nxxxxxxxxxxx; lfE MODERN HARDWARE STORE. Stransky Steel X PltiMdlGU VtfllftMIMtM tt piiyn to use H oveiy cooking utensil Is ninth1 with four lionvy contR of einiimel. V leplnee ficc, evciy piece thai chips from wear In five years. Foote & Shear Co. H9 Washington Ave. s xxttxxxxxxxxx nvK, n HiJEwrwi u"l TTnvc u gpiietnl stock-taking of jour Rood en bud qualities and we 1C jour want of siuc"-M Is not duo to tlio lack of the most es.spntinl qualltv Tlulfl. It Is Hie little leaks which Upi'P vnu riom getting on. atop tho.se llttli leaks In putting nwav Hip inoiitv mil wmr ex penses cull wick on dtaw imn salatv. f ou pl.it e vout savings with us jour fnpll.il v.on't take long to ilotiblo Oil DEPOSIT Wyoming Ave., Cor. Spruce St. The flardenbergb School of Miisic and flrf Pi halo and i lass lnshuc- ' Hon. A complete and bioad education fiom foundational to nonnal and post-graduate w oi k. Catalogue mailed. Corres pondence solicited. Caiter building, C04 Linden feticet. 1. F. MEGA11GEL & CO., Stocks, Bonds and Securities Connell Building. ISotli Phones- Get "The Lackawanna Finish" On Your Linen. 308-310 Penn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN. PERSONALS. Hi., r. It. Sllkm.in has lolmned to lier homo on Noith Jlaln ihiihw, uftir u two weeks' .t In Sjiaeu-c, X. V. Sirs. Simon Ttlcc, who lias been ml. otisly 111 hi her homo on Jelfen-ou ave nue for tl)o past ilu weeks, is leeovei Ing. , Mis. 1'ihvaid Km mud and children, of Buffalo, X. V aio visiting her piin-nts, Mr. and Jits. 1), J, Now man, "Hi Olive street, William Hi Oalainciiu, Piluonton, 'im. Is spending; a low dins with his college jnatc, Chin Km II. Kobeithon, of Quhn.y u venue. MM Jlniy L. I'ovvill 1ms iptiumd to lier homo hi San rinnclt-co, C'ul., alter If-itiiis' her aunt. JIip. .lohn Reoe, of Wayne nveuiie. The engagement uf Uuitou Thoiinii-, nun of John J. Thomas, of Hull's Head, nnd Jllha Vlctoiia Kirchuer, of South Sornutnii, is aniiouncpd Dr. James Cm.li and Dr. ,lohn Cimh, of Now York, havo iiuinned to Hint city nf tti u visit with thi'lr paieuts, air, and 3Mi.s. James. Cush, of Phelps utioet. Itt. Itov. lllshcp Ilobau was In Wells, boio, Tioga, county, Suudav, whcio ho dedicated tho chinch ot which Itov, John J, O'Toole, lotmeily of Noith Kcianton, Is pablor. John N, Kowlor, vice pieMdi'iit of tlin Lackawanna Ttust and Snfo Deposit lonipany. loft je.steiduy morning lot Now Orleans, to attend tho baukeis,' com cnt Ion, Division Pieisht Agent J. H. Keolo and DUUIon Supetlntendpnl C, M. nine, of tho Lackawanna ralliouil, wcro on it tout of Inspection oer the liloontsbuig dlvl Bion, jcsteiduy. lit. Itov IIU-liop Spauldlng left jestcidaj for Washington, D, t', to attend a. meet. Ing of the hoaid ot management of the Catholic uulyer<y IJishop Spauldlng w III leturn fiom Washington Thuihday night nnd bo picsetit at tho meeting or tho mi. thraclto coal btilko commisfeloii in this ilty on tho day following, Curtis I'ovvdl, who has, acted as ileik lor SIuglHiMtp John T. Howe lor a number of jiam. leaves today lor Hur. ralo, to take up an Impoitaiit position In the olllcn ot tho Lackuwunna, Steel companj-. 3Ii. Powell li iv popular uud encrectlo jouns limn, who will be mU.std by u, wido elrdo of lurpialntancps. llo l.i tho picbcnt treutfurer of tho I'nion i.easuo HtpuiJinan club, uud Is pioiii iiuntly Idciitlllid with a number uf other -'.oiilzatl'.'ns. "MIMiP AffiPBE ?Jftffi? "WW BTCN 3 Siirw7?j Y WEDS SALARY1 SAME HIGH SCORES MADE BICYCLE CLUB TEAM ROLLED UP TOTAL OF 2,020. Defeated tho Suburban Players by Only Twenty-eight Pins, How ever Electric City Wheelmen Win fiom Oreeu Rldgeis, and Oinngo nnd Black Took Two from Arcadi ans Bnckus Team Now Seems to Have a Good Grip on Fhst Plnco in Scranton League Race. The best bow Hub: done po far this Fcaon was done last night on the Gteen Illdge ulleys", when tho Hlryclc club team i oiled up tho niiignincent totnl of !!,(1J0 ngalnst the Suburban's 'Ifftl. The Suburban team pluyed In terribly haul luck and desetvo nil the sympathy that can he doled out to them. They started out by loslnp two eight hundred games nnd then mnilp 93C, only to havejt beaten by !)3T. This li a much sttonger team, as at piescnt consti tuted, than spveuil of Hip otliPts, nnd jet It has not won a. single gainc yet. The spoip: SCItAXTOX HICYCIiH CM'B. Itoper 1M ISS lSil-Wi floiman 11" 1T '--'7 T: Mltchpll Hm 1" lS.'-r.OI O'CoiuipII 1Til Itt S 17J-."1I Will dell 191 HY ISl-fiL"! suuunuAX. Kowlson 11! 1M LtW-fW) Hitchcock 11J IVl -J.l-r.JI Shciman 157 1 SI I'.S-4Hii I'ond 1W 17J r.! 4"S Nlcol 177 177 ISO- r.it sjj sji o;o-;:oj High scoio Cloiman, "J7. UIrIi aveioge Itowhon, 10J US Tho Iloi ti lo City Wheelmen took tin eo stialght fiom the Green Illdge Wlieolnien nnd lolled tip tho comfort able total ot 2138. The spoie: i:li:ctihc city wuuuliuix. 13. Dals Ill 1P,l 171- If. J AVIlllains I'll lis -.00 r.) A. luis lui ITS I!!- 47J Wcttllng 177 111 150 170 McCiaekcn 17? 17.' lit .7)1 sn tss sov-'jyo GKL3I3X IUDG13 WHUBLSinX. T.ijlot- 171 17"! 131- IS 1 Dolph Uil in IJ1- IU tuoie 1".7 111 141 111 Wcclcmnn 170 1".s 1I7- ISt Welchel Ib7 l.'l l-'J- 119 si 747 ,;:-:: High '.coir Williams, i'OO High aci ago Williams, 17fi l-'l The Orange and Ulack team ion two unexciting and featureless games, from the Arcadians on the Bicycle Club allejs. Tho score: OHAXGG AND BLACK. Litt r.i loo ibii "ill Noitbup l!"i l.'l H.5432 Stair II! IS.' IV1-,V."I Reynolds 151 1M 170 17". Simpson 1!7 Us 1U7 1!J 7.' I 7M SU'j 2171 ARCADIANS Owens 1C", II! V. 411 Jloigan l.'ii l."7 13b 4.9 Cliatlleld 117 171 1 !.' 1".J Dcpup "l.9 ll 12.' 4IJ Sto.i 1.9 P.'. li.l 11.1 70'! S19 1I-2.JD High .uie Stair, LO I High asei ago Stair, 17u 1-! The standing of the teams In league is now as lollows. this Won Sei anion Tlicjilo club .... 5 Klettiiu City Wheelmen.. I Oiaugp and Hltck " Lost. P.C. 1 .SiJ J .W37 .! .r.CKl .! .5lJ I ..!!! G .000 Aicncllans i Oipon Ridgo Wheelmen.. .' Subutbans d SCRANTON BOWLING- LEAGUE. The Hauuis team won three games liom tiie Fiankllns, with hands down lafct night, and have now got a falily good giip on Hist place in the Set anion league late. The scoie: FRANKLINS IJIrchei 1W lit 17-' 4J.' Phillips K.J HI 1S1 1ST Madi-n-pacher ...ll.l 1ST Hi 1ST RiPhl HS l.'T lis Hi Ilolhiitnel I"i7 Us 11". 4M 771 TOfl 71.9 2249 BACKUS r.llllUlholt U.2 in ITS 5C9 JIooio Ill 177 172 IV. Pcekhnm 17b 179 ju" lilj VogiWong 112 . 177 4".i) Hopkins 101". 1SI 210 Cm) 792 M2 High scoie Hopkins, 210. MO 2171 High nveiagc Hopkins, 1SC2-:.. The Ilampe team picked up last night and took two closely contested games fiom tho Atllngtons by supeiior tolling. The scoie: I JAM PI 3. Lvans 182 11! Piluo 141 1SS JlcWIIIIams 19! 221 What ton 1u9 im (!. Muiphj ISii 107 141 H9 1.9 109 151 S7t S9( ARLIXOTONS. 25 U 451 520 507 r.n; 50S 250J .Touch J. Kietci ., C, KlPli'P . 1'. W. Roll Jlelster ..,, ....181 ...,20ii ....172 ....17.7 ...,170 li.ii Ibli 31.7 H.S 192 177 III li.S 171 Ht! SIS 859 7!i High KoiP-.MoWllllams, 22J lllgli lueiage StoWllllams. 1S". Tlio West .Side team left the tin foitumthi .Maeiinetchor playeis at the post last plglil and took till thtee ganiei with ease, The scoie : wi:,vi' sidi:, Davis is" 152 r.s II. 109 SS 197 ISJ 195 4o5 5C.I 217t III 39b 151 133 157 2217 Rowlaiiils IV. I'.l Jones 201 15 Itejnnu ill 17'i Coons 171 si S51 W MAUNN13RCIIOR. Ripp.'lt IT, 171 Young ..,, Itiii 151 Itoblliig 112 170 Zehmer ,, 151 111 Westpfahl w )'.) 31". 1T9 312 121 173 720 70 f 790 High moio Joiicd, 201. High afi age-Coons, 1S7 J-1 The hoodooed Independents managed tu giacetully drop three gnnies to tlio I'ambilans, Tho scoie; 1ND13PI3NDHNTS Reib 1M v, y, 40b Rldgoway ib isi 171 4,! Iluun . .. ,,....177 1M 12i 457 Ostoihoiit 152 m 117 450 Woldiici 1(0 155 1J9 n 75S 75) "oD 2217 C'AMURIANS Jehu Iu7 K..! JbS s.S J-Yldlliaii IVi JJ2 r,i, 4SI Richard , 155 HI 15S' 457 Henry ... 15o 191 Jl! 4S7 Dal ,..1W 152 177 ISO ?4S $15 i)i 2103 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, aNMniAIIOH J. ALFRED PEMINGT0H, Director. Class and Private Instruction in Pianoforte. VISITORS WELCOME. High score Ilenrj', li. High average Das, 101. The ptnndlng of the tennis hi this league Is now ns follows: Won. Lost. P.C. Rncktm 11 I .778 West Shlo 11 .". .722 Arlington ti 7 .till Cambrians 9 i! .000 Ilampo 10 s ,:'C, I"rankllns 9 9 .500 Independents 2 It .133 JIacnnerehor 1 17 .0'G Bowling Tomoirow Night. Two tenniM of the K. Y. G. club will piny the first of a seiles of games mi tho Ilampo alleys Wednesday evening, after which tho losing team will bun nuot the winnois.: The personnel of tho I wo teams Is ns follows: "Kissing Bugs" "Pop" Mycis, "Hank" Smith, "Baby" Diake, "Pur ity" Stanton, "South Paw" Gill. "Buiilbl" Bees" "Bathei" Thomas, "Rabble" Klpie, "Lightning" Stiong, "Hy" Olldort, "Ambltloui" Olldoif, "Stiangei" Tapper. RUSSIAN ENGINEERS. They Ale in This City Inquiring Into American Coal Mining and Coal Cleaning Methods, Two eminent Russian englneeis, Stephen Pantehenko, engineer of ways nnd communications to the Russian government and dhector of tho J. S. Pantehenko Paper Mills and Coal Mines company, at Rostoff-on-the-.Don, anil Paul Tiesenhausen, n, laige owner of Russian coal mines, aio at the Jeimjn. Their mission in Scianton Is to lnquiie Into American coal mining methods. Yesteidaj, accompanied by Frank G. Wolfe, they Inspected tho Pine Biook shaft nnd bleaker o the Scranton Coal companj' and todaj" thev will have a look at other collieries In the vicinity. In Russia coal Is sold as it comes from the mines, in laigo lumps, and the purchaser must be his own bleaker if ho wishes It reduced to smaller sizes. For this icason the visitors weie par-ticularlj- interested in our breaker ma chlneiy and methods and spoke admir ingly of tho Ingenuitj- exhibited b- the designers and manufactuieis of this machlncrj'. NINE LISTS OP WORDS. Young People Are Busy Trying to Win a Cash Present for Christmas. Nine more lis.ts of words were sub mitted yesterdoj in accotdance wltli the rules of The Tribune's Junior I3du cational Contest. In answer to a queiy we beg to nssiuo eaeli of the word bulldeis that under no clicunistances will the number of woids In a contes tant's list be disclosed to any one else. Those who sent or biought lists jes teiday weie: Rajinond Hodges, 1J10 Mulbenj' btreet. Albeit Lewis, 314 Putnam stieet. David S. Atkinson, 151 Meiidian stieet. Cota Tcague, 1JC South Lincoln ave nue. Regin.x riynn, '3.U West Maiket stieet. Vhian Owens, 112 South Main ave nue. Bessie Ilawlej-, 1020 Richmond ave nue. Cedlic F. Joslln, 414 Quluey iiveiuie. Geoige Haw ley, 41S Irving avenue. CHARGES SON WITH PERJURY. August Zuimer Says He Did Not Agiee to Pay Rent. August Zulmor, of Mattel s stieet, yesteidaj- caused the anest of his son, Otto, on the chaige of perjuiy. At a healing before Aldetman Ruddj, the father swoie that ceitaiu testimony which the son oifeied In Aldertnans Lentes' com t list week legarding an agreement on his part to pay lent, was absolutely untiue. Alderman Ruddy held the son under $u00 hail. The ease in Aldeinmn Lentes' otilto was tried befoie u jury In accoidance with an old law. The son sought to have ills father and mother put out of his house because of their lefusal to pay lent as he alleged they had agreed to. The juiy hi ought In a veidict In his faor. LEARN SHORTHAND. Scianton Business College. Messrs. Buck & Whltmoio hue on file ten lequesls lor stenogiuplieis, lorn ladles and six gentlemen, and no ono to .send. Tluee ot thee uie lallioad positions, I3tle, Lehigh Valley and Lackawanna, and two aie with coal eoinonules. Human Enduiance Is simply tuxed to its lilghest limit. The famous oriental nig sale at Geoige AVntklns' stoie, on Lackawanna inc line, was postponed yesterday In older to give tho auctioneer, Mr, AVntklns and all the hands In tho stoio a chunco to rest for a day, A fiesh stock has just been lecelveil Horn tlio custom house and tho sale will commence to. day, its usual, ut 2.30 and 7 30 p. m, at COO Lackawanna avenue, i They Pay the User. If j'ou wish a half-tone or line cut, let tho Scranton Tilbunu make it for ou. Our equipment for this woik Is complete and up-to-date. Wo have facilities for doing tlio finest sort of woik at lowest prices nnd what's more, wo do It. A tilul otdcr v.ljl convince you, BUTTER ELGIN CREAMERY 26' LB. Illicit fiom KLQIX. ILLINOIS It is by fai tho most Delicious Sweetest Butter math' Otluis aihcul.'jo It, but none keep It Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs for $1,00. THEGREAT Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co,, 411 Lackawanna nvontie. 321 North Main nsenue. 'Phono 7J-2. Piompt dellveij-. New 'Phone 123. HE DECIDES TO GO HIMSELF ONE BETTER Unknown Donor of Swimming Pool for Park Increases Original Offer from $10,000 to $20,000. Tho gentleman who originally offcied to donnto to the city a swimming pool to cost $10,000, has decided that ho wouldn't lllco to be locognlzcd as the donor of tho kind of a pool thut would cost that amount and has accordingly decided (o give one to rost ?20,000, act ing out the motto that "what's worth doing at all is worth doing well." Ho has' actively Interested himself In the matter and has visited seveial swimming pools in vatlous cities In company with n well-known nvptiltmi who Is now engaged In piepailng plans. Tho pool, which it is proposed to place in Nay Ausr nnik. will he hniiwii in n stone building and will bo 28x75 feet In size, witn tiled floor nnd a complete system of shower baths In connection. It will be modelled after the nnnl wblnh Is at present In operation in Albany, x. Y. A foimal written monosltlon will lm submitted to Director of Pulilln tVnilts Roche within a lew davs and will In turn bo submitted by him to councils for acceptance. The Identity of the donor j-et lcmalns a secret. D0RSEV TO GO TO ROCHESTER The Twelfth Contestant Selects the New-Yoik State Univeisity. Chniles W. Doisej-, of Scianton, who finished twelfth in The Tiibune's lecent Educational Contest, has chosen for his lew aril the scholaiship In the Univers ity of Rochester, Jit Rochester, X. Y. This scholarship covers tuition and in cidental expenses for four j-ears and is woith ?324. The next two young men on the list, Hondrick Adams and Heniy E. Collins, both reside out of tho city and hne to be communicated with by mall, so it may be a day or two befoie their choices become known. TO WORK EIGHT HOURS. Postmaster Ripple Puts Postal Cleiks on New Basis. Postmaster 13. II. Ripple j-pstciday put the loice of cleiks at the local post office on an eight-hour basis, as has been done in a number of other laige cities. Tlio cleiks hae heietofoie been woiking anywheio fiom elghl and a half to ten hotns a daj but since the flp additional men allowed the ofllco hao tfono on duly it has been found possible to peimit ol a stiaight eight hour shift. A lequisltiou for two additional clerks will likely bo made In Older to obiato the necessity of sending men from tho central office to iel!ee the clerks on duty in the West Scianton and Dun moi e sub-stations DIED AT THE HOSPITAL. Joseph Myeis, Who Was Shot on Sunday, Passes Away. Joseph Myeis, the young man who was accidentally shot in the head on Sunday, while delivering papeis near his home in Petersburg, died eailj' j-es-teiday morning in the Sctanton Private hospital. Coiouer Saltry made a post moiteni examination, but has not de cided as to whether an Inquest should be held or not. Tony Joidnn nnd Tony Ambiosa, the two jounsr mpii who weie shooting at the taiget, near which Myeis passed when he wns stiuck, aie still in hiding, but the police believe they will gle themselves up today. ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Chiistiim Woikeis' Le.iguo will hold a cottage player meeting at the homo ot August Kollorman, this evening ut S o'clock. All aro welcome. The Central Woman.,' Cliiistlan Tem pi lanco union will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock, in Guernsey's hall. Subject, "KpIiops finm the National Convention." See the Cut Man. effective and attiactlve half-tones and line cuts for caid, adveitlslng or any other puipose, can bo seemed at Th Tilbuno office. Wo do woik that Is unexcelled, do It promptly nnd at lowest lates. A trial older will con vince you. Dr. LIndaburj-, Surgeon, diseases o: women a specialtj', 215 Connell building. Hours: 11 a, m. to 4 p, in.; 7 to 8.30 p. in. Loudon's Conccntuited Tomato Soup, 3 lbs., 23c; $2.75 dozen, Laige Queen Olives, stuffed, 23c. Piesetvcd Ginger (glass), 25c, Fancy Salmon, 1 lb, flat, 15c, Sai dines, laige size can, 19c, Flint Jolly, new, 15c (glass). Goulon & Dllworth's Mince Meat, Pluiit Pudding and Jams. E. G, Course n, OHHHHKHai EMHEMEBEB Specials NOVEMBER 11, ' 1902 NEW BRIDGES FOR COUNTY CONSTRUCTION Or EIGHTEEN ARE RECOMMENDED. Gland Juiy In Its Ropoit to Court, Yesterday, Said They Were Neces sniy The Estimated Cost of Them Is $0,805 Suggest That All of Them Bo tho Samo Kind of Con struction, and That tho Contract for Them Be Lot at the Same Time. In Its fltst ieporl to thr court yester day, the grand Jury recommended tho election of eighteen bridges by the county, tho totnl cost of which It Is estimated will be $9,805. Tho amount of the bildge tnx for next year will be $17,397. If the recommendation of the Jury to adopted by tho county commlsslonuis, all of the bridges will be of steel girder construction, with corrugated lion, con crete nnd stone Horn Inc. The abut ments will bo of dry mnsoniy. The Jutors say In their lecommendn tlon that bildgcs of that kind of con struction can bo built chenper than any other form proposed and that wherever Hint kind of n bridge Is now in use it stood the test of the extraordlnniy floods of list March, Thev believe it would be economy to erect) the kind ot bridge suggested and they saj- Hint if Hie contiocts for nil the bridges ate awarded at one time the county will save 28 1-3 per cent, on the total cost. The bridges they recommended follow and aie to bo built in Hip order named: i Rildgo In tho township of Benton, over Gardner's cieck on the public road leading f'om Flcotvillo to Factoiyvllle. Amount appropriated, $350. 2. Bridge in tho township of llenton, over creek in tho public load lending fiom Fnotoryvlllo to Nicholson, near tho lesldence ot A. P. Claik, snld creek be ing tho outlet of Mud and Baylor's pond. Amount nppioptlated, $150. 3. Btldgo In the township of Lehigh, ovpr Pond cieek, at the place whprp the public highway from the Old Plank road to Bear Lake crosses said creek. Amount appropriated, $900. 4. Btldgo hi the borough of Blakelj-, over Hull's cieek, nt Third fctiect. Amount appiopriatcd, $1,000 D. Bildgc In the borough ot Blokplv, over Hull's cieek nt rirst street. Amount npproptlntpd, $700. (!. Bildgp In tho borough of Blakelj, over Hull's creek, at Second street. Amount nppropiiated, $700. 7. Bridge In tho township of Covington, over Ciiinmlngs' circle, at the place where tlio public highway leading fiom the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western ralltoad tracks to Turnersville crosses said creek. Amount appropriated, $!90. S Bridge In tho township of Coving ton, over McDonald's creek, nt tho place where the public highway leading from the Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western railroad tracks to Tuinersvlllc ctosses said creek. Amount appiopriatcd, $190. 9. Biidgo In the borough of Jermyn, over Rushbrook creek, at Thlid street. Amount appropriated, $l,0b0 10. Biidgo in the township ot Madison, over Brown's cieck, near the house of G. S. Blown on the road leading fiom Hoinbakpr's store to Loveland's grist mill, at the place vvhoio said road crosses said cieek. Amount appropriated, $190. 11. Bridge in tho township of Madison, over Swait.'s cieck, near the house of Philip Swait, on tho load leading from Moscow to Maillsonvllle. Amount appio priatcd. $103. 12. Biidgo in the township of Madison, over Roaring btook, near J. B. Love land's gr!-t mill, on the load leading from Moscow to Maillsonvllle. Amount nppropiiated, $310. 11 Bridge In South Abington, over the Clock near Bdwaid Wise's piopeity, on tho load leading lrom Clark's Summit depot to D. Bell's lesldence. Amount ap piopriatcd, $110. 14. Biidgo in the township of Spring Brook, over Rattlesnake creek, at tho place vvhtie the public highway leading fiom Thomas Jones' house to Maple Lake load ciosses said creek. Amount appropiiated, $410 13. Bridge in tlio township of Seolt, over tho Bast blanch of the Tunkhan nock cieek, on the load leading fiom .Toulan's Hollow to Kdella, near the ies denco of A. R. Wetheibj'. Amount ap propriated, $&). 10. Biidgo in tlio township of Scott, over Kennedj's cieek, at tho point whero tlio stieani is ciossed bv the public load leading fiom Cai pouter's cornels to Wallsville, near Hie lesldence of Heniy Dunlap. Amount appropriated, $1."0 17. Biidgo in tho township of Scott, over tho outlet of Scull's cieek, near the icsldenco of William Smith, on the main load leading fiom Montdalo to CUffoul. Amount nppiopiiated, $!00. $ 15. Biidgo in tho township of South Abington, over Riltton cieek, on tlio pub lic hlghwnv leading fiom Jenkins' hotel at Chinchilla, to the (liltlln lespivolr duni. Amount appiopilnled, $110. BAR EXAMINATIONS. Sixteen Candidates Aie Taking Them This Week in City Hall. Attorneys William A. Wilcox, C. R. Bedfotd and John M. llatrls, the county uonul of law examlneis, jesterday be gan the conduction of a seiles of pie llmlnaiy examinations for admission to the bar. The examinations are being conducted in the council chambeis nt the municipal building and will con tinue throughout the week. The following sixteen candidates aie taking the examinations: Chailes Com sen, William If, Davis, Charles Connell, Edgar A. Jones, P. Flahettv, P. S. Walsh, G. If, McDonnell. A. L, Watson, A. S, Ihitheitoid, M, J. Mur my, J. B, Mm raj-, O, B, Monow, A Poiter, C. X. Pitcher, H.itold A. Waties and J. Mulford. Men's Glov Tto $1.50 Kind for A full one dollar nnd a half's worth nt a saving of 50 cents on eacli pair. It is a Cape Glove, lined with silk or unllned, chessed or uudiessed, soft skins, modem backs, all sizes, and in all the popular colois. A ieal bar gain at S1.00 per pair, Each pair warranted. One of the be3t stieet gloves you ever saw for 81,00. 418 Spiuce Stieet. 300 Lackawanna Avenue. L1X13 OF IMPORTED WOOL GLOVES, PLAIN OR FAXCY, 50c Woman's Wealth Is Health Paine's Celery Compound GIVES VITILATY, VIGOR AND STRENGTH TO DEBILITATED AND RUNDOWN WOMEN. It is inalnliilned by many dlMtln KUlshpd wiiteis that tho greatness ot a nation dcpeiMs much upon tho phy sical condition of Its women. The gen crnt conditions which contribute! lo health and long life, aio those which do not Imply a inpid and unequal ex haustion of those poweis by which life Is maintained. While up nsseit that the women of our land stand peetless for honuty and tho virtues thai make them lovable, we cannot hide tho fact that tho.io aio thousands In our mldsl who, owing to overwork, worty, house hold caies, nnd tin unequal exhaus tion ot life power, havo become weak, nervous, sleepless, and debilitated. Wo btlng to the attention of nil weary, despondent, hopeless, and sick ly women eaith's gieat lcsctter and health-builder, Palno's Celeiy Com pound. Thousands of healthy women nround us owe their picsent vigor, ac tivity and lobustness tn Palno's Cel ery Compound. Mr. Stephen Smith, St. Paul, Minn., tells how she was snatched fiom the giavc. She suysj "I had a bad attack of la gi Ippe this spilng nnd was at death's door, and no ono ever expected mo to ie covor. 1 was so weak that us soon us they biought me out of ono faint I was In another. I could not take any notii Ishmenl. nnd doctois' medicines did me no good. A filond advised my htis hnnd to get me a bottle of Paine's Celery Compound, which ho did, hut had no faith In It. Tho second day af ter taking tho Compound, I began lo got real luingiy and too': an inteiost In things. X had everything Hint nionoj" and loving cate could supplj', and with that nnd Paine's Cehy Com pound, I am now doing my ow n vvoi k, while three months ago 1 was almost in tho grave. I know that I owe my health nnd hticnglh to Paine's Celeiy Compound, and shall always recom mend It." There aie many wnvs to economize, but none is so .simple, entertaining and satlsfactoiy as the use of DIAHOND DYES In making pietty and piactical ob jects for the home Diipction book and 15 dve samples fiee. DIAMOND DYES, Buillngton, Vt. DOYLES COMMITTED TO JAIL. Miss Doyle's Injuries Are Painful, But Not Serious. Joseph Doyle, who stiuck Ills sister, Miss Nellie Dojle, on the head with an axe at their home, in Old Foigo, Satuiday night, nnd their lather, Cluis topher Doyle, who also participated In the assault, weie given a healing jes teidtty befoie Justice of the Peace How ells. At Hie conclusion of the healing they weie committed to the county jail in default of $.300 bail. Miss Doyle's In junes aie painful, but not seilous. Dr. D. B. Hand's Office. Is in tho Rookeiy building, coiner Washington avenue and Sptuco sheet and not on Penn avenue. Dr. Hand will be found In his office fiom 2 to 3 in the afternoon and fi.oin 7 to I) In the evening, ,t 1)1!. FU1I3IAN, OSTEOPATH Consnlfntion nnd examination fieo. 9 to Li a. m. Caiter bldg, bill Linden st. 1 to 9 p. in,, 15.M N. Washington uve. Lessons IN ALL KINDS OF Embroidery Knitting Crocheting and Purseflaking 50 Cents an Hour Crana?rWeIIs Co., 130 Wyoming Avenue. Established 1800 r I To SIP 1 9 11 UI illllv It Is often a source of great satisfaction to purchasers to be able t make their own selection of skins for garments. We aro now in the exclusive fur business, and prepared to show you a large line cf tha fol lowlng high-grade furs : ALASKA SEAL PERSIAN LAM! BROADTAIL ERMINE RUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON BAY SABLE MINK CHINCHILLA BLACK LYNX BLUE LYNX Remodeling mid Repairing Is (liven Special Attention, 324 Lackawanna Avenue. -fcata 4 4 4 j 4. 4 i t 4 4 4 f 4 4 Masury's Paints...... 4 Aro the best in tho world. In VARNISHES wo cairy ' JL'arrotts, Masury's, 4. Valentines and Lawsons 4 ' Also a full line of Biushcs Bittenbender & (5 ! 126-128 Franklin Ave. 4. 4 .5. 4 M 4 f M 4 )4 1 Do You an! a Piano? We hnve them, new and used, at pilces fiom $75.00 to $000.00. Poi Imps you havo an In Btiument that you want to exchange. Let us make you an estimate on it. We also have a few or gans that aie bai gains. High or low tops, solid Walnut cases, $10 to $60. N. A. Hulbert, 1 17 Wyoming Ave. WE WILL GIVE Green Trading Stamps with every dollar's worth purchased today. Cut This Out. Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Company, Comer Wyoming and H Lackawanna Avenues. You Can Always Save The middleman's pro lit b piuchiisiug your umhiPlliis or paiasoli dhcit fiom tho iiihiiu lactuiPi. Special in ducements just now in older to clear out our Htock picpaiatoiy to making tip oui iMnlstmiis line. Wo aie the only pxchislvu umbiella mnnu fuctuiLis in the clt SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANU PACTURING COMPANY. S13 SPRI t'E STREET. CHORAL CONCERT 225 Singers The Scranton United Choral Society consisting of Hip best volets In this city will give a gliitul conceit nt tho Ljieiuv Momlav evening, Nov 37, lri-', at whirl, the lompetltlvo pieces ot the liiooMyr Festival will bo sung. Ladies' Chorus 112 voices, Men's Choi us 113 voices. Grand XIIioiub 225 voices. Regular Prices. High-Class Furs BAUM MARTEN STONE MARTEN BLACK MARTET ISABELLA FOX SABLE POX WHITE FOX BLUE FOX BLACK F03 BEAR Cash Paid fw Raw Furs, r