f?fwit 84iiS,4-"-H1 i WL THE SCIUOTOX TJUBUJOiJ-li'RTDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1902. w "-''? 0e cranfon $ri8une Fnbllantct Dolly Kxcept flitncUy, by Th Tribune FublUhtBf Company, at Fifty (!t nta t Month. MVY b. ntcttAnn O. F. BYXHIIK t " ' '. 1: Kditob. Xnttrcd at th rostofflc t Sainton, ai fteronit ClaM Mall Mailer. 'When tpnce trill vtMuIti Ilia Tilliitno In Iwnya Bind to print hort letter front II friend bearing on currant tiiplii, but Hi rnle It that tlteiamuat bnalcneili for imb. llontlon, by tha writer' real iirtmal and the condition praoadant to urcrptunce la that nil contribution! ilmll be iiibjrrt to ailltnrUt revlilon. THK TLAT KATK KOH AUVKHTISIXO. The fallowing table Duma tha price per Inch each Insertion, spare tn be Used nllliln one yenri 1MHPLAY iieiwthairuli Tiithe (0 luche . . . i WO " . , . . 50 " 1100 " JUOO " linn of Paper jiT '.ii .lit .thlllllt on ll-iiillng .14 .11 .iri run I'ailtlon ' iu" .S M ."0 .'.'4 .IJ For cat'H of thank, rcolulloin of conilulem , ami filmllar tnntilbilllorn In till' Imtilre of luhnll-lng, lUe Trlbun make a charge uf 5 cen'.i a lino .-iCitAX'i'uN, N'nvi;.iui:it 7, ipoj. The iiKKlointliiii In uhli h nliit tm Hlr- ronilliir In lildlt nU"i 1 1 in t till' vol pia of I'oihi lili ii h mI .ill of their fun lielme rlfi'tluM. Tlie Doom of Puslon. Tin: i:u: tio.v iptum rnun Xfv n' i lt li.ive ni.m tiii'ii.ilim-, i oniL'inliiR " ot wlili'h Kio.it uiluils iii.i.v illffet; but tlu if U im ilineieme nl opinion ro-ipMctliiK tliHi nuiiniiiK .is ic Rinl S"-it low. The Mitt foi Oiler, which sin in Niil even Of ii'oi mtli' innii nsc'M, icino'-oiiH In 1 1 1 1 k " Tat L u enn ilcinn itiuii of tlu rtt-liin 1 01 11 lit eieil mi'iit ami much of it .i-. i.ist b I5c IHllilli.nis fot the m Mult Ulll nose ol tniph.iul.'liu tlit 1 1- ills'-. tl-'Cu'tlon. Th.il tlil-i (IN-.itl-fiKtlo'i is ,iltootlu r fair mn ho ilonbted. To t.il.o out .tn adiuinisti.itlon ,is Ills ami ruin pIIl.i letl n 1 1 i.i I of X' Vol I. i !t and i m u:in 1,'f It on ilifliiiit llitts Horn thosu lii.'vnlriit limine Tiinim tit. supinii.tfy, i no small miili'i t.iKlliH nor oin- Unit ran bo i .nihil to a siiii(sful issue In h niuiith oi i i.ii. Th it a Kicit cl".i! of Bond win); has ljt.cn ,ui uiunlMii d Jithmd thn "-cents but noL jet sibl( to the pit .md Killii!ts. v el ptob.iblo. Ytt in soine of tin- i onspli nous te.ituitK of stovrimncut ilKiiipoliiliiici't Is jttotl tiecl. Th" pi (si nt :iil,nlnlsti,itloii ot tlie police and flic dep u tinents in Xeu Yoil (its is palpibls infuioi In uie't ieness to Unit given bv T,iiiini.in , and its. infeiioiltj is s(i ni.milest to tie- indi vidual oitlen that bis o-s of c untitle ncc cannot be wondeied at. It takes not onlj a peimis toi oianl 'atlon. but inti mate ,io(ti.iint.iiu c with polite condi tions and tin? eo-opi l.ition ol a comp.it t and peiinauent politic il mat bine to effect tekiims in tlies(- dep.u tnimts Meicl selectlim houe,-t men at the top does not snlvc the pi oblem. Tlu y must hce instimnentalitles win, l,Lli t enfoice then ideas tit diseiphne, and thco the r.ow .iilininb.ti.Uki'.i l.n Us Ttiesduj's ote in O, eater Xew YoiK piesases T.nniii.mv' e.ulv itstoiation to pouei and will, thueloie. maUe Major Low's, woik liaider fiom this time onw.n.l. And. seiiousix, nuuli as this in,, v be lesietud b admiieM of ll0li-paitian KOei mntlil f;eneiall, It III uniloublcdl:. be iiallul b Xew YoiKeis with si inline .s.ulsf.u Uim Tam muny s;oeinuiciu Is evitknih the Kind of gocinment that most faiily iene Fenlh th"in Its lout md gi.itt .uc u;l looicinf,', but sj iiiiiuii, ai hi ihn pif.ii inq: nioial stui'il.iuK Inteatl ol lijiiiR to build iiom,.iiil lioin the tup, thoe illins who wish lor municipal im pioement in Xew Yoil. elt, as , iM -liete, had liefer ti v to build tipw.utl from the bottom, b lo-opointln witli one or the othci ot the peiniaiitnt polin'cal p.nUts and uMn their intlu eiue to tiiict lelonn.s within paity linos. In this Hie It Is Hie ublllly in man to lesisl Hie .itt.it Ks of J, ah. us Knot K eis inther than genius that instiies biicec'ss in most t a-Li, Canada. I AIll: Tiuonto (llobe noles . 1 .s.itlsf.ietiiin th a a ieial of i intoie-i In I'auadlnu .ittdli.s is dlsieinlblo In Hie I'nited States. Ilerentlj Ihad.slKel's devoted a ?peelal isstp' to a lonipiehtnshe le le of the fliiuiitl.il, (oiunuitl.il and Inilttstil.il development ol the Domin ion dmlliK the past aw jetus, mid Mniultiineiiiily theie niiptuml in the PptliiRllehl llepublliau the beginning of a seile.s of iiitiflis of hiinllttr natuic, emboiijiim' the obseiatioii of a tt riln cd obstnoi on a lour of Camilla, Tiom tliese two puhlltations it ,,p. peats that Ciuatllan e.Mimts in a little moie tliitii two tleiiidfs hae ucailv ttfblod. Hi lli: Canada s-ohl to Oieat Hllttiln fc'.mdh w oi Hi le-s thuii KO.OOO, P"0; 111 li!!') hho j(ili oel $100,000, OnO vottli, Ciiuiilit has iiit'i eaeil her to tal foielcn tl.'ide b iteaily S.'im.iiOO.rmO 111 ten yc.ii?, It Ih also shown that thn lubieufee In CMiotls h not euullned to nii'ttital pioduel". The expoit of nianu taotuifs Ineieasfd tinui jT.iloo.Ofio in 1W3 to $S-,0fi,0C0 In I'll).' Dm Ins the eur ended .lime SO, 190', Hi" iiKHiesate tiiide of Canatla, taken on a basis of Knods enlufd for toiiMiinptlon and Ca nadian pioduco exptuipil, un.s f&'PS.tiii OCO, oi in IlK'ltiise met JSOii of $107,(100,. 000, an Incitfiso prr head of population InisK yeutsi of HiH Till Is t.tld to ex ceed the Biow lb s-hiii.n In a $!inll,u pcilod by any ollur eniiiitiy, Thn R-iowtb In the nsi nnt bnsiuiss of thp t'liaiteietl Ii.uiI.k Ih al.so cited as un cdeiK0 of Canadian development Two je.'tis ago the total paid-up tnp. X-i of the Canadian ihaileied banlts w.fs $(,G.'.'01,Wi now It Is ?7O,'J7.40S. and uijausunit'iils a i belnir inndu lor n still fuither cxpaiiHliin in the banliluK' rnpitul of the imrntty. Itefeulng to the Ktowih f population In 'Canada, the Kpiinsfleld ltepubllcui l)tcr points out that Aiueiltan liiiiiil Kiutlon Into Manitoba and the Cana dian tciittoiles 1 1 out 1SD7 tu the cutl of June, 100.', was 70,000, and tliat It was expected to tenth lOO.OOW by the end of June nixt jeur. Tliese, tha Tot onto Clobe thlnkc, ate. Impoitunt fJt'ts sub mitted or the consldeiatlon of the Ametlean ptople, and they me atcoin panted by tome timely leniatkn as to ti'. aitiiiniH ut Amcrlians towaids the Dominion. It It compared with Unit maintained by Uiltnln tow aid the Americans for tto or tlnee genet ullon. The liiciensliiR milet ot American jjoodi In Citnitdii ntul the iletneitsc in Oitlin illati expoil.s to the United .States nre mentioned hh liilltiencfa which, coupled with the high tmlff miilntiiliied by the iiiniblh', lend to sticiiRthun the Inilii ent'C In favor of lilRher C'ainidliiii dutlcj im Amei It'Jiii aoods, This statement of what intiy be railed the t'utiiiillnit ciiho Is pieseiited In ("tieli a way its to Ini piess on Atiieih'iin leadeis the wisdom of fuMiiInK tiVet tines tow'iild fleer lonl- meicliil icliitlnns with the Dominion, We have no hesitancy in ofteiliiR ut our opinion that it tedpioelly in tango incut wllh (Viiiiida would In the loli i tin be unite as iithnntiiseotis for the I'nlled Slates as It would undoubtedly he limucdluteh heuellclnl for Ciitiaihi, While outs Is now nun It the ki enter inaiUet, the pio-puct ofmowth In Can ada wui units out taking tome pains to set me a vlitual monopoly of the Cana dian ninilU't, iilwajs bemlng In inlnd thnt liiolnssfM will uiUh moie Hies than Incuar. l.ate-'t l epulis loneernliiK the Mol-liu-ii tilal siiKprst that the liitleh l.ilKed of new tpstlniony must have been a bluff. Krujfer's Reminiscences. T Med by Ills own lack of elasticity1 and fotcplRht, PIltsbniK It nattnally oluiRilned that the clown pi luce ot Mlnm only spent one day lit tin. .Smoky city. The Pltts buiffcis thoiisht that they hail cnninth itltiiicttonH to Loneentiatu the Raze of ('liowfa for n week at least. The Itlack Diamond oxpiess Beeins to have jrlvcit Canle Xntlon a sIIhIU dose of her own medicine. Outline Studies of HUman Nature WEAK KIDNEYS AND BLADDER TROUBLE Had to Pass Water Very Often Day and Night Cured by the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp-Root Hi: PCHI.ICATinX of Paul Kumei's ipinliilsit'iit es Is u lltcl.uv event of lilsloiltal Intel et. JvitiRer lias made hNtoiy, mill It beats the stamp ol the ti undent Benin- ami leinpetament of the man. The AutnbioRiaph.v of an V. lle niituiallv pin takes of the ieent meiit, the disappointment the humilia tion, llu longing-, the depiession, and Hit pessimism, tianslused with mor bid optimism, which Is t liai.it let Istie of those fonlble ih.ii.uleis whom war or into has lobbtil ol the politlr.il pi e emiutnte whitli tin once held. X.ipo leou In St llelin.i plaved the empeior to. the last. JCitiKer, In his modest le tieal at the llnguc. Kills below Xapo leou as nnicli In torn. tulle tlisnli.v as he does in intelleetu.il statute. Yet theie Is n stiiKiii; simllaiity In their hntitil of Jbiuland. Xor little as we may sjinpathle uith It tan we tall it uii leason.ible To eat Ii pel Ihllolis Albion has been'tlie nick upon w hit h the bai k of tbei ' dtslifiiiuK' ill cams has been shlpwHi ked. The mendacitv of Xapo leon s lcinlnisi elites is ni.ignini cut. If bis was the onlv lecoid lelt of the stems ami incidents wliith be ion tiolkil and tlbeeted, be foubl not be moie supeii'lllously lesuidle'-s ot ti lit li. Xoue Knew bettei than he that the woild pieleis lor Its supeilbial put pi)s. s plausible f.ilsebootls to obscuie or letontlite f.ii ts. Kuigei is a ie liious mail. Out of the li ibul.itions uf a se.ued heait and a dlsllltislont d old ime, if he speiKs bitterly and foolishly, we tan at least it edit him with abso lute sm pi t. The evti.iots fion Ktitsei's blos i.ipbj" which hue been cabled to this tommy have all leleieuce to events leading up to the Doer v.u. lie ac cuses the late Cecil Ithodes ol beluj? the Ciuy l"auv of tlie (onspiiacy whitli led to the ovtitlnow of the two lcpubliis. In dolntr so, be is peifeetly iustllletl. Dul politicl i onspli at ies by Individu als can onlv sun eed wliete the loice of pt tp.n atoiy t iiouiiistniH es pi o Ides them with the soil In whitli thev tan e.isj geimlnate It was Kiugei's ic aetlonaiy, obstinate polity which gave itliodes his oppoi lunltv. The nbottlve and tiimiaal Jamtson l.iltt would have lulneil lu el i lev ably the t onspli. icy and the tonspltatois alike hail Piesldent Ki iiijei le.ilixetl tlie peiil iu whitli tlie seething ami i evolutional y discontent oC tlie Otitlandet.s plated the independ ence of his lepubllt. By gianting to .Tohanncsbuig a eonclli.itmy nie.isitie of inimltip.il selt-goeiiiment he could easllj have antleipiteil ithodes' machi nations and lolled them. Dut, then, it letpilies a states-man of pieilente to taKe advantage ot the discontent that (ttlniluates In a llneatened or active evolution to loiuede the measiue of (onstltutlon.il lieedoni which take:, the mound 1 1 out under tlie leet of the con spliutoi.s, Piesldent Ki tiger followed onl too f.ilthtullv the example set for him by Ihigllsb niinlsteis lioin the dais of Chalks the Tii.st to out own. Ilis titatinenl ot the Outlandeis was baldly less toAlemptiblc or nuue en lighteiifti than tlie polity pin sued tor tentuiles In Ii eland by the Ibltlsh gov (uiuient. Mi. Kiugcr believts in Clianibeilalu's (otnpllclty In the Jameson ) aid. t'huiu beihiiu teit.iiuly li.nl nolblng to do with the laid, although his attitude lowant the leaders of the Joliiiunerbuig con spliiuy was, it s not disputed, equl votallj s,v inpathetii' when he loiind, as IthotHs imintl, "that nothing could bo done with old Kiilgei," To Insist that Chambeilain intilgued with Ithodes be hind the baths ol hl.s colleagues In plamiliic. u illlbtistcilii'; inclusion on a lllelldlj tenltoij s to pm-suppose that Kind S.illcbuiy, Alt, ISallotu, Sli Mich ael lIleK.s.ISe.uh and their allies, in associating with siuli a man iu the pi) eminent ol their (otiniiy, weie as devoid of all nioial lesponslblllty as Kiilger would liave us to believe that Ch.uiibeilalu was. n , oer. lain that uelthei Hie queen nor l.oid Hilllsblliy believed lu thesy net usatioiis, and they had the means of dlsiovei liij their titith aiiMiluielj, If thej vei tine, .Ml. Ii tiger sa,v.s that the Outlandeis who dammed toi iiatUiuall.atlon i on tesslons weie nut blntete, ami It Is In deed haul to beue In llielt simeilty That ueai 1 a luuulied thousand thig INhiucu bliottld wish to betoiue .stibjett to u mediaeval Dutch oligauhy Is as pieposteious as .Mr, Ktuger himself tan well tonteive It to he, but that the majoilti of them hud an ulleiior put pose to ineillnow ihe tepubllc Is not toiislsitnt with the mlonllng genius of ihe Angln-SaNtm i.ue. They weie eudoavoilng lo htipeisede an elTete and pluchbttk iiutoiiaiy b) living and pto giesslve lepubllciin Institutions, AH the legislative concessions they de manded weie a means tp that end. If Ml'. Kiugtr had bad mote faith lu po litical justice, lu its luevltableness, p it; leasoiiableuesi-, iu Its supienmcy, In Its gtamlem, than In contented Mauser lilies and Ciesotc guns, he would today be lejoltlng lu the piospeilly of a gieat stute, even uccoidlng: to the modem Idea of nationhood, and not loamlng about Km ope, a pitiable old man, ex- A Joke Thnt Failed. The CliluiBo Tilbuue tells the sad stoiy ol a Jnkn which did not tome oft. It tint Jlcinv D. DKey mill U'lllou KneUii.ve seV ci at slniolcnns nml cntiTil ciulle as much Imighlei ns If It had not mlstiiiilril. The nnlv tlllfeieiit" Is thnt Ihe witmg people dlil the laughing. DKey and L.tckaye, It appeals mo oltl fi lends of c'liutmcev Ul i oil, who opened at n Clileago theiitcr hi one of his legulatlon iintilotle Illsh dia lling Oleott, of couise. Is nilieh of nil Idiil with (lie Illbeitilans, and lias been moie or less hleutllled wllb "cveial move nit'iits looking towanl the fieedom of Hie Ibneiahl Isle. Well, on Sunday night, when llltott opciietl in I'tikatjn. l)le mid l.aelaiie weie lu one of the stage boes. They both seemed to be gieiilly amuse tl ut something, and al the close of the set ond ucl thev could baldly sit still iu their seats, lint when nothing Imppeivd smiles gave wnv to downs, and both of them weal out, npp.nelillv ninth tils ippolnled. It appeals that the two t onspli Minis' had planned a ti'iilfic pine Ileal loke on Oleott whitli was Intended lo lepiv him fta sewial of which they hail been the victims. They hid "pent ncnil. J.'ii In lrivlnp built a huge lloi.il hiiip, wllh "I'o t iKiuiii'ev Oleott, fiom the A. I'. A.'s of L'hleigo." embroldeted on It lu big leil letteis. Atcoidlng to the plan this limp was to Wive been handed up ovei tin, footlights to Mi. Oleott at the end ot tlie second act, l!ut, loilti nati lv, Mi. Oltotf.s manager found the boy who had It In tli.iiue in the lobby dining the Hist ntt and entbely spoiled the Dlev -Kat Kiive levengn bv spudlng It niniiud lo the stage dotu, wheio It was toi n to pieces bv tin- line son of the old sua who gum ils that wnv uf est ape. Among His Relatives. "Diamond Joe" Reynolds 1 elates this stni v of the late Philip Almoin, of Chi tago who. in ausw'ti to an Inoaliv If he was not otlen doubled by those lu need of assistance, answeied: "lively ti.iv. I have one Impecunious neir lelative who is foievel lmpoi tuning me lot help Kin.ill.v 1 shut down on him A few davs ago when he came to this olllce I tefuscd to see bin,. He went home and pesteied me with letters Fin ally I told mv lln.uicla': in m to wille him that it he would agiee not to v.ony mo for two je.ns 1 would l't him have $'iW. He wiote hack, 'Make it five jeais and Jl.nfto ' That was so like an Ainiour," ald Mi. Ainiour, with a chuckle, "that I let him have it. Well, In about two weeks J s,ot a teller tioni his wifr- saving that, as she h.ii; not been a paiiy to the con 1 1 .it t sin Imped I would make the same niiaiigi'ii'inl will, bei " Xew Voik Time. One on the "Old Man." Tlie veiith had adopled the pomp.'itltuu method of combing his liair and his fa thei didn't like it The latter bad an Idea that theie was only one sensible ami m.inlv wav to tomb the hiii nml that was lo p.itt it on the side elthei side Dveilhliig else wns dudish and affected in his opinion. Onlv a woman wis piivl legcd to take llbeitles with oltl estab lished methods "Vouug mill." he x.ilil, as be looked tin' joutb over, "jou look like n fool." Time was no dlsi iis-lon, and shoiil; theie.ifttr in old dieml of the familj came in "It's staining," he "aid, bv way of pli'asaiit comment, "how much von ic .semble vonr fathei " "So be' jut b.'i n lelhnvc me," aiis svvi led the outh 'Ihe oltl gentleni.iii looked haul at his son foi a moment "Well," lie tonied'd at last, "1 gues join bialu baun I been nfferted bv oui lool notions of hnir tbesslug as jet." liioukljn Dagle. SIEATRi A few days can be pleasantly spent In a trip to Norfolk, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. VIA THE OLD DOMINION LINE Steamers sail dally except Sunday fiom Pier 26, Noith ltlver, foot of Death stieet, Now York. Tickets, Including meals and state room accommodations, $S.OO one way, Jia.OO tound ttlp, and upwatds. Send stamp for lllusdated book. OLD DOMINION STEAriSHIP CO 81 Beach Stieet, New Yoik, N. Y. II. B. WAKKlin, Tiafllu Munager. J. J. BROWN, Geueial Passenger Agent. Lubricate Your Hachinery by Scientific flethods and save SIXTY PKll CDNT. ot ex. pcui5.es We inako a speilalt.v of pioper 111 In Icants loi piopet piu poses. The Sanderson Oil and Specialty Co,, 1 Race Street, City, HENRY BEL1N, JR., Central Agent for the Wroislrg District tot Dupont's Powder Ululns, nintin;, Sporting, Fmoclta .nj the Btpauno Clieuiical Ccmpiu'i HIGH EXPLOSIVES. hletjr fuse, Cap tnd 1'iploderi. Itcuo 101 Cos Bell Building .ScrintCD. AOb'.NCIUS. J01IV U. SUU II &0N Pbinoutti E. W. UULUOAN ,..WlkDair Vn. KU.MKIt & CO, ninghnmton, X. Y About two eais ago 1 had a veiy sevcie case of kidney and bladder dou ble. The pain In the small of my back was so seveie that 1 tould noL stand It to stay in one position moie than a moment or two, and was obliged to pass water veiy often day night. 1 tiled medicines and doetois without get ting lellef. Noticing an ndvei tisoment In the Topeka State Journal of Swamp Boot, r detei mined to give it a tilnl and bought it bottle. By the time I had finished the 111 si buttle the pain had entiiely dlsappeat cd lioin mv back. The pain and frequent tlesiie lo pass water teased. However, I i ontliuictl to take the medicine, uing about six bottles in all. That was over u year ago and 1 have had no letttin of the double since. (A. H. Xooncv.) Chief yCZ-" Tf Y Ihigiueet State Capitol f l I Building, Topeka, Kan. i J (. ffV-)vc S Jan 2nd, Uti-'. "Weak and unhealthy kitlnejs aie lesponslble tor moie sickness and suf feilng' than any other disease, theiefote, when thiough neglect or other causes, kidney double is petmitted to continue, fatal icsttltt me sutc lo folio:.'. "We often see a lelative, a lilentl, or .tn acquaintance apparently well, but in a few days we may be giieved to leain of their sevtie illness, or sudden death, caused by that fatal tvpe of kidney double Blight's Disease. Tlie mild and enaoidln.uy effett of the vvotld-t.imous Kidney and blad dei lemedy, Dr. JCilmei's Svv.inip-Boot, Is soon tenlled. It stands tilt; high est for Its wondeiful tines of the most distiusslng ea' es. A dial will tonvlnte anone and ott may have a sainplebottlo sent fice, by mail. Sample l?o!t:r Swamp-Root Free by Mall. KOlTOBIAB XOTK Sw amp-Boot has pi oven so successful in eveiy tase, made by which all leadois ol The Tub have a sample bottle sent absolutely about Swamp-Boot, and containing m of testimonial letteis i etched lioin health, in fact then -veiy lives to Swamp-Boot. Iu wilting, be suie and the So .in ton Dally Tribune when send Biiighamton, N. Y. If you aie alteady convinted that S put chase the legular lifti-tent and one eveivwheie. Don t m.iKo any mistake, Di. Nilmet's Swamp-Boot, and the add tie. has been tested in o many w.iis, and that a special un .increment has been line who have not abeady tiled It may fiee by mail. Also a book Idling all any oL the thousands upon thousands men and women who owe their good the wondeiful eui.itlve piopettles oL mention leading this geneious oftei in ing your addiess to Di. Kllmei es Co., w amp-Boot Is what ou need, ion can dollar sl,:e bottles at tlie chug sloies but lemember the name, Swamp-Boot, i ess, Binghamton, X. Y., on eveiy hot- Mr. George W. Wattdns, ofoo and 502 Lackawanna Ave., earnestly recommends his patrons and the people of Scranton and vicinity generally, the magnificent collec tion of Oriental Ru gs and Carpets Which are gathered from the Piincipal Palaces, Mosques and Castles by 11 r. Hartcn Kasab, of Constantinople. They will be sold at AUCTIO REGARDLEsSS OF COST Commencing at 2.30 and IM P. M. daily and continuing this week 500-502 Lacka. Avenue The Moosic Powdet Go Booms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bldg. SOEANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER tlade it Moosic and ltuiluiale WotU H Laflin & Rand Powder Co.'a ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric ll-ittciici, Ultctrlo Iliploders, E. plodms Dli.ta. Hjtety 1'itfe. REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. ! 'fr ' ,3"5 en in Nee Of anything in the lino of optical goods wo can supply it. !S pectacle and Eye Glasses i Piopeily fitted by tin expert optician) From $1.00 Up Also nil kinds of piescrlp tion woik and lepnhlngr. Alercerenu & Conneli, 133 Wyomiug Avenue. A $20. For WHO WANTS GO in GOLD a Christmas Present? Twenty Christmas Presents $50.oo ..-.w.0. "C G'V.Ci.' by T,,c Scra'"" Tribune lo tlie Clilltlrcil of Scranton aiul iVuriliunntcrii I'ciiiiHylvanla. One Present $2Ot0O in aold $MOO One Present IOi00 ,n Gold IOi00 OnoFrcscnt 5.00 In aold e.oo Two Presents 250 Each 5,0O Five Presents 1. 00 Each c.oo Ton Presents soclHach., ' 5.00 Total Twenty Presents $50.00 TUB 'IltlltUIMU'S SIXOND AMNUAL Junior Educational Contest. A Contest in Word-Buildiiir. Who Can Alakc Hie rtlost VortIs Out of tile Letters In T-H-E H-O-M-E P-A-P-E-R 'TTTS TS imicli easier than last year's contest, and tvvcntv of the brightest boys aiul girls will secure Christmas Gifts 111 Cash for mak'intr the hll-trest. nunilirr vf wnrrls nut nf lhe.se letters. t is lots of fun lo think out the words and hunt tlieiu up in the dictionary, and besides it will help vou with your spelling. You will be stirpiised at the number of different ways tliese twelve letters can be used. Rules of the Contest. Presents will be given to the bovs or girls, whose parents ot guardians aie subscribers to T1TE TRIBUNE, building the largest number of words out of the letters contained in ""The Home Paper." No letters must be used any more times than they appear in these three words. As an example, onlv one "A" 'could be used, but there might be two "IPs" or three "E's." Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Web ster's International Dictionary" (edition of IS!)S) will be al lowed. Any dictionarv can be used, but in judging the contest THE- TRl !ilTNE will debar all words not found in Webster's. Pioper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap pendix" will not be allowed. Obsolete words are admitted if defined in the dictionary. Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once. AVords with two or more definitions can be used but once. No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O." How to Write Your List Write on one side of the paper only. Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter. Place the words alphabetically. Write your name, age, address and number of words at the top of your list. Vrite the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and who is a renular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE. Fold the list DO NOT ROLL. COIVTEST CLOSES SATURDAY. DECEJVlltHR 20TII at 5 P, M All letters of inquiry for information will be promptly an- 1 sweied. Address v our list of words, or any question you wish J answered, to CONTEST EDITOR, SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. PA. BED ROOM FURNITURE We have now in stock the finest display of these goods ever made in Scranton. Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na poleon post bed styles. They are ele gantly rich. Dresseis and Chiffoniers in beautifully finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis XIV styles. Wc Invite Inspection Whether You Are Going to Buy at Once or Not, 121 ? Washington Avenue M H Headquarters for Incandesce Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. sferarorsyth m 238-327 Pcnn Avenue. r2Sf3aiS6EZE5H3!SEaHSiSaSffiCaS EDUCATIONAL. H SUMMER RESORTSi Atlantic City. The temperature at tre AUM1W, On the licacli, In CSitlsea, Atlantic Ct , Weiluc-il.iy vwit. ssJ Uvety aiioliitmunt of a modem Hotel. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a thort course, nor an casj course, nor a cheap enure, but llio best education to be lud, No other education Is worth ependirg time and money on. It you do, rite lor catalosuo ol Lafayette College Easton, Pa. which niters thorough prcpmtlon In th 1 njintt'tins and Chemical I'rolesslons J well h the regular Colleje courses. HOTEL RICHMOND, KcnlucVy Avenue. 1'iist Hotel from Death, At lantic Cltj, N. J. ; W """a vn,w room; ta liRiliy 4(W, nritu 101 ncvij un. J. U. Jenl." ins, 1'rop PCNNSrt-V ANIA, BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a tpur of the Alleghany Mountain). I rhU!i V'jlky ullioJil; near 'lowauda Iljlhins, tU'ilns, (purls, itc. Excellent table. ItcJ.ouablo lite. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL P. O, An?, Pa. Send loi luoUct. O. K. U.UiltlS. state mum, SCHOOL, EAST SXROUDSBURG, PA. Regular Statu Noinml C'ouises and Fpi'U.il Dtp.il lincnls of Music, lllocu. Uim, Alt. DltlvvlliEr, Hleiiiigumliy ,uicl TspevMlthiB. htioiig Collejju Picp.ua. loty Dcpiitment FREE TUTION. Boil cling expenses i:o. per wcelt I'uplls iiilmltteil iu any tlmo 'Winter Term opens Deo. ."Jtli Write for cata. losue. E. L. KEMP, A. M., Piincipal. TON CORRESPONDENCE SCH001S &CKANTON, lA. rush 1, t'ics. i:imer 11 I.hvmiII.Ticus. l'ohlci Kl.iiiloy P, Allen, viie PietWent. Scuctai;?, i