lJ'3rp'("f vv3M v" o xitf' t ..vt y flf-t I. '"V v '"'ii m THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1002. ,5 , Veek's Social News IVin:nT! an- you Being my 1'iettj W mniar , "To tho Countiy dub, kind sir, she iill "And whnt do ott thete, in pretty "I'm going u-bowllng. Wml "li" !llt) Slll,1 "Then I 'iiii't niurry on," sadly lie sighed; ... "I'd lllto to know why'.'' the muhleii cried. "How Hup will make our hniidi bio.nl, you sec," "Then I uli.in't luml nn nunc,' wept flic. Whv under the hum a ni"ie man should 1m wise enough or eMiiivngiiilt enough to want to clothe his cntlio company In puiple and line linen, which being lnterpii'tcil, reiuli slllts and sntlus and leal laic, pas'-eili the imnpiehen slon of one wonmu, at least. Wliy u cheaper made ol the put pie and line linen could not bo worn by the gracious pretty eieatloni who walk limns the stage I" "Jmpiiiilcnec" Is another mys tory. Hut mi, Mr Krolniuu will not have tho Indies of his loinpany nn -thing but .--Ilk lined. U must be a Kic.it giief lo lilm that he should not in iku .Mr. FViveishiuii even inoie be.iutl w'lth the aid of Inset nn il.lllloil" of Diiehcse. lace and ai'coidloli pie. lllii: of the rlehe.-t sill.. Tho-e woudeitul row us that evei body bin .Mr. Fuvu-dinui ii.nl u k untortun.ite men wore last night, uie the io.il thing, Simon Pine, "I'l oilman Pino" as It weie. I'viiy blessed fnH; I- 1 1 1-E lined even to Hie last .-earn in the bodice i:eiy one Iris miles of .silk pleating as an Intel lor Mulsh and tin. list possible luinU-hlug In I lie il.ilntj was that only .1 woman (and Mr riohinan) cm nppieeite. Vim ought to .see that llul?, peiul.v. K"ld ilies that Hilda Spring Is gowned In when she comes nut in that ait. The tost inus.1 hive been tetilliii. Ii N Mr. Ki oil man's Hoik, be nnl loins It to .Miss Spnng loi some mhIi ikkIoii us this. Then thei" is that glmifled ill ess ot which .Miss Davis weal' lh.it one th it looks, as if some l.cun.tulo'- Klinen tlne beauties might h.ue had It in the beautiful, lien e das of the iciumies dead. What a ilienin 11 is with the riunlnt slim t waist and the bioad Mil of 1,hp liom h"i- lovelv shouldei.3. She is ihe piettie.st thins that Miss Diis even when she Isn't il.nl like the sun In spicudoi. .Sweet and .simple and unaflecied. just like the tine Amotion gill .slic Is and Hostonese, too: Miss Sponpr Is eer so nnieli moie beautiful than that famous poitiail of hci by William M. Clinic, the one In giey. "Jim rid pletuie. wasn't it'.'" .She Miieiied last night. "Doesn't look a bit like me does it'.'" And she eimed her pi city nock in thai fascinating Imglish W.1V ot licis. Then there wa de.u old Mi. Smith, ,irr eigliU, think of It, and .sweet Mrs. Adams .Maude Adams' inothti all In this, one Mipeib lompany. Their die.spes were just as riih and hand- some and so weie tho.se of Miss- i,ewN and all the otitis. You will si-e them today for your-elf l sine, to notice that palest of gieen niolic, einliioliluicil in emeralds that Miss Lewis wc.us. These les-plendent gowns aie all in iharge ot Mi. Hughes who has been "Mistics oi" the Hobos" tin Mr Ki un man for ten ycat.s. She s tiit. iiPst In tills lole in the tin an leal husiiiis- J!i. Mi. Il.infioljili and .Mis l.,u dolph enteitaiutd n .sin, ill iiuiipan; ol fi lends .csteid.iy on the incision of the clulsti inns ot their lntant son Tin lillfirstlUK eeienioiiy was pel loi meil b Mr Itumlolph. The boy was i Jni.-ti ned !i(.'i.llilind " l!e. "Ml- .Senekri. ol Wilkes. Mane, lrude a tleer speei !i Mis. f'.r.idy and Miss Spencer .s.mn. Last. eveniiiR: .Mr. and Mis. H.iiulolpli had a few quests in lionoi- of Mif-. ,-".nah Piocioi llowp and Mrs. Ada Hollluy.s-woith-Watltlns. of New "Vol k. Tlie latter is a eiy atliactie jduiik woman a tonne r ela-.smate of .Mis. It.iuilolph in ikmton, who i.s to make mi p'otesslonal debut in co.stume sours Diceinlier ", at Mendelssohn )mil, .Niw Voik Last, nlf-lit t-lie sans a Kioup ot 'oloui il souks m instuiue, rollowiiiK uitii inodei n s-on She lias h wonder lul sopiano miIk, ihioly culthated, anil t-nsmsM , ,i sinKul.ir fjlu of e.pio,son, Tin- iKiiutiful lertory was most fa.s. clnutliiB in its aitlsiic rifnt.s. AnioiiR tlio fun.sts iuh Colonel and Mi.s. L. A. Wanes, Mr. and Mif. II. U, Hejnold.x, Mis h, i PeuiiMiaikei, Mi, and Ml?. L. i' D, an, .Mis. t c. von Stou-h, mif. .1 P. illi l.siin. .Ah.s. Keiett Tollos, .Misses HeMiolds, Helen Hand. Sponi er, rinuiKiin. Paike. Lleanor Ueynolds, Di. Miiu.s, Dr. Woodcoik, Oi. Peck, Me.ssi.s It. I") Williams-, Y. J. Toney, Meiri man, J'eiez, Tlie silks of the Youiik Wonien'.s riiristian at.-oi lailon, in tho .South Side branch have been working veiv hind to lenovate thdr looms, The Impiovements weie cxtiemely neces sary. 'J'hi new secietaiy, Mli-.s Mcie- illth is) eiy popular mid It Is expected that there will bo Kteal advancement In the work this year. Theie uie tienv RynniiiRlUtii classes, a oonkliiff school and educational uIhshcs In tho .South Side looms and they will need Homo unslslanee to poy for nil these needed ndvanlaKi's. Vov this purposo the kIiIh have airiitiKed a merles of unteitaln nientc. Dr. I. ,1. LanHllifr, of (lieen ltlilKe, Is to open the eouise with "This L'oUlt Hlilp of Miles Htutidlih,"i on Tuesday (unln(?, Xuv. J1. All who liuve lieaid Or. Limilng will know w'hat u tieal thelo Is in stole for the South Side people. Mih. A. i. Twllehell nine u luiuheon at the Countiy club esterduy. AmoiiK the KtieHtt weie: Mih. II. It, Iteynolds, Alls'. II. 1!. Waie, MlM. 0. S. Stlll'ta"-, Mis. ii. j, ttruii, jr., Mi.s. Kdwiiul I'Vankllu, Mi.s. Albeit Waton Mi.s. Clnionce Sim ki. Mis. Jaini.s (laidnor Handel son, .Mrs-. Lveietl To Ik"', Mis. l' V. KluitK, Mis. T. C. Vou Stoich, Mls Clink, of OI.IIIKC N. J.i Miss llowaid, .Miss I'oote. .MIfs Linen, the Misses Arclibald, Mlsji Anile liallil, .Miss Dale, Miss "Matthews, Miss Anna Arclibald, Miss Kleanor Iteyuolds", Miss Helm Wluton. Di and .Mis StuiRf hud a dellMhUill "at liome," day and eenlnq, on Tues diiv A lai e number of KiluUs weie eiitel tallied. .Mr.-'. K S. IS ml fro V as sisted In leu'iviui,'. Mls.s Stuart and Mls.s lKaven, ol Tut onto; Miss- Hko, .Mis-s Jones, ol tills cltv, tisssttl in the (llnlnR-iooin. Dr. and Mif. I'". O. Ciutes. who liuve been the Kiicsts of Mr. and Mrs. W. IL RlLlimond, at Ilkliinonil Hill, sailed this week lor Constantinople. Dr. tlatt Is ki'-piL'slilenL ot Holiert tol leKe with which Miles Hand was cou nt e ted as u piufesoi for some time, and is one ot the most Intel estlin? of educational I list i tut Ions. .Mr. and Mis. i;. n. Chase b,ie taktu up their icsidenea in Woicehter, Muss., wlieie Mi. Cluise has .seciutd a most taken poMiiou with a vast manufactur Inuf enteipilsc, wlieie lie will fill a re sponsible place. Their depaituie is di ply leKi-etted in this city whole Mi. Chase lias spent all his lire and wheie ids wife, who has In en here but a toin li nathely shoit lime, is such a f.uoilte. Mr. and Mis .r.i.i Williams and their sou aie amontv tlie ninn who have 111 L ted to Mull. ilo to the iiRiet of life-ion ,isso iates. Thrv aie missed in Him Paik church pel liap- as much as any wheie. P.oth hive been valued woik ei s time for many year.--. Mi. Wil liams has- bun th trt.isuiei of the Ladles' ,id s(1(ietv throiiRh most of its tiibulall'iiis by tlie and other disnsteis. She lias also been a cheiislied woiker in tlu J""loienee .Mis-sion and various other pliil.iiithiOiue oi.inUnllnus, whoio It is tlillk'iilr to fill her pi ice. Mr. aim Mis Cleoiw K. Daiimid have taken up their lesldenee p"rman entlv In ISufiulo and aie living at t'" eoine-- ol lV.iy s-titel and Delawaie iveniie, close to the Milbuin house, wliei- Piis(int Mi Kinlev died. Their new home is also neav the icsideiif of Mi .T J Albiltrht. Tt Is with icRiet that theii many fi lends in this city t,ae bltlili n Mr. and Mis. p,ai n.ird rii(will Mr. Uainatil has been iileii lilicd with the steel inteiests of this i itv for inanv yeai.s Mi.s. liainard mine heie as a beautiful lulde aril has emit ned heis,lf to a vet v IaiRi iltelt while she will be s;ie.'itly missed. Mis Milton l'.lair will g( a linn heim nevl Thiusilaj, In which a nunibet of Imitations li.ni- been issued. Ml. and M Prank Silllmau. jr. and urn, have l etui in d fioiu Moosic lake wlieie they .sjieut the summer and have Viken up Huh- i evidence for the win ter at the Jet myji. Mis T. C Von Stouh r,io a tea at the Home lor the t'Yiendles.s last week for the old ladles who aie inmates ot th.U Institution. Mi.s. p, .s, Uoiinev Rave a box p.nty at the Dixie on Tlunsday aftei nnoii. Anion,' the number weio included seeial out of town Kiiests. Mr. Cil.iKcbiook has lnokon the bowl Inn lecoul nl the Countiy iluh with u seine of 2J.I, On Tuei-dav evening, Mi.s. Dr. Pieico entei tallied the ymint; ladies of her bible class, at the Penn avenue Hnptist pitiMiniiKe, on Mlfllln avenue, Mr. and Mis. Twilchell entei Mined at dinner at the Country club, Thursday lliKllt. One of the f eat in cs ne.t week at tho We Are Flattered ! I H daily, but we want your good opinion along with the others regarding the beauty, utility and price-liberality of these Corduroys of ours. FOR SUIT They have no equal, be- , ingnewandnobby.easily designed and capable of withstanding all the hard knocks given in business, and street wear or traveling. For the Very Handsome Waist White Imported Corduroy (so say authority,) is irreproachably smart. All colors, best quality, Imported Corduroy, 24 inches wide, yard those in $1.00 Nleldrum, Scott & Co., 126 WYOMING AVENUE, Dlxlf will bo Air. Tomklns' Impei-Bona-tlons. Thai patltettu entree 'Ilnllim nketc.li of IiIh Ik one of the best thliiKS hna-Klmible. Then thete wjll be those blessed elephants. Mm. ti. V. KliiBsbmy riic u lunch eon at thu Countiy club on Thutwlny. The letnoMil of the .steel plant tu Uuft'alo has occasioned many I'tmnpoa ninontr people who It was supposed would nlvvayn leinuln In this coin niunlty. Of then' none will be more tOKietted than Mr, and Mif, J. H. Mott, They huvn renin veil to Lebnniin, Pa. .which to bo siuio Is not ho far away, but i.s Hither out of the line of Scian (oii'h visitations Mr. Mott Is pctninii enlly connected, with Iniite ImliiHtiliil Inteiests iheir. Personal.. Mis. .lames P. Dickson was hi town jesleiduy. AIIsh ltutli lliind Is at a boiiidhur ncliool at (Ireeinvleli. Conn. Itnyinoiid .Suiiiim.son is at home fiom Pilneetiui with 11 Hpruliiid tinlile, lion, ttaliiHhii A, litow, ot Siiviiu luiiiiiii enmity, was In the clti yesteid.n Miss CI11I10 II01.111 hi tinned after .speiidlliK some time In Xew Toik. MIhh Bostwick, of Montrose, Is the Kliest of Mini lint 11H, oil Miullsim n venue. .Caplulll Co"Kloe, of the -N'ewark illy dete'ctlve foiei, was In the ilt iimt uiculni; lion. John It Van, of N01U1 Main iiveni)e, left tor Philadelphia jistndii afteinooii .Mr. Percy P. Piiiie. lepicscnlliiK the CIioiko K. 1'lcice Co, of Dllllolo. X. V, Is in tin- city. .Miss Ciitluiihie Miliown. of llnzleloii Is IsUIiim: her aunt, Mis. D Walt. Whb ai'i'. 1,11 .Miilbciiy sticct. Mid lii-itriule W. L.Midi will ho to Buffalo lie.st week to upend a lew nii,i with htr sun, i;. II. T.ynde. .Mis. J'city Deen and Miss iitn Deell, of Danville. Pa.,aie the Klie'ls of .Mis. Wesley 11, Oaiilnu'. oil Qiihu lueniie. Leo Ciiivshi of Xoitli Lincoln meiiile, leturueil to I'oulliam coIIohc M'studiiv, mid will play hi the kmihc .ik.iIiisl Jlnlj Cnihs tod.iv, Samuel ANlKfnll. of lilnouisluiiK, lee pieslilelil and KLliel.il inaniiKer of the JiliiiimsUum' and Sullivan luiliojil: i. J. Xeedhain, of Buffalo. tiaellnn fieiKbt iiKont of tlie I'nion P.u hie iallio.u1; II. It. Allen, .iirent of the I.aekawaima lull 1011I at BlnKlmmlon, and T. It MeAoy, li.ivolln!," iiir iiKciit of the L.ukaw.inna i.iilinail, weio In the eitv ivtuln. V IEWS OF A WOMAN MUX aie such fiholous beings (specially as ieK,irds be.uds and moustaches. These p irtieular attacks) of frivolity arc apt to ovei lako them any wlieie between tlie ases of twenty-one and s-eenly-ltve; .some times even later in life, and few s-cein to be immune. lliave piottsslonnl men, business.s men, who aie supposed to have too liuieli to do for pi imping, men of the s-edatest tuin of mind, .sud denly deelop as lleice a elesite for change in their pcrs-nn.il appeal .nice as if they weie s-tai tinw foi th in lite as tliLMtik.il inamiKcis. Why, they me eveiy bit as, fiiolous as women who aie dis.satisfled with their allot ment of hair and dimples nnd set out to bleach the one and .iiqulie the oilier. Homo men who li.no unin uioti-stache-, for e.ns and suddenly appear witli smooth shaven coiintenanie.s, look posit 1 veiv immodest. Later, after ou Slow ued to their changed appeal -aiu e. utt don't mind it so much, but you inner quite fjel ener that Hist shock-, when you thought a bold naughty actor was attempting to speak to ou in a friendly fashion on tlie stieet. It is odd that men don't .seem to mind if their fiionds cut them when they meet, because of their uuiecogni. ablllty. They go along chuckling to theinsehcs as- if it pleased them when iinv oilier time they would be as mad as hops if they weie passed by an ac quaintance without speaking. Men who ically haven't an ambition to at 11. ict attention under ordinal y cliciun staiiLes too: funpv isn't it? It Is seldom that vou will find a wife who Is pleased when her husband shaves off his nioustnche. Sometimes I think lie does It as a soit of a bluff to piove to the world that his wife is "boss" in inline only. Almost Imnri ably she makes a row about it. Tlie sixe of the row .depends upon tlie woman. If you notice it, nobody ever an nounces to ills wife that he Is going to shavo olf his moustache. He simply goes and does It. He knows If once .she suspected his Intentions, she would manage to ciioumveiu him in some way, even If it had to be with an in junction on the limbers. So in a moment of bi.ivado he goes otf and does the deed. Usually it Is when his wife is away on a visit or he Is out of town. Somehow he never would get the courage to stmt down the stieet, like n nice Innocent boy with the best of Intentions and come home shaven and shorn. If she weie light on the spot, Distance lends enchantment to a wife's tiowns as well as her sinllis. Somehow the trowns, one hundrul and llfty miles away, seem a little dimmed by the soft-conl haze, Just us liur ces seem tenderer and her smile sweeter. A man's nervo ibii't going to desett him so quickly when he feels tho itasiuiring ceitiilnty that she will not bo the Hist perton to gaze upon hlin as he emerges fiom the barbe-i's chair, and that while she Is at.'.iy at the seashoio or moun tains. h'i U.iH a cliaiU'c to giow another beiu d, If lie finds himself looking too awfully special ular when smoothly shaven I know uue wife who mine home, aftei n mouth's absence, with a he.ut full of love and a trunk mil or tillls to further ent-nsivo thu Imagination and devotion of the lonely spouse who would bo awaiting her at the station. It was evening when she ai lived and she looked in vnln lor the handsome husband with the illstwicting innus luche. Sho wan lendy to weep with disappointment, and Just then she found hi'isc'ir In the cmbiaie ot a straugo man, who looked like a com poj.ite photogiuph "f the gentlemen who ilgiue in the advertisements of new physical e.etclse fads eveiy one. worse tlmn the last. She screamed, and thete was a sensation on the plat lonn. Now It so happened that the shaven and shorn individual hud a d!s t us to for scenes. He had always taken pilde in never appealing In a scene of any tort and In the fact that his photo graph hail never been In the uews papeis. The lady continued to scream, and called for an olllcer. When that pci&onnge inrived bhe piomptly ordeietl the arrest of tho protesting gentleman, who had been holding her fondly In his arms. "But, May, It is Jonathan, your hus band!" he plead. "Pon't you know tue, CJjRmmk Health and beauty uio tlie glories of perfect womanhood. "Women who .sulfur constantly with weakness ieouliar to their sex cannot ic tain their beauty. Preservation of pretty features and rounded form is a duty women owe to themselves. When women are troubled whit irregular, hupprehhed or painful menstruation, weakness, leueorrhaja, displacement or uleeiation of tho womb, that healing down feeling, inllanimation of the ovariey, back ache, bloating (or lint ulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are bosel with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melan choly, "all gone" and "want-to-bo-left-alone" feelings, blues, and hope lessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Ijj'tlin I, I'inkliam's Vegetable Compound lemoves such troubles. Case of (his Prominent Chicago WoraatT Should Give Everyone Confidence in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Ukak JSlits. Pixkiiam : It affords mo tfreat pleasure, indeed, to add my testimonial to the great number who are today praising Lydiil 12. Pinlt Jillin's Aregetiiblo Compound. Three years, ago I broke down from ex cessive physical ami mental strain. 1 was unable to secure nroiier vest, also lost mv atmc.tite.. und I became so . Je9&3SbmxB$L nervous nnd irritable too that xuy friends trcmblcd.nnd I waa irtiablo to attend to my work. Our physician pre scribed for me, but as I iid not seem to improve, t was advised to jjo away. I could neither spare the time nor money, and was very muck worried when, fortunately, one of my elu) friends called. She told me how she had been ourcd of ovarian troubles, and how like my .symp toms were to hois, seven bottles of your medicine eurctl her, and nlie insisted that I take some. " X did so, and am (flail that 1 followed her advice. Within six weeks I was a different womun, strong und robust in health, and have been so ever since. " A number o mv friends who have been troubled with ailments peculiar to our sex have taken your compound, and have also been neatly Denotitcct." jmiss j-ji.izauktu daxkt. 270 Loomis St., Chicago, 111. President of the St. Ruth's Court, Order of For resters, Catholic. "What, is loft fortbe women of America, after leading such letters as wc publish, but to believe. Don't some of you who are sick and miser able feel how wicked you are to remain so, making life a burden for yourself and your Mends, when a cure is easily and inexpensively Unkr Am. Iwral iht . 'j?fjm&22m. ill obtained : Don't you think it woultt pay to drop some or your old pieiudiees and "Try Ijyrlisi 15. Pinklinm's Vegetable! Compound, which is better than all the doctors for eurcs ? " Surely the experience of hundreds of thousands of women, whom the Compound has ciued, should convince all women. Follow the lecord of this modicine, and remember that these cures of thousands of women whoso letters are constantly printed in this paper Wer.o not brought about by "something else," but by Jjydia J2. Pinklmiu's Vegetable Compound, tho great "Woman's Kemedy for "Woman's Ills. Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times, for thcyget what they want a euro. Moral stick to tho modicine that you know is tho Best. Write to Mis. Piukham for advice. FORFEIT I' wociiinot fnrllenlth produce tlio original lotter anil signature of abuu U3liuiuul.ll, which will proo its iihioluto qenulnerieis. LydU U. 1'iukliaiu JUodlolno Co., .ynn, Mosa. my own wife0 Kor heaven's s.ilte, let up on that yelling and come home, out ot tills mob. To think you should, be inakiiipr such a spectacle as this:" he moaned. vi Hut the lady lit the blue diess con tinued, to Insls5t that she neer knew the man who was .mnuyliifr her, and it was not until somebody who recosnlzed him came forwaid and lent bis kind assistance, that the complication was disentaiiKleil, "I don't believe that Jonathan will ever shave off his moutaclie aprain," conllded the lady to a fiiend. "But didn't you le.illy know liini'.'" quelled the fiiend. "That's, what Is woriyint; Jonathan yet," lejillud the wile, with ait enlK nintleal ainlle, "and it was tin ve.us uso!" A ceitaln ladjt who has alway? be lieved her husband to be possessed of sensible, stuidy Units of character that would invaiuibly lead him to tlie avoid ance, of anything appro, ichlns levity of i oviduct, was luexpicsslbly hoi rilled not loni; njro, to lime hlin Kieet her home ruining 'with only a Kay moustache ailoriilnir his l-iiKe, Heietofoie he had woin a neatly ti limned beaid, They haw a ki'owii up liuuily and Krnudchlldieu ami this yauiiK-old Kraudiuaiuina was scandalized beyond word?. She lias hair that kinks Into bccoinlns wnes which only dlseieet biushliiK keeps I'lom breaking: out Into a i lot of cuiIh, still blown and fot't. The next evenhiff my lady appeal ed nriajed for a dliinei, wltli her abuu dnnt hair done In nuK such as she woie In glilhuod, over hei plump should! t.s. The husband was illsmued Ilt reinenibeied hei, u beautiful girl, with the shining cm I.s waving about her nee I;. Shu woio them tonight tied with the blue iIIjIkiiih of eniller il.ivn and to hlin she seemed as the girl he had won In the spring of thelt luippy lives. Hut somehow ho did nut just like to go out to u dinner with n Hint! only Wile whose cutis lightly threadul with grnj, bnblnil Jnluttlug. ly In his face. It was to be a swtll dinner and Nettie Jane looked pink and pietty und young but he caught sight of their two faces in the mantel lllll'iot Ills nioustnche (Milled up blithe ly at the ends It used to droop modest ly; her i tills fell about her face. "I'll let it glow lomorum, Xcttlo Jane!" he leniaiked slowly, "Hadn't Vou bet ter lis your hair as you've been doing fur the past thlity j ears'.'" .Saucy I k .. MORE DONATIONS RECEIVED, Acknowledged by the Manngeis of the Home for tluFilendless. The cash donations on Donation day at tlie Home tor the Kileiulless amount ed to $717. -15, a laigor sum than was eyer beloie unitized on a similar oicusioii, Tho coulilbiitious of piovlslous, fiult anil vegetables weto also in excess of pievlous yeais. The end of the bcue llts bus not yet been i cached, tor nest Tuesday afternoon the Home family, to the number ot llfty all that me ublo to go will bee the elephants at the Dixie, thiough tho kindness oC Jlessis. Dixie and Sisson. The mauageis of the Home acknowl edge with giatitude the great sener oslty of many friends, among whom aie the following: Mrs. F. H. Paull, barrel Hour; Mrs. F. M. Spencer, fiuit, cake; Scranton Uicycle club, magii idnes; llrs. Bainey, two coats; Mis. F. S. Clodfrey, pumpkin pies; A Fiiend, bag of apples; Mrs, (J. D. Sanderson, quantity potatoes, ci ackers and canned corn; Mrs, Josephine Onriison, two quilts; Green Itldge Women's Christian Temperance union, canned fiuit, jelly, (lowers, reading mattei ; Mis. James Howell, copy St. John's Gospel lor each old lady, one wool jacket; Mrs. Charles Fuller Conn, clothing; Mis, William Illogg, nurseiy clothing; Tiadeis' Coal company, b.mel npples; W. U. Miller. Moscow, bairel apples; Miss Susan Dickinson, bushel apples; Mis. W. P. Kennedy, cookies; Mis. II. U. Crane, liult, ceieul, lending matter; Miss Ites- sle Slieier, grapes, ciab-apples; Kmll lkiuii, ban el (lout ; Hew F. S. Hallen tlne, reading nuitter; W. W. Scranton, pe.us; C. S, Woolwoitli, bairel pota toes; Mrs. Paull, bus-hol grapes; Mis. Thomas H. Jones, fiult and cakes; Mis. Mary J. Tvler, two baskets giapes, Other Donation day gifts: Mrs. I.. K. Haitlngton, a blind lady, knitted ouo dozen palts of mittens for the clilldtcn; Mrs. II. II, Crane, leieals, ciilineil fiult; Mis, WIUIiuii J. Ikown, Dalton, bairel upples; Mis. Fiederlc Price, iiutiutlty silk ami satin pieces for quilt; Mis. II. 11, Paine, bag of Hour; .Mrs. 11. L, Foster, reading matter; T. Fellows Mason; box of soap; Oenter & .eldler, htfc of soap; .Mis, llussel J. I'eil;, ileo and vegetables. Additional cash donations weie: Mrs, II. M. Holes, $10; Mis. 1,. M. .Mill vine. $10; .Miss, Anna Hunt AVolles, SI!; Mrs, Finnk i:. Plutt, $"; Thninas k, Jones, J.'O. DevMMts weio fuiulshed bv .Mis. D, H. Taylor und Mrs, W, T. Smith; the t'ousutiiei.V lee iiinipauy fiirnlslioil ! e; Or. New tan, Dr. Illythe Wliytu niul Dr. llelllinr i olltl lliuteil sul vli es. Mrs. Ulcll- aid Oslund has jlnuiitid two ctiuiiry plants: Miss Mo'cl gavi.' ilecoiatlous, O It. clink coiuiihuie-d sinices on the shtubberj'. FOR THE FLORENCE MISSION. Donations Aie Acknowledged by the Management. The iniiniiBCiuent of the Ploreuiu Mis sion giateiully acknowledge the tollow Ing donations foi October with thanks: Marvel's and Pleice's inurkct. vege tables and ti lilt weekh; Zcidlei's and Milliner? baker, biead and lulls week ly; Mis. Dlehl, cupel material, meat, fat; Mis. 11. I. Simpson, clothlnij, huts and gloves; W. II. (Jearhuit, meat; Dim Pail; chinch, bu-ad, butter, sugar, potatoes, cubb.ige; Mis. W. II. Tajior, ham, one basket tomatoes, ilothlug, carpet rags and articles tor luiiimage s.Ie; draco Hototmed Dpiscopal chuich, iv veiy geneious donation of fiult and vegetables; Mrs. Hamilton, rnipct ma terial; Annuel man Mission Sunday school, lll'tecn tickets for Dr. Pierce's lecture, "Rambles Abioad;" Mrs?. Craw- I" I Pi BLhh WINTER CLOTHING lll'l The finest tailored Overcoats and Suits in the city are shown exclusively here. Our garments have the style, fit and finish that characterizes the finest custom clothing. , Look through our stock. You'll find what you need and at what you expect to pay perhaps at less than you expect to pay. . HORAN & SON 324 Lackawanna Avenue S: I I SI I j j lip! ) V- vAW!lAv1 v5i v A Ten Year (iiuirdiitee With Every Instrument, We Are Satisfied With a Fair Profit The reason why you can buy a thoroughly good Piano at this factory at a moderate price is because we are satis fied with a fair margin of profit. Every "KliLLIiR BRoTHriRS" Piano is built upon the best known lines of Piano con struction and of A-1 material throughout. Kelfe & Van Dyke Piano Factory, lo.3-i05i Cponso Avenue. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, foul, one toil and ten bundled of ioal; Jllii Sauileisoii, meat; Mis. II. M. Doles, meat; Mis. Dr. Dean, diitlilug, sniiashes, beets; Mr. Joiki, sewing tua chlnu il.Muus; Miss Mulle, cluthltig: Mis. KnS, meat, Miss Owens, iloth lug, Mis, f. V Matthews, one ban el tipples; Dr. t'laik, ptofesslonal seivlces; Tilbune, Itepublic.iu and Tiutli, dally; Consuiiieis' Ice lompany, Icn dally, I..u.Kinanna dairy, i nil Iv daily, lee cieam once; Mis. .. I). Stelle, meat; Mis, William Hanley, lltly sandwkhes LECTUKE ON "SUCOESS." Bishop Spauldlng' Will Speak at the Lyceum, Sunday Night, Nov. 10. lit. llev. lllshop John l.ancaster Spauldlng, of Peoiln, 111., member of tho illbltration commiASion at mesent llnuulilng Into the causes leading up to the lucent strike, has um.-eiileil tu de liver a Inline In the Lyceum, tliealcr on .Sunday iilglu, No ember 1C, under the auspliea Oi tlie, Catholic Hisl.oili.il soile-ty. Ills (opli m11 bo ''Success," The pi meeds of the lec-tuie will go to the House of tile flood hcpheul, and the seats will be ulil by subscilp tlon. The I'nthollo l.'limal club will slug two selections, one befoie and one after (he leituic. Iilshup Hpauldlug has a wldt) leputatlon lu tin; West as a lectiiicr and is in great dcmiuid .on the platfoiin, but his episcopal liutW lu-cvent of his giving but very little time to this Held. Yesteulay's Maniage licenses. riiuik's Iliilm Moscow Adelaide V. Field Hi HicUoiy strett Tlioinas tloiQ ...,,,.,. (Setantoii ihuy J. Jmnci ,,...., ,,,,ScraiHou