TrgfiT Sfrvi THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1902. s f -r ft. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR o'OAL IS BATHER SLOW BEACH ING TIDE-WATER. (What the Engineering and Mining Journal Has to Sny About tho An thracite Coal Tiade Fast El eight Service of the New Haven and the Lackawanna Roads Use of the Tclagraphono on tho Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg Ralhoad. Make-up of the Boaid for Today. "AnthiHilic Is ooiiiIiik foiwnirt In Mine ciuaiitliy, but mill ry slowly In roinpirlson Hi the demand," siys tho IJiiRluecrliig and Mining Journal. "The opeitttois claim that tliry aie dolus mciythliiB In their power, but matters am not fully adjusted by y means. Tho celebration or "Mitchell clay" by a policial atoppase of work, which meant the loss of one full day In many cases two at n time when It was lnipoitant to rush work, shows the general spirit picvalllng. It will bo some time befoio we have a full supply of "In Now Yoik. tit least, consumois no lather Inclined to take matters easily, and not to rush tho coal deal ns too much for deliveries!. This dls poiltion lias been helped by th; veiy mild weather, wblili has pi evented lioaplc from lcclitiK nny piosslnj? nc- canity. A cold snap would lnciease the demand, and oiup-g a lush of 01 ders. Dealers ijcnoially are doing tho best tboy cm, but no reduction can be icportcd In retail prices for domestic el-ics, which langc lioin JC.50 to $7.50 per ton." ' Fast Fi eight Service. Tho wisdom of the iceent ttalllc ar rangement cntcied into between the New ll.uen and the Lackawanna for through freight t rattle is being lully Justified in the laige interchange- of liiiMnos-s ahcady established lietween Uiote comptnlcb, although In efdet only o months-. A feature which ins contributed nioit 1 irf,tly to Us success, pai ticlilaily in l.ugc movement oC lilp.i-cl'it-s west bound ti attic- Ins boon the icniarkablj pood time schedules whlUi these loads sue making on merchandise freight to the west, and wheieby les than cni Joad as well ns cat load fi eight lioin New llaen teuitoiv is being ilelleiort to destination at Chicago and St. Louis an lour days' lime. This was made possible by the adop tion of schedules c.ueiullv planned by the opuiating and untile o.Ticials of tho two companies and by an niiangoinent w hereby the bi.rgs it? western less than caiload fieiyht f-om twelve to tlfteen neat by stations, such as New Ask, Pateison, etc , adjacent to its Hobokon fetation, to Uobokea, wheic, it is loaded thiough ti.e tiansicr plat lorin at that point into straight ca.s to nil pilncipal western points, s-uoh as S-Minnton, Elmln. J.lnKlimiilni. Hulialo, Cleveland, Dctioit, f'Ulc.iRo ard St Mollis. At. a usult jf the'-e un-tu-i Uc .ir lnng.'inents the business ha. in.iccl mi largely as to necessitate the building liv the LieKu.anna f .i now tianstir jiiitfoim at IIoboKen. 'Ill's ilattorm i" in.iM'nient to tne float Inidgs of ita aimiioillom at Uubohtsi, bc mi; 0;0 fcot long and lu wide". 11 has. two bets of ti.uks on each side, holding llftffii cut. eah, Rivirg total loading and unloading capacity ol slsty c.ii- at one time. This can he niuunlly In ( leased within cadi nomy-tour liouis bv additional switching ol loaded and empty cais Now Yotl: I'onineicial. To Use Telagraphone. coiitiacts bi'i n made b tlie liuir.iln, Ilocliestcr . I'lttsbuig llail toi ihe installation on its line of the ul.iMapluine ostein, which pei mlts of conversation ott the same who on wliii h a flegrapiilo ines-sage is being sent in both dii odious. An instiument is to be placed In cadi caboose, bagg.igf cat and stcial en gines, and also it eveiy st ition and many blind sidings, Jt Is i laiined b" tlie inventor tliat in can- ot incident lor example, conn. (Hon em bo made irom a cab or engine with tlie ueaiest telegraph station o" division point in less than a mlnirti. The Buffalo, lixhesKi & Flushing lias been having a gicat deal ot tioublo lu tho movonic-iu ol freight lioin Alle j.hny to Buffalo via tin I'lUshuis, . Western. It is otten the cnce that the telegraph -wlies btrumu cia-sed or out nf use and it is almost lnnossiie to make any kind of a showing. D., L. nnd W. Bonid for Today, rollowing is the make-up of th Pelaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: ' SUNDAY, NOVJIMriKR ! llxtras East 7 p. jh , Sw.ut., u p. m, Mositr. Summltx-C p. :u., .1 llennUan (,t). MONDAY, NOVEMIIEU 10. i:.tras Hast 1 a. m.. AV. A. U.utholo. WW, .':'' fi. in. irmnly; f. a in, Itlngllrli, ! a in,, ICIng.sley; WA a. m., I'av.inmigh: 1.' a. in, McC'ann; 1 p. in, Dolicrty; -' p. in., Kotclnun; ,! p m ,Vnn Woinici; 1 p. in,, 0. Cieirityj S p, ni., 1'iinii. SiiniinltH-0 a in, l-rounrclUi-r (wrst)j Jfi a in. I'linlgr (cist). II a. in, Nich ols (West i p. m (ioldou (Ull-tl I'lislai.s .'SO n. in, V. McDonnell (wi.sli, 7 !. in, Wldncr (vest), 7 a. ni , rinuutv vwest): b a. in., IIoiiHor (cast): a. in Moran (cast); 1 p. in., A .T. MoDnnn M (un)i i p in. ('. Uutholo. nicivv fliloi ml: 7..0 p. ni , Muipliy (east); ii p. in W II. llaithnlomi-w (cmt). Ilelpus i a. m.. Miigovcrn; 7 n. m., O.i fine) , to a. m Seem ; 3.11 p. ni , Stan ton, HMr.iN Wist 0 n m work train, 1'. tlllllgiiii i port to M. IJ. Smith at Nlch olsou, 11 i m, iA'onanlj 2 p. in,, Sean lun, 1 p ni , Huns, NOTICU. r. .1 iln'i in will run J. .1. Kearney's ciow on N'u V, Sunday, Nov, 9, The ii a, mi Port Morrla cxtia east, daily except iinnday, will bo put on com mencing Moidiy, Nov, 10, and will ho jun nbulirly O, Kearney and I, Oil llan and 1 1 r w - O Kearney will go out Monday and 1' 'illllglnn, Tuesday. M. J, cnub,'iiii will utiort at trainmas ter's oillec, MuikIm, No 10, ut 8 a. in. ARRESTED IN BALTIMORE. Coia Evans, Wanted for Larceny, Will Bo Bi ought Here for Trial, In Febmary last it, woman named Cora Evans went Into tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western lallroad bag gage loom and by a clever trick hud a new tinnk and contents, vulued at $250, belonging to someone else, shipped to lialtlmore Instead of her own trunk, which was old and of littlo value. I'i lor to her departure from the city, tho i:ans woinun succeeded in obtain- injr suit of clothes from the Home Credit Clothing rompany, of Washing ton avenue. Warrants were Issued for lir arrest on tho chnrgea of larceny. Tho Bnlllinotc pollie authorities were hotlflPil mid have hern on the lookout for her since. On Saturday Superintendent of 1'ollco Day received a telegram from Chief of Detectives Piimpluoy, or Hollltnore, to the effect that tho woman was under ancsl there, and awaited Inrltuctlons fiom him. Hupeilntcndcnt liny sent for lequlsltlon papets and will bilng the woman back with him on Wednesday, when ho leturus from Washington. A VERDICT OF $2,020.00. P. M. Thornton Wins His Suit Against Insurance Companies. The Jury tit the uise of l M, Thorn ton, of Wllkcs-Huuc, against tho t-'ecuilty Insurance company, ot New Haven, and the National Assutanco company, of Ii eland, brought In a ver dict for the plaintiff In the sum of $--OJfi.OO on Saturday morning. The case had ot runted the attention of the United States court for over it week. Thornton bod previously sccuicd a verdict of over $3,000. but this was set aside and a now trial gi anted by Judge Archbald becauso of ecitaln omissions made in the clinigo to tho Juty. Ho sued both times for $7,000, claiming that the value of his llbiary was $1,000 and tho value of his household effects $1,000. The October teim of comt closed with the rendering of the cidlct on Satur day. DIRECTOR ROCHg ANSWERS MR. REGAN Says the Latter's Memory Is Poor nnd That He Is Not Accurate as to Facts. The following answer to Select Coun cilman J. n. Itegan's letter, piinted In The Tilbune of Satuiday, is made by Dltector of Tubllc Woiks John K. Roche: Mr. rtegnn docs not appear to uudci stund what ho leads, i3 possessed of i vciy poor meinoiy, and lias veiy littlo. if any, legaid lor .icciuacy of. .statement. He tiics to liavo it appeal tint I sild m my Iftler to select council that nroidwaj was in good condition. 1 that 1 ni'ide no such statement. That ii.ti t ot Uioadvv.iy ovoi which tlie house was moved was coveied with loose cobbles Tlicic also a lot ol stone (hips insulting fiom building operations nnd the tint were pirtlally gatlieied in heips, tlie intention being to lcniove .ill to till the nits between Fiist and 1'ouitli stieets. but tho moving of tho building dosed the street to tiavel When i diall ing stieets the woilc ot repilr is alwavs commenced at the high point lor tho pui posy of conttolling tho How ot water and this is whv tho woik of cleaning up tbo cobbles, etc, was commenced on tint piit ovoi which the house subsequently ti.avelled on its way to Raihoaei avenue. Our plan was to lollow this up by hav ing Comad Rehiocilet, who was excavat ing at the Piesbyteiian chinch on Wash ington avenue, deliver suitable matoiiit when he enmo to It at nomlml expense. Mr Ttegan's lequest lor twtlvo men, not seven as he states, was nude caily in In01, dining the time Itolnnd D 'fliomas was tiipoiintendent. Hl! nquest was a wiittcn one, and 1 lefcr him to I'oieman Kobeil rivnii and to 11. A .Touts, ISolaud D. Thonns' cleil: at that tim. 'J ho list, of names piesentcd by lilm can be lounel 1 tliliik it he is nnMoiis to sec ii. Mr. Kcgon phoned to It. D "llioiins1 of Ii"e oi deling the gangs eIllllloed on the stietts to Uave his ward The, same Ml. Jones nbovo tiinietl lecelveel tlie messago and Mr. Regan can Inteivlew him ut his convenience Mi. Regan wants to Know how mm h moivy lias been spent on stieets in tho SKth waul I became dltector. I answer ??17ro lie asks to be tliown on foot of stieet made theie lindi r my Ui i ect Ion. 1 point to him Ralhoad aveniio for its full length; rom tli avenue, Bioad w.iy iio.ii rouith avenue, 'J bird avenue, i:im stieet, all in 3P01. and Aichbild stieet, Rellevue :aieet. Tamils stieet, Ro land avenue, rourth avenue South .Main avenue and I'ueman stieet in 1DJJ. Ml. Regin ought to lemcmbei some of the work, done in Wl because at th it time lie wanted the stieet gangs to tiado his mothers lot. lie s.ijs the money tint should bo spent In Ills wind was spent in macadamising in tho Ninth mid Seven tenth wauls. .My leply to this is that tlieio was iiu mac. id im laid la the waida namcil, AN OLD PIONEER. runeial of the Late Eiedeiick Wag ner Held Yesteiday. The ot tlie late Kicdeilck Wagii'r, one ol tlie old pioneer resi dents of this city, who died last niday. was held osUiduv alteinoou It om tho lionie ot tlie ikail man's son, Chailes 1 Wagnei, of Oibon stieet, and was attended Stivicea weie conducted by Itev. Kellx SleiniiKin, pistoi of tlie Peteisbuig lieinvin I'reshytpihin chinch, who made u Inlet' adelHss in Cieimnn, in wlilch lie uneried to tho dead man's steiling cliataetT and manv lino units. Tho liiembois ot Kzia Giliiln post, No. 133, Oi.ind Aimy of the Republic, attended the luneral in a liod) and sis of their number acted as poll-bonrcts. The Oiand Aimy of the Republic tituali.stic seivlco was conducted at the grave in tho I'cteisbuig cemetery. Mr. Wagner vvns hi jeais old at the tlino of his death, and one of the Hist settle! -i In what is now tho Tenth wain. Horn in Luebingmi, Wurtemhing, (lei many, he (list tamo to this country In 1R10 mid iry soon afterw.ud settled in tills city. At tho otubicak of tlie Civil war lie was the leader of one of the first bands mg.mlzcil in this pint of ihe state. Ilo enlisted as a musician and was assigned to the leadership of tho Kifty-second Regiment band, which place he held until honoiably dlschaigul at tho end of the war. Upon his lettiin to ptivate llfo ho began woiklng un open mine on his propei ty. but tho entuio -was not a successful one and lie shortly after wards roth od fiom business, Ho bad been a remarkably active man In bis old age, but unt'oi tunately slipped on tho Ice last spring, breaking Ills hip. Ills ago militated against a complete leiovory nnd ho llngeied on until last rilelay, when he died. Ho Is survived by ono bon only, former Select Council man Chailes V, Wagner. Stepped Against a Hot Stove. A child of Mrs, Cleo. T. llenson, when getting bis usual Saturday night bath, stepped back against a hot stove which burned him seveiely, The child wan in great agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify lilm. Remembering that she hail a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Dalm In the- house, she thought she would try It. In less than half un hour after applying it tha child was quiet and asleep, and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resident of Kellar, Va. Pain Balm is an antiseptic liniment and especially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains. For sale by u)l tlruffglsta, THE WORLD'S MEDICINE. EECHAIS - 1 iLJLO , CURE niMOUS nnd NERVOUS DISORDERS, CONSTIPATION. .SICK HEADACHE INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA. And all STOMACHIC TROUBLES. REMOVE WIND and PAINS In tho STOMACH, AROUSE SLUGGISH and TORPID LIVERS. ENSURE PROPER ASSIMILATION of FOOD, STRENGTHEN tho STOMACH. 4ZEi. cMS' v z wfc' MAKE you LOOK WELL, FEEL WELL, KEEP WELL. REMOVE PIMPLES and BLOTCHES on SKIN. LAY tho FOUNDATION of GOOD HEALTH. SUITABLE for OLD and YOUNG. PURIFY tho BLOOD and REMOVE SCURVY. ARE MILD but EFFECTIVE in their action. REMOVE the RESULT of OVER-INDULGENCE. CURE RESTLESSNESS and INSOMNIA. Arc SPECIALLY SUITABLE for the DISEASES and AILMENTS COMMON tfii FEMALES. IMPROVE the COMPLEXION. REGULATE the SYSTEM. BEECHAAVS PILLS have stood the test of over 50 Years, without the publication of testimonials, as they RECOMMEND THEMSELVES. Sold by all Druggists in United States. In boxes, tOc. tad 25c. '' " I1MIIIIUUMM 0000s000sCK 0 0 0 0 0 0 About Town ooooooooooooooooo The moie lime and attention Diiector ot Public Works.' Hoche gives to the naming of tho city stieets the mote lie becomes com inced that not a lew but wboiesa'e changes will have to be made in neatly eveiy waid. Dining tlie past week lie bid pipaiofi a list o all tho duplications a.s well as ot all the streets having u.iuii.s3 wIiIlIi sound alike and which aie likely to bo contused. This list covets upwaiels of a do7en tvpe wiitten pages and Direetoi Kochc has decided that something must ho done with theie befoio lie gives the data to tho firm which lias been awatcied the contiact lor the stieet rigus. Among the duplicates are Bennett Mi eel and licnnett avenue, and Bicck Mi'cet and Diieiv avenue, Meado avenue and Meade stieet. Among tlie streets with similar sounding names which should lie altered in tho opinion of Diiector Roche are the following: Green stieet, Gi ecu's place, and Oicen Ridge stieet; Ridge Row and Ridge stieet, Hallstead place and Unlisted couit; Oi Iff avenue and Giiflln avenue; Hamm comt and Hampton stieet; Mink ave nue and Maiket stieet. Theie aie. also In many instances a number of Mreets spoiled ineonectly and Dlicctot Roche bolie'ves that till.-, matter should be alo settled betore tlie street sign-, are made. Common coun cil lecciuly passed a lcsolutiui provid ing for tlie appointment of a. special Joint committee with power to settle all points In dispute but tho matter did not come up In select council last week for ennuirience and will not bo lonsldoied next Thursday night. a Apiopos of the death of Lineman Mai tin Ryun last wcc, the c.speiicncc of another Pci.mtou man who tocelved a similar shock and lived, is -worthy of being minded, and would go tar towards suppoitlng tho contention that wo.o any of Mr. n.vnn's mates about last Thuisday, bis chances tor being alive at this time would bo good. Ilany May got a shock some seven yeai.s ago nnd for an hour and lluce Oiiaitcri. bo jemnlued unconscious. All thi time his fellow vvoiknieu never ieiaed, tor an instant, tlieh- offotts to icsloie the circulation with the icsult Hint they gained a complete viuoiy over death, Andrew- C'onloii, of the Stieet Rail way company and Michael McManus, of the Subtil bju Elcotilu Light com pany's emps weio among those who aided in icstoilng cltcukttlon and onl matiou in that instance, and both legrot their absence at tho tlnio that Mr, Ryan met such a tioglo ond, These men pronounced Ryan to iiavo been both ctueful and competent, i fc A gentleman who has given much at tention to matiois municipal made a suggestion Saturday, that If lounel feasible, would stimulate an improve ment much needed In coitaln parts of the city, In tho building of seweis. Any one who lias given this subject atten tion must have noticed the diffeieuca In cost that prevails now as cotnpaied to a peiiod not (aither leinote than lS!r slnco which time libor htib Increased in value to sumo oxtent, the ptevnlllng wago being 11.50 a day, whllo the pi ice of ten a cotta pipe has been doubled. Long seweis lender tho largest sized pipes netes-suiy to cairy tlie accumulat ed sowerago us well as suifaca water, whllo smaller pipes would suillco weio tho systems to be shot toned, The plan suggested Is to utllUe the abandoned mlno workings uinlcr the city ns the receptacle for sewage, Could this Idea bo suree.shfully can led nut tho cost of seweiing cliffeient portions of tlie city would bo veiy materially lessen ed. The question of caring for the smoke from furnaces and ranges seems to have been solved by it South Scranton gentleman tvho believes that the in terior of his home should not bo mar red or necessury living space given to tho usual chimney. The gentleman in question resides and tho in a two story and basement biick house on tiver street in tho Eleventh ward. One pipe selves for furnace and i.ingo on the inside. This Is can led outside where it is inserted in a twelve inch teira cotta pipe which has all its Joints cemented and is carried above the loof of the house. Tlie same con stiuction in irame buildings would pi event many Tuts having their oilgln in "defective Hues." w The piesence of tlueo bishops will gtace the dedication of the now chuicii of St. John tho Evanselitt in South Scianton next Sunday. The bishop ot Scrantor-, Rt. Rev. M. J. llobau, will ofllciato at the pontifical high mass; the bishop of Altoona, Rt. Rev. E. A. Gar vcy, -will preach while Rt. Rev. J. L. Sptuldlng, bishop of Peoria, 111. and member of the mine stiike commission will also be present. Bishop Spaulding is not e.pected to preach but it would be singular ot Rev. E. J. Melley should not succeed in getting his distinguished guest to make some biief leinaiks on such tin occasion. TECKYILLB. I J. Swingle, the hustling delheiy clerk of Robcits Rios., left Saturday to spend a couple ot weeks in tho vic inity ot Bear Creek. Mr. Swingle and a companion w ill occupy a log cabin in tho wilderness of Bear Ctcek, and will spend the time hunting and llsli lng. Ilowj'td T. Baiber, Hie manipulator of the telegraph key at the Delawaie and Hudson station, spent Satuiday and Sundav with it lends at Moscow. Theie will be meetings held at the Baptist chuich eacli evening of this week. Rev. Thompson, of Jermyii, will occupy the pulpit tills evening. Claud Clark has letiuned Hum a trip to Woicestci, Mass. THE MARKETS. SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. The following quotations are furnished Tho Tribune by Ualght .S. Frecse Co , 314 31u Mcais Building. W. V, Run) on, man ager. Onen Hlgh.Lovv.CIoso. Ann! Copper i.-",j i.J'i t.lVi M",i Am. C. t P JVC, !-,! .".tvi Am Cot. Oil R.I .VI WV.- Wi5 American leo Wt 10'i W' 30; Am. lci Vv ;i"'s ::sii J7's '"U Am. I.oconiotiva .... 2s'i- .1 S J Am. Loco. IV if! W ?! M Am S iV: II. Co t!"'i H'i U'J -4 I'i Amnileau Sugar ....11'.", 11V4 111:; II lu AtchlHon S'.iT fs"U Wi. h'.'ii Ate bison. IV 0' fl'i di ''0 Hall. .V Ohio H)!i I'M mu 10- HlooU. T T i,l id ni eu Canadian I'aclllc ,,..VV,i lU'i 1,!1'4 IWVi Che. & Ohio IT 17 Vt H! Chicago K. Alton .... :.! :tv M'k 81 Chic, is O W CS IS'g 27 L7 , M .; St. I' IMli 1M 1SI 1S1 Col I'llfl & Hon . . .s'.'J S.,', .s." m col. & southern .... :o :i :"" lis lien, .v; R. a., IV .... "0 'm N'i'-. Ri'i Klin .'.. .17 !'U !"'i Rile, 1st IV O i.V, r.Vi Rile, "mi Pr r.m, w, bus M'4 fioelclug Valley 11 M ns ss Illinois Cential Ill lit ll-'i 111 Iowa Cential 'OVi M'-j ..'Hi mtS Ivan. City .t South,, .v ni'S .u :.. Louis & Nash UP, li!'2 111 111 Manlnttnii IK' I h.'4 1 !', Ui Met. St. Hv ISO in MS'i Mo.lC ,Vi To- , ... 1S' 2s' !S-g 27?5 Mo, K is T, Pi ... M'l f.S's vs Mo X'arllle 10&J irv) 107 1"7 N, Y Cential ... ,1V1 1V!4 1.11. JM'l NoifoIH .t VVOM .... 71i Tl'.j biv, TO ont. .t West ?2 ::3 ;it'4 :ii'i T'atlflo Mall II It ! 10 leading, .11 re ,,,, , f.e.-j 'b t.i 11 ltepilbllo Steel ... , 21'i 20-I 19'i 20 St, I.. & San V , ... 7Si 7si 77 77 St I. So W JS Js 2S 2S Soiithein Paeillo ,, , 11 ifl I7", h7i. Southern R. it, . . :r :.-.; ,r, ;r, I' S Steel SC, ,! Sl RVi . ,, ;ijit .tj' . sj'j sj5 Wabasli, Pr -17 I7J 4uI 4t,ij, Wetirn Union W,i OV. 'WS, SOU Wheel & I. K .. . . 2 2.i IS 20 AVIs. Cential 2iAi 2r,n 2u M Total bales, T7S,W0 sh.nes CHICACIO GRAIN AND PliOVISION. WIIKAT Onen. Illn. t,ovv Closo December 71 71 711 71 Mav 7J1! 71 ' 71 CORN- December lit CI nn ro May , 42VJ W, 4.' 42 OATS- December 20 30U 20'', SOU Muy 31ii 01 31 31 I'eniiMvivaiiia, it, ix,,r.'i vn v,v v,v. Peopln'o OllH 101 jlll r4 au1 401'i Pressed Steel Car ,. TOS 1" W'f CO Rc.iillng', u'.l! MI Ifi-J, Reading. 1st Pi bX smi Wl f.",?. tsouiueiii it it, rr.. '.'i'i "ii'i I'i'i ni'i Tenn. coal a lion ., i-vi cnu mvt r.oI Tcmis Ai I'ae Itlo -IIV, UK i: 41 Union Pailiici 10.PJ lai'-t Ji PePf Union Paelilc, Pr 9ltj 0ii 01'. my. u, S Leather .. . . riii ir 1I'I n V. S. Steel !1 ..'1 K7 :I7t! SHADE DEPT. on the Sid lloor. All kinds of ebndca. Rciidy mndo and any kind of similes made to order. Moving Picture Exhibition Free This Week-Morning and Afternoon Many special features that are entirely new. Bring the children to see this mar velous machine showing pictures that have life like action. Remember, it's free. Everybody is invited. Exhibition on the third floor. Don't Forget the Collar Button Sale This Week 2000 yards of tho finest Imported Black Rustle Taffeta Silks, quality guaranteed. 19 inches wide, special 59c 21 Inches wide, special (19c 24 Inches wide, special 79c 27 inches wide, special 85c 36 inches wide, special 95c 500 yards Imported Swiss Taf feta Silks, 19 inches wide, black only. Special at, yd 39C 1000 yards Black Peau dc Sole Silk, satin finished, guaranteed quality. .Special at, . yard. 75c. 89c and . . $ 1 .UU Thousands of Collar Buttons at Va and Vs Their Regular Price The life of the King is in the shank. It is remarkable for its strength, lasting wear, elegance and small price. The patent ventilated stiffened post, lenders the King extremely strong and is a guarantee against breakage. Twelve styles for men, women and children. Sale Continues All This Week On Main Floor, in aisle near Ribbon Counter. At these prices it will pay you to stock up on the different kinds. Our guaiantee, if any button should prove unsat isfactoiy after it is in use, a new button isyouis without any cost. Regular Value, 10c. This Sale Town Gold Mining Company ot Denver, Coloiado. 50 Cents a Share This N a legitimate inlnlni cntcipri-o A iil idunil paying mil e, owned In foo Mniplo liy tlio company niul on JSobtail Hill In llio lio.ut of Uni l.unuii-, Gold Jtclt ot Gilpin county, Coloiado, Stool: can bo bou'lit on tho mnntiilv 1)J rnent plan. Suliriili is can piv li) pet rent, and 10 per cent a month till tho tstoU: is paid Cm AGENTS WANTED for fiuthoi infoi mation, rail on or ad dtei' CHAKLES D. SANDERSON, 130 Wyoming Avenue. Scranton, Pa. POItK .lamt.iiv ., 1r, L' II IJ )",2 b I", S IJ "Jit I". 17 II I.' r. w ii u r r, ii u b ; Jlay I,AIIII .lanuaiv .. ! 111 .S Ii Jiav , S I'i iims- .1.11111111 V .. SI.' 7.1,7 .May T.ij" xnw vonic eorro.N m. Onen. UlKh. ,vkki:t. I.nw, s :o s id s J'i ..' ,s 10 N 10 s r. .s iu Jioconilioi S i n.'J .lann.iiy -"' .' .-liuili su MJ Jlay i !" Mti ItcsiiM lUiical'O l.o.itiH. ilriiLiihn fcl.Ni.TIO IaL'i.HJii J,:.i' ! 7,WAili i,707,Sja Specie, dicuabo l.enl tinilii'. (U iio. iso )i'inslts, diiuaso t'lli illation, liiiliase Scxnnton Bonid of Trndo Exchange Quotations All Quotatlo us Based on Pat of 100. STOCKS I.ncKawnnna D.iliy Co, IT.... County Sav. Hani; &. Tiiist Co riisl Nat Il.inl; iC.uboiuulo). Tlilul Uallonal Hank Dime Pup ii Dlb Dank ,,,, ,. Kconomy 1., II. As 1. Co rirnt National Haul. Lack. Tiust A- Safo Hop. Co . Clatk As Snoui Co, lr Sci.inton HiuliiEd lUnU TradeiH' Natloml HanK ,,.,,, Kcianton Holt & Nut Co People's Hank ,.., Scianton I'.uUIiig Co HONDS Scranton rasbcnt-er Itiiilway, (hat inoitBaec, duo l&.'O. ... Tcoplo's St I cot Itnilwa), llibt moitsaBc, duo iau . ,. ... Vcoplu'a Street Ilallnv. Gen- ci ul moitgagc. duu l'JJl .. ., Fcianloii Tiuc Co , C pel cent, Hconomy 1, II I' Co... ,, N Jertoy A: I'oeono Too Co. ., Consolidated Water Supply Co Hid Asked. 0) svo iio soa iJiw la too '! m 500 ? t t 33 115 115 11', 97 07 WJ Scranton Wholesale Market, (Collected by II. G. Dale, SI Laeka. Ave) riom-$l 10. Hiitter 1'iesli cuamciy, !T15c J fresh daliy, ;iHc Cluesc iSalWjK Hugs Neaiby, Wc : stoiajje, S.'e. asc. Kfc Marow Hoans Per bushel, ?!. Onloiii IVr biifhel. SBc rotatoei-63o. per bushel. I Z2 Gents f3 Cents. Q Cents, f FIN A NCI A L V- i y. 5 t ! 5 ? ' " " 5 I 1 21: ..fa,i S' SCRAHTON'S For Saie J UlUKdUN 0 Si; STOCIC I B s of the Topics ( Monday's LpoodNltems 21-inch Moire Velotir, in black, very heavy and handsomely de signed. Special at, 4 yard, 75c and P I .UU 27-inch Black Moire Velour, "Our Leader." No store can match quality or price of this fine fabric, extra heavy. Spec- lalat, yard 95C Beautiful line of Fancy Figured Taffetas, black and white and the new pin dot effects. Also a gen erous assortment of stripes. Priced specially at, yard, 75c, 89c, $1.00 and pl.i 10-Kt. Gold Pilled Regular Value, 15c. This Sale : PATENT FLOUR The Celebrated ti SNOW WHITE Always reliable. Dickson I -Mill & Grain Co Scianton and Olypliant. ti UM'4'4 A U 'A "A U "A 'A 'A "A U 'A 'A "A Lager SSFoi Miinuliioturcrs ol' Did Slock J J J I l 3 J J J ! ! ! 3 f J ? P1LSHER ; ! '!" 'fr ! "Hi nS,S,.. Scranton, Pa. Old M'lione, 3,l3i. New 'Phone, '-'035, HENRY BELIN, JR., Cencril Ascot (or the WromlLs District tot Dupont's Powder Ulolnj, niaitlnj, Eporline, fmolclta an) tbi Kcpauno Chemical Company' HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Tuse, Caps and Cxplodera. Room 10 1 Cou , iieU Uuiljioj .Scrautcn. AQLNCIKS. JOIIV B SM111I Jt SON Plymouth t W. UUU.IQAN Wilkes Uarrn ini il OUR ART CLASS 111 Alt Ncedtft Wink will bo ton II 11 II od lioxt A o el 11 e a el a y . Ally pnpll bioltig 111 1 111 11 1 c v 1 11 1 a amounting to $1 M will iccelvo their 111 Ht lesson l'lue. Satin and Satin Duchess, large assortment, every width desirable. Special at, yard, 48c, 69c, 89c and PI.UU 3000 yards 19 and 20 Inch Col ored Taffetas, Silks, Moire Velours and Liberty Satin, every tint in well known shades, pink or blue or the most striking red or green, also a full line of Changeable Taffetas. For Monday tho Price Will Be Only 69 Cents s Regular Value, 25c. 5 For This Sale BUSINESS HOUSES. THSSS ENTERPFllSrNB DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATIS FACTORILY. FOP SALE nUCGirS and WAGONS ot ail kinds; alio House and Building Lots at bargains IIOISSI S CUI'I'ia and CliOOMFD at M. T. KELLER Lackaivanna Carriage Works. lb SECURITY BUILDING &SAVINQSUNION I nome Oiflce, 203 209 Hears Buitdlnsr. Wo are iruturlns ohatri each month which ftiow a net caln to the mieitor ot about 12 per cent. No loan uioiur. Wo also lsue 1'lT.Ii PAID STOCk $H100 per thaie, inter est payable ieml-aiinually. ni.L. Secretaiy. . JOSEPH KUETTEL, rear till l.aekananni avenue, manufacturer ot i Wivu birrciis ot all kinds, fully prepared (or the tprinu' bc-iiop. We nut a all kind of porch Bcrcens, etc. PETER STIPP, General Contractor, Builder and Dealer in CiiIldiiiK hiom, te-nentlnf ot cellars a p. daily, 'telephone W.'. Offlee, Si7 WHshlnston arenue. The scranton Vitnified brick and tile manufacturino company Maker of Putin; nrlel, etc. Jf II Dile, J (ienci il Fjlrn Binl, OflUf "-3 nshlni;ton ae, Wotki at aj uc. I'a , 1 . . V It.n. z MoosSc Powder Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Uldg. SCRANTON, TA. MINING AND BLASTING UaJo at llocalo anil ltuhdale WoiVj. Laflin & Rand Powder Co.'a OHANGE GUN POWDER Heclrio Ilatteiies, rieclria Ltplodcu, t'j plodlng i)llts, bifclv l'ue. REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES, Lubricate Your flachinery by Scientific Hethods and Mio SIXTV 1E CUNT, of o: peiibc Wo inako n specialty of proper In bilcaulb for ptopi'i niiiposc:) TI10 Sandorson Oil niul Specialty Co., 1 Rdce Street. Cltv.