. . ft . i-J rl THE SCRANTON TRIBUKE-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, 11, 190U. , I WEST j&RANTQN Narrow Escape from a Serious Accident at the Briggs Shaft Carriage Dropped Down the Shaft. What iiilKlit have been a more seil dim nrrldrnt tlutii It wit, ocrunetl In Mm new shrift nt the Urlccs colliery 'fMlrnloy mnrnlnR', when the holsthiK jurrlnRC dropped down the shaft a tlls liincc of forty feet, nnd struck the bot tom with terrltlo force, Biiinsliliitf the I'linlnpe nnd a car on It Into kindling wood. EiiKlnepr Hm he, who has been a handy man about the shaft, was put In charge of the engines, nnd It was tils 'llrst attempt for the day at hoisting. After hoisting the car of coal up to a height of forty feet, ho leversed the nglne, and the cnrrlage and car liopped to the bottom. Fortunately none of the woikmen ere near, the foot, olno someone would mdoilbtedly have been Injured. The ocldent necessitated n suspension of tork for the dav. The woik of lepalr A'ns immedliitely begun, and continued throughout the dav and night, and It lq expected woik will be lcsiliiiud this nornlnsr. Union Thanksgiving Seivice. Four pastors of local chinches, Iter. Tohn P. Moffat, of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church: Itev. James Hen nlnger, or the Ktnbuiy Methodist Epii :opal church; Kov. IT. C. McDetmott. if the Hlmpon Methodist Episcopal 'liurch. and Kov. T. A. Humphreys, of the Plymouth Congiegatlonal church, diet yesteiday afternoon In Dr. Moffat's study nnd ananged for the annual Thanksgh lug D.iy union eervlce. Tt was decided to hold the service In the "U'.ishburn Stiect Presbvterlan church on Thuisdny inouilng, Nov. '27, at 10.30 o'clock, and Kov. Humphreys was Invited to preach the sermon, and accepted the Invitation, he being the latest acqulMtlon to the local ministry. The collection which will be ttfkcn up will be devoted to the local blanch of thp Younir Women's Chi Minn asso ciation. The detailed programme of the service will be published later. The members of all the chinches are lu sted to participate in the service. Remains Arrived Yesterday. The remains of the Into John D. Ilob nts, who died at Ple.isnnt Plains, Jll on Wednesday last, ai lived hcie :,es trrdny moining and weip taken to tho home of tho deceasud's sister, Mis. Kiah PetPi-s, "in North FUlmoie ave nue, where the- t uncial -services will be held at " o'clock this afternoon. Deceased w.is also a brother of Mis. Morgan Lewis, and a son ot Thomas T. and Elizabeth Roberts, who resided, prior to their death, at 1711 Price sticet. FREE! FREE! FREE! 2?iva stamps given away with each, bottle of Dufour's Eieuch Tar G. W. JENKINS. i our omi-Annuai sa e t ! Of Housekeeping Linens I Begins on Tuesday morning. son. t in this announcement to by experience that it means a yard or item bought in these tinues. OS S -3 Bleached Linen All new patterns and the best 5 Worth. For. r$ 58 in. Damasks. .. .28c 22c jg D8 in. Damasks. .. .35c 25c '" 58 in. Damasks. .. .45c 35c rS 58 jn. Damasks. .. .50c 30c 3 54 in. Damasks. .. ,50c 45c 60 in. Damasks. .. .65c 55c ??3 72 in. Damasks. .. ,75c 50c S 68 in. Damasks. ...75c 65c '. 72 in. Damnsks....85c 75c a Heavy Linen Ci ; 50 in. Damasks. ...25c 10c 9 54 in. Damasks. .. .20c 22c r3 60 in. Damasks. .. .33c 25c r$ 60 in. Damnsks. ...40c 31c VS 58 in. Damasks. .. .45c 35c j Table Napkin Prices also Reduced S In proportion to the above figures. better qualities In damasks. 5-8 Linen Table Napkins begin at 49c the dozen. Our regular $6.00 a dozen Napkins sell now at $4.50. All Intermediate or higher grade qualities carry the same discount during this sale. g Matchless Towel Barbers' Towels, 14x26, 7c each. Dozen 75c. : All Linen Damask Towels, 16x31, worth 120 each. 9c: doz $ & Heavy Huck Towels, regular 12c kind, ach 9c: dozen $1 Z ah Linen huck or Uamask 3 each, about 200 dozen in All other towels correspondingly ! Crash Toweling; Specials - 2 Union Linen Crash Toweling, 6c kind, at 4c. . Heavy All Linen Scotch Crash, worth 12 ',4c. at Br:. Glass Toweling and other yard 3 Remarkable Values in Bedspreads 1 All large sizes and thoroughly course, and some are fringed. TS 80c Bed Spreads at 70c i3 91.10 Bed Spreads at..,. 08c ' Rl Rfi TloH Rrtrofwla nf 1,35 Bed Spreads at, , , ,$1,10 1,50 Bed Spreads nt, , , ,1,20 1,75 Bed Spieads at, , . ,1.50 1,85 Bed Spreads at, , , ,1,50 2.00 Bed Spreads at, , . .1.75 2.25 Bed Spreads at.... 185 2.50 Bed Spreads at. , . ,2,10 3 3 3 is I Globe Warehoiis?.! 'WWWMMMMWf MVW and at one time conducted "The Conch and Horses hotel," at Main avenue and Lnfnyotto street. Mr. Roberts wns 46 years of ago nnd unman led. He left heie about twenty flvo years ago, but will be remembered by many of the older residents, all 'of whom are Invited to attend the funeral services this afternoon. Interment will be made In the Wiisshburn Street ccni'-cterv. A Lively Reunion. A biothorly reunion, under peculiar circumstances, was witnessed In the Jackson street police station recently. Owen O'Malley, who Is a icsldent of the -west, came hero to visit his brother, Patrick. The meeting was such a joyous one that It ended In a fight be tween them, and both were locked up. Shortly afterward, James, another bi other, who resides nt IIS North Flll moio avenue, was arrested on roni plalnt of his wife, whom he chased out of the house, nnd tlnentened to carvo her with a knife. The re-union oc curred at the hearing, when Owen anil Patrick were fined $4 each, and James was fined $5. All three left the sta tion home together. Patrolmen Transfeired. All of the patioltnen who have been doing duty in West Scranton for some time have been tiansferred to the cen ti.it city. The list includes William Mathews, James Halt, Thomas Collins, John D. Thomas, Jamps Thomas, Will iam Morgan, Thomas Lowry, John Mc C'olllgan, Thomas Evans and John Mc Donald. Those assigned to duty on this side aie David Parry. Thomas Potter, John Malott, David Davis, Harry Bradsh.nv, Lewis Huntington, Arthur Williams nnd Sylvester Savltts. Lieutenant John Davis, Patrolmen Conrad Maikcr, Kiah Pptpi s and Thomas Jones are on their vacations. Ciabs vs. Mossbacks. The Mossbacks nnd Crabs bowling teams plaved tluec games on the West Side nllpys last night, the latter v in ning two of tho three games. The teams wpip: Crabs Staples, nruning. Strong, II lt tln nnd Diehl. Their scoies weie 717, 6s7, 70S; total, 2.1 12. Mossbacks Thomas, Owald, Olldnif, Fowler, 3Tnrsh.il. Their scores weio Gin, f,33, 7,"i0: total, 2.0R4. Fied Strong was rcfeicc, and Thomas Phillips scoiokeeuer. EVENTS THIS EVENING. The Bertha Li Monte rmpUn Ml,lnn niy socictv of the Washburn Street Pis bvtoiinn (huioh will m ot this pvenug nt flip homo of Miss Cm l P.ivis, imnr of Jackson stient and (Jnifield .i.eiiu. 'Hip Wst Side linntl of ti.ide will hold tliolr tegular mooting this viiilng in tho Elertiie Cltv Whcelmpii club house. The mishrm iry study c l.iss will moot In tho Muip'on Motl'odtst Ephcop.il chuirli There ought to be a welcome 3?: every housekeeper, for they know gw saving of just so much on every & departments while the sale con- j; Table Damasks makes known to the trade. 5s Worth. Tor. 72 in. Damask. $1.00 $.871 72 in. Damask. 1.12& .98 " 72 in. Damask. 1.25 1.12'. 72 in. Damask. 1.40 1.19 " 72 in. Damasls. 1.45 1.29 72 in. Damask. 1.50 1.39 72 in. Damask. 1.65 1.50 72 in. Damask. 185 1.69 72 in. Damask. 2.00 1.85 60 in. Damasks. .50c 45c 02 in. Damasks . . 50c 45c 70 in. Damasks.. 70c 59c 70 in. Damasks.. 75c 67'c Other qualities proportion ately i educed. We can match all of the ST o Bargains $i Towels worth 15c, 18c and 20c all, extra special at, each, 12c. reduced during this great sale e?: goods at correspondingly low pric :es c: good qualities New patterns, of 3.00 Bed Spieads at, , , .2.50 3.50 Bed Spieads at, , . .2.08 4.00 Bed Spreads at, , , .3.50 4.50 Bed Spreads at, , . .4.00 5.00 Bed Spieads at, , , .4.50 Pillow Cases, Sheets, Sheet ings and all other kinds of housekeeping linens at special bargain prices. this evening, The mercy and help de partment of tho Junior Epworth lcaguo will mot this evening nt the homo of Miss Margaret Crawford on North Hydo Park aenue. Thcro tvIII be a meeting this evening of tho officers and organising committee of St Patrick's Irish Catholic Uonovolent union at tho homo of tho president, Mrs. Donnelly, on Chestnut slieet. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Commencing next Sunday evening, Itev. James Hennlngei, pastor of tho Embury Mothodlst Episcopal church, will begin a series of discotuscs on tho subject, "A Lovo Itomnnco In Thrco Parts." Tho llrst part will bo "The King's Ambnssador Socking a Wife for thn Young Prince." A largo congregation at Toylor on Sunday, had tho pleasure of listening In two very eloquent discourses fiom Row U. Lloyd Hobcrts, pastor of a Inrgo and wealthy Congregational church nt Oo mcr, Allen county, Ohio. In the evening tho reverend gentleman preached at tho North Seiutiton Calvlnlstlc Methodist chinch. A number of complaints aie being made that milk Is being Btolen regularly fiom different placcH, paitlcillarlv In tho vicinity of West Linden nnd Chestnut stieels. Tho latest victim who has been compelled to drink bis coffee without milk Is James Wymhs, and ho savs tho milk thief not only takes the milk, but dellbei.itely thiowa tho can Into tho juid afturwiuds. A. M. Morse, Dr. P. 1 Struppler, Pa trolman Klnh Peter? and Lieutenant of Police John Davis returned home Satur day evening fiom a llsblng tt tp to Slck Ipi's pond, near Urovvn Hollow. Each 'poured a nlco mess of pickerel, but tliey did not catch as many as they had ex pected. The tilp was a delightful one, and was onlv matred bv the announce ment that John D.'Itobeils, a brother-in- law of Patiolman Peters, Inrl died in Illinois. The paity enloyed the drive both ways, and Lieutenant Davis Invent ed a successful connivance for catching tlsh during their absence. He Is now e pl'ilnlng It to his friends. Patrolmen TlnuWiaw and Huntington vvoio called to the corner of Twenty ill st and Lurprtic streets, Sunday even ing, where It was mportod a light was in prngios". When the olllceis arrived tho light was all over with, and but one man was arrested. He was Coorge. Lamb, ot Luzerne sticet, who wns drunk and dls oiderlv. At the hearing yesterday he claimed someone olo was responsible for the trouble, and after signing tho pledge, he was loleased, An infant child of Mr. and 'Mrs. Pied Hoylet, of 711 West Lackawanna ave nue, died jcstonlay. The funeral will be pilvate. Mrs. S. H. Swank, of MlfllinvlllP. Pa, is visiting her daughter. Mis Geoige W. Jenkins, of South Hjne P.nk avenue. Mrs George W. Powell, of ISellevup, will cntettain Hip delegates to the Wo man's Relief toips convention on Thurs day evening. Tudor R Williams, of South Main ave nue, lins been elected tie.isurei of the Sci.iuton club at Cornell unlveisltv. Tho fuiipial ot George, thn 15-ycar-old son of .Mr. and Jtrs. Mm tin Monis, of 2I'I RniliOcid avenue, wiio lled on S.ituiday, will take plue this afternoon. A diughter was irocntlv boin to Mr. and Mis. John McAnduw, of lO.'O Jack son sticet. .Tosepb Anslev, of North Main .ivtntip, Ins seiuml a. pitcnl on ,i vinegar faucet which ho invented some 1 1 mo ago. Alls M. IJplMnnn and Miss Cniuo Pi lining, of Ciibomlilp, bavo lPluinerl homo tiom a iWi with AVcst Scianton lelatlves and li lends. Mis. Evan Thorn i-., of Noith Riomley .iionue, is iciovcrlng fio ma tlnoat affei tion. Ray Colo, of Om'okI bticet, is recov cling fiom :i jjovoie illness. Kdw.ud J:nns of South llvdc P.irit .ivonii", has KtovPUd lioin Illness ami i opened his 1 uliei shop on Wist LjlU- awanni avenue. Thp ladles of the Siinp-on Metliodlst I'pistopal Chun h wlinso nanips bigln with the lottois L, M. X, O, P. Q and It, rwt lit tho chuich last ovming nnd de ided lo hue an initial snppn on Tlmiid.iy ( von in:, Kov ember 0. Mis William J nrfs. ot UpIIpmip, is en- tpi tabling Mi.- Daniel Pino and daugh ters, of Mostow. Mis. Joseph P Phillips, of Swctland slut t, it, ii pen ted to be seiioiulv ill. Hugh KcuUnii, of Lakcwood, .V. .1 , has retuimd homo fiom a visit with his sistci. Alls. John Monnigei, ot Noith Hvdo I'aik nv nuc. Ati.s Mamlto Suvder and daughter, of Leno, aie the guests of West Scranton ft Icndo. Gcoigp King, of Anslo's pinning null. vas struck by a piece of wood lecently and lendeied umonsclous. Rich ml Deitiick, ot South Main ave nue, has leturned homo fiom a week's visit with his paients at Mt. Pocono. Miss Floicnco Whitman, of South Re becca avenue, entei tallied the G. T. C. club at her homo last evening. Horn To Mr. and Mis. Amos Kiause, of Bellevue, a dauglitei. Alvin F. Reels, a former lesident of West Scianton. died at his homo in Ueth lehem on Satuiday last. NORTH SCRANTON. . Thomas Morgan, an employe nt tho Cayuga eollleiy of tho De law aie, Incka wnnna mid Western Haihoad company, met with a painful accident while, at woik jestcidny, Aloignn was In tho act of coupling a tup of cai.s to the motor wlien Ids hand vwis caught hetween tho bumpeis and bndly btulsed. IUr wounds weio chessed at tho mine hospital and he wns later removed to his homo, whero medical attention was ealled. Jtuv Smith, a lesldmt ot Shoit .avenue, wns painfully Inliued in tho Diamond mine jcsteiday. Hmlth was emplojed as n driver boy and was coming along a shai p grado when ho tiled to contiol his tiip. In somo manner ho did not notlco tho shoit space and wns thernfoio caugtit between tho rib and ilie ears. Ho sus tained a dislocated hip and other in juiies about the body, Ifo was removed to tho suiCaco and altei wards to tho Moses Taylor hospital. A meeting of the T. D Hayes Indepen dent Political club wns held last evening to congiatulato Mr. Hayes on his iccent election, A delegation of tho West Sido rienbiuo club, beaded by the Sons of Votunns' chum coins, matched fiom Went Seinnton to participate In tho re ception. Aftei Boveial Hpccche.s by pioiu Inent citizens a Hinolcer wan hold. Mi, Hayes thanked tho.so piehcnt for tho heaity hiippoit they had given him dining Ills iccent campaign and for tlio inception Tho mombeis of tin Ht 1'aul'H lai theian chinch, Shoit avenue, celebiated "Itefoi matloti Uay" at thn chinch lust evening, Atltlie.ss.es weio dellveied liy Itoy. A. t. Humor, I'll, D , and Itev, V.. 1" Hitter. Tho i:cclblnt' niamatle club will pro. duei) a comedy entitled "A Comuioiclil Diuinmci" at the udltuilum on Thanks, giving night. Mls,s Magglo Uicigan, of Aiclibalel, has letuinecl honin alter a two weeks' IMt with JMIms Katlu II, Ne.iiy, ot .Miuy htieel. Mos.si s. Daniel Uavl.s and Thoman How. ells p nt Sunday with 01 pliant irlends, Samuel Itobeits, of M'nnt avenue, ban letiiilicil homo fiom an extended sta In New Jlexlco, Ilniiy Panvtis, of Oouldshoro, hpciU Sutiduy with his uiontn on William atieet. Tha home of Jlr nnd Mis James Long, of North Main avenue, Is oilghtened by the nilival of a haby gill. Miss Julia limns, ot Xevv Voik city, Is ill at tho homo of MrH. J, s. I.ee oil Meyloit avenue, wheto bho Is spending her vacation. Missea Maty Dickson, of rtnclicstei, N. V, and Josle Sullivan, of Oljphnn, weio thu guests of Mr, and Mis. it, Menick, of Gteen btieet Rossman Vail, ot Couit stieot, is spend ing a fow days with WIlkes-Haiio filends, Mlb-s Edith Klchaids, of Oak btreot, lias returned to her homo after a bhoit visit with Olyphant relntives. O. W. Davis and Hay ISarbei; retmned Satuiday evening fiom a hunting expo- dltlon In tho vicinity of Nicholson with a well filled pouch. Master Karl Lewis, of North Main avenue, has returned to his home, after spending several months with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wcstlnke, of Mill City. On Sunday evening a very largo and appreciative audlenco llitened to a most touching address, which was dellvored by Mrs. L 15. Wells, evangelist, at tho First Welsh Paptlst church, West Mar ket street, Her theme was "Nanman, tho Syrian." She will also speak every evening this week, except Saturday, at tho above place, commencing at .0 o'clock, SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Tin tiling Adventure of Local Hunt ers with n Wild Cat In the Wilds of Pike County. News caino to this side yestwfct of a tin tiling adventure In Pike county, in which several well known citizens par ticipated. A week ago, a party of hunt cis. residents of this pnrt of the city, started on a ten days' hunting expedi tion, Among them wote George Feane, Geotgo Phillips nnd Charles Wlllard, foreman nt the Scianton Axlo works. They lire tho persons referred to In a letter iceelvcil hero jcslcnlny, which leads ns follows: "Scveial Scianton men, nt picFent hunting In Plko county, had mi uvpoil piico last Saturdav, which came near having a serious ending. The pai ty in question weio following the bounds on what they thought was a labbit hack. Tho tuicU led Into a dismal swamp, and the tnave hunters followed tho dogs Into ltR Innermost recesses. "George Phillips, who was In advance, went ctushlug through a dense lauiol bush, when he wns staitlcd to Unci cou ft outing him, an unusually large, sav age, looking wild cat. Mr. Phillips find without taking time to nlm and wound ed the beast in the leg. At the sumo time, however. Ills foot caught In a loot, and he fell headlong In fiont of tho enraged beast, which at once sprang on the prostrate man. lie was helpless, nnd nt the meicv of the snv.tge animal, but fortunately his cries for help were heard bv Chailes Wlllaid, who rushed to his assistance "Feailng to shoot, Wlllard slewed the animal by the. throat, nnd nt once a deadly struggle began. Wlllard's cloth ing was torn In slued, and It's hnrd to tell how thp fight would have onded had not thn desperntP man thought of his hunting knife. Ho reached it with ills left hand, nnd with a vjell directed blow, ended the fuilous wild cat's career. "Others of the partv answered the cries for holp, among them bplng Geoige Fenne, William Tuthlll and Jamos Tou hill, a well known druggist, but the bat tle was over before they could bo of as sistance. None of the party was hint bejond a scratching, and tho animal which they took to their quartei3 weighed eighteen and a half pounds." Y. W. C. A. Notes. Dr. 1. J. Lansing will open the coin so of Iretuiea Tnesdjv evening, November II, at the Young Women's Clnlstl.in asso cntlon, P'-'l Cedar avenue, the Hist lee tuio will bo 'The Courtship of Miles Standi.sh." Season tickets, LO cents; cin glo tickets, 1" cents. Tour attention Is called to the obser -anio of the week of pravcr, November S-Vi. As this same week Is obseived by all associations tliioughout tho woild. we count it a pilvilego thus 10 unite with women of all lards at tho same time lor a icnewed epciioncc of tho solvation of CluisL 'I lino will bp spiciil meetings dining this week. It Is customaiy dining tills tinio lor nch a-sociation lo olfer some think towards tho work of the woild s committee. Wp hope rrnny membeis will havo part in Ibis oftonng. howevei small it may he. Ton an send in jour offer ing during thr- wrck 01 biing it to tho gospel mcf'tinc next Sunday .and drop it m tho collection box. Send up .1 jiraei with our nickel, dime 01 doll.u. NUBS OF NEWS. Cii.ulcs Kaestnor nnd Jacob I5ocs re turned homo veslcrd.iv fiom a hunting trip in Su'ccuiohaiina count, and brouclit with them seventy-one labbilt., eleven ijuail and M pheasants. Jlis-. M. He-'-ingcr was pleasantly j-ur-prlsed yrstrid.ij when a. line deer and a bugo bear vvero brought to her home on I'ittf-ton avenue No note accompanied tho game, but thev aie believed to he pent ttoni V. S. Mott, Cl. Feune and O. l'hillipb, who aio bimtliig hi I'lko countv. Tho usual weekly out bro and social will bo held in St. John's hall tomoirow nlglit. Di. Schley'a Lung Healing Balsam is giiai anteed to cuio all coughs. "So cine, no pay." Tor bale bv alt dealei.s Comet lodge. Knights of Pythias, will meet this evening In Haitman'.s hall. Thcro was almost a full attendance nt tho choral union rehearsal Inst evening, and veiy satittactory pi ogress Is being mado with tho cantata, "Tho Haymak ei.s." Tne Jtinger Macnneichor villi have a le heaib.il tonight. DUNMORE. The students of the Dunmoro High behool will in a few das publlbh tlio initial number of their school papei. They bavo decided to call it tho Hed and Dine, in lecognltlon of tho schoi 1 colois. Clarence Harper, of tlio Soplio moio class, Is business managei, and Miss Jcslo Cron, of tlio senior clnbb, Is editor In chief. Kach of tlio clabseb of tho High school will bo repichonted by an associate editor, Tlio object of tho paper Is to show tho public tho woik that Is being done in tlio literary work, and for thu advancement of tho scholnib In composition. Tho subscription piico has been fixed nt CO cents per ear, or 30 cents per singlo copy. Miss Anna Hrannlng, of Vifth btreet, entei tnlned on Saturday night, in honor of her twenty-second blithday. Sim wan presented with a beautiful piano bv her pnionts and a handsome music cab inet by her uletulb. At a. Into hour dnlnty rotP&hmciits weio seivetl. Thno In attendance weio: Mr. and Mr. Wil liam Scigravps, Mr. and Mrs. Samuil MeCrneken, Mr. and Mr.s. II W. Hrun Ing, Mlsaos Hesslo Shepherd, Ploitneo limning, Anna Hishop, (liaec Maishall, Salllo Mit'iaekon. Uesse MeH'iacken, Alice Orijth, Mes,r.s. Arch MrPi.ulti'ii, Obcar Oswald, Will Fowler, Alvlu Aim strong, Ttoboit Owens I'dwaid Suuda.v, Davo Prink, Busliuell Hronson, Walttr lb lining, lldwatd Muller, Frank KHtnii St. Agnes Guild of Ht. Mark's cliuuli will meet tonight with Miss Ada Web ber, of Drinker btreet, Special revival meetings aio now being held in tho Methodist Dplscopal chimb each evening Ihioughoiit the wtek, Shoit talks attractive muxlo nud pleat nut biiiioiintlliiKs art) diavlng laigo num bers, unci eveiytlilmr Indicates a vciy succebsful vork, GREEN RtPCiE, Miss I,ulu Dolph, of I'Biin aveniie, has leliiiucd fiom u stay at Uikti Winol.i. Otoig8 Hut dick, of Mousey avenue, Is nlilo to bo about again after a two mouths' illness. Tlio IJcllpso foot bull team beat tho Hcicumeis In a match game nt Samlet bon paik jisteiday afteiuoou. Scoiu, o-u The Hi st of a series of lovivnl incntlnes conducted by tho pastor, Hev Chailes Henjainlu, was held in tho Sunday school looms of tho Asbiuy Mediodlst Uplscopal pliuich list uvcnlng Thebo meetings will bo continued thioiighout tho wee;, and will begin at 7-10 o'clock. That ot last evening was for men only while the meet ing tills evening will bo for I idles only. A team ot hoibps belonging to Jonas I.ong'b Sons and attached to one of their stoio wagons, took flight on Capoiibo ave nue ychtciday forenoon and lan away. They wete caught befoie they had gone GOLDSMITH'S The Dress Goods Sale of the Season 19023 Critical buyers and lovers of bargains will find much to in terest them on our Dress Goods Counters. The goods got little price consideration once they were put into the sale, as you will learn if you will look. Remember, too, that the choicest pieces always go first. Here is a synopsis; Dress Goods Worth 25c the yard, for 19c the yard Dress Goods Worth 50c the yard, for 39c the yard Dress Goods Worth 75c the yard, for 59c the yard If you take us at our word and come here at once, you will find some offerings that will astonish you. It doesn't sound reasonable, but we are never reasonable when we make a dash for trade. How unreasonable we are now, you will learn by and by when you pay more for Dress Goods. The PreCfanstmas Selling of Fine Handkerchiefs For a few cents we will sell you a quality that will surprise you. A Handker chief is a little thing usually, but it is of some consequence if you haven't all you need. It is almost like finding them at the prices here mentioned. It is your own fault if you are short of Handkerchiefs after this. Besides, you know any woman would be more than pleased to get Handkerchiefs for her Christmas present. This is in the nature of a "tip." Handkerchiefs. Worth 5c each Two for 5c Worth Sc each 4c each Worth ioc each 5c each Some 7c each Four for 25c Worth i2ceach . 8c each Worth iSc each 10c each There's Swiss, Cambric and All Linen Handkerchiefs in these lots, some plain hemstitched, some embroidered, others lace trimmed, and again, scalloped edges. And I each and eveiy Handkerchief is indeed worth more than way for you to believe it is to come and see. By the way, there's some bargains in Men's Handkerchiefs at the Men's Fur nishing Counter. There is the men a good turn. Either buy for them or post them ifriijifliijjfrm'da Will Buy tiic Best Stiff In Neal Patterns That Skill and Experience Can Produce AT CONRAD'S Look at the New Patterns Received This Week. 305 LACICA AVENUE. Fermentation in the stomach That is wliy ordinary whiskey fails to agree with many people who need the help of a pure stimulant. With Green Valley Rye, the stage of fermen tation has long been a thing of the past before the liquor finds a resting place in a bottle bearing that ' wo deliver four quarts of Green Vnllcy, rltlu'i- Inmlly 01 iiiiywliere in tlio Haul or Middle West, for S 00 n3lt LACKAWAriNAAVC.SCRAriTOrt'W eiy fai. The onlj ilunmse clone w.ih u luuKeii w.iRcm timiiuo .MIbs l.emmid l .subKlUillliitT ful Mh Cum ailtilii .it i-cliool No .'7 OBETUARY. JAMTrf U KEU.l.'Y, ot 1119 .South Irvinti aviinie, thh city, died niddenly nt 'J o'clock jc'bU'tchiy afteiuoou Mr. Kolley wuh born In H.tlll.suiceny, County Majo, Inland, aiul wluii J) juts, of imro ntihtd In this couiiuy, lotatlns at Aichbald. AVhllo n ns-ldent thoio lm wiib u member of tho n-liool hoatd for his eaia. Ho Inter reinoM'd to .Scranton, whoro ho cnB.ieid III tho hotel biiMties-b, which ho (iiicccsfully cutrled on for bl. teen yeaif, residing In both tho Sixteenth nnd Eighteenth wards of tlio city. Ho wus elected Milect councilman troin tho Eighteenth ward und fcercil ono term. He li suivived liy his. wlfo mid i-l chll. Uicn; Mnrj, wife of Attorney John 1 JS. Ibj?" HENRIETTAS, SERGES, JFLANNELS, CHEVIOTS, POPLINS, WHIPCORDS, GRANITES, VIGOREAtTX, COVERTS, AND OTHERS. a chance here for wives, motheis and sweethearts to do Bosom Garner's Percale STAR THEATRE AI.l G. HEIUHNGTON, ManaKer. Mouil'ij. Tuiid.c .iiul Wcdlie-da., NOVEMllUlt lu. U and 1.' THE "HIGH ROLLERS" MATINEES EVEUV PAY Millphy: ElUulietli i, teacher In publio htliool No. u, lieiuotu ... with tho ISet. .-of Mliilnif companv. James J., tole Ki.ipli (i Hilar ut tho "Wstetn rnlon. Maigaiot and 1'iaiiU, htudents nt tin HlKh bdiool. Kiinei.il iitiiiounionu'iu will bo jwulu lutei. Gi:0UGE Mdltms! tho r,-eai.o!d s-ou of Mr. and Mt. Mas tin Moult!, of S10 Italhoad iivenuo. died Sundiiy motnlng ut 1JS0 o'clock. Thv funeial will tnko jiKuu Tuesday afteiuoou BAZAAR Dress Goods Worth 39c and 49c yd, for 29c the yard Dress Goods Worth 65c to 75c yard, for 49c the yard Dress Goods Worth $1 to $1.50 yd, for 79c the yard Handkerchiefs. Worth much more Three for 25c Worth 20c each Two for 25c Worth 25c each 15c each Worth 33c each 21c each Worth 27ZAC eachv 25c each Worth 65c each 43c each we ask for it. Well, the only on the bargains, AMUSEMENTS, Lyceum Theatre, II. Kcis, Ifioce and JlfimRor. A J. Duffv, Business Manager. One Night Ouly, Tuesday Nov. 11, Tlio Ilrcoid UicmKcv and Pace Makci. JOHN W. VOGEL'S Arthur Ripby. tho Happy fomodliii; Low Xl'iiuclUt, the OilKlnal; Latciv nnd Kdnionds, Comedy Aciob.ilic At.meN, Biobst niotlic is-, tho Dancing Danriloq; Don Gordon, foniody Trick Cjcllst, in .in. cntiio new act. A biBPrei. hcttoi. nnd piandor show tli.m n.is rtr seen before. A now show with now foatmos, I'l loos ft 00. 73c , .'Oc , -c. So.it"! on halo. Friday Night, Nov. 14 Saturday Matinee and Night Nov. 15 ENGAGEMENT OF imrSYnalTS UIII'Jlll'J HI Ami her superb company In Carina Jon ilan't- romantic drama, THE LILY AND THE PRINCP 1'rescnted on an olaboruto scale ilth magnificent scenery, Direction of Edward U. White. PItlCES Matlncr, $1 00. 7"c. fiOc. 2Zc. Night, $1 HO, $1.00, T.'io,, 50c, ISc Seats on s-alu "Wednesday at !) a. m. Academy of Music M. Rets, Lessee and Manager. A, J, Duffy, Business Manager. 3 Nights SSftRJSV" Nov. 10, Mntlneo Dally. The Melodramatic Sutcesi. "NOT GUILTY." By Joseph Ij. Biandt A Ioo t.ilo of tho l.ehleh Valley. A fitoiy of tiuo life. PRICES- Matinee, 15 unl 35c "Msllti is, 2$t 35. 50c. NEXT ATTRACTION. Thieo NltrlitB Htaitlmr TIhiimIiin. Nov. J1. "THE DARKEST HOUR." MATINEES PAII.V. The Dixie Theatre HENRY TARNSWOrtTII DIXIE, Lesieo and Manager. Week oTVov. 10 Mr. and Mts. Nell. Litchfield Mac nnd Elliott. Maxwell and Dudley, Xhe Gteat Spaulding. Gubefat Sisteis. Mac and Mac. Will Tomkins. In addition have letained Lockhart's Elephants. MATINEE Ladle? 10 center, Mull, -H) cents Grand Concert or the Scranton United Choral Societ) AT THE Lyceum Theatre, Monday Evening, November 17tJ Piices 25c, 50c775c, and ?1.0n Plab'tam will open Friday, Nov U.