to tho public, restrict its use, and seriously alfeet the ability of tho industries using it as fuel to compote with tho Industries using bit iimlnous coal; it will bear neavlly on tho workmen und necessarily oppress tho g 'n oral publlu and Injure tho geueial busi ness of tho country. liccuuna of tho In, jury to tho mines by tho striko of tho United Mlno "Workers of America, tho cost of producing coal has been greatly Increased and a temporary advance la prlco waB mado by this company, but It will bo Impracticable to continue such in creaso when mining operations become normal. Klglith This company, replying to the third demand, says: That it bus hud no disagreements with uny of Its employes about the weighing of coal. The quan tity Is usually determined by measure ment; that when coal is mined by tho ton it is customary and nnr,o.gi;a'ry to joat u. Seen This $2 Shoe It's the result of a little ar gument we had with the shoe makers of a very prominent factory. We pointed out cer tain improvements that were admitted. The small extra cost for these improvements have not been added to our selling price. Come in and we'll point them out to you in our corner show window marked at $2.00 a Pair Orthisoneat$2.50 We ask your attention to the double sole of this sh,o.e solid leather all the way through. Saves you buying rubbers, because these shoes are absolutely water-proof. The uppers are cut from En amel Box, Box Calf, Vici and Velour Calf. You- can see the style of last in our corner window. $2.50 a Pair SAMTER BROTHERS i Complete Outfitters. lowances for slato and Impurities. Put this company does not mine by the ton. It denies that there is anything unrea sonable or unfair in the method it has practiced In arriving at tho measurement of tho coal from Its mines. Ninth This company, replying to tho fourth demand says: That tho United Mine Workers of America aro primarily a bituminous coal organization, that bit uminous coal Is a rival competitor In tho market with anthraclto coal; that over since the advent of the United Mlno Workers of America In the niithrncito fields tho business conditions In tho an thraclto regions havo become Inlolprnblo; tho output of tho mines has decreased; discipline hns been destroyed, strikes havo been of almost dally occurrence: men worked when and as Jhey pleased, and the cost of mining has been greatly In creased. ' y Tho Mine Workers' Statement. At tho Shnmokln convention nt tho United Mlno 'Workers of America, re ferred to in the statement, it was re solved: "That tho United Mine Work ers nt any colliery, when tho employes re fused to become members of tho organi zation and wear tho button, tho local gov erning such colliery, after using nil pcr suaslvo measures to got such employes to join, und failing lu such shall have full power to suspend operations at such col lieries' until such employes become mem bers of tho organization," Subsequently, to wit: On Mny K, the United Mlno Workers of America Inaug urated a utrlke, and by threats and in timidation caused a suspension ot work at all mines. Under date of Mny -I thy Issued a formal official order rrqulrhifi nil pumpmen, firemen and engineers to desert their posts of duty, with intent to force submission to their unjust demands by tho destruction of tho mines, Uy threats and violence they tried to proven t other men from taking the places of the firemen, pumpmen and engineers. Tim said United Mine Workers of America well knew that If this company did not succeed In keeping the pumps going -thu mines would bo so greatly Injured that It would bo Impossible to mlno coal for many months nftor tho striko ended, and that by reason thereof tho workmen of tho anthraclto fields would bo deprived of employment nnd tho public bo mado to suffer untold hardships because of In ability to procure fuol during tho winter months, In obedience to the strlkn and pump or ders and tlio power expressly given by Its Shumokln convention "o suspend op erations at such collieries until such em ployes becomo members of the organiza tion" all manner of force and vlolenci was used to prevent pumping of tho mines to save them from destruction, and to prevent ncn-unlon men from working, Tho situation is well described in tho proclamation of tho governor of tho state of Pennsylvania, to which we beg to re fer us part of this answer, The Xaws Violated. This company avers that thc.su ucts of intimidation, of injury to persons mid property and disturbance of tlio public peace, woro contrary to tho law of tho land. This company, further answering, avers that the Jurisdiction of this commlslson is limited to tho conditions nuincd hi tho aiafaimwt At Ui4 coat '""""iv lircsJtleats. by virtue of which the commission was appointed, and that by express terms, as well as by necessary implication, tho in vestigation Is confined to matters af fecting its employes, and excludes tho United Mlno AVorkors of America from any part or recognition in tlio proceed ings, recommendations, or decisions of Mils commission. Further answering, it says tltat if and when a labor organization, limited to workers in anthraclto mines, Is created which shall obey tho laws of tho land, respect tho right of every man to work whether ho belongs to a union or not, nnd shall honestly co-operato with tlio employers in securing good work, efll ciency, fair production, and necessary dis cipline trade agreements may becomo practicable. And, further answering, thn company says that It does not and will not dis criminate against workmen nolonglng to tho United Mlno Workois ot America, or any other labor organization, so long as they perform satisfactory work, and be have ns law-abiding pcoplo should, bin that tho company will at all times em ploy any person it sees lit, and will not permit nny labor organization to limit tho right of employment to tho members of its organization. Itespectfully submitted. Tho Philadelphia and Pending Coal and Iron Company, by Georgo I Paor, President. John I AVhaten, S. P. AVoIvcrton, Counsel, WITCHCKAFT IS PRACTISED. Pennsylvania Family Badly Scared by Eecent Demonstrations. By Exclushe Wire from The AasoclJtcd l'rM. Now Kensington, Pn Out. IS, A series of strange disturbances that that have occurred In the homo of Jacob Willery, n prominent and highly respected farmer, who resides near Mllllgantown, a small settlement in Westmoreland county, a few miles fruni New Kensington, has greatly nroused tho residents of that community, and ut the same time given belleft to the fact that witchcraft and black art still ex ists. Tho Willery fnmlly consists of Mr. Willery, his uged wife, un Invalid daughter, aged tlilrty-fivu; Mr, Wlllery's uged sister, and a granddaughter, aged about fifteen years, and nil nr them nt a loss to understand the strange mani festations that nro of almost dally oc curreneu Jn the otherwise quiet farm house, From what can be learned the un canny things that nro making like miserable fur this otherwise happy fumlly aro so strange and mysterious that one und nil uro full of the belief that their home Ik the haunt of ghosts. And the claim Is well founded, for Mr. Willery who is a stout, hearty man, possessing more than average intelli gence, gravely asserts that ut one time or another during the past yenr every window In Ills house has been broken by tho unknown agency, Fires have been put out In the stove while tho family wero seated In the same room. Often while tho family were seated around tho table, dishes would begin Hawes Specials Original and Exclusive. $3.00 Is the price. The Values Are Incomparable. CONRAD SELLS THEM At 305 Lackawanna Ave. Green Trading Stamps, flying In an unceremonious manner, and on several occasions Mr, and Mrs, Willery havo been struck on the face and body by knives and forks, and severely Injured. On two different occasions a number of boxes of matches havo boon pur chased, they wero placed in a drawer under the kitchen table, and In less than one hour they were burned at cither end and left uncharred In the middle. At night the disturbances are continued. Once while Mr. winery was sleeping 111 a darkened room, hu was awakened by a smarting sensation on one knee, An investigation showed that a perfect triangular mark had been burned upon his limb. Studs of burnt matches wero scattered ubout his sleeping room, but no knowledge can be gleaned as to how tho mys terious marks came on his leg, At oilier times chairs have been hurled about the rooms and broken ami u heavy couch, weighing over 110 pounds was thrown the full length of tho room. Tho only explanation the persecuted fumlly can give for the awful state of affairs that threatens to send them to un untimely grave, if continued, Is that about five years tigo a man, whoso name tho "Wlllerys refuse to divulge, camo to their homo and wished to trado horses. While there he saw the II 1 1 lu grandchild nnd seemed to havo taken n strange fancy to her. Some time later' ho returned, and, while attempting to Induce the llttje one to go with him, he Lubricate Your riachinery by Scientific flethqds and snvo SIXTY PEIl CUNT, ot ex. peases. Wn make a specialty of proper lu bikanls for proper purposed, The Sanderson Oil and Specialty J 1 Race Street, City, O., was discovered, and threatened with ex posure. The man flew into nn awful ruge and threatened vongeaiic "upon the whole family, und said hei would wreck tho child's IIIV. The V.llerys think this Js his method of keeping;, his oath of vengeance, he having lifcome familiar with tho arts said to have been practiced In the olden times. ". 'ill Tammany Secures Control.'" Uf Ejctmhe Wire from'flie AuocUKil Vint. Xcw York, Nov. 11. Tanmiany Hull to. day secured control of the board of ul ilermcn which had been controlled, by tho Piiflonlsts hliicu January last. Today four Fusion Democrats voted with thu Tammany men against a motion to de dure that Joseph Krulhili, a Fuslonlst, had been rightfully elected a member of thu boaul. Tho vote was II against S3 lu favor of the motion, ' i .j.-.-.Vv