The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 11, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    rii i
fJfois,,'"-yjT'rr "
New, Unique, Useful
Made out of u'llulolit and dm
nidls. Ladles tint them lit the
pockptbuok, Ki'iHf Hi Ilk? MU
poekct. 'I'hpy in o tical and the
best tlilitK fo.' cleaning your t-WP-
To ptovc how tunny people look
out lor tlti'ii eves unit lead nty
udveitleineiils I will atve to ev
eiy poison. biliiHluir this nil., Tor
this dn only, it beautiful ccllu-lold-chatnols cleaner
ftee of chut Be, Look at thorn In
inv show window.
AVIiIIp tulkliiK nbou'. now
thlllKH! Did VOtl SPP the CUll-tlp-
temples" Don't liutt the i'iir.
nlrl lini tinn I hn tlieltillUp mlntil?
13 Pine for Indies. Did you sup (utk
shields for lldlntr bows. tsnod
for tender eitiie. Did you see m.v
new Ontlcal Piulois? They hip
thp moot thnioushly equipped for
the exninlntttlon of evp Many
poisons who saw thefn suv time
Is nothlntr slnillnr In Hei union
nor it bundled miles aiouuil
One charge covets the enthe
cost of examination, glnsses
nnd fi nines.
331 Washington Ave,
loiinly Savings Bank
and Triisf Company,
506 Spruce Street.
Receives j 4 and
Deposits T I Up
n Sums of r wards
and pays s per cent, in
terest lliereoii.
jj. A. WATRES, Tiesidcut.
0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pies.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
lm V. HnlMenl, nveictt Wnirrn.
I. 1' Kins-'sliui v, VtiRiist Robinson,
0 S Johnson. -I"1- O'Rilcn,
I. A Wattes.
is satisfied at our stnr-
We hap extra induct ineiits to olfer
jmt We linp lust ncoived ill i-t, ship
ment of Now Wall pipeir foi sprint?.
390:: somn Miy ihoin patterns also .1
luitfo as-oi tinciit of I1!! tum Kianics
to scIpi L fimn. Wp init( jou to o II
and see bow f.11 om dollar will ko.
Jacobs & Fasold,
201) Washington Ave.
V "They Draw Well." 0
X Morris' Magnet Cigars 8
Th best "nluo for 5 cents.
Trv one nnd ou will smoke no
All the IptiIIiis brands of tic.
cIeuis nt ?1 73 per !iO"c. or (1 for 2,'e.
The Pircest vniloly ot Pipes and
Tobaccos In town.
The Cigar Man
325 Washington Avenue.
C3 iSeR r&w fomtrm
BOOK shop
' ", !.
Hove you seen the spe
cinl Winter number of
Out tills, week. We've
extia copies, but they
ate going fnst. Better
get youra today.
In and About
The City
D., L. & W. Employes Paid.
Tim 8ci union jaidnun m th i-mploy
of thu Uel.iw.uc, J,.ti'l(iiMtiina anil V hi
em lOinpany wcih paid Lhl(.la.N.
An Aldei manic Mnuiage.
OloMiuiil Andn-aiil and AiikpI.i Itlstot.
inl, bolh of (jil IV.uji.. wii. iiiHiilvil
e-.teul.i. inmalim by Aldiiiii.iu , J
Felonious Wounding Chaiged.
Anthony Tiihalh, of IcUououkIi
avinuo, was Ik-M uiiiIoi ImII l.iBt iiIkIu U
Maglstiate Millar on tlio t)i.uj;o of felon,
lously woiinilhiK (koijje .ItcaMsh III a
dumken rpiani I on Sunday 'iuuMbli
claims that Tlsihavlsb oliiblieii him on Ilia
aim with a l.ulto billkiliib' a deep nash
An Echo of the Stiike.
Thomus Watlslm., William Davis und
James HariU, who uio employed at the
Clrassy Island mlno In Olypliunt, were
nursted ypxtpidny nt tho Instance of
Thomas Jumps, who, charges thcin with
(.ommittiiu an niipunoUcd us&uult oji
him on Oel. 21, tip inn one of the. men
who wont bnek to woik tltiriner the
strike, und be alleges that lln threp
men whom lm had lUiesled, nsiitilted
hint for this )oann. Wntkln, DuvU and
lliirrN, all of whom nrc union men, w pip
lii'ld imilir tJi'i ball piipIi b Ablet innn
Kiissiiii, ii i tut a bpiirlui!.
Ctented n Dlstuibnnce.
(leoinu CIcddltlBM 'was nltcstrd pmIi.
duv nt tho l.iifknwaliun stntlou foi be
Iuk diiilik and nctltm In dlsotdeilv
inanner. Up wns niialjnied before Al
dpinuili itnildv, and was pninniltled to
the iiaiutj lull mi llilitv dn, In de
limit of II iIik of J"i.
Councllmanic Committees.
'Hip Ibinnei' eominlttce of i oiniinm
puiiiipII wii'Htled iiKidn lust nlfilH with
the new llupioenienlM bond ordlnuiae,
but did not ukipp on n report. Anothr
meetlny will lm held nt the rntl of tho
ilinlr. Thp audltliiK eomndttee of i nun
,ilW, Inst nigh i tipprovpd nil bills ptc
seiitrd. Polish Gill Missing.
Thp t)iilko wpip ypstpiduy liotlfb'd by
Doiulltlck Atnblop, of Mluniikiii thill u
oiiiijj li.ycnr-old Polish Kill named
Maty VUrrdlcks, u ielutlp of Ids has
been iiiWsIiir t-lnip hist Ktiiln, wlnn
slni IpII Iipi hump In Mt. Carini'l to Mt
hint. Shn Is iln.ptllipil as bclim n feet i
liiphcs IiIbIi, with lljtht complpxlon. blm
pjps, full face and u plump IIkuio. Hhe
can neither spiak or uudorstnnd UiikINI'.
Mcmoiinl Association Decided Last
Night to Place One in the Al
bright Memorial Llbiaiy.
At n meeting of the McKlnley Mp
moi i.U nssoeintlou, held last nlKht In
tho bo.u d of Undo room. It was de
cided to bine a bion.e bust of the late
piesldent easL In bionzo nnd placed In
the Albright Memorial llbtaty.
The- attendance at the 11100111117 was
not large and the contrast between It
and the tlrM gathoilng just about n
year ago was eiy mat ked. Then
everybody was In the fiist Hush of en
thusiasm over the tree Hon or a fitting
memorial to tho martjted piesldent,
nnd nothing short of $.'.0,000 was to be
raised for tho purpose. Last night
theie wcie only six present, and Tieas
tnoi D. I!, Atheiton's lepott showed
that there Is only $t,64't.".". In the fund.
His repoit showed that the total le
icipts fiom popular subscilptions have
bfen $1,7.10 '1", and the expeitdlluips,
JS7.22. leaving a nice of .!,(! 13 "3. Ot
this amount. $777.30 is deposited in the
County Pavings bank, and $866.4 5 with
tho Lackawanna Ti ust and Safp Dc
puslt 1 unpnn.
Tlie nipiubpt , pippent sopiiipcI to be
unanimouslv In r.nni of the cttcttou
in a in Hie foi 111 of a bust.
Seiiitaij (. It. S.indPi'on bid lereived
a niimbi of bids trom vanons luonp
lit 111 and s(iilpti)i. as well as seven I
plintogiaplis of but models of Piesl
dinl McKlnl' .
The inn Ilia! siemed In mere the ap
inova! of muj une pie-ent was a bust
niodrllfd b.v William Couper, .1 seulp
tor with studios at :!07 Hast Seventeonth
stnet, Xow Yolk. Two photugiMplis of
tills bust veii "cnt, showing both Hunt
and side views Thp expipssimi on the
Ian, the pol'e and cvi'tj thing about
the flguie Impic-scii tho'-e present 111111"
th in the othei designs submitted.
Mr Coupri's oilglna! ofiet for Hip
bust in liroiiKp, one and a half lite size, Id, "fit, the lasting to be dune bv
tin (ioiliam eoiiipiiiy. When h learnpil
thf. lm-t was to be paid lor by popular
Mib'-ciiptlon lie ledund tlie pi ice to
fl,..J. piovldmg the $17"i wouk', b" con
siileied as ;i pei.-onal contiibution liotn
It was dPllnltely decided to neiept
Mr. Couppi's offer, the lPinamdei of the
fund to be expended in pui chasing .1
tumble pedestal and In ptoeuiing a
suitable lnone tablet to bo placed
The gloat discussion was as 10 the
best location for tlie bust. All seemed
to favor putting it Indoois and the
point at issue was as to which of the
time buildings, thp public libraiy, the
postollicp 01 the court house, was the
most suitable for the purpose. It was
dually agieed tint the sutioundlngs at
the Uli ,ii v would be moie In keeping
and rtev. Dr. Rogets Israel and D. ft.
AthPitnn were- appointed a committee
to ieiiicst the ttustecj of that Institu
tion to permit the placing of the- bust
It is quite likelv that if this permis
sion Is obtained, anil theie is very little
question but Unit it will be, that the
bust will be placed In the main conl
doi of the llbt ary near the foot of the
stalls leading to the sei onil door,
Pbould permission to place the bust In
the llhiaiy be ictused or should the
location alloted lu the building bo
deemed unsatisfactory another meeting
to choose another place will be held.
Joseph Buikhouse Pound Uncon
scious on Lackawanna Tiacks
Lost Night.
Jo-tpb Durkhousc, 11 young man ip
sidlus with Ids mother on Mill stieet,
was tiuiud unconscious on the Lacka
wanna lalhoad tiai'ks near Monioe
avenii" last night about 7,30 o'clock by
tin- new of a fielght train,
Th" tialn was tnovlntr lather slowly,
and the engineer saw tho llguie on Hip
Hack ahead just In tlmo to hiing tlio
ciiKlno to u slop within n few feet of
the iituoisiious torm. The man was
pbked uii and can ltd to one side of
Hip ttack. Up was 1 amoved shoitly
at ds to the Ilalilkniaiiii hospital,
wheiu his skull was totuid to bo frac
ttucd. The idiysklaus determined that
licioic incasutts must be ie.oitcd to In
ohIpi to save his lite, anil the liijuied
man's skull was aicoidlugly tieptilucd.
Hopes ale enli!! tallied lor his tpcoveiy,
As fai us inn be learned, fiuikhouse
lett woik shottly after n o'clock. It Is
supposed that ho was sttuck bv the
wen-hound passcngH' tialu wliiih
leaehea this flty about ii 4."i o'clock und
that ho was tossed onto the other Hack,
1'otir of the Open Cases Called Yes
teulay Befote Judges Edwards and
Kelly Leaving Only Eight Remain
ing On the List Plve Opinions
nnd a Number of Ouleis Handed
Down New Suits Staitcd View
eis Appointed to Assess the Value
of a Propel ty.
Only twelve of the foity-even cases
on this week's common piens list were
open for ttlal after the list had been
lulled, yesteidny for tin; spcond time.
These ueic Wpslgute against Johnson,
White against the eilv of Scrniitoii,
Set union Dalty company against Joyce,
Van Scooter ugulnst MeAiuhews, I.111
klu Soup coinpunv against lhown,
Castcillne ngalnst Wlllluuu and otltPis,
Jtoss- against the Fushi)ld estate, Hen
nett ugulnst Williams, Coieollno coiu
Iiiiny against Anthrnilte Ileei lotupauy,
l.'omiiionwcnltli Building und Loan as
sociation against Golden, Noll ngalnst
Noll. Coiiistucl. ngalnst Jone, Ditinett
&: Hon against Pecker Uio-.
The lollowlng cases were repotted
settled: Itooney against the city of
Calbondale, Cooper against Giceti, Cun
tilngliani against Llbawllst .V; Co,
Ulclmrda against Jenkins, Landau
against WoKs. The case ol Well1'
against Itccse was cllscontlniied. The
insu of Dickson City against the Priee
burg Uleclric Light company, Judge
against the Scran ton Railway company,
Pannoit against the Sctanlon Railway
company, Lackawanna. Hoofing com
pany against jTlat retl. Baltimore. Iku
galn house against Schwurt, and Dele
vau against Cliamplln vveiu continued
lor settlement.
Twenty-tluoe of next week'" cases
weie continued and one settled, the lat
ter the case of Dickson against the
Scianton Hallway company. Tlie case
of Dickson City against the Scianton
Hallway company was continued lor
Judge Kdwrndi and Judge Kelly each
tried two cia yesteiday. Ueloro
Judgp Kdwatds In the lnnln court loom,
11 verdict of $18.73 was found for the
plaintiff in the casp of the Scranton
Daliv company ngalnst AV. P. Joyce.
The suit was lor $10 nnd Interest for a
lot of condensed milk. No defense was
offeied. Attorney M. P. Caw ley repre
sented the plalntllf.
The case of Hip Larkin Poap company
of lUifl.ilo, against Drayman George
". Hi own was given to the' jut y bv
Judge Edwards at ndlomnhip time. The
company -u.pi1 to i re over $11.21 for soap
which the defendant, is alleged to be
Illegally detaining. Brown made a con
tract with the company in is to de
liver soap and piemiums to thp plnln
titf 1 omp inj's local eustomeis. A num
ber of bors which vcrf refused by
customing vpic kept In 1'iown's ware
house for nearly a year, when they
eamc to a settlement ftrown demanded
$2."i stoi.ige. The company denied his
light to chaig2 storage. C. A. Batten
lntig appealed fot the plaintiff and .lo)in
r. Pi in its for the defendant.
A jury went- out fiom Judne Kel,v'
niur. nt I o'clock with the case AV
H. Westgate against F. J. Johnson. It
Is a dispute over wage". The plaintiff
claims $30.30. The deiendant avers ho
owes onlj ?" 3."i Joseph V. Glliov re
pipsented th" plalntllf and T. P. lloban
the defondan.
Judge Kelly, al adjourning time, wa
ti.ving the case of J. Iillot Ho"s agalnt
the Adam Fasshold estate. It Is a
dispute over Mr. Ros' bill of $160
.against the estate for nttoinpy fpps C.
H. Pitchpr represents the plaintiff and
C. 11. Sopher Hip defendant.
Five Opinions Handed Down.
In 1111 oplnior handed down ycstei
daj 11101 nlng, Judge Kelly set aside the
report of the viewers of the two new
loads In Spring Brook township. They
weip defective In that they had failed to
disclose that the vleweis had been duly
sworn or aUtrined befote entering upon
their duties. In the case of J. Sellg
man & Bios, against A. J. Tetitzer,
Judge Kelly gave the plaintiff twenty
days to nuke a mote specillc decolla
tion. The icquests ot the tespondent for
.1 juiy tiiul in the dlvoice case of Bar
baia IXcni against Jacob Iiiion was
ipfused bv Judge New comb, but the
uile to show cause why n tiiul should
not be awarded was continued until
the next'teint of argument court to
she the lespondent and his witnesses
nn opportunity of being heaid in 1 1mm
bets. Mis. Ellon applied for divot re on
the ground that her husband was con
victed of an Infamous ciirne. lie
claims his oftense was condoned by his
wife and on that account should not bo
giotind lor dlvoicp. The coin t will
hear him on this claim.
Judge New comb made absolute tho
1 tile to open judgment in the case of
W. S, niocs against Sarah Reynolds.
In the case ol II, C. Richer & Co.
agaln-d Muiy McAIoou, he dismissed the
plaintiffs pMcpilons to the icpott of
the ipfetpe and otdeied judgment to
enter for the ileteudaut on the upoit.
In 10 Minutes.
Oi It vvll develop Into chronic e'aluuli
Dr. Agliftw's Catuiibal I'nvvilt'i slops 10I1I
in tho bead In 10 minutes, und icIIowh
most acuto nml cUcp seated C'utuiili 11 f
tei one unpllcatlou. Cuieu quickly and
pennunently. "I buvo used Dr. AbiipWh
c.'.itaulijl Powder with best lesults, It Is
a gi cut lemeily anil I never cease re
commending It John 13. Doll, Pauldlnt,',
Dr. Asoew's Heart Cure lithe beat remejy
Of llieuire for nerves, htort and Stonucli. 13
Sold by Wm. G. Cluik and H. C. San-dcuon.
New Litigation. Wulland of Jetferson township
btought suit PHtuiday In Ptotlionotaty
Copeland's olllce. to tpcover .'000 limn
James Jlartln and J1.S00 fiom Pied
Koch for cutting timber from his land.
Claience Baleiitliip is his attorney.
Louisa Ftiiguson, of this city, Insti
tuted pioccpdlng.s for dlvoice and ali
mony against her husband Aithur IVi
guson cletk at Hotel Nash, CtttPl and
barbuious tieatiiienl is alleged. They
wero niariled Aug, 21, 1SH7 and lived
toselhfT the yeairt,
Orphans' Coiut Mattel s.
The regulrtr term of the Oiphans'
coiut began vesteiduy morning, and
Jud,f- A A. Vosbtug tool; up the heal
ing of audits The audit lu the estato
of Hlvii'ii fltlllln, deceased, was IummI.
II. I' Ackerly uppeau-d for the udiulu
Istintor, (', (i. (iilllln. No claims weio
Ptesonted for payment 110m thu luud
for dlstilbution.
In the estate of William Koinacher,
deceased, toiitlinony was taken to show
the putties to whom dlstilbution should
bo in. iilu of the balance bliouu by the
aduiinlstiatilv, Louisa Koumchcr,
Uhailes II Wtlles appealed lot the ac
itiuiitunt. In the estate; of Lunetta Pike, de
ceased, In which extciUlona weio filed
to the account ot tho adintnlstiatilx, on
motion ot II, A. Zimmerman, her at
torney, heating was continued until
Sutuiday of this week at 10 11 m. The
exceptants wcie 1 (-presented by W S,
Iluslander and A 1:, Schlmnff.
Estato of .Marion Djer. minor child
of John Couriell, deceased, vvuid hav
ing artlvcd at the age of 21, and havluc
To Physician and Patient Alike.
Dr. Redmond, u specialist In the study
nnd tiealinent of piles and t petal dis
eases, recently staled that the Pyintiild
Pile Cute, the new discovery for the
cute of piles, wits the most icmutkahle
leuiedy he hud even seen or tiled lu uno
lespect! and that wits the lnstnnt te
ller eei leiiri'd In nil cases, no matter
how seveie.fioni the moment the tcinedy
wits applied: this wan the mote sttt
pilslng to him, becuusp ho hud ciiip
fully aual)7cd the ptpputalloii und no
trace of opium, cocaine or slnillnr
poison could be deteoted.
Ph.vslilnns look with gieiit fuvor upon
the Pyiiiinld Pile Cure, because It Is
rapidly taking the place of suiglcal
operations und because It Is so simple,
so easily applied, and contains no mlli
pial or other poisons so commonly ucd
In pile cuies,
Dr. Estet brook leports that the Pyra
mid Pile One not only cuies the
vailotis fotms of plies, imt never falls
to give Immediate tcllcf on the lb si
application, no matter how sevcie the
pain or dlcoinfoit muy be.
People who have suffeiod ft 0111 piles
for yeuis are often astonished at Hie
Instant tellef expetlctned fiom the lift
iippllcatlon. Another impottaiit ndvati
tugp Is the fact that anyone can use
the leniedy without detention trom
business 01 Intel teroniu with dully oc
cupation, Mr. J. W. Rollins, of Sweet Spilng.
Mo., wtltes: I consider the Pyramid
Pile Cute without an equal; It cuted
me In less thttu 30 days. 1 waited If.
days or moiu to be sitto I was fully
cttied befoie wilting ou; I inn now
say I ntn cuted nnd I shall ipcoiii
tnend the Pyramid Pile Cute at evtiy
possible oppoi tunlty because it deserves
The populailty of this lemedy Is such,
that all diugglsts now sell it nt fifty
cents a package, and its sales exceed
those of all similar remedies combined.
Wilte Pyramid Drug Co., Maisball,
Mich., for their book on cause and cute
of riles.
settled with her guardian, on motion of
Welles & Toirey the guardian wits dis
charged and account continued finally
and the suietles of the guaidlnu dis
charged from fui titer liability.
The accounts of the udnilnlstratots,
pxeculois, guardians were confirmed
nisi In the following estates: Elizabeth
Zlcgler, Calvin Scybolt, Matilda Swin
gle, Amos Sax, John Reese, Francis
Davis, AVilllnm Evans, jr., Fredetlck
Mniker, Edgar C. Post, Elniira Gard
ner, Adam Passold, Audi ow AA'ntt, An
nie AVatt, Annie C. Gaughan, Lewis
AVeisbeigcr, Stanley Groczewskl, Josiah
If. Bought, Ernest A Lemnitsier, Ame
lia Kobln-on, Doiothv Probst, Ells
worth Prohst, GertiudP Probst. John
AVIIllnms, Matinh Catliprlne Rlchtcr,
David Hopkins. Exceptions wete filed
in some of the3 estates and an order
was made iKlng Saturday, Nov. 22, nt
10 a. in., for Hip Ion and flnnl
conllrinatlon or accounts now con
tinued nisi
In the estate of AV. A. Smith, de
ceased, an order was made setting the
hearing or the audit for Wednesday,
Nov. 12, .it 10 n. 111.
The healing in the estate of Eliza
beth Zlegler was continued until Xov.
12. at 11 a. 111.
There will be a spssion of Hip Or
phans' court each day this week begin
ning at 10 a. in.
Yesterday's Man Inge Licenses.
John lUckrckl Tluoop
Luchvlk.i Ucl.szcvjs Prlecbing
AVilll im A. Iiatib Scranton
Gwlndvs L. Joseph Scranton
City and School Taxes 1002.
The above tax duplicates aie now in
my hands for collection.
City Treasure-.
Seven of Them Permanent and Tlnee
Temporary Negotiating for Nenr
ly 930,000 Woith of Additional
Land for New High School and No.
33 Buildings Night Schools to Bo
Opened Next Monday Dr. O'Mal
ley Wonts to Do Away with Clny
Modeling It Is Unsanttniy.
Ten new tenchets wete appointed
und negotiations opened for Hip pttt
chusp of $28,000 woith ot hind at last
night's meeting of tho school board.
Thu bontd also ut ranged for opening
night schools next Monday nnd dis
cussed 11 pioposltlou to do away with
clay modeling 11 1 the schools.
The new appointments wete us follows:
Miss Muiy Doyle, to succeed Piofessor
M. D. McCawley, deceased, as pilnclpnl
of No. 12: SUss Maty Flnneity nnd
Miss Mnigaiot Dougher, to No. 12:
Miss Helen O'Mullpv and Miss Edna
Stevens, to No. 13: Miss Sadie Falkows.
ky, to No. 3G; Miss B. McDowell, to
No. 30 annex: Miss Jessie favell, tetti
point lly to No, 20, to succeed Miss Mnj
O'Mallcy, transferred to No. 28: Mr-
Catherine Hicks, temporality as assist
ant to the nt No. 2S: Mls.s
Blewltt, temporarily ns nsslstant to
Piofessor Mia nil v at No. 7.
It was unanimously agtted that the
eighty feet on the south side, or the
ninety feet on the north side of the site
for tho new high school and the Smith
Manual Training school, on tho old
Home for Hie Filendless plot should
bo acquit ed to permit of thp new high
school building being erected with Its
longer dimension facing the street and
to make room lor the proposed central
steam heating plant. The manual
ti alnlng committee was directed to so
cuie options on both properties and 10
pot t at the next meeting. Mr. AVelsh
thought that $lti,000 or $17,000 would bf
requited to buy either propeity.
The necessity of seeming a play
gt omul for the 700 pupils at No. 3.!
school was brought up by Mr. AA'plsh,
and after Mi. AVelsh and President Gib
bons commended the idea, the board
voted to have Piesldent Gibbons, Chnlr
man Roche, of the building committee,
and Controller Welsh secure nn option
on the adjoining ptoperty. It is held
at $11,000 or $12,000, Mr. AVelsh staled.
It was agreed that controllcis should
be authorized to employ teachers for
night schools on the basis of oup for
r-very twenty pupils. Thursday and Fri
day nights of this wppIc pilnclpals of
night schools will be at the several
buildings where night schools aie to
be opened to enroll pupils. Thp eligi
bility of night school tpacheis will be
legulated the same as that of day
teachers, except that male high school
graduates and othets when lecom
lneneled by the supet lntendcnt can be
appointed wheie iiiulo pilnclpals ate
needed. At the next meeting ot tho
board all conti oilers must tepott the
number of pupils attending each night
school and submit their appointments
of teachers tor confirmation. Last ear
an investigation disclosed night schools
with eight pupils to a teacher. It Is
proposed to prevent a lppetltlon of this.
The ptoposal to do away with clay
modeling camo from Dr. O'Mnlley. He
declared It to be a useless fad, objec
tionable on sanitary giounds, owing to
its liability to communicate skin dis
ease, and with nothing particular to
ircommend It above dozens of other
things as an exctclse or study. A reso
lution that clny modeling shall no
longer bo permitted In the public schools
was lofened to the sanitary committee.
TdE MPtf
The Maximum
Is reached In the production of
3ts sweet a morsel in the
dinner pail as on the silver
platter a universal deli
cacp in pie, pudding or cake.
Cheap atanv price. It costs
ten cents.
NONKSUCII statuU ntone tiotlilnu equal
to it In either condensed or wet mince meat
not branded NONK SUCH. Put up In air.
tlRlit cartoons price ten ccnl-v contains !!),
pounds of mince meat wlnn ready for Hie
oven. MerrelbSoule Co., Syracuse, N. .
Valuable ft emium lilt cf " tSi7 Kotos
llros." Stlteruarr, tnelosett.
11 1 tr
Are Well
Taken Care of
In times of stringency or
panic, as well as In easy
times, if your business or
personal account is with the
Third National Bank,
Jt8 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, Pa.
3 Per Cent interest paid on Savings Accounts, whether
large or small. Accounts can bs opened by mall,
Coat, Skirt, Cape
and Fur Scarf Sale
At McDonnell & Co.'s i
j? of cloth at the famous Ameilian Woolen 'Mills. In Xovtol, Monte
l Cailo. scml-llttlng tmik. stvlisli, well tallmecl and pinpptlv Cj. OS
ti tilmmed. A tnniv clous value at P"t.vo
with the new slot senilis, full flue, full tailor stltelucl. rouled. etc.
X All the desirable shades sUht woith $ij. A lnaivellous value &A QQ
JJJJ at wfiVO
ir Well tailored, full stitched vaiious lengtlis and ox 1 1 .1 svu'cn C no
M All coluts. A maivcllous value at t. VO
Cs Choice Opposums. New Stiipe (.'(uslii Tails, ptia full A SLA Qft
5C maivcllous value at pt,yo
J lias shrunk considerably with thp piescut 1 old snip, but time's many
0, .1 liuiiilred p ilrs left In it .vet.
Pikes lor white or gie.v, begin at :('e. tlio pilt. otln is up lc ?1.'00.
mil Compare our values.
Jff Merit Is telling in this depiitment Tlieie's no iluplb ite to out stoek l
C3 in this cltv and values aie liejoml Nun.
n All the good .shades. A uiiaiitv never sold iiiuloi it ipiits. Spe- 1 Or.
XX cial prlc I't
iJJ Right fall shades, estta finish. Not heat aiivwhete In epniltv or Cflr.
g color latigo lit 7.i 1 cuts. Special pike JUC(
5j Positively tho best $1 M goods obtainable Special pi lie 7SC
i flcConnell & Co. II
400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
5C The Satisfdctory Store.
Baltimore Rye
The perfect type of the purest whiskey.
Its taste Is a treat.
First Called and First Recalled.
Fold at all tlrst-class cafes und by jobbeis.
V.M J,ANA11.N je SON, Biltlmoie, Md,
Money to Loan.
If You Are WP Will
In a Hurry f , v
caii on us. Lend You
Making Money on
Ne.w . Household
Everv Dav Furniture.
Aio ou lii need of mono
We loan any niMount fiom $10 up, mi
liolisuhiild goods, pianos
The goods 1 email) In J our possession
.Mone.v lu join hands two bonis aflei
Loans iiiailu for one month or oim
vear, and ut nmluiliv loan can be ex
tended without additional cost
.No t'Mi.i chuigis tot pip is Pay
ments en 11 bo inude on inslaliuent:
plutt; so much per week or per month.
Wo deal honestly and fulily vvltb nil
t'onni In and mil; It nu'i or huiii! ;jir
emu uf our ciuulilenllul nguuls it t
to you unless we make the loan. We do business on a plan to makje
friends. Once a friend, always a friend, and friends upbuild any-'
one's business, You can have any amount here from $10 up on"
household goods 3nd personal effects. Easy payment plan.
Scranton, Pa.
Near Corner Spruce Street.