The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 11, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Carbondale.
Michael Vincent, Who Wns Foimar
Fostninsler nt Wnymrut nud the
Flist Tcleginphei' Theie, Succumbs
nt His Home In Pntetson, N. J.
Mloliucl Vincent, who umv to thH
pni'flnn over u lutlf itMitun nito, c't
ttliiK In Wiiyimul, wliiii- ln wii n nn
Ppk'ttotlS ll5ttli yUU'tlllllli'it Ill-H Wi'il."
nl his liniitu In Pnli'iimi, X. .1.
Mi'. Vincent i tlculli Intltni
ItlH clue to bl use hclns 70 ynit i ultl.
;io was tuUen 1 1 out tbl" oltv to I'ntr-r-con
lu'o ol!M nto. lli' on ni" lion1 "i'V
urn I intinthH iiho to vl"lt IiIh stMi'i, Mil
PiUilih Hlinnnon. oi ('.tniiuii "tint,
with tin' hoi"1 of bom lining lif niHcIt b
tin1 illiuiK Ho uiis liiKon (iMltf 111
nftfi1 belli;; Iihio ii shor lhtn ti ltd hi"
miidl'lun Iji'uiiiio o tliiu 111 bin-
t'-"l ICUlilVill Wlis IIHTfO'.iiv
Air. Vim nut wn u ii.uivp of Itilunil.
Hi" i nine m tbl mutiny wlnti nlioiit if.
.'mii iilii, "ftllliiK In Wn limit wlih li
lion n" iln liniioiiniii iiluoo In lhl
vicinity l.uiinliiK U'Ioki ndiy ho wns
f.-l in tin i if jt n: WiivimiH, til" lost
li'losiiiidiri It. Iln illttf"i' .Mr. Villi i nt
p'.'-'pitiil (Milium hi- ii'xlilpiito In Wry
unit "id iwi- liiilui'iilliil iiiiiom: tin
Cut liici-i Iln ifiiliont'- Mc-ldi iiiultltl
tii'r i tliill'i" ndii'inl -Ion, It w.i
IVWIIII IM"! 'li. .i lei in. Ilo lell Win-
, III. II t l.'tllH -1)1)1 V'.ll'l OKU llll Illr? lo
l''U'iin. . .1. ulnic lie lliiil until
l hi unit loot i une. Mi Vltu nit lind
t Miiitilti) pii'iitl'in In r iti iin until i
,lli' Wlnelrt A INnii ", Winn .Miuhlne
i omnpitv. Iln w,i Hip mihiuI .iki?ii1 In
tlfit 'Itv fiii" int- 1 1 It. id linntrtiiU'i
illftifit It ( iiih', ultn wl'l lo. 'Ill
l ' 1 oi M' 'ho ii 'iicinliiiiiit ol Ills Kind,
,','t-titli' 'pit It
Til" ill 1 1 ,t-' d l '-in i 'ii il In lliti '
-till-, 'I 'Villi '' lilllllo.l Villi tilt 01 SI
I ouoi Mil. I'll, Austii-' VliKUU. of
"Yew Vol!: IH. mil I'h.iiU- Vhui nt. of
.i f i -on Tun ut .Mi VlntiMil'v listfis
ii" In I ' ii 1 ii' il.ili , li I'.iliii'c "Mi in
1'iti nnl M'- M,i Doitclio- nf I Vitiitsiii
s. pi ill- it ill, d Ivm till ,i o it - lliill
Ml- N'uii ''n tin it ltd li- AnMi
bnuuiii. nl lliw ilt n'cii- nt lite di -oi.
'i -id. i Mil in d M"t(idn' Mini' l'.llit
fi'l. ,tlt: iittcndiiu; th oli"itiiilf-
Cnmmoi C.uuucil Adonts Tlesoluticin
In Conti'irtot Ki!l?eii Cn"-e.
I'o'i'iuin i ittim il 1 i-t nojiii .ti'i.d hi
the MtKr-' -t nil tl ide I" inn 111' lill.iDi i'
I'liiiinitic lo i .i ill in, in U i K in -i ii i I
'Olliuli, to ui.iilulil I." pi i itiil Muni
fill' 1 lltll 01 i'iji tl ll Mil 'lllllll.l- Kll
lei'li In' ill' i mi'- HKlinli i'C .1 liliml i
of -tllJ.K I' -c ", u-
The u-nltttiin., wlili li win- ,i.icH"l
Mitliont ileb.itc, wns liitinilui ii by
Cli.'liiii in Mil ti i- I'n ,nl-
'I lint Hip (il ntliKi- . ti- lieu in ,m
Clioi Upil In I) -,ild Tliou.i- Kiili i n
tl, I'l.fb. bi-in l"i im ii'iil h.- i U.i n lbe
.mount duo lilin uliln is si,,nvtj;, ,nu
:li it the hiltiui', i s.Tn. ti'i, lif ip
t.iini'd uiilil Hip so.iis .up ,inpiii'i! b
tlip joint -iii-Pt i iiininltti ' .
t'ouiull ul' ti idopled ,i iP-iiluMini liy
,lr. Whltllpld, iln .'i litis iln I Hi- Pi'Uii 'IV it plioiip lOiijiinv i .ii, up the
Stfll.lP MiOIll lilt ll it III lllli - 111 lllu
'i.isfindU ol Mi" iln hnllili'it; within
tllllty oil- Thi KlepliotP i ill lp.iuv
pi.lh llPlll.lio' I-' pi'l ll'Otlil ('Olliuli,
i'owoif t, dor s tmt thsnU ll, ' I- ' iitui(l).
.'tod thu Icliplmi,, luinii will ii(i, p,i).
))1oip IT( hi c Hi" nolii i ol ii I' tin)
Tin' U.uittt indiniti'i ulilib pin lio
tor two-ioio di' -tt.i'l llKltt1' ii dlllor
oiit pa' Is 01 H.. iln, u.i- jiu opi iititil
nol til"! till", Mi Sihio'd luo
li'j: ilui. in i-n in h .! thi'io
in i.Uini i ! iii-p 'n ihp
tilt iipi'iiiin ol tin ilij
lint i ohl.ih i d. Cli, ill -
d i iln" until the
oi iMu .in ,id-
7.' III! Ill01'-
wns on
-iilli ii'u
in, in ''li
),"' ! 'ip
Tlw li
. Illl.l'.ll
' tC - '(111
. it" .r
l I- (il (!'! Illl
ipni' l 1 1 uiii" nl
tttiip i" i-'i d lii M nil:.;;-
Uioliitloi In M '.ili"i, p'loldi,
It tin pnulii -d ,i J-l o (nll.iM ind
iiai'-i'- in tin1 I'n'u.nliii llu-c i oiu
V n.y, i i , .nlonti d
I'lfli W I- 111 illllllll l- III 111-- Ifpi.l
( I I ii Illlll l"t- iMll'ltd silllh' III! I ,1.(1
f'hniinil 1 i-t i- In i i-Mi i, !ii nut
illP Ii tin Ill.ltlO'l in, '.hi v l iv o t,.
pirn i iv ' i old li di. ti It: ini.i i i i
OPi S ' J', I 1 , i I'llini IK , to i,, c
TiciifUi'd- lIvniiH MMioileil Hint tltnltij,
Ilio woolt lie lei'i'llod a votiuhet niiioiint
IllK to $,M), (lie fiitn of lln ."dtle
nit hi, fi on t the lioinl touunini,
TIiIk otiili the niuilei' o fur us the
hcliDol boil nl H ooncpinpil, Thole .ift
leinnlim MlmtPier llabllltv ipiUh on tin
loud bomlsiiion who Ktue nn Itulrtiitil
ryliur bond luxt wlutep to rmuHhill tun iiL'tlon uniliiBt Mr. Cllffonl
Hut this llulillit.i In nnotlici' Htoty, titul
public Intel i it In the duplicate tumble
will llhi'K oeuf-i' now Hint Hip settle,
nieiit li Hint . Tlieie Is nioio or leo
"p"otilntlon n.s to tln.1 outcome of Hit
rilnilnnl pHRiedlliKi, Unit me ilenilliiB
School Ditectots Wftnt Steps for
Night Schools Opening To Be Most
in nn niits" down the petitions fin
tin uppuliiji of nlKhl .-ohooliJ, piesptiti'd
to tin si'lmol bourd htpt week, Uiteo
tois N'uniuiii uiitl Copcliind. who wete
opmlj nppo-ed to the nmniipr In which
Hie pi I llloim wine oil diluted, hi lived .it
whiit thtv bellfieil wits ii lonjj-mimd-Iiik
iilni-e, They ul-o sourIiI to outnh
INh Hint thpy tin' pup.ued M opiioxc
nnv petition of this elmmdpi Hint Is
nol icifiiliu' In pt.ry w.iy: l. no
one who tnlfjlii It. in it ino'ijiecllic
llimiicliil Inteit-i should lini uiii-thlns
lo do with Hie ri.iinlnj,' m i Ik uliitlng n
uiltten tPtiuist for the upt iiIhk of
nlKlit schools. if the D.iieim of dill
ill on ile-lic the Illinois tn In- opined
nl iiijjhl tliPv i on (Ii'dilnte titul ptesent
a OPlltlo i to end.
W hen the iiintti I ( iiltii
d.iy iiIbIii'i itiKtlim, Mi
foi nied tlic lio.uil he
the pelillons uid liellon i.
vide Ittllv litstlllid hi ti
.Ml Coiirl nnl 'lipjili'iuctitd'.
Ji loir th it he wo- 1 ti l tn nn il
ol the I'ltool i. initios i In iiluleil one of
the luo pi tit Inn- This lie coudi'iimr i!
OS llelnK wlmll.l lllli.illtd foi iind nn.
w.ilimtiil. "tisiileui Jeili, 'ii!
Hisied tin, i the lnw 1 1. nl timt upon the
li'tltlmi of luetiti or inon' p.itdtts tin
lllfllll s, ll(l(ls sl,i (i Olldlell. JIf,
Win, um itplifd th it when iiotsoii'- who
Illlil ,i itildP-t 111 Hie eulii-pli-i
(lliill, (Mil tile pdlihili- the lio.itd
u.i' i'ftlllid ill tuinnih' down the pe-
Mi I'niiJi.'H''- motion
pn-lponi o lion on the
( ,11 wd.
The ii-uliitinii in Mi liUslies pnnid
Itif, fot -Idiu.iils on ln U 'Med, In
linn ol ."n i Mhool. ,idot;(.d ,uni
th" unit i, id u.t- Id to John liomh lor
1J1 . ' lit- lip) toot.
(in motion of Mi. V.tii.i.iii. Seiio' C.llI.lKlUi' v.l lli'tlllitld' to ,ul-citi-e
In- bid- foi (o.'il tm the ( oin
Iiii; season, the bid- to lip n on j-.itiu-d.n
nilit jiiui to st. iM tin pin" of
i o.i I .it lui.ilvii The boiiid will niPOt
.It, lilt ll(t S.ltUlllll, PMtlillrJ.
up .it :-'iititr-
, A'.in.uin In.
liuittiied Into
the dill l toil
lei HllK thein.
this hi
tlnil one
Follow Jrm. I SS PmhuaIT
I Ketone f 1 I (OHDOii
w m iWk m 6
m Whnnyott bttvawfttciiflrRtBPlectHtoworUnnrt ($$ jm&lxi. I K3 5
m then tell lliojcoler on want Jim. Hobs Htlif- VcLrPvSfl I &M S?
H ltti In iiiiIiIaiI Ii ( lin l'nudtnnn Iini1n.ii n li at l l,t V y ' ' iJ ' liAti' ril 1 UmiMt c T wmmmmmmmmmmmmimmuwwm
B you will titul in every J MWft," !.! 2
I ms. boss PM!a i
B SZZ" Watch Case j mm x
Ut Better thnn nn ntl-pold en bo becauno fllronnor; I f Kl 5g
lH nhnnnpr leipfitmn nn irntrl la wnatiL '1 hn .Tim llnaa ll,.... , WM H
Cfi60lNKtiuruiUcoafor'2.3yonr(i. Won't ireur thin. ' am 2f "
Wm Bond for boolt. f Egg H
MW The Keyitone Witch Cue Compiny, Phllidelptili, I tl WH SnIAi? ) IR SI!
iMiMHiUiy B Womens Handko
- . . j
kenih leKietteil, thoiuth the best wishes nilitce pie, ten, eofiVu nud fiult. Slip- Si?
nn sum ins in tup new iintiie win no
eonilinin thein,
Mi l!l(l( liniti ll
in litlotl- w.n
A Hunting Pnity.
Tin 1 1 wns ii hiiuthiR tii t or iK In the
ilt ,U'Steiiln en i onto tn ltmiiwood, Hus
'luihiiunii i (unity, wheie eiimo Is abiind
inil The p.ntv which took dinner nt tho
1 In 1 1 )-ciii wii" composed nf J. M. Nnfus,
.Sdillitou. I. .f. iiuver, rieellllle! S. J).
JilMIe, HelMliK: S. . . i.ow Jind U. 7,
.Low OluiiRPilllej Y. Al,, AVu
inili The hunl.smeu weie well nipplled
Itu the hunt Me-ddes the splendid guns
lliei Imil the ttiihiod iIuks Dnt of the
i,ul. S II J. line, who Is uisliler of the
Xiitiouiil li illl. at llPiiiliK, uns the Kiiest
ol i 'Itv .SllpctllUeiident of rfillonls Klmcr
li (S in n i HI ol the (l;i.
"Nic" Mttithn Homo.
Nkholiis Miuthil. Sh.'llU'spL.lle.iii le.ldel
mid ii liiiniinoiis (li.iiiutci nl lui ill li
tinuii, nl-'o i eli luiiti d n- niin.tsii nl the
hise lull tf mi known its NIl Miiithns
lliilliius, it tut lied flout Xew
VnlU slnt tn t.ilir up Ids foi .net wot If
III the Del.iu Hi' iittil IIuiImiu liilio- .Mo
uns ior sfveiiil mouths hi the wilds ot
t'miif i mi (oitutv hewliijv (Imliei lii ti limi-
ln'i iiinii Ills Inii ii i-tiun cMi'Mli'tiee.s
IIkk Wile hlttuoi nil-lv di dilnil in n
lilld to The Tiiliime duiliiif the siniiinei
Rocoveiing fiom Sciious Illness.
Ml i In mi ill Tlylie, ol tin llist Hide
who his linn tl prtlluit in l'ini"i),i in bus Jul iwi) i.ip'h li -s cip il nn .it
t.Kl. ol tip'in'd lev it iind - -teidlh t, iln
ll,." Ill itu ',ih. .Mi- Tlglie i, .is t.iU. n
iik wlille Inline oti ,i i.ication limn .i
sillllt lliuni ill ll.lltlllKile while she
iinpliiitd us iiuis,' .ii, i lei iiini
( "in i she will i titi ' lo tt.illlniiue
Alter Twenty Yenis.
JM .nnl Mi-, (m'011,0 SI iilni ut I'hil
,ult liihi.i nic liM on ,i ji to .Mis
Sl.llkei s In olllft , .lis-e 'I ,n lot, ol Si' til
.ii (.inn. Tins I- Huh tli si nuetlmr in
tu nli-Uiice ji.ut Mi. uml .Ills, btit:-
koi Will li .11 l' this 11101 IlillK foi i'itt-IllllK.
wluie ilie.i will lesid. toi iln. Mttuic
Willi lie Ir -on, llbm .St.ule.i
The Son
.lllllUIr' thr
mil lie
nl Cli (
it tli
'I own.
tin V.
Sjtnt '
will in
.is Hip,
in1. CGV.iucuiy Give j Clic:k
SC '.'HO in Full Settlement.
'I'll ;ihi'Oltii iluplli lit" lor the Pur
1-1' ', wlili It wjs in tin. h,,i,d nf x.i
I'oiUito" I'l.inK li ( lipoid, hid been
t-etil ,1 lit lull h.i li'- ridt'liiv I'.isuiiiltj
l lllllj'.'ll. Hi B.llllli on Md tin nll-
itln. . i.iitdtf- i i-it in iln v nltiht's inn tint nt tin -limit hn mi
r,V -.i4
a .jcurn
Time seems
nn t I'.ntintflv
when ha tninjji
a woi'Mit to the turn
of life; '. I,jrc J., or
houlil;be at its
ripest and best for
Iit, and ,ihe ap.
rroacheu this chaniit.'
with u ilieml of us effect horn of her
knowledge of the sufferings of other
women ,it this te.isnn.
There is not tlje slightest cause for
fear or .iliKiety .it this peiiad if Dr.
Tierce's Ruorite Ptescription is used.
It gives health oi bodv and cheerfulness
of inmd, and by its aid the pitas and
pangs ol this critical period aie pre
vented or cmed.
Dr. Tierce's Tnvorite Prescription is
woman's medicine with a nouderful
xecord of cures of wouiaulv disease.
pjseases that all other mediiines had
failed to cure, have been perfectly ami
permanently cured by the use of " Ta
vorite Prescription."
"i'lfl1 ' my, duty to write ou ns J liuve
ii iH v'i uineni irom nic ue ul oui
of '"Spotless Town.''
hilshtt-t mu-li ,tl numlid-.
He mini . In th" pimlui lion
- ' Sine, dill ' whli li Is to he
(ll.ll'll l(ltll!,lli. .11" 'Spotles,
' Sniiii'tliiiic: I'dl'.ip-" "Th.U's
nl I S.1II01," ", Ts Just the
mil "TI11 Kin Mil-. - All thc-e
wlii-ll(d le tile sinnll Inn- ivt,.
illl" lie, 11 Wlllstl.'d In PM-n
wild Ibis pimliidion of mu1I1.1l
"Mini i.m.i h.i- In "11 Ik, nil it I- m.
ddii 111 11 -n ni.iiti litii,liL inii-liiil niim
li, 1 .111 nut ipo n eil in tun ii"f piodiic
tini , but Jl iitaiji't V.lip 1" one of tlio-p
plnlllli "IS who hplieie- Utile (,ui
iin lii too mm Ii of .1 s-ouil iliintj. Shu e
In liu on turn ' l'i e Show till1' Vis
plait n in phi nuim 111 I Ini-inp-- In lmt
1,11 ol tin must hnpitiii ,spte;,i
llnlls ol II lllilll,lei ,.
A Night of Miiibtielsy.
Iliilnws Miistiil tioupp il'lii'd l"iil
tni' WeiliiP-d ' "iiiiitis mid put nn 11 tit e
pun 1 t.ilninent 'flic pm (ntntlnu 01 the
i.iiiou- spid.iltlis i- nl' .1 eritieul
.unlit 1,1 e (.nuld ,isk toi. lo-eph Solunei
in liN spot iln. 'Th" Souk: I Ile.iul on
S10 d.ii .Mm 11 siiowtd dlilllti wit .md
li.ileln,,- The did 1.11 n fiiinlslui' rtioll
ml inkes In the spoclnltlps Al.
Suliilieii. on in- -Inek who;
iiinilui. ''Ih' i:kv Toiii," who iilw.i
dilitlll .111 .utllleiiie, J.inio- AArllirell, .is
.1 hoop lollei ,1111! dull siiei, .mil
N'llilo .nnl ttlles. ,is il.inieis, ,m of the
l'e-t Tli Mniipe ,1, de-ei vlns of .'1
I, in " l.oli-e whltli it wil1 pioh.ililv h.lie
It il t d 1 nnii s to rului'i .iK'il'i I'lil
in'l "ID-, Oil. '
Uiii'Mi hnu-", Weiliii -diiv ninht Tli -kit-
now en '.ile .il poptikn tnuts, .3
illlll jl ( ' lllh
iJiirilciae.ijays lrs. I,lue A. Uowiiun. ol New
Mttissprsa, AVoshlngtou Co, Ohlg n 3e
Jaken four bottles o(n V. otite 1'reicrlptioii for
upn patnaln my head and in (lie backofniy neck
lenate wealcneia and cluugc of life. Uetore I
feef an taking it I could not do uuytblng. 1 had
wptpaiaaiamyneaa auatn (tie oackorray neck
tbatl thought Iwould low wy mind. Now I cau
rOIE CVini ilV. T r,mminfnil lln.nrl,. 11..
criptloqitoaU fenjalea wfTerluf in the period
of cliauije of lift. It ii the best medicint I
have found
"Favorite Prescription" has the testU
niouy of thousands of women to its
completa cure of womanly diseases.
if not accept an unknown and un
proved substitute in its nlace.
Kfep the bowels healthy by the timely
bis ot Dr, Tierce's Tleasaut Pellets, I
JOHN W. fiOWI.ANDfl. one of the
nio-i pnpii! 1 emploMv In the Minim of
ilie iJiu.ali) ,ind We-lPiii i.iUrimil. sm -
I i.mbcil 1 i-l nln'it nt Hip ip.sldence on
illnekl.Mi stieet 'Ihe diieiised wns u
ilellm ol lllljrllt I dli-i'iisp, which leu
Mllll I'duccd his pl"mlit pliisicpii (liu
ill his lone dckiips ut Hboui 11 Jem
Mi. Oowluiiil- u.i.- limn in I.o Ito.s,
Ciinps-(( nmnt.N, X V 101 ty-lour j ems
.mo. lie look up l.illioadhis' when 'l
inline 111 in, mid mil. iik ed himself rapid
li until he wns mude u p leMinucr eon
duetor on the New Votl; loud
wlieti he was intuei Id etus ot aije. Ilo
held till' 1 mill I Ion fin IlfKeil i'iuh. IIIkIiI
viins 11 it u w.u, eiiiplo.nd by tlio On
Uilio uml Westetii, tind slme hern
mtliP In Its ,.11 1 lie nlnnir this dlvMori
iilld tiin ill illl line until illl .ip. icitilti'il,
phypu moiilhs ,mn Ills lefldcueH bus
been 111 I'lllliotlduln loi iibnill loin li'.lls,
Hi ti i nuiliietor un tielkhl nud conl
M.iltiK ilurlin, liU 1'onuii.ilou with the
out, n n and Wet tPin,
Mr, Oowlnmlh wu unlvi'iMiilv popultir
nnioiDf the PluplOlP ol the Ontiulo ntnl
Wi-li-in, and i lotted n notiililo IiiIIiipikh
unions tin 111. This wiine roidiul feolliof
"listed In IiIh trhitlons on (ho New Yoik
'Piitinl lint', and was slutted nmoiu; tie
patrons of the toul. lie had a hplendld
iiivlriiie, and Ids lily pliisletil IkIiik w.ik
II sjnibol ol IiIm bit; lie.iltoiliieH- IPs
iii(ii.intaii(es wete IIKowli-o his liluuds,
who will bo (Ipptchseil In the Hid nou.s
of his death The deeeui-nl wnw n iumiii
liei of r.tthoudiilo lodtie, Sl Tieo mid
Aiivpteil Miiions, to the niPlilbt'ih of
whoin he was united In tho Minimcst li,i
leiiuil booilM, Mr. (ioMl.inds' only spf.
livoi s his wllo
Tki fmiPial fieiiliea will tnl, phieei
TIiuimIus nioinln 'I'he iliecised will be
l.ihrn nvi'l tho Oittailo ami Westiiu loud
mi tho lt.h ll.iln lo I'tlP.i, N V, wliete
bill lal will take lil.ii e
Moved to Sctnnton,
Tim lanilly of Mi and .Mts. Ifeurj
Knnneii, whose lesldpncu w,n op Booth
Sliiln Btreet, liun letl fnilmii'lulu lor
Sountoii, Wilde they will make llulr
futuro leBlilome. owlujj to nil of the
family being Will Incited In illtTeient
positions In the Hlti'tilo ell. It will bo
cheerful neivu tn the it lends of the tain.
liy to leatn that the two duiiRhteib,
Misses UiUlset and Kalherluo Kennedy,
who wuro strltken wltli uphold tovor
seveial weeka tio, Just m the family
was leaily to depart for Scruntoii, .ire
on tho road to good health. Tho Ken.
netjy family Is one of tho pioneer s of
Curbondale, and was held In tho high
est jespect. Their withdrawal will be
Position in Yoik State,
i' YV.ill.ii, .1 well known loimpr
111.111 11 0111 low lp Ihiiokbn stuet, lull
i-tdd.t uKiinliifr 101 fo'iiliw. X, Y
wlitlP be sullied ,i Ittei ithe )(isi
lion In tlic litie otlic
John W'illliiu.s sp..nt riimil.i nf lit noon
In Olipli.'inl.
Mis. Shell i", of t,
is iNltlu iclatiie- lieie.
Miss Mm- tic.n.i, ul Yilkes-l!,ine, is
lisillnt, Miss ThdP-ii Mollnk, ,U In l
lionu on iho South Side.
Ml', ('huh'-, JiMinbiK-, of Sii.inlon,
lilin 1. .is Hit j;inst of Mi?s S.idle Qllin
Inn, nt l'ike stteef, lias letiuiipd lionn.
Mi es Cot. 1 I'lanev and IMith O.iifi,
and .Mis-i-. Willis Wilson anil Hixfoiu
Xitholson Mire .imouH ti paiiv ol mini?,"
lolks 1 1, mi this dl, Mho Piiln.iiii .111
oiitliiK Siuiil.iy .Uuinooij .it Tin 1 it w.
Ml (- Man .mil Hose, ol
AVInwooil, I'.i , spi nt Sunday with Ml-.s
Anna C'lunt nf I'.m i.m Mippt. Tney lift
josteidu lnr 1 lone-dill", uhei" Hit
will nt lend tin. ( nunty M.u.litis' iti-ti-tute.
Tili-s Mas MlXIcoI, ol till" plaee, and
Itiihaio Tl'oma', of I'loildem e. wdo
quietlv niiiirietl at lilimlmmtoi , on Kit
uiihtv last The loons couple weie un
attended. Tin' In ido woie a. tmiellnt;
drpfs of pmple doth with a hat to
in He'll 'Ihe In Ido is n will known mid
popular .iiiun', l.tdi ot this town, aid
the cm jiu hold? a ic-ponsihle position
in till) Silioo' ol Ooiiespoudenie at
Kd.iutou T'ifit mans nlciul ettnd to
llu'in tin li .sltu't'ii wI-Iips for a happy
weddLCl lite JIi. nud .Ml-. Tliotuiit will
lesld" at ihp lionii ot tho bible s jiai
etils, Mi. nud Ml-. .Ttimi.t. MeXkol, L'liiN. of I'ltlstiiu, was u
ilsltor In town, Suiul.i.i.
The lollowlnt p.ncpIIi nt iiienu will be
soil ill ,11 the IhllVe-l Home social 111
the Illriltelv llnptist elinpel. thl cvpiiluir
fmm ."oil lo ! 0 o'doek. Tiled ehlekon,
nia-hpil lititaliu n. bioun siaiy. sfiintsh,
.sitecotiihli, (tliij, iiilib mi talad, pkklis,
white mid brown buad, pumpkin pk ,
mince pie, ten,
per, "u cents.
Itcv. Peter Kobeits, Th. D., and wife,
wlio hum loimetly Miss Itiiehel liiatts,
of tills plaee, me reloleltifr oler the ad
vent of a babv iliiuf'liter. nt their homo
In Maluinov CM v, on S.itunlny last.
The Unptlst Youuir 1'pople's unluii will
be lf-ntpaiibed In the Hiisiiuehuima.
Htieet Uniillst cliiiich tills PienitiR;. Mls"
Tlioplip Jntnes w III lend.
11.11 low's, Ml'istieln, ii eleioi ininpiinv
of aetois. gave n Hup petfoiinnnce at
the ""allier .Mutheiv opem house last
pvpnlnjr, bpfoie a jjood slcd iiuillence.
The Mlnstiel bund paimled the principal
strpets of the town jostenhu, dlseours
Ins: some llwlv itli'j.
1. r. O'Malley letinned to l'lilliilelplila
i est pi day.
"MI-s (Jpitiitde Ikikhol. of Ilitelne,
Wis, Is ilsltlnj; lid sister, Mis. Di.
.Dnild hpeueer, ot llliiltclv.
Mlssps MniR.not llMiu- iilld Mmv
Hails, nf 1,'iekawiiliii.i stitet, tpt nt t Ilo
Sabbath lit llvde I'.ul;.
Mt-. liiniP'i MpKc.iks. nf Jeisey Sliote,
Is ilslthiR filends In 'llnheli.
J. Aillnqtou Speitopi, nf "A'llkis-naitc.
was n ilsltor in town, Siindnv.
HobPi t l.cusks bus l etui lied home, nf
ti n llnee wieks' slav at C'libonilnlp.
Thomas Caiey has lPlintiPd homo Horn
Xpu Yoik".
Mrs. l'duaid l.iuld, of Illl! street, Is
quite III.
The fiuiei ll ol the late ('.ninth "iVIl
liinns, ol Pond sltopt, will ocliii this
aftpsnoon ut .1 o'tlock. Seiiiips will be
held ut the house. inliimint will bo
mud" In l"ot est Home 'emelii.i.
T-iek.iwiinn.i liHlfie, No. 11.1. Ampiluiu
rmtest.tni 'is-ni Intiou. will meet this
iiPiutnr lliislnpss of Impoit.inee (1p
in inds the oipsenee of all niPinlids,
Mis Talllp I. Jones, ot Wllkes-liaue,
w is the Kiie't ol lift patents, Ml. and
Mi-. John Thomas, of sttpet
The limeial ol the lite PnstnirinlPr
I'lliiik .Tudsp. of Old Tom", will be
lulil tills mmulnir Mom Ihe le-lileuee mi
Main stieet lutPiniPiit will be mid( in
tlio lijdf l'aik I'albolie (pmeteij.
AlfiP'l Tipple, of West beuinton, c lui I
iPiiscs Joseph flinkip. ndwuiil M'er.ainsh
lin or JameH T'l.ius lo n toot inn' ils
tanep J i otii lfM lo 1.'"i iitib, for ;T0 to
!ina a s-lde. rii-L aiisweis, fltt rncepled.
I'.ev. Tt, I.lovil Itoli, Its, ot Oounr, O,
nccuplPd the pulpit rf the M'pMi Coiisip
satinnai elliueli uml ililiKicd nn rlo
quenl iilseouisp, Snnil iv
Xluhl sphiiol opened in this hoi ouch
last (iPtibiK', and the ntli nil tnoe wis
(iiiti liniip
1'iof. M'lllinms will moie his f.unilv
fiom nilfton to this lmnnuth diultif,' the
Itov I. R. T.puis. of IVe-t Seinuton.
lisittd old ,k itualnt, hups in town on
Miss r.ouePiiss.i Jones and Mi-s f'olili
of Spiln,T Rrook, wpm. vNitois In town
Ml.s Jones, of Minei s ille, is l-ltlnfr
at tlie home of Mis. Thomas Hughe-, of
Tnltili stieet.
Pi 'jr. nml Ml-, John T Jpiikln- of
Main snoot, spdit tli" Siblnlh with
it hull's In Jdiiou.
Mis. It iii Vail and daushtei, 1-atloie,
ol On bond. ilo, aie ilsltlntr ulatlies In
Miss fi idle SweeiiPi" spent Satuiday In
f'aibondale, the suest of Miss riauels
Mis. Hail" DeVond, nf Ilniwkk, Is
il-ltuiR lelatiies In town.
Miss Mm tilt Stem was a Caibomlalo
ll-ltnr, Satuitku.
J'. P. Hiosnn and lldwaid Plillblp wit
nee 1 the toot ball j,ame at f'liniidsliiiif,,
Scranton's Shopping Center
runs along
Tlie best
like n good machine
you quietly and well, but with
out your knowing why or how.
It's not that every store
doesn't do the best it can, but
that some stores can do better
for you than others.
You must tnlto the flnust, mout beautiful thlii3
lu linen and woiknmnslitp for granted today, for wo
wrtnt to tell you ol' tho plain, nml some nut no plain,
thnt you enn have for Due to 75e.
Most of those eomo fiom Switotlnntl nml lie
Iunil. This year Ireland Is seiulliiK drawn work and
little aquitrea In a wonderful vailety of doslf-ns. Such
liandkorchlefa nro Sue and ;!5c, Up to Too. The linen
is sheer and soft shecier and softer nt 75c, of com so,
whlrh is tho host in tills clans of worlf.
Last year everybody wanted scalloped hnndker
chlcls, emhroideied.
This your everyone seems to want hemstitched
handkerchief-, embroidered. Swlt'orlnnd docs tho
host of this kind or work, and tho vuiloty nt 2Gc nml
35e Is infinite we couldn't begin to tell you ot tho
number of designs at ilfic in scallops.
But, in spite or your liking, the handkei chiefs
ivlth the hemstitched edges aie tar htrongpr and
bettor lor tibo than the scalloped, lor the hcnllops,
unless they aio worked liy hand, aie suio to wear
out with the constant washing.
The designs nt 75c aio liner, the linen is sheeior,
the woik altogether piettler, daintier and more un
iihttal. Theie is as gieat a. variety at 7oc as at liao.
If j on want your handkerchiefs to wear, pay more
and get fewer It pays in tho long t tin.
eis ono sa
The good tellable things that eieiy ltousetieopei'
wants in her outfit.
Veiy subbtantlal hle.iehed buck towels, hemmed
and horilcied; 17x31 Inches. lOe eaeh.
E.tia heaiy and good huck. towels, either hem
n.ed or hemstitched; liltl) inches. l!Oc each.
Stiong silvei-bleachcil table linen in the hiokcn
bloek pattoins; fiO inches jiltle. 10c yanl.
Splendid quality halt-bleached Iiish table linen,
in a lange ot good patterns; Go inches wide. DOe a
yai d.
Fine bleached double damask table linen, in sev
eial pretty patterns; 70 Inches wide. 7,'e yaid.
Full bleached Scotch damask napkins, soieia.1
patterns to choose fiom; 19x10 niches. $l."iO a dozen.
Snow-white Scotch damask napkins of good qual
ity; 1Sv1S inches. ?1.2"i a dozen.
Large, well-made bleached damask napkins, in a
tange of good patterns; 21x21 inches. $-' a doen.
ouse Goats and
Bath Robes.
Tito comfort-loving man doesn't wait till Christ
inas nor his wife, either; though if you have your
mind set on a surptiso you can easily smugglo a
housecoat or bath-iohe Into the house or wo'll hold
it lor you.
HOUSE-COATS $5.00 each.
It Is always well to make your selections early,
but particularly so this year, because wo can't dupli
cate the stock wo linvo now at these prices.
No old coats fiom last season to worry un wo
start f i oah every season, All kinds nro ready, from
tho eomfoi table unllnod double-faco woolens to the
lined cloth coats.
Look Hist nt those for ?u tho best lot wo ever
BATH-ROBES $4.00 to $12.00.
Men aio lo.illy just finding out how necessary
they are the demand is growing faster than for
any other ganneut.
It is hard to keep enough of the light kind on
hand, but just now wo have a leiy good variety.
All woolfotVul fine wool. Plain cashmeres are
used lor MhfHe dresses. You will he ovei whelmed
at the almost endless tariety of colors and shades,
ict all oL them aie being worn. It is to bo a gay
season In the huuse. This i ear theie aie Improve
ments in making, dje and finish,
?.2" and -Id hit lies wide, l.tuisdowno Is that
most bonutllul ol all silk-and-wool stuffs so perfect
in voaio .is to have inspired makers all oier tho
wot Id. It ir, a Philadelphia tiiumph, and its fino
lustro lome.s Horn the silk; the beautiful licit solt
ness ol it from the finest Austi alian wool. And whllo
it clings In a wav, theie Is an independence about
it a wiiiness that is dlffetent liom eieiy other silk-and-wool
lied, blue, gieen, blown, tan, giay, old-ioho, and
lieliotiopo aio the colors this fall; and the stuff either
makes the colois moie beautiful or the colois mako
tho stuff moie boautiltil than eer they seem idealized.
Church Supper nt Dalton.
'Ihe lollowhiR ludli-., SIii II M"
Xoi limp, Jfis OeoiK" Xoitluii Mis. O
W. M.i'-nn, JI's. Joe Xoithup, will loim a
(iimmitteo which will mho tit tlin llititlst
I'huicli on MVdncsd.'iy (wenim?, Xovumbi'i
.', a hot ohloki'ii suppoi, with nil tho nc-
iissotv vcROtabltH, jolllfM, colon pklclim,
hi end, hliiMiit nml butter whlih niioiu
lianlis snob a suppct. wllh do-si-tt ul ciko
and null. 1'iiio, 1") emit-'. These Indies
mo pionoiinieu hunio of tho "flmi-i (noki
In tliu (.nmmunitv, whieli will iiihititi mr
nil wlio ntlrtid un oli'Kiiul .supper. The
public Is roidtnlly in.lted.
We don't belleie jou know what fine gloves wo
It's our own fault. AVe'ie been talking too much
about the gloves at lower pi ices which aie all good
In their way and excellent lor tho money, every one
of them. But there aie lots of women who want bet
ter gloves. And, of couise, finer quality means moio
The woman wlio v. eai.s $2.00 gloves can get them
heie lust as well as the woman who p,is 7oo-a pail.
Among tho new stylos is a heaiy capo walking
gloie, that all the best makers of the woild ate send
ing. Fow lies', $1.50 pair.
Tlio iall colors aie the tints of leaies that haie
been touched by the frost lottge, lusset, tan and oak
tan. IllacU and white, too, in .louvin gloies. Suede
and glace at $1.1)0 and $2.00 pair.
Women's Roan Goats.
An old Dutch pioieib says:
"It is pleasant to look on the rain when ona
stands dry."
That's what tain-ioats weie made fot and they
haie biought a lot of pleasuie into women's lives.
For a time tins yeai it looked as though ciaven
elte and other watei proofed materials would he as
haul to get as thev wore last spiing hut, by dint ot
haul woik and some taiois shown us by the makeis,
no haie managed to keep plenty on hand.
Sizes loi everybody and a good many different
stiles. ?14 to $25.
The children haie told us how they feel about it.
"If we've got to wear gloies," they say, "we'd
Jike to have them as loose and comfortable as possi
ble." So we'ro making children's gloves with shot tor
fingois and broader palms.
A special counter, and fittois who know the
right size nt a glance.
Towncs" gloves. $1.00 and $t.2"i.
Adlers' gloves, COe, 7.")0 and A1.U0.
Knit and woolen gloves. 20c to ,"0c a pair.
If fashion is only what calls it "tlio gen
eral opinion on tho subject of dress" nobody will
dispute the tact that Russian bloucs are one of the
leadcis of fashion tills .oar.
I,iko eicrj thing else that Fortune sheds her
faior on, they haie been added to and subti acted
Irom in numberless ways; but still the main chaiar
teristic is always theie the loose blouse effect.
Some ol tho new suits litiio blouse jackets with
long skiits that como thiee-quartets of the way down
to tlio hem ot the dress skin; some have little capes
over the shouldeis; some aie out off shaiply at the
waist and end In a nanow belt; some have collars
iind cuffs beaiiliiull.i cinbroideicd, and some aie as
plain as a pipe-stem.
Fiom $1S to $100 theie is neatly ovcry kind of
blouse suit vou can imagine and ol neatly eveiy
mateiial. The jlght-w eight soil mateiials are best
because they aio not clumsy, but London twine, -"lbe-line
and mixed suitings aio also used.
123-125-127-129 O
5 Washington Ave J
jf -ri-.
4'ou cannot find better
shoe bargains in the city
than tlie following. Heie
are reduced prices on
Men's, Women's and
Children's Shoes for this
week only. Style and
good service in every:
pair. .all and see them
for yourself.
SI. 25 Mini's Working Shoes 0c
SI. 75 Men's Medium Weight Shoes 1.25
Ladies' Vici Shoes 1.25, 1.50, 1.75
Misses' Kxtra Value Shoes 1.00, 1.25
Child's Hxtra Value Shoes 75c, I .Of)
Boys' and Youths' School Shoe H5c
Jr 'Wk
t w
1 1.
V KsS41ftl
(tfc ?iwm-3
Hfe ''rJ
, 'H
V"- 1
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
Ne.t Door to new First National Bank Building.
Oriental Rugs
Km. Adams Ave, asicl Liadeis St
ITU A V..UK rWKK.S' -Jl) I'll AND !!0 Til J I'S
i:uropian plan. w. rrepRouF
Convenient to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town
cars and transfer at 1th nve. direct
to hotel,
Itooins wltli llatb f Sulti ivitu U.itb
.'.' 00 ) ( su.on.
V. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
! 'J' ? ! ,J' n 4. 4 iji . .j ;. .;. . ..,!,
Gdaranleed 10 Years
Ehrefs Slag Roofing
i -j. .. i- n- . . . .j. . , . .j, . . .j. 4.
At 11 A,
and 3 P. M.
This is the finest collection of
Rugs direct from Constantinople by
order of the New York Rug; Co.
Cor, Sixtcrntli M and r in." I'Ucp,
American I'hn, tJ 50 I'cr laj and UpwardJ.
luropcun 1'Ijii, f I 00 Per P)y and Upwardi
t,iciial Hates lo families.
-ft-f-f(-"f-ff -f-f - -l-f-f-f-f'f
i'oi' ii-iliioss .Hon
In tlio licnil of lbe wliolcsale dis.
ri iiiuiJDBis
n minutes' wall: to U'
2 miuult'!) to tilfRt'l l'ooiioi's His f"
tiloio I.usJ ul iitiuvs. lo llio meat "
l)i liomlb f'toie -
I'oi' aIkIK.scois t
Ono blofl. ttom it t r'.iu, glv
illl, l'.lb tlllllMllOlt.ltlOII to ill
pulllll) lf llltUUbt
SSfnTn All BUiT-nT
t X
j enr mh st a I'Nivimsn'Y pr
T Onl oik' HlutK Horn IJioailway
-J llOyiU), 41 UJl. rces taj9i4tiu