THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY", iNOVEMBER 8, 1902. 11. RELIGIOUS NEWS "Porsonnl Eflfoit Week. It may nnl bo Reiioinllv Known that ,he vcelfrJiiHt closing lins been kiiiiwn in (lie l'n'!ibyt"iliit woild as one of "Poi "-ontit IlfTt t Week," fioni an oviin ..etlstli' tiniHliioiiil. through the Ptes byti'ilii'i ilnii'i'li. Tin1 Kcncial us lombl.v's 'onirolttte mi evangelistic work ti(iiiiiin'ii(1pd tliat the llrst vvok In Now ml it be thus obeiveil 'tnd tlmt Ptibbnlh, Uii' Plh of November bu known as Di'-Nlon O.u. Tho session of tho Viifdibutn s-lieot Piesbytcilan chinch, after duo ooiipltleratlon, dctennlned to limit the i tiie ni'inlb of November one of )0Monal effoit, ami Decision Day, the last Sunday In November. All noik In Hi" ehureli, tbe bible school find Christian JJiuleavor Young l'eo lo's society will ) nvo this thought In inliiil nnd woik to this end. With bowed he id.-?, and it pr.tver of consociation, the walk foi tli" month was Imiiigui sited at all of the Fcrvlces lnt Sunday. Tomotiovv 11101 nlng the pastor will peak on the qiteptinmi ot poisonul work. The let will be found In .1 din l.H, "lie Fit st Klntleth T(s Own Biothci." Theio will L special sei vices tho last week in November, DeclBlon ll.iy will be ole-iivoel November .50. This will be followed by the communion the lit. si Sunday li December. The -pastor will bu n.'ieci by bi other cli't'-ivmeu at tli" "pcclnl toi vie i"-. a Object Seimon at Penn Avenue Bap tist Church. On Sunday evening Rev. Ui. Pleue will glvo an object seimon on the topic, "Character Sketches, or Tite Tim and raise," at the Ponu Avonim HanlNt dun ell. Lai st eongiegutlons legtil.tily attend the "Rilght Horn" lulu's at this cluucli, and the pastor never falls to picsent the gospel stoi.v e.n nestlv nnd lalthfttlly and In an atliaitho and winsome manner. "While his object .ciiiimi and other Illustrative methods of pi eat bins and teaching truth aie now I, tbev aic al ways sDiiltual and never nieielv sen sational. Hveiy hoi he lh dellnltely and piayerfully plannul to "make bad peo ple good, and Rood people bettei." Guernsey Hall Pulpit. The srtond la tlie Uev. Tlimna.s 15. Paj ne's Guernsey hall imlplt eiies (if sen ires will be hold, Sunday evening, it 7.20. i,i. I'ajne has piepaied an osperinlly Intel estliiK pi ogi amnio lor this SP. Vlll. In addition to tho opening "-en ice of siced run,; lomuiks b. the pastel, r.iit. P. i;, Wilson will icndci a ion tinlto solo, and Attenno.v T. J. Chase, r W U-c-Raue, will speak on "Uellg lon and Law." A coidlal imitation to this senhe i cMentled to the public. Hi Luther Day Seiviceo. 'Jomoriow morning at 10 :n o'lloik, the Fundrty school ot Giace Hiigllsh Lutheran chinch, coiner of Mulbeny s'lect and Piescott avenue, Ite. Luther Hess baling-, pastor and supeiintedent, t 11) lemur its annual Ltuhei D.i and Homo Mission set vice. The piogi.imme will be: -Marching- Ming School Responsive Scilptut nailing. Oluii.i Paul Prayer. Rally sour School Addiessof welcome U. L. Picke-, es Jlvmn, "Toll On" School A .study ul tin life ol Luthti, boag, ".My chinch, .Mj Dent Old Chinch School A study on home missions. Song, "Om Counlij's Volte Is Pleud- Iiik School Recitation, "Hume Mls-lous"- Rogois. A studv oa Amenta. Recitation, lioroo Mhsleni poem Vi i.i Vi ngoi. Home Mission h.v mn Solo by MS, Jennlo Kaufman, with idioms bv S( liool. HeieJses by the pilm.uv iliiss, un der the diiectlon ol Mis. Kishb.tugh A ludv on Ronovolenco. Recitation "Blessed to Give" HIm Kline Aeldtess, "Homo Ml-Mems" He,-. James T. Kiiulall. Altering fot homo missions, 'losing- liMim, "Golden llniest",.Sohoul Evel yboilv w leonie. wilt occupy the pulpit of the Howard Place Afilcnn Methodist nplscopnl chinch Sunday moinliii: and evening On .Monday night ho will rIvc n lectuio In the dun ch hall on the hcrhi inec. Httnday Fchool at the tiKiial hour. Tomomnv cvcnliiR flew Dr. fltilid will Blve 111 tho I'lovldencu PicHbytetlan cliuuh tho (hint In n hort peiies of illHeusslous on allied topics. Two weehn iiro he pienohod on Piiul'H coiivoi-hIoii and pome Icssoiih thetefioni. one week niro his theme wa.s "Two Klnuly Pow- eiH In Patil'.s Life." Tonim row eonlii? he will dlscouise on "Timothy, Paul'.s Son in tho Faith." The seats or tho dim ch aie ice. and the public Invited. BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS n v nr.v. notion r v. v. picncn, . p. l'lmii Antiioi "s Xoloi III "llio Similiv School Letsoii lllu-tiitor," PiibllIieil In r 11. I!ctl A. Co, Cliklgo, III. Joshua's Kilting; AiU Ice Josh,, .l :-H-23. (lOl.DDN THXT ILU'STItATIJD. "Choose von this iltij whom e will sei e "-Josh , xxlv.l." We lleiisuie tho hist wolds sjpolicn bv om low (I ones. How solemn must have hem tho occasion of Joshua's laiewell addiess, whin all isiael weie gatluud bcfoie him Anil lie nWiweo. thilr his toi., and biousht to their lomembi.tneo the manifold nieicics of OoU. Om lesson todnv lontalns the fniewell nddiess of a gieat man of God. a si nnd leaili r ol lsiael's hosts. In his closing wotds to hi deal rhllditii In the Loiil, .loshu.i las 1,1 eat emphasis upon the i holio v.lilth nil must take between good ami i II between the mam gods of Kin pi and tho one tine tioil of Israel. liltheilo In theh wnaderlngs ihtv had been guided bv a Mble coiamandei ; now they must follow the guiding, of their z3w0wfePAuHHMlMiIII HsUlKUd IPffiffi'SBA own minds. Joshua lontrasts the weaK-iii-s-ps ot Idols with the mnjcstv and might ot Jeho.ah Ood netween the two. thev must choose. To follow the gods ol they would meet with sonow.s, allhetions and death. To tollow Jehovah meant the walking hi paths of peace Isiael was humiliated because of the sins of the ptople, but as the lemem beied God and believed tho words spok en bv, their gieat leadei, they lepented of then sin-, i oi soak theh Idolntious woi shlp and leniwid theli covenant with Jehovah "Behold, T sot hi fore nu a blessing .mil ,L eiuse." Choose! "t pot betoic ou lite and death." Choose! Theio is no middle gioiind. We cannot choose to (booi our wav, but vo must hoose. The eciit ol tbe lesson for our cla-sts todnv is tho i hoico which each scholar must nnke In life. Ass Joshua called to the people to make a complete, piompt Religious Notes. On Monday evening- at the Methodist church, Unwind Plate, Uev. 'I'. J. Askew will lectuio on the Young Pen--jlc's. Congics.s held lecentl.v ,u Atlantic Chy. Tho nilnlsteis' imetlng ol the Pap ciot ministerial conteunce will be held n the Penn Avenue liapilst iluuch, Monday morning- at 10.30. A paper will oe rend by the Uev. Jfeniy Potter: topic, "The Attitude o tho Puachlng o Model n Biblical Ciitlelsm." Uev. T. J, Askew, of Belief ontc, Pa tft3yiiM-M'lilrHF-'''M IMK3Bdlll fioaiiently. That BcnciatloHi born In I'gvpt, were subject to tho powoiftll In Iluences of the lollglotis foimH of that toitntiy, under their fnthciB fell (12x. xxx, S), to which they might letuin. In thcao last hoiiiH of life, knowhiit what had no rm icd, Joshua sought io gunid against any such danger. He would mnko Jo liovah tho umlvaled city befoio whom tho tilbcs should bow, to whom they Hhoitld pay allegiance, (.'MOICi:. Itcllgtotui soivlic must bo voluntiny. Any other Is but shott lived mockeiy (Mult, .v 8). Joshua did not wish Israel to entri Into an engagement meioly to pleiioo him, JInd they done so they might be canity dimmed by sonic other leader Into a novv way, Me would hnvo the subloct eaiefullv consldeicil and settled cm Its mollis (John, vll, !M). "If It seem evil to you to seivo the Loul," he said, tho boldness of tho h.v pothc.skt or doubt being calculated (o still tin his hearcis mid awaken hoi Ions lelloctloaa. in such an event he suggested that tlioy might lntmii to the god of their uncos tois. or that they might adopt tho cods of the land hi which thev had come to live. He did not mention the gods of 1gpt, assuming doubtless that the his loiy of the golden calf (Kv. WNll, HO, hntl put that subject hovond tonsldet.i tlon. llo may hnvo dwelt upon the fen lines of tho two s.v stems of lollgldn. Ho closed by letting the people know, that whatever their decision might be, he and his house foi which he picsumed to speak (Oen will, l!i), weie delei mined to seivo tho I. old. ANSWHlt. How long oi In what way tho pcoplo dcllheiated we do not know. They may hnvo called assemblies of fain lllus and tiibes, Tbev mav hnvo consld ci ed that ns Abinham loft his coimtiy and people at Hie call of Ood (Clou. .Nil, I), ho also left tho gods of his nncestois, and that to lotmii to those gods would ho to lejiet Thev may hive lemembcied the commands ot Moses foi-hlddlng- them to seivo the gods of the land (i:. will, LM). which bv Ills older weie doomed to ilestiuctlon. Thev could Hot cast aside the emnplc and piecept of their piogcnltor and law -given, oi tiiin thn whole eouise ot hbtoi mid unounte their national plate and deslln.v. Tbev mav have contemplated the manner of their dellvc lance, the sgim nnd woudeis w i ought out tor them, their piesei vatlou in the wilderness, tilth entiy Into this good land. Hy what method they pmsiied theh lellei lions they leached a conclu sion that Indicates those points weie In mind Their nnswet was ospllelt and em phatic. "We will seive tho Loul, lot lie is om Clod " WIJAKNKSS One might suppose that this answet would be entirely satlslac- toiy lo Josbun. in its lettei, and ven r. Its splilt. It was tho very thing- he had .ien.ue-.tcd But a great chieftain who has passed moie than live stole veais. most ol the time in public lite, knows how to weigh men. It is vastly easier to piomlse than to fultlll (Psnlm Kwi, 11). "Ye can not seive the Loul," hn s.dd. lie knew how we.ik they weie, how easily tinned away fiom tho light, loi ho had watched their com so loi more than half a cen tal y. Be gave as an additional leason tor his i em ilk, the fact Ood was holv (Horn, xli, 1). And he doclaied that it alter pioichig, tlioy tm nod avv.iy, God would destiov them. Did Joshua intend to dlscouiAge the people' Would he make that appear impossible which be loie ho had uigcd as dosiinble.' No, Hu intended lo make them tool the Impor tance, the dlflletilty, and tho magnitude ot their undoi taking (Luko iv, JT-'JS). Jlo was dealing with pietiou.s inteiests In volving after genoiAllons, and ho delti mincd lo make tlimoiigh woik ot it. RBSOLVD The people .idhcied to thcii piomise, "Wc will seivo tho Loid," was theh simple And unanimous leplv. Ovci .isninst his "ve cannot," the wiote "we will." It is piob.ible that the wolds used to oxpuss difficulty onlv Intensified the deteimination. And it may bo that the thoughts ot the Divine holiness inci eased ill them the honest deshe, tor the tine heait in its calmer bonis is attiaclcd most bv an caltcd d The ic llgion wins nt the tilbunal ot human juilo inout which is lottlest and most exalt ing in it lues. Ceilain it is that the pio, pict ot lodgment tor tl.o vavwaidnes', b( causu ot mcmoiles of tor foimcr scenes (Numl) xi, fi) opeiated most poweilull upon Hiolr minds, u is n gieat day in the lift of a man when he conns to lcsutvc lor the light. The Isi lelitcs might have added "bv the help ot God." but tho knew not as we do, the wondeilul mess age of si ace. Tlioy had summoned iheii stiength, howevoi, and God would not fail to ghe them needed help (U Cm. i, S) Joshua's Inst woik Is nccomptlshctl, Ho will piojoct himself Into the fultiic. Tho men wlio piomlsed will keep (ho cove mint (Judges II, 7), Tho wisdom ot their tholen shall appear In tho piospcrotiH dns of half a tentiny following. Oh, how tho w oi lit Is Indobled to Us good men I Tlioy stand out llko mountain peaks along the cental les. They oulllvo their times and bless those who come niter them (Hev. xlv, 11). SERVICES IN THE VARIOUS CHURCHES METHODIST EPISdOPAL. Dim Pnik chuich Dr, C. MftQiniu, pas tor. Iiaer nnd pinlso meeting at !)..".0 a. m. Pnstor will pleach nt 10.10: Sunday school nt 2 p. m.i Junior league at :i",il p. m.: Senior league at 0::o p. m. At T.'io tho pastor will piench on "Have Polth In Man." (Joint Stieet Methodist Bplscopal rhuioh O, C. Lvman, pastor. Class, !i 13 n. m., O. D, DeWItt, I ead oi : pieiuhhig, lO.-oj Sunday school, II. II, a. H. Chuk, su)eilntendeut: Kpwoith league, li ",0 p. m : evangelistic set vices, 7.W) p. in., and each evening during thn week, conducted bv Row C. T. A'an Ooider and wife. Seats free: evciybody welcome. Conio and help and lccelvo held. St. Paul's Methodist Bplsoopal dun eh I'. 1'. Doty, pustor. Ren lees: Krolhei hood meeting at 10 it. m.i morning woi shlp, lOoi) n. m.i Sundtiv school, li.n a, m,i Junior league, ,1 in p. m.j lipworth league meeting, O.'rt p. in.; evening dl coinse, "."n p m. Servlcis ate in base ment of the eluirdi, All welcome. Ah Stieet Methodist Bplscopnl chin eh Itc. J. Tt. Austin, pastor. Morning Pleaching- servlio at 10 50, subiect "At Tils Poet, or the One Thing Needful," Class meeting nt 11.10 n. in.. Charles Cioop, leader: Sunday school at '2 p. m., L. W. Stone, siipcilntendenl; Kpwotth league nt 0-13 p. in, Miss Maiv McDoil gnll, leadei ; evening pienchlng at T."o, subject "Ciooked People." Sei vices In the Nay Aug Methodist Episcopal chinch at 3 p. m. A coidlal welcome. Providence Methodist Episcopal chuich Rev. Geoigo A. Clue, pastor. The Biotbeihood of St. Pant meets for praver at 10 a, m.: preaching at 10 u0; Sunday school at 2 p. m.: Kpwoith league at h !", topic "God's Covenant and Outs," Bdwaid T. Sindeis, leadei. Pleaching nt ".HO, subject. "The Onlv Gift That Counts " Asbmv Mithodist ehuicb, eoinei stieet And Mousey a e niio Rev. Clniles A. neniimln, pastoi III othei hood nt f".o Pi cubing by tbe p.istoi nt 10 10: subject. "Modem Rovl v.ils." Simdav stlmol at "10; League at (i "JO. Pieat blng at 7 .50: subject, "Remov ing the Stone" Stats fite nnd nil aio welcome. Afrit an Mcthodl-t Bpiseopil t lunch, Hownid place In the absence of tho pas tor. Rev. D. S Benllev, Rev. T. J. As kew will occupy the pulpit. I'i caching at 10 ',0 a m.: Sunday s, hool, Sn p. m : pleaching, 7 1". p m. A coidlal welcome to all. Penn nvonuo streets CHILL WINDS Are the dread of those whose lungs are " weak." s. Some fortunate people can follow the bummer as it goea southward, and escape the cold blasts of winter and the chill airs of spring. Hut for the majority of people this is impossible. ramiiy cares uua business obliga tioiib hold them fast. "Weak" lungs ore made siouif by the use of Dr. Pierce's C5olden Medical Discov ery, It cures the obstinate cough, heals the in flamed tissues, StODS tlie hem. orrhnge, and re stores the lost flesh to the ema 'elated body. "I u a railroad agent." writes I, II, (staples, I.sq , ul 'Barclay, Ouifc Co , ah us , "dim lour ears ago my work keeping inc in a warm room nrnl stepping out fre rl,,.ii1ir It.ln 1 1. itd jir gave me bronchitis, wliicli become diromi! and deep tejtetl Doctois failed to feacli ray case and advited me to tiy a higher air, but. fortunately for me. a frieud alsoadUned pie to try Dr, Pierce's medicine. I commenced lakfngouri,olilenMedic.iir)iecovery1,anduy the time I had Inken the lirnt bottle I was bet ter, and after taking about four bottles my cough was entirely gone. I have found uo ne cessity for i.eeUu auother climate." Sometimes a dealer, tempted hy the little more profit paid on the sale of Jess meritorious medicines, will offer the customer a substitute as being "just as good " as the " Discov ery," You get the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, the best medical woik ever published, free by sending stamps, to pay expense of mailing onlv. Send li one-cent stamps, for book "in paper covers, or 31 aamps for cloth-bound ,ol uroe, to Dr. R, V. Tierce, Buffalo, N, Y. 1 JBHh2T unci decishe stand for God and the lor- s.iklntf ot all that wa coutiaiy 10 the w 01 ship of .fehoviih, so should we 111 so upon our scholia and U lends to "choose this dnv whom ve villi seive." SunKestions: In devtloplns the lesson diaw a littei "V," and let it lepiesent a human life. The stem of the letter mav Indicate tho peilod ol childhood, whin lnuoceucv knows unthltifr of "con scious Kiillt." nut nolo tho time vvheu the pnthwnjs of iiiu dlverne the bioad win" leads to the stona-tossed vaves and the wieeks of lite. Tbe "11,11 low vva.v" lends lo the pc.icelul sea and tho haven of life. Rptwceu the urms of tho lettei '"" willa the woitl "Choose '' Which wav ate ou taking, dear fi lends; 1 beseech vott In tho name of Jesus, tho world's Saviour and Redeem er, to choose ve this day the nauow way which leads to Chil.t and the heav inlv home. Sei anion, Pa, SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON FOR NOV. 9 i JOSHUA'S PARTING ADVICE. Josh, xxiv, 14-25. Si ci elm y of Ameilo.ui Soiletj ot Re UkIous IMuoatloii, INTHOUri'l'IOX-Tlui citl(.s of lefiujo havliiK been appolntid, loi t, -eight cities weie Klven to tho l,uvlte.s (Josh n), Tho two and a. hall tiibes woio then tllsnilsseil to letuin to their bonus on tho east of .loi dan, On Hie way they built an iiltur of le.sllmou) which vvns misimdeistood bv tho olhei Ulbe.s as an act ot lebclllou (Josh n), Atiir soveial ycai.s of mmt iiilc'tniss, the lutlimlt of old iiko and tho piosput of Hpaedy death led Josliun to assemble tho people for (Inn I histiuellou (Josh vslll, D. Tliu p.irtliiK wmdM of Bicat men uro alwnH piUed (Dout. jwxxlll, li Hut at thlt, time Joshua's, advlco would bo especially esteemed, Tor neuily thlity l.iih ho bad been a Hiieeess-ful leaner, u wlso civil unci, ami u pinna sphltual euldo. Ills woik hid been but little less impoitant than Hint of Moses, Tho latter had delivered Horn bondago and lecclved the law and tho oidlaauces, but Joshua had conducted Israel Into tho laud of piomlso and established tlioui llioro a united mid piospcious nation To his couia&o and faith wme laiuely duo the blcsslntr then enjoyed SURVICII-Atler uhUIiis tho dlvhiu goodness to tho pooplo (Josh Mv. tU), Joshua enjoins In tho ihst vciso of our hwon (veiso li) tho lenr ami boivlco of Ood. So Moses pleaded at his dopatturo (Deut. , l.'i. He would havo that sei vice icndeud In slnceilty (Dph. 1,2-1) nnd ti nt It, as alone aiceptablo (JomIi, iv, 1), In older to do Unit ho uigcd that eveiy othur Ood be i enounced. This funda mental diiectlon had been Klven ninny limes (Dent. , i). It coveted tho inoat Milueinblo point In tho nation's chaiader, 'J he I-swielltis woio descended fiom Idol- utois In Mesopotamia (Josh, will, i). and liihcillvd tendencies allowed thqmselves WITNESS This second piomis" was accepted by Joshua nt its full value. Theio was no ood le.isun loi fuitbei testing-, "Ye aie witnessea .iKnlnst jom selvcs," he cscialmeiT, "that e hnvo cho sen the Loid." Duih tiibo was mado to attest what each tilbo had done, each family for each other l.tmlly. The siooti lOKOinei that day os paitneiH in a most solemn ngioemenl. It hi niter eais any biobo awav fiom it all the otheis would know tint vows and obligations had bun vio lated, that n ninttci oi supicmc and common Inteiest, pieseuted in ihe most senichinir manner In the piesenie of 0110 whom all loved, had been uppioved only to be ubnndoned. Men nojd such inllu oneo to stieilBtben their icsolve, Joshua took ndviintngo of tho iccoKiilzed law Unit liidlvliluuls aie Htiougei in companion, and that tbev would pledge tlulr woids to laeh other aie mote likely to bo tuio (I'salm xv, 1). Tho people did not disap point him. Thev leplled, "Wo uie wit nesses," leady to attest loi ever tho vow taken, RUrOHSr, Joshua s woik was not done et. lie kpew moie than tho peoplo sup posed. As they stood beloio him. pionns. lug and piomlsing uriiIii, and neallng their woids with a. united witness that tlioy inight not bo bioken (Piov. ., IS), they piobablv thought that all was well, that tho nation was In poifcct accoid with God's, piomise, Alas, how a low Indi viduals may militate against tho wol hue of a company (Del. ix, 1S). At that moment theio was hidden nway among appaiel of hoinuliold fmnitiuo stiniigo gods, even as Rachel concmled tho im- tigcs (Oen. xnI, Si), "Rut away Uioeo stiango gods," said Joshua. Destioy them, cast them out of your families It was a, genuine lefoun that ho sought, a invlval of i elision. Tor he mlded. "In cllno your heait unto tho Ood of Isiael Ho was uifilng that which ho began, the enllio devotion of tho pcoplo to won, um iney 'respond ; veo all tho Idols destioyed? As now tho ap peals of faithful pastoi s tall to win all their congu gallons, so Uimi doubtless s-omo continued In their sins (I Sam vll, .!), whllo tho many woio faithful. f'QNClA'SlON'.-Tho last act may now bo peiioimcd on this Intel esllng occasion, 'llio scituo was called, nnd a solemn com pact, or statute, wns.diuwu, tho ngico- nient botweoii tho nation nnd their God, a covenant of sei vice and bbsslng Tho wokIh worn wiitlen In the book of tho law of God and laid up In tho sldo ot tho ml;, lull listed to tho keeping of tho pilests, to bo handed down to other genet, itlons, And n great stone was pot up under an oak (verso 'Jii) near tho sanctuary a mon ument announcing the gieat tianE.ictlon. BAPTIST. Avenue Raptist chinch, l'tini between Spiuee and Linden Strangeis always welcome. Pi ei oiling-, morning- at 10 It), and evening at 7o0, bv the pastor, Rev. Robert F. Y. Plcioe, I) D. Morning piaeis in the lower temple all t" Theme of tho morn ing seimon, "The Measmes of Life." Simdav school, at the Penn avenue chinch at 2 o'clock, and at the Amei mnu mission on Piescott avenue, at "JO l in. Young People's Sooletv ot Cluls tlan Dndeavoi at i! !0 At the evening: "Blight Horn" seiviee the pastor will give :m object seimon on "(.'lminitci Sketches, oi I.lie Tine and False " The s.ty-mlnute seiviee of nmoii and song will be followed bv an evangelistic meet ing Pli-t Baptist eliuieh. South Main ave nueAt 10 0 a m, Bible dav ceiclses. entitled '"J ho I. ail and the l.oives," lonsistlns: ot songs, it citations ,md cho luses. will bo given In tbe Sundav school. The muslo will be under tho diiectlon of Mis Randolph Jones. Theio will be no session of tli" Simdav Khool at ! p m At i. to p m , B Y. P. r. meeting: 7 ,i) p. m , special music; solo bv Ml is Via Jones nnd scumm bv Rev. William Davies. oi tho Belli no fnhinlstlo Meth odist chuich. Pi.tvu meeting. Wftlnes d ly nv oiling- at 7.1") o'cloe k. All ale wil oemies Seats lue. .l.ii Uson Stieet Baptist i lunch Rev Thomas de Giuchv, pistnr. Moinlng men's pi icr meeting a I !' 1" 111 other William Piotheioe, leatbi. St i inou at 10 Vi, lollowed hy the I.oids supper Sun tlay school nt -' p m , John T.lovd, supei inlendent. nvonhu; sitvlco nt 7 sbup Pi.iise' nnd som, s,-tpn lollowed bv a Hhoil addt ess. Tnpli . "A Basket of Suni mei Pi ult, oi Xatiounl Dot ay." This sei viee Is for the people. Is blight and full of song, sphltual and educational. You mo Invited to nttend. Seats ,ne all inc. (iieeu Rldgo Baptist chuich lfeniy S. Pottoi, p-istor. Preaching- at both ser vices bv the pastoi. At the evening ser vice, the piiHtor will continue bis smiles lo the vouiig. The subject will be "Money." The Sunday school will meet nt 11, Fi ii, in. All Invited. Noith Main Aveuuo Baptist chinch Albeit Hatcher Smith, M, O, pastor in in, "Chi 1st Bolore Pilate," the seiond In n seiies of -cimoiis on Chi 1st in Mo ments of CiisK 7, .0 p. m., an Illumina tion ot tbe Book ot Bceleshistcs, the Hist of n seiies. This study will embiace the method, Inspitatlon, iiuthoi, mes(jigo nnd hplui'o ol ihe Book. Sabbath school. '2 p. m.; Cbilsthiu Kndeavor, 0 M. Special niusle nt the evening senice. Stiungeis am abundantly welcome to all of these bOl vices, Menioilnl Baptist chinch Tho pastor, Rev, W. F, Davies, will tonioiiovv even ing pi each In Dnglish the last seimon of tho seiies ho has been giving of lato to his people, on Xoliomtnh and his llio woik, All ore welcome. Flist Welsh Baptist i lunch, West Mni kot street Special sei vices will be held at tho nbnvo plaoo of wotship, toinouow, nt tho imi.iI bonis, 10 u, in, nnd t! p. m., conducted by .Mr. and Mis, F. R, Wells, evangelists. Rev J. V. Davies, the pas tor, will bo pieseut nnd will tuko p.nt. Mis. Wells, who Is a lady of extuintdln aiy nunlillcntlnns as an ov angelical pub lic speaker, will dellvcr'nn address nt each set vice which will bo milled on In tho Dngllsh language. All mav come. Seats flee. Come eaily, Shlloh Baptist chuich, coiner Mulbeuv stieet and Adams avenue Rev. J, B, Huddle, pastor. Pleaching at 11 a. m , lulsslonaiy subject, "Who Will Go'," Sunday school, U10 p, m R, S, Tlmboi hlke, hupeilntendent; prenvhliiK at S p, m subject "Faith's Ti lulu Heaven's Joy" All aio Invited. Seen These Shoes In Our Corner Window These two lines of Men's Shoes are special in every sense of the word special in leather quality, special in style, and above all, very special in price. We didn't get them by chance," either. We watched the leather that went into them. We knew the work of the shoemakers who made them and they passed our critical examination when we received them. So you see we are well backed up in putting our stamp of approval on them. I hey have the style you expect in a shoe costing a much higher price. Most of them have the double sole, with uppers of Enamel Box, Box Calf or Yici Kid. Marked In Our Corner m 5 B 1 Show Window t UllU 1sieV u s amter Complete Brothers, Outfitters. evenlm? sei vice at ii o-'clock. Rev. Uel w.ud Howell will oceupv tin' pulpit. The seats aio ftee nnd all welcome Piovnlence Pie-byteilau church The pastor, Rev. Dr. Guild, will occupy the pulpit at 10 Jii a. m. nnd 7. !U p m. The ohuilnsjs foi tho d i.v will be lor Homo Missions. Sunday school at noun. The Code ivor scisico at li urt o'clock. Juven ilis theme of discouisp, "Timothy, Paul s Son in the r.ilth," the thlid eit a snips en" sei moil's on alheel topics. The public Invited. Tho seats of tbe chuich aio liee. C'.ipnusp e b ipi'l (Piesbv 1'ie.ich Ins. l'J.'C ami T.oO bv lilt' pastoi. Rev. I, R, I'Vui. Sunday si huol, ' p in., .Ii. C. H, I p in.; St C 11, li!0 p m Puivci meeting, 7 .', Thuisd.iv cveulnt,. Adams Avenue i h.ipcl, New Yotk stieet Re v. Jnines Hughes will pionih at 10 TO a. m , Sunday school at '! p. m , C. D sot It tv at t! 0 p. m. Colonel Boies, Ml. I.el'Ine and Jlr. Killeiinnn will spoak nt the evenins service, wblih will eom menco at 7 CO o'clock. Theio will ho a pi.ivt'i mciUhiiT Im ineiiin the moinhiR at !H" o'eloek. Mr. l.itin will comluit It. You uie Invited to nttend Ihesp st. vlccs EPISCOPAL. St Luke's Pailsh Rev. Uuoi.s Nnol, D. D, lcctoi; Rev. Bdwaid J. llauglitiiu, .senioi cuiate; Rev. Robot I U. Roe, Junior citiato. Tvvent.v-loui tb Sunday aftci Ti hi lt y. "Who Is Man's Best Alb"; Sunday school at 11.30 a. m. Catechetical e lass, Saturdnv at J V. chou, Siturd.ij- tncn IliK at S o'clock; Ladles' Guild, "VVecl nesd.iv at J Jo p m., In tho church Mon day nlRlil, at S p m, the Roloimation li' will he celobi.tltd. at which time tbe Rev. A. I, lljiner Ph. D, will speak on "Tin Rt foi m.itlon," and tho Rev. D. r. Rittn, A. M., on "Luthci"; tiom bone solo bv Albeit Keisliim-. Some vo cal selections will be icndried, also a licit ition bv Miss Ann i J! n tell A t nulla! Invitation tt all. I -7 In a. m , holv cotn moi nlnir piaei and evening pinvei nuel Sundav se'hool nuel St. Luke's i bin eh inunlon; 10 JO a. m seimon; 7.W p. m., seimon; ! 15 a. m Blblo olasses, St. Mink's, Dtmmoio 7"n a m , holy inmmuulon; 10.M u. m , moiuhiK piaor and sei moil unit holy communion; 7 Ji p. in., evening piajei and seimon; f'.O a. m., Sunday Mhool and lllblo classes. Bast Hud .WNMnu, Piescott aveuuo.' )i m., Sunday school and Bible i lasso-; 7. 10 p m., menlnt,' pi.i.M'i ami Million, South Side Missleiu, rip; stieet-: "0 p. m , Sunday .school uud Blblo t lasst s, St, Geoifio's, Oljidianl-'J 'o p. in.. Sun dav school and Blblo classes; .1 !u p. m . I'Venluer lnajer mid seimon. St, James, Nicholson 10 JO n in, nioiu Inu piar anil i-eimon; 9"n a m , Sunday st'hool, PRESBYTERIAN. REFORMED EPISCOPAL. (Juice chmeh, WjomlllK uveiiue, bo low Mulbeuv street Pi 115 ei anil piulw heivlco at l'!0 a, in,; divine woiMiIp ul 1(i;.0 a, m. ami 7 30 p. m. Ml. V. Y Adntr will pi each at both i-eivlcoi Sub 1ecl: Moinhur, "The Bioki'iihciuted," Luke, IvslS; evenlmr. "Tho Binni Sci pent," John, 111:11 Simdav school ,,t in : Yoiuii? I'eoplo'.s Society of Cluistian Hndeavor, it I 0,1.0 p, in,, pinvei meetlim, Vednesllay ovonlnp; ut 7,Ij o'clock-, Se.itb litt, eveiybotlv welcome EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. RvanRclloul Luthoian Twcnty-foutth Sunday after Tilult), Gospel, Matt, l!lS-3, Hplstle, Col I.U-H St. Malk'-, AYtihhhiiin t-ticct Rev, A. L, Ramei, Ph, D.. pastor. Set vices; 10 HO a, m. 7.'0 p m; I.uthet leaRue, (i."0 p m.i Sundny -chool, 1-' in. Rnv, C 1J. Blltheu, of Gouldsboio, will ccchuwro pulldts with tho pastor. (Tiilht chuich, Cedar avenue and Blieh uttm.i rint,- Will?., n.istnt Stol PhBt Piesbylerlan i'huich-Di. McLeod Keos: 10.30 a in.; Sunday t-ohool, i p m. We Convince Sea plies- Colds, Catanh mid Catauhal Head nche Relieved in 10 Minute's nnd cured by Dr. Agnew's Catauhal Powder, Hcio'b one of u thousand biiih tesllmon les, Roy. A D Iluckloy, of Dulfnlo, sava "I wImIi nil to know what a bli's.sliiK Di Aguovv'ti'Cataiilial Powder l.s in a caoo ot Cutauh, I w is doubled with ibla ills caso for eaiM, but tho Hint tlmo 1 used this Kiuedy It ruvo most delightful io. lief. 1 now legend niibclf cntliely cuied. Dr. Agnew's Pills are delightful, 40 doses 10 cents. IS Sold by YVm. G. ClaiK ami II. U. San del son. will pieueh nioiuhii? mil ovenlmr. Sei vices, 10 ui) ii, m, und 7..W p. m, Mid-week f.enleo Wednesday evoulliff, 7 l" o'eloek, In tho now Y, M. t,', A. huildhiif. Bu tt unco on M'nshliiKton avenue. Second Pieabyteilan chuich MoiiiIiiht vvomhlp, 10.M a. m.i Sunday school, u m ; Y, P. s, c. n cro p. m.i evenhm vvoihhlp, 7,00 p. m, subji'ct ".Methodn ol Jlcabiuhifi'. ' Rev. J, If. Odell will preach lit both hCl'VlCCF, lliccii Rldgo PlObbjIPlluu (hill ch Rev. I. J, Ijanslng-, pastor: Rev, L R. Hosier, assistant, Sermon by the patdoi, 10 u0 u m ; lllblo school, U m ; Cluistian Rn deavor, f U0 p, m,; evening woi.dilp with boinion bv tho luif'tor, 7 "' p m. subject "God's Phbt Woiel." All coullally In vited, ViiAhlmin Stiiet Pitvsbjtiilau chuich Roy. John P. Moirat, D, D, pastoi Sei vices nt 10 JO a m nnd 7."0 . m Rlbltj (chool at IS in i Cluistian Hmleavoi juul oia at 330 p m. Chilatlnu Hnde.ivor oiinir peoplo at t p in PiUM-r meet lug, Wednesday, IM p. m, Tho pastor will pieaeh moinlner und evening. Tho moi nlug seimon will be based upon John, II, "Ho 111 st llndeth hl.s own hi other, Simon." Peisonnl Inteiest and woik All coidlally Invited. Sumner Avenue Presbyttiluu chuuh, eoiiiPl Sumner avonuo and lilco stieet Seniles: Sabbath bihool ut 2 p. m; St Petei'.i, Pieseeitt avenue Rev. John R.tiitlnlph, pastor, Services; io:) a m; Sunday school, .' p m, 'Wediie-day e veil ing senliu nt 713. Catechetical class, Weelnesday and Saluidnv at 7 p. in Rinniaiiuel (Geiman-Pollsli) Lutbeirfii chuich. Reeso slrfot Rev. Peidlnand S.itelm.ilcr, pastoi,, Services In tho Pol ish language, 10 SO nV" in. Sundny school i v m, P.v angelical Lutheinii e lunch of tin Holy Tilulty, cot nor Adams avenuo and Mulbetiy street-Rev. V. P. Rlttei A M . paator. Suvlces: 1010 a, m. and 7 30 p. m Morning bubject, "n.tldng the Rulei's Daughter" A special Homo Mis. sloii eervicu will bo held In tho evening by tho Sunday school. Sunday school, u m.: Luther league, ii.13 p. m, Giace Hvaneelical Lutheran chinch (General Synod), corner of Mulbetiy stieet and Piescott avenue Rov, Luther Hiss, Wining, pastoi: 9.?0 a. in., Sunday school, 10.30 it ni', tho Sundny si hool will lender tho annual Home Mission Luther Day eivleo (seo progiammo else where) J 7 p. m, Y. P, S. C. V.., 7.30 p. m.. evening worship, with seimon by the pastor, Hverjbody welcome. St. Paul's Hvangelical Lutheran chinch, Shoit nvonuo Rov, II. A Kun Mo, pastor. Moinlng bonlco at, subjeet, "Clulst's Povver to Calm Sloans"; evening sen lee at 7.50, subject, MISCELLANEOUS. All Souls' Vnlvei-nllst eliuuh, Pine st i ocl, between Adains anil .Icffei-on avenues Rev. Thomas B Payne, pastor. Divine sen k p. with seimon, at 0"0 a. in, subiect "Jo-us and the Penitent Thief on llio Cioss " Sundav st hool at 1J in. Seats fiee: sliangei- eoiillnllj vveleomed. Hvenlng service at Gueiii:Cj hall. Calvau Roloimrd chuuh, Momoo ave nue uud Gibson Htieet Rev -VI L Phor, pastoi. Spiv ices ut lu 10 a. m and 7 '0 p m. Sundav school, 11 u u. m. So its UP" Hveijliodv welcome Go-pel Tulieinuelo chinch, Jcllcison avenue, Duumoie James Lelshmiin, pas tor. Pienchlng', 10 10 a. m. und 7.1,0 p m Blblo school, U in.: Yomirf l't oplo's nieetliiR, iiSO p. m. In the evening tin pistol will )ii noli on "iJlnlst, the Sin nets' Substitute" Study of the Sunday si hool lesson, Satuid.iv evening at Ul." M.ulson avenue, Duumoie. S n't lot k. Chilsliau ami Mission uy Alliance, Tue duv, ".'.O and ","M p. in Seventh D.w Adv enlists, Giiciu-ov hall, ."Pi Washington avenue On at count of the absence of both t'ldoi MeVngh nnd Hitler Slnotk, time will be no pieaehlng Sunday evening. Tho Youiirf People's soeh'ty will meet in the hall at 7 p in . and following; It- legulur meeting Mi's .li-'ssie M. AYelss will e online t a Bible leading. All welcome Regular pieaeh lng two weeks Mom Simd ly eiiilng. Bellovue 'Welsh Ciilvlul-tle Methodist i Inn oh Rv William Divns, nistoi. Sei vices timing the wiek us tollow -Pia.ver muting (Welsh- tomonow at io a. in ; simiday school, J p in : Ihigllsh st i moll, i' 11 m. Pinor meeting Monday evening ut 7 ; Y. P S of c H, Tuos. ikij evening at 7.:,0. Maud Joues leiuUi: Mis William Davies' Bible t lass Wetlno-i-tliO evening at 7,"0; elasa mooting Thuif tla evening ut 7'M; nicetlng of llihlleul und Llteiaiv soeletv Tiidav oveiilnb at 7, meellng of Junior St wing tluss S.itui dav ntteiuoon ut ". Piist Pilmtllve Methodist. Guon Rldj,o Rov, (, Loos, pastoi, Siibleets Moin lng, "Ho Kalleth Not", nvinlug. "A Peaceable Wotnaii." Sunday siliool at J :i0 p. m All me invited Zlou Pulled Hvungillcil chinch 1IJ0 Ctpouso avenuo Roy, ,1. W, Messlngei, pistor, Pieaehlng, !0."o a. m. and 7.0 P in., hy Rev Mummy, of Nuntleoho Pa. SncianieiilH of tho Loul's (.lippei will be admlnlsteieti at both set vices Sun day school, O.W a. m.i Junior league, I p in,; Keystone league, b JO p. in. AH sevts nio Heo: even body welcome, Pico Methodist cliuich-ltov. II W Aimstiong vvill pioaeh In Finn ihaptl Gieen Rltlge, Sundav, 10 20 a. m. All aio Invited Cluistian chuuh, Noith Main avenue Puacliiiig by the pastor Rev. R W ('l)iuer at 11 a m. and 7"o p, in Sub jeetv, "A New Ci'aliuo" and "Tho T'ongvo " Sunday school 10 n. in . wiper. Inteudent, II. V llabeook: Chtlstl.iu Hu elf.ivor, il I", p m.i leadei Miss Mn Me Culjoeh, AH uie welcome. Oopcl Hall, mi Lackawanna avuiiii Smidiiv school 1J" P in Pienchlng by Mr. Alileh at 7u0 p. m. who villi also conduct a class mi Monday at 7. 1" p m, for tho sludy ot tho leim ami the book of Romans, All aio welcome. See the CutvMnn, Hftcetlve und attiactivo half-toues and line outs for caul, udvei Using or any other puipose, can bet seemed nt The Tribune ofllce. We do work that Is (iinex tiled, do it promptly nnd at lowest latcs. A lilul oider will con vlnco you. . liulJluU o IS Lager Mjinuiacluvers of l'Z''(l,I,S''I'!'aIi3'SlltlaJil r J,JJ,I4,,I',s,lJ,J,'I,!"I,i,5'4'li Hrew .. -4.T5 IN eve SSL Scranton,Pa. Old 'Phone, 23.?!. New 'Phone, '2935. t k s r. . t h v. r. . K v. . Best The Celebrated Always reliable. ? tis 2? Dickson SMill&Graino; s .1 . .1 ,t . .X ft .1 & 1 X X X X x X x x &" Scinnton and Olyphnnt, i- tt X ' "rt "A 'A A U 'A "A 'A 'A Vl "A 'A A A 'A A f .J. .j. $4 . . . 4, . .J. .J. . , . 4. tf ' ". - 1' jm.- ;m &iai m m ww AH 0M Aim WELL-TRIED REMEDT. MR3. WINSbOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for children teething, is the prucilptlon ol cue ot tho beat female physicians und frurees n tbe Ifnlted States, and has boeq tiaed sixty years with nevor-fdlllng sucl Sess by millions of motheis for their chili rcn. Durinjf the process of teething tta taluo Is Incaleulable. It relieves tho chili from pain, cures dlarrhoea, jrlplns in Ilia bowels, and wlnd-collc. Ry giving health to tho child It rests tin mother. Prlce, tweaty-Uv cents botUa. n Of nnythins In tho Hn of ),' optical goods wo can supply it, J ' I Spectacles, land Eye Glasses .2. Ptopeily futod by an expert 4. & optician, t From 1.00 Up Also all kinds of pics'crlp tion woik nnd aepajilng. Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming Ayenviej i! 4 I- 5- s