a i v ?WI wm H" V THE SCU ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 3902 KA- t How Often Do You Ask WHERE ARE W CLASSES? AllBtnld nntl you eun't find them, Tho Ni:W APTOMATIO i:yij. GLASS !IOI.Oi:tt Is the thing you tieodi Nobody cm do with oui It, no gcntlenmn can miss Id King Often r of Swollen went a ohp ntul mnnv thousand otbtr people too. I fully guarantee Hiitlffiictloii wllb eveiy holder I poll. T mean Just what I uy, nntl will glvp ii iibw one foi cvpiy Holder tlmt tlops not give wutlK faction. Tills Is Willi t people nv ubout It: IJoikclv Institute, isa-isr. Lincoln l'l., nitwltbn, N. V., Oct. 2. MO.'. Your live-glass Holder 1ms given mo o inuoli comfoit Unit I cannot foi hear endeavoring to expires to you my satisfaction nnd delight. It Is n K cat tlnip navlng, uciit, flllclcnl, little ulTulr. Kvu i:. Wilkinson Itev. llownul II. 1tupll, Ll. IJ. Genet nl Hujit., American Anil Hiiloon IjPfiKlie, twites. Hiss Ultlsr., Washington. D. ('.. Sept. 20, IPO J I should not like to do without the Automatic Heel. In my long inllway Jollinevs, In the olllee, nn the stieet, In pulpit or on plntfoini, It N always u pi "sent belli nnd u "leel" convenience'. 1,110k nt lliem In inv show wln tlow, Do tour pvi"' need atten tion One chatge coveis the entire cost of examination, glasses nnd fi nines. DR. B. A. BAER Eye Specialist. MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN. 331 Washington Ave. SCRAiNTON. PA. WKKKt Cotinty Savings Bank and Triisf Company, - 506 Spruce Street. Receives Deposits in Sums of and and pays pei cent, iu leicst thereon. L. A. WATRES, Fiesident. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pies. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Win r UnlNtPid, i: 1' Klngshiuy. O S Johnson. I, A, nvpirtt W.nit n. j Aviuvt Itoblnion, Jos O Uiicn, Wntips. Eveiy aiticle is woith your at tention, you can buy mole new and np-to-dnte goods at a leaswi able pi ice than you can find elsicwheis in Wall Panel, Paints, etc. Pictuie Fi nines you can find a latee assortment. Jacobs & Fasokl 200 Washington Avenue. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Y 'Tliey 111 aw Will" $ g Morris' Magnet Cigars 8 Y Tli" host value for r. tents. 0 V Tiy one nail ou will smoke no A 0 otbei. X X All tin le idles; In, 1 ids of i'e. V V clears nt SI 7" "i bo-:, m ii foi '.',' A Q Tbo lng-st vailety ot I'lpis and Y Tobacco In town V l E. C. iVIORRSS, 0 X rXiio Ciffav Knn 0 y fl9fi Wnsliinn tnn Avpiiii. V 00000000000000000 I 1 J IL...L in diiu nmm The City Jt-JtX Bni Examinations, The b.u eamlimllous whhh weio to Ii.im bed) coiuliii utl this mmiiliin In tho toiut hmiMi will bo xiomiiet((l In tho iiuuilclpal litilldlim' iiisti.ul A Euchie pnity. The ftiin' women of Ht. I'etu'M latlm duil will eonilutt n piokios-.o eutliio pail) in St Thomas' t uIiokh hull' on ThuiHil.iy nlylit not Im tuo beiicllt of the new jmiHIi In rioutli Stiantou. Paine Files Exceptions. Di Ar A I'alno hiH tiled o.ciptluiis to tho tetent dunes ot com t uiiisiik thi. icimlon tn tpi.iHh thn wilt nf ipiu v..u l unto liioucht tn hhow his title lii his tuil and ulbo to tho enteiliib' nf it Judtr Hunt ni' onsti r against lilin In finni ot J.mua A Kmiiis Heniing Postponed, Tbo bem Im.- in tho c.ito ot John 1! Wllllnnifc. who cliuiKitl with biudln millnus iui f.iiibi UnmiKb the malls, woh to liino Peon held boloio I'nllcd Hlntes Cominlssilonrr TitInr on Hatiuday last but was pmlpouul mill! Wednesday afternoon. Kmumhei 1- McKinley Memoiinl Association, A mectliiif of the McKinley Memoiinl tn-soclatlcm will bo held In tho boaul ot tratlo looms Monday tiMiiInc ut 7.0 o'clock thai p. Aelloii will ho Uil.cn on niacins- the memoiinl it Is hoped all III-tcic-.sicd will intend whethvr or not they r M 8 ircrlvp ntitkn tiv postal. IiUlhcr Keller, preBldcntl tier 0, It. Handoisoii, nceictai.v. lecture by Bishop SpnultHug. Nest Sunday nlBhi lit. Itov. J. I.. Hpnuhllng, D, Hi will deliver a lecluip In tho liMt'liui tin "Siiilpis" for the bcliellt of the House of the Coed Sliepheid. Ilu will be Inttodupcd bv III, (lev. Ulshup Ilu, ban. The boves nnd login will bo sold by mthseilplluh, the scats for the entlie low er llooi Mill bo l. and tho balcony " and M tents. Swnita Hold in Bail, lloilon I). Hwait, tif Dillon, who Is th.uged Willi 11 tins; thn ITtiltetl States mulls for put pose of dofinudlng, was Khen n heal Inn heloie fnlletl Slntes Com inlssloiier Tin lor on Sntutilay nnd waa held under $l,nt)0 ball or his appauini.e In t mil I Ho Is elmiKcd with tislim the let lei heath of tho Sciantun t.uuihor loih p,in tn seeviie IniKe tinantlllos of linnbir. Water in Good Condition. VJt V. i: Allen, Mipciliitetidciit of lliu biiieuii of health, made a poiscmnt Iiimh Illation nn Sattlltlny nf the Noilli Ht'inu ton water mipply notuces tn asceitaln the iiiiiso of the peculiar taste nnd odor whlt.li lno been fco mm Iced tbulnp: the past wet Is nnd In tho lepuil maile to Dhoctor of I'ublle Snfity Wniitei ho rIvcm tho tesillt nf hU lnvostl(,"illun hhowltiR that tho pi i sent condition of tbo water l duo to n h.uinless vegetable giowth. Tho -fiteni be mivs has nevci liepn In as rooiI ciiiulltloii nh It Is now. DOYLE STRUCK HIS SISTER WITH AN AXE Engaged in a Qunnel at Old Foige and Vented His Winth on De- fenesless GUI. Jostpli lJovlc, of Tajloi, biutalh n saulted and M-iluttsly Injuied his sister, Nellie, with an axe on Satuiday night, In a quarrel ut Ills futliei's boui-e In Old Poise. Dovle and bis wife left Tnjlm oat ly S.ituid.iv night to ilt the foiiucr's lather, Chilslophot Dole, who live, at Old Foige. Upon their .miwil at the hitter's houe the beer began to flow fiecly nnd all became engaged In a quariel "hortly belotn inltlnlglit. TJolu bec.tnie oniaged at his :.oung slater foi sonic icason, and picking up an ne he struck lar on the head, lie was too much lntoiiated to stiike a he.ny blow and so the oung woman escaped with her life. An uqlv gab was cut, however, and she bled piofusclv. Dr. Obustead, who is at tending htr, has that her sKuii is not fi.ittuud, nntl that she will lecmer. Hbe Is 1 cais old. Wan, mts tor the an est ot Oole and his father weio swum out jtsteitlay belnie Ju-tlet- of the Peace Iloell. nf Taylni, and both nitn weie lodged In tho bniougb lot klip. They weie too ill link to he glui a healing and weie lefr until this mninlrig tn s01ju up. DISCRIMINATION IS CHARGED. Statement Issued by Distiict Presi dent T. D. Nicholls. T. D. -VIchtilK distiict piesldenl of ibe United Mine Woikeis, gao out the follow in;; siutHinent Hatuuhn coiiLein ing tho met (lug "I the distiict executive bu.iiil nf tin pi minus dav when a c ise of allet,t d dlsi liminatiou .igalnt stiik lis bv the coal companies weie con sldeicd: S i.niloii Pi . Ko. i, VhJ The eHinll- tin ml ol ilNtild No 1, 1'nlti d Mine Woikeis of Aiuuilc.t, In then nip' ling jistiulij considoied the cisis of the me'iiliei- who hue Ik en tlls (ilniiuatid against and lluown out of tin Ii toi ni' r positions Tumi lilt nee In scmuiI ui It np P' us Unit tht mine Ion men .no using m filghleu the nii'ii intl disuniiago them liom uni-ilnlii.r In th union, 1)J Inking a ai the put In Us liiishiis' Mill h.no In i n asKi il, whin nppMn, loi tilth loi ini r piisltltnis wh'thri thtv will si.iv In the inii'in If lhe gel thill Jolis 1 la c U iu,iin .mil il In i me ins. lie- in in.' Usui m till emi The bund il i nli il to taut 101 all thosi who an iifnsiii tli, Ii ininiir plit' s iuid pnitt t i iln-1 ilie lusliilou- nn llinils that au bdng n.'il in iimbli I In in In c uise iln'v belnie It im- lmlnii ii men u not tientnl fahl the or riidI. ntlnii will in'we thr sitne si mil as tb -v Inxi' to'imilx nntl will pmttrt its lilt ml" I' T il Nit lions, lri"iili ul. rl he iiiiiipaultt detlaie that thue has bi'ou no stub tlNei Imln ttluu is Is phais1 d. RELIGION AND XAW. Subject of an Addiesa by Attoinoy T. J. Cliase. In f!u ins' hall 3n-i f tiling the .second stii,. in the s, n,s iuaiifiuat til by Uev Thonia.s It I'a.Me was ht hi and atteutled bv a small assemblage. Uhe leutuie was an addiess on the Kiiblect ni "itellglon ami l.u," tkllvei cd b. Attointy T. J. Chase, ot Wilkes. I June, lie took a very hopeiul kw ni things geuoiall.v nntl was Inclined to the bellet that the win Id Is glowing bettei In Mtad uf woi.se. It was the fllhl lime, he s,tii, that he had por atldu'hsed a Siiuila evening audience, and did not attempt anything in the limine of .i seimon hut s-ald his wouls weie In tended lo make nllieis ihteilul ntid happv, Uev. I'a.vne also spoke and .Mis l, V.. Wilson mug a umiraliti solo, a silver ofuuliur was taken up to iltiiay e.- peiisis. lUTHER DAY SERVICES. Held Yesteidny Momlne Jn Gince Lutheran Cluuch. The Humlay school of tirace kuthoi .ui fluiiih lieltl their annual I,uther Day hervltts and Homo MIhhIdii exer clbort josteulny morning nt the chuiih, coiner ot Mulbeny utieol and Pieseotc avenue, A lengthy pmgi amine was obseived, In which many nf the clill clien pal tlclpatfd, Attcr an lutioilitctoiy nuuehlnt;- oug and devotional m-i vices, the atldiiH.s of wiilcouie was given by li, 1, Flokeis, HludU'H In the lite nf i.uther and home ml.sbions inllovved, with pours by the tthool, and iccltiitlons by tiinto llog eis, Vein Yeager and lilsa Kline. .Studies mi Ameilca uitd benevolent o weie also enjoyed, and a homo mission liMiui was sung by the school ehlldieu, with tho tolu by MUs Jennie Kiiufman, The pilnuiy clans oseicices weio given under tho illiectlon ot Mis, Kishbaugh, mill a timely address on "Home Mis sions" was dtllvcietl by Itev. Janus T, Kendall. Siidegiooui Beaten to Death. 0) 1 iclu.l.c Wire from llio AssoilatfJ I'rtii Heading. Nnv. !). While colihratlng llio miiiilage or John WoJIku, ut tbo homo of John Winbel, of this Ul), John Moitma and John Odliijnnskv becauiu Involved In n tpiarrel with llio htltUgroom anil Wojtko was htntcn to death with a club Sov eial pentemakuis weie heilousdy Injuied The iiiuidcicis escaped hut Odlajnueky was micstetl two horns later. lie Is Mid to huo Mi ink tho fatal blow, Moiluia Is Btlll at laigu. DEATH DOES NOXEND ALL CHRIST'S TRANSFIGURATION IS PROOF OF THIS. An Eloquent Senium by Rev. Dr. James McLeod, Pastor of the Tlrat Piesbyteiinn Chinch, in Which He Dwelt On the Enithly Sinioundtngs nnd the Heavenly Significance of the Tinnsngtnntlon of the Son of 'the Living God The Stoiy Full of Good Cheer. Uev. Di. .lames Mcl.eod, pastor of tho Klist I'lesbyterlan eliuipb, piciuh eil jesteulay niuinlng on "The Trans llgiliatlon" taking foi his tet, Slut It ,0:J: "He was tiansllguied brfoie them." He ."poke In p.u t as lullnw.s! T.I ip liansllgmallon nf our t.iiul Jesus t'ln lt Is ono of the most totispltiious and suggestive facts ot Ills e-iithly nihilstiy, it Is an hnpoitnnt link In tbo chain of Clnls tlau ovldeiict's. rhteo ol th" i:aiwcllsl.i have iciutdcil the tnliatleaiid Its uetum piujlug incidents 'I'hev tell us that mi that evcutlul oceashn, mil I.oul had riuiilj choke ot tin ee of His Apotlles to bu coo wltnesies of Ills majesty (Matt, wll, 1-1 :; Mail: l, '-'-1 !; I.uke l, -S-",u) Ono ot these witnesses In a Ictlei viltteii Ihllly M.iii atttr the tiamliguuitlon, makes pointed iuid loulble lefeu'iicc to what he saw nnd lioaid when he and bis li'llovv apostles weie Willi CltlNt III tho bolv mount (II IM I, P.-1M. Let us nol". 1. its rallhly muioimd Ings ". Us henvenlv Hlmilfit inn ' (a) The lilac e whom thlH leinaikable nihatlo was wioiight Is not tiupoitniit, and for that leasou It Is not known When St. IMci saw Mospn and lllljiih talkhif, with the tiansilgiiiul t'lnlst. he mado a hastv and thoughtless sungestlon, bieause "he wKt not whaf In an '; and some who vonUued lo fix the evict lot wheie the tiaiisflguiatloii oieuiied have been guilty of s-lmllar lolly. (b 'Hie titne" It was piol nlilj at night The tin op apostles vveie asletp, and Jislis was engaged hi piajet. Two e.us ol tun koul's ptlblle mliiistiv hid eplied. It" had liiloimed Ilis distlpks ol Ills up pioaclilng death. He told lliein that it would bo j violent death, but that He would be lesmieeted on llio thhd iliy He Must Go to Jeiusalem, "lie must go uiilu Jet us ik in," II" said, "and suu'oi lutnv things of th" eltleis and thief jule'ts and stilbcs, nnd be killed, and be lalsed again on the thhd daj1 (Matt vi. 1). These wouls of Jesus mado His tllst Ipks sul and amloiis Thev did not tpect anv such eal unity to befal, tin lr blessed Musici. 'Iluv had tuliei Ideas and otlu l hopes concerning tils eaithlv lilo and khuilom Jt stiie'itd their lalth Peter would not hive It so, and In his hoL and thoughtli ss h isle, he hi gait to leblike Jesus for t 'ilesslus; hlinsolf In such a wav. .Irs, is ailinlnls teied a stlnslnsf nbuki to Ills impetuous disciple, but at tho same' time He neiM-ni.-ed the I tot tlmt all Ills dltelphs need ( il some wold, some slhl, some pil piblo pioot ol Ills own s-lo'V, and of the eMiiiiil world that would i lit 1 1 theli heal ts, and stu uglhcn theli fnlth, jnd Hint would be unto tln'iu a pe'in.luul somoe 01 ptaie and ju, and comfoit, and spiiitual lunvei Hv lilt nth the ilc itli of f'lillst hut u iiieauiu,; tint was aliog-tlier unkni" vviien it was made the sub,ett of eon Voisition. bv the men who weie sent Im that piiipnsn li.iiii tlie lioivuih woiltl i:ilj ill never felt "the sting of df.ith.' and the death of Moses w,n as gentle and as swiet as "the kl s of God." 1-Jiu the de Hb of C'luisL would li violent, ts i iiielatlus. iiiuidi ions nnd most imil Though iimoienl, He must die a shameful tliath; and In tJcthsruiane and uii Calvniv lit must be.n the sins of a guilty v tnlil It is no vvoiul'i that .Mow i and i:iljuli tlll.td with ilim nbiiill I he "dtei ise Which He should accomplish it .it i us i kin", nol ncsil we wonder that two sui h s lints Weie si nt liom he'iven tn i In er tl he.ul ol the Son ot Cod (i) The v Itnesso, of I'luNts tians ffgiinitlou Wtie few, hut tin v Wiu Will i In. sin. and ilu ii tellmoii is as uuli'i p achiibk as the word of God The eutli h wituiss , who tluee the s 1I1U. thifc. who li ul s-t.cn Cluist tals" the dead (Mink v. '"): who aiteivvnids weie with I J Im In fictlistnnne (Mall xvi, IT), nnd two of them wti" m a sprelal senses witnesses nt Ills iisuiiei lion (Maik s-n, ; John s 'l Tho licrvealv wilniosis ,oie two Moses 'he gieat Iivv givei, and Hlilih tho gi.al l.tiiimer am) pi iplu t Its Heavenly Significance. Vail the time, nnd llio jilar e, and the witness! s and all the eaithly suiioimd Injs ol mil l.nuls tiansilgii'.ulon v.hllo lull of intutsi will b" ot small value In us 11 wi do not giasp, hi some do giee, its di op ik'lc,ii ami ii.s lieavenlj dniilfle nice. What do-s It nn an fin us' Has It in;. It'-.son tin us, ellln i in iesipct of tills llio oi tint hie lo i nun. ' W it t .in im L e p.et. while lnie bslow, to j,et anv such skill ot It siis oi of he iveu's liihubit.iiiis us did I'etei and James and John, liul v.e i in ip ul tho i t old. and il will be inn own limit If It tines not hlu iiritiuu mil lalth and till u with a glniiuus hope (a) In His uiinsiigmatlon, the Diln uinl llio Kiipieme autlioiitv ol Jpsiih as our tiacher an- m.inilesl. "This is mv l.e lev oi Hon in whom I am well pliah.nl. Ileal o lllm ' Suieh the stoiv of C'lulsl's tiaiismuiii t Ion Is piolltablc lot thvotiou and lot In htiuctlou In rl'liteousiitss The thu-c dls ilples illmbid thn inount with t'hiict. They btheld the .Man .nut wmt to 'loop, and wluii thev invoke Ihev slw tiioli Gml 'I hey got a glimpse ol ilt.it glory whhh lie had with the Tatliei Inline too woiltl was. lb) Tiniu the tiaiisguiation ol t'lnlst wo emi n.v ihe v.iiiin wlutli heiviu nt mehis to His tu uli The dtath nt I'lii lt ithough llicii In llio flit in c 1. was a hi h. kel ot glial Inn test lo both Musis and r.lljah Thev looktd loiwiml to It with u keen .ippuihitloii of lis ,.iue They knew tlmt It was lie who would ledenm Isuiel. Thev had uijojed llio hlls-s ol Taiadise leu inoie than a inllleiilum ho. iatiM or llulr lalth In the tuciltoiioiisucKi of tbo life and dp-ith of the puiuilsi'd Mi. skill A Cleai and Holy Light, te) Tho linuslUuiatliiii uf t'lnlsl lluown a tlear and holy iny of lUht aeioss the Kiave a blessed light which euibhs tho c'lnlsilaii lo rcjouii hi tho piospcit of a blessed iinmoititllty. In the shining li-jiit of Ohilst's tiansil;iiiailon It is most . ,. lent that death does not end all, Hut i a man tilts ho may live again, unr .Savloiu .b'siis flnlM has abollslml death and bioughi llio and imuiuilallty in Ih'lii bj Ills (iotpel .Moses died ami w.ib bu. lied I l vtais beloin thn liausl.uuia lion, and nt tlulo ho was, with eluuei ev.i nml wltli liientHl Iakii flinii In, ., i had In tho lower woild And CHJah, who 11 tlioiih mil eal; Heroic', blipped into God's chulol mid was tianslaieil-was thou on (ho iiioiml, In his glorliled luimiin lik.lv 11 lu ri uemiiliif. tiriifiil.iv l.i.l It 1 gieat lilbln limb, that the de-ad ate lhu living iiiai tuo iiiesfceii iie-au iiin i ne bk.ssetl living, Ihut this iouiiitlblo must put on lucouuptloii, and that this inuitul must put on ImmoitalUj lill Tliit..ri.ctil1liktiril liii.tiiluliilir.,... ,' ..." --0 ,. V .. ,.V.,, s stiongly Miggestcd. If Indeed It be nut jully conllimed by what took placo at Clulst's tiausllgiuatltm We cituuoi tell how 1'elcr and James and John nunc to know that tbo two heavenly visitors weio Moses and Khjalr, but the tact that the) did know (hem is pliiulv Maud, and II Is it lnrl full nf (twit in linn timl lull .f tomfort. Wc shall know cncli otbei theio. Tho l eilecmetl of tho l.oul will bo "lovn- II. .1 III l.A.I I'.llt'u IllVOi.l I III.,., 1.1 " I... I I'ullll the tunie." "Now we see thioiigh a elasi IT MATTERS NOT How Sick You Are'or How Many Physicians Have Failed to Help You. Dr. Divid Kennedy's Favorite Remedy will Cute You If a Cure it Possible, Doctoisaio not infallible and theicaro many instances wheie they have decided u caso was hopeless and then tho palieiiU astonished evctyone by getting well nntl tho sole cause of tbeircurevvasur. David kennedv's Favotite Remedy. A case iu point is that of James Lettuce of Catia johaiio, N. Y who writes: "Some vears ao I wat attacked with palm In my back and r.ldo that were felrful in the extreme I cou'd not control my kidneys at all and whateannfromUism was mucous ind blood I was In a lirrlblo stata and suffated Intensely. A prominent physician of AlMny. N. Y , decided that an oparatlon wis all that would save me I dreaded cnlt and com menced to lake D". Divid Konnsdi's Favorite Remedy I felt better almost Instsntly When 1 had taken about two bottlos. fie now from tiie bladder was much cleaner, the pain 'top pd, end 1 was savjd Irom the suncon't k:u(e and am now well ' Dr. W. H, Morse, the famous phvsU cian o Wostfield, N. J has this to say of this great medicine: "I have known It lo cure chronic Inflam mation of the kidneys, whero the attending physician pronounced the caso Incurable." No form of kidney, liver, bladder or blood disease, or the distiCbsing .sickness es so common to women, can long with stand the great curative power of this famous specific. Its record of cures hi mude it famous in medical circles evcry- here. It is for sale bv all dttiggists in tho Now BO Gont'SIzo and the regular $1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose. Samte lotth-enouthfir trial, te fiy mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, nondout,N. Y. Ilr. Dav Id Kennfdj'n Sail Uhmtn Cream ctiraa Old bores, Shiu and Ucrol'ulout Ulncim. Ma. d.iikh, but llien face In face; now wo know hi put, but then, an ill we know even as we nie known." Full of Good Cheer. The stoiy ol Chilst's liansilgiuatlon Is full ol good ehiii It iho led tho hearts nt Toti i and J lines and John, not only when I'etei sild: "It Is good for us to be lieie." but all tbiotigh tin lr taithlv pll gibnige 'I hat glm v In which (Jlnisi was lobed. and in whhh Moses nnd Elijah up piauil, and width enelieled the tluee dlselples did not tan v. It v. ns but for a. sm ill lnotiienl. It was Indeed a tvpe and lorolast" ot the heavei.lv gloi.v, but II was onlv a linginent of It; it was only a pirtl.il unci tiaiislint glimpse ot the glo lltied Hedeemei and two ot Ills ledpeineil nuts. Hut to the saints ol God, then' is iinnlng a tl ly of imilouded vision, wheie not foi an hem, oi a div, oi a veal, or i tliousiud i .1-. bit whin fimvu and toievirmoie liny shall si (, the King lu Ills lulghtupss and shaie hi Ills gloiv In Ills bilglianess and shue In Ills gloiy in our rutin Ts kingdom 'lllcsctfl now aie we the suns ot God, nnd it cloth nut v.et appear what we hsall he. but we know tint vvh"ii He mill appeal we sh ill be like lllm, Tot we skill si e lllm as Ho ii:. And evciv m m Hi it Ii.it li lids hope lu Cluist put Ifli lit hlnisi If (itli as He is pine " AUTOMOBILE RACES AT SPEEDWAY An Enjoyable Afternoon Enjoyed by Scianton's Auto Owneis Recoids That Weie Established. Tlie- Sei anion Automobile i lub had an enjo.vable afternoon's, .spent at the Speedway Satuiday .if lei noun Jt was blight, the sun sdioii" tioiti a. deal skv and theio was "a biaeiug quality in the all tint made it a tonic tor the men who sped ovei the smooth loads ut the mountain In the Ilttt aulos. The club left Tloicv .v. Hiook's Spline stiee.1 qua i tots at U 10 and atler i slioit paiatle about town went out Mulbeii) stieet and up the boulevaid to the Speetlwa) and fioin theie aiuiind Lake Sli anion. The patatlc was h d liv f S Weston's led Winton touting ear which was oe t upled by Mr. Weston and Ft. ink Silli nian, Ji., .Mi. Weston handling tlie lev em. The m'uiiuI in line was ,f. 11. 13iuuk's gieen inaclilne, one ot the famous ban acq Fiemh laceia wliieli was In chaige ol rhaftoui James Foi kan. other machines in line weie X. i:. Iliec's, and M. I, Smith's Pleice inotoiettes and II. M. Cole's Olds mo bile All ol these aie gasollllu ma chines. Tlie aiitos in the p.u ado Unit lisp steam nie owned by V.. tl. Connoi, Iloheit Peek, i: W. Tulles, Tiank IkavciH, A. P, Uultiild. Philip Ilitis latul, Di. .1. X. P.lte, Pney Megaigel. all nf this city and .1. II. Hughe-, or Wllke.s-Ilane. At tho lake the Weslou and f'tooks Maihlnes wtie sun aiound the load that sklits the lake to establlhb a up end .Mt. Weston handled bib own ina i 111 lie iuid Mi. Tu kail thu Uiook'a ineti. Daih cniihd ubo pas-seugei. The Wetiou iii.uhlno met with an at -eldent ut the bilclge vvhlih eiossts tho dam and had to dinp out of the ince. The Hi ook's mat hint' made Hie louud ol the lake In ! mlnuies ami IT hPeunds. The dlstanci' Is a little mine ihan four lllllt.s I At the Speedway the Wosioii and liiouk's mac hints laced tluee heats, a half mile Mialghtway and the WcMou m.ithlue won all nt Hum. One ot the e.v llmlei.s nf the Hiuoks inaclilne was out nf indei. l.uiri eatb of the ina tlilues vvtnt a half mile against time. The Weston machine established u tee oid of tifi'i and the Hiook's innehlun J, 02, i: O. f'onnoi and Philip itlnsluud sent thi'lr iii.ifhlnes aiound th" half mile ti.ii'K and Connor won in 1.07. W II nice's niiitoii'tte and Ml. Cole's mo bile weie ulco i.iced a h lit inllei and Hi it nice nun blue won The lute was nut timed. Theie weie n nuinlici- of other liiipiumptu laces and altogetliei a er eiljnvablo aiti i noon was (.pent. A big tiowtl Wltnecseil (hn l.ue.s Floiey ,v llinuks in tho inteitst of tho lioii-e nml uuttiiipihllo nwueis huvo opened ii tialulllg hilliiol foi boi.soH that Is fiee of thaigc. Anv man who owns a house that Is afiald of automobiles tan take lllm to Flniey ,. Piouks nnd they will nip an .mho out uu the stieet and give the hiii.-e uu uppoi tun ny of getting at qualnted with his ilval. DIED IN HARRISBURG. Injuties of 10-Yeav-Old Fiank Hills Piove ratal, Ftnnk llllltf. the 10-)e.it-old sun of Jacob V, Hills, of :M Spiueo .stieet, died jtateulay ul the home uf bis griindputents In lliuilsbiug Hum blood poisoning, le.siiltiug liom a se ven' gash tetelved on thu head in this city some weeks ago. The bo was plavlng on the stieet, and was tripped by a companion. He tell on the sidewalk, cutting his head badly. He will be hut led lu Hanis buig tomortow meaning at D u3clock. REPENTANCE IS THE KEY NOTE THE GREAT BEGINNING WORD, SAID DR. LANSING. No Plan of Hum.au Salvation Can Be Successful Which Does Not Stmt with Repentance, He De elated When n. Man Repents He Makes It Easier for Otheis to Do Likewise Bell ficni tho Japanese Temple Rung for the Fiist Time Yesteulay Morning. Itev. Dr. Isuao ,T. J.uiislng, pastor of the Oieen ltltlgp Piosbyletlaii chinch, pleached ono ot his chiiiacleilstlfnlly logical and earnest soimons last night befoie a huge eongtegatlon. HIk topic wast "God's Flist Wind," and he bastd hit) leinaiks on Jlatt., iv.17. "Fi om nia t time Jesus begun to ptcitib, and lo pay, tiopont, tor the kingdom of heaven Is at hand." In beginning his senium Dr. Lans ing ftptiko of the old dispensation mid tho new and said that as fur as the Seilplures tup concerned there Is it pel tod ot 200 or 300 yeats between the two ubout which theie Is a .singular silence. H was to bu expected, be .ald, that some loyal vvoid would Inttoduee the new dispensation, and that was true, for the lltst wouls lo bleak the silence weie those of the text: "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven Is at hand." "Tho kingdom of heaven bad a dlf feient meaning to the people ot that age than it had to us," hp said. "To them it was connected with a eiown and .sceptic, with power and might; an otganlzatlon In the social oidei de signed, to dlslilbitte benevolence lo those living under Its llghteous l tile. To them the kingdom of heaven meant the same as the Ilei odenn kingdom. They did not undei stand the Individuality of the kingdom. A Mechanical Kingdom. "The dlselples weie Imbued with this same Idea until alter the ipsui lpction of Cluist. Their Idea of the kingdom was the idea ot a mechanical foteuiul kingdom. They did not leal le at Hist that Cluist had biougbt an individual kingdom to be gained by individual iepcnt.uu e, and by that alone; an Individual kingdom and an individual lecognltlon of It to be fol lowed In time by the unlveisal lelgn of llghteousiipss. ' Jesus knew what evciv piactlial man knows that oveiy human being must lopeiit anil be cured of his sn befoie he tan become light with God. " Anv scheme ot human salva tion that doe not begin wlib lepent ani e is bound to full Hat The lhst thing, the essential thing, the all-lni-poitnnt thing, is to iliaw awav fioin sin and toward God In a spliit uf obed ience. Repentance is the gieat beginning wind. "When a man tinlv 1, penis he stops bis sin, oi God and be stop it together. 1 wonder how many of us have a ileal view as to what sin is. Our ideas on tills subject aie often confused. AVe aie inclined tn consider tho luvolun taiv v, longs we do as sins and poi haps they aie, but the sin that bilugs condemnation Is the sin of tholce, ihe sin ot intent. "Hverv man who lepents mikes it easier lor eveiy otliei man to do the same. If In this community In which we live seventy-live out of eveiy hun dred pel sons weie light with God, how easy It would be to bting the oth er twenty-five to Cluist. They would come because of the loiee of public sentiment. How strange It is that llien who affect lo love their fel low -men should hesitate lot a moment about giving themselves up to Cluist br cause bv so doing they tan be of .jitator help to those about them than in any olhoi way. Piomises Not Tlueats. "The laws of God aie enfoued not by tlueats but by piomises. 'The Llug-H doni of God is at hand.' Sometimes in iho hlsloiy of the chinch the tlueats have outweighed the piomises, and sometimes the piomises lnae out weighed the tlueats, it Is ntcessaiy that theie .should be some of both, but I am sine that theie aie a piepondei ance of piomises. We aie told to do eel tain things and aie assiued tlmt If we do them we will niche a benefit ilieiefioni. It Is, geneially speaking, the spllll ot the gosptls to offer bene llts for things done for God's cause. "The kingdom of God Is lufiultelv giaceful and benelletnt. God's laws ate as benedictions, full ol blessings and of help, Oh, but ou say, ihc.v lestiain nie. Theio is no lcsiialnt about the gospel ot Cluist that Is not a saving benefit. "If the kingdom of God weie piesent In this city In all Its fullness how in conceivable iieun eveiy standpoint would be the ditteienci' In condition". If this city by the Individual ituiseiu of lis cltleus wete under tlie kingdom of God the Joys lo be epeilented hole would appinslinate thu Juvs nf beaveii it-solt." llotoie' t3toldny morning's .senlte the big bell vvhlih Ik 11. Stuiges ie eentlv In ought 1 1 oiu Kioto, Japan, and piesonted to the thuiili, was ning lor the llrst time. This bull, until seemed by Mr. Stuiges had hung' lu a lluddhlst temple at Kioto lor 200 eurs and mote, and was put Plumed only with guut dlflleully. 'ihe lluddhlst pilosis weio at Hi st eUieiuoly loalbe to pal t with It, itMilug that It might be an otfenso In the P,ves of Iltuldha to have it used fur nny other puiposo limn that uf i.illlli,;- v oi. shippers of that god to a temple eiettod In hs honor. When It was oxpkilunl in them that with the pun huso pilco they uiuld buy a linger nnd boiler bell theli sciu plcs vanished and Mr. Stuiges seiuiPd possession. GODFREY MAKES S50.000. Has Disposed of His New Yoik Piop eity to Good Advantage. The southeast toiuci of Sevi'litll ave lino and Foity-nlnth stieet, tumpilslng a plot 100x100 feet, vv.is sold itconily h Ml. Godfity, a 1'Ittslniit; and Seiaiiton bottl piopiietor, tor sJsOO0O Tlie plot Is loyeicd l old one mid two.siui) name buildings and two font -stoiy blown stone bouses It was bought lust winter fioin Thomas li Hidden b Mi Godlicy mr S.MO.OQO, tho latter, In conjunction wltli another capitalist Intending to eictt a liiXi.tiOO uiue-stoiy hotel on the Flte. Plans weie piepaied foi tbo hotel last spilng, but the capitalist died leeently, and so Mr. Oodfrey abandoned his hotel scheme and sold thu site, making JSO.OOO pi out. New Yoik Journal I pi Fine English !c ii tu.ir e'ertr turil tn hiur is much in demand and nothing but long experience in China ware buying will lit one to get the freshest ollerings at a satis factory price a price that will permit your getting them reas onably. We have Itad the necessary experience. You mny phooe fioin a collection ot ImpoitPis' .samples; It In clildes - Dinner Plates (From two celebrated mak- -Dolton and Poinlon.) Walk In nntl What's the Use of Keeping Money Better Begin a Savings Account with the Third National Bank, J IS Wyoming Ave., Scraaton, Pa. Where You Will Receive 3 Per Cent. Interest, Whether Your Account Is Large or Small. Ol'H.V SATFRDAV i rv r 5? W A SILI tuai dK.il i, Vdyc . K"PT?RT.V UnvUTB fi mifSGuoi H t ol t loth at the iniiious Anuilrnti AVooIen Mills, In Xnvtol, Monto SZ rf t'ailo, seiiil-littiug link. siImi, will lailoietl and piopeily Ci no C2 0H. lilinined. A mm clous miIiik .u 'I'i'O J WALKING SKIRTS JI tfU. with the uivv sit stains, full Hue full lailor stitched, eoided, etc. S M All the d'-slialile f hides sklit win th $( A m.ii vellnus v line KA Qft 0 LADIES' CAPES j pZ AV'ell l.iiloitd. lull still in il unions linjuhs and evtl.i svvein CA OR ISv? S All tolois A maivi'llous il in, at pt.5'0 F K FINE FUR SCARFS ffjj JJJ Choice Oppossiinis, Xew Slilpe Cluster Tails, eti.i full. A (C no Jc inai vellous value at pr.yo g m nrrrt nr ATTrrrn oatxi . -S V.W..V 0 has sin link t onsldoiahh with the jW a hundied palls kit ill it vt I W l. If i.u .-. ,. l.lt.. m in .i, L in rl.. m i .i.v-. ,ri .. tun- vi h"-' "snui m t'r, nm I,.. in. ...Iiiiu iM. SPECIAL PLAID DRESS GOODS 2 JJ? Molit Is telling In Ihls depai tnient. 'I hue's no duplicate to our stock 0 5 in this eil and values .no he.vond coiiipai hon. '6 COLORED CASHMERES J? if All the gonil shades. A ipialltv never sold midei "1 cents Spo- rin 5? ihll pi Ilu , 1VC J Jr 46-IN. WHIP CORD SUITINGS Slllght full shades, cmi.i llnlsli Xot beat nnvwheip In tpiality or cfli- iTH i ojoi lango at T" tents. Spulal pi ho Olfu p M 5G-INCH SKIRTINGS gS W Poslllvelv llio host $100 goods ohtiiln ible Special pi ice 75c M 1 ilcConnell & Co. 5f 1 lie Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Laelioviflnnn Ave. 2 X J0KS!!00!J0B1!JS!JBS:!XKJ!KX!S SI Will Buy the Up.st Stiff Bosom Garner's Percale SHIRT In Nent Patterns That Skill and Experience Can Produce AT CONRAD'S Look ut the New Patterns Received This Week. 305 LACICA AVENUE. A SCRANT0N CLUB. Local Students at Cornell Have Fouuetl an Oigaulzatiou. Theio me to maii.v Scrautim students ut I'oinell unlveisltj that they have oigauUed a Kuuntoii club, ilcslgiied to riii.iiuni. ii liHtu.1' tei'llntr of fi ii'liilsliln t.. ......- .. .-.. -.... -. -. ............ among ihe inenibeis and to give prac-1 llCUI suggeiiuiis in piuiiciiin iiie'i'anug to iiiatrleiilate. The ofllieis elccletl for the coining yem ate us IoIIowm Piesldcnt, .1. I), Hull, vlep-pu'sldont. it. I). I.lddle; trtasuitr. T. P.. Williams; seuetaij, J. II. Kelly. Tlie stutlciits leslstcicd ut Painted China hnnl fnr lis! (.isv fnr vnll. It 65c $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 up to $8.50 Also Some ODD BOUILLON CUPS look around. In your house and running tlie risk of being robbed ? KVIAMNGS 7 :30 TO S:flO. cw- . I? and Fur Scarf Sale P. BO A A 5 X wm&m.s ! t. ,, piesent mid snap, but theio Ji many .1 'Ml.. II,,-. ...I.. il.l.. .. .... ... 1WlA ... . 'vj, nitj r.iii. Trunin lip LU 1- W. " ii the unhei.sliy fioin this illy an: a iolluws- J U Hull H Jennings.. J, P. Metis, U. li Ituss, Ji , AV. I,. Acker, . C Hlinwdeli, T. It AYIIIkinis, U. . liaidlnti, j: H Kind, .1 T Thomas, J it Kelly. .1 l- Kelly. 1! V. Poallum li M. Ta.voi. l! W. Lewis, p. U. p.. wood, It. 1) l.hldle and AV H. Sciantun See the Cut Han. KlTetllvo and attiacilve' half-tones and lino mts lui card, advettlslns or any oilier pm pose, can bo seemed at Tho Tilbuno oillte. We do work that Is unexcelled, do it piomptly and at lowest lines. A tilal oulsr will con vince jou. 00 0