THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-l'LUOAl', iOVJUJ3EU 7, 1902. H. V. ESMOND'S NEW COMEDY tConeluded from 1'uro :!, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" DIRECTORY. ' 'VI ONLY $5 A MONTH i , . Doctor Churchman Byers Will Treat All Persons Applying Before December 1st forthe Nominal Sum of $5 a Month, Medicines Included. He Wishes to Impress Upon the Minds of the People That this Offer Positively Expires on the 30th Day of this Month. Many Cases Are Cured in One Month's Time. The Medical Profession Amazed at the Wonderful Cures Being Performed. Hundreds of people linvu Iiocii tumble In pay Doctor H.vcr.s' regular fi. Many hn'vv written reiiuesllng Doctor ISyors lo treat them lit u lower into. It Is Doctor Byers' deMro to give all tlit bencllt of Ids troiitmcnt, anil iih It would lie manifestly unjust to I rent ii few al it special rule nud eliuigo others more, lie bus e-oncludod to iron I nil persons applying before De comliof Jet for thu iiomliml mini ot ' u niontli, medicines included. This includes nil discuses, unci no mutter wlmt you muy liu suffering from yon will receive as careful euro n net utliMitloii ns you would If you wore pujlug his regular fees. He wishes further to slute thin ninny cases are enroll In ciiio inontli's time, lint ll 11 should tuleo uny humor to complete n euro this low ruin will apply until the ileslre.l result Is rruclii'd Ills orilces during I lie pnst few months have been u Verltuble Mecca for thus. Miffi'i-lug from Donlnoss. Ullndness, I.iinie. noss nud nil other Chronic Diseases tlml hiimiin Mesh Is heir lo. Hundreds ol homes b.ive been niiulo luippler mill the lieople toilny me sounding the- pntlses of his inline. II' you vvb-li to inko ntlviiu tngo of this umisiiul olfor II Is Iniportiinl lor you to en II ns curly ns pifslhlo In 01 dor to iivnld the rush tl'.nt will niiliinilly otour iliirlm; Hit closing duys ol thi pho lionilunl offer, I Ic wishes to impress upon the people Hint this offer Includes consultation, :. iiiulnutlou, treatment and all nieillelivs. mid no further charge will he in.ide, bin in order to wet the bonelll of It It is abso lutely neeessarv to start treatment on or before the "tilth of this month. 'Phis offer will not be extended, ASTHMA, Petersburg", M'ii,lri- lif. tUnnn.u v',,11 different elilld in every lireui ijnuKor rny- lltllc child u Mrs. Charles Miller fays: .My utile iiutignior, i.euit. unci suffered from llronelilul Asllunu since a sninll child. The attacks were very se vere mid she would hac to ganp to got her breath. She could not sleep at nlgliL nud it was pitiful to see her gradually wasting away. As n Insl resnrt 1 took hr to the ofllees of Hoc lor Myers, and Hie ln-im,,tntii,iiil timli.i' lilu friiiitmiml wiiu clmnle evn,i,ln,.-it cats well and Is a way. linn mess tin siclnii tor restoring m health." Our Hat Department fl Prominent Feaftir? of This Store M And it's quite a popular feature, too, among men who know the advantages of selecting a hat from a large assortment of sure which of price you pay store. The new herefrom - Ml WM'tM Myffl SAMTER BROS Complete Outfitters. BI-CHEMIC TBEATMENT. The different tissues of the body lira made up of minute cells, nud when tlieso cells become dlsiirriingcd, disease! Is the. result. By supplying the proper nutri ment to tne cells, perfect lieultli can be obtained, All discuses, no mutter how chrotile, can be cured by bringing lite cells back to their unrimll eonillllnn. The treutnient used by Doctor Dyers Is not nllopalhle or homeopathic. It Is u treat ment bused upon nil exact science) mid cures with the certiilnty of n fixed law. Dr. Byer's Record, Doctor Byers was born of Quaker parentage nud received his early education under the influence of thrtt religious de nomination. Ho graduated with honor from the Jefferson Medical Col lege of Philadelphia, 1872. Full course attendance Penn sylvania Hospital for Acute and Surgical Diseases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's Hospital, Philadelphia. Late of Prof. J. Solis Cohen's Clinics Diseases of the Throat. Late Examining Physician Mutual "Reserve Eund Life As sociation of New York. FREE X-RAY EXAMINATION. Doctor Byers never accepts a case un less he knows to a certainty the cause of Hie trouble, and this can only be deter mined by u sclentillc X-Rny examination. Tils X-Rny outfit Is the most elaborate and complete 111 this country. II y Ills spe cial Fluoroscopic attachment ho Is able to examine all parts of tho body and Mud out to an absolute certainty Hie cause of the patient's afllictlon. Come and be ?; ninlned: It is absolutely free. ... - ,nV:y., ... . .. - shapes and styles. If you're not quite this season's shapes will suit you, our experienced hat man will help you out. We take it for granted that you have faith enough in this store to rely on our qualities. You've certainly proved them at some time or other. We search the markets for the best, and our long experience means something with most manufacturers. Its the that determines the shapes are j & f - - $ f e0 to Seen Our Suit Styles for Fall ? Stand in front of our clothing win dow any day; listen to the comments on our show of $10 and $12.50 Suits. Means something when people talk about the style and cloth quality of clothes at these prices. It wouldn't mean half as much if they were marked $20, because you expect a pretty nice Suit at that price. We give most of the credit to the manufacturer for producing such style and good value. Just a little credit we take ourselves for selecting the cloth patterns and qualities and suggest ing certain tailoring improvements. You'll agree with us that these appar ently small things mean a great deal when you see the style and construction of these suits HE WAS PARALYZED.. Mr. John Jenkins, Dunmore, Pa,, says: ".Seven years ago I fell down an elevator shaft tend Injured my spine, und us ii result my legs became completely paralyzed. No one cnu npproclntc the terrible condition I wns In except those who linvo gono through the suliui eucleul. From u strong, vigorous mint I hud boon transformed into it helpless cripple. I could only walk by the aid of crutch".-", nud only then Willi the greatest dlflloulty. Having read about the iilmosl miraculous cures thai were being performed dally by Doctor Dyers J concluded, ns a Inst re sort, to try his treatment. I begun to Im prove utmost immediately, and this im piovomont has been so rapid und my pres ent condition Is so satisfactory that 1 feel ll ii. eliity to mankind to make a public statement of what tho Client Quaker Phy sician has done for me. Surely a doctor that Is able to do such wonders must bo possessed of more than human power. 1 shall never cease sounding Doctor Byers praise wherever I may be." HEi WAS DEAE. Mr. John E. Haley, Cavbondale, snys: "1 had been deaf for u low? while. 1 could not hear in church. 1 shunned my neighbors because 1 could not understand what they said. 1 bud noises In my bend nud my whole nervous system hecatna af fected. 1 losl flesh rapidly unci In six weeks I lost over 20 pounds. I tried three of tho best doctors In Cnrbondulc, but without any result. Something seemed to toll mo that I ought to try Doctor Byers' Treatment, t went to his ofllcos and placed myself under his care. That was llvo months ago. My hearlnsr has been restored. Last Sunday I went lo church and heard every word the preacher said. I now meet with my friends and converse with tlicm, and I nssuro you I will never cease sounding tho prnises of Doctor By ers' name for restoring my hearing. Ills power over disease comes from a Higher Jnlluenco than human. God bless the Olreut Quaker Doctor. DOCTOR CHURCHMAN BYER Chief Consulting Physician ot the 131- Chemic Treatment. PERMANENT OFFICES. Entire Second Eloor, 413 Spruce Street, Scranton Pa. Orflee Hours, ! n. m. to 1; 2 p. in. to 4. Evonlngs. 7 to S Dally. Sundays, 10 a. in. to 1- m. Kl j i. quality in this I $4 $10 and $12 at to the presentation of a play ns Air. Froliitmn does. Ho Is very jealous of his reputation ns the lending plny-pro-clucor ot the world, und he takes In finite pulns tu see tint t his productions are perfect, The KaVershnin play will bo no different In Now York, ut the Umpire! theatre, from what It Is to be here. Vllh last night's dress rehearsal Malinger Froliniun'H worl; nnel anxiety ceased. Un will now wall for the ver dict of tonight's audience. Came Last Evening. Mr. l'Vohinnn arrived In tile city nt 6.15 evening from New York, and was preceded curlier In the day by the company, over two ' enrs of scenery used In the production uf the jilay und a force of tho men who Httigo all ot Mr. Frohiiinn'H productions. During the afternoon rehearsals of the llghls, music and scenery were conducted. The scenery for the three acts of tho comedy Is very elaborate. With the scenery came everything In the way of properties, furniture, draperies, rugs, etc., Unit will be used In Iho New York production, which begins one week from Alonduy night at tho Umpire theatre. The company Is the strongest that Mr. Krohninn has ever given a play. It contains not only the people 'brlglunlly selected for Mr. Fuversliuin's support, but a number of the people selected to support Maude Adams, whoso Illness prevents her from acting at present. It Is a combination of netors such as even Now York will have tho privilege of seeing for only a short time. In about a month AIlss Hilda Spong will begin her starring tour, and AV If. Thomp son and others will be transferred to plays now In the course of preparation, Uesldcs being the llrst production of the comedy. It will be the first appear ance lit America of Miss Fay Davis, a Hoston young woman, who has won golden opinions In London during the past few seasons, and who has been brought over by Air. Frolnnan to be come Air. Faversham's leading lady. There will be a number of men promi nent In theatricals In the city to see tonight's production. Among them will bo Daniel Frohman and Al. Iluyman. Elephants Went to Plttston. Tho company at the Dixie theater played in Plttston last night to a big house, but will be back hero tor the usual matinee this afternoon. The elephants nro rehearsing new tricks every day and seem to bo more Interesting at each per formance. The Hrittons are among the most taking entertainers ot tho week, and llielr dunces surpass anything In that lino douo by colored people on the stage. J J 111 and Whlttaker, wttli their banjo playing are very popular and como in for much uppluti-e. Ralph Tost and Kssle Clinton do a very clever act In vaude ville, imitations, and the Whltcomb farm yard echoes bring elown tho house. The Deaves manikins are tho best thing of the kind seen on a Scranton stage. "Miss New York, Jr." One of tho best of tho burlcMiuc com panies that visit Scranton is the "Miss New York, Jr.," company which opened n three days' engagement at tho Star last night. The performance given mer ited tho applause bestowed upon It by a largo aticilcncc. The opening feature U a imixicul com edy. "Thirty Minutes at Sea," which has a well delined story during the unravel ling of which a number of the popular musical numbers of the day uro intro duced. "Fun on the Twentieth Century Limited" is tho closing extravaganza. All ot the members of tho company ap pear in this and many entertaining spe cialties aro Introduced. In tho olio appear Hilton Ill-others, jugglers; Allunlo Granville, contralto singer; Marion and Pearl, acrobats and comedians; Prior and Albright, comed ians, and Prof, l.awrcnco Crane, who doe some very mystifying palming. The company will bo at tho Star for tho re mainder of tho week, afternoons and night. '"' MONTROSE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune Alontrosc Nov. (!. V. S. Alulford, of Scrantun, has been In town this week. It. G, Scott, of Scranton, was hero election day to cast his ballot. Airs. Julia DoWitt Gould and Mrs. DeWltt, on Tuesday loft for Philadel phia, where they will spend tho winter. Airs. S. W. Stewart Is preparing to close her residence on South Main street for tho winter, which she will spend at Clarksvllle, Tenn., accompan ied by AIlss Alumlo Tuplscott. Hot nephew and niece, Samuel and AIlss Nina Jessup, who reside with her, will tako up lodgings and board at the Calby residence on Alonument square. Stanley Taguo, of Nicholson, has re signed his position us llrcman at the eleotrlc light plant, and James Dangley has accepted the place. Gordon D. Hinds, of Scranton, has been spending several days In this place and vicinity, visiting relatives andu enjoying some lino hunting. Eight men are now employed at the Horden creamery and about 3,000 iuarts of milk aro shipped daily. New and Improved machinery for bottling milk Is expected next week. Tho election of It, N. Hrush, Demo cratic candidate for sheriff Is assured, ns Is that ot 13. B. nuffum, Democratic candidate for register and recorder, Tho ItepubllcnnH otherwise carried tho county tlckot, but owing to the slow ness In gottliiff In tho returns the ex act figures are not known for the dis trict. Tho ofllciiil returns for tho coun ty olllces aro as follows; For congress, Wright, R 4,219; West, D 3,:10. Sen ator, Pratt, H 4.18S; Hill, D 3,270. For representatives, narrott and Hose, R.. 3.SII and 3,719, respectively; Du Wltt and Tiffany, D 3,587 and n.r.OO. re spectively, For sheriff, Urttsli, D 3,897; Sterling, It,, 3,578. For register and recorder, AlcVleur, lt 3,591; Uuf fuin, D., 3,778. For county treasurer, Lines, H 3.S25; Fish, D 3,472. A(c Kunu and Tiffany received, as tho Re publican candidates for commissioners, 3,919 and 3,807, respectively, and non, D 3,453, Atkinson and Kinney, R received 3,907 and 3,897, respective ly, and O'Doud 'and I,ee, D 3.28S und 3,281. ARCMBALD. A mine party, composed ot the mem hers of Harlow's Minstrel troupe, was escorted through tho Rldgo mine, Wed nesday, They were shown through tho initio by l J, McGraw, and were evl dently well pleased with their llrst trip to tho mines. There was considerable enjoyment attached to the trip. Somu of the foreigners were under tho Im pression that It was tho arbitration commission, mid told them of t.heir great trials mining coal. Miss Jennie Weir, of Scranton, Is a visitor lu town, Airs, R. II. Nlcol spent yesterday In Peckvllle. Mrs. Ifiiuo Jones, of Jennyn, was a caller In town yesterday. Only Half a Cent a Worl For Bent. FOR UKNT-Onchnlf of double house! an modern iniprnvemoniH, .nii"j T). I.uthain, .'7 Uotllovurd avenue. $18 For Rent Ten-rnom house; excellent nolghboihooil; all modern Improve ment!, on avenue. Apply to R. P, Ham ilton, 410 Hpruco street. For Bale. HORHKS for salo at 1535 Peun avenue, Call at barn. FOR SATiK-netnll lumber business; long established; best location In tho city. Sell ut Inventory. Yard rental low. Terms ensy. Oood leason for selling, Ail dress HiiHlness, Tribune, FOR SALi:-A pair of well-malclied geld, lugs nt HO arecn Rldgo street, city. FOR SAr.H-Ono hot air furnnce, throe mantels, gnu eliandcllcrs. Charles D. Sanderson, lai Wyoming avenue, Scran ton, Pa, FOR SALE-Abotit 20 feet ot desk coun ter, surmounted with glass front nud two openings, lower portion nlcoly pan elled, with drawers and nhelves undor ncalh. May bo seen at tho ofllce ot Tho Tribune. For Sale or Bent. FOR SALR Oil HUNT Tho 3-story brick building, with boiler house attached, nnd long row of sheds for horses, wag ons, etc.; also railroad switch sultnblo for manufacturing purposes; lately occupied by tho Clock Tobacco Co. 13. M. Wlnton, Room No. 505, Alears Building. Furnished Booms for Bent. TWO FURNISHED rooms for rent, with bath nnd gas. Address A,, Tribune of fice. Gentlemen only. FOR RENT A furnished room on second door front, $1.50 week. G35 Adams live. FOR RENT Front furnished room, G Washington avenue. Booms and Board. PLEASANT rooms with board or llvo young men. Inquire 3 ington avenue. for four 12 Wash- Wanted. WANTED In Council building, desk room by u stenographer. Privilege outsldo work. 1j. C, Tribune oflice. AVANTED Small furnished house, dress Iiox 200, city. Ad- Wanted To Bent. WANTED To rent, at onco, a small store for ii nice, clean business. AVill pay good rent for good location. Address W. A. Escliclberger, 151U Tenth street, Al toona. Pa. Wanted To Buy. AVANTED To buy, second-hand safe. Address, blating price and size, An drew Alltchcll, jr., Cnrbondale, Pa, Found. FOl'ND A large pet cat, tiger (black and gray), with white face, neck and feet. Apply at S"J9 Aludison avenue. Has been at this address for about u week. Money to Lean. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO I.OAN Quick, stiaight loans or Building and Loan. At fiom 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 314-315 Connoll building. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened in tho oflleo of tho City Recorder by tho Director of tho Department ot Public Safety at 3 o'clock p. m., on Friday, No vember 11, 1902, for coal to bo delivered at tho several tire nnd polico houses in this city; also at tho City tiiirbugo Cre matory. Bidders will bid on tho follow ing sizes: Egg, stove, chestnut, pea and buckwheat. Coal must bo tho best nual Itv. All bids shall bo tiled with tho City Controller at his oflleo in tho City Hail not later than 2 o'clock p. in., Friday, No vember 11, 1902. Tho sum of llfty ($50.00) dollars In cash or certillcd check is to bo enclosed with each bid, which sum shall bo forfeited to tho city In ease of roiusal or omission on tho part of tho bidder to whom tho contract is awnreled to exe cute contract within ton days after tho awarding of the sumo. Tho city reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. F. L. WORA1SER, Director Department of Public Safety. Sera n ton, Pa Nov. 6, 1002. ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE providing for tho cut ting of foot walks down to grade by tho owners of property abutting on tho following streets lu tho Uorough of AIooslc. Section I Ho ordained by tho town council ot tho Uorough of AIooslc, and It Is hereby ordained by authority of tho same: . ,,, That all owners of property abutting on AInin street or Wyoming avenue, from Spring Urook railway to Mill crock, and on Spring street from rtutlor's cornels to intersection of Saxo street, and from Spring street on Saxo street to E. & . V. R. R. bridgo in tho said Uorough of AIooslc, bo directed and required to lower and cut all sidewalks to grado lu front of their respective properties, in ureord anco with tho plans and specifications by tho borough engineer, und now on fllo with tho borough clerk. Section 2. That thirty days' notice shall bo given to each of tho said owners of property abutting on tho said streets ubovo mentioned, to lower their said foot walks to grade, as provided lu tho llrst section of this ordinance. And ill enso sold persons shall fall or refuf-o to comply with the requirements of this ordluanco wllhlii the timo herein tipccliled, tho bo rough of MooMo shall cut diwn the said footwuikii to grade-, at Its own nrnner ex pense, und tho said borough shall tilo a Hen for tho cost of the sumo, with tho penalty added us provided by law, Passed by said council tho thllil day of Novembor, A. I). 1902. W. L. ANTHONY, President of Council. Attest: THOMAS SUTCLU-'FK, Uorough Clerk, THOMAS OEMMELL. Rurgcss. AN ORDINANCE iiuthorlislng tho Issue of bonds lu Iho Uorough of AIooslc, Pa. Ho it ordained by tho town council of tho Uorough -of AIooslc and It is hereby ordained by aultinrllv or tho same; First That tho Uorough of Jloosle shall lesiio bonds lu the sum of two thousand U2.O00) dollurs, tho sumo to bo inudo tin of two bonds, tho denomination f which shall bo ouo thousand ($1,000) dollars each, a sumo to bo redeemed, one at tho o phatlon of six years, and tho other nt thu rxplrutlou of llvo i5i years respectively, and both to bear Interest at tho ruto of llvo per centum per annum. Second Tho ubovo Issue of bonds Is for tho purpose of increasing tho present bonded Indobtednes-s. which Is four thou sand itl.OnO) dollars to tho sum of six tliousuud ($i),0wl dollars, and to pay debts already Incurred. Third It Is hereby agreed, on tho part ot tho said borough, that the said bonds shall bo sold to (ho purchaser or taker of the sumo or his assigns freo Horn tho payment by said purchaser of any tax or taxes and that the said borough will as sumo nud iiiidt'i'iuke and agree to pay the s.ild tax or taxes when tho samo shall fall duo and payable. Passed dually the third day of Novem ber, A. I). 1902. W. L. ATv'TUONY, President of Council, Attest; THOMAS HUTCL1FFK, lloroiiuh Clerk. THOMAS GEMMKI.I;, Burgess. No Older Accepted for Less Than 10 Cents. Branch WANT Offloai. Want Advertisements Will Bo Beceivcd at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Central City ALRERT RCttUt.TZ. cornor Mul berry street nnd Webster uVfl. QUSTAV PICHEU CO Adams avenue. ' West Side GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South Alain avenue. South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE, 72D Cedar nvenuo. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Alnln nvenuo and Market Btrcet. Green Bidge CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dick son avonue. F. J. JOHNS. 020 Grcon Rldgo street. C. LORENZ. cornor Washington nvenuo and Mnilon street. Petersburg W. H, KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. G. RONE .t SON. Help Wanted. WANTED Agents to sell tea and cot fco lo consumers. Positions perma nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 211 Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Experienced lineman for con struction work. Apply W. D. Lath rope. 50 North Alain street, Cnrbondale. WANTED At once.25 experienced woods men; two weeks' pay; good wages. A. D. Roberts, Throop, Pa. AVANTED Six men of good address to canvass homes. Rig money until Christmas. A. T. Gorman, 712 Prescott avenue. COAIPETENT colliery clerk tor pay rolls, etc. Address with reference and rnlary expected, P. O. Box 5u", Scran ton, Pa. AVANTED Forty men nt Tobyhanna, Pa., to work on grading for u rail road switch and clearing a piece of wood land. Call at 603 Mears building. Toby hanna Creek Ice Co., C. C. Forbor, treas urer. Help Wanted Female. AVANTED A woman to do housework at 15.15 Penn avenue. Agents Wanted. AVANTED A good salesman to sell Chinese curio.--. A bright boy can make good money. Send stamps for free samples. Jah Sab AIoo, Shanghai, China. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic General Agent for tills county. No books, Insuianco, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with merchants and manu facturers necessary. Permanent, Bond. Stato age, experience, references first let- I tor. jvuuross, sulto bis, rso. auui ejnestnut St., Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. SITUATION AA'ANTED-A widow wants plain sowing to ilo at home, or wilt out by tho day. Airs. Susan A'olz, S0i! Jef ferson avenue. AVANTED Dressmaking to do home, or go out by the elny. Call or adelress, Lena Spangonburg, 222 Reese street, Prov idence. AVANTED A situation for general house work In private family, or dining room girl or second girl in hotel: do all kinds of work; much experience. Call or address, Lena Spangenberg, 222 Reeso street, Prov idence. A NURSE wants n permunont situation in central part of city lu a rcllned Protestant family where she cnu tako enro of invalid. Has hnil experience. Good referonco given. AVages reasonable. Address E. AL, Tribune- ofllce. A REFINED lady wants a permanent situation lu Protesliuil widower's home, whoro she can linvo charge of the house and liavo snmo one to assist with tho work. Has had experience. Good references given. Address L, R., Trib une office. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAl'LDING. C. P. A., 21 Traders' Rank Building, Old 'phono IfCl. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCH B.. Real Estato Exchange Bldg., 1 Wash ington avonue. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING. S15 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 72'j CON nell building. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENHEHGKR. PAULI building, Spruco stroot, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAURACH, 115 WYOJIINCi avo Flro Insurance. SCHLAGER & CO.. 101 Conm-ll Building. Patent Attorneys; PAT E N TS cc" Tho only licensed und equipped patent solicitor In tho city. No charge lor lu formutlon on putcutubilliy, aver ton yours' experience Kcplojrle & Co., rttcnr.s llliis". Hotels and Bestaurants, THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK liu aveiiuo. Hates reusouablo. P. HIEULEU, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. & Passenger depot. Conducted on the En. ropenn plan. A'lctor Koch, Proprietor, Scavenger, A. IT. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor; only Improwd pumps used. A. B. Bilges, proprietor. Leavo ordi-rs HW North Jluln avenue, or Elcke's drug stoic, corner Adams und Alulbuiry. Both telephones. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA. ovc., Scranton, mfrs. of AVlrn Sciccih, Wlscellnneous. MEGAROEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUP piles, envelopes, paper bugs, twine. Wurchousc, 130 Washington avenue. THE' WILICES-HARRE RECORD CAN bo bud in Ucraiitou at Iho news utund of Uelsiinau Bros.,- 400 Spruco und D0I Linden; Al. Norton. 322 Lackawanna live,; 1. S. SchuUcr, 211 Spruce btreot. 5. V. Only Half a Cjnl a Wori. Btt8inoss Opportunity. STOCMrANTrVvHEATTRADERH wlth . ojit dolay. Wilto for our special mar ket letter. Freo on application. B. At. Illblmrd fir. Co., mombors N. Y, Conioll ilatcel nnd Stock Exnhnngo, 41 nnd it Hrondwixy, Now York, Established 1S6I. i-iong iJiwianco 'pimne 2.TO Rronil, Lost. LOST-A watch fob with cold locket utlnched, Kinder will be rewarded by returning to 110 Wyoming nvenuo. Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAI'NIMIV. Ilinimnrn. .-.v ,w"' blunders shirts at So. each and collarn nnd cuffs nt i,(.c, each. Family washing, 4 cents pur pound. 1. -. , . . LJ RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. , In Effect Juno 1, 1102. Trains leuve Scrunton for New A'ork At 1 , 2.20, li.05. 7.u0 und lu.10 a. in.; 12.40, J.40, ;i :; p. m. For New York und Phila-ilolphlii-7.50. 10.10 a. m and 12.10 nnd :;.;! p. in. lor Gouldsboro At p. in. For Hi, renin 1 I- , , ,.... , .M .-...,... -,.,, u. null ;.uj ji. in,, i.,,j, u.,1', nnd 11.10 p. m. For Itlnglmmtoii, Klmlra and way stations-10.23 it. m.. 1.05 p. m. I-or Oswego. Syracuse nnd Utlcii 1.1.1 and . '.'; .m,i '5" p. m. Oswego, OyractiHii nnd Utlca irnin m u. a. in. daily, except Sunday. For Montrose-0.00 it. in.; l.Oi and i,.u3 p. in. Nicholson accommodation 1.00 and 0 I,-, p. m. Illoomsbiirg Division For Nortliunibe" Innd, ut ii.ri and 10.10 a. in.; 1.55 nnd BID p. m. For Plymouth, ut S.10 a. in.; 2.10 and 0 05 ii ;,. Sunday Tr.t'.ns For New York, 1.50, 2.20. V,0-'1.010 " m.; :t 10 and :'..;:." p. in. For iitiirnlo and . a. in.; 1.55, B.50 niul 3110 p, in. For Elmlra and way stations 10.2.1 a. n. For Riiiglinmton and way sta tions. !)00 a. m. nioomsburg Dlvlslon Leovo Scranton, in.10 a. in. and 0.10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Ballroad. la Effect Juno 15, 1002. 'IVulns Leave Scrnnlon For Philadelphia and Now York via D. & It. R. R., ul at 7 11. through Parlor Cur and Day Co-ich Ciirbouiliile to Now York and 0. IT a. m., with L. V. Coach Carbon ilaln to Philadelphia and 2.1S, 1.25 (Black Diamond Express)., mid 11.1!) p. in. Sun days, d. & it. rt. r:., i.w. o.n p. m. 1-or "Wlills Haven. Iluidctnn and princi pal points In the coal regions. Via D. .: II. R. It., 7.41. 2.IS und t.25 p. m. For Potlsvlllo, 7.41 a. tu. For Bethlehem. lOnston. Rending, Har-i-Isburg nnd principal lntermodluto sta tions, via D. .;- n . h. n., 7.11. 0.17 a. m.; 2.1S, 4;:.-, (Black Diamond Express), 11.40 p. in. Sundays. D. II. R. It., 0.IK a. m.; 1.5S. 9.17 p. in. For Tuniiltannock. Townndn, Elmlra, Ithaca, Genovu r.nd principal lutei-mediato stations via D L. ,fc AA'. R. R.. 0.25 a. m. and 1.53 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago nnd all points west via D. K- If. R. R l.rt! p. m.; 2.2S (Black Diamond Express), 10.41, 11.40 p. nt. Sun days. D. Xi IT. n. R 12.03. 0.17 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or LohlgH A alley Parlor cars on nil trains between AVIIkos-Borre and Now A'ork. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridgo. ROLL1N It. AVILBUR. Gen. Supt., 29 Coitland Btrcet. New York. CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 29 Cortland street. New A'ork. A. AV. NONEMACI1ER, Dlv. Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservation'! apply to city ticket ofTico, CD rubllo Square, AVIIkts-Bano, Pa. . BEADING SYSTEM. Central Bailroad of New Jersey. Corrected to September 10, 1002. Stations in New A'ork, foot Liucrty, street and South Ferry, N. R. Trains leave Scranton for Now York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem. Allen town. Munch Chunk, AVhito Haven, Ash ley, AVIIkos-Bitrro and Plttston at 7.20 i. m., 1 p. in. and 4 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. m, Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7.2(1 n. m.. through solid vostlbnlo train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phila delphia with o.ily ouo change of cms for Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and all principal pemts south and west. For Avocn, Plttston ami AVIlkcs-Barro, 1 p. m. nnd 1 p. in. Stinduy. 2 lo p in. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, ctc. 7.20 a. m. and 1 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrlsbtir via Allentnwn at 7.30 a. in., 1 p. m. and i p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. For and Potlsvlllo, 7.20 a. m.J 1 p. in. nnd t p. in. For rates and tickets apply to assnt ae station. AV. G. BESSLER. Gen. Manager. C. At. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. - Pennsylvania Bailroad. Schedulo in Elfect Juno 10. 1002. Tmlns leavo Scranton 0.2S a. tu., week davs, through vestibule train from AVilkes-llarre. Piilhnuii buffet parlor eat and roaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vlllo; stops al principal Intermediate sta tions. Also connects for Siinbuiy. llar risburg. Philadelphia. RalHninrn, AVash lngton nnd for Pit billing and tho Vet. 9 17 a. m.. week days, for Snnbury. Ilnr lisbtirg. Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg .mil iho West. 1 ( p. in., week dn.vs. (.Sundays. I...S p. m.)," for Sunbiirv. lliirrlsburg, Phlltiil-M-phln. Baltimore. AVashlnston and Pitts burg nnd the AVst. nS n. m., week days, through vestlbnln irn'fu from AVIlkcs-Baiie. Pullman huff ft parlor i-ur and coaches to Philadelphia via, Potlsvlllo. Stops at piluclpal intermedi ate stations. , . 1 ;;.", n. m., week di vs. for llrizlelon. Sun bury, lliinlsbuis. Philadelphia und P1U3- UuiE" j. n. iiuTcniNSON. non. Atgr. J I!. WOOD. Gen Pas. Agt. Delaware and Hudson, in Kifeii Jnn lu, lpjj. Trains for e.'arliomlalo leave Surunton at 0 41 ":io. skis. Pi-12 a in: 121.5. 1.12. 2.11, Mil! (,M, li-25. k-21. 9.15. 10 01 p. III.; 1213, 1'For'li'onesilalo-l!.ll, 10.13 n. in.; 2.11 mvj "'For' Wllkes-Bnrro--:is. 7.11. S. II. 0 17. 10 32 n. n" : 12."L 1-12. -MS. 3.25. 4.S13, 0.10. 7 i? 10 11. ll.l'J I'. Ul. For i! V- R- " 0.17 a. in. Mi l 23 and 1I.I9 p. ni. "For lvpm-vlvanla rt. It. Polnts-ii 2 0 47 a m.t 1.12. SI.2S nnd 1.23 p. ill. l'-or Albany nud all points north 7.25 a. '"""""SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondnle-s.'Ji. 11.2.1 n. in.; 2.11. i mi S 52 nnd 11.17 p. m. . -. For'AVIlk"K-ISarro!.;S a. m.; I2o:t. 19. S.'.'s. b.:b nnd 017 ; in. , .- For APianv and polnls noilh 3...0 p,m. For Honosdae-S30 a. in.; It. 22 und 2 51 V W' L. PRYOIt, D P. A . Sernnton. Pi. Erie Bailroad Wyoming- Division, III EtlVcl Suplemiier 13, 100;'.. '" Trains leave Scrnnlon for New A'oik, Newburgh nud Intermedlalo points, ulsn tor llavvley and local stalloiu. at 7.20 a, in and 1 25 p. U). For Iloucsd.ilo and AVlilto Mills ut 1.33 ''Trains nrrlvo nt Scranton at 10.CS n. nv, and 015 P- " Now York, Ontario nnd Western. Tlmo tuhlu in eflect SUuduy, Sept. 23, 150J. NORTH IIUL'ND TRAINS. ... Leavo Leave Ari-lva I Trains. Scraulon. Carboudalo. Cadola. .Ii).:;ii,i. in. II. lna. m. l.tuipun. , ii ID p. ni. Ar.l'arbondalo 0.103)411 SOUl'll BOUND. - l.e.ivu Leavo Arrive Cudodlu. Carboudale. Scranton, , , i;.30a. in. 7.23 u. m. . . 2.13 P. 111. 1.00 p. 111. 4.45 p. m. rvo. i . No. 7 .. Tialns. No. ii . No. 2 SUNDAYS ONLY. NORTH BOUND, Leave Leavo Arrive Trains, No. 0 , No. 5 . Scranton. C.ubondale. Caelosla. S.20u. in. 0.10 a. in. 10.43 a. in, p. in.Ar.Cuiboinialo 7.15 P.m SOUTH BOUND. Leavo Leavo Anivj Cndosla. Corbondale. Scranton. 0.50u. m. 7.23 a. in. Tin 1 114, No. 0 No. ID 1.30 p. in. li.uis p, m. M.1.1 p. m. iViiins Nos. 1 on week ilnvs. and n on Sundays iiuincct lor Novy A oik city, Jlld. illelown, Walton. Nuiwleli, Oneida, Os wego und till points west. Train No. C, with "Quaker City Er. press" nt Scranton. via C. R. R. of N. ,i for Philadelphia. Atlantic City, Baltimore! AVnshlngton and Pennsylvania stat points. See timo-tnblo nnd consult ticket agents for connections wltjt othor lines. 3. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A.. Now York. J. E. WELSH. T, V. A., Scranton, Pa, ,'