The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 10, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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' . ..:..-..
The News of Ca bondale
Frank Gordon, Aged 14, of l'owdeiiy
Bond, in r Critical Condition Since
Satuiday, as the Consequence of
the Fall of Thirty-five Feet.
Frank (iordon, tigrd II years, whose
homo l.x on Powdeily roud, Is In a dun
serous condition, the consequence of u
rail fi'oin u trestle on hjuturdny. Up
was severely , Injured Internally, ami
since the happening litis suffered weak
ening losses of blood through hemor
rhage. of (he stuiniit-h and head, There
Ik no telling, u( thlM lime, what (lie
Ultimate result will l)f.
Tlio accident happened about noon on
Saturday. Cionloli was on the trestle
lending to (lie Powdetiy chutes, In coni
))any with several playmates. Just how
the lad fell haw not been positively de
termined, an there are cot 1 1 rail In lory
stories of the' happening. Some say
that he was engaged In a friendly bout
with a companion, who nocldt'iitully
pushed him. Another story hi that the
boy wax picking: caul, and losing his
halauee tumbled oil'.
The distance to the ground Is fully
thlrty-IHe feet, f Jordan was imeon-
selotH when reached, lie wan carried
to bis home, whither Dr. .1. A. Kelly
t wa.1- burrledly cidled, as ther" were
I fears that lite lad won dying, lie was
j vomiting blood, and there was also an
Issue from his ears.
Dr. Kelly met in consultation with
I Dr. XV. Ft. Dixon and Dr. .1. .1. Thomp
son. While no posltlW" diagnosis was
made, the Indications wt re that th-jrc
. was a rupture or some character In the
head. Ihomrh theie ate no uhvslcnl
j.ln.ys the sunn- .-ii.-tsy In ,11-nlriiglng Hiu , s, (jf lljui.v yfi,.(iy iR. patient
initios ppitnhiiun ! it Unit he has shown " , .-.,,, '.. . ...
in Hi- canvass Ji.m etul-d tills .listrie.. j ?"" '- '"' ""i" .".. .
..u!it to he (lie I., .i.r lor his s-rvlee hi. ' ")l ,Jllt " dunser. lie regained con
Hiirrlshiitg. ; silmssness alter being temoved to his
Tlt'e Jt-'i'iVitillciti cunllilntp eantiol dls- : home and he has not since lost posses
it.litii (hln subject l. hut. t eiinvcln:r to his Mull of ills svnss. There Is danger,
Srond-MindsSf Acceptance of Defeat
by Hon. P. A. Philbtn Fays n
Warm Tribute to His Successful
Opponent, Hon. V, J. White.
The deep-seated admiration which Is
cherished thiougliout this district for
Tlon. 1 A. Phllbln a feeling that pre
vails both among Itepubllcans anil
Democrats Is t.ertiiln to glow after
rending the hroad-tithided editorial In
Mr. I'hllbln's paper, the Arehbtild Citi
zen, of Saturday.
It Is somewhat refreshing to see u
candidate show stub a generous spirit,
in accepting defeat as does Mr. Phllbln.
and to pay such a warm-hearted trib
ute, an Ills, to a smcessfllt opponent.
Those who know Mr. Phllbln. however,
will say that the following Is cliiiriulei
Isilc of his honest, generous nature.
Tim editorial reads:
Hall and Farewell.
(iieetlnys to the new member of the us.
HMtnhly ftom the Font tit illstrlcl-llie llon-
oiahle r. J. While Mr. White was
among those who pi allied by (he aa-
luttche which overlook ill" ISeptibllenn
party In I Icuwiuitm lonnty last Tttcs-
d-iy. lile tram tills, however, lie niinlo
lin'excolletll light, lie i ondiiulei! a cleiill
ruiil manly riitiv.'is- and no one Is belli i
elitlttcd to the n'llce If It should corno I'S
n resull of lined aid climes' work, "lie
of th? ihl"i' coiir.olallons o,' tlie ltepnbh-
ciitt ar.dldate. the pi t representative.
V.lio Is the collar ol till paper. U"S In Ihi.'
kliiiv.lcihv ll-iil Ids rr.c tmr i an Arni-b-ild
nam of i ecu seluilitrb iiti-ilimicnlK
an are .ha--;.-:' -il by Mr. V.'lilK. Th.s
nilliir of lh" I'it'Zra vvls'i-s lihn success
upon his i'iiirai'1 i'.to ofilee, If he dls-
Free Distribution
Dr. David
and are unfamiliar with Its mollis, ariangcmcnts have been nntdo for a I'MtKM
IJISTHIHb'TION ot SAMl'1,15 HOTTbUS, from tlio drug stores of this city. Ask
your druggist ror a IMtun P.OTTIiK and convince yourself of (lie wonderful vatue
of thl.! great euro for
Kidney Disease, Female Weakness
ami the other conditions for which It Is recommended, and for which It has been
used Willi such success In this Ideality.
fintnples free al the following drug Mores: Wllllum H, MiiUnrruli, J, II. Phelps,
S. It. Ilenwood & Co., Matthews Utos.
nr.d olsewhe
filerdn la (lie il,.;l-li
sin. -el- tlnial.i for tli- atliulr.ible mt.nucr
111 v.MiIch lii'y Mii"nri"il liiui at the el. c
lien dittin:.' the cunpnltin whlcli led up to
it. lie tuny h ,.iidi,iied for tile pleasure
he feein h) ivcalliav his ,'wience al tlc
lri.'t senlan. lie lias tiolliiuv; lo regret
anil lutlila lo toidn. Hi; did win. t hj
thoii;;ht at thai Hire, a. id what he still
thinks, was le-t. lie l willing to be
lieve that a majority of his party ami a
very cicisidoruM" portion of the people of
.Ills dhitllct thincTht so loo. Had they
thought iithpi-nlse lie would have
however, nf complications and It will
not be know n fur four or live days what
Hie late uf the boy may be.
! Twenty-five Deaths in Cnrbondale
j During- October.
I The report of vital statistics of Sec
retary I'.nssell Shepherd, of the hoard
of health, presented lo the board al
been 'in tueetlnir 1'ridav nliihi. show a hiirh
over the
seven over
year. The
. snowed iniii.i' ny a min'ii latger major- moitalllv
,,'..:' . "ll ,;' . ' ;J,,.V': . ..:". inonth oi October
HI,' i-'l'lIIM,.l .1 il' , tM.llltl.l tl I" 'J it'ty ' OV'l . V
plurality of :!. Ihi lie was a very !ne!s I u- I
' puhlioaii who esc. lied with so small a
minority as two hundred. There Is cotil
lon in that, cola comfort, porhaiK but It
is consoling just the satin. There Is nolli
ing so bad us If il were worse and there
are a few who fared watse ilinn the ed
itor of the Citizen.
' Another rental c of the election which Is
gratifying to Hie editor Is the vole he re
teived in Ills own '(own old Arehbald '
that has always hotwired him wllii its
eonlidence. To have ben ten such a stal
wart Democrat as Professor While, in a
. Democratic stronghold, was tli nexi best
tiling to winning the To Hiu
people of this town Hi" IMilor Is vei y
Kialeful. lie Is not v.ilu enough to loo!:
'upon his vote as a pelsoiml tribute in any
rinses bat ml her at an evidence of I heir
ippieciatinn of Ids eiVorls to give them a
lhst-elas.s newspaper and since he eoi,-,
blned, as Hew llioinrlit. ability to do thai
villi a lltuesv, ;is lie Imagined, lo repie
eenl them as a l.iw-maker, they tried lo
'continue him hi both cnpticltlt-x. A m.i
,1i)ilty of the ioole of ilu- 1'oui'lh dlstriei
decided otherwise, however, and lie can
ln nothing hut submit lo llc-ir imperious
The JMItor mav come out of Id- slatl
rigaln hut, ic Uipllug"tliat's an
other story." Meanwhile, lie will attend
strictly to iMi-.'liic:'.''. lie will devote Ids
' time lo the dl--s.iiili'.'iloi: of useful knowl
fdge among the p-onle through the iol
liinni; of the rill.. ;i. the price of which,
, notwithstanding the vnlo.tlilr- cxperlpin-j
Of the editor. ill leninin lor the present,
at one dollar p-r eic .
in litis city for Hie
I'weniy-llve deaths
I'hls Is an Increase of lie
month of September, and
the month of October lift
deaths were divided among
the wards as follows: First, 7; Sec
ond. ::; Third, :!; Fourth, S; Fifth.
::; sixth. ::.
The rest of the report is as follows:
Causes of deaths.: Whooping cough. ";
tuberculosis pulinonllls, 1: chronic
bronchitis.".: pneumonia, 1; stillborn.
Il: marasmus, l: valvular disease of
heart, I: diphtheria (ctoup), 1: rail
road accident, 1: bronchitis, 1; ty
phoid fever, 1; mural disease, 1; tu-
! brcu!osis, 1; meningitis, 1; cnnvul
j Klaus. -: fatty degeneration of the
heart, 1: nieinbrantoiis croup, 1: enti
ce: of liver. 1: ettleto colitis, I: phthis
ic 1: pyelitis suppression urine, 1;
heart failure superinduced by alcohol
ism, 1.
Four bodies ei- brought into the
city and one taken out of the city for
interment. Interments in the city
were as follows: St. llose cemetery,
2: Maplewood, e; Itrookslsile, 1: to
tal, S. Contagious diseases were re
ported as follows: First ward, mem
braneous croup, 1: diphtheria, 2. Sec
ond ward, diphtheria, 1. Fifth ward,
diphtheria, L
of six nuisances reported to (lie san
itary olllcer, three were abated and
three aie underway. Three dead ani
mals were buried by the street de
partment daring the mouth.
the rare display of these brightly color
ed flowers, which came from the con
servatory of Hon. II. K. Hendrlck. and
was Immensely pleased with the musi
cal etUcrlahimcnt and the social diver
sions of the evening. Thp ladles are
deeply grateful for the generous re
sponse of (he public.
Neither Side Scored in the Maple
City-Anthracite Contest.
The newly organized Anthracite foot
ball team went, ftom this city to Hones
dale on Saturday and In n gatne with
the criickorjnck (?) eleven of Mlllcr
vllle, with but one good practice, took
al? Hie honors of the contest.
The Anthracites did not come back
with a victory, fur neither Mde scored,
but they came back satlstled' that they
had by far the best of the day. With
one week's faithful practice the Hones
dale eleven would meet the fate of a
section of mince pie set before a hungry
newsboy. Perhaps thoy will get an op
portunity to prove this, this very week,
as arrangements are under way for a
game In this city on Thur.sdn.
rtt the two tlfteen-mlnule halves, the
ball was near the Cnrbondale line but
once. Hvett then It wan not a heart
breaking moment by any means. Dur
ing the rest of the play, Cnrbondale
kept the ball in Honusuale territory,
and at one time was within an ace of a
The Anthracites had miserable luck
In handling; the ball, fumbles crowding
each other. The lack of practice was
wholly responsible. Some of the Car
bondale players had not even played in
practice and they were not onto the
signals. Iladglns, the star of the In
dians, was one of these, as it was only
Saturday morning that It was decided
he must substitute for Roche, who was
unable to go.
The comparatively poor showing that
alone. Mr. Lister, It will bo recalled,
used to take n. 50-mlle walk on each
birthday In recent years. "While In
good health for ono of his age, his
condition will not permit of his observ
ing his custom, and for the past few
years he has hud to content himself
with remaining quietly at home. The
sympathy of Mr. td.Hter'a numerous
Cnrbondale friends goes out lo him In
his loneliness.
THE AUTHOR OF. "1402."
Hice's "Show Girl'" Is From the Same
Pen At the Grand Tuesday.
When It Is announced that the au
thor of "1492" is the same man who
has written "The Sltow Girl," Carbon
dale theater-goers can appreciate the
worth of the piece that will bo at the
Grand on Tuesday night. Henry A.
Parrel, the author, also wrote "Jack
and the Beanstalk" and "Miss Simplic
ity," in which Frank Daniels made
such a success last season.
"The Show Girl" Is under the man
agement, of K 10. nice, -who also direct
ed "119." The latter piece was the
best musical extravaganza ever heard
In Cnrbondale, and as "The Show Girl"
is said to express the same excellence,
a splendid performance may be expect
ed. The traveling manager of the com
pany is Frank F. Holmes, who had
charge of the comic opera company
last season. The sale ot seats Is now
open at Ileynoldsr Drug store.
Saturday's Fire.
Tlie old postotllce building on Park
place, owned by the O'Connell estate,
which the fire (lend touches a couple
of times a. year, was the scone of a
lively blaze for a half hour shortly af
ter noon on Saturday.
The lire started in the boiler room of
the dye shoo of Mulholland & Allen.
Ilonesdale made, having hud abundant and caused about one hundred dollars
practice, Is an indication that the can- damage before It was subdued. Both
mi:ii. mi- nut 111 me ium iuiil uini , 1 !! companies Hooded the building
with water and confined the blane to
Germar.ia Society Honors Its Treas
urer On Birthday Anniversary.
A wholly t:nt'.p'-i t"d detnonstiatlon
of the good-will nun tondt-r regard of
'Ills iVllow-nieluhciT of the Ceniianla
Singing soeblv, was given Carl itot-
blger, of i-'uiuli Wyoming stieet, nian
, tigir of the Kraut:: brewery of the
JVniiM.viv.iuht tVuiral IJrcwing eoui
. pany. Tlie m ca.-!ou w,,s h bh thilay
annivir.-ary o:i Thursday 1: si.
In lite evening. two-M-ote of Ihe
. Gu'ir.iuia in-mlieis assembled at the
P.oeslver ivslilun c. President l.ouis
liiumier in. ml, i tiu- Jolly delegation.
The sitrprl.'i! of tne ivuilug was the
lirenentntloii lo .Mr. Uotslger by 'il-
dent nrtiunir of a li.tudsoii.e (riate offers 10 the
ed ebony cane, n reiiiem- '
liviance of the society for .'dr. liocMger
10 eiiensii, ine tenner leejing which J Hie silk mills. II Is close
me nii 1 11 iiumiu'ii was voiced 111 nu't.iiio ami Western road,
vuiuvsL uuie i-pet-cii iiy .vir, uruiiurr.
Mr. lioislger replied us well as he
could iiiniir the circumstance, but was
so overcome by Hie demonstration of
hi,- associates thai he uiiild Hiirivly
loon; than inuiiiiur Ills acceptance, The
invasion was t lie iiie,in of more llrmly
uniting the tits of good-fellowship
Whlc.ll unite .Mr. Itoeslger with the (le
llinnlu society In their social lelatloiis.
After the presentation, there was a
renewal of the hearty social enjoyments
of the evening, which weiv followed lu
ll luncheon,
Cottage Prayer Meeting Tuesday.
A Cottage praytr meeting under the
auspices of the deacons, of the Hereau
Paptlst church will he hld Tuesday
evening at the resldmee of D. M, Davis,
171 South Terrace street,
A Well Run place.
At a children's home In Fort Wayne,
Intl., they have entirely abandoned cof.
fee bee-aits? of the bad effect of it.
Mrs. M, fi, tiorsllne. who is the ma
tron, is mectlnt; wilh grand success,
She was compelled font- years ago lo
discontinue the use of coffee and nftu
making several experiments concluded
that Posttun filled the bill and has used
it ever since.
She has charge of n family of chIN
dren numbering from 23 to au and
writes- us: "I give Postum Food cof
fee Ireely, using- no coffee at all. The
children ure always well; we have had
no ulcknesa for two yearn, except such
'fas they contract at school like whoop
Insr cough, measles, etc. No bilious at
tacks, no fevers, no okln diseases, The
children are all plump and in good
Condition. Clear complexions, no sal
low or muddy looking faces, such us
fesult from the use of coffee. "Wo al
(vyaya rnuk? J'ostum strictly according
to directions and It gives pleasure and
Jjealth to all."
Couti actor John Smith Grants a Xot
on Upper Belmont Street.
That there Is a spirit of willing co
opciation among C.trboltdnliuns In the
mailer of Hi- leather factory which
Isaac Singer and his brother. Attorney
Henry H. Singer, of New York city, are
endeavoring to bring to this city. Is
indicated by the offer of Contractor
John Smith, of Spring street, to give a
trie sUe to the Industry.
The land Is located on 1'pper Hel
uiout street, and Is owned by the heirs
of the late Jacob Smith, of which Con-
iracior Smith Is administrator. The
New York con
cern an acre plot in the vicinity of the
Fell Urewlng company's new plant and
to the On
witlch will
give Hie ioiiil,slie railroad facilities.
Tliete is a good water service and the
itrolley Hue passes the site. Altogether
It Is a desirable spol, and the olfer of
it free will me-i with the proposition
from the Massachusetts, town, which
the leather company Is considering.
Tills olfer Increases the hope of the
Mes-rs. Singer or dliecilug the factory
Carboudttle wa'y.
There Is a strange apathy here when
ft movement Is on to bring a factory
or any new luduslry to Carhondule.
We seem always to be bemoaning the
absence, of factories, hut when there
Is mi oppo'.luully of landing ope iheio
Is up unusual lack of Interest,
The latest enterprise seeking admis
sion o Cirboudnle to thus suffer is
the slilri-nutklng firm of llalpln K
Alperln, who sought In ostubllsh a
factory here, to relieve-ihe big one In
Scraiiton, which Is crowded with or
ders, There has not only been little
co-operation but ob-itacles have been
placed in the path of negotiations
which are likely to cause the llrm to
withdraw ami seek u place elsewhere.
The morels the pliy,
Iidy Workers' Cake Sale,
The Youtitf l.ady Workers of tlie
First Alethodlst i-hiiroh will hold thilr
annual ctiku sale on the day preceding
A Case of Diphtheria.
J. llunyon. of m:i Helmont slivel.
has bean reported to the bo.itd of
health as buffering from diphtheria. Ie
is tweiuy-roui yeurs of age
Chrysanthemum Social Great Success
One of the must siicceshtul enterprises
under the pationnge or the Ladles' Aid
ot the Qerean Uaptlst church was the
chrysanthemum social of Frlduy night.
Noarly -)0i) tickets were bold. The at
tendance crowded the Sunday school
rooms and the ladies were kept busy
serving refreshments and selling the
beautiful chrysanthemum. Kyery
body who attended was delighted with
Farmers Will Go on Strike if Asked
to Have Them as Boarders.
Mr. Mine Mule can make up his mind
that lie cannot play any more in the
town lots of Welsh Hill, Glkdale or
Clifford. When he went out there this
summer, during the strike, he seemed
to have forgotten how to eat grass: his
long stay underground weaned him
front nibbling the green whiskers ot the
earth and lie couldn't be coaxed to cut
any lawns with his teeth. On the con
trary, he gave evidences of his early
training by making for trees, fences,
He-posts, or anything that looked like
a mine prop, a sprog or a piece of crib
bing. Kven heifers were preferred lo
the tall grass of Susquehanna. These
vagaries of Mr. Mine Mule were not
hankered utter bv the farmers who
boarded the frisky animals, and there
will be a strike among our rural friends
before they will consent to act as host
of any more mules from the mines. The
Montrose Republican expresses the feel
ing of indignation that is rampant over
the village cut-up tricks or the mules
who rusticated In Susquehanna, county
lust summer. Says the Republican:
"Xo people outside the striking
miners are gladder to sec- the strike
settled than are those who pastured
mine mules for the companies in Hie
vicinity of Welsh Hill, Klkdale and Clif
ford. The nntlen destroyed the trees by
eating tlio bark as high as they could
reauli. knocked down stone walls, ate
fence posts In such a manner as to al
low the wire on the barb wire fences to
fall, destroyed crops and even killed
domestic animals, besides making them
selves general nuisances. While the
price paid for keeping them was fair.
It isl doubtful ir any who have kept
them this summer could be hired to do
so again,"
Onee more, alas! for the mine mule.
Swiftwinds Beaten.
The Swlttwlnds went to Duumore tuul
were beaten by a heavier team from
that borough. The score was close, r,-0.
it was u good gamo throughout, A few
bad fumbles prevented the Swiftwinds
from scoring. Dick Monahan, of the
Swiftwinds, played a star game.
John Misko Released.
John MIsko, who was arrested at Jer
myii on Saturday, on the charge or
having murdered a man at Pottstown,
has been released. Investigation on the
part of Detective Connors revealed the
fact that he was not the John MIsko
wanted for the Poitsiown murder,
Death of n Former Resident.
Mrs. Lister, wife of Thomas K, Lis
ter, a former ,well known Ciirboiidalu
resldeni, died at her home In Thomp
son last week, Mr, Lister, who has
passed his eighty-fifth year, is now all
the rear. The loss to Mulholland &
Allen is covered by insurance, as well
as the loss on the building.
?? vuiiiiiMiy
allace i
Scranton's Shopping; Center
Thf ctmv tlmf enrvpa unit hncf I
today is the store that expects to
serve you in the future. It can't
afford to'sell a poor thing.
If you come to Connol ly & Wal
lace's once you will come again.
And that is perhaps the great
est test of a store does it hold its
customers ?
SS Small Furs
Olle lllinrirnrl sitirl fiftv r1iffrnK Rru1rs
jg of boas it's likely you'll not find half
jj that number in all the other stores iu
Sj Scrantou.
We're never content with what the
gjj makers show us there's some little
change or other that would improve the
Q looks or make the fur more comfortable.
We suggest these changes have them
made for us alone, and that's one reason
5 why we do most of the fur business in
Jfn town.
Book Club's Evening.
The TJ-to-Date Book club had a de
lightful evening Friday niglit tit the
home of Miss Isabelle Yarrlngton as
the guests of Misses Yarrlngton and
rout-night. A feature of the evening
was the guessing contest. Miss Martha
Singer won the prize which was be
stowed on the one who guessed the
largest number of books represented by
pictures hung about the room. The
trophy was a handsomely bound vol
ume. -An appetizing luncheon was
Who Took the Chrysanthemums P
There was a case reported yesterday
of someone carrying off a number of
chrysanthemums from a wall in front of
a Canaan street property. It might bo
suggested, If the search be fruitless,
that the llowers might come home
themselves, as did Megaphone, the
Press club's mascot, who was lost for
several hours on Friday.
In Memory of Mrs. Coffey.
A high mass of requiem In memory
of Mrs. Elizabeth Cortey, lately de
ceased, mother of Very Rev. T. F.
Coffey, V. fi -will be offered in St.
Hose church, Saturday morning, at 7,"0
It would be a waste of space to tell
women the advantages of the union suit
they know how it does away with the
folds at the waist, how it gives perfect
freedom, and how it distributes the strain
so that you don't feel it anywhere.
But perhaps, you don't know that we
have made a great effort this year to get
au unusual variety of these garments.
The variety is not only in the kinds of
material and in the price, but in the large
range of sizes and a union suit must
fit or you will soon become disgusted
with it. 50c to $6.o a suit.
Domet Flaooe
A Remarkable g
Jacket for Women
A cheviot jacket lined throughout with
satin, well tailored, with velvet collar and
cuffs; 26 inches long, $10,
And we've had some, not so good, tor
But there are not many only fifty.
If you want the best coat $10,00 ever
bought, this is that coat.
In the Baby Department are all sorts
of warm coats for very little people.
Long white coats far wee babies, $2 to
$17.50, made ot Bedford cord, cashmere
and silk, and lined with soft wadding
just the things that babies would choose
for themselves if they coiiid.
Short coats in 2, 3 and 4 year sizes.
Some of them dainty white, pink and
blue, coats of silk, Bedford cord and
cashmere, $2 to $10.
Others for sturdier wear red, blue,
tan. green; mostly box coats, with or
without capes, $4 to $ 10.
A few aristocrats of velvet and silk,
with collars of lace and batiste, $4.50
to $11.
There couldn't be a better place to get
pretty winter things for the babies.
Miss Katheryu J.lttlo spent the Sab
bath with friends In Scrantou.
Mrs, l.eroy llollcuback Is home, after
an extended visit in South Dakota.
now Dr. II. .1. AVhalen delivered an
address in Peckvllle, Friday evening.
Vincent C. Manners, manager of the
I'eoplu's shoe store, Is in New Yotk city.
Funeral Director .Martin liutler, ot
Arehbald, was a Carbondnlo visitor yes
terday, John Meruit, of like street, Is con
fined to his homo by 1111 accident sus
tained while tit work In the mines.
Arthur l.loyd, who was Injured In the
runaway on Canaan road lust wool;, bus
been discharged from Kmergeney hos
Dltal. .1. AV. (Iriiut, P. F. Fo.v and dames
Burke witnessed the production of "im
prudence" at the Lyceum theatre,
Scrattton, Saturday nisht,
Albert Itutherford returns today to
resume his studies In the law school of
the I'ulver.slty of Pennsylvania, after a
few days' visit at his home in this city.
Miss Uello Miillaney, of West .Scran
ton, spent Sunday with lion. P. K, Tim
lin and Mrs, Timlin nt the Harrison.
Miss Mullunoy Is a sister of Mrs. Tim
lin. itptaln Thomas Murphy, who until a
few months iiko the local representa
tive of the International Correspond
ence schools, wiis In Carhonditld over
.Misses Katheryu and Annie Moim
haii enjoyed William Favrrshaut mid
(it til 111) n v (11 1 lit iii'iihiimt 11 1 Inn itf i f
Thai is the result of a course j prudence." at the Lyceum, In .Scrantou,
haturduv nisht.
Herbert Mlttan ami Thurston Kvarts,
of Lake Ariel, having frocured work iu
the Delaware and Hudson car shop in
Cnrbondale, have removed lo that city.
ilonesdale Citizen.
Mrs. F. C. Mtipit and daughter, lto
limine, are spending a few days In New
York, The nip is taken principally to
jfe Longer and larger across the chest
fjjj than the usual 50c night shirt, better
5 material and better stitched and finished.
J5 Take it home to your wife or rnother,
5 she'll soon see the difference.
2 The maker threw up his hands when
we told him all the things we wanted
2 changed, but the larger order brought
ffj'him around.
g Not enough to last through the win-
SJ ter and we can't get more at this price,
The winter stock is most extensive 0
and complete for men, women and chil- 55
dren. '
The underwear is made to fit largely S
made to our order upon tested patterns CJ
by good makers.
Fi:: your own price and we will give tJJ
you the best the money can purchase, or S)J
select your quality and you may be sure Jr
the price is right. fi
I Connoll.
y & Wallace
I23-125-12M29 Washington Aye.
He was a vet-
is one ot tnem. it nas a pe.
culiar action on the throat and
lungs which
of treatment with Scott's KnuiU
bion. We have special refer
ence to persons with weak
lungs and sensitive throats.
Scott's Emulsion does some
things better than others. This b,!'7lulfelTlat1'1U,, W"K'" """
Miss Hllssabelh ilorau. of the West
Side, returns to her position today in
' the grocery department of Clarke Hro..,
fi . ' after an attack or slip which kept her
tueiii i home for several days.
strengthantl makes them tough, WiVh.V!!lf ??'" ,Fpe"? 'J11! WMk
rr,. f ' with her daughter, .Mrs. c V, Johnson,
I hat S how Scott S hnUllsiOll f t-arhomlale. Miss .Mae Campbell has
d. - , , , , ; returned home from a several weeks'
rives OUt COUgllS, COldS and! visit In Carbondalp.-Wayne independ-
W. J. Chappulle, a former resident or
Great Head, passed away in Leaven
worth, Kudu. The deceased was well
known In cnrbondale, having visited
here with theatrical companies, of
bronchitis. It keeps them out,
i We'll i.t.iyhUlLU7, If ijUU.
SCOTT t BOWNiV 4t Petti Mutt, New Vwk.
which he was manager
ernn In the business,
Mr. und .Mrs. Nicholas Uussell, of ,ler
myu, who were recently wedded; were
Hiiests of Cnrbondale friends yesterday.
They dined at the liurrlson. as the
suests ot Mrs, . A. Monahan, who Is
a sister of Mrs. Uussell.
.Mr. and Mrs. It. V. Mulr, former Car
bondallans, are the jjtiests of Jlrs. L.
M. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs, Mulr, who
have been visltlitfr friends Iu this sec
tion for several weeks, are now well
located In llrownvllle, Nebraska.
P. .1. Moore, of Lackawanna county,
who was elected to the oillce of mine
inspector, formerly resided tit Warrior
Him, anil Is a brother of Attorney K. J.
Moore, secretary of the Luzerne county
Democratic connuUtee. Wilkes-Ihirrw
II. L. llatlliid, who formerly had
i-harse of the local department of the
.sertintou Tribune, but now Jills a re
sponsible position in the home oillce,
was a caller in town. Mr. Hatfield had
chui-Re of the recent contest conducted
by iliitt paper, In which two Cnrbon
dale yotiuir men IlKiirfcd very promi
nently. Tlio success of the contest
speaks well of Mr. Hatfield's ability,
lie has a host of Carbondulo friends
who are ever ready to welcome him to
tlie town. Uvenlna: Lender.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Jboino. Quinine Tablets,
This hlsnature. c&CU.s.f. im
every box, i5c, tt J&tonrvft
T. J. Parsons, of Main .street, Hlnkely,
was must agreeably surprised by a
number of his Kcntlemuu friends, who
(dithered at his home on Friday even
ing iu honor of his birthday annivers
ary. The Incidents of the evening; were
most pleasurable mpl near midnight
a delicious luncheon wan served. A
handsome .Morris reclining chair was
received by Mr. Parsons from his
friends. Those present Were, Dr. F. L.
Van Sickle, Dr. "SV. L. Van liusklrk,
C. XV. Hoiuer, T. 1.. William. H. H.
Hush, Arthur SVIddowfleld, T. J.I. Voyle,
J. A. Hull, William Wldilowlleld, S. L.
& j a s t & . j e . t i t &, j? : t" f ' t t t t, w tt ? v. w. f, , k
K . -. - . - ,5
!-o.-nr2toi tf-o sn iv-a "fl ttriti4iMr7Lr '
vTiaa ruaiiui vjifivvs
, If theso lines are not better than any other in town, don't buy
. them, but nt any rate have a look. Our asortment of Underwear is
f. so largo, we cannot specify each kind In thic small space. They range
Wo have forty different kinds to show you, from the 25c Work
ing- uiovc, the ijiLOU wnlKlnjy Qlove, to tne pure Otter or Sealskin,
inducting Bent
Driving' Glove.
309 Lacka. Avenue.
s, jtownes, remns-, xnnncrcs, aiao "iiip-n-oai" ,m
dmmmOmmeA i
c5358 ;
412 Spruce Street
Sole Ajvent for Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary L'litlci'wcnr.
w u -Jt vt a "j; u i ; a is "a a 'i n vtu u 'a vt 'a a u ;i v vi ;t 15 t u "as
Mcl'ube, ',. H. Kdwards, .Major Ulihart.
of Providence. M. L. kcu, of (ireen
liidse, J. II, Orchard, William Hubbard
and F. L. (iraemer, of C.irmonbale.
Harveii Home services were con
tinued lu the Hlnkely HaptM church
yesterday moriilnsr and evening. The
i-liurch was very laisilly decorated with
plums tuul autumn fruits, lu Hie uinrii
1m,' Or. .Spencer occupied tlie pulpit
mid dclKercd an appropriate sermon
and lb-. U. .1. WJlllatnr, of Peckvllle,
gave an able lUsi-oumi in the evenlns,'.
Hp-.' music was tendered by the
Harlow's Minstrels will be the attrac
tion of the Father Mitthew Opera house
this evening. A ilrst-clnss performance
is assured, Prices 10. 20 and oO cents.
The borough council will meet In
regulur session tonight.
Tho Hxcelslor Hose company has
elected th rollouiiiK ollicers for the
ensuing term; President, Frank Mc
Laughlin; vice-president, P. .1. lie
UllUy; cecietary, Uavld Voyle: treas
urer, C. ,1. Hathaway, chief or lite de
partment, M. K. O'Uoyle: asslstimt
chief, T. .1. Itugan; t'oroiuan, J. XX.
.Mnhon; llrst assistant I'nremaii, 1-:, M,
lioban; teiiiiul assistant foreman, M,
McLaughlin: trustees, H. X, Ferguson,
Chester Mason, John Kllculleti; per
manent man, W. P. l.awier.
Itexford Kelly, of Wyoming seminary,
is spending a few days ni his homo
William Dearie lias returned hoina
after spending several months in Cam
brja cotiut-.
Miss Kettle Mealey, of lluffalo. N. Y.,
Is vlcltlng at her home on Dunmoie