THE SC1UNTON TIIIBUNB-SATURDAY, XOVISALBtilt S, 1902. 8 Theatrical. "IMPRUDENCE" LAST NIGHT. "Iniinutlencc," II Vi lmtmit's new comedv, iccelvod Hi Mint pi oeoiitntfon on n.ny sImrp nt the Lyceum lint night befoto n'lirllllflnl nuilleiico tluil toiitnlnril a number oC men fioni Now Yoik, pioni Incnt In tho thr-altleiil nffiilis of tlie eoim My, who enme on tu be iic"'iit on Mi (lr-t nlnhl. H win ii notable Hint iiIrIU iiulik fium (ho pioiluetlon of tho new piny lor It marked tho opening of (In pcconit eeniem of Wllllitm Fnveiihnni tin n etur mill the Hist American nppenuuac ol .tlsn I'.ty Davli, n yoiniB Jloiton Mnnuu who lor novcrnl BPttPoiH hiiK pliijrd IpiuIh In Lon don where nh rti'lilovnl hlph milk iiiiiong tho actresses of that It . rimik'i t-'ioli-nwn hi ought her hntk tn Iipi" oiui cmiu Hy to bpcomo Jti I'nwmhntn's IpuiIIiir woman. This outiir Ameilc.iii who went to London unknown ii'tiuni to hoi nutlt land, ns ono of the bright lights In the thcntrlrnl flimnmcnt. Tho tomrclj It In liner in It and the fceno Ii laid In KiiKlmd The -tor opened on the Teri.ue ol UiiiIomIoh .Munoi'.wlien, n lot of Ko'-slphisr w onion dlnolotp tliu fact that Jim OloavoV wlfo leiietril nut another of lilt lltllo uiT.ili. .Iliu W do HCilhcd by one ol the Kolp-i nt a "glided youth who has lost hit kIIiIIiir." tilt wife ban been tho widow of an nldeimaii Sh" lias cllscovcied some Itllois wiltlen to Jim Iiv an eWilent admirer and In whkh mention It nuulc of n flat hi Vhtoila Mioct. Jim fleet when hi; set" wind of Ihc dlscovpjj, knotting fioni epeilente It meant n ftonn. The sotlpt know who the VlUoila Htieet woman It and Ihcy aie theiefort' Mirilcd when that Individual, 1-ndj Duncan, makes hei sip peaianee at the Manor. Hhe eomcH on the ceiie. nt Jim It dlsappeailiiK and tt lit lilm she will t-ti.ilghlcn mnttem out. Hei sec ures 111 tills dliectlou hrliw about the mlMindciHtandliiKt and complications that make the play. She It taken into Jlit.' onll denee and jlfihl tlu-io all the liouble be sins. Lady Duncan hat her hem t tet on (iipthatliifr Jack Tiere. who Is un odd soit of young man wJth shoulder and who ha- decided tu so Into the c luirch. Jack uiws no thought to Lady Duncan, but Is In loe with Wllhclmimi -Inrr. who It called "Billy" by hoi' f i lends, "lilllv' It n stoat sitl whom eveijbody llket She bantets Jack lor a while, but thiiillx ionfos-es lier lore and they become engaged Lady Dune in knows all thK ,uul hei plans ate s-nmmoucd up In thlt, which she makes to heitelf: "I le.tllv miibt tee that J.iek 1'ieie'L thiuiV himself away on Jllss Wilhchulun Man " And thl- It how Lady Duncan pio cceds to save Jack. After proinK opi the letteis which hae nl.ii ted Jli.s. fiie.ive on tho waipith, Lidv Duncan nieelH Jack and tells him that the letters weic wilt Irn by "Hlllj,." Then romei silons All--. c"ircaes who ic.uls him one ol the let teis. At It" end Is .1 -iiftiiuno whirl! Jack knows that "Mill" hat used Jack ts nnta,l nrnlnMid f I lahl ..npil I'jllt his "Hilly" be the othei p.uty ! Jump ' ul'h -nIt tsl feuilieis eompleted hoi Gie.-ncs Vlctoil.i sliret-llu'. I attlio. While l,o U 111 lliU liBull.lmn.1 et.iln ni i fu the lli-i ml JII- tflld.i SpnilK JNOIP itblv picMUited, llsinoud was foitunnte In ills plnyt'iH unci their envlionmeiiK The tolc of Jack 1'teio Is one that Ills Mr. rnvpisham nt low of the purls he has played did. Ho It the Impetuous, iiftBipttlU' yomiff lover who would llhl 11 world fen tho. woman ho lovos, and In thai soil of c Inline tor Kavctsham I nt hit bet. That ho ran be patnetl, tender and persuasive wns demeinntiiiled bv tluil lllllo scenic In the first net with Miss Omits Tho lallei at once Into the kimuI opinion of the midlenie. She It dellKhl fulls unturnl. Theio Is an almost total absent o ol nm effort at iicllnir, yet 'he Is dlttlnitUelv Individual In Iipi niauner and methods, and her Inletpielalloii ol the lole of Mlts "Hill" Mair wat elenn i ill and consistent In I'uiieeplloii and lientmcnl. Lndv Diiniun. the "bid hul.v" of the enmid. was Hie lole nsslRiied to Mlts lllldii Spoils', one of the most IntelllKCltt and capable of the loiidlnjr women of todnv. Miss Hpoim't race It Iipi foitittio In moie senses than one. Not by woidt did Miss Spotlit tell of Iho depmUty or Lndv Duncan uliel the vludlctlveness with which she sourIii to uilii the rppu lallou of Mist Mitrr. The subtle chiiiiRen ol cpiessou spoke elo(iienll ol the iniiiiupr of woman Liuly Duncan wns. The Kpstiuo and pose completed the stoi. MKs Jelliey Lewis was Hie eplo"he Mi-. Jim CJicavit. who-e fooling nre winiiRht upon bv Luelv Duncan. How well she phnod the pail! Illchaid llen netl did a lino bit of chin actor woik as Jim (Hemes nnd V. II. Thomp-ion, Chillies Jlaibuiv. Julian IHstranRe. Jlrs. Annie Adams. .Ml-. Sol Smith and Mis. CcoikIii Dickson lounded out a eomp.uiv or unusual merit, each member ol which pl.ied hit pail In hiunioio with tin' (Pi1l1.1l Usurps. It wns h pei loiinaheo pitched hi u-t the tlslil key, and held thole during the entire tluee acts. 'Ihc iimitdi moved -o smoothlv liom liCKiniiliitr lo 1 nd that It was bald to lonlUo tint It wat n fli-l pioelue linn. There wiit no IkiKIiir- or stntnniciluK of llnpi and the stnslns; was so perrect that tho three beautiful and el.1bor.1le, sett or scpneiy used woie handled with out confusion or Ioiik wait- between nelt. One of the s-electlont given bv Hanoi's nURUieiitPd oicliestin whs the nsoituro, "Imprudence," wiitten bj Saengei for thlt production. The bow us woin by the Indies veie uiiiBiillkeni, nothing eiulle to be.iiitlfiil liming1 been oen at a thoattlcnl in this ellv. In the lii-t act Miss Da lit wnio .111 afternoon gown of dotted twl-t 01 er white silk and chlf 1011 petticoat, waist ulnimcd with liMi point I no. white sitln and i hlfi'ou In tho seeond act her evening1 sown was a cicitlon ol pink brocade, tiininied with !-llei mil eciu honitati laee. In llio thiiil net she war gowned In a fawn i ol oiecl cloth elioss 1 1 homed with leal hue nnd Hinge. An Hton laoket. with light blue dimming, and a black wlvct hit, mind. "Ullli" culls on hlni beiote JIis. Gip.asps nnd all hei lilpnd- to nunounto their tngagpmenl. He hesiintes 101 a mo ment, nnd then dashing all suspicion1 aside, ho tnUeis Alis iiurr in his aun and tells tlieni -he his piomlsod to lie hi ll ire. 11 lit Mil, Uip.iao. Ii, isn't done with the letteis 01 the Hat in Vie mi 1. 1 slioet yoi. The keeps on tiimmnliig, wllh l.ady Duncan tending to it as shilliullj as she knows how Jack 1'ieio Is eonlldeiu "Hilly" did not write the leticis. ,uiil ho Is nnslous to s,i,. hei nom .1111 suih acucsatlou. "lilllv' heisrlf knows noth ing about the iiupnt ilion counsel of hit tiicnd, Sir llruii .11. union and they ngiee tint it would be wi-u lo acquaint "Ulll.i" witli what it t,oing on At about thl- moment "liilh ' uniit- in and Sir Homy paht.-s Jack a nosisjnpor with this ni"s-age penciled In the linigiu. "I'll clear out. (lei hei lo explain m -eiything, once fur all rtetiei loo soon tlian ton late." Tlio pnpei Is lunoitiitli pissed on lo "I'.ilh," wlm on i u iillnu the met-nge giowt indignani because il -hows that the men won- discussing liei befoip -he enlPieel. lieeau-e loo. thoi l of use to toll hoi what tilt it Is lo explain ' She flings h,n (iigagenieul ling on iho table and i.t about to go, when .Mis j (In. u ts appeals niul icids moie f Jim s , letters "Illlly stnillet pscijhodi by declining that Iho letteis weic wiittni bv hoi ; not onlv that, but thai she has Hi eel in tho much-talLed-of hi Vie -tenia siuel. Mi- (iie.iios nideis hei fiotn tho 31,11101. Jack outle.uois to In tel iPiio, but "l!lll ' hnughlilv dl-dnliit hi- chlinhou- offeis and mikes tlons to lc.iu. Xothlng triurilns loi .luk, bin to ilear Misi Mini's good nime. Ho luppent upon n sllglit tine Duut.iu is tho Victoila stieet, and In clever "Sheilock Holini-iiig' he Ikcoiuis inn ilnicd of the lacl. Dining nil this tin moll and tilliulatlon Luly Duncan, the golden-hiiliod he.u l-wlnnei lias capiuied an aged mllliou.ilie and Hie muiilago. Is to take place .i soon. 1'ieie, In thteatenlng to lo the niilllonaiio that he knows about his inlomlnl inidu, and the Victoila street Mat. anil bv nl-o menacing her with tho slate''- eWdeiuo or Jim Oioascs liimsoir, secuiis u wilttou lonfes.-lon li oni Lady Dnni an thai she Is the siien who lias lined .limn .minimis away lroin Mis, fjionvct, and caused iho When Ml- On. ues lends tho confession, Lndy Diincui has alitailv depuited. Jim niouilse.s noor to do It again, and Mis (lieavet tenghos )im, Mcnnwlillc, Jack, by biiblug "Illlly .h" maid, has pimentod hei fiom intchlug the train foi homo; so who Mill In Un Manor when the tlenilng up ol Iho mjs teiy has been enVcleel and slm imd Jack pip eiy happ.i, of ionise, at Hie end, No uilenuatp appree l.itlon ot llio coin ody can bo ronie.icd by any bale outllnp. As pii'tonted by tho company the slon was something II vo and pulMitlng with the human touches which show to what good puiposo llsmoud sluillpd the human tamlly; how will ho knows the llttleless, no lo-s lliau the luge gin oioslty, that nppeMu when passions that tug at the heait strings aio .Housed, and also how he knows tho hollow upss unci uttor selllsluip.s that nm lo be luuiiel ill society. Through the medium of tho splendid company Hint suppoileil Mi, I'aveisham Inst night all Iho ah enles ot sentiment and wit and the lights and shades of the play of humor wcio nelnili- pluk painted miKlin oiei pink silk and iliiffon, with wnlst to in.uoli II wii' handsoniPli tiimiind wltli lacp. In tlio second ail she woie an evening gown of cloth of geld, eiiibioldoied with gold over white satin and lice Hint was tiuh beautiful In the lliliel net slio woie two gowns, the 111 st a house elie-s ol while silk uiullii lucked and lilninieel with leal lace and ninimented with a handotnt; blue -mh Tho -ei ond gown was a tra leling dio-s ol blue -hot -ilk, coieiod with silk tiiulle slashed wlfi slim silk The waist in.Kcheil and was tiimmcd with l o.i I lace. lb i lint was a iniguill- elei, ami h.iimeai- r.iLi s coin iieillon ol Ihiip ' lisl Willi the gown. . Mis Jelliov Lewi- woie an alleiuoiiu Mm ii of vellow bciigallno silk In the fiist I ni t. It hid a waist tn mitch, dimmed j with i htffou and l.n e Hei second not ,1111 it was nn evi'iiluji dress ol light giecu , wateiid sill: dimmed with e hlffciu and Ileal I no t,piugled. The waist bad pea lis and emeiald Ulinming-. riownt of aluiii-l Pipial be.iuti in-ie 1 win n b.i l lie other kidlps. Ch.lllis I'liilimau wllue-seel the i i - liiim.inie fimn an aisle spjI em the east 1 side of the house. Other piomlneut thi'- men in the house woie Al. 11. ly i mini, Anson I'oud I.-anc 11 Hie h and John J. Jennings. The comedv will bo lepeiteel at the l.i cum this jfieiuonn and tiiiiight. Huntley-Mooie Stock Co. The lluullei-Jlooie Sine I. lompanj ill i'm two leiv l.ugo .mil well nle.iseil! uiidlences :ti the Acaik tin of Music o.s tetdny when llie'.i piesentul at iho mat-Inu- "Tile Lost Pniedise" nnd al night. "The Dnnlus." Toniglil then i lose Iheli weeks tligilsc menl Willi the pic-enlalion of u very poworltil pin i, ("jiicen's i:ldeuto." Tills nf UMiionn 'The Lost I'.uaellse" will be ic-pealed Gient BUI at Dixie's. It I- an excellent bill which the patious ol tho cozv Dixie aio eiijo.ilng iliis wppI: Tho wotld liimous Lockhail'.t eleplmnts I- an ii pi whk Ii will uoicr be toigotten, 'Ihcse beasts weic ceitnlnly uaineil bv n inastcr hand, II seems h.iidly posslbb) tor tluini lo peifoim such feat, but lliov UPior tall, and Uiev know their ait so well thai lln woik wlthoni a wind or ciiminiiiid. Tho ilin-n Livingstons aie woiideilul nciobals and do some iciy elating, U'hltcomb, Dm Imitator, Is simply gieal, lie plonses Immense v nud wins many Inuglis Tho Ililttous, cnloied ni lists, mo diiueois ot nbilily, ilia iniiii Is a wonder in tlio dancing line Tlio musical pail of tho piogiamme is fur nished by Hill anil Whlttaker and l'nit and Clinton ate ceitnlnly laugh inaltPis Dime's inuilonptlPt ,ue finite n unvell.i 'Not Guilty" Next Week, An iimioiiiiciiiuout ol uncommon intni est Is tho appeiunnce next week of the melodiuina, "Not dulliy," nt the Ai.ul piny of JIuslo loi tlueo eommeuc ing with n spc-ciul Moiulnv miillnce. It Is n favoiite with tlio patious of this house, and will no doubt tecrive the tor. dial welcome elue to nu old filond Vogel's MonstieU Tuesday. Tin- local coutiiiBPiU of John W o. ORIENTAL RUGS Below Cost riichaelian Bros., 124 Washington Avenue, SUFFERERS FROM KIDNEY TROUBLES w'hiti: Titciii ni:.iiTn:LT thanks roit Tim hijniu-'it rtncinvtiD rnoM tiii: runn saaiim.i: iio'itli: m ii.ur.s'i.nn hap v. ci ur, and tiiii I'ltnn TIIIAL H(X OP W.VUNIJU'H SAI'IJ I'll.LH. A I'lllAL MOTTLIl Ol1 THL WOHLD'S HHCATCST KIDL'NV (M'HK.SIJNT AHSOLfTHLV I'llHi: l'OU TIIH ASKING, this i.inniiAii (irrnn is maim: to nvnnv uhauhk or tiii: schan- TON THIIH'Nn WHO Hl'KI'KltS 1'ltOM LAMI) HACK, ICIDNHV THOfULl! Oil anv or tiii: iiladdiih on i'ihnahv ouhans, Who has not W.UHADV TlttHD IT m This free offer has been accented by oier l.WO.OOi) liitferers who hve been beneflleil by Its use. Tliou indg ot Utters are reeched clnlly fimn giateful men nnd nomen who bale received Inslnnt relief from tlio (ample of Safo Cure and Sure Pills, nud lime been permanently uued by oueor tno bottlenof Safo Pure. Free Sample Gave Instant Relief. MI8S uElSSIB ARNOLD, President of the ChliaRO "Altcn-Vereln," nho relde at No. 3! I II Wabash aieutie, Clilengo, Ilk, aaya: ' LaM auninier, while at a plenle, I was polonrd with poison liy, unit my fun" and hands were hadlv hiwiIUii and I eotild not nee out of my eje. 1 tried washes nnd alie. and painted tho affected parts, but without ielit, I eni for a sample, bottle ot Warner's Sjfo Cure, nnd found Hint It gava mo humedlata lellef. One Inige bottle cured tne In a nhort time, drlilng all the poison out of inv sjateiu, nnd effected a complete tare. Kline then 1 hoie used It oft and on when I feel woin out, and hale found it ft fine remedy for geneinl debility. 1 find your Safe Curp has n host or frleneli In (Mtl ingo " Cured Gravel and Inflamed Urinary Organs. OCOROB Di:saUM, Major, Clulstlan Voltiiileeit, lot rifth atreel, Cincinnati, 0,, saw 'Tor tluee years I linie suffered mnstanlly with grniel nnel Inflnmmatlon of llio miliary orgnnn, nggiaiated by xposiira In coniluctliig outdoor meeting1). 1 let Iliu Iroubla run on, not speklng medical relief until I felt tn badly I could hardly continue my noil.. On einui Inallon the doelor told nip what iny tinuble was and liipseilbed for me I took his iiii.lldne for two weeks without relief; then a brother oflb ei told me hnw Wnrnei's siafe Cure hid ciued blm of llio same trou ble. 1 Immediately sent for a bottle, nud soon found blened relief, and 1 most eiatefilllv aclcuowleilR" Hie ti uly wonderful merits of Warners Safe Cure. It has peiinaucnll bless ou for sending such relief lo suffetliig humanity. ' The pains In Ihe small of the b.u k, palnfulpaisiug of iirlno, Inflammation of the bladder, torpid llier, cloudy urine, pains In the baek of Ihe head nnd neik, rliPiinutli pains and kTielllngs nil oior the lod, ei renin and Jaundice, tell 5011 nur kldnejs have been diseased for a long time, foi Kidney doubles seldom put out tut li sjmploms as the ilillui retog nhes until they hare been working seieial nuiullis If nu bale an of these symptoms great c.ire should be taken to stop the progress of the disease and pieiem It jiregiutlUK th entire pjstein and becoming chionli. This Simple Home Test Will Tell Condition of Kidneys. Let some moining uilue stand foi lont-foiir bonis In glsss or liollle. If It is 1 luudy or loiitalus a leddlsh bllckilitst sediment, or if paitlrles or genus float nbour In II, jour Kld nejs aie diseased. If, afler you have made this test, ou li ne anv doubt In jour mind .is 10 the development of the disease tn jour sjsteui, send a sample of join urine 10 Wainers Safe Cure Co., Hoc hosier, X Y., and nm doetois villi .inal7e It and send jtui a report nltii advice free of coat to jou. s.11 letters from women read and answened by a woman 1I01 inr. All coiiespuiidiuce lo strictest Lonfideiue. WARNER'S SAFE CURE will purify and strengthen the Kldnejs and restore them to tlielr, healthy condition; It vflll cure ihcumatlsm, rheumatic gout, dliibotes, TJilght'h disease, l.mie hatK, painful passago of urine, a too oftu deshe to uiinale, uric acid poison. Inflammation ot the blidder and urinal organs, and lestore the patient's health and ilgor. Warner's Safe Cine Is purelj legetaule and contains no naiiotle or luimful dings It is fiee from sediment and Is pleasant to take. It does not constipate: It Is a mot laluable and effective tonic: It Kills tlio disease getms; it Is a atlmulnnt lo digestion and awaKeus the lot pld lliei. Beware of so-called kidney cures full of sediment and of bad odor they not only do not cure, but are positively harmful. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS moie the bowels genii anil aid m speedv cm 0. Tho free sample bottle ot "Safe Cine" and the fiee lample bus of -afe l'IIIs"hnie oftem been sufficient to cure caes ot Kldno dlseast. lien the simple home list has been made in tlie earlier stages ot the disease Warners Safe Cure Is what jou need; 0ii ian buy It at am ding sUmh, to sizes, 30 ceuU and l c a holtle. Refuse Substitutes and Imitations. Be sure jou get Wamei's Safe Cure: substitutes contain daugeiuua dross. Theie I sone "Just as good" ns Wmiiet's Safe (hue. Sample Bottle "Safe Cure" Free. To coniiucc eieiv Milicior liom di-eases ol the l.lduei-, Ihu, bhtdetct anil blond Sale ('tu 0 will cum them, .1 -aniplu bottle ol till- Kldiicv Clue -will be sent .ili-oltitelv nee. postpaid: also a s-ample bo. of "S.ifo l'llls." and a alu.iblo lioohli'l which tell- all about the diseases ol the Kldneis, Lilei and IJIud doi, with a prescription foi each dl-e.i-e and mnnj 01 the thousand- ol to-ilmnuhils lecLiied dailv fiom Ki.ilcful patients nholuie been ouiod hi' Wainei s Mie Cilie All vou have lo do is to mlto AVnuiPl's Sme Clue I'onipani, noclustei N. 1. uiul mention hnvhiK lead this llbeial oftci in the tJiinuton Tillnine. The- c.. nuinon-s of this oflei i- lull suuantred hi Ihc publlshoi. -iired me. May Ood gel's bijr mliisiirlH is said to ne umi-ualli' suoiiK. and will no doubt tioale anile a sensation .mums iho-o who l.ivoi this loini ol eiiU'iuluiuenl. Iliuiv LeltSliton, who has :i woild-nldo loput.itioii as a ininstiel ctoi. will Il.ue ihni(,t of this- poitiou or ihe eulei i.iinmenl. and llio slnsinp 11 III he of a IiIkIi stanelard A. 1. Covei, fii.iut MetUo.i, Thomas Jleiilih, Kail Gath, 11. Tiptoe, I". T. ICppuov. lames IMmonds, .lainis (t. I'm 1 1- and Thnni.i-' (oope" Mill bo lipfiul to sort! ndiMiilacfp In the late-l ballads, duels 'ind eiuniteltes This inammolh tiiK.inl.ulon will appear at the Licoinn Tue.sday nlj,hl and tho-e doslious ol onlojlliR an cvphIhk "f 11 hole some tun -Imuld lnocuio theli -pals piuli Musical Gossip. AX i:Vi:NT of moie (ban uiilluaii' illume nt and one In which all of Noithcasteiu Pennsylvania I kejonlv Intoic'-tcel 1- the to be held thl- month at tho Foitv-secntli Regiment aunoiy, IhouMjii, X, V. Piles lunnluif into Ihousind of dnllais m 10 he awaided lor the he-t Hluirluir of ihniiinCK iiiai lettes anil solos, Sciantou Is tn ho well iepipented. A -uporh olioius ot two hundiod uud iluv lolces bus been caio fully Hclected and hnio hpen In constant pi.icllee lor (wo inonlli-, and l enlciid for tho chlri pile of $1,000. The iiihor choir- eiiteicd in tliln piiillcular con-le-l nre the Mount Veiiiou .Slusical s0. tletj', unelor tho leuelcishlp of Prof. Al freel Hnlhun: Ihe nioohljn Mu-ical Ait socletv, and the .Mriulclshn (1!ei and Choial t-ociotj of Xew YoiK clt. The Dr. Mason (Her snclei.v of Wllltes-lhilio, who aio piUo winners of leienl follv.ils, me iilk-o In the llstK of coin petltoi.s, and fioni all appe.uancf s thl-conle-l Is jo bo the most luleuHo and Giltlcni that our local Hlnjrois lime hail for mnnj jeaih The tllteeior of llio Sciiinton eholi Is tho capalile and iuiik iiotiP J. T. Watltllis who has brnunht tho piei-ent Uinll to a hlch t-liitn of pei fpctlnn. All 11 ho lme uttended the rp-hetil.-nls of Iho oclot,v prounuuee II tu ho the ihiest uud most tlnlshed .-IiikIiik honid In Sciantoii, Tlie rcheais.ila are heluK patiimUeil hj l.UK't liumhet.s. A eoiieorl, Inr tlio-ptupo.-o of eh'fiayliKT the espom-ps of tho choir to Ilioolclyu, Is to lin Kiveii on Mondav ovpiiIiis1, Xen 17. In the Lyceum tlirntcr, when an nppotluu. It V n 111 ho fill on run people nf liPiuliur porfotnied all the chmnl number which aie tn be prlvou a I Iho Iliooklyn festival, Xol u Kci.iiitnnlan tail afford to miss 1I1U iaro 1 'j 11 The ilulin and hour lecilal nheii on nvrulim bs a iiumbei of tho ptipllrt of Misses .lulln Plapp Alien uiul Msm Cordelia riomnan was the second of llio pi went bP.mon'H t-otles. Tho lli.t one, It will ho lememheied, took plaoo two UPPhH bro, iiheii tho MIsops Slllcs wpte rPdntioditcpil hj MIpkcs Allen and Kieeman on tho lotuin nf thoso Klftrel pupils fimn numpp Theio am lo ho tho moio of tho s-crle-, In piicii ot union ns on ThuiMlay pvenlns, pupils liom llio most advanced clans-en 11 III pitilh ip.iie, thoHo of tho Junior clauses hnlui; nl-m nffoidpd their oppm utility In tho imip. fully uipl Impiiitiiilly an. unreel pro. grammes, On this occasion Ml-a Aliens pupils, who took p.ut, wore Mix A K Lelstpr, whose iliaiminK1 ppinonalllj and atltacl lie sctjlo of ptnyliiB haio nuulo her so many 1 1 lends and ndmlieiH, and thn sen ior piixpmble t'lah., consisting; of iho Misses Rclim Ciuyl. Kranccs Iliidel, Lhhi Ilouser and Ilesste SUekhou.-e. .r. Vincent Mitchell, 11 ho wot. to huvo plujpcl Po Ilerlot'H Hceno do Pallet lias unable to he piepeul. This number on the piogrnmmo was llllerl by the jounc; ladleH aboie named, who gave 11 Norweg ian dance in tpliited style. The varied temperamental gifts of these youmr ilo llnlsts blond In their pUijIhk together tilth pecttllail' huppy elfect. Miss Curjl has an unusually sympathetic touch imon the strings with her bow and chaim of lute 1 pi elation '1 he loin, likable pniur and iki-h of .III khnu-e'- plailns "pi'inc to bear up a- an 111 1 oinpanlsl might: Mi-- ('mils and Ml Uudd -poetic tone-, .III lluii-11's lino leeh nliilo and -to.iillno-s nnd oienne-s in playiinr. h.ue oltiu been mdid Mis Hlldd'J Kl.11 etui hnwius oiiRlit nl-n to be montloued lie 10. .1- It 11. is on Tl1111-d.1v ciPllllin" bi nppiprl.itlio uiii-ie inns In the ciniMloil nuillence Tlie snloi-t- 'imoinr Mi I'm man's pupils, iihn appeueel on Tliui-ilii 1'ien iliS. woie the Mi e- Mnlie. f'hn-e .mil tie- PiMile. .Mr-. CI. V. liiichnim, Mt. LilV .fn-e'iih-Kplloi Ml- A K. Lilstu, .Mes-)-. Pe tei Silvio nnd Huiiild lliltin. Mi. I.el-tei, cMlled upon al In Ii list no tice to lilt a place 011 ihe proRiamine nutile lacanr bv .Ills-. He 11-ou's luahllllv to appeal, -anjr with 1.110 f,i,ii'o and eliaim'u splint; -011c In I.vne- "Ii--Ch.1-0, n ho on thi- neiaslein made her (list appiaianeu holoie nu niidiente, nnel Miss Poole sllf ploiui'-e' 01' mm h filtiiio e'i pIIciu 0. JIl-. Tim liin.m's licit roiiliiil to was lit in i tu;.- ill llnd le.i lJnek'- "Ilspoctniie v," .mil Mis Col lei's In Del rilpcfo'i 'O On Tliu-e Teal-." Ml. Pelor StlKle Is the po e in nf a lUf-s inlet ol in 111 h poll pi, of Pleiif Mitil lue tlmbie iidniliabli adapted lu -inli inii-li' as Aht's "O Wondioii- Vuiith." Mi. I la 1 old It.uiln's full stronir b.iiitnno l nice 11 an lei' elfcitlio In III- spliltid inleipieliition of XeiinV '"Ihe Ho-ari" and f'hadiiltk'- "Loie's Ciown" Van 11. ill's delicious "Lullulii " as mi, uued li.v Mis- l'rcfin.iii, bieniRlit the I1clt.1l to a dellKhtfill elo-o. It 11 .ih sum," hi JIl-s I'.lsie Powell. Jlln .Milllilo .ln .ih lluihiunn, .Hi-. Keller, Mi.- I' and Me.ssi,-. I'uoliman, I-'i.iiii fllpp.'l, Kiese, ,liiiit, Walsh and IVlllianis 1 .Mr .1 Alfitd PelinlnKton will pi, 11 the followlm; pl.iuoloiti) solus In 111- "Iniii liiPluliou Le-on" in SI Luke's P.ulsh hnu-p llils mninliiK Kon.itu lu (.' inlnoi, 0ius in, xu. 1 lie elllOlen Jlnllu Alli'Sto e eon lulu. Molto Ail.iillo. Finale Prosil linn. .Mauika In A inlnoi, Opus cs, Xo .' - t'liopln, Ma.iuk.i In II (hit, Opu- 17, X". I - I'lioiiln. Xoitiiiue in I' hap major, dp 1". Xn 1! ciioplii VnlHo In A Opu- c.K Xo 1 . Chopin A r.'lloiiKiolso (I'liKiitiu hi . Si Imi 11 1 nka II I! 'I Tho follniiliiK musical selcillom Hill lie teiiilelid at the moinlliiT and even Injr service- toinmioii at Him P.nk chin (Oi uiulor tin dliectliui til .1 Alt ml lVnuliiKlnu, nijiiulrti and choir niastoi MfiltXIXn Oisran Pieluilo on "Ple.volV lljinn" o.ilkln CI10I1 "Anlluni. "Let Xut Your Hunt He Tioublod" , .(laiduer OiKan-Olleitoti lu (1 Hclmolt Soptano solo "Mv Itulceniii nnd Mj Hod'' lluillei Iliiek Mti. i:a.i Council Ourun -Po-lliulo In P major Pletcher HVFJNINn DiKiiu Modei.110 in 1' , , Cuppi leu (Nmir Aiiiluin, "I Came Nm tu cull die ltiirhtinus" Vincent OlKiui-l'uulalciiii P.iHtninlo IMsbh fjiiiiilPtle "r.ilth" Hatisii Hyinn-AiithPiu, ".lentis Loici ut Mj Koul" W IIII.1111K Oiaii-Piistlude lu A inlnoi . Calkin Him Puik quiii tone Mis llaa 1 nil liell, wnpraiin Mis. Louoie Thoiii-ou, lontraltn Mr Alfnd Wuolei lenor; Mi Phillip AVuilen bass. I I' ' A novel feature of ihe fie lanlon Hul led Choml soplfty'rt oonppit will bo tho siurriuir nf the hnillouo and b.iss duel, "The Loui Ih a .Man nf War" lioin Hainler.- oratorio "Isincl hi Huypt " Ten of the ucognUod localUU of Hclali' ton Mill sins; the duct ullli uicniiipanltucnt. Thi am: Tlailtouos, Pi of. W, A. Kelly, David lieviion, Win. n. i:vnns, AV. XV, Wutklns, J. T. Wat lslns, Tho bassos urc: John XV. Jones. P. II. Wat 1 en. Will A. Roberts, Albeit Plllltifr nnd Mosci II. MoiKan. It would ha haul to duplicate Ihe quality) KingCollar Button Sale Will begin at at 10 o'clock sharp this morning. (s 1 Today I L Moving Pictures Exhlbltino ; Will Begin Prqmptly at 2 o'clock on the third floor. Moving Picture Exhibition Free Beginning Today at 2 O'Clock Life-like in action an entertainment that will be interesting and instructive to' young and old. Every afternoon, beginning at 2 o'clock, Saturday evenings at 7, a Free Exhibition from this marvelous machine will be given on the third floor. Bring the children remember, it's free. The Special Attraction for This Afternoon's Exhibition wilt be "JACK AND THE BEAN STALK." The entire programme will be rich in the presentation of the very newest scenes. Everybody invited. Thousands of Collar Buttons At 4 anc ls Their Regular Price The life of the king is in the shank. It is remarkable for its strength, lasting wear, elegance and small price. The patent ventilated stiffened post, renders the king extremely strong and is a guarantee against breakage. Twelve styles for men; women and children. Sale Begins Promptly This Morning at 10 O'Clock Sharp On Main Floor, in aisle near Kibbon Counter. At these prices it will pay you to stock up on the different kinds. Our guarantee, if any button should prove unsat isfactory after it is in use, a new button is yours without any cost. 10-Kt. Gold Filled 1 10-Kt. Gold Pilled I Silver King Collar Buttons Collar Buttons Collar Buttons Regular Value, 10c. Regular Value, 15c. Regular Value, 25c. This Sale Thi Sale For This Sale 2i Cents 5 Cents. 8 Cents. Jonas Long's Sons NEW YORK HOTELS. ALPINE UOTEL itii vv.,iii:rvi:i''jiii'ii vmhiih'iim MJW XOKK. i:uropi:an incw. iiiepkooh Convenient to Theatres and Shopping Districts. Take 23rd st. cross (own cars and transfer ut 4th ave. direct to hotel. liOOIUH Mltll llalli ) (Mill llltll lllltll ..urn ) I yi.on W. H. PARKE, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTKL Car. Sixteenth it. anil Ir '.ns I'Uce, NEW YORK. Anicilran Hun, $3 30 Per Day and Upward!, ruiopriin I'Ijm, ili I'.r l)jy and Upward. Special IiJtcs lu l'aiiillin. T. THOMPSON, Pi op. "f-r-f-f.--f-ff - -M-M- lor iiiisinoss Men 111 the lu .11 1 uC the uhuleMlIe illy. II Irl. Tor .Mioppei'S :: inlniites' w.i Ik lo W.inniiialveifl, L' Jllllllllcs lo SIl'Re I t'oopoi s Ills Hloie' K.isj ol .mm lo llio ale at I3i ciooils Sluies. For Siulilsccrs Out- Mod: f 1 oni n'wnv fiiif, t,lv 1MB IMh" li.insiioit.itloii lo ill peillllM Ol illtt'lisl. HOTEL ALBERT I $ NEW YORK. t Cm lllll ST. A r.N'IVIIUririV 1U i T Onlv one" I'lodv 110m Uio.iiiwuy. t Rooms, $1 Up. PX,l&l!5L X Now is tKe time to be LooKing up your ... Fall and Winter Overcoat or Suit.. Convincing. Hunter iaw Baltimore Rye The perfect type of the purest whiskey, claims this The test is taste, and a taste con vinces that it is Pure, Old, Mellow It is the American Gentleman's Whiskey SoM si all nrU!4 t.ffi ami by Jwbtm M l.C'.iniN A bus, H.llluiurf. Mil of olcu In uiiy ton olotii lu one cenn liiuiilty like- Sciuiilon. all' iHlIi ! MX WW' Mw VJK.1. 111 jlui. " IffilL'i ...ui).t' ;MAa No matter what color you want; no matter what style you want, we've got it. Makes no difference whether you are long or short, stout or thin, we can fit you, and our prices will fit your pocket book. Our assortment is now at ' its best and comprises all the lead ing fashions superbly tailored. Overcoats at 7.50, 10.09, 15.00. Suits at 7.50. 10.09, 15.00. GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH All PURCHASES. KRfffiR BROS. Complete Outfitters toMen and Boys. V-V ' Vv- Do You Want $20.00 7 If you tin, sec full particulars as lu Imiv mt lu gel them, on pajce I. i I t ,