The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 11, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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r ubtlahett Dally Except Biindy, by Th Trlbun
Fubllahtng Company, at Fifty Cents a Month.
O. F. BVX11KK Jll'MNKas MA-A(irii.
Enltrad t th FostofOc tvt Scranton, HpooihI
C1m Mall Matter.
When npncs will permit, The Trltmtia l
lnnyB Rlnit to print ihort letter from It
friends) bearing on current topic, hut Its
mlo U thnt thciemut,belcneil far puli
llnntlon, by the -writer' rent nnuie) nnil
the condition precedent to nreetttniiiio I
thnt nil rantrlhnttoni ehnll be iiiliject to
edltorlnl revision.
The follonlne table ulion the ptlce per tiirli each
Insertion, space to he :rrt wltliln one year:
Shi I Hi;
on i
CfSVl tneiisiTuKlie .
M Indie . . . ,
ItK) " . . , ,
WW "
ttiCK) "
i J tun of
' :8
I .in
For cards of tlisnWi, resold! loni of condolence, and
similar mo tr Unit loin In the nature ofmlvirlhlnr,
'I ho Tribune makes a charge of S cents a Hue.
Si 'It ANTON, NOVKMIUiK 11, 102.
Thcoie-tieally, Up. Mills Im niNt.iUent
wlii'ii lie .iv.s tlml tlio icul opernloiH
haw ili'xpt ted I he non-union nidi who
"tooil liy tlioni (Ittt liifV thi stilho. Hut
juartlcallj Hint Is vvhiil II amount to.
Anil It ends reliever llieli chances nf
lotulnlni? miimmiii liom inipliivii
when the nwu tiNl c uiupv.
Republican Progress.
Tin: oni: ims lc-mi oc last
week's t lei lion Iv Unit Ilia
niunliS I' hill! s-olldlv r.e
puliliiau. Its liuwilillciinNin
via n m r buiailei op fltiihP ur demur
llinn It is today. In s-iillu l tho fact
that Miami mom v IImimic lata
who lo-upi-'i.itril with th" UoiniljlliMll
1M1. In l"'lli ami I'WO luive 1" n won
back lo th old i Dims, ii ,i ! csldent
had boon In toil oni iuA uko ho would
liav bevn a Kcpublli an lui'shli 111 In a
lilKii iiMjiullv ol lhi and
popl'l ip Mill' I'liMi was cm i c.i"l loi a
Itopilblie in pip!dent lit. Hue.
Thi' il'i' i olh'K'' now contain. I7G
otcs -';' hi'liitr i" L(.-'-ai. loi a niaioi
ity. Inducible, -d tc-. uhkh voted tailkt
llinn the November election, and rImj
New' uhkh la'-l week by
it lluku elected a Dciiioe i.itie yen el nor
thnufth 1 etui nine? the u-ual plui.illty
lop the leinalndup ot the
Mate ticket, tip ie-iilt In the ulectmal
ciillt'j.c ot the leient eki Hon, hud il
been a pi evidential elec Hon, would havo
been :s lollows-:
C.illfoillil lu'Ahil, un.i U
Coloi.liln "I'AlK.Ui'-.ts !'
I'onneclli ut Trioiidi ."
lil'tho .HleoiMa 1
Illinois -7 Kentucky Ii
Indiana 1" I,oiiiiiiu i 'J
1 !.Mi.slvsiii
. HI
. I
. JJ
. t)
. P
IS . 1Z
Kaii'-a-, kUINsoiui
.Maine .. . .
Mais.ichusi tlH
i'N r.unllua
l'.S Uaiolhi.i
HiTeiniC'-'-i u .
Minnesota 11
1 1 as ... . ,
Aloatana ....
IVIlKlllli ....
NobiasUa S
New It'pshlie I
Now .Tei.e U
New Yn.U :'J
Noitli Uiknt.i.. .. I
Delawaie !
AI.iil.iml N
Nead i !
Ohio -I,
Ttoson I'
T..-..-.. I I. .nh 'H
1 ltlll. ... . .'.I ,
llhodu fslainl .. . i 1Ml"
oulh U iKuta .... I
Veimont 1
Vn&hmRUm "i
West Viislnl i.. .. V
Wisconsin I !i
Wyoming ....
Total Ill
Of the states in the Kepublkan
eoluniu, Colni.iiln, Idaho, Kansas, Mon
tana, Nebi.iska, Neada, Pouth Dakota,
Utah, WabhhiKton and Wjonilng, with
an agsieB.itt' ol 1" electoial votes, vot
ed In 1SDG Top Hi j .in and fiee slhei.
No stale which in lS'.itf oted loi Me
Kinley has .slmo in tome .suiely Uenio
eitie, unless we except Kentiuky,
Aith l'.i oloctoial otos. lleie, then, is
a net giin of .!.' electoial otes as a.
result of tlx eul.s of Itepublican ad
lninlstiatlon. It will lake a booiI deal
of unexpected and linpiobahle nonstiifce
at Washington In tho next tighteen
months to undo this gain ho fap as to
make the election in 1904 doubtful.
Better let Judge? I'eunypatker nuike
his own niblnet. Jt will he mine likely
to last.
SafegardltiK Interstate Commerce
Vi:ClAl. ffloit Is to bo inude
at the .shun session of cou
gies., to heuuie favoiable
nctlon upon the amended
Illklns bill "to onhufie the juildiotiou
mid poweis ot tho Intcp-stutt' coiniueuQ
't)ivunlss.lon." The lollowlng digest
shows what the bill pi opuses;
Section 1 pioxldeb that any dullnlto
oi dep made by tho toimullon declap
Ing what l.ito op Kites op legulation op
puiLtlte ulieuing the same Hhall he
substituted Top those found, nflep heal
ing and iletepinlnatlou ot nny foinuil
tompl'iliit liiado to tho Loiniuiinu, to
bo unjustly dlscilniliiatlvo op uiiieiion
able, shall become, opeiutivo within SO
days nttepviitten notice to tho atlet't
fd ciinli'ifi, nnd sliull luinnin npep.itlve
top one yoap. Should the into be a
joint rnto and the cartleis eniinot agtoo
upon Us appoitloiiinent anioug the'in
.selvcs, tho coniinlFsloii may deteiniino
the? pen Hon to bit iccelved by eaeli.
Oieleis of the ennimls.slou aic ieiew
able l tho Irdeial rlieuit i.ouits, which
may lake additional testimony am .sue
pentl op iioko. Huib papty may np to the btipieinn fouit mid the iaso
Is to take) pioculeni'o nvei nil except
eilmlual (fines'. The elefeiiho In appeuls
and Its ottb ate to Jie tukrn eaie of by
the United Stutt'i".
Sf tlon S legallKPh in paiiBenients be.
IWC4I1 taiileis top estnhllhliig just anil
joatijuuhlu i.ite.s, and tho making of
tontiai'ts fop the division of their ttnlllo
or minings, and ulo for tho toriiititlou
of tialllc iis.-oc latlons, all such con.
tlacts to be lllod with and subject to
the eupei vision of the c onimlbslon,
Mhoto duty It chtill bo to liuiulie Into
the nrtual clfett thereof, with jiower
to annul the Bantu upon ten diy's
notice, If in In opinion any such eon
tiact lesults In unjust talis or Inade
riuato sctvlcej or It may order smb.
changes lit said contract and the ptur
tlct theieundtr as It may deem neecs
saiy, to tnko elfoct In llfteeu days.
These orders nic not stlbjeet lo tovlow.
Section !1 ptovleles ttinl It any eairlcr
ehall refuse or neglcRt to obey or per
forn i(ny order of tho coinnit''loii nbove
nltthoilp.ed, ohedlenco nnd performnnco
shall he siiiniiuully enrol ceil by Wilt
of lliluiloUini or iither piocess lo be
Issued by any clicult cnuit of Hie
United .Stales upon petition of the coiu
inlslnii; and In addition tluuetu the
ori'etullnjr cut tier Is stiblecled to u
penalty of not less than $11,01)0 for eveiy
ila'n rimtlniuiiu'c of the violation ot
Htith 01 del', When liny older of the
toiiiinK-ilon which lnvoh'os the into on
li-ninc passing in pan over any line ot
tallrotid In a foielgu rountiy and In
pin I over 11 line of railroad In tho
United States Is not absolved, the com
mission or the eouit having Juilsdletlon
shall enforce th order against such
lialllo b, .siiHpinloii of tho movement
theuoC within the United State".
Seullou 4 110011110." that any act of nn
agent 01 olllrer of n can lor cot poratlon
which eoiiHlltutes a mldeineaniii' under
the Inli't -state tonnncico law shall be!
held to be a misdemeanor by such e-ot-poiallon,
and subject the coi potation
to like penalties picscilbed against in
dividuals. iinpiNoutneiit ponaltlCH heie
tofoie pu'scilbed are abolished. Fall
in 0 to obseixe published tuillf", 01 any
depaituie theiofroin by ineans ot the
payment ot 1 chutes or othoiwlse, sub
jects the 1 ttti let to it line ot' not less
than .Sl,00i). nor 111010 than $.20,000 for
each ofiense; and the wlllul complicity
of uny pet son Intuesled In the tialllo
on whhh any depaituie 1 10111 jiubllsh
eel tin Iff lates Is made N declared a
mtsdeimaiior punishable by like penal
ties piesciiljed agulnst the can lor.
Section iiovldcs that In any pio
ceedlng lor the enfoi cement of the
stntui's 1 elating to Inter-state e'oni
nieiee, all poisons, In addition to the
can lor, Intel estcd lu 01 affected by the
late, legulation op pi.icllce under 1011
Mdei.ilinu, may be Included, and nuleis
may be made with lefoience to such
additional p.utles lu the- sanio manner
as to can lois.
.Section li nulhoilpes the conunlsslon,
wheiioMi It has lcas-oaable giound for
belM that a comnioncai lbu is tians
lioi ting fi eight op pas'engeis at loss
than publishod laiitt lates or Is lender
Ing ai.y additional stiiee beoncl whnl
Is spec Hied In its published t.ulfls, to
piese-it a petition to the circuit couit
oL tho IJnii-nl States having jui It-diction,
alleging such piactlec, whose dutj
It! be lo 'iinuiMlily cuqtllte into
tho 1 Iteiimstances and. upon being
satislitd of the tiuth of the allega
tion, to cntoice obsenanee to tho pub
lished taiifts by piopci oieleis and
pioccss, which shall be enfoiceable
both against tho p.n ties inteiested In
tli" tp.ttllc and against the cat iter.
Section 7 piovides that all existing
laws lolathe to testimony in cases 01
ptocpedi"gs under 01 connected with
the "aci to legulate coinmeicc shall
al-o apply to any case 01 pioceoding
aiithoiii'ed by this act.
The need ot pioUsioi's like the ahoo
hno been iepeatedl shown, neoi
11101 e cleaily than In the case of Coe
lb os. against the l.ehlgh Valley llail
load company, Involving disci iiulnating
tolls against independently mined au
tlnacite coal. At pits'iil the intei
slate cmiuneiie conunlsslon is little
111010 than a denial bodj use) ul foi
pin poses ot inriuhj bin without powet
to enloice Its judgments. In those, daj s
ol lebates and disci imiuatlons in
Ueight chaiges alfectlng iioth peisons
and places, it is highly essential that
the stiong baud of the fedei.'l govern
ment should be lifted ettectually fin
the pioseeutiou of the guilty and the
piotcction ol the weak. The foiegoing
bill is still too lenient in its penaltj
piovislons; but inasmmh as it lepu
sonts an advance be.vond exisilng legis
lation its enactment should be stiouglj
A fctilke of lailway employes is the
nou il.uiaer to be leaieel. As a mlo
lite biolheihood men aio aveise to
stiiklng and loi tunato In seeming tho
majoiity of their demands by moio
peaceful methods. Lint tho tetent In
tel ventlon ol the lneslclent in the toal
strike is .1 stiong temptation to eeitaln
classes of woiklngineii to stilke lor the
pin pose of getting the piesldent Intei
ested In their gtievances It is to be
hoped that this tendency will be libi
tum aged by the nioie astute leadeis ot
oiganized labor and that lower Instead
of moio stilkes shall be the uile of the
tutuie. The goose, piospeilty, which
has been laying the golden eggs may
not aluas be so fiulltul as slie Is today
and it would be a. pity to toimont her
unnocessailly op for an but the veiy
siavest lojsons.
in the legular ouler Goueial Wood
will be at the head ot the auny list Tor
fouiteen jeais. Hut the legular ouler
Is ,1 piett.v poor older, since It lecog
ules nothing hut senlinlty of eoiu
mlsslon and .munitions its lownuls nc
coullng to the aicidenls of blitli and
death. Tho satisfacloiy tact about
Wood Is that be would bo eiiunlly en
titled to tho honor on the inn It s.v.stem.
Oucu again eougiess will havo a
(banco to mine whether It Is Intlu
euced most by duty or piossiiic. Sec
ictaiy lloot'.i demand lor the icstoia
tlon of the lantieii will put evciy mein
ber on leeoul.
The ehltf lesson of the .Mnntu liiui
Is that when In liouble It pas to have
fi lends and n foituno.
We have now in stock the finest display
of these goods ever made in Scranton.
Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na
poleon post bed styles. They are ele
gantly rich.
Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully
finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis
XIV styles.
We Invite Inspection Whether You Are (Joins to Buy at Once or Not.
nill & Connell, Washington Aven
Dp. flillis Wants a
Ruiual of Ethics
ASIIU.vlON was ptrnrlml by lli'V.
Ur. f tints In Plymouth church,
Uionhlyn, HiuiibTy lnoinlng which
teealls the da.H when the pulpit
ot Hint famous chinch was a power
lltlotighoul tlie laud, it whs 11 senium
on dm iubor pt obit in In the light of
llio 1 cm I stllhi'! 11 1 oitsldfiatloti, not of
lis ocommili', letral or political npectFi
but fiom tho point of view ot tho Ten
I'oininniHlnientit nnd the Seininn em the
Aloiint, A few evtinets will best show
Its 1 1 end.
"During the past year we have mado
hlstoiv lapklly,': snld Ur. lllllls. 'Troin
combluntloii'i of wealth Hint hnve les.
si'iioil the cost of piodiicllun wo havo
goiio swiftly to combinations lor plunder,
Hint tepiesont stock, watered Indefinite
ly, and foisted upon the public by greedy
nnd unset npiilmis stnok Jugglers. Krom
hibor unions, also, that otter life Instn
nnce, unity of ptupo'i-, oo-npoiatlon, we
linvo paspod to labor unions that linvn
lepiesenled brutnllty. the bnlied are!
nitueler of non-union men.
"lu a dlseuslon of the Invvs of Hod
and the country, we nto not conoeincd
eltlier with oiganlzed ciipltul's struggle
for linger dividends or organized labor's
struggle far a linger wage. Thoso nre
the two glnnls, nnd need no sympathy
or iiistlfleatlon. Uvoiy enslblo man be
lieves In capital nnd Its honest eninhlnn
llon. and every sensible mnn believes In
nut linplv tho right of labor to eiignti
lie, but Its duty, in the Intel est of self
detenee against oppiesslvo cmployoi s
And the hlstoiv of Initios unlonbin, Its
gain In wages, the lessening ot the bonis
of labor, its gains hi Intelligence, and
the chainetep of innnv of Its leaders,
linvi jiislllled and vlndleatcd the labor
movement: nor will I yield to anv one
In niv enthusiasm for thn union, when
llshteoitFlv conducted. Neither capital
nor the labor union, theiefoie, asks for
"The non-union men, who repieseut SO
pep cent, or the tiades, whoso sons aio
fm hidden the light to become appren
tices, nnd whoso w longs ale nbove all
otlicp wiongs whatsoever, justify n plea.
Organised capital has deseited non-union
men. Oiganized Inbor maltrents them.
And jiut ns one handled soldlots, 01
ganl.ed and with a leader, can scatter
a ciowd of ten thousand, so tho twenty
men nut of a bundled, icpiesentlng or
ganised labop, tciioilro and biovvbeat
thn olghlv non-union men, who nie being
driven lovvep. made moio and more Ik
hoi, mt. moio povei tv stiickeu, until at
last. In their despoil, they nto le.idv in
tutu against tho capitalist who will not
defend them, and the union men v '10
maltunt them, and the countiv, Hie pio
tecticni of whose laws are lefusod th"in.
"Snipe pulpits have IKcel theli e.-es so
inlentlv on the wiongi of Hf tvvcntv
union men that Hicv have no kind wnid
foi thn eight v non-union families The
politicians will not speak; most papers
will not speak Tomounw this sta'e-
ment will be picked In pieces by so Tie
edltois who want to square th-nielve
Willi tho union, instead of keeping square
with the laws of Almlghtv Rod and
their cotintiy. Meanwhile, there Is one
wend that stands: 'Thou slmlt not kill.'
Theio Is another wold that stands: "T.ove
jour enemies '
Dr. lllllls sntd that he had peisoually
hut qulotlv investigated conditions In the
anthiaelte leplon. "Ill the anthracite
coil countiv," ho said, "the school tcach
eis, 'idsri'w.xtliiR ovet two thousand, and
aox to the seboolhotise nl R o'eloek, to
remain until .1 o'clock, leceive $121 a
day, for onlv 2Xi d.ivs, lesi than the
miners helpei and less than one-half
whit the miner himself teceives; while
the puests and the Viotcstant pastors
nveiage tvvo-thluls tlie Illinois' tvnc
V.v; mo"' pitiful the condition or tlie
ncm-unlop men in the anthiaelte legion.
I mention this ph cse of that trouble' be
cause the eommi-slnn ale lopoiting on
Hie lelatious botwoon the mine wmkois'
association and the oper.Ums the non
unlop. mop who vv 01 Iced dm Ins .the las
summer having no standing In tho pies
ent eouit of c ominlsslon. Tn that legion
rue tvvinlj-llve thousand men who have
boon walking, or tivitig to woik. Now
tl 0 lich opeiatois have deseited them;
thev I'.uuiot affoid to bile tioops, since
lliev iniut p.n dividends. The one bun
dled thousand union men have deseited
them, for they snld oponlv hi the last
bom ot their convention. 'If the opeia
tois do not withdiaw the iioii-unloii men
wu will kill them.' Two weeks nso I
eoinet-od v itli some non-union men
theie. One was an old soldlti, who had
been In the mines lor roity onrs; his
sou foi 1U111I.V as long Ho had e.uncd
TW a month for rai-. All summer -they
had can led 1 evolve is. had boon la elallv
poll! of dubs, of stones .mil poison, and
at last, worn out with the nouous stiain,
they had felt compelled to (loo; Indeed,
most of the non-union men have aheady
"If coipoiate capital could honestly
.iy, in tho sight of men and find, theio
Is not 0110 dollar ot watoied stock In
those mines or in 0111 lailway stocks tho
dividend Is paid on the ah-olute cost,
thev would havo the s.wnpalhy of all the
public: and II the union men would
sav: 'We do holiest woik; wo ask an
honest wage; we want 0111 sliaie of tho
pioduets of labor, and we appeal to tho
sense ot justice and lair pluv in our lel
lows; we will not 1.111 nor penult kill
ing, wo touvvear the club and tho flie
br.iud and the bojeott; we stand on the
constitution, and appeal to the laws of
tho land.' f 10111 that hour all non-union
men will become union men, as well ns
patilots and eltl.ens. And public opin
ion would mike labor invincible. Tnit so
lpng as union men say: 'Tho bovcott,
with Its cuieltv lo our non-union bieth
ion. Is a necessity, v lolcnco Is occasional,
so lour as thov exciiso it, Instead of pub
llclv and foi over committing themselves
against it, that long will snelotv remain
tho piey of men who Hist make woik
dear and then make it scaiee, so that
thev may staive.
"We nerd a invlvnl of ethics, vv 0 do
not need moio gold, nor innie land, nor
moio tools, but this country does need
to commit the Ten Commandments to
luemoiv. 'I Im time has come for selfish
capllnlUts. giowiug lilt tluougb their
gains, their withholding tho wago of thn
poor, and their watering of stock, to
stop going to hoi so shows on Fiuulav, to
kIvo up their wines and their women,
unit their dovillry in gencial, and go to
c bin ch, fall on their knees nnd m.ikn
restitution of their Ill-gotten gains, and
go lo (.hutch nnd smite on tho breast,
saying, 'God bo 11101 elf ul to me a sin
!im' And the tlmo has come for union
men to tluow away their guns and clubs,
nnd to use their noblo Idea of union tor
mutual belteuuent, for unity of action,
foi tho diffusion of Intelligence,
them, too. fall on their knees, and usk
(lod to fill their be.iUs with lovo for
their non-union bietlnen."
Duffy's Pure
j.uoic ron this tuadu
jcffifc. xtO.
uures u
Dear Sits: After leading your ad
voitlsement I bought a bottle of your
whiskey, which helped mo light away.
I am now on my thlul bottle, using It
for consumption, and I feci like n. new
man. I think that if I had known ot
your whiskey when I was at homo in
Chicago, I would have never come out
bore lor my health.
100S Maiket St.,
Denver, Colo., Aug. IS, 100-'.
Stopped Homorihages.
Nashua City, N. H Sept. 11, 1'IUJ.
Gentlemen: Jt Is with pleus
ui'e that I wiito to lufoini you that I
have used eight bottles of your Pine
Malt Whiskey. I would not have been
heie today only lor your wonderful
ineellcinc. 1 have used all kinds of
medicine and been under the caie of
doctois. I have had tin ce sovcie at
tacks of giip and pneumonia, which
have lelt me with a bad cough and
weak beau. I am 07 ye.ns old. It has
toned up my system and stopped the
henioirhases and I tough but veiy lit
tle. 1 only icgiet that I did not know
of yom whiskey befoie. 1 cannot ck
piess what it has elone for me. I beg
to leniain, Youis lespectlully,
Thousands of such letteis ate le
ceiveel 110111 patients who havo been
euied bj Duffy's Pine Malt Whiskey.
Caution. When you ask for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey he suie you
get the genuine. Unscrupulous denleis, mindful of the excellence of this
pieparation, will try to sell you cheap imita.tions, and so called Malt
Whiskey substitutes, which are put on the mniket for pioflt only, and
which, far fiom lelieving the sick, are positively harmful. Demand
"Duffy's" nnd be suie you get it. It is the only absolutely pure malt
whiskey which contains medicinal, health-giving qualities. Look for
the tiade mnik, "The Old Chemist," on the label.
The genuine is sold bv ctiuggists ami gioiers, op elluet. M UH 11 bottle. It is the
onlv whiskc leeugnizecl liv the gov eminent as a medic hie. This is a guaiautee
Vnlu ible medical booklet couUluhin symptoms and tic.itmtnt of and
convincing testimonials vnt lie o to anv leadoi of the Sciantou Tilbune who will
wiiU Dtifty Malt Whiskey Company of Rochester, N. V.
Has news for you. It will be read by the Scianton
public, for our ads. always are. Today we place on'
sale, at
OneQuarter Their Value
Ooe HOodr
The cream of the Season's Giirments, ranging
in price from ten to twenty dollars.
W Jr Wi I i s&? fi) NB
500 and 502 Lackawanna Ave.
George W. Watkins' Store.
Will Begin Today
2.30 and 7.30 P. (V3.
Wednesday and Thursday
The Same Hours,
IM Whiskey
jtAitiv on Tin: hotti-h.
Mi. W. U. HaJI, of nielnnond, Vn
had a similar experience to that of
Mis. Alllugton,
Gentlemen: I commenced on your
Duffy Mult Whiskey hist Mm cb and
havj been Ailthtul in taking it ever
since. 1 havo used one dozen bottles,
and am feeling better. My heninip
hnges have almost stopped, and my
cough vol v much Impiovcd.
WILLI i: D. 15 ALL,
7IS N. 1st St..
Ulelunond, V.t., Sept. G, 190.'.
Pneumonia Cuied.
Gentlenieu: I had a sevcio case ot
pneumonia last fall, and have used
about one clo.'en bottles of your whis
key to build 1110 up and llnil It does
what :.ou claim lor it.
Youis lcspcctfullv,
11. raDEUSLN,
llanillne', Minn., May 11, 100J.
It cm es (onsumptlon, coughs, colds,
gilp, biomhltis, catanb and all dis
eases of the throat and lungs. It also
mi cs nei vousness and indigestion. It
gives power to tho main, stiongth and
elasticity to the muscle, and richness
to the blood. Jt is 11 piomoter of
health and longevity, makes tho old
young, keeps the young stiong. It Is
absolutely pine and contains no fusel
It will cuio almost any case of con
sumption if taken in time.
Over 7,000 doctois pieseilbo it, and
I', 000 hospitals use it exclusively.
For, a Christmas Present?
Twenty Christmas Presents
To ne Given by The Scrnnton Tribune to the Children of
scranton and Northc-mlcni Pennsylvania.
One Present $2o0o a,))d $20.00
One Present 10.00 In Oold o.oo '
One Present S.oo In Ooltl S.oo
rwoPrescnts 2.50 Each 5.00
Five Presents 1. 00 Each 5.00
Ten Presents ; 50C Enc, , , 5.00
Total Twenty Presents
Junior Educational Contest.
A Contest in Vord-niiildiiifr.
W'hei Can Alakc the Alost Words Out of the Letters in
T-H-E hl-O-M-E P-A-P-E-R
TTTTS IS lmiclt easier, than last year's contest, antl twenty oJ
llie brightest boys and girls will secure Christinas Gifts
in casli for making tlie larftcst number of words out of
these Ictlcis. It is lots of fun to think out the words and hunt
them up in the dictionary, and besides it will help you with your
spelling. You will be surprised at the number of different ways
these twelve letters can be used.
Rules of the Contest.
Piescnts will be given to the bovs or girls, whose pare!
o: guardians are subscribers to THE TRll'.UNE, building 1
largest number of words out
J lomc Paper."
Xo letters must be used any more times than they appear
in these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be
used, but theie might be two "ll's" or three "E's."
Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION' of "Wcb
stei's International Dictionary" (edition of 1S!)S) will be al
lowed. Any dictionary can be used, but in judging the contest
THE TRllirXE will debar all words not foumfin Webster's.
Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap
pendix" will not be allowed.
Obsolete words arc admitted if defined in the dictionary.
Words spelled two or more trays can be used but once.
Words with two or 11101c definitions can be used but once.
No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O."
How to Write Your List.
Write on one side of the paper only.
Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter.
Place the words alphabetically.
Write your name, age, address and number of words at the top
of your list.
Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and
who is a renttlar subscriber to THE TRIBUNE.
Fold the list DO NOT ROLL.
All letters of inciuirv for
swered. Address our list of
answered, to
Gas Mantles,
Porlable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-S2i Pctm Avenue.
i- fr
ei in Heed !
Of niiything in tlio line ot
optical scls wo can supply It. ,j.
and Eye Glasses I
Propoily fitted by nn espeit ,;.
optician, !
From $1.00 Up
Also all kinds of piescrlp- 'j
tion woil: nnd lopahliiff. ,.,
Alcrcereau & Connell,
1313 Wyoming Avontta, :
. .. ;. : ; : :
A "For Rent" sign
on your house will
only be seen by the
casual passerby.
A "For Rent" ad,
in The Tribune will
be seen by ALL who
may be contemplating
a change of residence.
Only One-Half Cent u Wnnl
of the letters contained in
DECEA1BCR 20TH at 5 P. Al
information will be promptly an
words, or any question you wish u
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Kot a thort course, nor n easy count,
cor a chcip course, but tl best education
to be luil. Jo other education h worth
(pending time end money on. K you do,
mite or a catalogue ot
Easton, Pa.
nliicli olTcra thorough preparation in tht
Lnsir.eerins and C'i.ciniial Professions u well
13 the regular College courses.
RcKiilur Stalo N'oimal Coiuscs and
Special Doii.ii tnionts ot Jltislp, IIIocu.
tlon. AH, Uiavviiis, Htonogiupliy anil
TMicvultliiK. htrouu College! 1'iopaia
toiy Dcp.iumont
lloanliiiK cpenses JIM jirr wcoU
l'nplls aelmltipcl at any time Winter
Touii open;. Dec Kith Wiito for cata
E. L. KEMP, A. M
T. .1 rustoi.l'ies i:imer II Lnvv.ill.Ticas.
It J I'o'etei titanley I. Allon,
Vlco I'leMelcnt. Scciotniy.
Vtlnntlo City.
The temperature at tha AONliW,
On the lleacli, in Cheliej, Atlantic Cit ,
-iitauMy o saJi
i:ciy anpolntment of a modem Hotel.
KentucLv Avenue. Hrst Hotel (rom Beach, At.
Untie City, N. J.; bO Ocean view roomi; ca
pacity 4'X); wtllo tor special latts. J, 11. JcnU.
uu, 1'rop
On a epur of the Alleghany Uoiii.talm. l.fhljli
Valley uilrcad; near Towanda Datliing, ftihln,
ipoitj, etc. Kscfllmt tdble. Reasonable utei.
P, O., Arc, t'a. Send (or booklet,
ft K. UABRia.