02 THE SCHANTON TRIBUNE-SAT UR DA V. NOVEMBER 8, 1902. Lesson Domes a Q conomy Is afforded by watching the people who crowd the Joyce Stores during the busy hours. They are the thrifty class, who know actual values of food supplies and trade where their money takes on its greatest buying power. For instance : "tm ' ever Batter is used. ffm A 1 lie, i r r 7i BSg, lira mBtw fH fejF JL SL o Elgin" stands for excellence where- COAIAE f This Butterine is actually an improvement on Butter, but the greatest difference lies in the price. We sell Butterine at. Butterine prices. 01 When we say "choice," that is ex actly the quality of meat we mean. Penn wn A3 VcJi TLfft' - Iff Ifl Brt TJF&fJ&M G THE MARKETS. Wall Street Beview. Nisw Yoilc, Nov. ". Tlic ii i ocular tunu ol the market. Lonlimieit toduj. The luul of pi Ices as nlimu l.tt.1 iiIkIiI for tlto tin.itd put ol tho il.iv, IjiU thu inUanti'H wiie c.((f (HiiBly spotty and wuie mil Hill ni.tiiit.iiiit.il. In thu Lite dc.illns.s -is w.ii the case cstcjd.i, tlu Lfioits ot pin-lLh-.ion.il opot.itoih to u.ilio piotith on tho i.uly .idv.uico wiped out thu .iilvimci iind the flosu w.iv. u.iU with not lussib hpiinklLii .ill tluoiiKh tho lKt. No lmior tant gains wi'io li tt .it tho cliw J'he ili.ilings weio muiIIoi tlinn csiinlity .ind who oven moio utiictlv inotf-slon.il. Tho opeiatlons could not ho .s.iid to icpiivatii imy conviction on tho spiiuilntUo outlook Imt wtru ovun inori- stilctly piolesloiml. The opeiatlons could not lio Hiiid to icp loscnt nny comiuiiim on tho s-piculiillo outlook but weio simply tin- li-ult ol thu tforts of piofcbbioiuil ti.idcirt to tiud .1 ui tent of pi ices foi the puipo'io ot in ik ins a turn. Susai was a iIi.ik mi tho 3ii.il ket thiniiKhoiit nud its tliuil dip m' - d was an intluoiuo In tho sum ml wcaK iifss. Tho HtltfinlniT ol tho call inono into at tho Inst and the pionilsu of a poor hank statement worn lontillmtoiy factois to tho ic.ictlon. Amonttst tho o.illy points of htloiiKth the boft (o.ilti.s mmu lonsplc nous. 'J,oday'.s meeting of Xoifoll; and West oi n Ulicctoi.s i.is ixpeitid to ml wtneo tho iliNiili-uil into .mil when thev iidjomnid without nitlou pi lies of Iho Kioup i.in olf Tho WL.ikness ot HocMiia Vnllev was duo to ropoits ot a tompotliiK line fiom Columbus to Toledo to be im itated In tho lVntnnlwinl.i inteusts The nnthiaclto ooalerh weio in wmn dein.uul owing to tho aRieemoiU of the lii(Uiend rnt opemtors to nbido by thu hIiIKu nr bitintion. Tho iidwincts iinimol tho orn nnd cotton loads m.ii) h.tw been duo to crop ptospectb, but they weio Ken 'inlly nttilbiitoil to pool manipulation and did not hold. Total s.ilib todav, I.VKX) t-hares. The bund m.nkot was steady on n small olumn of business Total sales, par alue, $l,f.0l,OiiO United Httitis Ls du I'llncd t per cent, on tho List mil The follnwlnp nuotnllons are fuinlshed Tint triiJiiiie ny nalgnt As noise Co , J14- ai.j .Minis jituiiuns iiser. Amal. Copper .. Am. C ,t r ...... Am. Cotton Oil .. AlhelUilii Jeu ,,,, Am. Ice. Pr Am. Locomotive Am. S. .v. II, Co , Aineilem Hiifc'nr . Atchison ,, AtclilMiti lr Halt. & Ohio Hiook. it T Canadian I'ailtlo Clies .1 Ohio ... Chicago .V Alton Chle. Ar 0 W .... c. n i. a.- p ism'. Col. Kliel linn M', Lin. .v Moiunein ,.,,, at Col A: Soillli . Sil I'r IT Del. A: 1 1 tul lU! V D, Ilunyou, man- Onen Iliirh Low Close !h . .. .'.!' .... 1U IS . .. "0 .... I ....imj .... kvH ....HH'4 ....lO-'.li -''ii ...III1'- .... I75 IVl SO'lt en. .c It n Don. & K a . ir... Dettolt Huiithein ... 3:ilo Kilo, 1st Pi Kilo. -Jil Pi UneKlnb' VnlLv . .. Illinois Cent i u I low u Central itKn. City A: Sontll l.ouls. A: Nnsli Manhattan . . , Met. fit. Jty . Aloxlcnn Ceutinl .. JIo. K. & To .. .. Mit , K. A: T., Pi . Mo Pacific N V, Central .... Noi folic A: West .. Out. & West JMcific Mull J'cnna. It It IVoplo'a Gas II , 1014 , 37"J , fi7 , r.t , n H'i l..l"j HlHi vni nm r.i5 yi'i u 113'. .H)-'- I.IU IP, AYi zo r ion', KCi'i lil-'K IMj uli Jtll; :jiU I7'i i" llitj' .17! C7'l Wl Ji iu' :is :i ll. ? fi'; imi. 'ii7i r.i' lil'i Mi ill 17 U")','. II ill' ftl S.1 IMi WJVi 2r.'i SiV lln ir.i-i 1'iessed Steel Cm,... 6) Jtenuins Heading, 1st Pr ... Jleadlnir, 2d Pr .... llepubllo Steel . ... .iubllc Steel. Pr. St I., fc Ran K .. HI I. A: So. W S7 , "ij'i 7SV4 sovl a) 7W 3-",S 41 lCOS JiU'j OS 87 7bi 21 77 ii Buutltein i'aclllo ,.,. ;J ml S; K1U iaI li'lTi 7J Sl'ft 41 IMS 10-!!i 69 61 S7 7CW 2011 7Gi 7S'i SOU t9)i ii".' r.i'I ii' ,1N', J'Mt H' ir. Wi'J KH'j i"J lit 47--' ST.I. 2i 5 1SV4 .v. ill 17'i 1W II i'i'5 1.7 ui )i invi $ iii'j in.'? 2-.? 2S1S C3U loan 15.VS 7Ji 3211 41'J I'M 1021 Sirf 77 7SW 30 coil Southcin H. It ... Tenn. Coal S lion Teas & Pailtie . 1'lilon Pacific .... Tnlon Paillle. i'l . V, H. l.eatllel . ... V. S. U'ltlict. Vf V. S. llulibci V. S. Stiel C S SU. I. Pi ... W.lbish Wab.i.sh, Pr AVest.'in L'nion ..,, Win 1 1. As I. II ... Wis Conti.il 27 i:v-dlvldend. Total tales, nj.OOu shaies. Money, r.1.. per ct nt. CIlIOAnO OllAIN AND PROVISION. . i.I', . r.i', .1I'h . HP, . i)i, . wv . i7' ; '. Ts 01 lj.', 4"-lt JOl'i HIT, Hi, 17' $.' 'is in i.pf. iv, 1051, 1J'.. 17' I7'i !' i' -V, ulif 4iS 103X .., lull, 17L :'j s7 4v'vi Wk 2ii' , wiii;.vt- Dcecnibi-J' .Mnv COUN Dec ember llav OATH neetmber Mas- POItK .lanuar.v . May IAltn Jnnuaiy ., Jlny KI11S Jauuaiy ., May Ni:V Dec embor Jnnu u y , Mai oh .., May Open, lllitn. Low. Clos'o 71', .W, r. 17 II 17 fl 17 sr. 7P u'i .inn 15 17 Hid !l 17 S.-.2 S 17 I M 4J r. si H. n p:i7 71'' .'i ii :,o inrt in :i7 14.17 !17 VOKIC COTTON .MAKKKT. Open. IIIkIi, Low Close. S2l SVii mj ,spi i27 S.ti ),.17 r., S1- Ml SOt Sir. StO h,l! u ios Scranton Botud of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. Did.Asked. w BOO 43 STOCKS. Lackawanna Uatty Co, Pr,... Couutv fouv. Uanl; & 'frost Co rirs.l Nnt. Hani; (Catbonualo), Thlid Uutltin.il Unnk Dlnio Dep i'v Dis ilank Keonoiny 1. , 11. .t P. Co l'bsl National Panic Lack Tliist .V Sato Dep. Co , ClatL A- Snovet Co, I'r Scinnton SainRs Punk Tiatlcia' National Hank Staunton Holt & Nut Co People's Uank Sciantoa PatLlns Co HONDS. Scranton 1'asaoimer Kailway, first nioitKuao, iluo 19J0, ... PeopK s Sttcot Hall,ay, ihst moi tKUt,-c, duo 191S Peoplu'u Stieot KnilVi'aj, Gen- oinl uioi (Kayo, duo lD.'l ,,,, Sciautnn Tiao Co , C por cent, Economy L, II. A. P. Co N Jersey A. I'oeono Ice Co,... Consolidated Water Supply Co Scronton Wholesale Maiket. (Coructed b II. G. Dale, 27 Lnclw. Ave) cuamery, 23',Jo.i fiesli iio lioo 195 1:5 con 2JJ 125 135 115 115 115 ... 115 ... 97 97 .,. 105 Floill-tl40. lluttet Ptesli ilahv. .'IVe. CIklsiv Ual5lic Ubks Neat by, .'7c j stoiaEC-, 22c. ns,'o, 2.'o. Mnrow Beans Por bushel, ?J. Onions Per bushel, Mc l'otatoes. C3c. per bushel. New York Qraln and Produce Market Now Yoilc, Nov. 7. rioui-Market was quiet nnd steady. Wheat Spot steady; No. ted, 77c. eleator; No. i led, 77ke, f. o. b. ulloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, WiC. t. o. ii. afloat; options generally linn all day and lilcher; closed very ill in at ',& a'ic net advance; No. 2 red May closed 7bo.; December, 78c. Coin Spot Bteadyj No. 2. We eloutor and COo. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 jollow, hV.ic; No. 2 whito, 6Tic; ojitions lit in, and closed VJa'Jo. net hlghur; lebru.iry closed l!)',Cc.: Muy, 47c; Do comber. KVjC Oats Spot quiet; No. 2 oats. 3iu34Vc.: No. 3 oats, 33a34c; No. 2 white, 3Gia37c; No. 3 whlto, a0a3uV4c; track mixed western, nominal; track whlto -western, 30a37c; track whlto stuto. 3oVia37c.; option maiket was quiet and steady: December closed 3574c. llutter mcb'ular; extra creamery, Sc: do. tuc- torv. liltlSc: rtaemerv, common to choice, lliiJl'.e.: imitation creamery. 17i20c.: statu d.iliv. lSri24c ; lonovatfd, 17'ii21c Cbeo-o Quiet; new state lull cieani. small 10I tii cd fancv, old, J2V.: luiv, 12' if.; small white, old, 12';c; new, IJViC.; Luge i ol eic d old, 125c : now, 12o ; laiRO white, old, 12re.; new, 12 llgKS luepular; state aiitl Pliiiis1v.iiiLi a ci.iko best, -' : witeiu candled. 21a.'le ; icfllKCi.itcd, 17u 21 o. t Philadelphia Grain and Provision. Philadelphia Nov 7. Wheat Him and I.c. IiIkIili ; contiaet ci.tilr, Nuwmhci. 74'ia7l',t.e Coin Dull anil ic. Inwei; old No. 2 M'llow on tiack, liSc. Oats Til m but quiet; No. 2 white clipped, I,m I'io lsiotih Quiet. lSutter Finn, fair de mand; eMi.i western iieanuiv, 25'2C.; do. ne.iiby piinls, 2Se. IIsks Firm with a Rood iuniiiij; fiesli neat by, 2'lc; loss ott; do. westein, 2't. tlo do; do. .southwest 1'in, 21c; do, do,; do soutlieiu, 21( , do. tin Cliees.ii -SI cad v, full' demind; New Yolk full tioums, inline small, I2'lal2?4c; do. do do. fair to good small, HiiiU'ic; do. do. do ptlino laiKO, lJiial2'.e.: do, do. do. lair to Rood, Lne, llalSc. Kellned Sur ai s Dull and 10 points lowet; ciown A, I.'ile.; cubes, 170c; powdered, 155c.; otra tine Kianulated, 4.55c; standaid gianti lated and cienmery A, 4 5"ic.; confectlon eis A. 4 Sue.; cistal A. 145c; toiifectlon eis' A. 1.10c; No. 1. 4 15c; Nos, 2 and J, 110c: No. I. lO'ic: No. c. Ic: No. n. J'J-ic.: .! : No. fi, 3S0c; No. 70c ! No. 12. Illie ; No nnd 1" .3.."c; No o. points lowci : mlikllliiL- fallow Dull and weaker; No. 7. I! Me ; No. S, in, .1.75c., No ii, ;: l J. :: oOc ; Nos, 1 1 3 .iOe. Cotton uplands, s be city inline, in tloieis, iiViii'i-c.: couutiy, pilme, In bauels, (,',aii'ie.; do. dark, Ca I.O.; cakes, 7a7'iC I.lvn i'oultiy Quiet but steiidv; low Is, lO'iall'&c.; old loosteis, 8a9c; spiliiK chickens, imllc,; ducks, 11a 12c ; ttukejs I0al2c, geese, lOalJc. Hussed Poulti v Film nnd in good de mand; fowls, choice, westein. 12'c.; do southern ami southwestern, Il'laL'c; do. fair to good, lOalle.; old loosteis, fiy.o ; i oasllng chickens, neat by large, 15c; do. small and medium, Utile; westein do., laifCo, Ulfcalle do. small and medium, llalSc; tuikes, choice westein, IJallc; do fair to good, 11a 12c ; ducks, ItnlSc. Ke ct Ipts Flour. 2,1X10 bauels and 2,3Vi,0u0 pounds In sacks; wheal. 10,00.) bushels; com. 800 bushels; oats, 15,000 bushels. Ship ments Wheat, 2,0m bushels, coin, il bushels; oats, 10,u00 bushels. Chicago drain Maiket. Chicago, Nov. 7, Moio actiWtv was manifested In wheat on tho boar dor tiado today than tor sonio limo past and higher pilees tilled, Dec ember closing a,a'e hlghir. December cot 11 closed 'a'to. higher and oats J,uio higher. .Taniiary piolslons clostd Iioin 5c. to 7'ic lower. Cash quotations weio ns tollows: Fiom- Steady; No. 2 spilng wheat, 71it7Hio.; No. 3, i-wiiHCe.; No, 2 ted, ii'j'a70'i,o ; No, 2 coin, r.im" tc- No. 2 vellow, S.V111.U0 ; No 2 oats. 2',o.: No 2 white. ,lw ; No S whlto. 2V1ii.,:e ; No 2 ivo, lsl,e ; good fowling bailey. .IS.14.V.; full to cholco malting, 4! n5so ; No. 1 Mas seed, $1.17: No, 1 1101th. western. $122; luimo timothy seed, JJW; mess poik, jit 1 band HiS7'niil7: I ml, per 10.) pounds, Jll.2n.ill 22!i; shmt libs, sides. $10 25.110 rM shoultlets, J3 b7'ia'J.7."i , bllott clear sides, t 75nn Buffalo Live Stock Market. l.ist Ilullulo. Nov " Cultlo Tlecelpts, 15u; no demand Veals Itcteipts, 300; steady; tops, $S25a SB; cnimunn to good, $5 50a! llotfs Ktcelpts, 1u.2'; steady; heavy JO i.5ai) W); mixed. JSTOaSu'i; Voikers nud light, do , SI.lO.nJ.10; pigs, JurAiUCO; mostly, hiA, toughs, 0ai25; stags, $a'TO. Sheep and Lambs Kuclpts, !i,7tW; sheep, steady; lambs, stlong to 5c hlghci; top lambs, t' I0.i5.20; culls to good, 5lu"; e,u ilngs, J-!7.'a4; owes, $125a.':0; sheep, top inKcd, i DOaj.75; culls to good, $l,'5a3 25. East Liberty Live Stock. L"ust Llbctty. Nov 7 -CattleSteady; clioleu, J0D)aO70; inline, K15aU.lO; good, i 75.15 CO Hogs Lowci; piimo lieuies. JC U5aC 70; mediums, Jii4"acr,0; heavy Yotkeis, ?iJ40; light Yoikei-s, Jijaoau.r.; pigs, JO.lOatlSi); roughs, ?5aii 21. Sheep Slow; best wethers, 51COa3S5j culls and common, I.l50a2; cholco lambs, 5.10a5 35; vcul cales, J7uS. Oil Market. Oil City, Nov. 7.-Credlt balances. 137, ccttlllcutcs opened Hi bid: closed 119 bid; no sales; shipments, 11I.S77 battels; aver age, M5.9M ban els; i litis, Pl.SIS bun els; av ciugu, i,y bands. FINANCIAL For Sale of the Town Topics Gold Mining Company of Denver, Colorado. 50 Cents a Share This is a legltimato mining entcrptlso. A dhldend paying mli.e. owned In feo simple bv tho company and located on Ilobtnll Hill in the heait ot the famous Gold Bolt ot Gilpin county, Colmado. Stock can be bought on the monthly paj ment plan. Subset Ibers can pay 10 per cent, cash and 10 per tent, n month till tho stock Is paid fot AGENTS WANTED For ftiither information, call on or al dtLss CHARLES D. SANDERSON, 136 Wyoming Avenue. Scranton, Pa, Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2? & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. BOODYjMcLELLAN & CO. BANKERS, No 57 llroajway, New York Clt, ui:Mur.its ni:w yokk siock l.nciianor. STOCKS.UONDS anil IN VESTMENTS ORDERS EXEOUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN 4fcUA T", a. Postal Card VliU Ulli uill brfnj om our booklet "Tho Ono Way" uivmir run pai lumcr imw io inast your iumh J aru i. rcpular uiuitilily Jucuiuo uitHout ink of loiid ntii ut mi tit la I AJlDltlt'JLN llMM'f.t JtOliUiAdllCO, ff li:t wuil htrcei. riew ion.. t 3 HENRY BELIN, JR., Cencral Ajent lor the W;suilctr Didtlct (of Dupont's Powder Ulnln, Dlistlnj, Sportluf, ?iboV.c1cb auj thi Itepauna Chemical Ccmptny'i HIGH EXPLOSIVES. (ety Fuse, dps nJ Exploder). Roum 491 Coi cell Buildluj .Scctaten. AQD.SC1E3. JOHN' B SMITH tc bOH I'ljiuouth E. W. 1IUU.IIUN WllluDjrt. ll w V I Little EcoiioiTiy 1 In- Your Clothes... a Will mean a great saving to you in the long run. A little discretion H as to where and what you buy will enable you to practice economy with out sacrificing any of the features of durability, style or fit that are de manded by men of fashion. It has always been our aim to select gar ments that are perfect in every one of these features. We have built our reputation on these points and propose to maintain it, and our Winter stock of "J. J. O." OLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS Bears out our assertions, while the many fashionable men who have purchased here prove that our judg ment has been correct. Hen's Winter Suits Of the "J. J. C." Clothing System of clothes making, tailored from the finest obtainable tabiics . d- at each price p7.Vl LO PjZj& Hen's Overcoats Handsomely and durably lined, of the "J. J, C." Clothing standard, in an enor- 4 . (Cie mous variety of styles p 1 U tO pD The Little Fellows 10 to 16 yeais of age will lind a splendid variety of Single and Double-Breasted Suits, Overcoats ana Reefers. From each of these stock we have selected a special for this week, worth $5, but our . price is !p4 Whntever you want in the way of fashionable Hats, Caps or Haberdashery for men or boys will be found here in splendid variety, but at prices that will mean a saving to you of considerable money. JOHN J. COLLIN Originator of "J, J. G," Clothing, 316 Lackawanna Ave.