The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 10, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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A Notable Young
Miss HMM WnLLKtl. who Is Sec
rclery of Hie Young People's Christ
Ian Association, nt 1818 naill.soti Ave.,
New Yoik Cltv.
Your "Havoiite Pie.scription "
is a boon to .sick and tired
women , for it cures them when
other medicines , fail. I know
wheicof I .speak, for I have had
experience with it. For four
teen months I had constant
headaches ; hcemed too weak to
peffonn my daily duties, and
when the day was over I was
too tiled to .-leep well. I suf
fered from nervousness and
indigestion, and everything I
ate distressed me. Doctored
with different physicians but
received no relief. After read
ing one of vour books I decided
to give jour "Favoiite In
scription" a trial. Am very
glad I did, for I found it was
just what T wanted. I com
menced to improve at once and
Kepi getting ueucr limn, auci
seven weeks, I was entirely
cured. I have remained in per-
letial Ui the. Sci niton Ti ilium
Tunkhaiinoik, Xov. '.i Mi. 11 lid JU .
William West and little daughtei,
Vol. 1, spnnt cteiilny with icl.itlvts
at Sin Ingv lilt.
ill. SU incuts .mil Kimilv, nt il''
huopaiiy. will occupy the William Mo--itr
lcbldence, on Second s-tiect.
A famine vlitunlly exists hen
til piesoiu, .mil wood is about us
mmicc. Coil Dealer Sihoolej ictelvril
:i small iunlRiiiiiciit of coal on S.uui
iliy. wlili h lie is disposing nt In snnll
iiutintltlfo at oO icius per liundied
pounds, and cannot supply the ileniMiil
101 il nt that. Coal is belli; hauled
li 0111 r.u tot : ville, wiiue-Ji Is mine
.Mis, Chillies O'X'Il Is till' MU"-t of
1 datives nt Asblev.
Il.uvcy H. Thompson, ol the IJ.inuoft
house, New V01K iit. who hits In en
. siting Ins moilio nt this plate, le
tuiiifd lionif Mil last of tin w etk.
The will nt Jo'i'pli T. Jennings late
of Mclionp.'n , lias been piobixted In
the ic;! tei'.s olfi 0. The exooutoi s
mimed 1110 IiIh two sun, ITaii Isoix H.
nml John T. Jennings.
Crmiles Mnuj, of Altoona, viIted
his mother, Mis iliuy Mini-., nt this
place, ilui Inj? the luttoi palt ol' the
w 1 el:.
Miss Mai.v anil Josephine lloie, who
aie employe d In tho C'oi
lespoiulemo school at Sci anion, air
Visiting their pileiits, ill and Ii.
Pallid; Iioe on Pino tiiot. They
spent Sunday with fi lends at Lnvci
ton. Weht-lev It. Amis unit Captain IX C.
Giuliani wen business inon at Wllkes
Hane, on Fildd.
The remains nl' ill?. Smith, 11 dniigh
ter of the lato Ann Raker, weie u
inoved f 1 am lh .N'lcliolfioii remotely,
thlb week, and In ought lo this plain
for Intel incut, beside li"i mother, In
Sunnysldc ccincti-ty.
Tho Hcaielty and high pi Ice ol'
liecpssltnfed 11 lalso In dealt io light
charges of 23 per rent, whUli went
Into eftect on Xov. 1,
The foot ball giiine 011 Satin day uf
toinoon lietweaii TiiiiKlianuoelc High
school and Plains Athletic association,
wan won by the home team by n hcoio
of IS to 11.
Special lo tho Set anion Tiilaine
Ilopbuttom, Xov. i? Mi'H. l'liinU Hell
and soiib, of Suanton, ni spciulln.j
some tlmefi us Ktieats of Solomon Hell.
Tred Btono, of New Vmk ilty, Is
vlbltlng Ills paiunta at the roster
C. It. Plumb nwde.a l)ii.Jiii'.ss nip to
Illngliiimton Thin nhiy,
C, II. Host' was In Monti ost Tlniis.
TI10 Ladle,' Aid Hiiclcty of tho Uul
vorallbt clitiicli will hold 11 halo and
pnpper the hint of this month. Tho
How's ThisP
W offer One liundied Doll us It'-wanl
fin any tiiHu of Catiuih thai cuumii bo
CMieil by Hall's I'ataith C1111
V J, OIIUNUV C'0 7'loledo, Q
We. tho uiiileiMlBiud, huwi Knoujx r J
Cheney loi tho last 11 jeum, and bellewi
him peiKetl. limiDiulilu In all biihlucLs
tiaiisuctliins and ilnuuilalh u. touuf v
out any oblleiilloiis nuiilo by tlieii ilini
Wholesale DiubbIkIm. Toledo. 0"l',
Hull's Cntiiirlt Cum la tuloMi Inteiiiully,
ocUim Uheetly iipon the blood )md u,:
toil!, NUiiaus of the sjbtom. Tc-ftlmoiil-
SI8 mi$i,!teQ 73"-1,C1' bm1- "1J
IJo.'i' t'mniiv IU ma th licit.
feet health ever since,
and leinain a firm
fiiend of your "Fa
voiite Prescription."
Youis very truly,
Miss llMMA WfiMJiR.
riomlflttrtof)) hitce.)
The woman who suf
fers from weak news ntid
disease of the distinctly
feminine organs, whether
she realises it or not, is
being slowly but surely
tortured to 'death. She
suffers almost continu
ally with sick headache.
She has pains in the
back, what she calls
stitches in the side
and shooting pains cv
where. She experiences
burning ami dtagging
down sensations. She
becomes weak, nervous
and despondent. If she
consults the average phy
sician, there is not one
chance in ten that he will
hit upon the real cause of
her trouble. He will at
tribute her bad feelings
to stomach, liver, heart or nervous
trouble. A womuu iu this condition
should consult some eminent and
skilful specialist who has had a wide
experience. Dr. R. V. Pierce, for
thirty cars chief consulting physi
cian 'to" the Imalids Hotel and Sur
gical Institute, nt Buffalo, N. Y., litus,
with the assistance of a staff of able
phjsicians, pi escribed for many thou
sands of women. He used most
frequently a wonderful medicine for
ailing women, which he afterward
put up in ready-to-use form and
called it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. It has .stood the test foi
thirty jears. It acts dnectly on the
delicate and important organs con
cerned in wifehood aud motherhood,
making them strong and well. It
allavs inflammation, heals ulceration,
soothes pain and tones and builds
up the neres. It transforms weak,
nervous women into health', happy
wives and mothers.
"I was an invalid for over a
year with change of life,'' writes
Mrs. C. Smith, of Orr, Cascade
Co., Mont. "Had pains acioss
the pit of my stomach and such
extieme weakness I could hard
ly walk. I took one bottle of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery and five of his ' Fa
vorite Prescription' and am en
tirely well."
A million of sufferinc women crv
ilh Upiifted hands fo some lelief
; from the pains and tortures of diseases
peculiar to their sex. A million more
date will be announced l.itei. Theie
will be no legulai Aid supper this
month, but all ladle 1 aie lequested to
meet with Mis. AV. V. Erown "Wed
nesday aficinoon at "J o'clock for n
business nieelin'r and be seived. All
ladies mo invited to attend.
illbs Ell'-nbetli Wightman, of Bit th
ai dvillo, visited at ilis. -. I. Wll
iiuii th's this week'.
Sp"tiel to the Scianton Tilbuuo
t'lilonclale, Xov. S. Itev. O. It. ilei
lill occupied the pulpit of the Proshy
tuian chinch last Sunday 11101 iilug-.
Itev. II. J. Ciano has moved to the
hou'e foinieily occupied by Nathan
Fit man's lainlly.
ill-. Kdw.ud Sloij-an has letutned
alter 1 t-ojouin at Bingliamtou, X. Y.
Oiatit "Wells lefc Monday to make his
futuie home in Kansas. He jlplcled to
Hip advice of lloiaee Gieeley and went
Cliailos Xtwell has lctiuiicd after
hi.s Hip with Di. Swallow.
Itev. CJ. it. ileiiill. of Sinithville
rials, X. V will occupy the pulpit of
the Piesbyieiian chinch npt Sunday
11101 niii,- and evening.
ilis.s X'etUe Xewuli, of Suanton,
spout a few davs in town with iela
tives lately.
John Bui dick has entcied upon
housekeeping In Israel Hounds' hou&f.
on Chinch mi set.
Conildeiablo new tenito.y will bo
added to the niesent boiouirh llmltr. in
tho mm i futuie.
Pm.-pectlng lor toal will be lMiimmi
ut no distant dale.
Speiiul to tho Scianton TiHniue
Ilaifoid. Xov. i,, ilis, Jennie Wilson
lert Filday for Omaha, whoio Mm will
f-ponil the winter with hot son.
A. It. drain's no'w house Ih piogies.s
Ing llnoly. They o.sppct to cut the
CI11 Istimih dinner theie.
ill.s.-, illnule Mtinzei Is lUiii,,,-
fi lends' at ilount Pleasant.
Ur. Johnston Is building .1 new bam.
AV. XV. Osteihout was falUni? on
Ilallsteitd ti lends lust week,
illbs IM1111 Payne Is vlHlllmr f, ir.,iD
In Scianton and ('link's Suminii.
illKs Win nock and irloutl, of CluiK's
Summit, spent Sunday with her par
ents, lluv. and Mi,. "Wauiotk.
ills. I'm Is Tiffany and t,on, "Wln
foul, attended the luueial of Mr. Muce,
whoso body was taken to Factoiyvlllo
M'Pdnesday, for Intt'inient.
The box social under tho auspices of
tho young men's clam was a decided
sntiets. Pioieeds, J.'8,&j,
'flio annual mlsslonaiy offeilng' and
dlnnei will ho hold at tho home of Mis.
Hugh MiuConnell, Xov, V.'.
illss Cuiolyn Hionsteo and Mss
I'lora Sweolbpr spent Hatmday mid
Suuilitv with illsa l.oulso Sophia.
Rintoii Slieiwood lotuineu Monday
fio-ii vlsitlus- relatives In niiiBhamton.
lliuvest hoiria festival at tho Meth
odls llplhcopal church Nov, H. illss
Julie Ciusei. of Monti ose, will usblst
the homo talent, A chicken pie sup
jKi will be given after the enteitaln
irtnt at ilis. A. J, Seamans. PiIcp,
23 tenth, Including supper and eiitet.
IX il. Kauai and Mr. and .Mis, qeo.
lioiaway will spend tho winter in ni-
ills. Polly Tlifuny and Mis. V. V.
Tingley spent Monday Iu Gibson.
Lynn nrnlnaiit Is cleiklng for Beit
Mooic. In New illlfoul.
suffer In silence rather than subject
themselves to the abhorrent and hu
miliating examinations and local
treatment so uniformly Insisted upon
by physicians.
'" remale weakness" can be cured
surely, speedily without exposure,
with slight expense without teavlng
your own home. Dr. Picrce'n I'av oritc
Prescription will cine anv disorder or
disease of the organs distinctly femi
nine. Perhaps Its greatest usefulness
is iu preparing women for the ordeal
of child-birth. Taken during the ex
pectant period it practically elimi
nates pain and danger at the time of
Write Dr. Pierce for advice and you
will receive an immediate answer and
without cost to j ou. All correspond
ence strictly confidential.
We alfo advise all women who suf
fer great pain at each recurring period
to taken good vegetable laxative, such
as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, just
previous to this time, as constipation
is usually an aggravating fcatuic of
the trouble.
Don't allow the druggist to sell you
something "just as good," because
it's cheaper. The cheap kind has not
tile IU0UMUU9 oi litres to us credit
that Dr. Pierce's medicine has.
Mount Mom's, lilt,, writes Doctor
R. V. Pieice as follous:
"I was back in my old home
when your letter came. I -will
try and explain regarding the
good I received from your medi
cines. For over one year I suf
fered from what my physician
pronounced womb trouble. Had
doctored with doctors in the east
and also in the west but found
only temporary relief. The next
time of my sickness I found my
self no better, aiid in that way it
kept going on from time to time
until I became discouraged. I
finally resolved to write you for
advice. I purchased two bottles
of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, two vials of his ' Pleas
ant Pellets,' and by using only
that small quantity I have found
wonderful relief. I say to all
who are suffering from troubles
similar to mine that it is unnec
essary to be sick when one can
use Dr. Pierce's remedies."
How lo piescne health and beauty
ate told in Dr. Pierce's Common
Sense Medical Adviser. It is free.
For a paper-coiered copy send 21
one-cent stamps, TO 'COVER
MAILING ONLY; cloth binding,
jr stamps. Addtess Dt. R. V.
'Piene, Buffalo, N. t.
Special to the Scianton Tilbuuo
Uawley, Xov. 8 Miss Isabclle 1 At
kinson spent the flist of the week in
Misses Reba Simpkins, Saiah Phil
lips and Mabel Howe, of KingMon weie
In Honcsdale ilonday.
N. 13 Ifaus", of Ilanisbuig, was in
town Tuesday.
Mi, and ilrs. Hojal Taft, of Duii
nioie, spent Monday and Tuerday with
t datives hem.
Williaiii ljulncy, Gus Tiank, Jooph
Xill and Henry Ilittinger spent the
toi 0 pai t of the week hunting at the
Di. and ilis. J. 13. Tellus and fami
ly aie guests ot Bany ville 1 datives
this week
The ladles of tho Baptist cluudi held
a supper and sale in the Odd Tellows
hall Friday night.
Mis 13va I3vans spent Sunday with
li lends In Honcsdale anil Waymart.
I toy Itolllson, of Ilixvoistiavv, X. V.,
rpenl pait ot last week In town.
The Western Stai Jubilee singeis
ueio leceivcd with n. largo audleneo
at tho Methodist Kpifccopal chinch on
ilonday evening, and nil woic delight
ed with tho enteitainment.
Special lo the Scianton Tilbune.
"Wlmmers, Xov. 9. Mis. itoboit Per
ry, of Dunmoic, was a caller heio last
Mis. it. Wage, of Claik's Summit,
and daughter, vveio guests nt Hotel
Wlmmets, last week.
Tho gentlemen's, waiting 100111 at
this station has been cnlaiged,
A lushing business is being done at
the Pi Inker wushery. Tho washed
coal Is hent to Now Yoilc city.
A dancing paity was held Filday
night at Xewton Feirls" home In Jef
fei.son township.
I3dvatil Cioss, of "Wilkes-Haiii. Is
visiting his parents at Drinker.
Elbert Bronson Is sick with typhoid
fovoi at Danville nsviiim.
fit i!Uth Williams, aged KO jtius, died
jPbtvidiiy nt a Scianton hospital, wheio
ho was lecelving titatniPiit. Deceased
was an old and respected lesldent of
this boiougli unil lCbldcd on Pond
stiept. Tho leniuliib wpio hi ought to
his home In this place vesterday.
Fimciiil nunoimcemeut inado later.
ilrt-, James luglls, or "West mountain,
vMtod lelatlvos In town vesteidav
The following trochoid have been up
pointed to tench night bdiool, which
opens In this boiougli this evening: Xo.
1, Prof. James F. Foley, Pi of. John T,
Jenkins, Piof, Williams and Miss Fiep
mani Pjiid hchool, Finnk Illldeibuind;
Continental school, Pi of. S. J. Phillips.
ilis, William Hosklns,, hi., and daugh
ter, of Athoiton Bticct, weio tho RiicHts
of Mr. and Mis, AV. J Iloskins, of Un
coin Heights, jebteulay.
Tho following untlulnied lettpis le
maln at tho Tujlor postoillco for tho
poilod of November S: Mis, Ann Olbbs;
toielgu, Joseph Daheio, illto Huduk,
Jiicub Haul', John I.ajoc, AlPxander
Zovu, Persons calling for the above will
pleaso say advertised and give date of
list. John W. Riese, Postmnstei
Miss Bessie Davis, of AVebt Scianton,
was the guebt of her aunt, ilis. John
H. JohiiH, of Itailioad'stiect, yesteulaj.
Mis. William Davis, of Bouth Scian
ton, was the guest of her son. David il.
Davis, of Main stieet, jehteiiluy,
Miss Smuh Samuels, pf Main stipet,
has returned home fioin a visit with
friends, ut Weatherly, Pa
Mis. Thomas KidUcu, of Loialn, o,
Is vthltlnt- ut the homo of Mr. nml Mis.
William Fox, of Oiove stieet.
Master Aithui Davis, of Main btieet,
visited his sister, Jllt-a Maude Davis, ut
the nioomsbuit? Suite Xoiinal sthool,
whuro sho Is u btudent.
Messrs. John Uoyd, XV, . iloigan.
K4ra It. Powell, Ivard Hooper, Willis
fteese, I.uther Hauls mid Nicholas
Nichols, delegates from the Young
Mcii'h Chilstliin tissuulntlon, attended
the sixth nniuml convention nl Kings
ton jcsteidav.
Mr. nml ilrs, Morgan Marsh wpie the
guests of friends In West Scritnton es
John Itlcliuids, of Now Yoik, spent
the Sabbath with Ills rather, AVIIIIatn
Itlclmtits, of Taylor stieet,
ilr. and Mr. John Hill mid Mr. nnd
Mis, tleoigo Hill, of Xantlcoke, vicio
Die gliosis of Mr. mill Mis. John R.
Hviins, of ilaln stieet, vestorilav.
l.avvioti7.l Hiostlnow, n Polundcr, le
sldlng at ilnyfleld, died ou Satuuliiy,
nfter ti two weeks' Illness, and was
bulled yestciilay afternoon. He leaves
11 wife and four dilution In his native
ill, mid ilis. Joseph Moyor, of Uus
ton, and Dr. and Mis. H. E. Moytr, of
Cai'houditlc, weie ycsteiilay the guests
of tho foimor's daughter, Mis. Aithur
Day, of Ccnu'tory stieet,
John Mlsko, tho Ilungiiiiiin who was
attested bv Constable Xeaiy at t lit
Delawaio and Hudson depot on Friday
evening, for the minder of Qeoign Mil
ler nt Pottstown, had been wot king In
the mines bote for n week. Ho had as
sumed the nnino of lils biother-ln-law,
Getzl, and had given It out that ho had
moved heio from Peckville. Ills biother-In-luw.
who was with him when ho
went to tho depot for his titink, claims
that Mlsko had not said a wind to him
of the leason he had lied fiom Potts
town. A 3-inonths-old child of Sir. and Mis,
John "Wasley, which had been sick fiom
birth, died at 3 o'clock yesterday after
noon. Piof. and ilis. John T. Jcnkhitf, ot
Taylor, were visitots heie ycsteiday.
ill, and ilis. J. if. Fahiingcr and
(iiildien, of Scianton, weie guosts of
Jermyn fi lends yesterdny.
Ray Holland, of Maylleld yaid, is ill
with pneumonia.
Thomas Williams, of Thlid stioot, loft
Filday for a foi might's tilp to Pitts
burg and Xew Oilcans.
A son ai lived jcsteidav nt the homo
of ilr. and ill. David Abiam Elkins,
of AVcst Mavlicld.
Matthew Leslie, of the East Side, is
recovering lrom an illnebs.
AA'lllle Jones, who tecently underwent
mi operation for appendicitis nt the
Emergency hospital, is rapidly lecover
ing and expects to leave the hospital
The Jeimyn boiougli council held Its
monthly meeting Friday evening.
George Edmunds, a citizen of the Flist
ward, was piesent and complained
stiongly of the poor seivice given by
the electric light company, especially
the arc light service. It was the opin
ion of several councllmen that the
lights are veiy unsatisfactory. One or
two of the members stated that they
did not believe the company was lui
nishlng lights of 2,000 candle-power,
which is what the contiact calls for.
The matter was placed In the hands of
the light and water committee to in
vestigate and leport ut a special meet
ing, if consldoied necessuiy. A com
plaint was made fiom Dr. Kelly, of
Aichbald, who stated that on October
-"!, while dilving tlnough Main stieet,
his horse stepped into a hole In front
of RIchaid Jones' pioperty, vhetp a
ditch was being dug. The animal had
slnco died fiom its injtules. The hoie
was valued at $200, and he asks council
to compensate him in that sum for his
loss. The matter was placed In the
hands of the stieet committee. Tho
following bills wetp lead: Electilc
Light company, $27.7."; AVIlIlam Koslc,
.'D0; stieet commissioner, $163; chief
of police, $13; Trensuier Hunter, $3 21;
Consolidated Water company, $60.20.
The Electilc Light eompan,'.s bill was
laid over for a month, and part pay
ment of J3C.7S of tho water bill oidcicd.
The remainder of tho bills wcio oideied
paid, and council afterwaids adjourned.
Ilany Pairy Is spending a few days
at his home In Dundaff.
Mis. Poland, of Lallln, spent yester
day In Greenwood.
Ttesfoid Cardell left yosteiduy for
A'oungstow 11, O, whoie a position
awaits him.
ilis. AVIckhelser, of Bloomsbttig, is
visiting hoc sister, Mis. Edw.xid Arar
iipi', of South ilaln stieet.
ilis. John Lewis, of Plains, and AVill
I.un Davis, of Avoca, weie calleis In
town yestetdav.
Mis. Ewlng, of Pittsburg, is visit
ing her cousin, Hogcr Lewis, of Xoith
ilaln street.
Special Matinee Today.
"Not Guilty," a inelndiania of undcnl
dblo w 01 th, which seoied big Inst season,
will bo picipnteil at tho Academy of
Music for thieo dajs coinmencliitC with a
special matinee today.
This diama contains all tho elements
necessaiy to the tolling of a stoiy of pow
ii fill inlei est, ii nd tho lias been
tlovoily hunillpil. Tho stoiy Is well con
trived and latlonal such as wo icad in
tho nowspapeia ovoiy day. 't'lio ch.ii.ic
teis In "Not Guilty" 010 Inteipieli'd by a
splendid company of aitnn
This Week nt Dixie.
LoiKliuil's famous elephants aiu ou thdr
second and last wuek's eng'iKeiiient at tho
DI.lo this week. Thoy 1110 tho gieatcst
attiuctlou whlcli lias appealed at tho pop
ular llttlo theater this season and luiva
duiwii Itnmonso ciowds at i.ich peifonn
uiko. No gieitor oNlilliltlou of animal
Intullgcnco lias cioi boon witiiesseil
Mm I; and Elliot will piesent it daily
comedy sUntch ontlllrd "t'ho Now Minis
tu," Ml. mid Mis, Nell Lite mii-ld Klvn a
clovor iiiiul sketcli hi which ill, latch
Held Is supoib in his poitlayal of tho old
lountty man nnd the school bo-, ju
vdl and Dudley will bo i-een hi a lomcdy
fclliBlng skotch entitled "Tho Singing Les
son " The Culbcit slbtciH 1110 lino danciis
and good singeis. Tho Clival Spaulillng Is
tho liest ciiiillliilsl and hand balaucor
oil tlio stagQ luilay and gives a wudueifill
Tompkins, tho clover linpoisouutor is
llttlo shoit of a genius In his line. iUio
and Muo do a funny atioliillu act whlih
Is a linigh fion. stmt to Mulsh. It In .1
gient show foi tills week and 0110 to
please evciy 0110.
Tho Homo lor tho FilomllefS ihlldicii
have boon Invited lo attend tho Tuesday
liiatlueo and see tho elephants
'The High Rollois."
"Tho High ItoIlciH'' lhiilisipio company
will open a tliK 1 i1u,h' cumguineiu at
tlio Star this afteinooii As u cm tain
laifur tho High Itollois nttt'iul "The- puiU
nsposltlon " Mainlo Iiln and the
ruinklln sisteis set tho pan- loi tho High
Tiollvisj In t lie li onjoj iiiout of a good time
X'olowlng tho opening builrsiiiiu Is a
hlgh-iines olio, In which aio been some
ol tho most prominent vaiuKnillu pit
founoib. The pcifouimnco coin hides with
a Mitlilcal builetla, "A Woman Hater,"
In which the Itolleis and all tho company
appeal. The iiitlou tlirongliont tho bin-li-tta
U stiuppy and fully justlllts tho
opinion cxpusml all over tho tlicatilcal
ciicult, thut tho illsb Itollois 1110 tho
Iicyt oxpoucuts of btiilcsiiuo ucen this s'i
1 t , 1 ,. 1, , mmmm mm it,,
IHtt FOR MS, Fi SALES ACccW.,,, BUSINESS OfflffllUlEirili
Only Half a Cent a Wori. TllUIV 10 CClllS. 0nf Hatr a Cent a WorJ.
Beat Estate.
The Lackawanna Steel Company, Is erecting a 5x10,
000,000 steel plant In the suburbs of Buffalo. It will cm
ploy 15,000 men. These will need homes. We offer eligible
lots across the main street from this mammoth plant at low
prices and easy terms. They are sure to double and triple
In value In the near future. A good place to Invest a little
money. F. L. HITCHCOCK & SON,
Fire Insurance and Real Estate, Commonwealth Building.
For Itent.
$18 1'or Itont Ten-ioom house; excellent
ncisnnomoou: an tnoiin mipiovc
incuts, on avonuo. Apply to It. l Him
ilton. I2t Spiuco stieet.
For Sale.
Ocuulno diamond iu 111C linir, 'a cat at,
W, 1,1 r.xrat, .?!.!; ' t.uat lliiu, US; hoop
llns, live dlnmonilH, l',. uiiatH, fo"; dia
mond and uiby iIiik. .JO; illaniond llni,',
threo Btonf8, puio white, 1V6 cm .its, JS"r,
diamond iIiik, two RtoneH, 'i carat, iO;
diamond stud, 1 l-li, cuts, $00; tlueo
diamonds and two mbles in ling, $10; Titl
miv litis-, 1 carat, t00: caidiops, I'j cut.its,
$1)",; 1 idles' btooch, l'i caiat, f90; ladies'
phi, r cntat, jj; Bents' ilnir, ncaily 7
L-.u.its (not 11 vellow stone). $','"h Yom
money luck without nisiuiient if not sat
Islled. Waller V'. Wlnton. Diamond 1'ai
lot, Itoom Mff, Jleais building.
l'OH SALU One mil ot hamlbomo bay
homes; light ill Ivors, at Goinian A.
Co.'h II vet v.
roil SAI,H Dining room and ostoi
house, "07 Linck.iwamiu avenue.
roit SAT.i: Hot air fuinnrc, good us
now; Si!-lncli flu- pot; also the tin
pipes. Apply at ui I.iiulcn stieet
roil SAL1 One pull of giav mates, well
matched, weight !!00. sound and gen
tle, good ihlvcis and wotkcis, single or
double. Inquho of Munnlng Gillc .pic,
New Mllfoid, Pa.
llORSHS for sale at "J3 Ponn avenue.
Call at bain.
FOIt SALVJ A pair of vvoll-mutcliod geld
ings at SO0 Gieen Rldgo stieet, city.
FOIt SALU About 20 feet of desk coun
ter, sin mounted with glass front and
two openings, lower poition nicely pan
elled, with diawcrs and shelves undoi
ncath. May be seen at the office of The
For Sale or Kent.
rOPv SALH OK ItKNT Tho "J-storv bilck
building, with boiler houso attached,
and long tow of sheds for hoiscs. wag
ons, etc.; also luihoad switch suitable for
mamifuctuimg,puiposes; I.atclv occupied
by tho Clock Tobacco Co 13. M. Wlnton,
Room No K3, Mcais Eulldlng
Furnished Rooms for Kent.
lOIt IU3NT A fmiilshcd loom on second
llooi fiont, $100 week. ul"i Adams live.
Kooms and Board.
PLIJASANT looms with bond for lour
01 five ioung men. inquiio J-IJ Vath
Ington avenue.
WANTUD-Smali fmiilshcd house. Ad
dicta Eoc JO), city.
Wanted To Buy.
"VVANTHD To buy, second-lund safe.
Address, stating price and sle, Au
di cw Mitchell, Ji., Caibondalc, Pa.
Vogel's Big Minstxols.
A delightful sin pi Ho Is in stoic foi
thoso thcatiically Inclined, for John Vo
gel s big mlnsticls aio duo at tho Lj
ccum lomoirow ovoning. Arthur Itigby
will, of couise, bo tho chief meiiy makei
on this occasion. Ho has long held tho
piomler place, and in this gicutest of
mlnstiol shows, will tidily demonstiata
his light to tho tltlo "Comedy King."
Ctawfoid &. Finning, unappioacliablc
mu-jlcnl comedians; Don Goigon, comedy
tuck ccllHt; tirobst brother.s, tlio danc
ing dandles, I-atoy nnd Hdmonds, comedy
aciolmtic maivoli, In their poiil-dcfjlng
bicak-neck act; Chailcs Gnno, tho clever
comodlnu and paiodlst, nn unusually laig
singing lontlngpiit including tho gientcht
nilnstiel b.ihso In tho world, Giant Mc-lk-lt-y,
l'lofcs'-or N01 ton's doublo symphony
oithtstia, and many others comprise this
lingo company of lllty-fho membci.
Scats now on sale.
"Tlio Darkest Hour."
"Tho Daikest IIoui," ono of tho taca
fion's most successful molodiamiis, will bu
tho attiuetlon nt tho Aciidomy for time
(liO.s stai ting with a special matluco
Thursday. It Is oifo of tho latest diuinaa
fiom the pen of Lincoln ,T. Cut ter, and is
Infused with numcious uool scenic tf
ftcts and Inteipicted by n cast ot un
usual cxcellontc.
A vivid and u-alistlo tiiilu of enra tonnrt
Iiir a cuivc, and ciosslng a imago In vlow
of tho aundionce, Is ono of ilia many
Htnrtllng devices cmplojed Iu tills tiulj
great piodtictlon.
LEANS. Vin Pennsylvania K.iihod, Account
Meeting Nixtlonal Hax-dvvnie and
Anieiicnn Haidvvaie Mnnufnctiir
eis' Association,
On iiiioum of the meeting of the
National iliudwuio and Ameilcan
llaidwaio Manuf.iuttiici.s' association,
at Now Oilcans, La., November 10 to
il. tlio Peniwylvimhi Itulhoacl company
will sell excuihlon tleketB to Now Oi
lcans and 1 etui 11, November M to is,
good to lettun within eleven dujtf, in
cluding dntu of Bale, at 1 educed intcn,
For speciilu liifotmatlon legaulliig
1 ales and loutes, apply to neurcst
ticket agent.
94.35 to New Yoik City and Return.
Special Thanksgiving Day Rates,
via the Lehigh Vnlley Rajliond,
Wednesday, November .'8, the Lehigh
Valley Milium! will sell tickets to New
Yoik and letuiii at $1 oj tioni Scianton,
good (tolug on ubotc date, limited to ie
tuiu to uml lucliidliig November 30,
good oil all tialiis except thu Hlack
Diamond Uxpiess. For tuitlier iufoi
m.itlon, consult Delawaio and Hudson
luihoad agents, or (leotge Heller, city
pubsenger agent, Lehigh Valley Mil
loud, 09 Public Solum-, Wllkes-Uane,
Benl Estate.
Help Wanted.
WANTHD Agcnli to sell tnu niidcof
feo to coiHiimois Poiltlons ptfima
iiptil. Grand Union Tea Co. Sit Lacka
wanna avonuo.
Help Wanted Male.
AN'V pci son who will dlsliibttti simples
tor dally should nddiois "Slaml
aid" I Wells, Chicago St,-ail po-)ItIon.
No uunassing.
vVANTIJD Stiong oung man. Now
Yoik Hug Co, coflicr Adams nveuue
nnd Linden stitct.
VVANTHD i:peilentid linenuin loi roti
stiuctlon woik. Apply IV. D. J.nth
lopc, Ml N01 th Jhiln stieet, Caibonilalo.
V ANTHD Folly men at Tobjhanm,
Pa., to woik on gtadlng tor 11 1 an
ion! jwltch mill clt-aihur a pleco ot wooil
ind. Call at up, Moms building. Tob
liiimia Cieek Icu Co, C. C. Foibei, luas
ui ei.
Agents Wanted.
ANTHD A good salesman to sell
Chinese cmios. A bilglit bov tun
muke good money. Send stumps loi- tnu
samples. Z.1I1 Snh Moo, .Shanghai, China
LARGE COKPOTtATION wants cncigotlc
General Agent foi this county. No
books, lnsuianco, 01 canvassing. Ac
oualntanco with meirhanls and manu
fnctuicis necessaiy. Peimunont. Uoml
Stute age. opeiionce. icreienccs flist lot
tei. Address, Suite 57.', No. 1001 Chestnut
St, Philadelphia.
Situations Wanted.
nurse to take cam of invalid l.ulv,
thoioughlv cM'cilcneed; lcfoiences given.
Addicss D. 3X1, Tilbuuo office.
VANTDD Position as housekeepci In
Piotcstant fumllv, wheio sho can have
chaigo of work with somebody to assist.
Good lcfoiences given. Addiess L. It,
Tribune ofilce.
SITUATION WANTKD to dilvc team.
i-'J Reese stieet.
M'ANTKD Dicssmukltlg to do home, 01
go out by tlio du. Call or address,
Lena Spangcnbuig, '.'JJ Reese stieet, 1'iov
idence. WAKTHD-A sltuntion tor gcneial house
woik in piiinto ianrilv, 01 dining loom
gill 01 second gill in hotel; do all kinds of
woik; much epeiioncc Call 01 addicss,
Lena Spangenbeig, 2JJ Rccso stieet. Pi ev
idence L03t.
LOST A watch fob vlth gold locket
attached, rindoi will be lcwaulcil by
lotuinlng to 110 VV'jomlng avenue
POUND A luigo pet cut, tigei (black aud
giny), with white laco, neck and feet.
Applv at S.'9 Madison ixvenue. Has been
al tills addicsi lor about a week.
SDALDD PROPOSALS will bo opened In
tho otflco of tho City Itccoidet bv the
Dhcitoi ot tho Dopaitment ol Public
Snfuty at ti o'tlock p. 111., on I'lldav, Xo-Vimbe-i
11. 100-'. tor coal to bo delKoic-d
at tho flio and polite houses In
tins city; also nt too city uai 11.1140 cic
matoiy. Ulddcis vvlll bid on the lollop
ing sl7is: Hgg, stove, chestuul. pea and
buckwheat. Coal must be thu best 1111.1I.
ttv. All bids shall 1 10 tiled with tho C'llj
Coiiliollcr at his otllco In tlio City Hall
not lutci than o'clock p. m . Filday, No
vember 14, J811.'. The Bum of lit ty ($0 0u)
dollnis In cusli 01 cci titled theck Is to bo
enclosed with cath bid, width sum shall
bo loitelttd to tho city in case of-ietusal
01 oinl don on tho pan of tho blildei to
whom tho contiact is aw aided In i-u-cuto
contiact within ten d.ij.s uftci tho
awarding of tho wimo.
Tho cltv icscivc-s tho light to ujtct .ui
01 all btdd.
Dhcclor Deputmcut ol Public Silety.
Scianton, Pa, Nov. C. 1S0J.
Certified Fnblio Accountant.
Tiadeis' Hank Ilulldlng. Old 'phono liOl
Real Uatutl L'scluingo Illdg, Uo Wash
ingtun uvciiuo.
Civil and Mining Engineeis.
nell building.
building, fcipiuio btieet, Scianton
Fiio Insurance.
SCIILAGHIt ,l CO, 401 Coiiiuill ilulldlng
Patent Attoi neys.
Tho only Jici-used and equipped p itont
solltltoi In the ilt No tliuigj toi In
foi matlon on p itentabllltj , uvti tt-11
eais' oNpcilt-nco
Rcplog-Io & Co.. Alctirs Hills-.
Hotelsjind Restnuiaiits,
Til II L'LkCAPL l.'j ANDT:7"tirAN!v:
lilt avenue Hulls le-usouablu
P. iCIHULUlt, 1'iopilotor,
Passenger depot Coiidutted on tho I3u.
lopenn plan Victor Koch. Piopijctoi.
and cots pools, no odoi , only iiupiuvul
pumps used A II liilftjs. piupiluoi
Leavo ouleiu 1100 Noith Alain avonuo.
01 Llcko's Uiug stoii, toiiii-l Addiim ami
Mulbeuy limli K-lephones
Wilo Scieens,
uvc, Scianton, infii. ot Who Scieens
MF.GAitanu imos. PitiNTnitb' sui'-
pllt-H, envtlope-s. papet bugs twluo
vVutehoiibC, lo Washington avenue.
bo had In Scrdiitou at tho nous stand
of Rt'lsuiuii Hi os, 40t Spiutu unit 001
Linden; AI Norton. S'U Lackawanua
avu.; 1. S. Bchutzei, 211 Sjiiucu ettcct.
Business Opportunity.
out dfiiiiy. Willo for 0111 special rnnr
kol le'ttor. Freo on application. 8. M.
Hlbhntd .; Co, metnlx'iii N, V, Consoll
dated, nnd Htock Hichango. 41 nnd 41
llrondway, Now Yoik. ntrilillntied 1SI.
Long DItanco 'Phone 2W Broad.
Money to Loan.
Quick, sti night loans or nullillug nnd
Loan. At Horn 4 to G per cent. Call on
N. V. Wnikpf. IH-lir, Connoll building.
w- J""-" r s rm.
Till! MODI!!, LAUNDRY. Dilnmoie.
Iiiunilt-is slili ts at Sc rich nnd colluis
and cuffs nt Uc. each. Family washing,
I tents pel pound,
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
, lu L'lTect Juno 1. ISO-'.
linlns leavo Sci'iiiton for Now Yoik
At 1.50, -J20, 1,05. 7u0 and 10 10 u. in.; 12 I),
-to, J.ij p. in. Tor New Yoik and Phlla
tlelplilix 7 50. 10 10 a. m., and ii 10 nnd " ii
V, 'i.1. lm Gouldsboio At 0 10 p. m For
J)ilffnlo-1.15, iJ2J and 0 00 n. in.: 1 r". liol
nnd 11.10 p. m. For ningliamton. Hlmli.i
and way Rtatlon.i-10 23 a. m. 1 OT. p in.
Io; Oswego. Sviucuso nnd Utlca 1.15 and
. V..,1"' ' r, !' m. Oswego, Syincuso
and Utlca li.iln at C 22 a. m. dnlly, except
Sunday. jor jiontrose-9 00 a. m.; 10",
uml crop m. Nicholson accommodation
-I 00 and C 1", p m
llloomsbiiig Division For Nnithumbov
Innd. nt (jX nnd 1010 n. m.l 1 C3 nnd B1C
" ,,nnJ01 Pljnioutli, nt 8 10 a. in.; 3 10
and S 0, p :n.
Sundiiv Ti ins-ror New York, 1 30, 3 20,
0.. 1010 n. m.: 3 10 nnd 3 Si P m. For
Iliirfilo I li n.icl 0 22 u. m.: 1K5, 0.7) nnd
ii io ). m. ror Ulnilr.x nnd way stations
IV-' n "' rr Rlnglnmton and way sta
tions, fioo n. m Hloomsbuig Division
Leivc bcinnton. 10 10 n. m. and G 10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In L'ffcet Juno 13, 1U0-".
Trulns Leavo Suanton
Foi. Philadelphia and Now Yolk via D.
" V-J- n at at t 1'- tlnough Parlor Car
and Day Coich Caibonrnlo to Now Yoik
and 9 17 a m . .,1th b v. Coach Caibon
diilo to I'hlladelphlti, and 2 IS, 133 (Black
Diamond IXpietjs). and 11 10 p. m. Suii-d'!la-
U.,& Ir- ". R , 1 5S. 9 17 p. in.
1 oi vVlilt3 irtivon, Hazieton and prlnci
PH pohUs In the coal legions, via D &
lf-..n-?5 7 " -''S and 4 33 p m. For
Pottsvlllp. 7 41 n. m
I or Bethlehem, Huston, Reading, Hnr
ilsbiug nnd pilnclpnl Intni mediate sta
ll,0ons;1'1 D- ": If- R. R . 741, 0 17 a. m.;
. IS, 4 3 1 (Blnclc Diamond Impress). 11 49 p.
i"-o S""lajs D- ic IL R. R. 9 3S a. m .
1 1, 9 1 1 p in.
For Tiinkhinnorlc, Townnda. Klmlra,
Jtliaca, Geneva nnd principal intermediate
btfttlcins via D , L & W. R. P. , 0 33 a. m.
and Imp m.
Foi Geneva, Rochester. Ruffnlo. Nlag
nia Tails, Chicago and nil points westvlv
D & if. n R, l.'Ol n. m ; 3 'S (Black
V1"""11"' J-.MUPSS'. iu ii. 11.4-1 p 'm. Hiin
dnvs. D Sc It. R. R., 12 03. 917 p m
Pullman pnlor and sleeping or Lehigh
vnlley Pallor cms on all tinins botwoen
Wllkes-Bairo nnd Now Yoik, Philadel
phia, Buffalo nnd Suspension Bildge.
ROLL1N If. WILBUR. Gen. Supt , 25
Cortland stieet. New Yoik
CHART US S LCH Gen. Pass. Agt , 2,1
Cm Hand stieet. New Yoik.
AW NONnMACHHR, Dlv. Pass. Ast..
South r.ethlhcm. Pa.
ror tickets and Pullman rcscrvitlons
apply to cltv ticket office, 09 Public
Squaic, Wilkcs-Bauc, Pa.
Central Rnihoad of New Jersey.
Collected to September lo, 190-'.
Stations in Now Yoik, foot Llncrty
stieet and South Fony, N. R
Tinins leavo Scianton foi New Yoik,
riiliidelphia, Haston, Bolhlehom. Allen
town Maurh Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, Wlllces-Bauo and Plttston nt 730 a.
m . 1 p m nnd 4 p m. Siindnv, 2 10 p. m.
Quaker City Hcpiess leaves Scianton
TS'i a. in, tlnough solid vcsiibulo ti.xln
with Pullman Uufiet I'm lor Cai foi Phila
delphia with o tlv ono tluinita of ens for
liiltimaio and Wnshington, D. C , and all
pilnclpil pemts south uml west.
Foi Avoci, Piltston nnd Wllkes-Barie,
1 p m and 1 p m. Sunday, 2 lo p in.
Foi Long Binnch.-Occan Giovc. etc,
7 TO n. in nnd 1 p. m
1'or Reading, Lolnnon and Huulsbuig
via Allentnvvu nt 7 30 n. m.l p in. mid I
p m. Sunday, 2 Id n in
For Tamilian and Pottsvillc, 7 30 a. m :
1 p m nnd I p m
For latcs and tickets npply to agent at
W r. BB&SLF.R. Gen Manager.
C M. BURT. Gen Pass Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Seliedalo iu Ulfeet Juno Iti, 190.'.
Tinins leavo Scianton o JS a. m , wool:
days, tlnough vestibule tialu fiom
WilUes-Biiie. Putlni in buffet p.ulor ear
nnd co u lies to Philadelphia, via Potls
vllle; slops at pilnclpil iutoi mediate tl
tlons. Also lonucrts lor Siinhuiy, Tlni
rldnng. Plilladelpblu, Ilaltlmnic, Wash
ington anil mi I'liininuB ana ino wi-sr
li 17 a. in . week dus, lor Siiubuiy. Uni
ilsbuig. Philailelphli, tialtlmnie, Wash
ington and Plttsbmg and th West
142 p in, week d.ns, (Sundaj I il P.
m), for Sunbm. llnulsbui, Phlluilol.
phl.i, Bsltlmoio. Washington and Flus
hing and the West
3 "S p in, week dnvs, tllimigli vestlhulii
tudn fiom Pullman buffet
pin loi cm and i niches to Philadelphia via
PottHvllle. Stops nt Intel inoill
ate stations ,',.,. o
13", P m. week dun foi llixzloton, Sun-
bmv, Ilniilsbtiis, l'hlliiilelplila and Pitta
XmB' J B UFTfniNON, Gpii Mgr.
J B WOOD Gpu Pas- Agt
Delaware and Hudcon.
In 1 1 Jiini io, ij i."
Tinins for CuiboJdalo leavo betanton at
(1 II 7 il. '!. 10M n in . l-'O:, 1.1J, 2.11.
:, 7, 0.'! 0 23, S2I, 91", 10 01 p in; 12 19.
Wr'liiiiicsiiiilo-rt II, 10 r. n. m ; 211 and
CF(r WllUc-nmio-C". 7 11 S4I. 'i 17.
10 'an in. L'UI, 1 12, 2 IS, Mi, 133, G 10.
7 is io 11, 11 I1' p m
Foi I. V It It Polnls-7 11. 9 17 a. ni.
" is. l M and H l0 n m
Fur Peimsvlvnnlii It R Polnts-C31
9 17 a in . 1 1.'. ' -'s and I 33 p m
For AllMinv and all points noi til 7 S'J n.
,n '"''''VlLN'DAYTrtMNS
Pni C.iiboudiilp sr,rt, 11:1.1 a m; 2,11,
1 i I,- mill H 17 P m
Foi WIlUi"s-llaiiii-9".S a m i 12.0.), 1.3S,
S.s C 1.' and 0 17 i m ,,,.
1'or unil Points noi Hi T ..1 p, m
por Honcsdalo-S 30 a m ; 11") and 2 31
11 W1 L PRYOR. D P A Perm ton. Pa.
Ella Ralhoad Wyoming- Division.
Iu F.ffict Sentimuoi- F, VMi .
Tiiilliu Kuo biianton tm New Yoik,
Nuwbuigli and liiti-initillalo points also
foi Iluwloy and local btations at 7 20 n.
" Vor'noiKMlaio' and AVhllo .Mills at 1.31
'''I'lalns nnlvo at Scianton nt 10 33 a. m.
and !' !' P m
New Yoik, Ontario and Western.
Tillio tublo In ellout 6iiuuu, fcipl .'J, I'M.
Li.un Leavo Anlvo
Tialns. Sciaiitou Caiboiulale Cadosta.
X i lu. on. m 11 loa iu 1 tm ih.
No 7 0 10 p in Al Cm boitduloo Wj!m
Loavo I .cavil Arilvn
Ttulns Cadosla. C.irbomlale Siianlnii,
No o ii'iOn m 7J.",a. in,
Nn - . 2 11 P in 4 in p m I 43 p. in.
Leavo Leavo 'Aulv.i
Tialns Suanton Caibonilalo Cadosla.
No 9 (30a in 910a m lo lia. in.
No 5 ...., 70p in Al CailMiiiduIo7 13 p m
Leavo Leivo Anlvu
Tuilii". C'adoslu. Ciubondala Scianton,
No o oSOu m. 7j",u.m.
No 10 I -') P in 0 ij p m. u i", p. m.
Tiuin Nos 1 ou week das, nnd ' on
Siiiiiiiih lannitl loi Now Yotk ilty. sn,.
dlulown, Wnlioii. Noiwhh. Ouelda, Os.
wogo mid all point 1 wc-ji
Tiuln No 0. with "Quaker City na
pless" nt Suanton, via ( It R of N, .1
tor Phllndelplili, Atlantic City, llalthnoie
Washington und Pennsjhaiilix stuto
Sto tlmo-tablo and consult ticket ngonti
for coiiiint-tloiiH with olhor lines.
J. C. ANDI3RSON. G PA. New York.
J. B. wr.I.SII. T. P A . Scranton. Pa."