The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 08, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    I fi- .
1 -
NOYEMRtiR S, 1i)02.
f There Are Two Ways of
One way is to r ii't ' ,U,1P
niul select a pair i)Utelr. This
Is a ehcnp way, nnd white you
can onlyJBCt blind by weuiim;
such bIu;scr, son siwd sonic
nianov, which was otir dilef
Tht oilier vvnv Is l" have Jtif
e:.c inopeily examined iiiut
glasses titled liv u tiinuiclont
oye-spulullst. Thin pi ( -elves
.Mini sight.
Tin- dllletdiio Ik Unit oliiiip
woik nlvvnvs (iits niou- In the
aid utiil Is never koocI, while In
the end ood vvoik novet osts
inoir anil Is utwiivs Rood und in
inch i use voitr ei ' have t I'.iy
till' lllfff i imh o
t'ontn In lit ollhe fi nl "'
most thoiiiUKhlv eiUlpp(il (-stub-
llsllllU'ltt fill OMllllllllltKIII of lVS.
Sunn? prisons who . niv p.n
hns -ii theio Ik niilbliiR simllni.
lit'llhi i In Sauiiluii urn ii hiin
tli c it mil' s mound
One chmge coveis the entile
cost of cxnminnttou, glasses
nnd flames.
Eye Specialist.
331 Washington Ave.
asacs sen i ov pa. mmkw
Cotinfy Savings Bank
and Trlisf Company,
506 Spruce Street.
in Sums of
anil pnys 1 per
teiest thereon
cent, m-
A. WATKES. Fiesident.
0. S. JOHNSON, VIee-Pies.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
r. p
O -
r ii.1iM0.1i,
Ml Ishlll J.
T, A
i:01.nt w.j 1 icn.
Vtirllisl linbinsnii,
In- I) 111 1(11
1 111 f s
'AW Ji
"m 0
5 K
Eveiy aiticle is woith youi at
tention, you can buy moie new
and up-to-date goods at a leasou
able pi Ice than you can find
elsewheie in Wall Papei Paints,
Pictuie Tiames you tan find
a laige nssoitment.
Jacobs & Pasold
209 Washington Avenue.
9 "lltoy Diaw Well" 0
2 Morris' Magnet Cigars
1 he in st nlim foi ". lent1! V
1 1 01 e nun .von win t-inokd no
Ml IV iMilinir in mils (if ",e
clsnis u Jl 7". 11"! lio. m fi foi 21c
I ho lnis'st v.niety ot Pipta and
Tolnreos In town,
The Cigar Man
325 Washington Avenue.
In and About
.The City
Inr last evening, ehnrul with tho 1m
cenj' of pome sonip Iron fiom the Dela
ware nnd Hudson company. Him was
held In $10u hull foi her appeal mice 11 1
court, trillions Itoscnfdl, of ItiiMuoiid
imirt, wns uttoUil foi t-ciclvhiK tho
Ktoleii lion, unit he wns held In ,?'!" hull
fot coin t
Knocked Off the Car.
Antlinnv lieu It;., of I'irth tioet. ttctle
nc. 11 innduotm on the l.iiiUuwulltiii
lilllloml, Is 11 patient ill till' Ki Million I'll
vale hospital, yiilMlm; float llijuths
iilmut his fin p niul IkiiiI, ukUuI while
nt woik til the Uoilldsboro .Mild. Me was
on top or 11 ficlisht tut tlKhttnhif? n hiuhe,
when the biake wind Hllppvil mul stunk
him kiioililntf lilni down hctwe'en the
mis His Injuilcx mi1 1 tuTitt lint not
D., L. & W. Pays.
The impious ot the Dcltiwiiii', l.iukn
wiiimi'. mid "'"'l cin iniidilnr Khops, cut'
HlmiM niul Mimes ilppni itii' ut, toucthci
with the 111I11' omploM's In tht Dliinionil
.Mum llli' nnd Htons wcic pdil m stii(ln.
Tho ('inploio ol lln tiillimliiK (nllloili's
mid wiihIimIix will lie pild tuiliiv Alch
lllllll HollcMK ISl lll'MII w.'ishi'iM Hits
I1I11, CiMiKii I'liulliii'iitiil, IJoiIko. Iluinp-
ton. Hold, 11 lljdo Pink, 0furd, I'mic,
SIoiiii. TiiUm mid J'iuIoi wnslit'iV will bo
pnld IiiiIim
Auto Haces at Speedway.
'I'lic Sdiinlon Aiitomoblh' i bib will
hold the -ctoinl ol lis woikh Sutuiiliiv
iiftitnooii lines at (lie Hpudwiiv Ihla
nri( inoon. The Mint Is In lIiiiikc of Mr.
A. 1'. Ikdioid IJii iiiitoinolilll-t In
Ihu (ll K bnltiil to pm th lp iic In the
11111 mul will Hied nt rinie & tit miles'
.-.line, Spun 1 stieit nt j inlmk. Kndv
lot the tllp. 'I lie tii((s tmlu will huvo
"(Mini (iilil,-- 1 .nil nnd, uv on Inst riut
iililnv. will Ik In two ilii'i.s, eldlilc
sloi.ui, 4us,iic mul stenm 111111 hlius,
Repoited in the Tnmily of Patiick
Mullen, on Cayuga Stieet.
The bin (Mil o! hulth bus bern notl
llcd of 11 new cist- of snuillpov In the
Kiinllv of I'.itikk .Mullen on Cii.mik:i
stieet. Xoith Sil.illloil 1i. .1.
Hotwei has 1 iki ( of the use
and the hous hns- linn ium,iiitlii(d.
The 1 .(si bis not fllll d(eloped, but
e(r sMiiptoin points to the ilicmkd
dsL.i"c rl he it it-tit will pion.tbh be
taken to tin 1 uut i;t uci hospital ll ihc-
All of the nthei ( uses- h,ie bun io
poi ted off ibe list, and the hospital bis
been uiidriKoliif? lepali" teientlv.
?40.000 PROPEHTY FOR ?30,000.
This Is not 11 1 evidence but a llil-l-iii'"
piouii loL.iKd ill the ei beau
of Siiintiin and lentlns foi S4.U0O per
aiitiuin 01 moie. than 1.! p"i tent This
phenomenal bit gain in.n be seuttod
upon a pi.Miienl ot less than MO OOH
Sonic time ago I advtitlsed a blinlhu
biiKiiin and ( liisd the deal within
foi t -dshl bonis attei the adeitis(
ment aiijipeaiPd ami uus upbialdcd In
one ot .Sdantou's bii business men
loi not lelthiK him know about. Ho
said he tend the paper but did not see
the adei tlseiiuni. To aoid a simllai
evpetlentt I aiinnsfd loi the mo
(ohiiuii dlspla, adLilIenient in an
othei p.nt of the p ipei nnd mist thue
in n- Ih mi disappointed oiiec
V T. IIACKliri'.
The Ileal i:ttile llioki 1
They Apply to the Taking of Depo
sitions Outside the State Former
Pinctice Was Not Stilctly In Com
pliance with the Law Mis. Jennie
Batt Lewis Is Granted n Divorce.
Two Insane Piisoneis Removed to
tho County Jail Re-nigument Re
fused in the Jenkins Case.
In mi opinion bunded down eler
d.'i, t'lesldeiu .IiiiIrc lalunidM pic
sullies the tides that niUHt bo followed
In the Inking1 of deposltloilM outside of
thi' state. Hciotoroio It wns niilv neo
OKsntv In tniiklnir iipplli'iitlon for u jul
to lake (leposlttous uutsldu the .state, to
iiuni" the niiitlos who weic In be i
iiuilued, ghc their nddt esses nnd eie
notice on the opposite litigant.
Judge lalwuids mles that tills is not
a (omplluliLC with the luw. The lensons
why It Is liecessiiiy to lalie depositions
nitisl he stated In wilting, the judge
says. The opinion was handed down in
the case of Chillies Heed against A. X.
Walker, u nile to stilke olf inle to take
Iininedlntely follow lug- him, Judge Aich
bald lundo IiIh cliiugu to the Jtny,
Tlicijudfro explained Hint llieto wete
tin ce main mid salient points to be ion
Rldetcd bv tho Jury. The fit nt was us
to whether the llie wiih tin honest Hie
or not,
U the lutv believed Hint tho place
wits ilellbeliitelv set on ltti by the
plaintiff, they could not lltid u yet diet
III his the lire was nn honest
one, ihey should decide ft mil tho evi
dence nlicted wholhei the plaintiff coin
piled with the teiniK of his instliatice
policies, and If he did thin; muni IK,
iit'coidlng- to their own best Jtidgiiient,
the exact amount of IiIh lof.
The Juty went out nt 11,30 o'i lock and
was still out when Judge Aichbald left
for home at 5 o'clock In the nfteinoon.
t'ndii this litadtiifi: shoi I lcltiis of In
trreat will be published whin actum
panled, foi iiiibllcatluii, bv llie -nrlter'
name Ilia 'Jillmne does not assume ie
i 1 ) o 1 1 a il , 1 1 1 1 j for opinions heie expieis-ed
Mis. Lewis Ginnted n Dlvoice.
.Tuilge IMwaids, eslcidu, ki anted
a dhiiiic to ills. .Iciinle Hatt Lewis
tioin bet husband John Hcniy Lewis,
They weio mart led Muuh 21, ISM), bv
Hev. J. V. Williams, D. D at the Flist
Welsh Haptlst (hiiicb, West Sciantnn.
DuiltifC the laM four jeais be hus not
lived with hei oi (ontiitniKd to hei
suppoi l.
Pilot to thill time lie ( oiililbutedi
eij little to the suppoi t i llie house
hold. She was ((impelled to woik as
a deik In Simpson, Ciawfoid & Simp
son's stoie In Xew Yoik for u louplc
ol .mm is to make a Ihlihood loi hei
selt and child. Attorney A. J. I'ol
binn lepiesented the libellaut.
Judge lalwmds josteidav handed down
an older ictusing; a le-aisunienl in the
rase of John S .!( nkins ngilnst the
llushbiooU t'onl (ompanj.
The will of Juliii Wedtinai, lute ot
Sciantnn, wis jctonliv admllKd to
Judge Aichbald Deliveied Chaige
Thointon Case Yesteiday
When United States court opened jes-
leidiiv moiniiig', fotnier Judge K X.
Wlllaid tlnishdi his closing- addiess foi
the til.ilntlfl In the Tliointon case, anil
Manage Fiokmnn Thinks It a Good
Place to Put On Shows.
Jt 'Is not tuillkelj that Sciautiiii will
be made the stinting point of moie of
Jlnnagpi Chntles Fiohmmi'M theatilcal
vcntutefi. To n Tilbunu lepiutcr, In a
chut between the second und last acts
ut the Lyceum last night, Mi. l'tnlunim
expicsxed hlinKelf as being: much giatl
lled with tho way the audience nppic
clated "Jinpiudence." "Your tbeatei
goeis me dlsciiinlnathig," said lie.
"Nothliiff was lost on them. It Is the
kind of an audience a mauagei wants
to ushIsI him In satlstjlng- himself as
to tho merits oi deineilti' of a show."
Mr. Ftolimun ulo spoke ui the c
collencc of tile appointments of tho
Lyceum, of tin supeiioiltv of Hotel
Jeimyn, and the comctilcuio of Scian
ton to Xew Yoik, and lutluiateil .stiong
ly that bcctiii'-o ot all these things it
would be one of his fawned plftces for
"putting- on" a show. Uuffa I5alll
moie and Cleveland bine for jears had
i monopoly of this sou of thins.
Scumton will pi nimbly be added to the
Thiee Sessions Weie Held in the Zion
Evangelical Lutheinn Chuich
Foi tj -tin ee delegatus, nSpioentlng
chut dies in Suanton, WIlkcs-Hune,
OouIdHboio, Hobble- and Doiiancetoii,
attended the Luther league convention
of the Xoitheustein Ccntial Pennsjl
vunla divlon of the Lutheiau chuich
in 'Aon EA.uiRcllial Lutheiau chinch
Thiee sessions v(ie lit lil. niouilng,
allei noon und evening llev . ('. 1". IJIe
tben. ot C(Hildboio, led the opening
exeuists, which consisted ot singing
Suiptuie leson and the apostles' cteed.
The addiess of webonip ivns made bj
liev. A. 0. Cialknkaiup. pastoi of Zion
Itepoits of olliceis and rommltlces
weie heaid, Two tojilcs wcie dls,cussLd
havi: YOU ANY of
Symptoms of a Vciy Common
Thcle Is no disease so common In the
t'nlted States as t'alniih because It ap
peals In so many foi ins ami attacks ho
ninny dlffetent oignuH,
It Is u common mistake to suppose
that calm th Is conllncd to the nose nnd
tin oat. Any Inilaininatloii of the inu
tmiH nieinbranu whcievei' located uc
(ompaulcd b.v abnormal secietlons, Is
ciUiuib, Catanli of stomach or blad
der, or Intestines Is neaily us common
ns miHiil catmih nnd mitt li mom scil
oits although It Is tine that stomach
i',i tit till and cut mill of other Intel nnl
oigiins Is the lestill of neglected nasal
A now Kinedy has lecently nppc'iited
which so inr as tested seems to bo ic
niaikubly effective In piompllv ciidng
cnturih, wheicvet lotatcd. The iuc
P nation Is sold by dtuggists Reneitilly
under name of SUniit's t'litnnb Tab
lets, and In addition to being: wty pala
table und convenient, post esses uvttn
otdltmij meilt, in inaiiy cases giving
Immediate lellef fiom the ( oughliig,
hiiwkltig' mid (onstalif clpnilng or the
Hit oat and head, those symptoms with
whlth cvei vone Is familiar who him
over KitlTcKd fiom colds In the head
and ,t In oat,
(.'it tin th Is simply a (oiitlnuatlon nt
these symptoms until the tioublo ho
mines tliionic and glows gtnduiilly
vvoiso f i oin j ear to yjai.
Stuait's f'nt.uih Tablets aie com
posed of Hvdiustln, lied Ouni and antiseptics and calnuh spc
dlks, n out which It will be seen thai
no secict Is made of Iho Ingiedlents
and also that no mlnciiil poisons rue
usul, us In the (use with many well
known catanli mcdltlnes.
Tor tatauh of the nose, thioatc bion
chlul tubes, ror catauh ol stomach, In
testines or bludder no picp.uo.tlon Is so
safe and gives such luptd and peima
I'ent lesults as Sttuut's Catauh Tab
lets. All diuggists sfii them at .'iOc foi full
sls-ed packuge You tan use them with
nssiii.ince that jou will not continet
the tocalne or moiphlne habit ns tire
lesults riom this catauh cine aie ap
paienl fiom the (list day's ti'e.
Money to Loan.
In a
on Us.
New Friends
Every Day
at the moinlng- session, "Our Conven
tions, Their tl'-e nnd Abuse," and
"liner Mission Woik."
At the attoinoon session lie v. J F
Hiuth, or Hobble, bad thaige ol the
devotional service. A shoit time was
then taken up In the disposal or un
llnlsbed business, niter which a num
ber ol papeis and addiessps weie given
llev. C. V Blethen, ol Oiace thin eh,
C.otildsboio, led the discussion cm
"Lutheiau Ileiots ol llie Keioiniatlon "
Another topic was the subiect lesion
lor Xovembei on "Live of the lleloi
matlon "
In the evening the opening vespei
seivhe was led bv llev. A. L Ilamei.
pastcn of St. Maik's Lutheiun diuiili
Aie win III nerd ot 11101101"
We loan auj aiiiount fiom SIO up, on
household goods, pianos
Tile goods lemiiln In voiir possession,
Monev lu wiiii hands two horns ulki
l.oiuis made foi one month or one
We Will
Lend You
Money on
venr, nnd at mnlmltv lonu can bo ex
tended without additional cost.
No eslin. thinges foi papeis Paj--incuts
tan be made on Instalment
plan; so Hindi per week or pot month.
Wo den I honestly and fably with all.
Come in and talk It over or send loi
0110 ot 0111 ngents.
to you unless we make the loan. We do business on a plan to make
.friends. Once a friend, always a friend, and friends upbuild any
one's business. You can have any amount here from $10 up on
household goods and personal effects. Easy payment plan.
in co.
Wyoming- Ave
Scranton, Fa.
INear Corner Spruce Street.
the Use of
Keeping Money
In your house and running
the risk of being robbed ?
Choial Club Meeting.
'Ill, 1' tllillli I'lmi il , '11I1 III in,, t 1, n
lelliatsiil Suwl.iv iifteinooii lil . n dud.
Ill the KnIUils ill ((diunlnis luuins
Two Polite Cases.
,'v' IMn.jijd Uiul.i, who was an, si,, I loi
ri(lhlK u illstm b line hi "riti 1 ' ,lti u
ton I'liui iv.iuii'. wan lln. (I , vestiidu.x
J'lllllk ltiii 111 1 'si I foe ilKiiikumiiss,
Jwiis Until !
) .
Tor the Civil Seivico,
'I In t lilted hl.iliri dil kui he (otutals
slop iitmoiinieH 111 u on lietnnbii '1 and
'30 an cdtinhi.tliuii will be hold fot tbu
ptisltlon nf iis.stiiiii piiinwiiik loinpllcr
.In the itaulUal iiIiuiuiik oliU.
! Held Under Ball,
j Ailhiii luvls 01 X011I1 HMiiiiton, who
wus ailiilgiud In polh a coutl vihtridij
mm libit; foi b. big dninU and dboiiUilj,
jnnd wiih ,t. luoi imiii In tin,)
jbilil b.v Al Itii niill Ituildv on tin di lit,"
inf jiiaMns tin ' .11. pioliimi i .In.-ip'i
(flOtkrrifdl 01 I', m ax inn
- c Big Sewei Completed,
Dlitclui of I'ulill, Wuil.h Jul 11 i:
Itocbo wns .Miitudij tiulllinl b riiiiei.
IllltiiiiUui I'blilips ,,i tho 1,1111 an of on
Kllieeilng tint 1'ld.iin fc f,i havo loin
pltttd tp Ills entile Nillclmtlon, tlu sowoi
Utiowii ns sntlon i, of tho ttuvoiiuuiih
stwci dlsiilu 11, tin .Nlucti.iilb waul
Hoise Wnudeied Away,
AVIlllo I'liologiuphei M .1 IHWIlt, of
UG CapoiiMi avrmie, was tngagKl In tak.
1nt- fconii, plctuics hi N'u Aug pink .V).
teidaj bid limso wiindertd away and Int
Vlnte bcin nilssbu; The Iioimj U a tlioM
7tU coloi, wltli white iio mid tout wltlto
,feet A plaid bl.,uket wns fastened 011
the anlmnl vbrn last otn
Lai cony niul Receiving;.
Hiuah Aim Ciriiiltlis, o( North Scr.u
fin, jvj tmulsiud befoie Alderman Mil-
Regan Replies to Diiectoi Roche.
I'diloi ol riii- '1 illume
Sli TlileiihiK to the si.ittiiaiits 111 nl
bv Alt Ilochr. tin snpti hilt ndi ill ol pnn
II woiks. In tin 11101 uhin in pels I would
sin ill it Iho lesoliitlun IntlodiK id li
liivself in s,l,cl (otiiidl illieitim; .Ml.
ltodic to in ike ltptiis on eel I lin stnets
In llie SK1I1 waid vvn- nut loi the 11111-pu-i
01 n.ii;'lm 01 , mb iii,issin hint
but stildh in the line 01 pnblk duiv. J 11
his iinswii to (Oiiiidl snbinilKd VV'ed
nisdtv night. In said In had no Hinds ami
iKo thin the stwit 11 mud hi niv isola
tion Was in jnnd 1 (million I look ec, p
llons to that pin ,11 hi- miswfi and diil
l(ii,id 111 Ins,, tiioa of tlit stioot lu
MUfstloii Mi Itodie slid the iimoval nt
a Iiiiiisl on Dioulwav piovrutnl Ills ill ik
ing th, 1, pill's I slau.l shoidd be 111 ide
N'ow (s a matiei of lid, th, 1r1110v.1l o1
houses tint, (Kt'iipinl niilv lb it portion
ol the stieu bitwttu It 1II1 oul avomiu
and Moiiuiouil urn mid oik -hall blodai.
and Hint s, i Hon ol the stu( is In ul
(oudltlon llu nth, 1 ini is 01 which no
lions s wi ic b bit, niovid b In; most In
need ol i, pili and In a deplniahk' 1 utidl
tlnii In Apill ui III!-. Vtai I siih-,stid to Ml,
ltocht ibc ailvlsal illiv of pi King s(i,np
ol llie irn 1 who wrn I1II1 at woik on the
stunt ns llie sum- n, , did lepilllllg lie
told. me to suKi -t MUii'iiieu and he
would jiiiii,, tin m ,11 woik .1111 the ot -t,.iiiliiiloii
or ilium II I did litis, but be
tdiisid Inn 1 10 i..ii mil his 11-1 1 (,in, nt
with me madi on bdmlf ol tin, men lu niv
wind who undid Die woik If lie ellls
Hint biill-ilivhu; ll was ,11 his own Hilg
f.tsiinn I uiiiiKil tin- nn 11 I nivit Intl
111.Ui.1l In ativ m unit 1 thai uitual woik In
the wind should lie t.iKi 11 out and would
lilu to know who tin men aie who weie
al woil tliil, mil wiio oidnul oul bv
I Would ll' ( to asl. All Ifu, he how
luilib iniilifi his li. en Hpi til In sltei t li-
lillls) Iti tin Si. Ill i.miiI It,,.. I, r. It, it- lit.,,.
llllillnl ,,f lilllkllf Mtl 1.4 ' I U.,,,1 III,,, (,,
-how me when one tool of sin at has
bun mule iimUi his dlui lion I ask him
il ll Is not tut, ihai 1 en Ui.- who Hindi
bv him In I. on 11 w mis mid the 1 p us,
illllKi.ll no In tin stlMll Wlllil appioii,
llllll ' Is It IWt ll III, lllill li, ns, d Hi,
publk luinls to mm iiiliiiu mills in tin,
Xllllll lllill hi'Mtllll enlli winds wlui, tin
OWIIDX ol iioi,'il wile wdl able to pn
fni a pave, and allowed 111' leslilHili-. of
the Sis t Ii waid 10 movi in the in id ' Mi
Itoelie 1tt111.1t itavvl oul of iIiIh mulln'
bv imv slid) bunts as lie glM s iiiiesb,,n
lids moiiib'K I hold him In Urn tails In
ill. 1 an- width in eva llv as I statu
tin-in, ami vvhn li din In viih'id In the
MWh wind mil lu tin publli Kintil"
J I! Hit,. in
K, In 1 t 'until II hlwh W aid
Caul fiom Mi, Gieenbeigoi,
IMII01 ol The' Tllbllll,
Mi I 1,1, thul In the Siiantoa llepnli
li on of this due 1,11 Inliii-.ln, with Di
li i tor ol Publli Woiks Itin bo sajbiL, that
Ulo.ulwav x In iiausablu i oiiillllini I
biive Im a u ii-ddent and ptoKit.v owiiei
of Hie rilMh wind loi sivrn veais and
iinvri Kiw llionlwav In mi It a dcplniablo
(0111IIH011 at- il was list mih in-; lu all no
1 have Hindi M'i,il u musts to Mr
ltig.ui in tin 111st two jf.ii t. to bavo It
up ibid hut 11 has 110I b(( 11 donu j el, mid
an one who mijs that It Is In bettoi eon
dilton thin Ii was a years neo dun t
know finv thing about tho r.'uttei and ho
lines not icMHtl tho lasiujcih lu tbu
wind and I am hiiio that evoiy tapajnr
limn I'mulh Mict In l'll.-U stid't will
vrilfv tin .stab iiient
Tbiael (Iit'Ciibeigei
Hnndsome, Fully Guaianteed Piano,
In ewellent condition: been used ono
.vein, icgtilur pike, ?.!30; today, $165
cash. Oueinsev Hull, JU-JIti VashiHK
ton avenue.
With a Dollar Purchase, Saturday and Holiday,
November 8 and 10.
! Greatest Sale of the Sea
Dr. Llndaburj-, Surgeon, diseases ot
women a-specialty, 215 Connell building.
Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. in.; 7 to 8 30
p. m.
b'ee the elephants at Dixie's.
All our depaitmentsare filled to overflowing with the Newest
Dry Goods money can buy.
Dress Goods
Shephetd Checks, all slzt.s, Ulatk and White 10c
Whip ('oid', high lustie, i'u' value 'Uc
Homespun Tweed .Ulxtiiies?, Sin . value llie
Coloied Cheviots, 43 Indies wide, (,'io wilue T'fiOe
Albatios, all llie dioke shades, 5Ue value I'lc
Poplins, I'lttnelles, Aunuies, 7m value Vic
fliailites, AiniuiiM, Pebbles, ot , ft 00 value 7."c
oiit.t1.iii-. all new (oloiis, $1.-' value $100
0loul and fliej Venetians, Jl.0'1 value T.'c
Cvfotil ami fliej Venetlaii.s, $1 ir. alue $1,1111
JVl skill htllpe, white glimild, lltei eel l.ed, SI 00
valut T.'c
I' Ine Waistlngs, hIioi t length-, T.'ie. and $1 OU goods.. .Vjo
Woited llnl-h Wal-tlns, new .snipes l"e and .'Ic
Light Weight Dress Goods
Vojli'V MIsueK lltainlnes and pictty Silk Waip
Snipes In new Hlues, Oiecns, iliovvtis and
HhKks 7.K- to fJtO
New Tallin .Mltuies, spow Hake cftetls, Kouielto
and rancy Novelty Tweeds 7V' to ?.'(I0
Black Dress Goods
I'' Maid KIiiIhIi lilaclc Cheviot rifle
$100 Iliad; camel Halt Cheviot 73c
:! L'7 Ulatk Camel Tluh Cheviot $1 00
J.'.OO Camel Hull Cheviot $i-,o
i.'OO lllack Camel Ilitli Zeb.illne $j,-,o
?1 .'"i niiuk Venetians $t 00
d ,V) Ulatk Venetians $15
i.'OO Iliad: Venetians $i,-,o
l-'r. Whip Coul.s and Poplins
1 L'.'i Heavy Kklltlllgs $1,011
"1 Jleavj Sklltlugs i,i(.
in lltavy Hkhtlugs r,'i
New Fine Silks
I'lMiitlful bilt,ht Clan Plaid SlIKs, 7.1c foi r,nc
I.eautltiil blight Clnn Plaid Silk, $1.00 for 7n
Hood Coloied Taltctas, 750 foi , 4)0
Kiuuj Tnltetub, riguics and .Snipes, Jt.oo for,..,,. (,1,,
Kniliy TiilfftnH, FlgutcH and SUlpes-, 7,-,( for Mo
chonej'e. cashiiieie Sllka ,,, 730
Black Silks -
t.1i I'eau tin Solo , 7-.0
M Peaii de Sol', (lold Selvage ,...,, ,-,0
1 1.1 Peau do Hole, lied Selvage !j-)0
l..l!i Peau do Sol7, jaul wide ji.23
lliinncr Taffetas, yunl wldo , ov0
Ilojal Ulaik Taffetas, j-aid wldo $,;-,
(Juaianteed Jlkuk Taffetas, lj j-aids wide $1,7,',
UuckeU'd Peau do Sole and Taffetas 75c to $. 00
Better Begin a Savings Account with the
Third National Bank,
J 18 Wv'"iinff Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Where You Will Receive 3 Per Cent. Interest,
Whether Your Account Is Large or Small.
on.x smi'kdvy LVLNiMis 7:30 to S:30.
Cloak Department
Fins, Staifs and .Mulls, Xiituial and lllended Mini
Mm ten, H ible and I-ibella roes, all length
Little (Jill's Long Coats, tioin J to ,1, In,
Ihoad Cloths, Kei-evs, Coidutovs and 'el-
vots $-'.00 to $7
ChlldienS Long- Coats with 01 without Caiie-,
rtippei lliVPitid Plaids 01 Hon. f!.u ks..$ ! ,10 to il.
Chlldi en's and Misses' Xavy P.lue' Petei Thomp
son's Coats, special values, 2 to 14 eais "il 91
L idles' and Misses' $1J SO Coats, hall leiiKth, lull
llpper back, sot over a piettj snapped voke,
fiumanteed Satin LlniiiK, all sies, Castor, P.lue,
Itctl. nnd Ulatk, Pine Kcise.v. Our special at..H'J3
ladles' and Misses' Xatty .shot t and half IciiKth
coils, all new and iiptu date shapes. ,1UuO to $.'100 '
Long: dm litems with niillt.ny capes and should 1
elfetts, some ilaln backs, otheis. plaids ami
lippks , $Muo to $1000 '
A baigaln lu Rain Piool Lous- Coats, CKloid ,
C.iey .MIn tines, all sles, nicely talloied, $1L' 30,
value as Ions as thoy lasi Jv'fi
LNew Tailor Suits, Separate Dress '
Skirts. Walking Skirts, Etc.
$3(10 WuIklliK bkhts, nine-, Uiejs, lila k, lull
llati niul llouiue tor t.; li3 '
l,.ll Iliad; Meiteiled Pettkoats si.ou
I'luer outs f 1 in $1.10 to turn (
Silk I'ellkoats, colois and bind; $ I 'H to J-10 00'
I'lannelette House Waist1-, 71c value. lot K9i
White Philie AVelt Waists SI 91 ,
I'lendi Flannel AVal-ts $1 30
Notion Department Specials '
Xtik Ituehes. sieiU vmlety $l.J1 to $1000
Pillow Tops, genuine nil (dloirt I'll to 30( ,
J'llluvv Colds and Tassels, "." new shades . ,l'1c to r,0e
Atnblaii and Ivoiy Lace Collais .I0e, 73c, 'lie
Xew Aiublau La e ln-mtlnn lie. '3c, S.1( , 50i ,
Ulij Invoice; Haul Jtubbei Comb-, wan anted for
(inn i-ii' , 10 to 71c
Plaid Itlblions, ciau mmhlnuthut isc to J'k t
Stilpe Cushion Itlhhoiis Jlc
Stiei Iliad Ilagh 30c, 7."c , !H(
Chateluln and Wilst Miirs .'",0 tu $100
Chlldien'h White Hemstluhpil Haudkeitlikls. ... : i
Ladles' LTic Swiss lanhinlileiod 'Hiiiidkei chiefs 17c
Xeekvvcar In Fiendi knots uud bows, siuifs, huo
and silk ,. :'le to $.'.00
Ladles' und Chlldien's (loll tilovis ,,, -.'Ic to $1 00
M. & K. Kid Oloves, tho best, at $1 00 '
Kaht Ulatk tlinbiellas I'k i
Meiteiltd I'mbiellas, hlhui and Peiul Handles 7S
$1,75 L'lllou Silk Tatleta t'mlne'llis $1 .'u
Xew Cot al Heads, Ioiik stilus' ,- 3tit "
S'i SteillntJ Panty Hall and Neck Pliih lOi
Corsets, 7Sc value, in blue, pink and white, new
shapes ------- fJOc
I for My Ladies'
thud Persoiial Ado
An eftoit wns made among centain fashion leadets to force the
sepaiate waists to a secondniy place this season, but women of dis
ciimmntion would not have it that way. They lecognized the
usefulness, the beauty, and the benefit of eveiy vaiying change
which the sepaiate waist affooids, and so it is moie populni this
fall than evei befoie.
ManTailored Waists
' P K. ' Waists oi,. lined and othei wise aie pikr-d fiom $100
All Wool I'liiuitl Wal-ti, all colois, ifliieit tailot stsles, tioin .. .. OSc
JJaslai VV lists ill the ikb i olor Ife ts pitullai to this
doth ami piliiil :111m $1.73
Vdvol and Coidiuov aists, In iiiunv new und biaiitllul tlf'Cts,
ptkid Horn $-30
s.llk Waists, tniide I v niedisiis 01 noli, with all tho lati st fisliloa
tottdiis 011 litem, 110111 $-9S
Uncertain Weather
t thi- s nsoii eiiinba-lreb the value of a lellalie lain toat. We
hnvt jusi takiu ddlveiv ol a lull Hue ot It.iln Coats, made espeeltillv
to an oiilot. In Ciavineutes and otbi 1 icln pioof weaves Ue.iv, me
iliiliu and HkIiI wdsbts in all sl'i s. Pikes Horn $10 00
Fashionable Neckwear
and Tii-i.iu
tlli'ds, with
I'm lidks, at ii.iHoiiible pikes
ItillU mil Itudles, In i.lbiitv Mil,
uud Juliv tiiimiiluKs PI dn and tape
and in' inked limn 10 W 10
In Collais, iminil and t-allot shiius
hto k Coll us. In nil inliiis mid inaki s,
$', hi In . ...
I'.iutv Tks In sin,-, wiih line luiuoveis.
te u pi aid 1 1 0111 '-.11 10 . . . . . .
hilt I'iis, JUimls-anee stvlo, j mils lon-
Ols I'll,
I'm .iikwi 11 't lie I iiK si und most coniph ti
hi 1 , it low I pili is (hail 1 11 lie bid al uliv othei
rib d 1 1 mil . .
wiih lllhhnu
lull llOWillK,
fiom $7.11! to
with tab or Jabot end.
, ( n pit de ( hone and 1 ho,
nnl vi iv lull All eol-
lllie In tlinjlli Is
-Kilo In Sd
liieSdtislitr.lory Store.
11 dV
Co. I?
400-402 Lncrinwdima Avs.
in Ladies', Children's and Men's Un- j
derwear and Hosiery, Blankets, Com- O
forts, Linens and Domestics. The busiest store in town, I
X Bargains
I) svs-
Hot Whiskey Sling
o li hluuilit He MkiIp
Hits season of the year a most
Cut Out This Coupon
escnt at our office,
purchase $1,00 worth of
goods or more and you
will receive 30 stamps.
Nov8 and 10.
Mears & H
415 and 417 Lackawanna Ayo p
Rr.tteftil bevetage of medicinal wortli
cs-peciaHy at bed -tune, is a hot sling,
To make it properly:
I tilt -i mcilluiii-sUed gUbi Into hot nattr
itilili iliotniiKltl) lieuted Dissolve ,t small
tr.rilioonful u( jkivv ilereil sugai in a little tint
VMiter, mill 11 wlneRloas of Green Vulle Itjn
AS lilskoj- till sluHa two.tlilrds (nil cf bnlllnt;
Tiiilci, gralt a little iiiuiueg umt nerv.
Old 'Phone
fj? p1 Sales Department VV
,o'2i(, Lack awamna Ave, ScramtonV
New 'Phone