The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 08, 1902, Image 1

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HkwMvtm msmtemEE&Smm it
my ii Hiiiaiiifl RmmstmsmmmmimjBr il
President Roosevelt and Cabinet
Members Talk Over the Next
MessaQe to Gonai'css.
The Piesident Will Ask Action by
the Coming Session Up to the Limit
of Constitutional Authority The
Aim to Prevent Overcapitalization
and Monopoly of Trade Cuban
Reciprocity to Come in by Way of
Pending- Treaty.
fi Exclusive Wire fiom Tlie .snri.ntcil Prc.
Washington, Nov. 7. The cabinet re
tuscmblcd this morning alter a vacation
of several months. As the president is
preparing to leave tin- city again for
two weeks' absence, ho discussed tiie
various questions that will take promi
nence In Ills annual message to con
gress. Tlie Republican victory of Tuesday
was Identified so clearly as an Indorse
ment of the administration that it if)
impossible to ignore the public senti
ment in favor nf some amendment In
the Sherman anti-trust law. President
Roosevelt, in Ills lirst message to con
press, made earnest recommendation
that the Sherman law be so amended
as to reach the most aggravated evils
of trust organisation. At the same time
lie directed his attorney general to be
gin proceedings against the trusts that
were believed to be violating the Sher
man law.
The president is convinced that the
people demand some new legislation in
regard to the trusts, and he not only
will renew the recommendations In his
message last year, but will emphasize
them and place such recommendation
first in ills message. It is a question of
such vital Importance that he does not
believe congress should delay action
upon the point of finding a safe method
of amending the law within constitu
tional limits.
Knox Has Paith.
Attorney General Knox lias given
close attention to this subject for many
months and he is now convinced that
congress has power to extend the Sher
man act so as to reach the worst evils
of trust organization. In his speech at
Pittsburg on Oct. II. the attorney gen
eral said that legislation by congress
would indirectly affect production, but
that fact could be considered no bar
to such legislation.
'Congress under this power prevents
the importation or transportation of
articles deemed injurious to the general
welfare," he said. "Tims the law sub
jects the movement of explosives and
absolutely excludes impure literature
and diseased cattle, convicts and con
tract, labor and scrutinizes and pre
vents or checks many foreign and In
terstate movements, throughout the ra
the Held of international and na
tional intercourse, in the Interest of all
people, on grounds of commercial hy
gienic or et Ideal policies. Who shall set
limits now In advance of a carefully
framed and judicially tested law to
the competence of enngresss to regulate
commerce in the way suggested, In the
exercise oT the legislative wisdom, and
In the wide discretion couthled to it?
Who shall say that the power of con
gress does not extend so far? I think
it does. 1 am iuite stun no one can
now say that it does not.'"
The attorney general Is convinced
that congress can amend the Sherman
law so as to require publicity and pre
vent the evil of over-capltallzatlon.
He Is convinced also that the law can
be so amended as to reach the great
trusts which, under their present or
ganization, evade the law, and at the
same time Indirectly interfere with In
terstate commerce and seek to mon
opolize trade.
The President Impressed.
The president is very much Im
pressed with the result of Attorney
fieneral Knox's Investigation in regard
to the trusts and the power of con
gress to legislate, and ho will seek to
convince congresss of the importance
of amending the law at the coming ses
sion. Practically all the. legislation
suggested in his former message was
taken caro of at the long session of the
Fifty-seventh congress, The most im
portant legislation, which failed, was
that regarding reciprocity with Tuba.
That will be handled now by the stalo
department In a treaty which has
been framed ami Is in possession of
President I'altna at Havana, Thu
state department expects a complete
agreement upon the treaty with Cuba
before thu assembling of ennuresss, and
the treaty will bo sent to the senate for
ratification. There Is now little doubt
that the treaty will ho rntllled and thu
Cuban question removed from cnntio
versy hi the house,
There remain only the trust question
and the general appropriation bills be
fore coifgress which require Imme
diate attention. The president believes
that congress can give some attention
to the law at the coming session with
out interfering with the work necessary
in me passage of lite appropriation
bills, lie will therefore, make this ques
tion the important feature of his mes
sage. The cabinet members agree with the
president, especially those who have
given much attention to general poll
tlcnl questions and (he trend of senti
ment throughout the. country.
Killed by a Passenger Train.
Py KM'lu.he Wire fioir. The Aoafi I'resi.
Philadelphia, Nov. 7Albcrt O. I.owc, a
otVHihient i'".ine ma,,, was stm, .,ml
liisantly killed today by a passenger train
In tile Philadelphia and Iteailhig railroad
near the l.ilamoiid stioot erosslni: al
Tenth h tree l. .Mr. Lowe was about W
years of age, hud been engaged In thu
picture frame business for tile past thirty,
sevent years al No. !)" Market street.
Mr. noosevelt Pleased with Informa
tion Furnished by Commission.
By Uxrlii.ltr Wire Ironi The Aocbtnl PreM.
Washington, Nov, ".Colonel Carroll
1J. Wright and General John M. Wil
son, members of the anthracite coal
strike commission, had a. brief Inter
view Willi the president today. They
reported that the Individual oneratois
in the anthracite region had agreed to
abide by the findings of the commis
sion and so had notified Judge Gray,
the chairman of the commission.
President noosevelt was particularly
pleased at this Information, as it tended
materially to simplify the problem
which the commission litis to solve.
The commissioners explained In some
detail their work tin to this time. The
president expressed Ids gratification
that tlie work had been satisfactory to
those engaged In It.
Stato Officials, Including Governor,
Interested in Mysterious Murder
Case at Boston.
fly KxcIumip Wire from The .Usod.itcd Prr.i.
linston, Nov. 7. In the developments
of tlie day in the Mason case, which
has puzzled the police of Boston since
Miss Clara A. Morton was struck down
and killed in Waverly last Saturday,
there are several striking details. No
further evidence, however, lias been ad
duced which tends to incriminate in tlie
case Alan (J. Mason, the member of a.
prominent family, who is under arrest
on the charge of murder. In fact, the
police are inclined tonight to tlie belief
that .Mason stood out clearer in tlie
light of an innocent man, because of
the failure of Joseph Nemser, the West
12nd jeweler, to identify Mason as the
man who bad offered for sale Miss
Morton's watch last Saturday night.
An important detail in connection
with the disposal of the watches was
thei establishment tonight that the sig
natures on the checks kept on file by
the jeweler in identification of the per-t-nns
who offered him the articles, were
written by one and the same person.
This confirms the story that tlie two
women were murdered by tlie same
Another late incident was tlie arrest
on suspicion tonight at Watertown or
a young mulatto. He was brought here,
nut Jeweler Nemser failed to identify
him. The man was released.
So serious has the case become that
Governor Crane has interesetd himself
and looked over I ho scene of tlie mur
der while on a visit today to AVaveily.
Count Boni Ruled Out by a Vote of
278 to 235.
fly Kxvlu-JiP Who from The .lsoi'l.iti'd I'rcsi.
Paris, Nov. 7. The cjiamber of dep
uties today Invalidated the election of
Count Hon! do Castellane as a member
of the house. The vote stood :!7S to ZC,
after an exciting debate.
The question came up when the com
mittee on contested elections presented
its report without recommendation,
leaving tlie chamber to pass on the
Kmllo Cliauviu made a bitter attack
on Count do Castellane, declaring he
had been guilty of irregularities, and
saying that the count had accused his
opponent of being of German descent
and a Dreyfusard.
Count de Castellane replied, classing
the charges as" false. Ho said he had
been accused of buying tlie election and
practicing charity for election purposes.
Nothing of tho kind had ever been
proved, he declared. He closed bis de
fense with an appeal to tin, chamber to
uphold ills election, which, he asserted,
truly represented the wishes of tlie In
habitants of the Masses Alpes district.
The vote was then taken,
Cost of the Service ns Indicated by
, Report of Mr. Wynne.
Ily Cki-Iii-Jip nv frum The AncUtid 'iei.
Washington, Nov. 7. Tlie annual
gross cost of a complete rural free dt
Jlvery service throughout the United
States will approximate JiM.OOO.OOO,
cording to the annual report of the
first postmaster general, .Mr. Wynne,
today,' received from August W. Mad
den, the general superintendent of the
The remaining " square miles
not now covered by rural free deliv
ery service, according to the report,
will require the employment of
to 27.O0D carriers in addition to those
now employed, making tho cntlro
force of carriers when the extension
of tlie servlco s completed, within thu
next three years, 10,001).
Hnll Mahone Hanged.
II) I:iIumvo Wile Hum Tlie'.L,oci.ileii 1'ren.
A an Hiiren, All;., Nov. 7,-Jlull Ma
lioue, colored, was hanged hero today for
the crime- of assaulting Mrs. Rebecca
McLoud, six miles from this city Septum
bcr S last. Tho execution was witnessed
by about fi,0nO people,
Flanaglmn Elected.
By Eiiltuive Wire from Tin Atsoclittd I'imi.
Wilkcs-rtarro, Nov. 7.-Tho official count
shows thu election of James Flanaglmn.
Democrat, to the leslslaturo in tho Third
district, Instead Of Morcan. Itunubllciin.
as was indicated by 'tho unofficial returns. I
Richard Cole Charged with tho Mur
der Thnt Has Been a Mystery.
By llitludte Wire from The Asinciuted I'rMi
Washington, Nov. 7. Itlchard Cole,
a colored porter, 'M years of age, was
arrested today and committed to Jail
to await the action of the grand Jury
on tin- charge of committing the as
sault on Mrs. Ada Gilbert Dennis, a
well known dressmaker, at her home lit
this city over ten months ago. .Mrs,
Dennis died fiom her Injuries about a
fortnight ago without recovering suf
ficiently to tall; rationally. Julius Van
Ibukle, colored, formerly proprietor of
the nrunswlek hotel, testified today be
fore the coroner's Jury that on March
19, Cole hud said something to him to
the effect that lie (Cole) would be a
happy man If Mrs. Dennis was dead,
and also had said once when he looked
"Yes, If you had on your mind what
I have on my mind, you would look
worried too." Van Rrakle said Cole
made certain statements regarding tlie
reason why lie did not. care to visit
tlie sick woman, among other things
that airs. Dennis lnlght say something
which would re-open the Investigation.
Detective Hartigan, who has been
working on tlie case ever since the
crime was committed, testified that
Cole is the only person among those
investigated who wavered in his state
ments. Cole, who also testified before
the coroner's jury denied making tlie
assault and protested that he had as
sisted the authorities. Ho also denied
using language attributed to him by
Van Rrakle.
Arbitrators Rule Against Strikers in
Northern District.
Ily Kxeiiishc Wire from The Associated Presi.
Paris, Nov. 7. The government ar
bitrators this afternoon announced
their decision against increasing the
wages of the striking miners in tlie
Department du Nord. Tlie grounds of
tlie decision tiro similar to those in
thu Pas do Calais arbitration, namely,
that the rates are proportionate to the
selling price of coal.
The large companies in the Nord
have agreed to establish pensions for
a term of live years.
At Dens, Pas de Calais, there was u
clash today between strikers and cav
alry, the strikers throwing bricks at
the soldiers. Gendarmes who inter
vened were assaulted with bricks. One
soldier was injured and three arrests
were made.
Throughout tlie Pas de Calais coal
district the strikers are muking noisy
A lively melee between cavalry and
strikers occurred in the town of An
zln. Lieutenant Duval was struck In
the breast with a brick, two 'other
officers were hit, a cavalryman received
a. severe cut on the face and it cavalry
horse had an eye knocked out. Only
the arrival of reinforcements of gend
armes caused the .strikers to disperse.
Publication of Correspondence Relat
ing to Plot Against Late Premier.
Dy i:Uiishe Wire hum The Associated l'resi.
Sofia, iiulgaria, Nov. 7. A sensation
was created here today by the publi
cation of alleged fac-slmiles of corre
spondence relating to tlie organization
of plots against the late Premier Stam
buloff and the government, resulting In
tlie assassination of M. Stainbulol'f and
two other members of his ministry,
July in, P.iflO. Friends of Michael Stav
rel'f, alias llulju, who was found guilty
October 21 of tlie premier's murder and
was sentenced to be hanged, are re
sponsible for their publication. They
claim that Stavrel'C was only a tool.
According to the correspondence, M.
Lttdskulioff, the present minister of the
Interior, is alleged to be directly re
sponsible for the organization of the
plot, and holders of Important posts
under the present government ure Im
plicated. The name of Count ignatlui'f
Is mentioned In connection with the In
trigues. Tlie revelations are expected
to k'.id to an unbeaval of the cabinet.
Spanish Leader on Trial May Be
Sent to Prison.
B fiu'lushe Wire humThr Associated Ifs.
Madrid, Nov. 7. Tlie trial of Sablno
Arana, leader of the Autonomist party
in the Ibisquo Provinces, charged with
having sent a congratulatory cable
message to President Itoosevelt last
spring on tho granting of Cuban in
dependence, began tit nilb.10 today. Thu
public prosecutor took tlie ground that
Sonar Arana's telegram to the presi
dent infringed tlie Integrity and dignity
of Spain, and he demanded that 11
sentence o eight years' Imprisonment
be Imposed on thu prisoner,
Complete Returns from All Counties
Save Allegheny and Washington.
Dy CxeluHvc Wire Irum The .Woelated Vtnu.
I'lillailclplilu. Nov. 7. Compleiu returns
from all counties except Allegheny and
Washington show a total Of Sot.Mi fur
Peiuiypacker and IU,r."i2 for P.iltli-oii, a
plmnllty for Peiuiyiiieker of lil.l'i!'.
Tlie estimated plurality for Peiuiypacker
In Allegheny county Is ).:l ami la
Wuslilinjton county i'.lw, thus making
Peiinypacker's apparent plurality UWtn.
Ctesceus Did Not Go Against Time,
11 I'xiliMve Whe from The Anociitnl lr$.
Atlanta, (la., Nov. 7--Tho bad condi
tion of the track at Piedmont pack pro
ven ted anything like a record race hj.
......... I, .....I ,t .!.! ... It. .1,1..
l,.i-i-M .ii Bivim Mill, ,,wit,., ll.lHlluur,
All exhibition mile was given, however,
Wultlionr's time being i.L'2!'j and Civsceus'
tlino S.32 flat. Crcscoas did not so against,
limp. 11M fiej,f.iixl im iit.r.fiiint ,tf i I,.
IKH.1 . (I.,,. VIVniUM!
(hue, as was expected
in account of tho
imiooy u.uiv.
Killed by Fall of Coal.
Ily Inclusive Wire bum The- Associated Press.
Shenandoah, Nov, 7. Martin YanU and
Knoeh Slsavage. mine laborers, were
killed by a full of coal at Cambridge col.
llery this afternoon. They weio sitting
In tho gangway eating lunch front their
dinner palls when the full occurred. Uoth
died Instantly.
Five of Nebraska's Six Gonoress-
men Arc Reoubllcan-Gains
Sweep Against Bryan's Representa
tives Is Conclusive jldaho Gives
Over S,000 Majority to Republican
Congressman A Clean Republican
Victory in Montana for the First
Time in Ten Years Democratic
Consolation in Rhode Island.
Dy Etelmlvc Wire from The Atsnctalcil Pimi.
Lincoln, Neb,, Nov. 7. Complete re
turns from eighty-four of -the ninety
counties in tho state, with estimates on
the remaining six, show that Mickey
(Hep.) for governor Is elected by 5,800.
Thu olliclal count will not change this
HOD votes either way.
Tlie returns make it positive that .Mc
Carthy In the Third and Karris in tho
Fifth districts are elected to congress.
Doth nre Republicans, giving that party
live of thy six congressmen from Ne
braska. Idaho Figures Growing.
Doise, Idaho, Nov.'7. It is known now'
that tlie majority for the Republican
stale ticket will reach close to 7,000,
while French, for congress, may have
8,r00. 'In the legislature the Republicans
will havi' CO on joint ballot out of a
total 'of 67.
Oklahoma's Delegate,
tiulhrie, Oklahoma, Nov. 7. oillcial
returns tonight indicate beyond a doubt
the election of D. H. McGulru (Hep.) as
delegate to congress over W. 31. Cross
(Dem.) by a majority of about K00. Tlie
secretary of the Republican committee
issued a stiftement tonight announcing
McGulre's election.
Colorado Returns.
Denver, Col., Nov. 7. Practically
complete returns have now been re
ceived from every county in the state,
which show that the legislature will
stand on joint ballot, according to tho
face of the returns: Democrats, 51;
Republicans. -10.
This is a gain of one Democrat. Late
returns from Chaffeo county show the
election of the Democratic, candidate.
Tlie returns also show the election of
Mrs. Gronfol (Dem.) for superintendent
of schools. The indications now are
there will be contests against many
members of the legislature outside of
this county.
A Lone Democrat.
Pawtuckut, It. 1 Nov. 7. The Demo
crats from all over the stato met at
Cumberland, the home of Governor
elect L. F. C. Garvin, tonight to cele
brate his election. Mr. Garvin reviewed
the parade and made a speech. It was
pointed out that Air. Garvin Is the only
Democrat elected governor north of tlie
Potomac and east, of the Mississippi
Clean Sweep in Montana.
Helena, Monl., Nov. 7. Nearly com
plete return show that the Republi
cans made a clean sweep In Montana
for tin first time in ten years. There
was n bitter factional light in the
Democratic party between Clark and
llelnze and the Democrats elected very
few members, of the legislature, whllu
the Populists, whom Helnze marshalled,
did not win a single office Ten sen
ators out of sixteen, who will bold over,
are elected by Republicans and. will
participate in the election of a United
States senator In 1!HM to succeed Gib
Archbishop Chappello Has a Long
Audience at the Vatican.
By UelAIu Wne (rem The Associated 1'rcsj.
Rome, Nov. 7. Tlie pope today re
ceived Archbishop Chuppelle, the dele
gate In Cuba and Porto Rico and Arch
bishop of New Orleans, in private au
dience, nnd conversed with him anim
atedly for half nn hour. Ills holiness
gave evldoueo of keen Interest In the
affairs of the dloce.-u of New Orleans
and in matters connected with Cuba
and Porto Rco.
Subsequently Archbishop t'luipelle
presented to the pontiff fifteen young
Ciilioiis. who fire stiidvlmr )ihi- tin- tli.
priesthood. The pope cordially wel
comed tho students, gave each of them
his hand to kiss and dismissed them
with an apostolic benediction for Cuba
and Porto Rico,
Steamship Arrivals.
U Kxtlu.iii' Wile flow The, AtMicUtei) I'lesv
New Vork, Nov. 7. Arrived: I.a l.or
1 utile, llnvte. Cleared: NiHirdani, Rut.
terdain via lioiilogue; Campanlii, Liver
pool; Gcoiglc, Liverpool; Kensington,
Antwerp; Patricia, Hamburg via Ply
mouth and Cheiboiiig, Salkd: La Cam
pipe, Antwerp. Southamploii-Salled;
Deutschliind, New Vork via Cherbourg.
lilcelu)lown--Anivrd: Celtic. New York
for Liverpool anil proceeded, lloulogno
Sur Her Sailed: Anisleiduiu (from Rol
terdny), New York. Crookha Veil Passed;
Ktruilit. New York for tjuenstown and
Underwear Factory Burned.
lij Kxihuho Wile from Tho .WmmIju-iI I'ii-,.
Uarrlsburg, Nov. ". Ilulfmau & Slid
ton's uiiilorwalr factory, pt AVIIllamslown,
was destroyed by llru curly this morning.
Tho goods, the building and tho books of
tho firm were nil burned. Tho loss Is
placed at $10,000, with an Insurance) nf
less than fclO.onn.
Troopers nt Hazleton.
By Exclusive Who iroiu The Aisoelalcil I'rMi
Huzlelon. Nov. 7. The Firm city troop,
of Philadelphia, arrived hero this after
noon from Tnnuiqwi. Tho men will bo
(liiurtered In tin ubundoiud I.uhlyh Val
ley railroad office building.
Counting Completed Last NightRe
sults on State and County Tickets.
By Krrluho Wire horn The Ajoil.uril lr.
Wllkes-lktrre. Iii Nov. 7. The count
ing nf tlie official vote of Luzerne
county wits completed tonight. Follow
ing is the result on statu offices:
Governor Punnypaeker (Hep,), 1;M7SJ
I'altisoii (Dcm.j, Pl.SHi: Swallow (Pro.),
ill?: Adams (Socialist-Labor), .; Slay
ton (Socialist). I..Vi!i.
Ueutriunit Governor llrowri (Hop.), 1:1,
r.:il; Guthrie (Dem.), 13,B!i;; qriimbluo,
(Pro.), tffl; M111110 (Ijibor-Soeliillst), .ViH;
Hames (Socialist), l.L'l.
Sect clary Internal Affairs Itrowu
(Rep,), j:),!i)l; Nolan (Dem.), H.77S; Mar
quis (Pro,), Mil j Feehan (Soclallst-l-abor),
uSI; Gould (Socialist), l.lf.3.
Congress Palmer (Rep.), K'.'.'h; Martin
(Dem.), 11,011; Palmer (P10.1, .VKij Qtilun
(Socialist). 3.HII.
Three Republicans and three Demo
crats were elected to the legislature as
1'list dlstilel llarmau (Rep,): Second
dlslilct, Ross (Rep.): Third district, Flan
iigluin (Dein.)i Fourth district, Ferry
(Dem.); Fifth district, lituku (Dem.);
Sixth district. Holcomh (Rep.)
The Democrats elect two of their county
commissioners, Scliappert and Finn,
Thomas Smith is tlie Republican meinUU'
of tho board.
Toliu Mome (Dem.) was elected treas
urer. The contest for register was very close,
John Malnwiuing (Hep.), defeated .Tamos
M, Holman (Dem.), by :ir, plurality.
A Deadlock Is Threatened in the Col
orado Legislature if an Attempt
Is Made to Unseat Teller.
Dy F.Tclushe Wire from The Associated )'rm.
Denver, Col., Nov. 7. Al a. caucus
today of a number of Democratic mem
bers of the new legislature, it was de
cided that If tho Republicans shall take
revolutionary tactics to unseat Teller
men In the house, the senate, which
js strongly Democratic, will not meet
in joint session with tho house, and
will deadlock tlie legislature, in order
that it will be impossible to elect a suc
cessor to Senator Teller.
A committee of three from tho senate
and five from the house was appointed
at this caucus to combat tlie efforts
of the Republicans to control the legis
lature by undue means.
The committe will call a joint caucus
for next Tuesday, of Democratic house
and senate members from all parts of
the statu with the idea of binding them
in an agreement to check the efforts
of the Republicans to capture a ma
jority vote on joint ballot.
The caucus sent word to all the
Democratic candidates for the senate,
who were defeated by a close margin,
to prepare their papers for a contest
and to secure evidence of fraud upon
which to base their contest.
The Republicans were charged with
being revolutionary In their early at
tempt to unseat the Arapahoe members
in the house.
The incoming legislature, according
to the latest returns will be constituted
as folows: Senate Democrats, J4; Re
publicans, 11. House Democrats, L'l);
Republicans, .115. Total on joint ballot.
Democrats 53; Republicans, 17.
Should the Republican majority in
the house unseat tlie Democrats elected
In the Arapahoe district, tlie legislature
on joint ballot will stand Republicans
CJ; Democrats ".S.
Industries Making Steady Progress
According to All Reports.
Ily IJulusUe Wire fiom The .VswcIjiui l'resi.
New York, Nov. 7. H. G. Dun &
Co.'.s Weekly Review of Trade tomor
row will say:
Trade and Industry are making steady
progress, reports frum all sections of the
country containing evidences of whole
some development. An unusually large
full dlsti lliution occurred, and current
transactions in heavier goods are liberal
considering thu mildness of 'tho season.
Thu only development of note In tlie liuu
and steel market has been the 10 per
cent, reduction In price of tin plates to
lako effect December 1. While somu
change was antlL'paled, tho trade was
not prepared for so largo a cut. If tho
tecum lowulug of price lists hi certain
sections of tint maikut should stlmulalo
foreign trade, there will bo occasion for
gratlllcatlon, as some exceptional export
movement is needed to offset the heavy
imports of pig iron and billets, .Miuiy
fiiriiaees have been compelled to bank
because of the poor receipts of cuke, tiud
there Is little evidence of Improvement In
the railway situation, motive power being
utterly Inadequate,
CoiittnctH run far Into tlie future In
striictiual in.iteiial for bridges and build
ings, while plates aie Miuglit by car woiks
and shlpylirtls. High piemimns are still
paid for pi inapt delivery, but inosi ship
ments are on old contracts placed al reg
ular list prices. Itecem enlargement of
fucllitles has greatly Increased production
lu mail lines, which explains tlo slightly
easier tone of tho market as a whole, but
there l. 110 evidence of diminished demand
nor unsound conditions.
Shipments .of boots and shoes coiitluuu
heavy fiom "fusion, each week of lalu lu.
coidhig a nioderalo Increase over the cor
responding puilod of last year. Thu tono
Is remarkably siroug. Jobbing trade Is
comparatively quiet, except lu lVnusy.
viinlii, and mild weather has lesulcted
retail sales. Ru-order business In wool
ens is light, the chief Inquiry for sample
pieces which are not delivered as rapidly
as desired, (.'notations are fully main
tained for woolens and worsteds, as might,
be expected, hi view of tho continued
strength of wool.
('allures not reported.
Stole Locomotive.
By llidmUe Whe ficni 'll.u AtsgilateJ I'rtsi.
Albeit I.tu, Minn.. Nov. 7. -A Ulan sup
posed to hi a trump, stole a locomotive
1 1 0111 the Rock Island yaid about I oeock
tills morning and went north at a flying
rale. Thu engine was on a spur ready for
the north-bound passenger train. A pur.
suing party went utter the fugltlvu and
live miles out found Iho engine. Thu man
who stole it bad disappeared
Doukhobor Poses as Virgin Mniy.
by Kxi'liKit'u Who bviu Tbo Anai'l-ntM 1'ic.
Winnipeg, Man,, Now ".At Yorklon a
young Doukhobor woman of uttractlvo
appeaiance, dressed herself in white cot
ton with whlto canvas shoes and pro
claimed herself 'tho Virgin Mary. Many
of tho DotikhoboliM bolhivn hoc slnrv- nml
slio may cause trouble If iter advice sball
bo in 1110 wrong direction
Supreme Court Will Hear Arguments
on the Affair in January.
Ily i:ihislvo W lie from The Asoilaled rn.
Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 7. Private Arthur
Wadsworth, of the Klchtcenth regi
ment, National Guard of Pennsylvania,
who shot and killed William Durham,
while the regiment was on strike duty
In the anthracite coal fields at Shenan
doah, was placed under arrest today by
Constable William Shortull, of Schuyl
kill county, who lias hold the warrant
for him since the finding of the cot li
ner's jury 011 the death of Durham.
This action was the result of a con
ference this iiiornlna: between F. W.
Flelta, deputy attorney general of Penn
sylvania; M. P. McLaughlin, district
attorney of Schuylkill county; Attor
ney J. C. Whiileu nnd Constable Short
all and Wadsworth.
Immediately upon the opening of the
state Supreme court, Deputy Attorney
General Fleltz presented a uetltlon fop
a writ of habeas corpus, stating that
Wadsworth was Illegally restrained, the
shooting having been done while Wads
worth was acting in the discharge of
ills duty.
This is the llrst time In the history of
Pennsylvania that the Supreme court
bus ever been asked to decide such a
The Supreme court ordered a ro-hear-Ing
and re-argument to bo held on the
first Monday In January next at .Phila
delphia, and ordered his release on $500
Arguments of the Counsel Will Be
Made on Monday A Verdict
Looked for Tuesday.
By Excluslie Wire from The Associated rieai.
New York, Nov. 7. The taking of
evidence In the second trial of Ro
land B. Molhieux, of the murder of
Katherlne J. Adams, was ended to
day, and court was adjourned until
Monday, when the arguments of coun
sel will bo made. A verdict is looked
for on Tuesday.
The sensational turn given to the
testimony for tlie defense yesterday,
when Mrs. Anna Stephenson, wife of a
Brooklyn policeman, said she thought
Cornish was the man she saw mal
the poison package, was continued to
day. Cornish was re-called to the
stand and was asked whether he had
a brown overcoat in 1S9S. Mrs. Steph
enson said tlie man she saw mail the
poison package wore a brown over
coat. Cornish said today lie had no
overcoat at all that winter, and then
Mr. Black read from the minutes of
the last trial to show that Cornish
had testified at that time that he had
only one overcoat and that it was
The lursbarid of Airs. Stephenson was
called by .Mr. Black to say that ho
never saw Cornish before yesterday
and therefore could not have pointed
him out to Airs. Stephenson. To Mr.
Osborne, Stephenson said be bad not
reported his wife's story to the au
thorities because "he didn't take any
stock, in it."
W. M. K. Olcott, one of Moltnoux's
counsel, testified that ho had pur
chased cyanide of mercury, without
dilllculty, at a drug store In this city,
by saying that he wanted it for pho
tographic experiments. Prof. Vulie,
of Columbia university, gave evidence
to the effect that Molineux was in ills
company from noon until after dark
011 tho day the poison packago was
mailed. Tho package was mailed dur
ing tlie afternoon.
Pnstofflce Inspector Kyle Detects n
Clerk Opening Letters.
Ily i:iliuie lie hum The Aasoiiateil l'ii'-.
Dayton, O,, Nov, 7. Postoflleo luspec
lor Kyle today arrested Clinton J, Rob
blur, u clerk at the local olllce, for thu
theft of letters, containing money,
The inspector, who has been lure for
two weeks, said he saw dobbins rille a
number of letters, and that dobbins has
admitted his guilt. The Hayiier Dis
tilling' company, which was the only
concern reporting losses, says the com.
pany has been robbed of between J:',
,101) and $",000. Itobblns Is a young
rlfd man, and well connected lu this
Vote in Bucks County.
f)y Kwluthe Whe from 1 In- Asucialul I'rMi.
Doylesiown, Po., Nov, 7. Tho oi'
count of tlio Hacks county reiiiniH shows
Ihe election to the legislature of
(Rul.), 'mw (Hem.) and RIcu (I'uioiil,
h'nrller returns hulkated the election of
Kd wards (I'nloii) luMoad nf Xane.
U.v i:Llitilr Wile twin The Aa-ncUuil 'im.
Illiuca, N. Y., Nov. 7. Iloswell licard'i
ley, of North Lansing, who mis ihe old
est postmaster lu point of service in tliu
Culled States having held that position
for seventy. tour years, died at ids homo
today lit the age of HI year, lie a
director of the Tompkins County Na
tional hank at Ithaca 111 the time of iiU
Ulnghumtim, N. V., Nov. 7. Mrs. s.u.ili
Al. Jones died hero today at the ago of UC
years. She was born In Ihiland. .Mis.
Jones wa.i an artist of considerable skill
and was fond of literature, having col
Icctcd 0110 of the Unreal llhruilcs hi this
pari of thu slate.
Pittsburg, Pa.. Nov. 7.-C. X). Law, real
estate agent of the Pennsylvania com.
pany's lines, west, died ul his homu ut
llellevue, Pa., at noon today. Mr. Law
was formerly superintendent of tho Chi
cago division.
Toledo, O., Nov. 7.-"Bllly" Tato, the
well known sporting mun, who was re
cciitly taken to tho insane asylum lu this
city, died this morning'. Ho referced u
number of big fights.
Revolutionists Withdraw From L
Victoria Because Tlicu flr .
Without Ammunition.
Guerillas in the Service of tho Gov
eminent Have Captured and
Brought to President Castro Cer
tain Records Belonging to Mem
bers of Mato's Personal Staff.
Contents of Letters Give Evidence
of the Critical Situation, of the
Leaders of the Revolution.
By F.xclmbe Wire from The Associated Prm.
La Victoria, Venezuela, Nov. 7.
News has been tecelved here concern
ing the retreat of the revolutionary
forces. It Is to the effect that on the
night of Nov. 1, the revolutionists
withdrew from their positions nenr La
Victoria and San Mateo because they
were without ammunition. Tlie fact
that tlie rebels lacked cartridges caused
a disagreement between General Matos
and General Rolando, which was fol
lowed by hot words. General Rolando
declared that the shortage of ammuni
tion was the fault of General Matos,
and that If tho success of the revolu
tion was endangered by this condition,
General Ma'tos was alone responsible,
lie said that all was lost and with his
followers, about 3.200 men, be with
drew from the main body of the reb
els lu the direction of Alto. Gracla. It
is reported that General Rolando pro
claimed "El Mocho" Hernandez as the
leader of the revolution. President
Castro since lie discovered that the
revolutionists only retreated because
of their absolute lack of ammunition
has caused them to be pursued day
and night by government soldiers.
The latest report issued by the gov
ernment says that Genlarals Matos,
Mendoza anil Rlera and their-commands
are tleeing in disorder in an
effort to reach thu mountainous dis
tricts. These generals are supposed to
be near Ilarrera, a point twelve miles
from the lake of Valencia.
Important Letters Captured.
Guerillas In the service of the gov
ernment have captured and brought to
President Castro certain records and
documents belonging to members of
General Matos personal staff,, as -well
as the general's personal correspond
ence. The contents of these papers
give evidence of tho critical situation
of the leaders of the revolution. I,t
is dilllcult to understand the apparent
sudden and complete collapse of tlie
revolutionary movement. Rut a. few
days ago the rebels seemed to be upon
the eve of victory, while toiluy the
cause seems absolutely lost.
President Castro having sent his
men In all directions to cut off tlie
retreat of tlie enemy left hero today
for Caracas. The government soldiers
who are following up the rebels scored
their first success this morning by
the capture of General Ramon Lul?.l,
who was making h' 1 way lu thu di
rection of Alia Gracla. with ::ori,noo
rounds of ammunition nnd -l.iMifl 111011 to
reinforce the revolutionists.
From here President Castro goes to
Los Teiiues, which point was aban
doned by the rebels yesterday. From
Los Tuques the president Will go by
rail to Caracas, arriving there Sunday
morning, lie wJll then take his place
at the head of the government. Tele
graphic couiniiiulentloii between La
Victoria and Caracas has been, re
stored, D. & H. RUMOR DENIED.
Piesident Olyphant States That the
Road and Miues Have Not Been
Ily Kxrhiih Win' fr.irn 'llio AMie.itr.l I'reJii.
New Vork. Nov. 7. -The report circulat
ed today and originating at Scr.iutou, Pa,,
that the Ivl.iw.uc mid Hudson railroad
proiK'ities, hichidliij; coal mines, had been
sold for fcS.umi.UtiU, was denied positively
by President. R. Al. ulyphuut, of the Del.
aware and Hudson.
The iiiinored piiuhoiers were tho Penn
sylvania Ualhoad eoiiipaii , tho New
Vork Central, J. I. .Morgan , Co., thu
Pennsylvania to get tlie coal properties
and portions of tlie mad in Pennsylvania
and the New Yoik Central to gul tho Ne.w
Vork dlvlsluii of tlie laihvay.
Highest temperature
Lowest tumpuruliiro ,
t" degiee.i
M degrees
Local data for Nov, 7, nv;:
Relative humidity
S p. m , , ''- per cent.
. a u. .., ,s per cant
Precipitation 21 hours ended S p. in.
Ground for Capitol Broken, ,
Uy lijelmive Wire from Tlie Aswcuieil I'imi.
Ilairlsbaig, Nov. 7. Ground for ihu now
slate capital was broken today by Josuph
M. Itusloii, who designed tlie building,
thu presence of the contracture, i orso P,
P.iyuu it Co.. of Philadelphia oud their
assistants. Tho building will m-i H.OOO.OW
uiid will he completed Jtinuui'v i'H. .
- -
Washington, Nov. 7. Forecast
for Saturday and Sunday: East
ern Pennsylvania Pair Saturduy
and Sunday: Using temperatioo
Sunday: fresh north winds becom
ing vuri.ihio.
t. t t . .t t.t.t t.t t