&frfP& t-ift ffjZ fl'WilfMV .," THE SCR ANTON TMBUNJMIONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1002. . il;57P"- - T tfyt $cttmlott Ctffiimc rnblUhad Salty Eicept (Sunday, by 1 h Tribune. PublUblac Company,.! Mfty Cent) Month. t MVY 8. IUCUAKD ' O. F. BVXBEU t' ' i , : ...... r.oiroa, Hcmvi.h MaXAntn. EnUrad at lh Foitodlc At Scrahton, a I'econd. CUM Mull Matter. When tvae mill permit, lh Tribune It txltray lrt to print ahort letter, from lt frlendg bearltiE on current toilra hut lln rule la tlmt thuiamnathealiriicd, for pub. tlontlou, by the writer', rent unmet nnil tlio oomtltlon prun-deist to nrcnptnncn li tlmt nil rontrlbutluni ilnill tie atilijcft lu mlltorlal rotlalou. THE FLAT UATK roil AIVt:itTIMINO. Tlio follonlne table 1ioi the. price per Inch each Iniicrtlon, apacatouiMlMii nllhlnnne yean linn of 1'npcr -jij .M III UtT-IiAV iM tliaWi Inibea , M) liichca . . loo " . . . Sso "... f.00 " 1MXI " T'orcaril'orthanl.i, reotiillotnofcondolenre,itiid almllar rnnlribiitlini". In the nature nfnrirerllMng', Tlio Tribune miik.fi a rbniRO iif 5 cenH n line. wiillne on If aiiinit ,.M ' U 'J. .'-75 .173 run foMllon III .no ."ii Sl'RANTO.V, XOVICMDIIU JO, llli).'. Moj-mh. Uoi-lip nnil Ki'Kitii "lioliltl I'liuii'io ntliltiittuii ni'liliiMi hull. Otliti ulvp they will not wiiteis ciiiiniji A Waste of Knergy. IT OTfiHT to In- l I1jIi to pub IMi it illlPotmy "C tin1 ilt.v nf Scl'.mtoii, or, If tilde In- need, two rill ei toiled without llllllifr the nit' with a illn .mil outcry mill cloK&hiH tlio (imi is with iiioiectitldiii nnil coiiiiloi'-pio-'ecutiiin''. I.ii'-t inr till' llli' III lll'UMi.l)l'l' llMlleM w-.im iii.nle ml. "l able- lu this city by lh" i hetoili'.il :i ml IIiIkIuu" win tin e of two men whoio hli'f ccu.- for Imposing their woes on ,i lony-sulTei liitf public Mas th.it e.iell v .'lilted to j,'ft an e' elti"li' Kil on the ilhcetoiy liiiulnc-s in this city. The ipsult of tlmt llsht on llie llliiuues of th. p;ii llclinnts Is, of ( utti'Mo, .i in.itter lit no public coti cein, lliiiucrli fiom an eionomlc stund- jinlnt tlieie must iac been a icnsui-ublr- w-.s'-ic of R-onil money to no pm pofce. lint the ic-mlt so Inr .is the moilt of the illiectoiies w.is coiicoi-ned wns unsail.jfaitoiy uiul we sinceielv ti-ist thill theie will not next cnr be n lepptltlon of ibis filellon. 1'iom ex-pcilunit- The Tiiluiue i.m nn tlmt tlieie is nit enough in the tlnectnry luisliie'-s to mine tli.ui lotiiiii lair piollt on the lincliiiciit ueeesv.uy to BOt out .i Rood book, let alone ti Itis to suppoit the l.tuc-i- ol I.,nl;.iw.inna t on my. Docs the West Need Protection? Tin: pt.ti:s or Aii.an..i, I'alifornl.i, Idaho. Illinois Indi.uia, Iowa, K.uib.is Ken UiiKy, Michigan, MlniiPtolii, Mih'-ouil, Jlontiin.i, .Nebi.n-ka. Nevada, Noith Dakota, Ohio, Osifroii. South Dakota, Utah, Waidiinsion, WisionMn, ami "Wyoming, the ten Hones oL Ai I yonu, Oklahoma, New Melii, and Jn diun Teirltory i oiuhlned, maUe ilm fol lowing sihow'JiiK of manufaetuiiiij; In -ttresu, psi'lule of mining, in the i"ii sus of pCfi: lisUhlNhniciiK Capital Yenily .ic . Yeaily pioiliici . -:,in,s;,j4') ..; s.'stis,!'-;: It will be mpii at a slain that the yearly pioduci exiieds the capital by tl,7.M,T23,7S0. Huiel iuplt.il which tin lis itself over one ami one-halt times in one je.ii' need.? and ilesems the lulltst possible piotrction, lo .iy nothlns of the multitude ol people luiiresUi! in the yeaily nas"s di-biiii iin-nt ol $si'S,-31S.2.-J. Ill the AVe.-l, the IJciiionals fictly fay, "Cut down the lailll' It benefit New nngl.ind mine than it does lis." This is not Hue, as Hi" follow Iuj ccn fus tisuie.s poslthcly piove. In the fIiowIhk of mauiu'aitiiieh in the states ' of Connecticut, .Maine, Jlaf-sailui-etts, New Hampslilie, Uhotle Jviaua and Veunont, Loinpiisiiifj xph KiisIiiiuI, we find: KhtalilHimculs .".7,;il Capital ')l,.V'fi,.,,0.l Yeailv wiiRis 5 IJU.'Os.oll Ye.uly piodnit $I,ST".Tt'J.tisi Comp.it ill!,' thes-e IIruii's with tho-e of the West, wp nee that the New Knslund capital is tinned over oul a little over once in the ye.u, while Hie yeaily w.ise.s illbiu.sement Is only one-half that of the AVpm The maiilllaetui Inj rapltal of Hie West Is mine tluiii douule that ot New CiiKlaud, and the jurtily pioduet neaily tin ec times as larne with lout times a niiiiiv eMnl)llnh ineiits. The-e liBiiies povsihiy .p,ilu why tlio vole ot the West last week wan m Mionsjly llepublli'.m. tVitiiinl the "Went needs pioteitlon, Dr. Hwallow, In ltslKiilim his book (iReiiey, iny.s he will now do as he llkts. To a man up a tice It looks as though he had been piaetleliiK: tiloiltr that linn for pome time, j Wind Huel. 0i: OK the incidental Uleits of the coal stilke piouilshi),' much Knm id th" hiiniaii l.ue Is the Impetus It lias given to expeit study of the fuel piob Ipiu. Not only ha.s the oil problem at tracted the altdltlou of seoie.s of rtklllod PNpeiiuieiiteis In nl parts of tlio couil tty hut theie has been .1 dpelded iiiick enlns ot economies- in the use of the other m.iteiliil.s adapted to fuel pur poses. . One lesult of ninny in the diicctlon of Utlllnlmr the Immense peat beds to be found nlQiifi- the Atlantic coast and In numeiotiH valley, omo the shores of Kie.n waterways, 1- the dlsuiveiy of u jiioees-s by whUh this ue.it Is uiouiut Into pulp, niuee:',eil Into tubulin- lot in, klhl-Urk'd nnil caibnuUeil, pioducllih' uu mtlele aljout nild-wuy between io.il anil coke and of veiy valuable useful npts iih fuel, sliuo it emits Bieut heitt, U slow buinlntr ami yields u scant ash w'lth&ut ullnkeis. Ot bileqtictte plocesses of Ullllzllif peat theie nie .imiotiuucments without number, and, nmmicntly, us with i-ulin brlcquottes, the li.nk Is bigger than (he lijte. Hut at a leeent convention of United States weather bureau oillclals one of the speakeiH biotiKht out a new thoufiht, or lather, put.uu old thought in it m-w way un. may possibly li.tve ftiiltclpalctl a Iwenllpth century tic vclopmcnt when ho Hrtld! "t doubt If the furl In fully realized that theio Is suftlcletit power which can be hail for the taking, wIlliltiR- 100 ft. of the Bioilnd In a epaee yds. In dia meter, to do nil the woik to bo done on it lO-dOie fin in fiom the sowIiib, ciil tU'iitlti?, hurvcstliiK', thrti-'liliiR' nnil miiiketliiR- of the emps lo the lockhiR' of the hiihlps and the doliiK of nit l:lud of hotiflewoik, mid to fuiulrli llRlit for the chickens to sleep In, The enoisy utilized at Nliif,'iita Kulls Is not unite sine lu Us annual quantity than the eiieiity which nptcH Itself over n D.i kotu fni in. The Niagara eneiRy, how ever, eseits Itself In one dlieutlon the your throtiRh, Is very iniioli eondeiiPcU, and stable in quality and quantity fiom day to day. On the other hand, the eiiutfjy to be duilved fiom the winds at 11 Riven velocity Mules with the pies suie, the temppintuie, and other con dltlotis of air, and varies In Intensity fiom uothliiR' to lOi) miles uu hour In MicicadliiH mlnuli'S, Hut when the coal Ileitis mo roup, mid the foiPt pie binned up, and the oil Holds ate pump ed out, theie will always leinaln this univei."ul force ilKtilhutcit almost every when- on tin- face of the earth, which imi bo uiilicd for almost every known human need whldi physical choirs' can supply, nithnr sloniRe of conipipssed all, or the pioduetlon of liquefied air, or the stoHiRe of electricity will prob ably. In the near rutin e, be Itnwly employed to utlll.e wind power for many human needs, In addition to the lOlintless uses aheady blliR made of tin se elieiRles." Why should not the heat for., our houses as well as the power for our factoiles ionic tiom the winds that blow as well as Horn the cataiacts that leap ami --hlminer and I10111 the tides that ebb and flow'.' r.wry wind rioiiii that sweeps over Hciantou repiescnts Ri-eater liotontlal enemy than all our ililin banks. Why in both case should this eiieiR.v he wasted V The an.ttor, of com se. now Is that theie aie cheaper wajs ot irettlns heat and power than by burulim i-iiliii or luinossliifr the winds. iJtu every da. ledmes the uiar Rln of diffcienee In cot as well as draws upon Patau's Rieat stoicd le seives. It N not too soon to flRiue on all coiueivablpe ieiuioinle.3, lor we don't know how soon they may be netded in an PiueiRPncy. penied. livery trenty or compact of peace Is a result ot compulsion, but 111011 who sIrii llieni loo); better when honestly nbldliiK tlicni afterward. IteltK mid Ki URcr nro ory 11101 elless to their former reputations these days. The pio-eclitor in the Mollmii cae says he has piovnl a ilear (use ot mur dpj'. Of minder, eeitainly. Hut the qucs lion et lemalns, Who did if.' Interesting: Figurea, Tin: liAiuto.vn st.uisiks in Pom's Manual for lttOJ will lop.ty stud.N. They dull the edge of socialistic envy ol1 the lailioad coipoi.itions as meat mechanisms of public pillage and ex tuitlon and souues of piodlRtouu piollt. Kor example, take the IoIIowIiir ex hibit ot earnings, Intiic-it and dividends lor twelve eals lor upwind of lis per lent, of all American lailioads. Dlvl- Nele.un- luliiisl deads Iiirs pel paid p ilii ' inllcol IX- uu total uu total lall- pensi s to boadeil sh.liu i.iiaiiiRs debt. (,i))ll(i!. After ImvliiR consented to aibltiiitlon the l-'iench miners now lefuse lo nblde Its Issue and the double lu the French lnlnliijr districts Is woise thnn befoic. Aiblttalloit has to Incur this kind of danger, and theie will never lie 11 rem edy until labor unions are Incorporated mid held equally with employers to legal lesponslblllty and accountability, Oteat specula lion Is life ns lo the object of the kiilser'a spectacular visit to KiiRland at this juncluic AVhero theie Is no mentis of knowIiiR- accur ately, Riiesslng would bo futile. The one sine thlm; tiUoiit It Is that the kulei' knows how to get free adver tising and has the genius of appreci ating It. One ci editable llilngr at least must be nald ot HoUi T,ow's fusion administra tion in N"W York. It has Increased the uppiopilatlon for public schools. Of the budget lor next year, mnount-Iur- lo ?!)7,11),031, ?20,000,00() goes for ed ucation. New Yoikeis evidently need it. The story that Quay Is roIiis" to luue an eulogistic history of Pennsylvania compiled and inaile a cornpulsoiy study In the public schools Is, ot cotni iheup fiction, Hut what a hltoiy the senator could vv 1 ito If he w ould put his pen to it. A ipcent census bulletin shows that at piesunt onl. a little moie than one per lent, of the hoise power used in Anicilcan inniiufncturlliR Is ROlierated by ga-i engines. Watch the percentage ten yenis liPiice and sec it glow. Tt Is amusing- lo hear our Demociatic fi lends disputing as tn v. bom the le ipiil e!cetio:i piomoted as their presi dential candidate, it Is an Idle specu lation. The next president already "Its lu the white house. In Manitoba this jeur encash wheat has been giown to give every man. woman and child In the United. .States a bushel and a half of Hour. Keep your tye on the Catiudla.ii 1101 thw est. Vl .us Wi . ivil . T-'i- ., load . L-.ir. ll: .'.w') IWl UnS IT. 1.SU 1S", I.lll li?7 UM is'i .'.HI MH .-..T.' 1-01) .'.-,1-1 Kid J.'Jui i,.r. 1 i ;: i,-i v.- Ti 1:1 Tn.. ! 7il.1t Tn. 11 i-.7l i.Sl'i i,s '7 liN'l! !.' Ml Al l.ll i'.-. I ,1 I I'l 4'Jt I I". I .'I '1 I Jl 1 -4 ).i l.SJ 1.S7 1 s; 1i.i! 1 IS 1 "..' 1 13 I.7J l-'J '.'. !.! .' t.J Now, giantiiig that net earnings the past two yp.us liave Ijpi 11 higher than befoie and dividend payments ioiip- spondingly laiger. wlieie Is the social ist who -will it riu il a little over L'i per lent, as an excessive ictuiii upon the capital necissjiy to cany the li eight of the count! y and provide facilities wheieby persons may go fiom place ta place, long distance; ap.u t. with speed and In comfoit and safety'.' Hut theie Is another table moie lo the point: Srll An autlioilty on fashions for men declaims emphatically against whlsk ei s and long hair, contending that both aie ugly and unclean. Haibe's will second the motion. In the case of Senator Hill It seems to have been another distressing fall tiro to locate the public pulse. Per Ion Pel pa?" P'l null-, per mllo nv . late. av tatc I'lllt" t -enls. ISM 0?27 L' 171 I 0.fl.'7 IMS! i'i Hll L'lws IVii (ISO! .117.' U'M iAi-,1 :'oj lvr, fi;'i ",(11 1VW u,.'i ;',iitj fW 0.707 L'tiJ) INH 0.71S 1 !'if fs'u 117.V1 "imj Villi ll.Tlii IMIJt V.kU H7I! I'li.'s While In twtlvo .veais theie has bren a R.iin of 40 per cent. In the 1 etui 11 to capital Invested In Aineilcan l.illioad Ing, the letuiu to pations of those lail louds in dt-ci eased fi eight tales alone Is :'0 per cent., biliiRing our 1 lunges to the lowest point In the histoiy 01 i.ill loadlug in this counny, and Inimensely lower than the chargpr for similar ser vile In louutiies whole the lailioads are owned and opoiated by the jjoveii'- mellt. Tlio late for passengi'l' seivlie has not, It Is tine, fallen lu piopoition, but when we lonsldcr the supeiloilty of the aitouililodatloiis and stivlce pio vldcd lu this countiy as compated with tlm .sianduuls lu state-owned countiles, ami lecill that the staudaidi liete ain ImpiovliiR- 11101 e uipldly than in any other countiy, notwithstanding that the passenger lata I? slowly falling, the taso for the AnieiUaii ralhoads becouios a stiong one and the aigumcut that under toiporate owneishlfi they are Instni niPiitallileH of puhllo oppiessloa and ex. tot linn falls to the giound for lack of substantial suppoit. The past j ear developed a thiee-fuld hiireaso lu the robbeiles of postal let ter boxes. This Is explulned by tlio widening of 1111.it fiee delivery, but Is the explanation u (oulllct with thu pioveibhtl honesty of the fanner or hasn't the tolly of fooling with Iqicle Hum's malls yet boon Inculcated lu the uiral iIMl-U u'V Tlio cause of the Hoeis Is nut liu pioved by Hie lontilbutlon of their lor mer si'cietmy of state, l W, Itelli!, lu this month's North Ames-Iran Itevlew, In which he assorts that tlio treaty of peace which ho aiming other lepresen tnllve Hows signed at Piotoila, May 31 Intt, Is unwoithy of sespeot because It was negotiated by foice, If that is the Hoer view of the sanctity of con tracts., it is not surpiisliifr that the outli AfUean icpiibiie. has dlsap- Odfiine Stddips of fidman Nafiire How She Recoveied Her Cook. In the contusion at Hie (J. and C'ential station the otln r tUy ilnp to Hi- iimIi ol home comei .s which knocked I he i.tilto.id schedules sevoi.il bonis out of geai thcio was nmih pushing' and p.ol'anltv mid some hiiinoi. The sulmi lianitei who :ir llved in time In take .". oclmk tiains and wcio foiiiumte If they iiowdid almaid a ti.iiu somu time alter ti flllnl llie Ino.id platfuisn so lomp.icllv that theie was no looni lo move mound. One of these ,i. buslMiiltis vas loin between icar of Ins lug a new cool, whom she I1111I snaiod alter .1 div In the emplo.vment .igenc'.es and I'cai of losing hep tiahi, when il lull, lluoiish Inability to gel lluough the uowd. lllghl In It on t 01 he stood a good looking ;.oiing ilnp whoso eyes wpio nt least six feet fiom the soles ot his shoes. He fovveied fullv a head aluvp the uowd, SuddPiily the hiuisekeep ".- ilHcoveied that the 100k had lie'-i shoved away fiom her by the uowd and that she wit" Imi to tight. To the amusement of bvstandeis she appealed lo the tall man "Won't you please till mo If up wheio ou aie von tan sec iny 100U anyvvheie"" she saUl. He saw Ih-U that the woman wan piet- t and then he said that he would look tor 'the 100k. 'She has led hair and she neais a bon net and her Iffst name Is Miiaie." olun tieied the housekeeper. The tall man swung aioiuid until his ojis lighttd on a bonnet and led hah. The face under the bonnet looked riighleneil, "I think that she has been pushed i-leai over pear that gale," he said. "Oh, dear. I've lost her altei sooudluj a whole day lu hhliiR lies. I'll sue the 1all10.nl for damages," "If that's the cook." slid the tall man, "I think T can get her over bote." Mak ing a niigaphoiie ot his hands, he shout ed' "Maggie!" "Vis, sou," came back the answer "Aie you the 1 ook'.'" "Vis, soir," and thou slie iplalaed that she could not budge. Some unsjmpiithet Ic man look up the ciy, "Mur-rcp, Mag go", pass Mag.gen along," and, thiee tnlmitis Inter, somewhat rumpled, with her bruinett tilted, Maggie was shoved in lo the alius of her mists ess Thus win the lailioad saved a damage suit New vosiv Hun A Dienm of Heaven, Onu of tlio guesls of tlio t'nlted Stated hotel, who is in H.uuloga taking the wii leis, last evening icmaiked that ho had beiu a witness to a singular incident In a Suuthetn itiiho.td tiiilu while on his way noith this sumuier. "In thn bufTet car," he said, "theie weto two men who nt. United my attention. Ono of them was veiy evidently u Kentucky colonel, mid the other was a queer looking (tsbtosner who might liuvo been almost any soit of a man Wo gut to talking, and finally the convocation tinned lo dieanis. Tlw queci -looking man said that ho had io- cently had a pccullnr ill cam. 'I ih earned that 1 was on a hillside win-in the gunnel was sandv, but whoso the nets glow to gieat height and whoio thcio was a learning stteam thiough thn center of a noble, gtovo. As 1 walked along It seomed to me that thorc- was a peculiar aroma lu tlio air, and at last I snapped a twig lions one ot thu lower launches of oqe. of the tices and studied It, It smelled tn 1110 llko nihil, and so I tustrd it, It tasted like mint, and 1 applied my detective. In. stlui't and ifiado up my mind Hint it was mint. Then 1 happened to look at the giottud beneath my feet. You know how these things happen lu di earns, and In stead of looking like sand it seemed to mn that the ground seemed mom Ilka sugar, though theie mo limes when they uiu much tlio same, So I atoopod down ami tasted a little of the stun, and to my amazement It was sugar You know how tbitu things happen In di earns, and so jon won't be astonished when I tell on that within a few minutes I wan desert over to tlio bank of tlio stream. It looked too highly colored to bo water and 1 tabled it to make suia if my suspicion was sight. I was light, unci the stteam wus puio whisky. Now that wus a quoer dream, wnsa't it? 'What do you think It meant'.'' t "Tlio Kentmky tolouel looked haul at him for a moment and then said: - " 'Why, suh, il is plain enough to me, sub, that you dt earned that you was In heaven, suli.' " Sai.itogu foircspnmleiu-o New Yoil; Sun. i THE CRANE STORE Has news for you. It will be read by the Scranton public, for our nds. always- are. Today we place on sale, at One-Quarter Their Value One Htiodred Stiifs The cream of the Season's Garments, ranging in price from ten to twenty dollars. THEY ARE SPICY INDUCEMENTS AND UNAPPROACHABLE VALUES GRAN TAKE ELEVATOR. MRuram giTITTTm V 324 LACKAWANNA AVE. llpll Tlie Usual in Prices Have Been Made As is our custom at this season of the year, we have 1 educed the prices on nil line3 of Wall Paper. This is done in order to make room for tho new Spring' styles that will be com ing in soon. Our reduction sale of the e,aily Summer cleaned up the en tile stock of Spring patterns, leaving the shelves leady for tho Fall styles. It is these fall style3 on which we have now reduced prices. In some patterns there is for one room; in otheis, enough for two or three ioom3. The assort ment includes L'Ait Noveau, Floral, Verdure, Scenic, Damask and Leather effects. WHO WANTS $20.00 in GOLD For a Christmas Present? Twenty Christmas Presents $SO.oo To P.c r.lvoii by The Scrutitoti Tribune to lite Children of Simmon nnil Nortlicnntcrn Pennsylvania. Otic Present $a0i00 Itl Q0d $20oo One Present I0(00 i aId I000 Ono Present 5.00 In Gold 5.00 I wo Presents a,so Each 5.00 Hve Presents 1.00 Gnch c.oo Ten Presents 50c Each s.oo Total Twenty Presents $50.00 Carpets Eveiy season produces its new designs in floor coverings. Each succeeeding line of patterns show evidences of moie caie in design ing and weaving. It has taken months to gather together the ex cellent assoitment to which we invite your attention today. We aio peifectly safe in saying that never befoie has such a varelty of lich patterns been shown on any carpet floor of Scranton. You can easily &pend a whole day in looking through this depaitmeni, and yet so cniefully and sys tematically aie the vaiious styles mid qualities niianged. you have foimed tho slightest idea of the kind of floor you desire, we can easily and quickly show it to you. Pl -s 1 j..r? f SI Myii7 mw - AJUiCrf iirt. if coveiiug IIp 1111 if if TIIH THinUNK'S SUCONU ANNUAL Junior Educational Contest. A Contest In Wonl-tiuilcJliijr. Who Can .Make tlio Most Words Out or the Letters lis T-I1-E H-0-IY1-E P-A-P-E-R 'HIS IS nincli easier than last year's contest, and twentv of llie Dnylitest bos ami girls will bccitre Christinas Gifts in cash for maki'iitr the larocst ninnhiM- nf wnrds out of these letters. It is lots of fun to think out the words ami hunt thcni tip in tilt dictionary, ami besides it will help you with your spellino;. You will he surprised at the number of different ways those twelve letters can be used. Rules of the Contest. Presents will be given to the bows or girls, whose parents 01 guardians are subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the largest number of words out of the letters contained in "The Home Paper.'' Xo letters must be used any more times than they appear in these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be used, but there might be two "I IV or three "E's." Only words defined in the MAIN' PORTION of "Web ster's International Dictionary" (edition of IS!)S) will be al lowed. Any dictionary can be used, but in judging the contest TI IE TRnUW'E will debar all words not found in Webster's. Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap pendix'' will not be allowed. Obsolete words arc admitted if defined in the dictionary. Words spelled two" or more ways can be used but once. Words with two or more definitions can be used but once. No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O." How to Write Your List. Wrila on one side of the paper only. Vritc very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter. Piace the words alphabetically. Vrite your name, age, address and number of words at the top of ycur list. Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and who is a senular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE. Fold tho list DO NOT ROLL. COiVrfcST CLOSl-S SATURDAY, DnCHrtlBHR 20TII at 5 P. Al All Icttcis of Inquiry for information will be promptly an swered. Address our iist of words, or any question you wish answered, to COINTEST EDITOR. SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. PA. EtE3S3EET3 Furniture, Curtains and Drapsrias, !29 WvomJnjj Avenue. t&4a ipm sf, -a -a -&m r .r -&& IlilllliliH r i i ft H E9 1 K l Sr L& m m 2--&?zt? m iiriii &js.v&?iaja Mr. George V. Watkins, of 500 and 702 Lackawanna Ave., earnestly recommends his patrons and the people of Scranton and vicinity generally, the magnificent collec tion of Orient Regs am Carpets Which are gathered from the Principal Palaces, Mosques and Castles by fir. Marten Kasnb, of Constantinople. They will be sold at 7 v mmmri&vs for Incandesc?Di Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Rem Incandescent Gas Lamp. vl fiCa Mtsrsi-orsy :i LMS-U'ii 1'cnnAveiuip. 5SSSSRSS3tSSSSSS!!SSS5Sli EDUCATIONAL. ; )' Of anything in tho lino ot optic.il goods wo enn supply it, AUCT REGARDLESS OF COST Coiunioiiciiig at 2.30 and 7. .'10 31. daily and continuing' this week 500-502 Lacka.Avenue BED ROOM FURNITURE We have now in stock the finest display of these goods ever made in Scranton. Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na poleon post bed styles. They are ele gantly rich. Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis XIV styles. We Invite Inspection Whether You Arc Going to Buy at Once or Not. Hill & Council, Washington Aven ue a Spectacles nd Eye Glasse Do You Want a Good Education? .Not a khort course, nor an ruj course, nor a cheap course, but the best education to be luil. No other education Is worth cprnding time and money on. Ii 70a do, unto lor catalog ot Lafayette College Easton, Pa. nhldi olTrrs thorough preparitton la the 1 nglneeiiii; and Chemical Profession! aj well u thu regular College counts. When in Need i fjT"TE normal school! Piopesly fiitctl by tin expert optician, From $1.00 Up Also nil kinds of pioierlp. tlon work nntl rentiUing. ;j; Alercereau & Connell. 'I' 102 Wyoming Avenue, (j. ! i' ? fr i J ; J t" J A "For Rent" sign on your house will only be seen by the casual passerby, A "For Rent" ad. In The Tribune will be seen by ALL who may be contemplating a change of residence. Only One Hals' Cent a Word EAST STBOUDSBURG, PA. lU'Riilnr Stnto Normal Couises and Spc-cial Departments ot Jluslc, lllocu. 1I1111, Ait, Draivlns. Sti'iioRianliy and TmiowiUIiik: Btrons College I'lepasa-tor- Department. FREE TUTIOIi. Boaiilllifc" expenses J3 50 nor week Pupils admitted at nny tlnio. Winter -res sis opeua ueo. ur.ii. Wllto for losuc ' cata. E. L. KEJIIP, A., M., Principal, SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCRAM ON, PA. T. J, l'-oster.l'ies. I-Ilistei- II. Law.ill,Tre.i8. R. J, l'o.stei- Stanley P. Allen, Vlco President. Sccictary, Atlantic City. The temperature at the AONEW, On tlie leach, In Chelsea, Atlantic City, Sntuidiiy win 510, Uvery appointment of a modem Hotel, HOTEL RIOHMOND. Kentucky Acnue. First Hotel from Deach, At lantic Cit), N. J,; CO Ocean lew rooms; ia pacily 400; writs tor tpecUl rates. J, U. Jnk ius, l'iop PENNSYLVANIA. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a spur ol tho Alleghany Mountain). lelilgh Valley railroad; near Touanda. Dathlnff, Ss'ilng, sports, etc. Excellent tabic, lteajonable rates. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL P. O., Apea, fa. Send (or liooLUt. O. IS. HAKUIS.