The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 08, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    nm wcjjialVtojs tjibliNE-satludav, iXovkmbjiIjU s, 1902.
t'tintMit il Dilly KTccpt liilndov", by Th Tribune
g, jrnitt1Uli)8 Compiuij.Rt Tiny rent n Month,
. t'.TJVXim:
. . . . t . ),titTn.
Entered rt the 1'oMonlc nt Scnntnn, m Second
t'lnM Mall Matter.
When apnr trill licrmlt, Hie Trlhnne I
nlwnj Rlml to print (hurt lettrr from It
friend hrnrlnc on rnrrent toilci ttut Its
rulo if tlmt tlii'sn mint tin ulciiod. fnr'tmb
llMfitlnti. lit, itm tvrttfi' nnnlftt unit
I thn rnnitltlan itrnppitrtit to ncooDtnnco It
tlmt nil contribution linll be itiuject to
rilltorlnt rot-Wlon.
The. following tabic rihn-, ttin rrlee pr Incli cadi
InKCttlon, )c to tin tnpil within One yenr:
i ei-. tliaii 5i) inciieTi
en luihe . .
ll "
W) "
f.00 "
Illlll of
Forcri!oft!ink, t"oliilloniifcotuloliKO,nnil
ImlUr inntrlliutlun-i In tlii" nature nfwIvertMnir,
'I he 'Irllitiw unites a clintfio of 3 ronl5 R Uni".
scnAXTitx, nuvi:muuu .. iaoj.
The- I'ltlcf hotis-p nhyult Inn of the
J.tiek'iiwuina liospllul !. ri -ill toil In tut
I'M-nliifj p.ijiur Willi I'liiit'BinK tlutt tlio
local npwinti me pieltidlccit
-ijrainst instliutloii. If lit- wiIil
thitl. ho Is mistaken. Httl It Is only
l.i lr tn -ny slr.u- the t.nckuwfiiiii.t
linopltttl foei'iiino :t slnte institution II"
iiiiornitl lmiiuiRctni'iit has till hut phut
31s-- ilonrs to Iho li'Kltim.i It liiiiullies of
tin- now spaperti n'-poi tlnjr ih'oiim Mib-.lii-tt-
of pulilii1 Itiu'stlKittloii uiul :iutt-tl
al tlnu's .ix tliotiKh II lew oil in tlii'
W'wsp.M'i i mi .iKt'iifV nf opposition.
IWhi'ii it is liMMllPil nn iniUitiltioii
111 till" C'ilt llllS I I'll Hut lllOM' Kt'lHTOUl
-.o-upr-i.ilion uiul HitppDit Irani th"
pu"-- tlmi' th" h.iuK.iNMimiiL,
this atlituili on tin- "1 Uir intoinal
iiian.iKoiiuT.I n, itui .illy Is "-tirpiWiiiK,
hut wi'" pieltr to bolltii. tlmt II it. not
liitiMiili'd tn lie jiL'iiiuinoni
A Penalty of Greatness.
-M-lli: ATI'IUMT if till.tlll
I nn-nilics ol tin- i irhrmilnlc
. 1 i mini tin to iwelutl" lopoit-
rs fifiin lcijiiliti' inoptliif,"4
of ilii' iiilnt tlii.iiieo is mis
f.ikfii .wvX mi wist.. It won M IniM- :i
7lHl(lii,l!ll I'llr-ot upon iii1l I "" npliilnn
and II woutil in no iIckioi- ,iiil in thu
t.ins,iction of lioniMt publk' litislnt'ts.
Tiio tlnunrrs of ilty scivpfimrnt an1
most leitiiinly topic ol puhlii- intcr
cit. Tlio tiip.iyi'is hiivi" n cln:ir li'
n? well as tiujht to bo Kept in
lonneil in ilotnil ol tlio nxoipi- anjl o
pi nitlturu.s niiil of Hip oonliMiiiitatoii
cypciuliluips, .mil tlio iouikHhmu who
rlifiptttP'? tills fact inns tlio iiJk of ha
niK' hits motivi's nilsi iinstruuil.
That thoio an. tliniw in tin- (ons'iil
o..Uinii of pioji-its In tlii'ii liilont stalo
wlien publii it;- moiiM ih feat tlie k-k'ili-matc
jiurposps ol govoinim nt is oiv
tiup, anil we Know of no butti r way in
which to fjiuiil .iq:Tiiist stall publicity
tlian to taKp upoitLts into oui" lonll
di'iip, show tiicin the ip.isoiis whv pul -ticntion
lioulil be postponed anil dust
to tlielf M-nsp ol laiinc's-,. (li Is a pour
Mini Inii'ii ol :i newspapir man ami oi
t-hoi'l tifp on ippttl.ibli" iH'Uup.itu is
m Iki Is uicapabl" oi iioti?i.tliiK n tonfl-
Itut as- boiwprn Hip In.
piiintitlpin ol pu iniiliiu" publicity,
iith il- bill i Lei iiu' w'th unroinpli't
oil plani, ."till tin- pulliility ol inju
liu uiul it.itul In .suu-ilnuiibii' suvurti
jnent, tlii? ma loilly ol poO)Ii will ptf
lei Hip loiniPi pvil. In tlic aho ol Uni
KPiitlenipn In Caibomlalc who aiu ho
imicll cL'iii-ul ovei tlip intblli'utii n of
council kk"i"i ilium, wi (.in coiupiw
of no w.mant tin iIip!' uiinli'.sly. They
Hlioulil not be m shiiukinj,'. l.ct tin in
iiulli; pli'.u.'inly at the penalty ot
Kicatnohs anil keep tool.
iniiloi ijuiij .-a,s tills I- his last. ll'' mill Hi u in the futiuc lie shall
be nieiely v ppl tator. It I.- ecita!nl,
a piiipltlntit! tliiit lor mi unclouilcil ie
tli onii'lii
Conditions In Cuba.
Cii.iii,i:s n pj:imm:ij, wim i.
wliut iniitllt be f.illPil n news,
paper j-ppilallsi mi tlio stutu
I uiiiiil in t'lib.i, sends le
aHiiuhiK iulniiuatioii iiom inland.
Jle fiii that while theio has been mi
abundaiiio ol launpcan iliti'iKUe in
dlpioiuatii' i lielf's hi Itniami piejiuli
i la! 10 thn Intel ol llii" llnlteil
Sitate." and a koimI iit.ii! ol Kiauil-stnnd
playliiK' on I he pat t of the I'alma ml
ininWti.ition, niattoi.- mo u-ally in a
inlr (ondillon, anil the tleu'p antaKun
im ttut ilarttl up nltei the ileliat at
VaHhiim'ton ot tin- lorlpioiily luopo.
slloa Is hPKlmiliit; In Mibslde, pjipe
I'litlly aiiiuiiiT iditcattil Cuban.',
AVIlilll Hill' lOtlKILhn l.lbt spilllR
tyniPd tiicin flown, notwlthbtuiulint,"
tlte pledsu of l'ufcli. ill .IeKlliK-y In
Mlilch they hud placed iniplliit faith,
ll)py oiio. iiiii( all fglt iiHlijjnant. tin
nOliatPil nltrl'lniulten. Thoy assumed
tlutt iho few kiekoi.s In our wmuto who
clffeutod teniporuilly thu iHObiilcnl's
pijllcy und ottloil puipoho spoke for
tlje wliolo Anifi'ican pcopU", Insleiul of
hlpiply fov tlio boft HtiBiir tuist uiul for
tlio AVull sliept Inllueiiees then unxlous
to put Uoobcvelt In a hole. Hut Miicu
tjmt line tlio Cuban ppopln luivn liail a
'spiiato of their own and lmi" hud an
iippoi'tuntty to leant how easily a few
i disuniting fact or j mn up.stt tlio most
larotjllly laid pluiiH of mi (idmlulstin.
tioh or of public opinion Ono pininl.
pent ribau told .Mr. Pepper the nllu)
day hiuo Iui had uludlod the
oi Kings of tlio Cuban c-oiiKtcbH lie fell
tlmt ho owed nil apology to tlio eon.
Kiowa at Washington for any li.ityh
feelings or expulsions which ho In his
(lisap;oliitnieiit lust spiing may lituo
.'entertained or iitKied. No doubt this
.nun's point of vluw will spicad.
Of the diiilomutlu situation hi (a-
ana Mr. l'tipper treats at length. In
short, It consists ot a dcxtetous fight
between Sllnlster Squiers on the ony
hand and tlio combined genius and
, cunning of the llrltlsh, French and
German illploniatlc and coinular olll-
cfJiil!i?oii the other. The 'latter have no
hope of (lelliiiltlim the political piollge
of tlio United Ht,ilc-4 111 C'ubii. but theV
hip plnylnif every caul to foment mm
plclonH (tmong the Cuban people which
Will tent) to postpone coiHllnl trade re
hitloti wl'tli America nnd by hi much
pioinoto t the commercial Interests of
the cotlutt lit which they represent. It
oiintls funny that alter nil the ndo v
liiito hoard In this country fioiii i'u
bans tlainuilliK for teclproclty tlieie
should now be nnv doubt iti to tile
iiitlflcallou ol n teclproclty tioaty -by
tli Cuban senate, nsmunlnu: tlmt one
could be drafted uceepttible to the two
executive") and to the senate ill Wnwli"
Inylon: yet Mr. I'epper prepiuei im
for bitter opposition In tlutt ttaitet,
and Ht Kingly lntltnaleM that this oppo
f lllitn will be In bilge pat I th" hanilt
w'orls or tilt ItiltNIt inllilMter at lln
vaiia, who It thf head and front of the
JJutiipiau Intrigue.
I.cnnomlrnlly tin lis.- In the pilte ot
mffnr Ini lilein lo the action of the
lliti.ssels couVentloti in limiting' the
piodili'lloii of laiuijiem'. beet siig.n bus
opeiatcil lo tliu iiitMiutuge ol the Cu
ban planliiM, wlio iii receiving In con
seitiKnea thcu'of mi'iilon of ci ed
its; mid thf sucef's.5! ol the Paluiii ad
inlnistintlon in adlusllng Its expenso
o as to aoid a teiidH to pio
nioii" the bettor lecllng now beginning
lo dominate the situation. Itut ot
Louise the one safeguaid of Cuban
prospeiltv Is itolpiocitv with tlio
t'nllcil Stutf.-. mid, as I'tisideiit
ll(insHeli iccentl:. reiniiiked. Is
cnuillig. "us Mile il" title."
The newspapers mi alieady assist
ing Can et in ir-elett l'enuyp.ickrr lo .so
ki't his cabinet. I ! H quite capable
oi doltiHT the tusk hlm-cll.
Prosperity Shared by All.
NOW THAT election Is ovot
and theie is not tin- bias of
imiipaigu I'M'ilenient lo In
tel fere with itupfiii tonsid
cl.ition ol facts and atgument, therf
.lie some iHilnti In the masterly speech
ilf livi'ttil by Kecietiiry Hoot in Cooper
I'tilon, New York, the 'I'bursdiiy even
Incc preceding the election, which
should be lc-read for educational pur-pn-e.s.
How otten do wr heat that tin l loll
arc getting tlilicr while the poor tiro
bt ing liiinle poorer and how mmiv of
us accept il as tine without stopping
to Inquhe, thus giving our uncotiscious
a-s-'iit lo socialism V Keeietary ltool
took pahi'4 to nscctlaln sonn. of the
facts he had nut time, to cite tliein all.
For cx.'unple-,'tud we can now read
what h- .-aid without any lanipaign
niothe oi disi (dotation of ision:
"The industiial hlstoiy ol the lust
halt centuiy Is u liistory, llr-t. of tin.
-teady inciease of producthe power,
and secouJ only lo that of the con
tinual stiuggle between four Inteiests
tli bialni, the capital, the l.ibiiier
and the consumer to secuie what
each ionirlti,4 to be a. fair sli.ue of
belli tit-, ol the Incieasul wealth. That
snuggle Mill continue so long as thf
bi'Tcu-c ol pio(ltictie powei mill tlio
nodctl inclement- ot wealth that conie
fiom that increase continue. Capita!
and hi alii - ulwais get the mlvnutiige
al lii-t. Thp Hist ftuiti ot eaih neh
inciease of producthe power, whether
thioiuih inientloi. ot thiuugh oigani
'.uloii. eoiiit lo them, liut our inilus hlstoiy -hows that the Inboier
and ih" lonsuincr slmily, but surely,
wie-t their shaio of the advantage
f nni capital and secure it lor tlieni-sehe.-.
The otg.inlzein of the Sugar
liii-l made a srieat deal ol money lor
thomsehe-. but wi ate gelling sugar
row for les than it eosl to make it
beloie the Sugar titist formed.
Tin. oiganlsicM of the .Standatd Oil
company line mad,- a gieat deal of
money, but the pom est Ameiitfiii f.n
nur is lighting Uls little house tonight
.to trilling lo-st more brilliantly than
palaces weie lighted n centuiy ago;
a nil tlipsu ai e the cotisumcis' sliates
ot the wealth (icited by the biahiK
and capital tf the sugar company and
the Standaid Oil enmpanj..
"While the t."7.0cMi w age cm in i s ot lS.'O
h'.iieased to .",310,000 In 1900, the wages
paid to then: inci eased fiom tJSfi.OOO,
(.00, in 1S.'i0, to $2,asS,0Ofi.000. In ItiOO: that
is to My, about live Unit's the number
oi ivoikmen icceived aboul ten times
the amount of wages or wages just
about doubled dining tlio lli'ty yeais.
On the ulher hand, whlU ?ri3!t.iii)ii,(00
iuxcsti'ii In niimulactuie s In lS'.l) had
WPlIed to V.i,s:tri,000,000 ill l'lOII, eveiy
dollar of capital so Invested in It'Ou
K'celwd less than one-tlihd or the ie
ti'in Hint eveiy dollar of (apllal ic
celvcc. In 1S,r,0. Thus, while the lottiins
of capital seem great bei auso they me
massed togetlur and the leturns ot
Ipbiv seem mull because they are
.scattered, capital's pioportlonule shaio
of the new wealth is cniisiantlv de
iie.'uslng and labor's pinpot tlouute
si. mo of It Is constantly Intt easing.
And tint wages oi one man's labor In
iiianiifaituri Is today equal to thn
piofli of sK times as much money cni
plojed In manufactnire as it war. equal
to lu lS'i". The same ehango Is shown
in the ilceteiibii in tlio rates ot Inteiest
tor the use oi niuuey. In 1S50 the capi
talist fouhl get tor tho use of his
money 7 to S per cent., while now ho
Is i educed to 3 or I per cent,
"Nol only Jinvo tho wages of laboi
iuci cased, but the cost of lood and
clothing has ilea eased. In 1S00 wheat
Hour ranged fiom ?S to i'i a. ban el.
In the lb st half of 100.' it i.tnged fiom
K7.r, tn $4.".ri a ban el. In 1S50 talr Itlo
cnlfeo ranged fiom 7'i cents to ll'.i
cents per pound, In the llrsl half ol
1902 it i.inged irom lM cents id li J.'.pi
(cuts per pound. In ISSU leiincd sugar
tanged tioin S (eiils to 10i tenth
per pound, In the hull of 10J it
Kinged tioni 1.U3 ceius to l?i cents pet
pound, In 185(1 salt messed pmk
tinged trom 110.25 to $U.S75 per baircl.
In 1000, befnro the fiilluro of tho com
crop of 1901, it ranged from ?I0.23 to
Jll.S'i per battel. In ISM line salt was
$1.19 per band. In October, 190I, it
wus fo cents per barrel, in 1S30 caiito
piints ranged tioni SJJ (eitti, to 10 cent
per anl. In 1902 they weio B cents
per yard. In ISM pi lined cloths mused
fiom V, centb to, O't cents per yatd.
In 1901 and 190-' thty tanged fiom L'.CO
ceutB to U31 cents per yaid. In JiW to
1S72 Amlska glnsluims lunged fiom Vi
cents lo 10 cents, lu W01 und 1502 they
ranged from 1.75 cents lo r& cents
per yard, Kioiii 1S77 lo 11S7 men's Itld
boots itingpd fiom $20 lo S2I per dozen
pairs; In inoi they raiigtd front lis to
AID per (los-en pairs. Kioiii 1Si!i to 187".
womcnV solid gi allied shoes uingul
fiom$l,2f, to ?.'.!!." lie!" pair: In Hol lliej
tnngeil fttini ""5 cents lo i2'.j renls per
pair, lit women's dtes goods lotion
flpaeit has ijoiiti dowh from u range ot
fiom ! lo Iiu. tents per yuid In 1Sv0
und nsi lo 7.11 cents In mot. r'aiih
ntpr" fill 1 1 oiii lOt'i cents In ISM lo
cents lu inmi nnd 1001. Anllnacllc coal
Went up heron the recent strike fiom
$n.:ir. tn isr.o to i.r,o in iooj, but bitu-
ininoUH coal has gone down fiom tt
range or Sii.GO to ?i! In lb."7 to $2.&3 In
"A conipnrlson ot retail pi Ice.t b the
Massachtisetls bureau of statistics of
labor shows Hint lor the lliltty ;icars
Horn 1S72 lo 190J the lctnll pi Ice lu thai
slnte for wheat Hour had deei eased
It om $10.7." per ban el to tti.'JO per bai
lel ol i offce, li'olil .'ll'i cents to 2J
cents per pound, of gi militated sugar,
ftoni 12 (dits to i"M i cuts per pound
ur Xew oi leans mola-ups, fiom 70 tents
lo liij i cuts per gallon; of lnasllng
beef, fiom 19 cents to 17 '6 cents per
pound; ot butter, Hum !:')'i cents to
.tn',1 cents pec pound, cheese, fiom 17'i!
to 10 cents jap pound; of haul dial,
tioin V'.2 In H-r. jier Ion; of
In own shitting, from 1.1 tents to I'c'i
cents per yanl. ol bleached shb.liug,
1 1 om 111 (cuts lo S'i cents; ol prints,
I loin If-i cents to li cents; men's
heniy boots, $,1.!U pu pair to M.!i'i,i
pel pair; whll theie was n sllgltl, bill
.cry sllghi, aiHance in the tost of
pork and potilocs; thai eveiy dollar
ol the wage eaiueis' pay would, In
190.', buy fat moie beel and llou; and
rolfcc and sugar and molasses and
butter and iliec-e and mill: and eggs
and ilothlng than II would tliii ly jwis
"The lesult ol this ptmc-s Is it dll
fusioii of w call it among our people,
tne contemplation of which make the
lompauitively few l.ugj foi tunes seem
i.l trilline; Impoitanre. In the year
1 jut theie luic i!,2.'is.72 scpai. ite sin
bank" aei mints in the I'liited
States, with deposits amounting lo 1,
rO7,094,"8u. These weie not the ac
iimnts of mlllliiiialies. but ot the peo
ple who, aiioulltig to out Amoiluui
slnnditidx, we call pool. The-c- slv
millions anil odd depositois weie, ot
(om-p, chleilj in the towns where sav
ings banks weie accessible. Co out
into tlie couuliy and jou Hud tliat lu
r,Cl theie weie ri,7,59,C"7 separate laim,
a little more than one faim to eveiy
nine pet sons ot the liual population of
the Culled State-. The major
ity oi tliesf fat ms weie woikeil by
tlietr owneis, only 1S1 per cent, being
opetated by ct-b tenants and only
I per cottt. bv niinageis oi oveiseeis.
Tiie value or the faun ptopeity was
0 er $20,000,(100,000.
"Taking tosrethcr Hie s.ningj bank
accounts in Hie towns and the t.uins
hi tlie i otintry, thtie me owned by the
plain woikiug people almost an nvei
agr of ri fa i t.i or a at ( mint foi
eveiy iamil in tlie I'nitctl Slates.
Theio uei in 1001 ll,;!9".,'Iir! hie Insui
ance policies outstanding: in tlie toiin
liv in the iegular insurance eomiia-liiis-.
Tlio total Instil a nee under them
amount! d to ss,"(..',lo'l,7IO. IJieiy one
of the e policies lepie elited money
I. ".id tip bj people who weie not i ieh
loi piovlsion against old age. or lor
the wile and ( hild. The asset i of tht so
ii'sinanee companies ainounted in $1,
712,411,17.!. Al! of this was owiwil by
ihco" fouitciit mllliou poliry holdeis.
In addition to tills theie weie 2,72",22l
pel sons who held policies lu ass, ss
nient companies and fi iieinnl soeie
ll(.s, and l,."'!9,ri'C who held Inteicsts
in loan and building companies with
J."iGr,3S7,9Gi; of a-.-et-. This .-lead;- in
ciease in tlio earnings of labor as ( (ini
tialed with the earnings of capital,
this wondciful tliltusdou of wealth
among the men who woik with their
hands, has been aitoniplished In spile
of the tact that we have been con
tinually adding lo our population by
the immigration of the poor of other
icuntiies, without means and wllli the
lowest ciiining capacity, to the etent
of 17,2l9,:i77 since tlie year 1!j0. and
these (ontlnual additions at the bot
tom of the scale ol piospoilty and
i.unlng power have continually Kept
down the a oi age of earnings and of
popular wealth,
"Moir signllUnnt than all else is the
fni t thai we bine coimueueed this now
itntiuy wltli out 17,000,ono children
in school in tlie United States anil oiei
13,000,li0 of these lu the public schools
ehildiCT. of the plain people, of flee,
law abiding, sell -res pr cling people,
looking up to no supeiiois mid mas
ters of their own lines, childien well
ted, well housed, well nouiislicd, look
ing tot waul Willi clear, blight eyes
thiough the oieii gatowa.s of bound
less opportunity in this lien icpublle,
when"' the highest lewaids nu to lie
won by liidhlduul tntci prise ana
wlimc not wealth nor blith nor social
posltliiii, but the personal qualities of
llu man himself, whether ho lie ikh
or poor, urn the solo title to tho high
est distinction and the gieale.-l power.
"Lei us not lu liMn;, our gaze, upon
small evil- loiget the greater good,
Tho uiUoiiioblles aie" ot little account.
Who on nw the farm wagons',' Is the
lni)oitani question. us keep out"
lalth lu Ameiicaii Instlltitlous and deal
with the eUs that uie befoie us now
and ute to eoniu heteafter along the
hue of the fcaiuo beiielkeiii sjsieni
which lias dealt out succ ossfully with
eveiy phase ot the great stiuggle for
the Ulstiibulfou ol wealth lu our past.
Tho capacity of a peoplo lor self-gov-cinnic'iu
Is shown by Its, ability to te.
Ject lolelit .mil ilentlllctHo u'liicdles
und to pioeeed patiently with pi.icllcal
common sense, scpaiallug tho good
fiom tlie bad and checking mid sup
piesslng what Is bad, while holding on
to wh it Is good."
In the language or lX'veiy, David II.
Hill's piescnt addiess Is "De.ulliuuse,
Compditinciit 12." Devciy certainly has
iho last laugh.
The eilme of Senator Quay in allow
ing his name to appear on a lettcihead
containing also a, request lor subscrip
tlciiis to tlie iccent campaign fund
seems to occupy considerable bpuee In
tho Washington dUpatchcs. It mi-
ilnitbtcdly reveals a botilflc slnte of
nlTalrs, and tho "eiialor should lose no
limes In hieing to thu tall Umbels of
I'toiti a Hieitilcnl standpoint lust
cvciiIiik's A piiiductliin of Heniy V.
Hsniond's play "linpiudonee" by it coin selected fiom ninong the best of
Charles nnd Daniel Kiohiniiirtt many
liluyeis was an event which met lied the
Inteiest It iitotied. or the piodllcllon
Itself wo give our opinion lu nniitlier
milium, but It Is woilhy of lcconl hole
that Hip selcellolt or Sei Hilton bv Iho
Messrs. ruihiniiu for their Initial per
roiiiiancp Is mi niipt eclated compliment,
both to the clly and to the cntoi prising
local initnager of the Lyceum theatre,
.Mr. A. .1. Dairy, whom it especially but
deservedly houoi s.
l'iom the sentiment In fuior of Uncle
Jlnik Jlaiina out In Ohio, one would
judge tint the people of the Huekov?
'Jlntis lufe never seen the Xi w Voik
Oiir Growing Export
of Maniifacfiires
Spit lal Cum vpoiiiloui e.
Washington No 7
THU HXl'OIJTS of in iniilin lines Hum
tin I'nltril Hint's In the nine
inoiilhs ending with September, J'"1-',
me liugei llian those Jit the toiie
spiitKllug pei led of mij. other uir In the
lllstoi. ol tin (oiniH.v, wllh tho fcbiriln i'
oiptlou ot J'hhi 't'lie total tor the nine
months is J ill, wj, m. against Viv .' it In
Hie coieMiKiiidlng moullis of last c ir, and
J hI.V'Ts.2 I ! in tin toi it spending mouths ot
1U0. Ciiiiipulng I 'ml with ivu.', the lu
i lea-e is iio.ii Ji in pei cent, tilt" llgllles
ol IVij li.'lng- "lll.."iiiiij; while i .impaling
1'iiJ with Jnss the giowlh In nine uionths'
('spoliations of ninmilaettues Is iiom 'n,
SHI 071 lo 111.
The follow bid table, pnpind b. Hie
tn asm v bin cut of sliillstlts, shows the
total value ol in imiliK tines cpoiioil In
nine nionlhsi ot i u h Iiom lsss to li'tJ:
Xlne nionlhs inillii";
Sipt. ..'i Doll us.
IViS !'").Mil,u7l
ISS'J Jll,0S.",17l
lb'"l Il!'i7.",i..'s
JV)l J.'ti..lll,0"i7
lsl2 11UW.021
J"''! ll'i.MU.'i'll
tSOl I i V-'J.",SSU
I1"''" in7!'!S!l
Is'"! ISI,79.MI1
1Vi7 1.".r,7,l.71
T-'is 227,S.".,,OI,",
I V'l 277,ni.,,iili
j'hio ,";s,i,tn,2I :
1!1I ".ftUAVil
11(12 ill.M.L',111
The teniioi.u. leiliullou in epints ol
m.imil.ietiues whlih oruuicd lnsl jui,
dm in put lo lie m.iinti uiiuee lu the
I'ultid Stales ol ctiiioulliiailly high
in lees on toppei, and to tho uiuisiuil ile
ni.uul lor lion and steel niiiuuliK tuie-,
has lu ii la i go degice (ll-appeiued, ( o)
ptr epoi ts h.ubig Inciensed eleven mil
lion doll.ns in the nine mouths ending
with Septemliei, l'lilj, as cunipautl with
the couespoudbig months of 1'ml; while
the ndiictloii In ipuits ol lion and steel
iiiantilacliuo hi the nine mouths of 1902,
t omp n oil with the coiipsponiling pei led
ol I'njl Is lint tlnei inllioii"., Ihnugli the lu-(lia-id
hoiue deiniiud is shown in the tact
thai inipoit itlons ot llou and stiel maiiii
1. n tints have nidiullme iucieasid m.i
lliiilitu million dollnis. I lie (otul foi nhio
months oi this ear belli v piaeliiallj
iloiiblo tint lor the same months oL 1'JOl.
Cotton m.iiniliicUui s also show a maiked
gltiwtll 111 eioit.ltloli-. the Iniuasc lie
iug in .nil si von million clollais in tlie
nine months of I'tO. as comp.iuil with the
( oiespouiilng pi i luil oi last vc.u.
'I'lio liilliiwiug table -hows the iiilnd ui.tiitif.ic till i il ailielcs (poitcd fiom
li li t'nltul Slates in Ihe nine months t nil
ing Sc pic mbi l'uii. 1!kU. and JtiiJ, le-pulive
l.v, liiebiillng all i I i-ses the value of
whose- t'.p n is in tlic nini mouths ot I'ij.
leaehed om uiilllou doll us.
Nine months ending Sept.
Altielos ot do 1"i) Jr'0-'.
nic stir in imtlaetuu. Hollais. Dolluis.
1 1 oil and stiel m. (nulls. 7i,,i;,S"il 7!, :"il,7'o
rtilliiid inliieial oil- I7.f'7,"," ll,r, 'iIj
Ciippt r ipiiimlattiiit-t , . 2"i I-" i. l"Vi "Ji,,Vi ,,iiVJ
J.eathi i and infis theu-
til 2I.IUI 9; 22,".1!,'-v
Agileiiltiual bnpli m'ls..l,',,2!7,127 1.", r,27,l,7J
Chemicals, ih ugs ,V tlfs.lO,72.,,,iW 1U.UV.,19I
AVood 111 lliulai Hues S221,'iliJ !i,2i,(in"
Cam and (.ini.uts s,Ul,.SiJ 7,7-SoiH
P.iiatllu and piiatllu
wa I,ll.i7,i,7; ,".,7Vi llj
Paper and inns lliouol.. .,, Ii,,'.i.'l o,"l,I0J
Si leutllle histl iiinonls, ".(M is l,'7'',7Ju
T0I1.11 0 ui.iniilaetuii s .. ;:,'iil,7nii l.'M.vii
l'ilier manulai tines ;,.1H'i,li.2 ",,s",ii,S0i
Alult and splilfs llquois. .!,l2),2sj Jl.lll.l'il
liooks, mips, etc 2,ri,i.,,.,i,s .:,i,"i7,r.u
India ritbbtr infis v,"V,H' .'.i.'i 1, ,''"
.Minimi Instinimnts .... 2, Il7,t", I 2,'.si),li"i
Sugar and molasst - ... . 2t.".,2"i: 1,'i7I,ii,
(iimpowilt r and other 1 -
Plosivis 1 1 lo, tli, 1,712 IS 1
Paints mid culoi- . ... I,"M1,M 1,11)1,111
Cloik and w.ilehe- 1.7ln:ill l,r.iis,"il
Class mid gla-swaie . .. J ."ii.i.M 1,is,l'
Coke I,2lii,7l'. 1 12i), III
llin-s and mt it- theieof , l,.",.i,,( l,.ts,fils,
.Vbulilo and sloile mil- l,.'7l,iill I,i'J,."ij0
Wool mauufaclini s . . I,l.'ii,'ii7 I,iii7,u"i7
Jewell y and gold and
silver maimlat lines.... 921. l.n ''."i,h2
Lamps and cli.iiidi'lloi.s,, i.")7.oi7 is,iiiil
Other mt'il aitleles r,'i27.9'il I l,72s,."'"i
Tot 1 1
2ts.lj.Vil ,111 ;.02,lll
Mr. George W. Wattdns, of 500 and 502
Lackawanna Ave., earnestly recommends
his patrons and tho people of Scianton and
vicinity generally, the magnificent collec
tion of
Oriental Rugs and Carpets
Which aie gathered from the Principal
Pj laces, Mosques and Castles by Hr,
Marten Knsab, of Constantinople.
They will be sold at
Commencing at 2.M) and .;U) V.
31, daily and continuing this week
500-502 Lacka.Avenue
The Triumph of Honesty.
Favorites with the People
wu A4,f
The Hurt Koiiect Shupe Shoo
for (lontloinen, . $3 50 and $1,00
The IMwIn C. Huit Shoe for
Ladles $3.,"0
Lewis k Reilly,
"Wholesale and Betall
111-110 Wyoming Atomic.
Oneii Late This 'Evpiiliicr
miw wJa
The Green RWee Sanitarium
Sei. niton, Pa.
is lb,, bi-,1 1 quipped
osteopathic Institution
hi the cist.
I"!') X Washington Av
If You Arc
Kimn Kheumatlsm. Xemasllioiiln,
P.ualvsis, or any other Chionlc
Disease or Oiloimlty you should
lonsult Dr. Jleibt. I. Kurnuii, the
Ostt ojuth, who has tn.ule n -pedal
study of such tumbles and has met
Willi leinaikable success lu cluing
tin m. Consultation, Uvimlnatlon,
l.ilei.lllllc anil Aihhe tlie. City
Ti eating Hooius, Caittr Jiuliiling,
WJ1 Llnilen stieet.
Gas Mantles,
I Portable Lamps.
li nr T r i r n n n t ft r
gj ivcrii tuauucoV"1
Gas Lamp.
233-327 Pcnu Avenue.
Atlantic City.
The temperature at the AONEW,
On the Beach, In Chelsea, Atlantic City,
Tliuisilay was 500.
Uvcry appointment of a model 11 Hotel.
KcntiicLj Avenue. 1'ir.t llutcl hum lleach, At
lantic fit), JT. J.; W Oecua view loomi; ia
pclty 400, write tor tpctul latti J, U Jenk
ins. Prop
On a spur ot the Altcliany Mountain. !,ilii;h
Valley railroad; near 'loivjn.lj Uitliiiu, lli'iinj
)port3, etc. nxcrllont tllik' Itd.on ililc ute'i,
T. O, Apei, Pa. Semi foi lm!,lt
0. K. HAIUtlS
$20.00 in GOLD
For a Christmas Present?
Twenty Christmas Presents
To He Olvcn by The Suranloit Tribune to Iho Children of
ocranion and Northeastern Pciuisylvtuiln.
Ono Present
One Present
One Present
Two Presents
Flva Presents
Total Twenty Presents
run triiiuin'cs si-coni animjai.
Junior Educational Contest.
A Contest in Word-lliillcliiur.
Who Can Alakc the Most AVorUs Out at the Letters in
TJ1FS JS iniicli easier than last year's contest, anil twenty of
tlie brightest Imy.s and jrirls will secure Christmas Gifts
in cash for niakinu, thejaryesl iiuiiibef of words out of
lliese leller.s. It is lots uf fun 'to think out tlie words, and hunt
tliein up in tlic dictionarv. and besides it will help joit with your
spelliii";. Vou will be surprised al the number of "different ways
these twelve letters can be used.
Rules of the Contest.
Presents will be given to the boys or girls, whose parents
01 guardians arc subscribers lo TIIE TRIBUXE. building the
largest number of words out of the letters contained in "The
Home Paper."
Xo lctler.s iiuisi be used any more times than they appear
in these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be
used, but there might be two "ll's" or three "E's."
Only words defined in the .UAIX PORTION of "Wcb
slcr'.s International Dictionary" (edition of 1S11S) will be al
lowed. Anv dictionarv can be used, but in judging the contest
THE TRIIiUXE will debar all words not founcfin Webster's,
Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap
pendix" will nol be allowed.
Obsolete words aie admitted if defined in the dictionary.
Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once.
Words with two or more definitions can be used but once.
No single letters counted as words except "A'' and "O."
How to Write Your List.
Write on one side of the paper only.
Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter.
Place the words alphabetically.
Write your name, age, address and number of words at the top
of your list.
Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and
who is a renular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE.
Fold the list DO NOT ROLL.
All letters of inquiry for information will be promptly an
swered. Address our list of woids, or any question you wibh
answered, to
corvrnsr editor.
We have now in stock the finest display
of these goods ever made in Scianton.
Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na
poleon post bed styles. They are ele
gantly rich.
Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully
finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis
XIV styles.
We Invite Inspection Whether Yon Ait: Going, to Buy at Once or Not.
The College
Olfdh hi 1-
I nr ami l'i I'niiiHiH
The College of Applied Science
Oli'iih ll ili.uiluil llimlnii Uni,'
t'hil r.imhii Uni' una liii-l lid hi
Ihuh.ii tlin, I'niiiMS iiinw hi llilhis
uiul oiiuiiimnli
The College ol Fine Arts
I I Uh Coillim III Alililln Ulir llillf
I.ottlfti MuMr unit I'iiIiiIIiik;
The Colleue of Meillcine
O1111 ul' lh(" nlili st In thi' smto I1118
foil) 5Mlf, llllllbl Tim l.ltn I'llllll-
I'olloi I'lipon. nt tlii" Hitfi'iiiH 1111-
Milliltcil sihl "It Ih niliulttnl h
nil iiiiiipi'ti'iu tn Im iliisui-
li.iss,u hi this stall' '
The College of Lnw
CllMK lllHlllll Hull h ti l IhiiiU .il)i!
I.IM1 SJhtl Ml ' 'II IH l.n tilth s III!
Millie" "I il' RlUltmt l.lttMMS Of
JCi v Vru h,
0er Forty
Of tin le.iillim I Sllle - .lllll Ull-
li-Bis ul this iiiiinii.N .uni 1:11111111"
nu ) lutMiiiliil hr iiuuuii' uiul
lilWU"hst" M llill.lis nil llli IlllllU
pt Urn i'olli'i,(" onU tin hiKhoit
lllll III HI ll'" IllHI'll ll llllllll' illlll
lllUll.Ill H lli'llllillitl IH nttf 111
htiiii'tloii hi l-'hu' Ai t Tht wniU
Is mi ail.uiMil Unit oliuli nlw luKlim
lldlll llu il I'lllle'llH lllll Ml till III III
I..IW ("lllllilH 'U S.M.IUIM MlH
(II1C e.ll l Illlll" l'l llllKDKll.ll
I'lllllMS ll.Hl I" l iHUMIsllllI, nl -
IliK our ulllilelllt. tll nils illltllfc'e" of
lllht class inn litis ii'itllh'.itcs
imnii'lh Kl.lllloil null to M.iilmiti s
of Blilti" Nnlliiiil Si l,llK"lii
I'liillvi's Until b.m .111 iiihulttt'il
'I'llltlllll lle'llsill .III" -) llllllkTIlli'
that the"-, nu li-- limn llu fn'i
III i-nnu lulk'sm 1I11 1 1 im iilltloa
Ih Kit en H "l for
Jimis Roscoo Day, S. T, D., LL. D.
('h.ilicillni Sj l.iciisi' N Y
$20.00 in Gold $20.00
,0.oo In Gold 10.00
5.00 In Gold s.oo
3.50 Each 5.00
.00 Ench 5.00
50c Each 5.00
DHCHAIBHR 20 Til at 5 P. M
Washington Avenue
Do You Want
a Good Education?
I Not 1 ttott roun, nor in tisy course,
cor a ciirap couiw, uni uiu nsc cauciiton
to Ik." LjJ Ni other education U woiti
ipeuilliu; time anil money on. It jou do,
write lur eatalcue ol
Easton, Pa.
which oflma thorough pnpjiitlon In th
I nt'lntcrini; si; J ('UiiiIcjI I'roteislonj ai well
it the resulir Colkge couum.
ItiKiilui State Xoimnl Cnurses biii!
.Spi iliil iJe'iuitiiieiits nf Music, Klocu.
Hon Ail HuiwhiK, Kti-iiiiKiiinhy nnd
TsiiottiltliiK Htroiiii Colli'tu 1'icpaid
toi) Ue-iaituioiit ,
lloildlllK C"pe"llffM )M lior wcclt
1'iiplts iiilinittcil 111 uny time. Winter
Tumi oiuiib IXc '.9th Wilto for cata
Iobuu E. L. KEMP, A. M.,
T J Posur.l'H's, nimcr 11. ltnll,Ticas.
U.J lAwtci Ktnnlcy l Al-"n
k'o I'lcslilcnt. tSccictavv,