The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 11, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Life out of doors and out of the panics which they play and the enjoy
ment which they receive nnd the efforts which they make, comes the
greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their
happiness when grown. When a laxutlve 1 needed the remedy which ii
given to them to cleanse uud sweeten and strengthen the internal organs
on which it acts, Bhould be such as physicians would sanction, because its
component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from
every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents,
well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy,
because of its pleasant flavor, is gentle action and its beneficial effects, is
Syrup of Pigs and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should
be Used by fathers and mothers.
Kyrup of Pigs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and
naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the
system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results
from the use of tile old-time cathartics and modern imitations, and against
which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them
grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give
them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs
assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and
gentle Syrup of Figs.
Its quality is due not only to' the excellence of the combination of the
laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but
also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of
the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal
ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be
bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Please
to remember, the full name of the Company
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It's Quite Natural
For Us to Talk Clothes
Especially Overcoats
If you were here last Saturday
you know how many people re
sponded to our newspaper de
scription of Overcoat style and
workmanship. The. medium I
length Uvercoat seems to be the
most popular. Then there's that
noticeable difference of style that's
only been created by improve
ments from season to season.
It's not altogether the fit of these
Overcoats as the style imparted
to your figure. We keep in touch
with these designers and tailors,
thereby getting the best results. Our show windows
give you some idea of these
Overcoats. Best cloth qual- A d-1 anJ (Mr
ities we know of, at ... . Pl"j P1 dllll tpl3
Have We Sold You
a Hat This Season?
If not, we want to impress vou with
the fact that this department is showing $8
by tar the largest assortment of shapes.
We've also received from the manufac
turers some new styles in broad brim Soft Hats. It
doesn't make much difference what kind of style you
have in mind, it's here you can depend on that.
The quality determines the price dH fA j.ft d i
mark on every hat, from piwU 10 $4
Samter Brothers,
jg v jnnH
Complete Outfitters.
Special to the Srrantoii Tillmnc,
Montrose, Nov. 0. Lewis U. McCnl
lum, or New Mlirord, wus u visitor in
town 'fhurisrlav.
Mrs. U. P. Knoll made a brief visit
to Snouilaliuvg, lout week.
Charles It. Say re. of Hampton. Vn.,
Is si visitor In town.
Mm Kuphrasla M. Keelcr. of RIub
hamton, and slater, Mrs. t-'red Winner,
of Chicago, have been Buests of Mont,
roce friends the past week.
Mrs. Frederick Holllstcr and grand
son, Klbert, went to Wllkes-Uarre,
Thursday cvenlnB, Mrs. llolllster In
tendlnu to reside with her son, Dr. Ilqlltstcr, while Klbert will go to
nufCnlo to live with his uncle. Thdy
will ho Bi-eutly missed by thelf many
friends In this place.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lyons aijd daugh
ter, Margaret, returned Thursday from
u visit at Auburn,
14. H. True spout last week III Now
Yolk city, selecting n holiday lino of
i I3o tint forget the oyster supper at
the African Methodlsd Knlecuiml 'Am
church, Monday ovpiiIiik. The eonptrc
Ration nre strlvhiff to free their church
of debt, nnd their object la certainly u
worthy (ijic. (five them your support
by nttcndluir.
Mls.i I.ydln llnycs, n inlsfllmmry who
Iiiim been Htntloncd In New Mexico,
Kiive im IntcrPsthiK; iiernutit of the work
inmnifr lhn.e ticople, In nn iiddreHs be
fore the i.mticH' ) Ionic nnd ForclRn
Mli'slonnry wicletleH lit the Picsbytcrluii
clmpcl, Krldiiy nftcrnouu, 't'liurpdny
evenhlB hIip hIho wive nil InteruathiK
in Ik nt the monthly concert In the
II. O. Hcolt, of .Serunlnn. returned
to hlf home In that iilnco Friday even
lap, after Hiiondliifr the week with Mont
rose relatives.
Miss Jennie Smith Is clerking In the
prothnnotary's olllce.
II. H. Kordlinm, a promtueul cnterrr
of this place has sold his stock of poods
preparatory fo removing- to Scranton,
where ho has secured n position In the
V. M. O. A. building, similar to that
In which he has been engaged here.
Payette Sprout nnd Herbert Brewster
arc the purchasers.
George C. Comstock and family, who
have spent the summer here, have re
turned to their homo In New York city.
Week's Bill at Dixie.
T.oekhnrt'K elephants are again n strong
feature of tills week's bill at the Dixie.
Knch performance, seems to develop now
phases of the Intelligence and versatility
of those wonderful animals. Spauldlng,
who lias a number of now Ideas In the
line of acrobatic work, Is also destined to
bo very much of a favorite beforo the
week Is out. A number of his "stunts"
called forth warm applause last night.
"Will Tomklns renewed the good Impres
sion ho mnde last week and Mack and
Klllott amused with their sketch "The
Now Minister." A very entertaining
sketch of rural life was contributed by
Mr. and airs. I.ltcblleld, the song, "1
Never Had Such a Time in My Life," pro
voking great laughter. Mrs. I.itchlleld
also does porno effective violin playing. A
musical act by Mnxwell and Dudley was
well received and the Oubest sisters, with
songs, dances and Instrumental music
are an entertaining feature of the pro
gramme. The performance opens with an acro
batic specialty by Mac and Mac. As acro
batics they may bavo their uses but they
ought to cut comedy.
"Not. Guilty" at the Academy.
Two large audiences went away more
than pleased after witnessing the per
formances of "Not Guilty" nt tho Acad
emy of Music yesterday. Tho play is a
melodrama from tho pen of Joseph l.c
IJrandt author of "On the Stroke of
Twelve" and "Caught in tho "Web."
Tho. play is a strong one, three scenes
of which are laid in the coal regions of
Pennsylvania, and the fourth in Union
Square, New York city. The company
presenting "Not Guilty" is an excellent
one. S. II. 'West as Ton: Dally, an ex
detcctlve, and Augustus MacUugli. as
Frank Kamleu, superintendent of Shel
don mines, sustained tho loading main
roles In a very creditable manner. Will
D. Ingram, as George Daltou, the villain,
was verv cleveiv
S Tho leading woman was Florence 'Wes
ton, who will bo remembered as tho wo
man who was annoyed In Uu'lfalo by a
man who announced himself to be a son
of Senator Spooner and professed himself
to bo violently In love with her. He be
came so persistent in his attentions that
she had to call upon the police for pro
tection. The scenery was very elaborate
and handsome. The play will bo repeated
tlds afternoon and evening, al&o tomorrow
afternoon and evening.
High Hollers at the Star.
The High Holler Kxtravaganza com
pany appeared to good audiences at the
Slnr theater yesterday. Tho performance
begins with a one-act comedy entitled,
"A Woman Hater," and closes with "In
the Heart of New York." One- of the
most pleasing features of the olio is
tho series oflUing pictures, fifteen in
number, which were Introduced by Ab
blo Carlton.
Other acts were given by Andv Mo
I.eod, Howo & Scott, the Franklin Sis
ters, Kathryn Miley, Dixon & hang, and
Mile, llosco, tho Girl In Pink. Tho High
Hollers will bo nt the Star thriller to
day an9 tomorrow afternoon nnd even
ing. Voxel's Minstrels Tonight.
Tonight John W. Vogel's big minstrels
nitb llfty-llvo people will be at tho Ly
ceum, Vogol is known as tho greatest
manager, while Arthur Rlgby Is conceded
to bo one of tho most popular comedians
in tho minstrel woild. Tho first part will
b set in a now creation, entitled "Tho
Millionaire's Outing," a mngulllcent af
fair; beautifully staged and appropriately
costumed. Tho overture was arranged
by Milt Hall, and Is teeming with charm
ing music, exquisite vocallsms and grace
ful action. Tho vocalists Include the fa
mous alto, Harry I.elghton, tho greatest
basso In minstrelsy, Grant Mcrkloy, tho
Coronation octette and others.
Arthur Itlgliy, mouologulst; Charles
Gnno, droll humorist; I.oiv Ponedlct,
Crawford and Finning, I.atoy and Kd
monds, Don Gordon, Urobst brothers and
tho famous Coopers on Iho death-defylug
cycle whirl, will furnish tho novel high
class specialties In tho olio.
"The Darkest Hour."
"The Darkest Hour," Lincoln J. Carter's
spectacular melodrama, will bo produced
for the llrst time In this city at tho Acad
emy of Musle for tlireo days cnmmenclnrf
with a special Thursday tnulineo,
It Is said to contain a story of intense
heart Interest relieved by many bright
aim witty spuria ot laugiuinio comedy.
The acting company lias beon carefully
selected and Includes many well Known
faces among which Is Charles A. (Karl)
Gardner, the greatest German singing
comedian on tho stugo today.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
No Order
Accepted fin Less
Than 10 Cents.
Only Halt a Cent a WarJ.
Tor Rent.
FOIl nilN'T-Dosk room privileges, In
eluding use of new ttpmlngtuu ma
chine. Council building. Address l) Trib
une ofilco.
VOH Itl-JNT Dwelling house corner of
Hryn Mawr and I'aik avenue. Ton
dollars per mnulli,
$IS For Kent Ten-room house; excellent
neighborhood! all modern Improve
ments, on avenue. Apply to II. i Ham
ilton, 4M Bpruco street.
For Sale.
Genuine diamond In 1IIC ring, H carat,
$10; U carat. $1L' b carat ring, $:s; hoop
ring, live diamonds, V. carats, $"! dia
mond and ruby ring, J:'0; diamond ring,
three stones, pure white, l'fc carats, $&.";
diamond ring, two stones, ',4 carat, $.10;
diamond stud, I 1-lii carts, t'JO: three
diamonds and two rubles In ring. $10; Tiff
any ring, 1 carat, $S0: eardrops, US carats,
$11.'; ladles' brooch, l'j carat, $90; ladles'
pin, curat, Jl,",: gents' ring, nearly 7
carats (not a yellow stone), $00. Your
money back without argument If not sat
Isiled. Walter W. Wlnton. Diamond Par
lor, IJoom 007, Mcnrs building.
FOIt SALK One pair of handsome bay
horses; light drivers, at Gorman &
Co.'s livery.
FOR SALK- Dining loom nnd oyster
house, "07 Lackawanna avenue.
FOR SALE Hot air furnace, good as
now; L'li-lncb lire pot; also tbo tin
pipes. Apply at M7 Linden street.
FOR SALK One pair of gray mnres, well
matched, weight istort, sound and gen
tle, good drivers and workers, single or
double. Inquire of Manning Gillespie,
New Milford, Pa.
FOR SALE-A pair of well-matched geld
ings at SIM Green Ridge street, city.
FOR SALE About 20 feet of desk coun
ter, surmounted with glass front and
two openings, lower portion nicely pan
elled, with drawers and shelves under
neath. May be seen at tho office or Tho
For Sale or Kent.
FOR SALE OR RENT-Thc ii-story brick
building, with boiler house attached,
and long row of sheds for horses, wag
ons, etc.; also railroad switch suitable for
manufacturing purposes; lalelv occupied
by the Clock Tobacco Co. 15. M. Wlnton,
Room N6. 503, Mears Building.
Furnished Booms for Rent.
FOR RENT A furnished room on second
lloor front, $1..0 week. C3j Adams avo.
Branch WANT Officas.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Received nt Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 V. H.
Central City
ALRKRT HCmfLTZ. pornr Mul
berry ntrect and Webster avo.
West Side
GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avenue.
MO Cedar
South Scranton
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
Main avenuo and Market
Green Ridge
son nvetnie,
F. J. JOHNS, 0:o Green Illdgo
C. LORENZ. corner Washington
avenue and Marlon street.
Iul7 Irving
Help Wanted.
WANTED Agents to sell tea and cof
fee to consumers. Positions perma
nent. Grand Union Tea Co.. 311 Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED At once, a waiter a I Jacob
Harowllz's lunch cafe, corner Clllf
street und Lackawanna avenue.
WANTED Strong young man. Now
Ynl'k Tilor ("V, nnpnm. Aitntnu fi..,M,ii
and Linden street.
PATTERN MAKER wanted; good wages
to good men familiar with our work.
Scranton Steam Pump Co., Green Rldgo.
WANTED An experienced man In linen,
domestic and wash goods, all com
munications strictly conlldentlal. Ad
dress C. D. E., Tribune office.
Rooms and Board.
PLEASANT rooms with board for four
or Ave young men. Inquire ffi- Wash
ington avenue.
WANTED Five shares of Title Guaranty
stock. Address M., this office.
WANTED-Puplls for the violin; terms,
",") cents per lesson. Address E. V. M., 7IJ
Adams avenue, corner Larch street.
WANTED-Small furnished house,
dress Box 300, city.
Wanted To Buy.
WANTED To buy, second-hand safe.
Address, stating price and size, An
drew Mitchell, jr., Carbondalo, Pa.
LOST Sunday evening at or between tho
Second Presbyterian church and Green
Ridge, a pair of gold spectacles in case.
Please return to Tribune office, city.
LOST Light brown link on Lackawanna
avenue, between Washington and
Penn avenue. Reward if returned to J.
F. SC., mp Plltston avenue.
LOST A watch fob with sold locket
attached. Finder will bo rewarded by
returning to 110 Wyoming avenue.
FOUND A largo pet cat, tiger (black and
gray), with white face, neck and feet.
Apply nt S29 Madison avenue. Has been
at this address for about a week.
84,35 to New York City nnd Return.
Special Thnnksgiving Day Rates,
via the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
AVednosduy, November 20, the Lehigh
Valley railroad will sell tickets to New
York nnd return at $1.35 from Scranton,
good going on above date, limited to re
turn to and Including November 30,
good on all trains except the Black
Diamond Express. For further infor
mation, consult Delaware and Hudson
railroad ngents, or George Heller, city
passenger agent, Lehigh Valley rail
road, 09 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre,
Tho champagne danco In John C, Fish
er's production of "Tho Sliver Slipper"
Is creating a sensation, It Is a distinct
Nathaniel Itoth has secured, through
Frank Curzon, for Miss Elslo do Wolto,
tho American rights of tho latest London
success, "Mrs. Wlllougliuy'H Kiss," by
Frank Slnyton, Tho play, with Ellis Jot
treys In tho loading part, lias caught on
In Loudon.
A special production of great magnitude,
and one of tho season's conspicuous the
atrical events, will occur at the Lyceum
Frbjay and Saturday nights and Saturday
mutlhoe when Mildred Holland will pro
bent for tbu first time In this city her
magnificent play. "Tho Lily and the
Pilnce," a romantic drama written by
Carina Jordan.
An Old nnd Well-Tried Remedy.
for children teething, Is tho prescription of
one of Iho best femalo physicians and
nurses In tho I'ulted States, and has been
used sixty years with novrr-fniling sue-i-ohs
by millions of mothers for their chil
dren. During tho process of teething Us
value Is Incalculable. It relieves the child
from pain, cures diarrhoea, gilplng In the
bowels, and wind cnlle. Uy giving health
to tho child it rests tha mother. Pilce,
twcntv-Uvu cents u bottle.
Homeseekers' Cheap Excursions to
the West nnd Northwest,
Via Chicago and Northwestern railway
from Chicago, November 4, IS, Decem
ber ii and 10. Kxcoptlonally low rates
to a largo number of points in North
ern 'Wisconsin, Michigan, Northwestern
Iowa, Western Minnesota, North uud
South Dakota, Nebraska nnd Wyoming.
Better own a farm, Start now. Send
L'-cent stamp to W.U, Knlskern, 22 Fifth
avenue, Chicago, for copy of the
"Northwestern Ilomeseeker." Apply to
your nearest ticket agent for particu
lars, or address A, Q, Tallant, 507
Snilthllold street, Pittsburg, Pa.
POT WASHER at Hotel Jerniyn. Apply
to tho Steward.
ANTED Experienced lineman for con
struction work. Apply W. D. Lath
rope, 00 North Main street, Carbondalo.
WANTED-Forty men at Tobyhanna,
Pa., to work on grading for a rail
road switch and clearing a piece of wood
land. Call nt COS Mears building, Toby
hanna Creek Ico Co., C. C. Forber, treasurer.
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent for this county. No
books. Insurance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants and manu
facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond.
State age. experience, references first let
ter. Address. Suite u72, No. 1001 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
Situations Wanted.
experienced in stenograph;, and typo
writing; writes good long hand: desires
position Immediately. Address ' care
Tribuno office.
slAT!dDROPOSALSTlli be oi?emdlu
tho ofilco of tho City Recorder by tho
Director of tho Department of Public
Safety at ;i o'clock p. m., on Friday, No
vember 1 1, like, for coal to be delivered
at tho several fire and police houses la
tills city; also at the City Garbage Cre
matory. Bidders will bid on the follow
ing sizes: Egg, stove, chestnut, pea and
buckwheat. Coal must bo tho best qual
ity. All bids shall bo filed with the City
Controller at bis office in tho City Holt
not later than 2 o'clock p. m., Friday. No
vember H, IPO.'. Tho sum of fifty ($.VM'0j
dollars In cash or cctllleil cheek Is to be
enclosed with each bid, which sum shall
bo forfeited to tho city In case ot' refusal
or omission on the part of the bidder to
whom the contract is awarded to exe
cute contract within ten days alter tho
awarding ot the same,
Tho city reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
Director Department of Public Safety,
Scranton, Pa,, Nov, C, 1902,
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phuue 1SSI.
Real Estate Exchange Uldg., I'.'ij Wash
ington avenue
Civil and Mining Engineers.
liell building.
building, Spruce street. Seranton,
Fire Insurance,
Tho monthly all-day mcullng of the
Christian and Missionary Alliance will b
helil at the home of Misj Hastlo on
Thursday, Nov. 13. Mr, nnd Mrs, Lelsh
man and Clarence Chrisman, of Scran
ton, will bo present and have charge ot
tho meetings. Prayer service at 10.30 a.
in. Bible study at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. All
aio welcome.
Thorn will be a seilcs of gospel meet
ings every evening this week In tho Moth,
odlsl Episcopal church, Rev. P. L, .Mac
Donald, pastor. Sevurul visiting clergymen
will preach. Services Ix-gln at 7.30 o'clock-.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cranston, of
WUUes-llarre, spent Sunday In town.
A firu broke out In Iho homo, of Dnnlci
Colvoy yesterday morning caused by a
defective Hue. Before It was discovered
tho furniture In the upper story was de
stroyed by smoko. Tho hosu company re
sponded but their assistance was un
necessary. Tho funeral of Mrs. Patrick Carrol took
Pl.ico yesterday morning from the family
rchldcnco at .Mulllu's grove. A requiem
mass was celebrated In St. Mary's church
by Rev. M. F. Crane. Interment was
made In St. Mary's cemetery.
All tho bildge builders employed on :ivj
Rapid Transit lino Jutvo completed their
work hero and loft yesterday to work In
SCIILAGER Hi CO,. 401 Counull Building.
Patent Attorneys.
paYe nts ivtiwtttir
The only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor In the city, No charge for In
formation on patentability; over ten
yeais' experience
Kcploj'lc & Co., Mears Itlclg',
Hotels nnd Restaurants,
tin avenue, Rates reasonable.
P. Z.IKGLER, Propiletor.
Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor,
and cess pools; no odor; only Itnpioved
pumps used, A. 11. Brlggs. proprietor.
Leave orders 1100 Noth Alain avenue,
or Elcko's drug store, corner Adams and
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens,
avo., Scranton, mfia. of Wire Screens.
plies, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue,
be hud in Scrjuton at thu news stuud
of Rclsman Bros., too Spruco nnd Co)
Linden; M. Norton. 322 Lackawanna,
avc: 1. S. Scltutzer, V'U Spruce street.
Business Opportunity'
out dmny. Wilto for our special mar.
kct letter. Freo on application. S. M.
Hlblmrd ,t Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated nnd Stock Exchange, 41 nnd it
Broadway. Now York. Established 1861.
Long Distance 'Phone 2.1S1 Broad.
Money to Lean.
Quick, sti night loans or Building and
Loan, At ttom 4 to o per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, nH-nir Council building.
THlTIODEiV L,U'NDlh"Dinnnor'e'
launders idilrls at Sc. each and collars
and cuffa at iijc. each, Family washing,
4 cents per pound,
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Effect Juno 1, 1102.
Iinlns leave Scranton for Now York
At 1...0, 8.20, (i.05, 7.1,0 and 10.10 a. m.i 12.10.
3.10, .13., p. in. .-or Now York and Phlln-dclphla.-7.50.
10.10 a. m and 12,10 and 3.3.",
IV '. 1'"1' tSouldsboro-At CS.10 p. m. For
Buffnlo-1.13, C.23 and 9.00 a, ill.; l.K. 0.M
ami 11.10 p. tr. For Binghamtoii, Ehnlia
and way Htntlonn-in.2," a. in., 1.0." P. m.
I'or Oswego, Syracuse and mica 1.15 and
"", '.':. .'"' '"' P- m. Oswego. Syracu"'i
and t'tleu. train at (1.22 a. m. dally, except
Sunday. For Montroso-n.OO a. m.; 1.0".
anil o.iifl p. m. Nicholson accommodation
.00 and 0.1,1 p. in.
Ulnomsbiirg Dlvlslon-For Northumber
land, nt 8 8.-. and 10.10 n. m.; 1.33 nnd 0.1)
'': ,'".'. J'ov I'lymouth, ut S.10 a. m.; 3 10
and !) 03 i rn
Sunday Tr.f.ns-For Now York. 1.30, 3.20,
0 0,,, IO.10 a. in,; and 8.33 p. in. For
l!iilfalo-1.13 and 0.22 a. m.j 1.33. (;.,7) unci
11.10 p. m. For ElmliM and way stiilloas
!?"" ""' Fr Illnchnmton nnd way sta
tions. 9.00 n m. nioomsburg Division
Lenvo Scranton. 10.10 a. m. nnd rt.10 p. m.
ehlgh Valley Railroad.
Li Effect Juno J5, IDj-'.
Trains. Leave Scranton
For Philadelphia nnd New York via D.
Vv?1, R- at at 7.11, through Parlor Car
' , Pny Conch C.trhondnlo to Now York
and 9.4, a. m with L. V. Coach Carbon
dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.1S, 4.33 (Black
Diamond Express), and 11.19 p. m. Sun-U1V-S-
.:.& H. It. R., l.r.s. 9.17 p. m.
l;or Alili? Haven, Hnzleton and princi
pal points in the coal regions, via D. &
J.n-,.!- 7'11- 2.IS and 1.83 p. m. For
Pottsvllle. 7.41 a. m.
lor Bethlehem. Eastun, Reading, Hnr
risburg and principal itilortncdlato sta
tions, via D. & II, R. R.. 7.11, 9.17 a. m.;
2.1S, 4 8., (Black Diamond Express!, 11.19 p.
"V """""ays. D. & 11. R. R., 9.35 a. m.l
1.3S, 9.17 p. in.
For Tunkhnnnnck, Towanda, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva r.nd principal Intermediate
stations via D., L. & W. R. R.. 0.33 a. in.
and 1.33 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester. Buffnlo, Niag
ara Iialls, Chicago and all points west via
D. & H. R. R., l'.'.ot p. m.: 8.:'S (Black
Diamond Express). 10.41. 11.19 p. in. Sun
days. D. & H. R. R.. 12.03. 9.17 p. 111.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
alley Parlor cars on all trains between
Wilkes-Barre nnd Now York, Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLMN IT. WILBUR. Gen. Supt.. 23
fori land si root. Now York.
CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt.. 24
Corlland street, Now York.
A. W. NONEAIAf'HER, Dlv. Pass. Agt..
South P.ethlehein. Pa.
For tickets and Pullman resorvatloni
apply to city ticket office, 09 Publlo
Square, Wllkc-Barro. Pa.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
Corrected to September 10, 1902,
Stations in New York, foot Lluerty
street and South Ferry, N. R.
Trains leave Scranton for New York.
Philadelphia, Kaston, Bothlohcm, Allon
town. Muucli Chunk, White Uaven, Ash
ley, Wllkes-Barro and Plltston nt 7.30 a.
in., 1 p. m ii'iil -1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. in.
Quaker City Express leaves Scranton
7.80 a. m through solid vestlbulo train
with Pullman Buffet Pallor Car for Phlla
dolphin with o.ily one change ot cars for
Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and all
principal points south and wot.
For Avocn, Pittstou nnd Wilkcs-Barre,
I p. m. and I p. m. Sunday, 2 10 p m.
For Long Brnnch. Ocean Grove, etc.,
7.80 a. m. and 1 n. m.
For Rending, Lebanon and Harrlsburg
via Allcntown at 7.80 u. m., 1 p. m. and I
p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m,
l'or Tfunnqua. and PoUsvllle. 7.20 a. m.:
1 p. m. and 4 p. m
For rates and tickets apply to ageat at
W. G. BESSLER. Gen. Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Sclu'd.ilu In Ell'oet Juno 10, UM:
Tiains leave Scrauton-i;.8S a. m., wool:
davs, through estihulo train from
Wllkes-Uarre. Pullman buffet perlor oar
and couches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllle; stops at piliwipul Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Snnbury. liar
ilsburg. Philadelphia, laltlmore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and the West.
9 17 a. tn., week day, for Sunbury. llar
ilsburg, Philadelphia, Ralllmoiv, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and tho West
1 r p. in., week days, (Sundays. I.3S p.
in,), for Snnbury, Hnrrlsluirg, Philadel
phia, Baltimore. Washington and Pitts
burg and the West
8 "i p. m.. week days, through vellbulo
trafti from Wllkoa-Ilario Pullman buffet
pallor ear and roaches to Philadelphia vl i
PnttBVlllo. Stops in principal lutermedl
ale stations. ,
133 ii. m.. wok (Vivs. Inr llazlolon. Son.
bury, HurrUbuig, Philadelphia and Pltti-
l""e' J. T!. lU'TCHINSOV. Gen. Mgr
,1 B WOOD. Gen p..o,. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Etf'ci 311,1.' l. I'JH.".
Tiabis for Carbondalo luavn Scranton at
fi II 7..W. !.i. !0.'3 n. in.; 1.12. 2.11.
83li! 3.29. 0 23, S.2I, 9.13, Piul p. III.; 12.JS,
For, 10.13 n. m.; 2.11 and
3 "9 n ill.
For Wllkos-llarro-C.3S. 7.11. $.11. 9.17.
11)53 a. ill.: 12 0.1. 112, 2 IS. 8.2-i, 1.83. Ii M.
7 ts 10.11. II. -nt P- m.
For L. V. It. R. Polllts-7.41, 9.47 a, Pi.
1! I 33 and 11.19 p. in.
"For Pennsylvania It. R. Polnts-0 31
9 47 n in.-. 112. SU'S and 4 33 p. m.
For Albany and all points ninth 7.34 a,
'""""''VuNDAy' TRAINS.
For Cnrl'0UilnlcS..7i, l 88 u. pi.! 2,11,
1-0 f,r.'.' and 11.17 p. in.
For Will;es.llarroP.3S n. m-l V-M, 1.3?,
3.'.i, (1.82 and 9.17 i. in. .
Voc Albany and points north.!..! p. -in.
For Honcsdalo-SM a. m.j 1183 and 3.31
P'w''L PRYOR. D P A.. Sevniitnn. Pa,
"Erte"Rnilrond Wyoming Division.
Ill Elfoct Soptombei 13, KMJ..
Trnlns leave Serautiin for New York.
Nowburgh and Intermediate points, als-n
fVir llnwbiy and local stations at 7.20 a.
" Fo" Honos'daio' nnd AVhltQ Mills ut 1.33
'''Trains arrive at Scranton at 10.33 n. m.
and 9. 13 p. m-
New York, Ontario and Western,
Tllliu Wil'le III eltccl Sunday. Sept. 23, 19UJ.
Leave Leave Artiva
Sciautou. Carboudalc, Cadoala.
.10.3011.111. a. in. l.uu iv.m,
, p. ni.Ar.Carbondalo 0.10 p.m
SOl'TIl BOUND. '--
Leave Leavo Ariiva
Cadosla. Caibondalo. SerantQii,
rtfiou. m. ".Sin, pi.
. 2.13 II. 111. 4.00 11.111. 1.13 11. Til
Leave . Lenvo Airlrn
Scranton. Carbondnle. Cadobla.
S.80 a. m. 9.10 a. in. 10.13 a. pi.
;.(Hl p. ui.Ar.C.irbondalo 7.13
Leave Leave Airlvu
Trains. Cadoala. Carbondalo. Scranton.
No. 0 ll.BOa. in. 7.23 a.m.
No. 10 1.30 p. in. ti.0.ip. in. is, 13 p.m.
Trains ,o. i un o;iy, nun u oil
No. 1 ,
No. 7 ,
No, l! ,
No. 9 .
No. 3 ..
Sundays camiect for Now York city, Ml,
dlutown, Walton. Norwich, Oneida, Oi
wogo nun nn I'oiuii vi.
Train No. ti, wiih "Qunkcr City Kx.
press" at Scranton. via l R. It. of N. J
for Philadelphia, Atlantic City. Baltimore,
Washington und Pennsylvania state
See time-table and consult ticket ngontj
for connections wllb othor lines.
J, C. ANDERSON. G. P, A.. New York.
J. E. WELSH. T. P. A., Scranton, Pa.