a m THE SOU ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, .1902. The News of Catbondale. I Insti action. SGIIOOI. fori' DANl'lNO AND 1)1' POIITSMJN'I I'm inlsii mill iiumti'ii, StlllldllV IlltUlllOOIIS tt out '.' to A, ii II i lock to lomini'tiic on nr about 8ttnnHi. Not. 1". rinipcioncn In iitiptiiliiiuo linttm- tlOllS W) lODSlsl Ot tlllll-llnllll il imllifl ')' I rmitcun unit phtsluil eiiltnie niowturnt depot tlnt'llt, I tC. I'liplls will pini-uric- Hi liotoic tlmt lime I'm tctniM iiiul otlu'i ltifoi million mil in whites Tribune of lltr. 01 will bo pkiihid lo full nt mil lionif. J I'OMil.NH. Mellibci of Xoinml Ahioi llltlon .MiimIpim of DnniliiKi 1 H "nil ('iinnilii. THE STATUS OP THE SUNDAY CLOSING Hev. Dr. Whnlen Appeals Befoie the Giand Juiy in Answei to Subpoena of Constable Ed waul Neniy, Issued to Get Testimony Against Tlnee Dcaleis Who Weie Returned As Theie Was No' Evidence to Piesent Undei the Chcuniatantes. the He sult Can Be Guessed. Ye-denlm " iti v i lupmt ut In tin Snn- dn i lo1tiu IIHIM llll'lll Wll till' III1C til - iiiik in Ke. Di W I nli ii li"lou' iIip Kt.ind Inn In misuii to tin Mihpoi ii i I --t H 1 1 III tln i ,ti ' Willi II l'nllilllli Nun look lii (in i- tin (iniil TlnM u"ii' tin 'i tin n nt l In ii iIp.iIim' nt tin i i-'i i nttil wind who wiio uioi n il u" t II I'lK mi Mi'idiix tin- lit nil lulls; lm-ul p it th mi tlic -i iti mi nt In In liniiii s ni"n lotti i about n) n Snmliiv -i llllif. .11(1 putl mi tin V-"l) Hl'll tlllsP Mill' till il lis 111,.' Ill Wll.lllll l"- iliil will. i mil m in oli- 'i i.itlim linn .i liw "tinil i nUht- io 'I lie .mtli Is hnwent lliilt)i Ii ili ii I il i il iml Oin H lilt 4.lllill III it i" 1 1 1 '-' -1 I n i the Hj'htPil liiiiiiinii In lui'i'ii1 mi tin will In- Hip mentis or Intloillliltlg the tompiilit's pindllili to tin- Hii'U'tti tunic The .Mi'lul Woiklng (olii)iin,v Is now mi it iiium siibiiintliil I)iipI. ()i dcii .lie now mi litttnl lo keep the force lil. I oi wpi'Ui, 'I'lie Milium liollei, Tho Anthi nolle, or which tin (otnimiiy Is timkliiK ii speclnlty. hns una with ln itittit ruvoi whi'K It hio been liilioiliu' pil nttil big "iilc me looked fin. 'I'Ir1 ulllultiiwiil or .Mi. Muonev fiom Odibollihile will lip Kienlv legi piled by tin' littsc niiinhci of fik'tnls he niitilc dlite i oniltiR help Mcpnil months ngn. .Mum will wlshe ni'(oiiimii, him tn the nietiuiiolK WANTED FOR MURDER OF MAN IN FOTTSTOWN Man Stnpccted 'Attested Yestetdoy by Constable. Neaiy at the Deln- waie and Hudson Station at Jet- myn. .lolm .Mlsko, or l'oittowii, I'ii, who N wtuitPil lot tin' niinilci or n mini n iiik (1 (ieoigi MIUpi wii mclPil li. I'OllMlnlllf IlllWlIld Ni ill lit lllf .Ipl 11IM1 station ol 11k Oi'liwiiip niiil Hudson i u 1 It u ut nt ii n'i Im k .ii pMiilm; MIhUo w.im rmploM'il in tin- mouldlm; liop nl tlio Sttinlt j (! CI ikk i miinni, ii ml .Hid ittn i elliirA w Itli Ml Hi i, -J 1 1 in k lilin on llic hi. ul with ,i iliovel liti tiiilng his "Lull 'Phi' iisv.ili.tnl lleil, n nl 'Inn ll .nti i w ml- -Mill i -m -i iinibi it lo h's In.'ni It - Dituthn lolm Coniniii nl I'ottstiiwn, ilKi n ci i'ii Ih u .1 ti'inK .ultlitu-Lil to ".lolm MNI.u Jt'i in,Mi, ".i . ' wiih IiIimI limn I'olt'-tow n .mil i mii' to "'il.mion on T1iiiim1.i Hi- iiiii'-uluil iwitl Mipi ilnti nili nt ol Colli c l)i ninl ' I 111 I Willi in I '.II lllllill ill Will I i 111 I'll- WALDRON'S BIO Opening Horse Sale Begins This Morning at 10 O'clock. 150 Head to Be Sold; XXSOaOSKKKXSOSSBSSOCJiCKSOSJBSSBCSBBSJSUKKSSSOiWKSOSSSX dom lilllm, tlu p npilitui id i liii Voi tli it Di Ii ili I. Ii i- Ii.'pii In tm c tin i.iml Im mil Hint ilint 1iih Ii 11 unilii i uiixlili 1 t i)i tin dim i ivf., t lunilil bi oil' 111I11114 IrMlllM tin pi Dpi I- tie- of the ultiiilluii to ! I -1 1 !-- nr -pi (ill 1(1 i- tn ill" lltllllllr, nt till" llIM rill tin Mils ,uii Uii- 1 in limit, mi c of flip 11 t n.i 1 Know li il'j' Iti W'n 1I1 11 bml 1 o! tin limiMii ul tin liu 1 in lit ilN-in-'-ul wltn pinpilit . .1 m.illi'i of f 11 t. Hi li il 11 Ii nl no p 1 sun il 1 Kuowli 1I1-1' ul -u'ul.n s, inn,, 'I hi I I- I'r .1" nl 1 'nli I ol I'ulli 1 Mi Audi i w ' '. 111 I 'I In l.itli 1 tm in il tin- 1 i'i iim 1 to ' Const. 1I1I1 .Ni'ii who w.ntiil nl tin ! llllllMl -"t it 1(111 si'Ul.ll llfllll ( Ms,k Im Mls,ii to .1ppp.11 Tin l.ittii put In .111 jppcn.uui .it I, i i U 1 1, mil .r-Koii Im tin tiiinU In n lip iiuhpil It .Will nlii'il lihn unilii .nii-t ,nirl lm 1.I him np In ( ' 11 I111111I Up Th ' pilsiimi ulnilit'il his n inn w.ii loin) Ml-Ko .mil rhil In It. ul li pii In I'otntnwn Inn t I linn (I in Ii.im- IpII on tilt -:.i IjIj-i ill .mil tlnii 1 wiiU .n,n .mil ill il tin timil of liiiuoi I In ih-1 w I-siiippul In hlni In lilpnil tin p 11- lll' Isltl ll 11(1 s.iloill 111 ulo no nun li i-i - 111(111 Ol "111 II .1 il lllpi Ml 11 p itelit Hi s M)--i svei', ni t itli m -. I in in w.mtiil mill will l)t limioin, 111 .il) mil im i' nl it in lln I fti Iiim siij.iiioii iK ,111m ,tiLBBBMMBMMEW 'ffllWlPi Connolly Wallace 5cranton,s Shopping: Center The store that serves you best today is the store that expects to serve you in the future. It can't afford to sell a poor thing. g Exquisite H Small Furs 1600 pounds, head of coal hoarse woik. Waldion'.s Grand Opening Sale ot One Hundied and Fittyx Head of Horses, among which will be 25 Pairs of Matched Work Teams, that will average in weight from 2400 to 3000 pounds. In addition to this theie will be two car loads of big Single Workers, weighing from 1200 to andt.vocar loads of Roaders, including 21 black hoises that are suitable for hack or One car load of Business and Faun Chunks. This will be the largest and grandest co'lectionof first-class hoises that was ever brought to Lackawanna county. Owing to the faige number to sell al this sale, it will" be necessaiy to open promptly at ten o'clock in the fore noon, and continue until the last horse is gone. A fair and leasonable ttial allowed on eveiy horse and if not as repre sented your money wi 1 be lefunded, no matter what kind ot a hoi so you aie looking for. i- iiinli J ll.illx mswi is tilt ilisi llptlim ot the IipIiI pi nilliif; lnw hiins lx 11 viol Hi i This h dtiK c hi- lip. 11 (lissifl, ,i mil Is in -hipi 10 In 11-pil whin Up i im ieiii ilpinmils li vihnnlil Till- Uiiowlpdi,! howiiri is mn loinnrtpir t( silnmin Tmlei Hip I iws ,,1 1 hU'iii , In tln h mils of Di Whilen is ., wliniss u would lip nnthiiin 11101 1 tlinn hf-n-n iiiunip Hf.11 i iidiiu( his im pLIii wlih :in mint in with in in In iln llsht of thi-.i iiii whim wi'i Unow 11 llpfOlP Pi Wll.il' It W.is sulipocn l( , pf. Ion the m. iml Im It 1 m bi- .uhi'iiil to wl1.1L iluini his tisliniiiii inlf,ht li t'flPLtlxo in Inmsins i 11 ui- lull is iin-t thp tin 10 it tin nod s.ilonnKi'i pus ' () he pl.iliui his ixisliion inight lip th.it of ,1 witiiPss 1 ilhd into 1 0111 1 who when nsl.ul oi hS Knowlnini ni ,1 h.ip ppnlliK, wmiUl npl ili it Iip Iuimi of pompono i'1-p who hid tin- ilisimi , ilenif, lint lh.it hi, hini'-ili liml noiip ThK tin 11 w.is iln situ illon inth heroic Di Wit ilen w is -nbpoen ml Hi ll id no ,11 tn.il UhowUiIm of Miinliix ioI.itions Inn he li id aiots, to stuh pi(UiHe, tliimsh li w.i" not hi- own How PltP(lie Di Whaltn s tts.imom would he limit i tht-sp i lu nmsi.mies cm Tiei Imp's In u.iilllj ilnit?il ouL In thp nie.inUmi- the ntlnii of th" mjihI liu v wih ljt iw iltnl wlih Ki on Inuit-t. In nl iilon in tin- niiixt mciii It i.m h" stunl most pnsLhih that .it no tliin his liim hnii 1 disriii-itiDu on the put ni Ui wii.lni 10 liu lk 1 ho f.ilth ot iln iiti im 111 tntiiPil Into with tin- lli'iin di ikis in hh op, n littei ol I isi wnl .ni 1 Mm .iltit he w is sniip,,, n mil, ni wii.ilui w,,s ui,ii thniir In hi- puipo- in I. nil the iuc. input, -i lm .is ih, p, u'liiii liiitmi "taniis ni Ho -Iiiii, th n won'. 1 iiiow Anothii point, to In iii 11 N tint Hip "Itllltldll Is ( lit Slllll' -I) f.ll .is Ul "Wh.ili 11 .mo hN nm, u , 1 t Is i mn I'nii d. nt, th ilnv win 11 h, .nldns-on. tiu. ,,p, iPttci tn thp -.ilnonUii p, 1- 'linn h 11 lipin tin ihniKi lix tin- ih Hon of (lip roust i!)1p 01, .M0111I tj To .i.iln stato his po-ltlon in- Win ,n Kin- Hip iipiiiI- to lit- opt 11 itiii of 1,1st wt 'U fit' ''timtls flnn m his pnipo-f to Kup to thp 'isi pi mint in mii ml. .mil In still llii" tin exiikiiK spoil, 11 01 10 he i-f0 "honld tin iini'iiKx ml-, The sphii of iii-op, itli 1) shown 1,1 thp di ah is onnl indii.it thi this 1 nit 11 m H not nun ii hand GOING TO NEW YORK. J. A. Mooney to Open Office toi Cni bondalp Metal Woiking Compiny, J. A "loont 01 . w VoiK iiiv, who has hppii of ,iiii,tiif .ifsUiimiii in pst.ililishhu thi pi nit ni the ('.iiiiini dale .Mitni Wniklns ioinp,iny h ,.., tod,i 101 tin llll'ttopolls to tstll)ll-ll an olllic tlieii lot the limioin hUli V tiillxt ('0111 m s win 1 1 tm n to I'llltstOWll lllllill ,111(1 Sllltlt' lull pii- lltnliis In tin1 1 isi anil ,111 auiiiatp di -1 I Ipllon nt tilt ii in w inttd 'I hi' pll-lMIl will pll)l).ll)l" lip I Ollllllllti (1 to tli'ionntv ini lod.u to iw.ilt Imiliii dt tlopmt pis in tin uv A HOOK AND LADDER FOR CARBONDALB The Colunibiti Hose Company Has Taken Up the Pioject in Earnest and Has Tonned a Tempoiaiy Oi ganization to Cauy It to a Success ful End ETnestnes:. and Enthus iasm ot the Piojectois. 'I i agitation ol 1 lionK iiniipiiij tin Cai lionduli Fooil Oliniises lVoplv. Both Adults and Babies, 'lUhltf, 1 ,111 mi and Huh 11 (,u sumo Kind of food thut tlmli iilduts tlio do, loud hitppuis to lm Uiiipp- when thai Kutc, Our limn, h,U)y S,f j,,i sp,,sinv WillPS .Mis, (leo. U Noble, of West Vnlon.'ln,, "taiisui, the nli, .skltm .said, by Inipiopei lood. in inhlcpd a (L't ofcinllU, but slut did unt suiu in elllliT hcaltli, welKht or InlKhfni'hs, unii w had to tciiitliiutilly iis0 jili)-u . "Wo weio .simply wild, hojn.lt -h ct niinetnblu oei- our llitlo one rot ,1 Ions tlnii' I had bum umiIIiih of Oiupi Nuts,("Tunl pei hups by liiHplr.tlloii I bought ,1 pjckusju ami biKau IcpUIii them to hut. Alter the .second im-.tl, v used no moie iilisic, and lime neyer iised any since, it w.is won derful to- &eo lior iinprove. iiur weltsht was lVs pounds at two jemaf now it is 27 founds at two jeam ami foui months. The doctor bad foai im bn brain, the spasms liiivliitr tome 11 0111 her Bpiue, but th? continued use or Grape-Nuts has made her peifectly well, and theie is not blighter child in the State today than our little glil. "Everybody remarks about her beau tiful complexion and her bright, witty speeches. We are never now without Grape-NutH and often -think of the awful petlod when o,ieio in such' desperate straits. If I can in any way Intel cat others, I am more than willing to tell thun all l mn about Chape, "uts. in I i.uiiiri loi I'.iibouduli, piiuippid Willi moikin appaiatas -n tsun ti.il it tucct in ilshiini, ihu wheie thti" an' liitlldlns of nun c than out stoix wns ht'ii . in w nun aftn tin th" of ii Louple 01 wiel.s .tan In the bulldlns oiiupiul li II r I'laiK. the di itwsl-t, at -'.ib.'iu axiiitn. and I'much stun 'J'lie piojiit his bti 11 l.iUin up in I'.illlist hj till' Coluinbli Hose luni pan and a mou'iiit nt has bun st, nt til Hun will bt 1 ,111 led 011 wlih Irni mid iltti'imiinition uiuU the 1 In luis a I100U and 1 idnpi luah, to bi in the cit-tod and use (,i tiii- 01 t,aiilalion. Thp mi mbi". s of the umipam who ai ' tin It.ullnn spliits m the n,oe mt nt held a 1111 eiln lit Hie f'olumbiu's lioil-e 011 TIuisil,i it nlni,. '1 he piu Jc l was -o taotal)l teielunl and tllLMi' was stub 11 sphu ot taiiustiuss, show 11 ilint liinpoiaii oiauliitinn wastliuit id An c-(oiiiiiiou iiiiini ihu.iii, tap lalii ol tlio Colmiiblas, was u imod as umpoiiiix piislduii; Mm tin T. O'JInl !p, was 1 ho-'. 11 suutui), and I'oiiiiuou I t oiiliiilman Abo I. Sahm. wlio u oiip ol the lli-i in biliii; the pioleii to a siiuis-tiil H-ue was imiiiid as laptaln. A nulliu to 1 flu I pel in nit ill iiihiin intlnll will Hike plan- Tlllll.sdti lllnht oi ni': wtt'K. 11 uis will lmi m.iiuitil b that lime mid tlio pioltu will 10111 lile'ltie to boom, The lump no will be Unow 11 n- u ;, i If lull ii U Hook mid l.ndilei loinpitin, No I, The iholii' was iniaiilmoii-, and Is complline'iuiu to Hon, 1:, ' leu ill Id., whose luteust In tln lite dt - pill UllPllt III'M'l IllMtl-, TIip CVlnmbliiV inn leadil .Kiniiiiiio- nine 11. e iiinw w mi II II is mo. pui-po-t 10 spi'uie. Tin ui I abundant 100111 In tin hoii-c, 'Iln boso w.ikoii team's Hi IU (.111 ho moMd out to within n few steps ol tlio W.lfion. I! tiMllHR out the lllllial Ml. ill, tlleli' will bo plontv ot inui 1 for ilio tiiuk. Tho iipici-saiv altointloiH will lnolp but u nominal sum Thn Is no doubt or the Mipiuut that tho pinjeet will tide iuiioiik tho bttl-no-s tiiLti ot tbo town. Tlio stiho of seiMiio-i nation ,tono will be an im nii use taitoi In booinhiRr Hip mooment. Sale Begins Today at ID O'clock Washington Ave., Opp. Court House Scranton, Pa. . "Weston, ol So i anion, leal estate agent ol the Ddawan and Hudson, ate also two ol Hie inioipoiatois Ot,het Slcinii lon nun luni- an intciest In the pto posed (ompauv. Tho application foi thp dniitei will ho made at UaiilsbiiiK on Mond.u iiPM hi Attoinis Welles A. Tin l pi Tho now loiiipuiN s iinu.i station will bt ciiittd on tho aiant sitf adjaiont to the Cubondalo l! is lompain s pi mt on Jisilitli iioiiuo rt Is expected that the woik ol i oiistiiictlon will loninii uci Utu the Ki'tntliiK ot the ehiiitd, as the pi uis aio all niuuied Thpio will liluh hi kirn i uiiipeiltlou between this unnpans and the now iciniein. and a liiilhi'i dion In pucps and liuieasirt if Im is tow in ds a boltoi sti h e tail suie h ho ixpntid 1 spiin, when the now cunip inv cxpiits to he in opeiation The I. icka wanna Vallm unnpain low oied pilies about one-thlul a few uotk- ai,o in untleipatlon, li was suesicd at the time, oi eompi iltion The i 0111 pan, itsdi, (Kiiaicd the ledtiition lol lowed the wliolo-alo impio( nituts in aiiKiiiatod at the station In this dt, Willi h allowed ol tho modiii tlou of Kiiatii powei at lessened to-ts .t the pii'seni lime tlio L ickawanna lompam Is supphiiii, lin-lit to MaMleld leinnu, Aiehhald and Jessup boili foi 'titet and lommi'iiml siil(., uoni the plant in Cnhondali', Tho nialtoi ol slieet llhhtlns In this dt will bo line ol tho tilings on wliiih the iio (onipany will loins its aiten- tlon Tho l.aelviiwanu.i eouipauv has j ltiunll had n nnmopols ()r this lunii ol tin IlKhtltirf bii'iiuss, us the (las, lompanv, oven with tlio Inliodtn Hon of the Welsbadi sistem ot IIhIiHiik has, boeii Kit'tith handieiippid Knpii with Ihlh hniidliap the lias lompam has:! put up a stubborn (Ulit m dlldo this LUiiti.it t. This, howew'i, Is too well Know l as tilt- mosi lonspli nous among I tho doings of i mindls lot the past jim to spHlnll dlieii onos attention to It should be ippiidiied b the pmiilo of the town at its mil alue GOING TO HONESDALE. Authiacite Toot Ball Eleven to Meet Maple City Ciowd Today. Toda.v the nowl oiguiiPil ('aihon dalt loot ball team will go to lloius dalo io jiue-l tin. hot all -puil, nt the I'hcsiuiit town The new eleeii is pot as ba as the Indians oni lepi e-e'iitatUo loam but is nimble ol ffimd wniK Its line up lollowt. I.elt pud. IJuthoitoiil lett lackli, WjUlnns Hit iiiiini, MiKnina, (tiitei, 'Ihonias, iKn giuuil Collins iIkIu laeklo, noiinin iif,lit mil Ki, nni (pi ii lPib.uk Clam iif,iit hilt baik Itoihe. lett h ilf link. .Mi Hale lull link, Vuiiln A Suipuse Paity. A sinpi,e pun wis und'itd to Miss .M.i'i,aiot Ciaiie it hot home on Mutt sti.pt last nlghl In a 'nunib! ol hei Miiint, tilinijs and tho eviiiln was ,n pleasatulv pa-spd in tl.p usual amusenii ms Mint mink tin st ,. -on1, sodal luiKlloiiM Kitipslinifiitt, w, io spi P, ,lL i teiisoiuihli I101.1. Tlu lollowllif, wuo pitsoiu Mlh-e- i:ilu .McDoiioiif.il. Ainu C1011I11. M.ugaiet f'ogins, ic.uj, CogHln. Katie W.1M1, JIiiUMitt Co1p, .M u Clint', Cliilioth ill eliiiiui mil Mautaiil Unlantl. Mesni Amlno-o Hattlo, Thonms Penmen, (''lank Haiti. lainos Conneo. Kianl; MiDouoiuh, John Toolan, Mldind .M( I'.inn md I'atihk Kl,uiii NEWS IN BRILr. Hi. and Jim, Willliii'i Knnpp nnd Intiilh will lemine tholi hoiiseliold 1 1- rn'ts Hom south WiihhliiKlon i-tieit to Hcjjiiont stieot not week. M nnd .Mix. Wllliitm l.ewis and Inmll, of South V.Miiiilnu stmt, will limine tn 5 One hundred aud fifty diffcreut styles of boas it's likely you'll not find half that number in all the other stores in Scranton. We're never content with what the makers show us there's some little change or other that would improve the looks or make the fur more comfortable. We suggest these changes have them made for us alone, aud that's one reason why we do most oi the fur business in town, S5 Women's Union Suits If you come to Connolly &. Wal lace's once you will come again. And that is perhaps the great est test of a store does it hold its customers ? 0 A Remarkable Jacket for Women A cheviot jacket lined throughout with satin, well tailored, with velvet collar and cuffs; 26 inches long, $10. And we've had some, not so good, for $1300. But there are not many only fifty, If you want the best coat $10.00 ever bought, this is that coat. Baby Coats... . 8 JJr It would be a waste of space to tell 5) women the advantages of the union suit 55 they know how it does awa with the 55 folds at the waist, how it gives perfect fieedom,aud how itdistributes the strain J5 so that you don't feel it anywhere. 55 But perhaps you don't know that we 5 have made a great effort this year to get an uu usual variety of these garments. H The variety is not only in the kinds of m material aud in the price, but in the large range of sias and a union suit must 55 fit or you will soon become disgusted 5s with it. 50c to $6 Jo a suit. 55 Domet Flannel ItfH x U .Night Shirts, 50c nu this time. Tho old IIkIu will bo j t - , tin- house wanted b the Knuiipi, NEW LIGHTING PLANT. The Lncluuvnnna Valley Elect Uc Liffht Company to Hnvo n Com petitor in the Ctubonilale Electilc Light, Heat anil Power Company. Allied with the Caiboiulale Gas Company, I'liihondiilti Is to h.to iiniithor tk'Uili light (omimii), tho CuboiHiuie.. r;ii'inu l.lyht, Heat .tin I'owei coinpani. it will be u iniiipelitot of the I. u Imw.inim Viilluy Light, l'owoi and Supply ioin punj, wlili li bus enjojed a monopoly of tho t'leetili. lighting p.itioungu in tliin ilU The new company will bo tillldl with thu Caiboiulale CIuh lonip.uij, In u seiibe, inasmuch us somo of the liuoi poutoia ato also hc'iiilly Inteusted In tlio gas concern Among ththo may be mentioned 1!. 1-. I'tillei, tlietiiioiil. nailly BtieeeaHful iailmllnt ot Heiiinton. He is presiident of the CaibonUalo Gas I'onipany, fiml Is one of tl(e Incoipor utois of the new clutili llsht com. pany. C, It, Munllle, of thh. city. dlvialoii feupcrlntfiident of the DeUwuio and iludgon company, and I'luiilcs H. new oil in ilio vpiliu with Incienstd spjiil. Tlio oltoct will liKeh bo low or intis, with pel Imps liuieasliifi lglliuiio in maliitiiinlim: tho i-piviie to Its IiIkIi ost r iiiilonoy. Falamountain Anested. I'ltlllp Paliiiiotnuiiln, ot Jltlmont stun, was tuialgned boioit Aldeini.iu Atkinson last nlglu on a cliaigc of Ini (ony, piufeiicd bv NIiholiiH I'liiclit'llo. i'aliiniountaln lh a bii'iikor boi-s at Coal bioolc inlllou, Tho ptoseeiitoi woikod unilPi- l'aliinimtntiiln, and allege tlmt on Oi'tobff liu tho defendant appiopil tited to hiri own tihc n pocketbooU con taining $." belonging to tlio pioseuitor. I'liiilii'tlo naj.s tlmt whllo at woik In tho lneiikei. as ho pulled out bin hiind lloiehlif, hh poekutboolc camo with It nnd fell to tho Hoot, The boss, who wan neat, plckid It up and aftei opening It and seeing tho mono) uithln, put It Into his own pocket iiiidTetiihod to io tm n It, Tho lattPt had ti ft How -conn-UMiuiii ut iiiiDil who conoboiated thin etoiy. Till) aldPiiunn dei'inid tho ei Idem n hiilllclcnt to hold Palamoiiiitnln tm his appeuianco ut mint mid phued hlni under $100 ball. A Cake Sale. At the iogul.it monthly meeting of the Women's Atilliaiy Hospital bourn, ThuiMltty ufteiuoon, It was deckled to hold u cako sale tho day pi e Ions to Thanksgiving, in oidei lo piode Junds tin u ciulstmiiH day frMhnl at the hospital, in .summing up Its needs the boaid bus jmmd thut the conn (bullous on bund me not suilklent lo nuke the ncci'Hsui) Ipipioienients 7ml foi a Chlfbttuus 1 elobiallmi. l.ubt I'hilstmus such u felcbiatlon was held, and tho keen enjoyment It occasioned the patleuiV was amnio ro waid. Tho ladles of tho hoaul want to oHtubllsh it us an annual custom If poa. biblo ami in older to pioeldo tlio mcos s.uy funds hav0 planned tho cake sale. .Its object is indeed u worthy one aud rile dlugiuni lot lilie's latest nttil host iDltslial otiauganii, 'Tlio hlinw UIil," will open 1I1N o oning at 7 .1) A inn neat Is In stoio foi mn theiitu-f,o. is and thev should lake uduintage nl the oiciislon to set ule seals tail), Mlihuol (loimuii, 01 rppii Oiuiilafi' stioet, met with a paliillll mi (dent on Wediu-du) oienliig He was attempt ing to got off u Ptlawuio nnd Hudson tioln, wliiih was on its w.i) to roust City, when ho nipped oei 11 swltili und wns injuied about the kvn und hod v. Hupeiliitendunt of Motho i'owei .1) 1. Slink, of tho Dolawuio and IIiuIhou company, of Albany, X, Y., was In tills city Thutsday 011 business, Accom panied by Master Mechanic Iluiils ho WMit thioiij,h tho seeinl shops Miss Mat Ilia Kuse, one, or the elllclout und popular siili'slmlles ut f'l line's di) goods stoic, who has bem loufintd to her home on laik stieot by llluiss tor somo time past, js lapidly Impioving i:il libs, of Washington snoot, who has been doing dut at the Mnln stioet m.iihlur. shop, has been 1 entiled to tho locomotho whops, whete he will be sliulluilv eiiiplowd, Joseph I.lndMi), ot Teutli avenue, who bus been laid up with a swollen hand niiil aim for the pust thue months. Is Hlowlj Inipunliig Thomas i.unny, of f.'aibondale, has been nnplojed as day ileik at the I.augfoid house. SiiS(itelmuiia .loiunal 13 l, Htanip, of Monliose, ijs 11c t opted a position as bliiiksmlth"at the Muln stieot shops of the Dcluwum mid Hudon. Mts J I'. A Tingle), of WushhiRion stieut. is In Wuu'il), .N y , wbeio .sia was tailed by the deutli of a lelathe. PERSONAL MENTION, Pi I'hailes HtlUgett spent eteula) In Hunuton i'i of, William Collins bpent etudu) afteinoou In I'm est Cll .Miss rioienie Wilght siipeilniemkiii of HmeiBeniy hospital, lslted In the electilc tit) jestcidaj. fa. fl 0 0 tfKl nt) l S.0 0V. 1S,ft It o 0W HP e Ur , 0. 0 o 0H Longer aud latger across the chest than the usual 50c night shirt, better material and better stitched aud finished. Take it home lo your wife or mothe", slie' H soon se.e the difference. The maker thtew up his hands when we told him all the things we wanted changed, but the larger order brought him aiouad. Not enough to last through the win tei and we can't get more at this price, In the Baby Department are all sorts of warm coats for very little people. W Long white coats far wee babies, $2 to O $17.50, made ot Bedford cord, cashmere 55 n t. r etll.- n M I 1i.Arl ...ifl. .V ... n 3 3 . m m UUU OliU, UUU 11UUU tVLLJA aUlU VVUl4iU just the things that babies would choose for themselves if they could. bhort coats in 2, 3 and 4 year sizes. Some of them dainty white, pink and blue, coats of silk, Bedford cord and cashmere, $2 to $10. Others for sturdier wear red, blue, C5: tan. green; mostly box coats, with or n without capes, $4 to $10. 55 A few aristocrats of velvet and silk, v with collars of lace and batiste, $4.50 O to $11. There couldn't be a better place to get J? pretty winter things for the babies. m And Hosiery, The winter stock is most extensive and complete for men, women and chil dren. The underwear is made to fit largely made to our order upon tested patterns by good makers. Fix your own price and we will give you the best the money cau purchase, or select your quality and you may be sure the price is right. jrn Connolly & W allace 123-125-127-129 Washington Ave. 55 5 1 00M 0 .0 jtf 00 n r rfia t 0Xl000-tX0tiL0H0H0M00'010H0H0yk0H00X0000g00 0H0M. 0IS0an0M.0K0H0n000XJ0X00V000X0000P00M &C& ThUflgSKnreU tfn'eftry box ot fh" gonnra Laxative RrnninOnininf Tablets , KAfceSt ' Moiedy thji. ciir o cola in one doy ANN0UNCB1ENTS OF HIE RAILROADS $33, S5 to Now Oileans, La., niut Re turn viti the Lehigh Vnlley Rtul load Novemboi 8, 9 and 10. Dn ,111011111 ol' Ann 1 It 1111 is.inkus' nj sotirttinn i indention al New Oi leans, l.ii., NoM'inbu 11-1", the l.t'UlKh Voi le) uilli odd ulll "ill spiiinl alt bets ut SJ.'.SJ loi the i omul tilp, f,ood solus Nmenibti sib, nth und huh, llniltul to ictitiit to 11 days, ImludliiK duin of s-iile. IJ.Ntonslon ot letitin limits 10 No einbei tUth 1,111 be obtained by ib' positins tli Let with Joint iiKent nt .N't iv Oi leans on 01 beloio Not ember iStli, and p.ouient nt 30 lent-. 'I'lcl.etH Kood op all tialns ivi'pl the illiulv Uliinionil opiest. Hee III ltd iiKents tin fin tint intot miition 94.35 to New Yoik City nnd Return. Special Thauksglvlng Day Rates, via the Lehtgli Valley Riihoati. Wednesday, Not ember , the l.ehlKh ViUli) i.illioiid will well tlcktts to Xu Y01H and lotiuii tit ft 33 ftmii tfei anion, Kood M'lns en aboo date, limited to ie tmn to and Inchidlns Xoenibii JO, good on till tmlns escept the Hlnil; Dlainond ipiet.i I'm lillthei Intoi -inntlon, lonsult Oelawaio and lludbon mlliond agility oi- Ueoifiu llellei, dty pis-senc,ei li(,etU, i.eliltiH Vulle 1 ill 10.nl, uri imblic Hiitliitc, AVIlUeh-llaiie, Pa, A'!?. s tr, e v v t v ; n t . h . v, v v. !? TAYLOR. The cinilo)c-i at the ailinih iiillieiks ot the l.acKawininii couip.ni) line will lecelve thell freinl-tiinnthl) pit) loi the luttei put of October tod.i) This will be the iiibt pa) hcie nirne Apill All the eolluile will woiK u halt da) Aniioimeeineiu hub been made of the iDliiiii,; iiiaiiiaiii' ul' .MIhs l.ena Itull niach and John Schlelds, both popnlai )iiiiiik people of this. boioiiKh. It will take pbue the Intel part ot the month Nuith T.i)loi mil tho Hciie i)t a tin illltur aiiideni Mbteidi), when u T3ki3 3 Look ' AT OUR FALL AND WINTER LINE OF and Q loves i If these lines aie not bettei than any other in town, don't buy them, but at nny inte have a look. Our asoitment of XIndeiweav is &o laigo, we cannot specify each kind in this small space. They lango in pi ice fiom 50c to $5,00. GLOVES We have foity diffoient kinds to show you, fiom the 25a Walk ing Glove, the $1.00 Walking Glove, to the pine Otter or Sealskin, including Dent's, Diivlug Glove. Fownes', Penins', Tanneit's, also ('Rip-Poof" . H .V ft $ ft a i "A ' " " ' " V "" " " '' A'A'AA 'A rt ' ' ' ' ' ' " '& 309 LacUa. Avenue. 412 Spruce Street Sole Aitcnt t(ir lr. .lacjvcr's Sanitary LiulcrMcar, iiinuway titlRlu 1.11 lo.idul with io.il i.inio down tin .ttep incline tioni tho I'tiifj mine ut a tetlllllc late ot upeed. Xnu thu iiOBdlnt, 011 Xortli .Main slieet the uiniwa) i u tolllued mUIi an uiHlni The i.ir Icti the tiaili ttiewlnt the toal nil oei ' No one was Injun d 'Ihe UeUiwiiii1, i.aika w.iniiu and SVes-ltiu unnpnny wieckliiK new weie -non on the siepo and toon had the 111U 1 leal til inui), Henliew nt the fahai) llapilst 1 Inn ih tomoiinwv will be luld at the m-ital hoiiiN I'astoi Kin. Ui. Hauls olIlilitiiiK AHti the t cuing ffi'iikes tlio l.oul'.s .suppei will be admiuilcied. bnnday tihool at J p in. Pusitoi' li. 1. fantel will oiiupy his pulpit at the SI. ! ehuiih tomoirow al the initial lunii.-. sj'abbnth school at -.lu p. in. The Win kens' bind Ot the V. J I', A, will mitt this eenliiK In Hull looms at Van lloin'h hull ' Mi? John Uitliniitf of Weet .Senin ton, was the BlieHt ol hei motliei, .Mis, JMbbliif of I'nlon htiet, eteldn) Slls-b .Mai ilia Ibveis. ot West Pitts, ton, was the nuest of the .Mls-s.es Haker, of Slalu htieet icientl). John O Dwens, of Til) lot htieot, lias nioitil Ills iamlly to ht Clali, wlieie he lias M'fiiied a luuathe ponltlon The Tayloi i-ehool bo.ud held an Im poitatu meeting last evening l'oi email I'liillp Tlioiiuib. of Wibt Senintoii, has moed his f.niill) to Tij lot blieet .Mr. and .Mis. Henjamhi Algnorl, of Wt.st btiauton, weio guests of Foie iimn nnd .Mis. Philip Thomas, ol T.l)lor .sued, )esleidii).