The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 12, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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0e c$ntim txibmt
rubilshod Dally BJjcfJpt BiimlAy, by The Tt llmne
rublhWnf.Corninrj''" conunaiomn.
MBJill 1 I .ii.Iii. ti i - -
r.tVV k.' litcfirxiti)
Knterd't th''fotrtofllc at Scranloti, m Second
t,.,i . si fruvt Mall Mutter.
When ipnce will iiormll, Tti Trlliunn l
ktwnrn.Rlnit to print ihortlfltteri from Its
f rlciidn bf-nrlnc current' (oplci, but Iti
rnlo N'tliBt'tlioae mutt lie ilRncdt for pub
llnntlon, ly, tho writer'? Tonl nnnict unit
,Uio ronilltlon prncpile'nt to ncccptiinoe U
thAt nil 6ontrlbtitlom thnll bo mliject to
editorial revision.
w-l-i-: l l
rnfc ri-AT'iiATE fok advertising.
ThoTotlowlnr tabic shows the price per Inch each
Insertion, space to be used within one year!
Ilnti of
.:o .
l.el thAii 60 incliee ,
CO Inches . . .,
100 ".....
aio '"
MO "
11)00 "..;...
For crrts of thanks, resolutions of condolence, and
ilmllar contributions In tho nature of.iulvertlnln;,
Tho Tribune makes a cbariro of 8 cents a line.
Good lnnriilm,'! Are you u cnmltilnto
for recorder?
Mollneux Acquitted.
NO OTHER verdict wan possible
from thti evidence Hum was
presented In tho second Molt
netis trial. A fiendish mur
der Is cmnmtUed. Suspicion fastens
upon one uf two or three persons. One
of these Is Indicted, tried and convicted
upon circumstantial-testimony instilll
ciient to condemn a do.q-. An Interval of
time elapses, anew trial Is secured upon
showing: of gross errors in the conduct
of the original trial, and, with a fair
Judse, a. competent Jury and n free
hearing; of all material and relevant
testimony, the prisoner Is pronounced
an innocent man.
This verdict must be accepted as not
only legally but also morally conclus
ive. That Mollneux did many things
deserving of censure was shown inci
dentally, but misconduct Is not murder
nnd this was a trial for murder. Criti
cism, has been felt and expressed that
Molinoux's father and family should
have expended their means and tised all
their influence to secure his acquittal,
but any parent and all reputable rela
tives would, similarly placed, have acted
likewise. A life was at stake and it
was entitled to a fair show. At the
first trial Mollneux did not set a fair
show. He was convicted on prejudice
and general principles. The retrial was
a necessity and its Issue a vindication
of justice.
The indictment of Cornish is now in
order. He has been accused in open
court by a reputable attorney, once the
governor of the state, of dolus the deed
for which Mollneux was arrested and
arraigned. The circumstantial evidence
against Cornish is equally as strong as
it was against ,31olineux. What was
sauce for one should be made sauce for
tho other. The murder of Mrs. Adams
was a crime of too great cunning and
too utterly heartless to justify any let
ting up or the efforts of the detective
forces of the law until the man or
woman who conceived and executed it
shall have been given the punishment
It merits.
With the case between John Mitchell
and the companies reduced to specific
affirmations and flat denials, it is clear
ly time to begin the weighing of evi
dence, The strike commission does well
to select Seranton as the starting point.
We feel sure that our citizens will ap
preciate the honor.
Arbitration a Failure In France.
ir-"klIE FRENCH coal miners
I have rejected the adverse
award of tho arbitration
board and voted by a largo
majority to continue tile strike. The
French government was very reluctant
to Interfere or be identified officially
In any way with the struggle, except
to preserve order, but yielding to the
precedent established by President
Roo.sevelt it ultimately consented to
do so. In tho first place It Is neces
sary to remark that the Investigations
of the French strike commissioners
seem to have been extraordinarily light
or signally superficial. The commis
sion had been sitting little more than
a week, and In that time they not only
heard and examined the contentious of
the miners and operators, but had lime
to adjudicate upon them and file their
decision. They manage these things
moro expeditiously in Franco than wo
can hope to do here. At the same
time, tlie conditions were not exactly
The' French miners formulated
three demauds. An Increase In
wagei.JanTeifiht-hour-day nnd old ago
pensions. Tho commissioners could
not grant tin eight-hour day or con
cede old ago pensions. These are suh-
;i Jj?jM 'Jr'nolJ.t leal action In - France and
their acceptance or rejection lies with
parliament. On thu wage, question they
found against the miners. The arbi
trators contended that thu conditions
of tho coal trade would not admit of
an advance. In arriving ut this con
clusion they tool; Into consideration
"and apparently decided upon the fact
that a rise In tho miners' wages would
etthttiit'e-tho price of a prime necessary
of,, life without any compensating jnib-
j lie, advantage, The French miners, or
(.heir Icucbprs, pointed out that the cost
of'llvlng had greatly Increased among
tlio'nV. The commissioners replied that
tfio" lilsHi'i cost of living among tie
lidjlers, was not exceptional, that meip.
tiers ot the community who wcro leas
able to bear the enhanced cost of liv
ing tlwi they were had also to submit
to ,Jt, and, dually that It would bo "un-
. equivocally outrageous" to tax one
ufvtlon of tho community, and that tho
'"jiodrcut, in order to Increase tho earn
...liiff power of a limited number of men
-.eiiKagetl lu it particular Industry.
r Thu5 decision, as might mUtirally bo
' cx'iiected, did not satisfy the miners,
although their leaders endeavored to
Induce tlicui to accept; thu award. The
decision is too logically decisive. Tho
rnilrlt of compromise Is entirely
eliminated. It , Is unreasonable to
belief (lint tho French miners
struck without hnVlng some grievances
moiu or less definite which wotttd np
peul for Hdjilstmont to it tribunal spe
cially constituted to sift them. It Is
Impossible to conclude Hint the miners
laid down their tools without rhyme or
reason! It Is, moreover, highly Im
probable that the operators who had
tho full military force of tho nation at
I heir back to preserve order and pt-6-lect
properly would have consented to
arbitration when there was no politi
cal or executive pressure brought to
bear upon them to do so.
However, the award Is what It Is.
An arbitration court has entered Judg
ment, nnd the party whom It nffocta
adversely peremptorily refuses to abide
by Its decision, despite the entreaties
of Its leaders. The economical the
orist will hold that this argues noth
ing; that compulsory arbitration is one
thing and a mutual concession by
capital and labor to public opinion to
arbitrate disputes by a commission
with only a moral sanction for tho
enforcement, of Its decree Is quite an
other. In fact and truth, they nre
only two aspects of a primal dllllculty.
A theory will not necessarily stand
the test o practical application be
cause It appeals to our Imagination
with the force of a natural truth. Ar
bitration as a theory Is an nttractlve
conception, but we have Just seen how
Illusive it hus proven Itself In France
when It for a moment deviates from
the beaten path of compromise and
takes to the high road of judicial
In order to avoid repetition of the
Madison Square disaster, Mayor Low
has recommended that the city ordi
nances ot Greater New York should bo
changed in a manner that will give tho
authorities some control of explosives
that are used In periods of jollifica
tion. The example of Mayor Low is
worthy of consideration everywhere. A
good many patriotic people believe
that It Is possible to celebrate political
and other victories without using ex
plosives powerful enough to blow up a
tleot of warships.
The Next Big Issue.
-W-1113 PROBLEMS of finance do
I not appeal to the average
JL citizen because they are dif
ficult to understand and be
cause lie has a very Imperfect concep
tion of their importance as live factors
in the dally equation of his prosperity
or business misfortune. Yet witli the
great tariff issue out of tho way, there
is bound to come forward in its place
for threshing out before the American
people the question, hardly secondary
In importance, of currency reform.
"What is the matter with our cur
rency?" tho thoughtless may ask. "Wo
thought that "was all settled when Me
Kinley was elected over Bryan and the
gold standard riveted." Quite the con
trary. Only tho A 1J C of it was set
tled then. There remains for adjust
ment the more Intricate matter of put
ting our currency on a systematic,'
scientific basis, so that when business
grows the money supply will grow with
it and contract when business con
tracts, automatically, without fuss or
feathers, and in a' manner to do away
with speculative panics so far as they
can be done away with at all.
Uy reading the speech of tho comp
troller of the currency, delivered before
the American Hunkers' association at
New Orleans yesterday and reported
elsewhere, you will get some idea of
what is the matter with our currency
at present. It Is like the ten year old
boy trying to crowd himself into a pair
of five year old iants. It doesn't tit.
For one thing, the government is re
quired by law to hoard great sums of
money in the treasury vaults at Wash
ington that ought to be out among
the people lu active circulation. Money
lying idle docs no good. It is the nim
ble dollar passing rapidly from hand to
hand in purchase of goods and payment
of debts that counts for business pros
perity. The government must be out of
the hoarding business. It must use the
people's dollars so as to benefit and not
cripple the people's business activities,
llul, regardless of this phase ot the
financial problem, the one great defect
In our currency system today Is the
fact that It has to be continually pap
fed and wet-nursed when It should be
strong enough to go it alone. A cur
rency system should of Its own motion
respond to business needs, providing
greater or less circulation as the volume
of cash-payment business expands or
contracts. If n big crop grows out
West und the farmers want real money
for their grain, Instead of checks or
promissory notes, It should not bo
necessary to cripple business activities
lu the East and South lu order that
enough bank notes may bo rushed to
thu West to move the West's crop
yield. Uenorally when the West wants
money the East wants It, too. Tliero
ought to be enough for both and there
can be enough without Injuriously lu
llatlng the currency or depreciating It
ouo particle. Tho remedy Is simply to
provide for emergency Issues of what
is called asset currency, that Is, bank
notes on other security than govern
ment bonds, but so regulated and taxed
that it will not be prolltable to li-sue
them when there Is not a rush of busi
ness and so safeguarded that If a bank
should go to pieces with asset cur
rency outstanding Its note-holder would
Buffer no loss,
There Is nothing new or risky about
asset currency, It Is lu usu lu home
of the best governed countries In the
world and wherever It Is used it works
well. Scotland has it, Canada has. It.
Substantially It Is the basis of banking
in nearly every iniportant country In
the civilized world except tho United
States, which clings to a clumsy old
system patched up from time to time
by statesmen who knew better, but
who were afraid to go before the people
advocating scientific currency reform
lest they might be charged with selling
out to the banks.
Twentieth century business must be
done by twentieth century methods.
The managers of the Washington, 1).
U, theatres have decided to discontinue
all advertising by means of lithographs
displayed lu shop windows. They say
that they receive more benefit from the
newspapers and from the regulation
billboard display than from the shun
windows nnd Hint the latter means
nbottt .1,000 passes weekly, many ot
which rail Into tho hands' of speculators
nnd besides constitute it very expensive
niodu ot advertising. The straight
newspaper rorni Is undoubtedly the bent
und cheapest In the end.
Ithode Inland has not gone entirety to
tho bad. The Providence police refused
to ntlow Emma Cloldmnn to nddress a
Bttng of anarchists In their city the
other night.
Does It Aim to Protect Traction
AN OPINION waH handed down
on Saturday last by Justice
Dean of the Pennsylvania
Supreme court which, If its
purport has been correctly Interpreted
by the Pittsburg Dispatch, which makes
It tho text of n long editorial comment,
Is likely to have a far-reaching effect
both locally and throughout the state.
The case eliciting it was that of the
Philadelphia, Weston and Swnrthman
Street Itnllwny company against the
Chester, Darby and Philadelphia Hall
way company, Involving the right of a
new railway company to use for pur
poses of connections the tracks laid nnd
owned by an old coiupuny. Heretofore
It has been hold very generally and
nlllrmud by the Supremo court ot tho
T'nlted States that the legislature- ot a
slate may establish the conditions upon
which such right of use may bo exer
cised: but now Justice Dean, the Dis
patch says, holds that "one corporation
for profit may not appropriate the
property of another to exactly the snmo
uses"; and the inference Is that his
opinion would prevent, for cxnmple, a
new trolley company desirous of entering-
Scrnnton from using for central
city connections any part of the tracks
of tho Seranton Hallway company.
Says tho Dispatch, In conclusion of Its
"The effect of tho decision In the
larger cities of tho state Is to shut out
any hope of weakening traction monop
olies by the creation of competing
lines. It leaves as tho only resource for
cities seeking that relief the doubtful
expedient of municipal ownership. The
Supreme court has not yet declared that
a law by tho legislature permitting
cities to own street railways would be
unconstitutional; but perhaps that Is
because no such law has yet been
The announcement that the novelist
Hallio F-rminlc Hives is to write a book
with Mr. Schwab as the central llgure
naturally causes anxiety anions his
friends. The steel magnate can afford
to laugh at the constant newspaper
resignation rumors, but It is believed
that the "ten, twenty, dirty" style of
fiction will prove more jarring to his
constitution than the Monte Carlo
gambling story.
lief resiling- news to the effect that
tho country Is prospering comes from
India. It is so seldom that anything
save a famine is reported from India,
the announcement that the land of the
Hindoo is liable to escape future clas
slllcatlon in the calamity belt will be
received with pleasure the -world over.
Mascagnl, the Italian comuoser, has
discovered that genius without a busi
ness manager cuts but HI tie financial
ice in this country.
From the latest accounts regarding
affairs at Honolulu, the victims of C!ov
ernor Dole's axe display remarkable
Gunning and foot ball accidents ap
pear to be about neck and neck on the
record for this season.
Arbitration In France appears
have gored the wrong ox.
A very attractive feature of the North
American Itevlow for November is a line
poem by 1'Mllh Wharton entitled "Vosa
llus In Xante." which li a distinct uddi-
tlmi tn Am..tln:iti Dmitri' .it' lint lit.'lwx.t
ulass. An appreciation by Wolf von
Sc-hlerbrand, recently the llerliu corres
pondent of the Associated Press, of the
work uf Andrew D. Whito ns ambassador
to Germany, with mention of some dram
atic Incidents ofun-Ulo history not before
published, is another feature of this
number of tho Hovlew which is worthy
of more than passing note.
The new story by Allco Caldwell JIc
gau, author of "Mrs. Wlggs of tho Cab
bage Patch," will begin in the December
Century, tf is named from ono of Its
cluii'actors. "Lovoy Mary," an luiuato at
a cluirltalUo institution who is said to
have as many Interesting characteristics
as Mrs. Wings. For seven consecutive
months ".Mrs. WIkes of tho Cabbage
Patch" has been among the six best sell
ing books lu the United States.
Ounton's innKazliui those days Is full of
rlpo thinking on the questions at Issno
between capital and labor: and tho fort
nightly lectures of Professor (iuutoii,
now published regularly in periodical
form at a nominal prleo review exhaust
ively Hie arguments of tio best econ
omists upon subjeotH just now uppermost
lu the world's best thought.
A striking feature of tho November
Woman's Homo Companion it an artlclo
on "Homo Chinese Ways," by Mmlnnio
Wit Ting-Fang, wlfo ot tho Chinese am
bassador. Shu throws somo Interesting
light on the character of tho people who
are Just now attracting tho world's at
tention. How to prepare tho turkey and other
accesxorles for tho Thanksgiving dinner
Is fully told, with illustrations, in tho
November number of Table Talk, which
Is tho American authority on nil culin
ary topics and all niatters pertaining to
tho table and Its service.
The group of separate papers In the
Century on "Trusts," tho llrst one of
which, on "Tlio So-culled lleef Trust,"
wu lu the November number, will bo
continued in tlio December Issue by a
paper on tho Pulled States Steel Corpor
ation, by Henry l.oomls Nelson.
For The Tribune.
Weird sweet thoughts from I know not
Float oft tho music-laden air,
Fragrant niem'rles ot dour dead days
l.lo in the violin ho plays.
Dreaming, 1 sec tho warm moon ilso
And llout through tlio tpft Italian skies;
From gay barque calls tho gomlollcr
Whllo wild, sweet strains cntranco initio
Tlio music ceases I stand again
Sad and alone Willi the old-tlmo puln;
Clouds have obscured Itulla's skies,
l.ovo Is no more, und memory dies.
It. ViiuH. Spcccc.
Has news for you. It will be read by the Seranton
public, for our ads. always arc. Today we place on
sale, at
OneQuarter Their Value
One Hundred Siiits
The cream of the Season's Garments, ranging
in price from ten to twenty dollars.
We have now in stock the finest display
of these goods ever made in Seranton.
Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na
poleon post bed styles. They are ele
gantly rich.
Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully
finished Mahogany; Colonial and" Louis
XIV styles.
We Invite Inspection Whether You Arc Going to Buy at Once or Not.
HHl & Council, Washington Aven
500 and 502 Lackawanna Ave-
George W. Watkins' Store.
Will Begin Today
2.30 and 7.30 P. M.
Wednesday and Thursday
The Same Hours.
The Triumph
of Honesty
Favorites with the People
The Hurt Korreet Shape Shoo
for l!entlemon....3.50 and $1.00
Tho l-:dwln C, Hint Shoe inr
Ladles $3.."0
Wholesale and Retail
llMlti Wyoming Avenue.
Atlantic City.
The temperature at the AONI5W,
On the llcach, In Clielscti. Atlantic City,
.MouUay mu bs".
livery appointment of u modern Hotel.
BflJL : &B S '
IfUIlHI ill rcao I
Of anything In the lino of crnrtrla ttta nni .,, .i li.
,j, vx.a bwwvM yw wu ouJiy 11, J,
Soectar.lfis i
t and Eye Glasses!
Properly fitted by an expert
f opucinn, j.
From $1.00 Up
Also all kinds of preserlp-
tion work and repairing.
Mercereau & Council,
132 "Wyoming Avenue,
4 ... ...j..!..1.,i
Men's Gloves,
The $1.50 Kind for
A full one dollar anil a half's worth
at a saving of 50 cents on each pair,
It is a Cape Glove, lined with silk or
unllued, dressed or undressed, soft
skins, modern backs, all sizes, and In
nil the popular colors. A real bar
gain at $1,00 per pair. Each pair
warranted. One of the best street
gloves you ever saw for $1.00.
412 Spruco Street
300 Lackawanna Avenue.
l'l.AIN Oil l'UNUV, CUo
$20.00 in GOLD
For a Christmas Present?
Twenty Christmas Presents
To lie Cilvcu by The Seranton Tribune to tile Children of
Scraiilon ami Northeastern Pennsylvania.
One Present $20.00 In Qold $20.00
One Present 10.00 In Gold 10.00
One Present 5.00 In Qold 5.00
Two Presents 2.50 Each 5.00
Five Presents 1.00 Each 5.00
Ten Presents 50c Each s'.oo
Total Twenty Presents $50.00
Junior Educational Contest.
A Contest In Word-lluildliiK-.
Who Can Make the Most Words Out of the Letters In
THIS IS much easier than last year's contest, aud twenty of
the brightest boys and girls will secure Christmas Gifts
in cash for making the largest number of words out of
tliesc letters. It is lots of fun to think out the words and hunt
tlicm up in the dictionary, and besides it will help you with your
spelling. You will be surprised at the number of different ways
these twelve letters can be used.
Rules of the Contest.
Presents will be given to the boys or girls, whose parents
01 guardians are subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the
largest number of words out of the letters contained in "The
Home Paper."
No letters must be used any more times than they appear
in these tbrce words. As an example, only one "A" could be
used, but there might be two "H's" or three "E's."
Onlv words delined in the MAIN PORTION of "Web
ster's International Dictionary" (edition of 1SHS) will be al
lowed. Anv dictionary can be used, but in judging the contest
THE TR1 BUN!: will debar all words not found in Wcbstcrjs.
Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap
pendix'' will not be allowed.
Obsolete words arc admitted if defined in the dictionary.
Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once.
"Words with two or more definitions can be used but once.
No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O."
How to Write Yqur List.
Write on one side of the paper only.
Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter.
Place the words alphabetically.
' Write your name, age, address and number of words at the top
of ypur list. ,
Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and
who is a renular subscriber to THE TR'IBUNE.
Fold the list DO NOT ROLL.
All letters of inquiry for information will be promptly an
swered. Address your list of words, or any question you wish
answered, to
. . ' -l
mmwaamtBeaBsBmsammmt educational.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253'3S7 Ponn Avenue.
v. t u n v. - . R " '
Always reliable.
IYHS1& Grain Co
Sevtutton nnd Olyplmnt.
v a 'a n w "s u 'n ;t u vj 'a ' t 'A
General Agent for tlio Wjomjng District for
Dupont's Powder
Uinlnj, mutiny, Sportlus, FmohclcM an th
Jtepauno Cltcu1lc.1l Company'
Safety fuse, Caps ami fcplodcri. Itcoui Jt Coo
Dell UullOin; ,Ucra;ilcn.
HLm.mhiiii im. hi TffTClWHFF,gs
JOHN' II. S511T11 k bOX ., Plymouth
E. IV. UUlXllUN , YllUiUutu
M 1 .
Do Yoji Want
a Good Education?
Not a tbort course, nor a euj count,
nor a cheap course, but the best education
to be hail. No other education b worth
spending time and money oa. II 70a da,
write (or cataloguo ot
Easton, Pa.
which oilers thoroush preparation In tha
Kngineerins and Chemical rrotcEslona as well
ta the regular College course,
Regular State Normal Courses and
Special Departments of Music, Klomi.
Hon, Art. DrawliiB. Stenography and
Typewriting; Htronir Colleuo Prepara
tory Department.
nnnnlliur expense $3.3) per week.
Punlls mlmlltcd at any time, Winter ;
'IVi'iu opeua Dee. rJtli. write for cuta-
n. "L. KEMP. A. IT..
Principal. I
Syracuse, N. Y.
OKKKIW. liCfldo till) VPKUl.ll' CollCKO
I'ouviu. Meeliauliul. Klei'trlcal and
Civil HiiBlneei'lniT. Atvllltecuiro, Musiu,
PaYi.tlnL? Uiw. Mi'illclui', MocIoIokj
nnil IViIukobv- .,,,,, ,
OVKU l-'oKTi of tlio lending itnlver
.siti of thM country ami Huroim nro
. '... a.i tint ititnii-A.- ctf in T.lh-
1 Villi 'JM.III n " w "
oral Ail" ('ollcrfc-. Tuition expenses 1
nro o inmliialt' that tlioy nro less J
.. ... .i.n .a..u lii until., pnl piph wlutrt I
free tuition lu (ilvun.
Send for Catalogue.
'P. J. I'-usU-r.VriMi. KlmiT U. Uiwnll.Trean.
It. J. lAistiT Stanley I Alien.
Vcu President. Secretary,