8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11', 1902. ARE INDICTED FOR MURDER OltAND JURY KETURNS TRUE UIM,S AGAINST THREE MEN. They Aie Chingcd with Killing Jnmcs Winston at the Grassy Island on Sept. 25 Ignored Dill Against Two Other Men Charged with Being- Implicated in the Killing Altogether Thlrty-ntne True Bills Wore Returned by the Juiy Yesterday. Thnntiin I'rlitoHh, Hurry Klimoth, llniry Slubnh, iill.is Metro Squire, have ltcnn livllctod for the tnutdcr of JnniP" Winston, at Gimpsj Inland, on Hcptrm lir L1'). The cilino wan on mitBiouth of the roal strike. The Ri-nnd Jury In Its repoit to court ycMeutuy presented ii true Mil nuiilimt thrtn. The c-jim'si iitjaltist .Stephen Frenscliko and I'et'r KronvlHkl, who weio also arrrotod for participation In the killiwr. wmc Ik norerl. Constable M. .T. Uniighnn, of Obphnnt, Is the prosecutor. AlloHcther thii tv-nlno true bills rc ipturned by the Jury. The otheis follow : Other Tiue Bills. Uliil-Patllck V. 7 fouler, Bticknoy ('uflrrty. Patrick Mcnnuldilck, MIolimM Mi JiniiuiiBli, I'.itrkk O'lloiu and 'I holiui'i Cl.irk: prosecutor, lltiRcno lliown. llnpr 1 hoiniiH MaI; piosocutor, Dcc l.iu Kcncaly. Itocelvlu;,- Stolen fiood ITin v "U II-llntii'-; prosecutor, l.nn.i H. P.iv. CariyliiB C'oncctilcil A iMpons, .ioepii Jtn-.o: pirKOctltoi, lona 1!. iliy. I'.it ink 13nrrclt; pioiceutor, Annie -Mc.MuI-lm, 1'i.uiflulontlv Making n "Wiltten Instru ment rred JIoir.iu; piosrrutor, I.ona n. Diy. l ?loi'iin,. prosociileir, I.nn,i II Day. I'nlsp ri-Ptniec Vic( Meirsin; pro-e-rutor, Lpnn 11. H.iv. C 1.. AilnniH, pros rtutor, John MeAullfte. OtistturtiiiR Uxcciltlor. of I.f'fril Proof". Carl Shcfnl-kl, allui furl Nlcraanj piosccutor, Illclrml P. irton. Ah'Rrnv.iteil Asiiult mill Battel P.it riek W. Hnlo, lluekncy f.ifforty, P.it 1 If U JIcGnuldilck, Jllelmel MeDonoiiffh, Pitrick O'llnra, Tliom ifa Claik; prose cutor, I'liKcn" lirrmr.. Nuisance " lllKhwav Pianlc Br.iok clionlfty; prolocutor, CJporBO It. IIou-e Ihcnkirw and llntrrliw in the Di tinip i i 1 1 i Intent to Commit, a Fclon Edward Cliristlo, John Colnlik. Andrew Molilnfi; pni-ecutor, W. J. Uro.nl. Kntldng llinor lYmiilp rordhnnd CiuJwi: prosecutor, Trrdpridt Oardncr. fruplty to Animals Di Id HirUctt and Sllnnle lllikelt: piospcutor, Augustus Jilankenliurfr. I.aicouy and pprphintr Atlolni'l ICouncclv: prosecutor, I'iikpup lirown losepli Itn-s. iiroseeutot, l.ona P. Djv. T).inifl l.oblnfon: pro-cputoi, Willi lm JTcf'nv; John O Mai i; pioopputor, Lnna It Pay. T.iHIp Junes: piospoutm. Lona V, Pn, William llcalpv; puipcutoi, l.nni I? Pav. Jiy-oph Wmlmsklp, 31. Smith; proMceutoi. John fovlPtt. ,Tocph Tin"-'.: pmbpcutoi. I.ona P Piv 31 illrlmis Jllschlpft-adorp Harden, .To st pli MlknMtN M'altci D,iid; piosepti toi. John Ituftnn Pl-Ofullv Pointinpr film Tnnv ppttl; pioseeutnr. Prank C -ipouch i I'ko Trlb url; prnsecutoi. Jnmcs 1j Crawford Assault and Itatlu M'illlam Biirnpt; prnspuitor, Janus McIIalc. Jon itlnn Pnvson: proTPUtm, fharlc! fuitl'-s. T'ntrlck O'Mnllpy, pioppulor, Michael fcnlpan. Johr Jlalli. John Bideu; piospcutor, Thomns .lamps. John ilalh, Tiilui BrjdPii: piospcutor. Thomas Jp lonip. DomlnlPk TiPhuri and Tony I'.elti; pro--pciitor, l"iai ' I'ldittl John CalPski: pinsipulor. Thorn is Ktninlc. Dnld BirkPtt and Mlnnip BlrkPtt, pros pftitor, Augustus 151 iiikpnbiirK. Gcoise I'errl. prosccutoi, Josppli pprrl. Pmbcylcmcnt fhailes PilRcr, prose cutor, A. A. G'oidon Kpopinp: Bawdy lloiisp Ch nlo. Thiol; jirosccutor. l.onn. 1! D.i. Rplllnfr Ijkiuor 'Wlthoiit a Tlcpnsp James P. Kell : ptospnitoi, 'Wlllhm Knight. J. P. PaddciT piosrtutoi. M'll llnm Knlsht. Porfr P. Moisau; piosciutor, T.onn B D.IV. Ignored Bills. The nunibr nf Isnoied bills letuined as twenty-one. One of tlio tliLin sa! nsalnst StrplKn Heap, member of the executive bond of the- United Mine WoikPis, who was ebaiged by Unity Cardell with obstructing lpqal pto-ce:-s. A number of other stiike f.is-es jvoro also Ignored. ' There Is a law in Pennsylvania which provides for the an est and conviction of women who annoy their neishbois by scolding. The charge is known as pommon scold. The act applies only to women, and men cannot be held for Jt, yet Justice of the Peace Dolphin, of Oljphant, sent in a u.iiu-ctlnt against John Flax, of Jones sliPit, the ItldKP, which charged him with the oifensp of common &cold. The pioseiutor wn- Jacob Hull, alf-o nf Jones .sticet, the Itidse, who did not appear betore tho niand Jury, and the ns-p was IkiwipcI, The costs of the lustlce and constable wpio $il S2, which the i ounty will hao to pay, becaufe Justice Dolphin doesn't know that a man cannot be a common scold. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. D., L. and W. Board for Today. Following Is the make-up of th Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board foi today; MONDAY, NOVKMUUR 10. P.tins lla.st ," p. in., Kuprk: fi 'M p, ni., Guidon; 7.'M p. m,, O, V, ritzRer aid; fil,"i p, m,, l.ubar; 0 p. in , Hli-u, 10 p. m . HnKsnrty, U p in., Burkhart; Ji p, in . I.arkin. SuminltH-G p. m J. IlPiinlK.m (east); S p. m. Thompson (west); 9 p, in., (iln le (e.i.t), IlMliis West 11 p. m, I.oul. irnsnAv, Novi;.Munn u. UMlas Hani 1 p. in,, UoiujlniPj ; 2 a, m Biihh. J a. ni., .Mullln; tut a, m rilnsci. T ii, in., J, GInley; fi a, in, Unl et; 1) a ni., Fltzpnlilck; 11 a, m Po lm; li in , Rowuj 2 p. in., if, OilliKiin; R p. ni. Alaanis; 1 p, m,, Itugcrt'; 0 p. u., liuiihoWmoYv. Siimniiis -s a. m., Piounfulkcr (west); 9 a. in, i 'nu Irk (east); 10 a. m Nich ols (wphii, 1 j, in., Golden (east), Fiibiieih-.'iO a. ni, Munay (west); 7 a. in Wldner (west); 7, a. m Plnrioit (west); S a. in., Ilouser (east); 11.4-) a. m . .Mniiin (east); 1 p, m., A. J. McDonnell u.ihD; 4 p. rn., (?, Baitholo- Stepped Against a Hot Stove. A child ot Mi- Geo T. Henson, when jrettliig his usual Satuiday night bath, stepped back ngulnst a hot stove which burned him souiely, The child was in preat agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify him Hemembering tint she had a bottle of Chnmhei Iain's rain Halm in tho iiouso, who thought phu would try it, In less than half an hour ofter applying it tho child was riulet and asleep, nnd in less than two weeks was well. Mis. licnbon Is a well lnuwn lesident of Kellar, Va, I'ain Halm is an antiseptic liniment and i?P'iI.iiiy valunble for burns, cuts, lnv.1 and soralni'v For bale by all til uyylstfc. J-J"' " '" " ' ' ''. mew (Bloom)! 7.50 p. m Murphy (east) i 0 p. m W. II. Bartholomew (eat), Helptrs-l n. tu.. MaRoverni 7 a. m Gaffney! 10 a, In., ftecor; 3,15 p. m . Stan ton. Extra West-ird M, Cnstneri fi a, m Wall; 1 p, m., RnndoHihl 4 p. m., Den nis. Comparison of Rates. Comparative rates ot freight on on Ihtacltoand bituminous coal, trom tho co.tl teglon of Pennsylvania to the ptlnripnl consumptive and distributive points, compiled from n statement pre pn ted under the dliectlon of tho 1n teistnln Commerce Conunirslon, Oct. 17. 1P0J; Itato per ton per mile. rtnto (Declmils per ton, of u cent) Antlnnclte rtnlon to Bos ton, r,r..3S7 miles W'Jj ,si .31 Ulttunlunus tpglon to Jer sey City, Slfl-tcs mltp.... 1.70 .1lf IJ Anllnacllp leglnn to Peith Amboy (for Now Yoik), F.3-17! miles 1", S.0?? 1 1 Bituminous legion to Jer sey City, 3M-3v miles.,.. 170 ,ll ft Anthracite region to Haiti- tlmoip, VB-W miles 210 .SD'rillJ Bituminous legion to Bnl- tlnioip, 2J9-2I0 miles 1.13 ."vi? M Anthraelto region to Buf falo, 27S-301 miles 2 00 .l.7ffr 7: Antluaelto region to Buf falo, 321-339 miles 200 .PCiJ ,W Bituminous tpgluu to Buf falo, 2s'l nilleH 1 iiO ." Bituminous legion to But litlo, 3S3 miles 1tf .til m Supreme Court Decisions. Dy HicIiijIic Wire from The Associated l'resi. Plttsbuig, Nov. 10 The Huprcnio couit began Is last week of Its October tcim lo d.iv. Among the decisions handed down was the enwe. of Commonwealth s. Clinics Gi ether, appeal from o.or anil prnilner, Alonioe county; judgment nt flinitil. The coin t epcc.ts to lisp lomoi low and meet In Phll.idelphK In J.inuuy. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New Voik, Nov. 10 Todi's stock mai ket absoibod a liuivy volume ot llrpil d.itlou and woikcd oft a laigo amount ot excited sputlmcnt. As a net lisult the iloslnir tone of tho maikct was unlet and steady with m.mv wide hipcchps in .Uues completely testoicd nnd all of them much lediiced. The dnj's business 1 in ovi 1 a million sbaips for the llit time In mimv weeks and theiu wpic time , dining tin moining's pirelpltnto dpi-llne when tho maikpt was fminitilv acthe 'lot 1 1 sak s today, 1,y,"Ai shnioh. Bonds vcip not so much nffct ted bv wpakne-s as stm s but their iccoveiy was also les mnikul Total sales, par alue, l.isriniv) L'nlli d States js and old Is declined 'i pet 1 cut. on tho last call. The following quotations aie furnished The Tilbiiiie bv Haight & Pippss Co, 31fr 315 Meats Building W. D Runvon, man ager. Open IIIgh.Low.Closo. Am.il fnppei hi , .".5 "" Am c. a v nt :;i nu .;t Am. Cotton Oil 10U 11 W 10'i Am. Tee, Pi- si4 si .s .-Mt Am. l-oiomotnp .... H7 -i J7 '7 i Am. Loco . Pi toil 'V U Vi l Am. S. & n. Co r. t! IJU I! AmeiU.in S11.11 IIP! llh IIP, ll"ii Atchison M'r S.P-. sin. s.T Atchison, Pr ts Pb-"," o;i4" fifisK Bait. & Ohlr lOPi 10P1 ini . nPj Biook. n. T :i i,iu vii J 11) I'inadlin Picltic ...np4 ill'," in" HP4 dies. X. Ohio l"i'4 IhK IP. 10 CliU.igo & Alton 13', Wi 3ft' .!Ji Chic Ae G W L7" 27"H Jh", 27' t C, Jf. ,t St. P 1SP-, lt", 17'i ISP. C. It. 1. . P I'M", 11', l'ip4 I'd 1 1 Co Puel & lion SO'k siii, 77 79 fed &. SouthPin ... . "tit. ii, Ls-S tl-j Delawaie Hud ....P.7 r.7 1" P.7 Den. ,t It. G . Pr .... so xqi, S'i vn, pptioil Soutlicin ... It I 'i lj.t4 1M, I'rlo ;-, .-,';. ai"8 ,',i. Pile, 1st Pr r, r, up, nrA Pile, 2d Pr i,i' is iCi. is Hocking Vallev .. .. is " S'I SS " s', Pllnols Cenlul H. , 1IJ lit I2 g Iowa Centnl 'IS' ,ni , -3s1 - S'i Kan. Citv ,i South.. Il I'S ",V '.''i I.011K. x Nash iifr8 pfl, iHiiJ vr-, Jliililnttnn IIP, lip, llji. r,V'. Mot St. Ily l.'O 1S71A JW" 117". 3Ie.lcan Cential .... 21 ji :.TJ 2t " Mo, K. & Tpv J7 L7 2V., 2(i', Mo., K. ,v T., Pr.... '6 iS-' r,r,i, r,ii"K Mo Pacllle IOiP. 1073rt mv, 107 A N. V. Cent! ii Ill 131 141U Til Not folk & West ...,70i, 701 CIJ; 70V- Out. & West ....... ,"oi ."u7 ;;m;, nC Pacirio Mail ,'0t7, ")i4 "11, -, Ponna. B K .... 137', 137', VM. l" People's Gas 101 nrs lnO'T 1nh Pressed Steel Cai.... ri i;i :,T, vr, Keadln iVH , vi . ."., r,S38 Heading, In Pi . ... S- S", si' Sf, Peadlng, 2d Pr 7.' 11 71 7P llepuhlip Steel . . . pn, 111; isit iqiT Republic Steel Pi .. 731, 73'm 7r, 7-, St. I. .: San P .. . 7".'. 73'. 7P, 7IW St. L So. W 271; 27 27' 27-. Southern Pacllle . .. r(,-i 1,7 b".s. i,,7i Southeiil 11. It Si -:p . ;:j ,; Southein n. R. Pi., ni'l 9P 01 lip', Tenn. Coal R- lion.. 1.0''. fO'-. 7) in'". Tcas & Pacllle A'.K tpj p p " I'nlon Pacllle WV Inj luTii'. nip; 1 nlon Pacific. Pi ..01 nj no" fun, P. S. I.eatllPI .... 1; li 1 I'. - P. s. Leathet, Pi-... S.S": so xN-. so T. S. Inlihei 17 1- i-'' i-; r. s. steel :.7 - .".71 '. .'.1,1; ;,7i, P. S. Steel. Pi . . SI", SlC K'A M't yub.ish. Pi -,i. i-,i. in; a; stein Piiion si 0,1 soi', so". Wheel A I,, p. s-.va 20', 2I'T "Hi Wis. dntial 27 23'T '. M Total .sales, i.los.iiw .shai ps " " CIItCAfJO GRAIN AND PROVISION, "WTTTIAT I1n.n lll.rf, f ... r,,.., Decembei 7p; 7PS 7PS 71''. Mnv 71" 7t t:- Tiii t:ortN " 3 December "0"; sr, r,ni. -,ni MOATS- 1-n" J' ' '"' December .. ..,.. !'oi , aii tk ;;o ''PORK- iUr 3"; -1'- :!"' Intuitu y 132.7 P.23 P, "J i:,'1i 'fArt'D- X ' '' : ' u u"2 ' S llllltmiy ft 23 !'23 0 '- ()"7 5'nv s to i, 10 S 10 sio Ni:W YORK COTTON .MARKUT. Open. High Low Close. December S13 s.r, j,o; so? Innuaiy ,S Jl S 21 S ud M0 Match SOI sol 701 7,(1, My .Su7 S07 SuO So; Scrantou Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. BId.Asked Lncknwaiiu.n Dairy Co, Pr,... to County Sav. lia.ik &. Tre-st Co sw 1-Tist Nat Hank tCarbonualo). ... bm Third national Bank D30 Dime Dop & Dl. Bank- 300 .'.'. j;conoiny 1. , 11. iv r, uo,.,,,, ,,, 45 i.e-uiiuuix l. , it. tv '. S.U..,,,, ,,, 4Q Plist National Bank uoo Lack. Ti list & Safi Dop. Co . J9, , uiiiik v miuvor v-o , I'J, ,,,,,,. 1J3 ,,, Snantoii Savings Bank mo Tiadois' National BatiK ...,,, 2.', Scianton Bolt & Nut Co 121 !" People's Bank J3j Scianton Packing Co 33 BONDS. Scranton Pnsscngei Railway, llrat mortgage, duo iuju 113 People's Stieet Railway, first inoilgnge, due 191S 113 People's Stieet RnU,a., Qen- eral mortgage, clue WJt in Scranton Tine. Co , ( per cent. 113 Pconomy L, II, it P. Co.,,, 97 N Jersoy tc Pocono Ice Co,.., ,,, 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ,,. 103 Scranton Wholesale Maiket. (Corrected by II. a. Dajo, 27 Lacka. Ave ) l'lour JI40. Buttor-Presh creamery, 23',5e ; fresh daliy, 'iic. Cheese l3al3V4c. Kggs Neatby, 27c.; storage, 22c, ugo. 2.'o. Marow Beans Per bushel, $3 Onions Per bushel, 90c. Potatoes 63c. per bushel. New York drain and Produce Market New York. Nov. 10 Flour Quieter but steadily held Wll?nt Spot eony; No. a red. 731,0. i-p,ator; No 2 led, 7u?o. f, o. ii. b. atloat; optloiiH opened about steady inn imuiiii'iij' tvtue-u in xJuccntuer itiiui dntlon. On a final lally duo to covering tliu in irket cloned about Bteady at Ual-c i,n Hnllnet M.1V -Irtun.l -cn T-,JT. i - 7SHc Corn Spot easy; No. 2, 61c. cloiai tor, and 65V6c.f. p .b. afloat; No. 2 sel. low, G5c; No. 2 white, 65'Jc.; options told ott but rallied lato uud closed abuul Just Ask io See the Quaker Our safe of Quaker Skirts this week is a vital occa sion in Skirt ecdnomua host of mighty values. Picture if you please a Skirt that looks like silk, feels like silk and wears ten times longer and harder than silk.' IT'S Till: QUAKER. The one and two dollar bills in your purse rustle with importance for these skirts are selling at Made after the most approved designs in the same factory, by the same people and on the same machines as the $15 silk skirts. Dainty pleatings. tucks and ruffles Let us mention the price again, ffiO.75 VW CACH OUR SILK SKIRTS ARE THE TOP NOTCH OF PERFECTION. COME IN AND SEE THEM. f 8 MqS w 1SG WYOMING AVENUE. B233C FINANCIAL. For Sale of tho Town Topics Gold Mining Company of Denver, Colorado. ' 50 Cents a Share Thli Is a legitlmite mining enterprise. A dh blend piling mine, ownpd in fco simple ny tne comp me ana locaieit on Bobtail Hill in tliti hen it ot the famous. Gold Belt of (Jiliiln cotiutv, Colotado. Sloik tan bo bought on the nionthh pa ment pi m. Subset Uipih can pi 10 poi ent. c.i'h and In pet cent .1 month till the stock is piiel foi AGENTS -WANTED m PATENT FLOUR The Celebrated Por fuithcr intoimalton, call on 01 id die CHAHLES D. SANDEKSON, 136 Wyominp; Avenue. Scianton, Pa. Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 27 & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. liOODY,McLELL AX & CO. BANKERS, No 57 Uroadway, New York Cltv. MKHDUnS SEW iOHK STOCK UXCIIANOE. STOCKS.BONDS and INVESTMENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OB ON MARGIN fcteady at i.tisC net decline; ll.iv closed TS'C ; Dtcembei, 7s'e. Coin-Spot p.ihv. No. L', tile, ehvntot and t.ViC 1. o b. utloat, No. " ellow. iisc; No white, K.'ic: optlon.s Hold olf but i. tilled lato and elosid about steady at tsic. not docllno; .lanuaiy cliistd, TiDic ; Mnv, ITc; Decem liei. .'jPhC. Oat.s Spot easy; No. J, JKc: htaiid.ud white, :!7c : No. ,!. .ii'sc ; No. " white, W. iuiic; No, J while, .lalu'lc; ti.uk niKed wesietn, noniln.il; Hack white, yv. i.l'c; option, faltly .ictiw and weaker with com; Decenibei, .Idaiii'sC ; iln.cd .'jMsci llultei 1 i tegular, o.tta eieameiy, J'c ; fiutoiy, pltlsp.; cieatner, (Oininon to ehclee, UUJIVCi-.; Imitation eieameiv. ITnSOc.; stato daliy. ISaJle., nm ovated, 17'2i21c. C'hti se Quiet but film; new .stnte lull eii.uu tancj, htiuill coloted, old, 1"J40 ; new, U"c.; small coloted. old, U'c; now, l.'V'.; Ku go coloied, old, lJa.c, new, J.'1hi',j largo white, old, IS1'.; now, I-".!1. liggt Steady; stuto and Pennsyl vania lULiiigo best. "Je.; wostoin, pool to c hoicp, Uiiiic : uPhtein giatle fancy, Sic j lufilgerated, 17a21c. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Nov. 10. Theio was an active ti.tdo In wheat on tho boaid of tiatle to day and while pi Ices worn homowhat low er the undeitoiio on tho whole was rjtilto til m. Diceinber closed JnV". lower; I)e cenibnr coin, !1s0, lower and om ise, low er; JnuiiHiy pioifcloni dosed tiom 5 to lic, lower. Cas.li ipiotatlons wcio us fitl Inw.s! Ploui Stuidy; No, J spilug wheat, 7P;c . No IS. ii7a7ue ; No. 'J oil. 7ni2a71c.; No. .' com. 7iiv. No J yellow, oo.: No. L' oats, SSi'ic.j No .' white, lw. No. S white, 29a3Jc; No .' tvu, Hhe ; good feed ing but lev, ;iTi.ivJc ; lair to choices malting, UnSSe.i No. I lias hied. $1,17: No 1, noitli western, 51 '.'3; piline tmolh s-eed, S.1.7"i; mess poik, per bauel $li;7.".tl(lS7li; laid, per 101 pounds, tld Malll SV shnit libs, t-ldei, tin J'ulu :.0; shoulileis, i'iiil 19 7.1; shoit clear sides, $limo.'"i Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago. Nov 10,-Cattlo-Itetelpts, :;0, 000, liu-hidlng il.li wsteins; lO.iJOo, ioworj good to pi lino btieis, ti to.i.; poor to nie dliini, t-iWaii. stiKkeis and feedeis, $2ii 17.'i; cows-, $llfl,itr,0; liellcis, S.'.irij enn nets, $t HilS.Klt bulls, ftoVXI; cnlvtH, .t75a 7.J0; Tcnuh fed httoi.s, JialJoj western steels, jirAaCM) Hogs Hecclpth today, 12,nfin; tomonow, 2i.iK.i0; left over, 7.000 head, 10.15c, lower than Satin day; mijad and butelieis. $i JO ntiii; Rood to chnlco heavy, Sii.lO.iCi.'i; longh hcavv. fit inabii; lough heavy. Jilt (i.'G: light, ?01"i.iiJKJ; bulk of sales, JilL'la U in. S1ippi Itecelpts, 10,000; sheep, hteady; lambs, steady; good to cholcei wothcus, JjrAil; fair to choice, mixed, J2 50,t150j native lambs, JJ.WWS io. East JJihorty Live Stock. Past I.lbeity. Nov, 10 -Cattle-Stead v. choice, $0l3a0 10; pilme, fVfoafl; good, JIJ3 nl.75. Hogs Lower; pilmo heavies, $i,Vli(ii.0, mediums. fi!V; heavy YoiKeis., ?0 2it0.9)j toughs, hiSKi Sheep Steady; best wetlipts, $J C0.ii: SI; culls and common 1 50a2, choico lambs, 3.25u3 00; eal enhes, $7.no.ibr2J. Buffalo Live Stock Market. Buffalo, Nov. 10 Cattle Itecelpts. BLOo, bteady; prlmo stPciB, J0Mi7; shipping steers, $23a8; butcbfis' t.teots, flaS; Jielf eis, $t23.il71; cows, IJ ''o.i4: cumers. t Tt) dii bulls, IJ'iOil; feedeis, ,73a1C0; stook ets, $1.7MI 23; stnelc heireis. J.'.'rti'J; choke, fMaO; medium, 33r; common. j.'.i.w. K t. . K . K P. v. . v.r.v.K . I. X n i K t; UI8r J Best ti a a X x K tl ft H V u & a tt a w w ft' a n ts X X 'a 'a Always reliable. Dickson l Grain Co Scranton and Olyphant. t 3 "e " 'a "a "a 'a "a 'a "a "a 'a "aa'ai Ill's I Lager Manufacturers of l PILSNER i Urewry, N. beventn 3J-. Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 233i. New 'Phone, 2935. Lubricate Your Fiachinery by Scientific Jlethods and save SIXTY PER CENT, of ex penses. Wo ninho a specialty of pioper In bi limits lor piopor put poses The Sanderson Oil nnd Specialty Co., 1 Race Street. City. iatirjBkiaii"iiiji"i' Ji i Vealb Recolpts K", stioug; tops, $SS3a b."i; common to good. S3 oo.iS liogs-itecoipts. 'ji.MW, active; lOil'p lower, heavy. Kt3aiiW. niKed, fit tiiiai) r, Yoilccis ami light do, i,"0.Ui"3; plg, ?0"0 iiiiITi; roughs, Jb.0) 13, stags, JM'Sn, Hlicci) iiiid Lambs ltpcctnts. l.ltwi. Mi ring, loaj'c, lilghet . top lambt, J3l)i Dmi; ciils-l to good. il23a'U"j. jo.iiIIhsh. tl i )'.'; owes, $!3t.i3.73; sheep, top inlxeil, JJMAt'J73, culls to good, JI73a3ui). Oil Maiket. Oil City. Nov. W.-Cicdlt iMlinces. Ill: ceitlflcutrs, no s.iIps; shipments, J3J.M7 btiielb; tneiage, SS.5B batiels; inns, H;, 110 bat icla; aniugv, 73,190 b.uicli. . M. , , j , l ( Attractive QJ Timely Hundreds of People Who attended the Moving Pir.tlirp pvhihitinn MnnHiiv wpi'p moM lln nUccA the Farmer's Hotel Experience" is decidedly amusing: "Jack and the Beanstalk" pleases young and old. The immense stock throughout the entire store is now in its prime. Choice merchandise, large selections priced reasonably low. Furniture Department An elaborate China Cabinet of special design, constructed of selected seasoned oak and full polished finished, mirror top and spacious compartments $ 1 6.00 Neat Parlor Rockers -Oak or mahogany finish, ornamental understock and neat em bossed carving in black panel $ 1 .95 Roll-top Desks Suitable for of- ficc or library, beginning at if) O.50 Office and Typcwltcrs' Chairs In various patterns and finishes, starting at p3.50 Couches Our assortment of couches is without doubt the largest and most complete in this vicinity. A mammoth assortment of coverings begin at $3. 95 For Boys When your boy wishes an all wool Sweater onethat will give him service and keep him warm when out on a foot-ball field, during a cold day just remember the Big Store assortment. Very large variety of colors, every size, high turn down collar, only, each $ ,00 Extra Heavy Ribbed rierino Sweaters Plain or fancy colors, all sizes;, only, each 50C Millinery Ve received a few days ago a line of Beaver Hats and Dress Shapes the newest things to be found in this city. The large quantity of Flowers, Foliage, Feathers, Birds' Vlngs and Mulls only go to show that If you desire variety and quality to select from, this large Millinery Department can supply your immediate wanis. Women's Shepherdess Velvet Hat A beauty; made in velvet, trimmed with , birds; stylish $2.98 Children's FllltS Trimmed in pretty shadings of fine silk. Priced at. Jj) I .98 loving Picture Exliioifioo Free This Week MORNING AND AFTERNOON Many special features that are entirely new. Bring the children to see this mar velous machine showing pictures that have life like action. Remember, it's free. Everybody is invited. Exhibition on the third floor. Morning Programme Begins at 10 and 1 1 O'clock Afternoon Programme at 2, 3 and 4 O'clock $20.00 Tailor-Made Suits at $15.00 An offer for this entire week. Black and blue only. A fine Broadcloth Suit. Blouse and Skirt, richly trimmed, with deep skirt over hips. Blouse, taffeta silk lined, and skirt lined with the best of near silk. A garment unusually low . priced at $ 1 5.00 Women's Rain Proof Long: Raglans Made of fine Covert and Venetian Cloths; colors are oxford, mixed gray, mode, mixed . green, blue, brown. Ail this week at $1 5.00 $5 Women's Walking Skirts for $3.98 5-gore, with 12 rows of stitching around bottom, with double stitched seams; black blue and castor. All this week at $3.98 r In Art Needle Work will be continued next Wednes day. Any pupil buying Art Materials amounting to $1.00 will receive their fust lesson free. I m S Dockash Stoves at Wholesale Dockash r I . ( iV Buv a stove made hundreds of miles away, when you can buy I Writ SCRANTON STOVES at Foundry Prices. You can get repairs at C any time on home-made Stoves. Parlor Stoves from $5.00 and Upwards Ranges (G Boiler notes), $10,00 and Upwards Sold at same price as at Foundry by FOOTE & FULLER CO., 140-142 WASHINGTON AVENUE- UNION CASH STORE, DUNMORE, PA. WILLIAM CHAPPELL, PROVIDENCE SQUARE. A. J. HOWLEY, Oil NORTH WASHINTON AVENUE.