The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 08, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    -q ist
Marriage of Thomas Gore of Hampton Street
and Miss Mary James of Wash
burn Street
Thomns Gnro, of Hampton street, nncl
Miss .Mnry Jnnies, or Washburn strcL,
were united In marriage by Itov.
Thomas de Gruchy, D. P., pastor of
tho Jackson Street Baptist ehurclu nt
the church parsonage last evening. Tho
contracting tmrtles were ucconuinnled
by the bride's mother.
At the conclusion of the ceremony,
thoy were driven to the home of tho
bride's parents, on Washbilrn street,
vrhoro a wedding supper wns served.
Later they left via tho Lneknwnnnti for
a brief wedding trip to Xcw York and
other points of Interest,
Social Events.
Sir. and Mrs. Loren Clark, of 117
Fourteenth street, entertained a num
ber of friends at their homo on Thurs
day evening. Games, music and a very
well given recitation by Miss Ulrdelln
Evans, entitled "My Sister's Itenu,"
were enjoyed. At a late hour Mrs.
Clark assisted by several young ladles
served refreshments la those present.
In attendance wcro the Misses l'.lrdelh;
Evans, Bessie Schall, Diana Lewis, K tu
rn a Lewis, Edith Lloyd, llebo. Evunn
and Messrs. Jasper E. Jones, Chester
Williams, William II. Gibbs and Dus
ter G. Meredith.
A number of well known West Side
young ladles met at the homo of Miss
Margaret Thomas last evening and or
ganized the J. T. C. club for social and
literary pleasures. The ilrst regular
meeting of the club will be held at the
home of Miss Lizzie Davis on Wednes
day evening.
Miss Henrietta Staff of South Seventh
street, entertained the members of the
S. F. G. club on Thursday evening in
honor of her guest, Miss Ethel Port
noff, of Norfolk, Viu Refreshments
were served and a very pleasant time
V In. the Churches Tomorrow.
Embury Methodist Episcopal church,
Rev. James Benninger, pastor. Preach
ing service at 10.30 a. m.; subject,
"What Is Man?" class meeting at 11.30
a. m.; Sunday school at 2 p. m.; Ep
worlh league at 6.30 p. m., leader, Clara
Snow. Preaching service at 7.30 p. m.;
subject, "Man Shaping His Own Course
and the Result."
Plymouth Congrogatlonul church,
Rev. T. A. Humphreys, pastor. Preach
ing at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Subject
of morning sermon, "Filled with tho
Spirit;" evening sermon, "Who Is on
the Lord's Side?" There will also be a
sermon to tho children in tho morning.
Sunday school at 12 m., and at Sher
man avenue at 2.15 p. m.: Senior En-
Five stamps given away with
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
v-5 Melton Walking Skirts with
iS welded seams, Point Strak
jjj. trimmings, extra wide Hare,
;j? plucked and flfcistcr stitched,
rg etc. Colors, black, navy, cadet
ijfc blue, greys, oxford and niix-
tures. A handsome $1.00 skirt
?2 for just $2.1)3
of unusually line workman
ship, best trimming and fnsh
ionablo materials; full stitch
ing, ripples, pleates, notched
collars, etc. Your pick of a
new delivery of $13.50 and $U
Jacket for today only
ut $12. CO
Children's velvet Grebcdluns,
medallion trim., large cape,
well lined and exceptionally
made. Our $U,50 coat tor Sat
urday at $;.cu
Ladles' Fur Collarettes, with
high roll collar and bushy
tails. Made from tho best
Marten furs, perfectly match
ed. A $12.50 Collarette for $10.
Men's heavy wool ribbed Un
derwear, full silk trim, pearl
buttons and finished to perfec
tion; sizes, 31 to 10. The regu
lar $1,00 kind at 73c,
Men's superllno Cashmere
Hose In all sizes; regular mado
and worth a good deal more
. than
2 OC,
Of all kinds at values not ap
proached elsewhere. Novelties
come to hand almost dally,
Special for Saturday, Ladles'
Silk Waists in all the leading
shades for daylight or even
ing wear. Buttoned in front
and trimmed with hue in
sertion, small velvet buttons
and braid to mutch. A peer
less value at ?3,00. For Sat
urday only ,, $3.70
1 Are ii
Jf '
-3 imp mm J;
. - - . JH4
Globe Warehotis?.!
dcavor nt C p. in,; Junior Endenvor nt
I p. in. Monday; prayer meeting at 7.-I."
p. in,, mid teachers' meeting at 8.45 p.
111. Thursday.
Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church,
Price street and Sumner avenue. Sab
bath school at 'J p. in..; evening service
ut 0 o'clock. Ilev. Edward Howell will
preach. All are welcome.
Simpson Methodist Episcopal church,
Ilev. II. (J. McDennott, pastor. Preach
ing at 10.30 a. in. and 7.110 p. m.i Sun
day school at 12 o'clock; Junior league
at !l p. in.! Epwnrth league at 6.110 p.
in.- The people are cordially Invited.
Mrs. Arthur Banning and daughter,
Maud, of Mobile, Ala., formerly of West
Scranton, have returned to permanent
ly reside here. Arthur Banning who Is
general manager of Kress & Co.'s large
department stores In the South, was
formerly employed by Mears &. tlugen
and went Smith two years ago. Tho
climate, however, did not agree with
him and he has decided to lettirn to
his old home nt the close of the holi
day season. Ills wife and daughter are
the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Banning, of North Lincoln ave
nue. Miss Elsl.; Fultuii, of 1317 Washburn
Street, is quite seriously ill.
Mrs. Byron Wade, of 1127 Washburn
street, has returned from L'tica, where
she attended the funeral of her brother
Thomas Thatcher.
John Geary, of ."I3 Xorth Rebecca
avenue, had two lingers of the left hand
smushed while at work in the Diamond
mine recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Seagraves have return
ed from their wedding trip spent in
New York and Delaware. They will
reside in their newly furnished homo
ut 130 South Lincoln avenue.
A prisoner made a daring escape from
a AVest Side constable Thursday night
while being brought to the city. The
man Was placed under arrest below the
city limits and while walking along
the Delaware, Lackawanna and Wes
tern tracks he wrenched himself away
climbed over a rapidly moving coal
train and swam the Lackawanna river.
John McNulty, of Jackson street, left
yesterday for Colorado where he will
permanently reside.
Miss Pearl Kresge, of South Hyde
Park avenue, has returned from an ex
tended visit to Mt. Pocono.
Rev. Edward Howell, will occupy the
pulpit of the Sumner avenue Presby
terian church Sunday evening at 0
Miss Jennie Watkins, of Swetland
street, lias returned from Honesdole.
.Mrs. William It. Thomas, of South
Hyde Park avenue, is quite ill.
John Reap, of Sixteenth street, Is
home from an eight months stav at
An inbound Duryea car struck and
overturned one of Malouey's oil wag
ons, just below Lincoln Heights last
"Oneida" union Stills for
ladies, heavy elastic ribs, that
lit tho llgure without, a
crease 50e.
Ladies' Jersey Kib Union
Suits, buttoning In front, soft
fleece lining. Saturday. ..$1,00
Ladies' fine Merino union Suits
nearly puro wool, Init very
soft In the finish and extra
well made $i,r,fj
Ladles' Duo All-Wiinl mion
Suits in natural grey or while,
beautifully trimmed and per
fectly finished $2.73
Lndlch' reliable Kid Gloves, '.
All the new fall shades and 5?
latest styles. A marvel lit ,
value for Saturday only. Ail
CTl ' I
"The Marvel" wa.shuhlo Kid
Olovo Is a revelation to ladles C?:
who believe In practical oe(n- g;
oiny, for it Is as pearly In- '.
destructnblo as any glove can :
The "Marvel" Wabh Glove will
not shrink, will not beenmo gjj
hard, will not lose Its pontics.', Js:
its Bimpu, or Its color lu wash- 5?
lug If tho following slmpjo "!
directions are observed, Hub
them thoroughly with a sponge &
using n good soap ami tepid g
water, ltlnse and dry, using gj.
a little care lu stretching. ST;
Thuti "Marvel" aioves thut 5"i
look old are made to look new
feel new, and actually SiP
as far as service Is concerned. &
"Marvel" Gloves come In black .
and all colors, SP
. "
evening. Tho driver, James Turkctson,
was thrown from the seat mid quite
severely injured, although he unhitched
his horses and took them to the barn
before seeking medical aid.
The body of John Roberts, the broth
er of Airs. Kluli Peters, who died in
Illinois Wednesday night, hns been
shipped to this city and will reach
here nt midnight. The funeral notice
will bo given later.
The Woman's Home Missionary soci
ety of the Simpson Methodist Episco
pal church held tin Interesting meeting
lit the home of Mrs, Fred Owens, of
South Main avenue, last evening. Miss
Cornelia Woodhani, of WIIkes-Bnrre,
was present and tnndo a report of the
con volition at Wllkcnsburg.I'a., hold In
October. Several new members wcro
admitted to tho society.
There will bo a meeting of all Wesl
Side pastors In the study of Rev, John
P. Moffatt, D. D Monday afternoon
to make arrangements for the usual
Thanksgiving services.
The funeral of Martin Ryan, of 103
South ltyde Park avenue, who was
killed on Thursday by coming in con
tact with a live wire on Lackawanna
avenue, will be held from St. Patrick's
church at 2.30 o'clock Sundny after
noon. Interment In Cathedral ceme
tery. Tho social committee of St. Bren
den's council, No. 213, Young Men's
Institute, entertained the members
and their lady friends nt a progres
sive euchre parly In their cosy rooms
Inst evening. About fifty young peo
ple enjoyed the Interesting game till
a luto hour.
Mrs. John Kresge. of Wict Plt.lston,
hns been visiting the Misses Kresge,
of North Hyde Park avenue.
Miss Delhi Davis of North Bromley
avenue, Is the guest of (.'nrbondale
Mrs. William C. Price, of South Main
avenue, Is In New York city.
James E. Grllllths, of t"lS North Re-
lnH'ca avenue, Is quite seriously 111 at
his home.
Mr. Lewis ti. Parry left this week
for Will's Eye hospital, Philadelphia.
Owen Morn u, a resident, of West Mar
ket street, was seriously Injured while
at work in Starr's shaft No. 3, yesterday
morning, by the premature explosion of
a blast.
ISel'oro a largo audience tho Shamrock
basket ball leani went down In defeat
before the Crackerjaeks In the Auditor
ium last nlshl. The score was 12 to IB.
A Kold Breaker Kompaiind Knniphor
The members of tho Y. P. S. C. K.
of the Providence Presbyterian church
entertained a number of outside friends
to nu entertainment and social in tho
church parlors last evening.
Break up that cold by using Kompoiind
K.'imphor PUN, All drug stores. 25e. "
The Independent orchestra will bold
their next social Wednc-dny evening, in
the Auditorium. All those wishing to
participate in these delightful affairs can
secure invitations from the orchestra
members. The admission fee lias been
raised to .".0 cents to include tho school.
Fine line Perfumery and Ilox Candy at
Davis' Drug store.
The Foreign Missionary society of tho
T'rovidrnco Presbyterian church held an
interesting meeting at tbe borne of Mrs.
J. D. Von Storcb, of North Main ave
nue, yesterday afternoon. After the reg
ular business ses.-ion a number of mu
sical .'elections were rendered by Mrs.
Jessie I'oimypackor Von Storch and Mrs.
Margaret Vlpond Payne.
Von can get It ut Davis' Drug store,
on tne so.uurc.
As the time draws near for th conse
cration and declination of Ibn new St.
John's Catholic church, on l'iltston ave
nue, the work of cleaning and furnish
ing goes steadily on, A corps of wnrkeis
started yesterday to scour and clean tho
floor, so that the carpets may be laid and
the pews placed In position. The altar
is ali-o receiving tho IhiMiIng touches
and the large stained glass windows arc
In place. With the completion of the
altar, the laying of carpets and setting
of jiews, all of which work will be fin
ished in a few days, the sacred edifice
will lie ready for tho dedication services
which take place on Sunday, Nov. 10.
An alarm was sounded from box .11
yesterday, which brought all the South
Side lire men out in .short order. The
Wasso was at 1111 T'lttston avenue, near
Kim street, and was caused by u mlnirg
lamp being upset in a summer kitchen
owned by Mrs. Alary Walsh, Chemicals
were used by the llremcn, which saved
the bull(lln-.
The Independent Bowling team of the
American Locomotive works. with
f'hauneey Uepew Keliunk as manager,
has organized for tho season. They aio
anxious to meet the Juugcr Maonner
ehor team of tho City league, and would
like to arrange a match game for to
night, or a week from tonight. Answer
through The Tribune.
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
guaranteed to euro all coughs. "No cure,
no pay," For -ale by all doalors.
Joseph Slocnm, who roturncd from his
wedding trip, Thursday, hod only a brief
stay In the ey, ns ho was sent off by
the American Locomotive Works com
pany, on a new engine, for Minnesota,
early yesterday morning,
The Truth utterly reprehends and re
pudiates tin' vile cartoon and polyglot
circular of which a few copies worn
uiiiir-i mi.- i m- .m.ii.M m ' u nu
newsboys fur circulation with tho paper
ny koiiio scurvy politician. i lie party
thai did that low I rick may not think
mo, but lie W liable for proi-eciillou. 1'nll
lies tlnu't Justify all Itlmls of rascality.
J,nit nlglit'H Scranton Truth,
The First Methodist Kpl-eopal church
Ttcv. flutrloH Henry Newlug, pastor.
Morning prayer at 10 o'clock; services at
10.3H a. in. and 7.::o p. m. Tho pastor will
lii'aiifli fit luttli uni'i'liinu Ttittltir un1i
I't i 'n m hi i'iu fv n i fi iiiiiMiih nun-
ject, "The Ground of Victory." Tim
M'lillll, "i,l I II c v,ii in. ,- iiiii'iiniit'.
'lass meeting nt 11.13 a, m.: Htuulny
school at 2.S0 p. m.i evening prayer at
i',.:m o'clock. Special services will ho held
each evening dining tho week, except
Saturday evening. These services will
commence at 7.S0 o'clock. Tliero will he
excellent music at each service as well
as short helpful sornums. An Invitation
Is extended to all to attend these ser
vices. Ptiumnro PicMiyterlan church Itov. W,
1 Glhlionf, pastor. Services at a.
m. and T.ffl p. m. Morning subject. "Faith
as a 1,11'e. Fnrco"; evening .uhject, "The
Howards of Success."
Tripp Avenue Christian church
Preaching both morning and evening, by
the pastor, J. 1), Dabuey, Morning topic,
"Making a C'halt"; evening, "Tho Com
ing of Christ." Sunday school at 10
o'clock, and Y. I. S. C. IJ. at il.SO. one
hour before evening service.
Mrs. George Knglert, of Dudley street,
is In New York city, tho guest of her
daughter. Mrs. Harry Adams.
John Sykes, of North Hlakely street.
I confined to his home, suffering from a
severe attack of nulasy.
Mrs. Hayes, of Brooklyn, Is vMtlng her
dau-'hter, Mrs. 11. M, Spencer, of Drink
er street.
Mrs. Thomas SuinmervUle, of Scotland,
and Mrs. William Hemsen, of New York,
are guests of Mrs. John I'almer, of
Cherry btreet,
Mrs. AV l,. Carr, of Green Ridge street,
is visiting relatives ut Moscow.
Mrs. Whyer ond daughter, Margaret,
who wcro called hero by tho illness of
Sho Is Always Undor a Nervous
Strain and tho Position Is Full of
Worries and Annoyances.
Most of the people who use the tele-
phont! have never seen the workings
of a telephone exchange, ns tho central
onico Is called, nor have any idea of
the tenHo, nervous life led by the girls
employed there. Always busy, with
calls constantly coining in and more
cross words than kind ones from Im
patient subscribers, one wonders how
they keep sane, lot alone well.
"How do you manage to stand It?"
Wns asked of one of them, Miss May
Stowe, of No. 70 West Lake street,
Ilorseheads, N. Y.
"It Is very trying," she replied, "and
ono time my health did give out. For
a number of yenrs 1 was lu a poor
Unto of health owing to thin blood, or
itimcinlit, as the doctor called It, but
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peo
ple made mo well and strong. I was
so troubled with shortness of breath
that I couldn't Walk over n few blocks,
I was nervous, could not get any rest
at night, was verj thin and almost
colorless. I was nlso subject to very
severe headaches which not Infrequent
ly lasted for two weeks at a time with
out any let up. 1 felt bad all over.
"My married sister had been cured
of anaemia by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
and so I began taking them. AVhllu on
the ilrst box I could see that they were
helping me, and by the time four boxes
wore, used up I was cured. Now 1
walk down town and back tit least
three times a day; I feel perfectly well
and able to stand tho strain of my
position ns well ns anybody."
Anaemia is not ' the only disease
which succumbs to tho potent Inllu
ence of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People. They are an unfailing
specific for such diseases as locomotor
ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus'
dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism,
nervous headache, the after-effects of
the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale
and sallow complexions and all forms
of weakness either In male or female.
They tire sold by nil druggists, or di
rect from Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Schenectady. N. Y. Price, 50 cents per
box; six boxes 32.50.
Mrs. Whyer's mother, Mrs. Phillip Street,
of Sanderson avenue, have returned to
their homo in New York city, accompa
nied by Mrs. Street, who will spend tho
winter there.
Mrs. Cokely and daughter, Helen, of Ca
pouso avenue, aro spending a low days
with friends ir. Susquehanna county.
The church bell purchased by K. B.
Sturges when in Japan recently has ar
ilved and been placed in tho tower of tho
Green Ridge Presbyterian church. Tho
bell weighs "03 ponds and is made of
solid brass.
J. E. Williams Charged with Send
ing Scurrilous Postal Cards.
John K. Williams, publisher of the
Williams' directory, was Thursday ar
rested by Deputy United States Mar
shal J. V. Snyder on the charge of
sending a scurrilous postal card
through the. United States mail. The
information for his arrest was sworn
out by Postoflice Inspector Hugh Gor
man, of this city.
The postal card which Williams is al
leged to have sent through the mails
was addressed to G. A. Miller, of -t:u
Cedar avenue, and is said to have re
ltected in a serious way upon Win. I'
Smythe, the publisher of "a rival di
rectory. Ho and Williams have been
nt daggers' ends for upwards of two
years. Tho information also charges
Williams with sending out a. largo
number of other similar postal cards.
Williams was arraigned before Uni
ted States Commissioner George D.
Taylor, and was held under $1,000 bail
for his appearance at a hearing at 1
o'clock this afternoon.
Will Erect the Largest Stables tir.d
Livei-y in. the City.
The Scranton Transfer and Carriage
company will make an application on
December 2 to the governor for a. char
ter for the formation of a company to
operate lines of stages and omnibuses
for transferring and transporting pas
sengers and merchandise of nil kinds
by means of automobiles and other ve
hicles in and about the city.
The company has been organized
with F. S. Godfrey as president, Hugh
Keennn as manager, L. L. Shoemaker,
secretary, and 1'. II. Durkln and C. P.
Mcliride as directors. They propose to
extend their present service of seven
teen cabs and carriages to over 100 ve
hicles, Including several automobiles.
They hnvo purchased a triangular
plot of ground, consisting of nine lots,
on tho easterly side of the Spruce street
bridge, and intend erecting a three
story livery and stablo building, of
prick and stone, capable of uecomfno-
dating two hundred head of horses and
a. hundred vehicles,
Judge Archbnld Complies with He
quest of Hungarian Court.
Judge It. AV. Archhald, of tho United
States District court, was recently
m.Vfa with a reo.ue.Mt from the Itoyal
Court of Justlco of Satoralja I'pholy,
Hungary, asking that ho summon Mrs,
Inna Vulkoosky, of Kingston, to answer
certain questions.
Mrs. Vulkoosky Is suing her husband
for a divorce In the, Hungarian courts,
and she appeared before Jiulgo Arch
bald yesterday afternoon. Sho was
asked If sho wished a divorce from her
husband and she replied "yes;" asked
If she could not become reconciled with
him, she replied "no." These were tho
only questions required, and she was
then excused,
Work of Taking Down the Stseple
Has Begun.
The Old First Presbyterian church
edlllee of Scranton will, In a few weeks,
be abandoned as a place of worship.
Men aro now at work taking down iho
All members of that church, and all
desirous of worshipping In the old
sanctuary, will have the only oppor
tunity of doing so during tho remain
ing Sundays of this month.
Prominent Resident of Dnlton
Charged with Defrauding.
II. IJ, Schwartz, of Dalton, was ar
rested a few days ago on tho charge
of using the United States, mails for
the purpose of defrauding, and Wns
held tinder $1,000 ball by United States
Commissioner deorgo D. Taylor for his
appearance nt a hearing this nfternoon,
it Is nlleged that Swarta, Who was
formerly connected with the Scranton
Lumber company, secured largo quan
tities of lumber from the Pittsburg
Lumber company, using the Scranton
Lumber company's letter heads. This
lumber, it Is claimed, he afterwards
disposed of,
big socJAUsf Vote,
Surprisingly Large Showing Mado
in Up-tho-Vnlley Districts The
Count Up to Dntc.
With olllclnl count of the vote of
Tuesday tabulated only as fur as tho
seventh ward Scranton, which Is two
thirds of the way down the alphabetical
list of districts and Inclusive of ubout
one-half the vote, the Socialist candi
date for governor, Shiyton Is credited
with 7011 Votes and the Socialist Labor
candidate, Adams with 2.",4, Swallow,
tho Prohibition candidate In these same
districts polls 53S Votes.
With the old parties waging such a
vigorous campaign ns that of Tuesday
the showing made by the Socialists Is
truly remarkable, and that of the
Socialist Labor party only tt little less
Yesterday's count disclosed no mu
tcrlal dlscrepenclex. Morris lost six
and gained three voles leaving him -t::
behind Penman. Evans gained eight
on Williams and t'onnell gained 11 mi
When the second district of the Third
ward of Scranton was reached Cites
Clark was brought forward by Attor
neys R. II. Holgute and C. P. O'Malley,
attorneys for Mr. t'onnell, to testify
that nine ballots which were marked
with a cross In tho circle at the head
of the Democratic column were count
ed for the whole Democratic ticket, al
though the names of Howell and Samlo
did not appear in this column. Judge
Newcomb passed the matter over, until
such time as It would be ascertained
whether or not nine votes would affect
the result.
Mrs. Phillips and Frank Erlau Again
in the Public Eye.
Mrs. Anna Phillips and Frank Krlnu,
an actress and actor who were part of
a company that played in Music hall
last summer, are under arrest In
Chicago, charged with larceny.
They first attracted attention In tills
city when they were arrested early last
summer. Mrs. Phillips' husband charged
her with having eloped with Erlau from
New York and taking $5,000 in money
and $8,000 in jewelry with her. Mrs.
Phillips told her husband that she did
not love him any longer and had cen
tered her affections on Erlau.
Phillips decided not to prosecute
them, and returned to New York and
secured a divorce.
Additional Donations Are Acknowl
edged by Sisters.
The following- additional donations
are acknowledged by St. Joseph s
Foundling Home:
A Friend. $21.30; Mrs. II. II. Galla
gher, $3; Mrs. Reynolds, $1; Miss Cyrllla
Davis, $1; .Mrs. James Melvln, Old
Forge, barrel Hour: Mrs. J. F. Cuni
inings, fifteen cabbage; Mrs. J. S. Mc
NuIty, barrel apples; Mrs. E. N. Will
aid, barrel apples; 11. P. Millet, fifteen
pounds roast beef.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Nicholson, Nov. m. Mrs. Dwlght
Waterbtiry, or Knowsville, N. Y is
spending a few days with friends in
The Masonic lodge or this place at
tended the celebration which was held
at Scranton.
Mrs. M. D. Kelly was a caller In
Scranton, Thursday.
P. N. Boyle is a business caller lu
Blnghn niton.
New Automatic Signals.
Tho Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern Railroad company yesterday put in
operation their new electric automatic
block scmaphono signals between Nich
olson and Chinchilla, which are used to
keep trains a certain distance apart.
The system was inspected by Super
intendent H. M. Blue, F. S. Sperry, of
the Union Signal company; A. II. Rudd,
Delaware. Lackawanna and Western
signal engineer, and J. M. Becker, of
tho Hall Signal company. The block
system Is in uso tit different points all
along tho road.
D., X. & W. BOARD.
Following Is the make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today:
Kxtrns Kasi -11.15 p. in., Ulnglicii; 7
p. in,, Kui'gg; S p. m,, Dohcrty; ti p. m.,
Gordon; 10 p, m,, Van Warmer; 11 p.
m., Hlcn; 12 p. in,, J. Uerrlty.
Summits i; p. ni. .Golden (cast); S p. in.,
Thompson (east).
rushers lo p, m., Murray (east).
Kxtras West 0 p. in.. I G. Wlhnot; S
P. m., Wall (llallstead); II p. in., Den
Kxtras lfciKt 1 a. m Ituikhart; 2 a.
in., O. W. Fitzgerald: il.SO a. in., Stev
ens; S a, m., Diimi; ll a. m,, Ilaxler; 7
a, m., lingers; l a. m., Itandolplu o,:i)
a. in,, ca-tucr; 12 a. in,. I.oiialmoy; 1
p. in., Hnllet: 2 p. 111., .f. Gllllcy; :! p.
in,, M. Fluuerty; I p. ni., Staples; ft p.
in., Singer.
Summits S a. in., FrnuufelUcr (west);
0 a. m.. .1. Hennisan (east); 10 a. in., Nich
ols (west): t p. m., Carrlgg (east).
Pushers 2.M a. m F. McDonnell
(west); 7 a. in., Wldnur (west); 7 a. in.,
Flunurty (west); S a. in,. Ilouser (east);
10 a. in., A. J, McDonnell (cast); 11.I.J
a. in., Morun (east); 1 p. in., Hoar (east):
1 p. iu C. Uartholnniuw (Hlooin);
p, in.. Murphy (east): U p. in.. W. il,
llartholomew (east).
Helpers l.l'O a. ill., Magovcru; 7 a. in.,
Gnffuey; lu a. in., Secor; X13 p. in.. Stan
ton. Kxtras West 3rd CI, K. Slack; r, a. m.
G. W. Smith; 10 a. in.. Allen; 1 p. in.,
Carmody (llallstead): 2 p. m., Klugsley
(Hall, lead); i p, in., Ituchforil.
HOWARD ,SClil'NK.tlui llve.immtlis.
old son of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Schuuk,
tiled ytstcrduy afternoon alter a short
Illness. The funeral will take place to
morrow afternoon from tho family resi
dence, 421 Hhch street. Interment III
l'ltlston avenue cemetery.
Thursday. Friday and Saturday,
Miss New York, Jr.
Goldsmith's Bazaar
Trade G
The Papers Are Full
of Dry Goods Stories
Some of them based on very little
fact, big; stories of migflity small stocks.
But, no matter. You know how it is
with us. We 4'tell the truth and shame
the ," well, whoever should be
Black Worsted Sweaters, full
combed, glossy yarn, properly
made and vlnter weight.
$2.00 A GARMENT.
White Nainsook, 3elf striped
Night Shirts, flat embroidery, no
collars, full sized.
$1.00 A GARMENT.
Collars and Cuffs of Selected
Linen and the fashionable
Fine Australian Wool Shirts
and Drawers, the "Tivoli," in
grey, and winter weight.
. $1.50 THE GARMENT.
Extra Heavy Natural Austra
lian Wool Shirts and Drawers,
also "Tivoli" made, fluffed in
side. $2.00 A GARMENT.
By the, way,
doing" here
Special Sales are
and the result will be made plain to
you then. Monday will be the com-
flioflppmpnf of fiiAQ SQlfl
XLi.LlV..J.ilV.J.IL V-J. LllV.WV'
. -
srine la
What kind of a Suit or Overcoat are you going to
buy this Fall ? If you want one with character, fit
and grace if you want the BEST come to us.
Our line is filled with novelties. The newest and
nicest goods in the world, exclusive patterns most of
them, and it is impossible to buy garments anywhere
made as ours are made for less money than we charge
213 Wyoming Avenue.
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Hcis, Lessee and Munugor.
A. J. Duffy Business Munagor.
Friday Nifiht. Nov. T.
Sat in day Matinee and Nlshl. Nov. S.
Mr. Charles Fruhitian will present
William Fnvershnm
i Second Starring Season )
lu a New Coated v. entitled
Ily II. V. KhiiioiiiI. author of "The Wil
derness." "When We Were Twculy-Oue."
Mr. Eavershnm's Company
will include Fay Davis, who makes her
Ilrst appearance in .' neiica; Hilda Spong,
George Dlclxin, J .I'rcy.s Lewis, Annie
Adams, .Mis. Sol Smith. Helen Lowell.
Cai.illuo Slai'lmcli, CharK's llaibury,
Julian 1,'Kstrunge, W. II. Thompson,
lilchard Mi illicit. Joseph Fr.incoeur, Wal
lace Krsklne and others
l'ltlCKS-Mntincc ",, 7i, U
Night. M .fl.uo, 7.1, ;, 2."e.
Scats on sale.
One Night Only, Tuesday Nov. 11.
The Record llreaker and l',ice Maker.
Arthur Itlgby. the Happy Comedian;
Lew llcnedlct, the Original; La toy and
Edmonds. Comedy Acrobatic .Marvels!
Ilrobst Hrothers, tho Dancing Dandles;
Don Gordon, Comedy Trick Cyclist, in an
entire new act.
A bigger, butter, and grander show than
was over seen before. A new show with
new features,
Prices $1.00. 7."e,, 50c., 2.n.
Heats on sale Saturday at ! a. in.
Academy of Music
M. Rels, Lessee and Munager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager,
Week WANvn Nov. 3.
Matinees Dally Commencing Tuesday.
ILuiithty-Alnoro Stock Co,.
Mutlcicc, ia un t 30C,
Mttht, 10, 2u anil 30c.
Threo Nights Starting Monday. Nov.
A Melodramatic Success.
B? Mark
Taeonic Wh.lte Shirts, fine
linen bosoms, hand-made eyelets
and buttonholes; laundered by
hand and every detail given the
most careful attention.
$1.00 EACH.
Reversible Four-ln-Hands, In
Satin, Peau de Sole, Gros Grain
and Barathea. Black and colors,
narrow and medium, all grad
uated and 50 inches long.
50c EACH.
Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, the
linen glass says 2700 fine, "2 Inch
hems and all ready for use.
50c EACH.
Fine Suspenders, Silk Webs
and Lisle Webs, Gold Plated and
Nickel Buckles; fine kid ends.
50c A PAIR.
there will be "some-
next week. lwo
in preparation now,
l ' -:'- rm.wra&'
erchant f
The Dixie Theatre
Lessee, and Manager.
Sam Locklutrt's
Trained Elephants
The Three Livingstons
Deaves Marionettes
And Other Kig Acts.
Ladles, 10 ccnls: Men, W cents.
Brand Concert
OF Till!
Scranton United
Choral Society
Lyceum Theatre,
Monday Evening, November lfth
Prices 25c, 5fJc77Sc, and $1.00.
Diagram will open Friday, Nov. II.