The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 06, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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ft H
"? J'ublUhed Dally Ctcept Bunly, by Thel rlbune
A. tttblhlilng Compny,(it fifty font n Month.
' IjIVy h. nicitAnn ...... . rwion,
v O. 1 11YX111JK vilttilNiwi Mahacikr.
). Entered nt the J'o'lolllc nl Snrnnton, m Bocond-
CImi Mall Mutter.
'V When npnee tf 111 'permit, Tim Tribune I
'f'wlwnyn Rind to print liort letter from It
,Mirlcnrtii lionrlne on current tniilcfi. but It
ruin is tht tlieaemnit lie glcnetl. for pill)
' 'Mention, by thn writer' ronl niimeu nnil
. thct condition precedent to nrciiptunrn U
Hint nit contribution! ilinll bo mibjcct to
eilltorlnl revision.
- The followlnsr table bowa th price per Inch each
.Insertion, apaco to be ttsod within one year:
Hun of I Hli'"-
'l'" I Ilendhiff
I m than 50 Indira
Ml laches ....
UK) "
350 "
.. sen ",.,..
' 1000 "
rorcanls ortlmnka, resolution' of iidndolflnce,ind
Itnllar contributions In the nature ol nelvertlsliisr,
The Tribune innUci cbBrRo of S tent' n line.
AllhoiiRli Opfe.ilot, the lic'publlcmi
Diitr It) L:tcl!n.iiiliit Im not cllsmnji'tl.
JL will .oe It opponcliN .iK.tlll.
Post flortom
ALTHOUGH the local situation
doc not (iflot niiRli Ktoimtl
lor Kcpiililknu e?ntliU'iiMii,
tho lcsulls of tho
olrillon sue 1 till of eiirouiusement.
lNpcclally notablu .no the Kiiut ISo plutitlltlit leeoitleel in the
middle mid wotcm stales, now tho
dominant foi ce In Itepulilleaii nation. il
It does not appear fiom the iptiuns
fiom tlieso states tlitit the tailfC io
form doctilne as eiiunohiteil bv Mr.
Cle eland is ltnolulloiilziiiK- theii in
habltunts politically, In spite or tho
nlaini of Speaker Hemloi'-on anil other
Itcptibllcnns In the vest. Xo doubt
there is an inlinso fcelinc of ho-tllltv
to tt lists and monopolies in that tac
tion, which Is tho explanation of the
iHlnp- demand lot a ieiion of the
jiiotectlve tarilf. Hut it is evidently
satisfied that I'lP-ldenl l'.oosei'lt Is In
eauies-t in his eliorts to htliifr about a
better irsulntlim ot tuist and monopoly
mils and not Inclined to pietei a dp-s-tiuetip
to a I'oiistittcthc leinedy.
The ieult of these I.iirc itepublicin
lihualltles in the utslein
I'lpptions is unmistakably a jiopulai in
ducement of tho piosldent and a teiv
1ns of notice that he Is to be the net
lnesidentlal nominee. Tin y iiiMue his
nomination 1 acclamation. Thev also
indicate Ills diction. Xo luKou.iim-iu"-s
oi nnden uttliif, in the llnanc inl
i en tics nf the cast can pic all against
lilni, aosuinliii; Hint lie c allies lilmself
cts icll In the next eighteen months
.is lie lias can led himsilt thus f.n.
The state lesults betoKen the j,encial
Kindness of Itepubhcans In Ibis com
monwealth to substitute haimonv foi
factionalism and to heeK within
llnt'b the collection of evils and abuses
monotonously magnified b tlie opposi
' tion. Judge PemiMiacKei comes to the
go ei noi ship with an extiaoidlnaiy
i iiminission liotn the beht peoiile in his
own paity to take liolil igoiouslv mid
leailessly and to show that theie is
sulllcient capacity In the pat tv to ie
slst and to oeicome objectionable lu
lluencps and tendencies. He will entei
the e.Nec tithe mansion at llaiiisbuig
with no obligation bejond bis oath of
olllce, and the p.uly will look to him
to adlieie to the hpiiit and lc ttu of
that obligation leliglouslv.
Although he led a losing light, c'oiin
tv Ohalnnan Tujloi ehlbited ability
of ,i high oi dei, and was. absolutely
laithful to the whole ltepubllc an
ticket. He and Ids .ifesociates at head
iLiaitcis meilt the same coulial mea
ine of nppietltilion that would hae
been tlieli's bad the, fottune of war
been nioie kind.
The Chinese in the Philippines.
PItOFi:SS01t Ji;XKS advocates
tho ndnilsisiou of the Chinese,
into the Philippines. lie
doe.s j-o, not bee aue he
favois the Ulssenilnatlon of the Mon
golian upon ethical loiisldeiations, but
as tlie only solution of an induslilal
Mutation which the development of the
ai elilpelago demands,
Tho Philippine, he tugues, nie not
ti white man's coiiutiy, nor ate tlie
Filipinos phjMi'ally or moialh cental
tj the obllgtitions whkh tlie
piogiet-s of model n c Isillaticni Im
poses. The natives can ,suppl In their
tiopieal omliomneut such Mimll wants
as they lequhe. itut tuitlier they will
not go and cannot be induced to go.
Tin eo Imndiet! ems of Spanish chil
i.ation June not muth stlniuhited their
Ideas of .social londltlons. Their ea
aio too Juutlousy Indolent to bo
iiuiisilBtiieil li the application C
Ameilcan Ideals. AVe must either leave
'' J thehi as tliey aie, Piotessor .lonks con
- tonus, divining them into contict with
h race iuijiptmlu in. Jls phenomenal en
' dui'.inio',ti) any clhiicj that ofteis a u
waid to"unieniltlchi Industiy,
This is not a political question at all.
U ts puiely ethuologkal. If wo admit
" thrJ ChlneM', as Professor .lenks ad
-Wsefe, we'plui'e the Island!, in tho hands
ot a people which will dominate them
to the supei cession of tho rillpliios in
a hiirpi Kingly bhoit time, They will
) not chilli) pplltltnl ceiualliy, To thut
they mo ludlffeient. They will not
claim social "equality The civilisation
Which Uiey i any with them is Ineom.
p.ttiblo with the smallest meamuo of
such occidental Institutions us tile is,,
lauds aheady possess Xot that they
aie at uJl mlveisio'to joking an aetho
pait in pulltlcs or aping the customs
pt'tho Aost.' Uut thesu am qullo sub-
Hidiuiy o their ublqultious detennliia
tlou to make an Inioad into commies
fiom w'lilch they aie debaned.
If the ChinesQ nie udniltted to the
Philippines they will ovei-iun tlie
countiy us thcyJiuvo ovei-tun tho
v .M,a(ay penluhidii, the ijfiait'i, settle
ments and other South Pailllu 'islands.
- 'luly evI" ausou ntl dominate tho in-
" JfiistrlMWiUiiiitvi: 4f1 rlte-tountry,'
nattunl and cotniuciclal. Thrte li no
ceijso or i onion In .leptespjitlngi the
Filipinos to Iks what they nie not. They
nro itbsoltitclv nntl relatively devoid of
the Imliistilul Instinct and of thai pio
vldeiice which Is Its conollary, our
moral responsibility low aid them Is not
lessened but heightened by that IndH
ptitnblc fact, To pei mil tlie Chinese to
Inundate the countiy would hi the
totnso of a few genciutlons niean pinc
tlcitlly the cxtlticllon of the Indigenous
imptllatloit. Piofcssor .lellkM nihocatel
the ndinisslou of tlie Chinese fiom ob
seivatlon and compatlsou with the
Hiltlsh, Dutch niul (lei mini colonies,
hut our possession of the Islands Is so
lccent and our notion of the politic ul
and moinl lesponslhlllty which we owe
to them Is so liiuch at vailanee with
that of other colonizing poweis, and,
we hope, so much moio enlightened,
that such li policy Is nltnost lneoiupip
heiiHlble. Thole Is no littiiy. our expeilunce ni
time goes on will lectlty our mlstalces
and our success will be the niensuie of
our enlightened disinterestedness.
"While the news wasn't enctlv to out
liking, It Is some consolation to The
Tribune, as U must have been a souiie
or satisfaction to Us leudets, that It
laid It nil. In this connection, we wish
to i etui n our thanks to the uttmciotis
lileuds In all pin Is of Hit' coiintv who
helped us in the eolliotlon of l etui lis.
Oui legulur emplo.ves ulo winked with
ec optional willingness and lldellty.
ijiiu and all meilt iippirilutlve no
tice. The Doukhotibors.
--sylli: 7JOIfKI10lT150U.S, u sect
" l- lllllll Ullllllll IliIIVtJII-
loi mists, a contingent of
whom some few years ago
einlgiateil to Canada to enjoy the lib
el ly ot "worship" which Uwi Avete
liithlpssly denied at home, have bioken
out Into a mm oiling or mania.
Some sixteen hundiid ot them have
lft then homos convoying their chll
dion, the shit and the halt. Ihiough
tlie countiy thioii4li wbiih they pass,
enduring with elmac teilstic stoieisin
hunger mid stiffoiing by tlie way. Some
few -ceais ago dining the pel sedition
ot the Doukboubois b the Oilliodox
chimb It was geneially believed outside-
of Itnssla that thee people had
some albnltv, moiallv and lellgiously,
to Uh Xew IJiigliuid Putltans. They
weie supposed to he the victims ot ec
clesiastical tMaiinv. and tlieii hcgii.i
to the noithwest was .spoken of as the
heioic siilioidln ition of all woildlj ion.
sidtiations lo tt passionate confidence
in theii own interpietntion of tlie Scilp
utios and belief in things unseen, and
ic-volt liom the stiisuous supeistltions
and pneslh domination of the flieck
chuuh. The mistake was as
as it was egiegious
The Douklioubois weie undouhtedlj
peit-eciited bv the Holy Sjnod foi their
schism. ttio levolt. The Russian govern
ment does not toleiale sec ttuianism.
Jl neither believes in nor piofesses
leliglous toleiation. The Ccd.- Is tho
sphituil head of tlie Chinch. Confor
mity to its dogm it- is as essential to
the siipioinaov of tbeoeiatlcal govern
ment as unquestioning political subor
dination is to tlie autoetae.v. Still
theie me an appieolable if not a laige
numbei of Piotestant .seetaiies in "Rus
.sia who aie not petsecutecl, wliose ex
istence Is moie in less completely ig
uoted. The Douklioubois, however,
iiive at no time been tolerated and
hive been hvsteinatlc allv petsecuted.
But the car was glad to lPt them go
to Cmada. He put foi th no ettoit to
stop them
The truth is the Douklioubois me a
hec t whoso tenets aie incompatible with
the oiderl and plillanthioplc elements,
of society in niodeiating and legulat
Ing ihai.utu. The Douklioubois have
been lepresenled as unqu.illlledly the
most industiioiis and element
among the Ilus-dmi peasantry. They
aie abbtemlous but their lltuallstic de
votees have less moial const in
the coniincm sense acceptation than
howling diivishcs. It was the shmno
lcss giossness ol theii "levivals" and
"inteipietatlons" that has led laigely
to their peisecutlcm and inhibition In
Itussiii. They welcome, as fanatics of
this el.lss always do, the peilpatetle
impostoi whose transcendent claims are
so fuquently nllled with the pursuit of
tlie main chances. They me much
given, too, to the satiifielal rites of seir
inutllntlou and bin lug alive and
initio oigies for which civilization has
neither contenunce noi tnluntion under
any pietonce. Tho Douklioubois weio
liandled with a ioits,h hiiiid by Hip Rus
sian mtthoilties. To the Musi civile of
ficial the dlseoveiy ot an abuse of tills
kind does not piisent itself as an oc
casion for compi utilise. His impulse
and ti. lining lead to immediate action,
The Douklioubois weie welioinul to
Canada and might have pioven a valu
able acquisition h) it.s agileultuial pio
gitss, so far as meie animal stiength
'oes, but tlie Douklioubois me, In in
tellectual and moial development, as
chlldteii ot tho night of the Middle
Ages. The Canadian authorities be-llovf-
that these halt-naked dentines
will be dilven back to theii villages by
the ilgor of tho wlutei. This Is veiy
likely; hut It Is equally eeitaln that If
lett to their own devices theii villages
will become the thcaties of scenes
which will stagger liuiuunlt.
The Xew Votk Democials who allege
that Odell's up. state mujcnliy looks
suspicious, should not foi get that
fold's uito in theater Xew Ycnk Isn't
us Innocent lu uppimanco as a Huiiday
bohool picnic,
This election establishes a new
leadcnshlp lu tho Demociney of Lacka
wanna, Tho nunio of the ilm genet ul
of tho victois Is Hon. H. C, Xew
combe. Tho bench is boss.
Advice to Republicans; Xo back
biting, no lecilmliiutlon, no pin suit
of scapegoats. Take our nicdlclnu
giacefully unci piepaie for the ntM
The husband of Mis. llotklu, the San
Fianclseo woman lonvlcted of poison,
ing u rival, mid who Is soon to be
given another ttlul, has inade applica
tion tor u dtvotie. Fiom this, It would
appeur that th6 husband' believes he
will he safer out of reach In case the
woman Is telcitscd by the next Juiy,
Arcotdlipr to census biiioitti lepoits,
Jt hits cost 154 cents a head to count
llio population of I he I'nlted Statns.
And In some cases tho subjects seem
to lmu been haidly wot Hi the c
pense. The vote In Philadelphia ceitalnly
does not diminish the chain is of Is
lnol V. Dm liiim to miieced to tho
place In Pennsj lviinla politics now oc
cupied by M. H, Quay.
Tt seonis tltat the utilising against
the m my canteen did not llguic lo any
gient extent' In the national capllol.
The vote for Penn.v packer can bin illy
be consldeud a balm for lion. John
Omiine SUidies
ol fltiiTtan Nafiire
Why He Left Town.
A hiioil stoij Is leliilod of lloniv t'lav
Uian, the lmiuMis niatoi oL a geuiiatlou
nr so ago Mr Dean was gonoiall u
fiind lo us 'llcinv Clay Do in ot Inwa, '
even lung utter he hud established a
homo in .Mlssciiiii. lie explnlmd hi i
c hinge of habitation hi t lit -t was "Vint
see, Ihcv passed a netinloin iitohlliltloii
livv In Iowa, and theie s otir wliNUj
gnu", 'I lien tiny alinllhitl capital pan
Mimi'iit and there s vniu hinging gone.
And now tho whole population soims to
lie ihlftlug tow.ud linheisnllsm, unci
tlieie's vnni hell gone I e in't live in a
state that his m llhot lioll, limbing, ucu
vvblsk, 'The Atgoiiuut
Pndeiewski's Repaitee.
Abilltv In tin line of leiiutei Is iittl
llid to Ignino .Inn l'.uleievtskl Wnltn
Damuistli once Inliodtiii d the plinhl lo
Hie i hiiiuplou ))nlo plivti nl NuIaml,
and adtbcl: "I tiust vim will lie good
fiitnds, loi ciu m c both liadeis of join
si palate piolissleins, thoiibh thev tie,
of coinse, vi IV dllTeienl " "Xnt so ,ij
illrfeunl," iii(kl upllcel tin. pian
ist, 'an in vv lib ml i' a don soul who
pltvs polo, win u is I am a tl. u Pole
who pli's solo' Xivv Ymk Thins
Kitchenei's Wit.
A stcuv is going the loiuid oi .in al
ii nipt to iliavv" Lend Klltlieiiti nn tin'
eve ol Hie pi no with the JlcKls A (11
tidit blshoi) In Cape 'I ow il t li gi tplu d to
tlie th it In his next Siuuliv's si i
vlie he would like to give out tho hvmii
in ialso of no litglnulng, "Xnw Hi ml.
we all oiu nod, with lie ait and hinds
ami voice." mil bthghig bis loulshlps
opinion liul Kite lie in i leplied tint lie
thought this a -vei uu,. hvinn but tint
lit iniisldcieil ' Onvv ml, Chilslliin Snl
diiis" an oiniill lino one
A Pull with Lnuiier.
In tin ( slim itlon ol thu I'll nib Cnui SI I AVIIIlId ..null i Is tin gtiatist
II not lln onlv gK it poison living Sonie
lime ago i ' h ibll.iut" .11 1 ivlng In Hie eit
(il (IucIhc nn I an old fin nil and loll to
talking polltlis in the eouisi of tin im
veisntion he li.ipp urd lo liinition tin
name nt Qui on Viclcnln, and tin liinul
iufoiinid him that the nueui hid In on
dead fot ninic than a vim "Drnd"' ox
Rubbing It 111.
A miinhei of new and (Uniting am c
ilntes ot the Piime ol 'W'alis, now King
Cdw.uil, lolitlng to tint ;( ntloni in's
visit to the Cnltcd States In Imii. aie told
bv Lionel al Thomas T, James In the 1 tlta
Ohsnviu One of Hum nlitos to a little
incident which hippcned whin the pilnco
was visiting at Itirliminiil i Hcmv A
Wise wis goviinoi ol th il state at the
Among Many
Ask for
and the bet will be
given you.
It Gratifies
ways Satisfies
i bolil at &U flrxt ilafii t-xlcs an 1 by Jolilien -V"
tttl. I.VNVIIVN A, SOS, lUllllilom, Ml. -i.
Incandescent .
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
233-327 Poiiii Avenue,
T X 'ftflRp waA X
Mr. George W. Wattdns, of 500 and 502
Lackawanna Ave., earnestly recommends
his patrons and the people of Scianton and
vicinity generally, the magnificent collec
tion of
Which are gathered from the Principal
Palaces, Mosques and Castles by fir.
Marten Kasab, of Constantinople.
They will be sold at
Commencing at 2.1)0 and 7.30 P.
31. daily and continuing this week
500-502 Lacka.Avenue
1. CASE The case and nil panels nie made in our own factory, of
five thicknesses of the best highly seasoned lumber, glued together,
the giain of each thickness tunning acioss that of the thickness
next to it, thus leudeung it impossible for nny poition of the case
to shrink, swell or split.
2. SCALE AND TONE The scale is so drawn as to afford abso
lute evenness tin oughout the entire legister, and pioduces a tone of
sympathetic quality, and of great volume, purity and duiation.
3. SOUNDING BOARDS All sounding hoards are made of best
quality of enstem mountain giovn spiuce, and nie compressed in
such a manner as to obtain the tonal qualities of the violin.
4. BARS All bars on the sounding board aio locked, or let in un
der vue back, which makes it impossible for them to coma loose.
5. IRON BLATE The system oi" construction and oross-bor brac
ing and ribs of the plate arc such as give absolute safety against tho
pull of the strings.
S. STRINGING The best grado bf steel wire is used, and par
ticular attention is paid to graduation, in prder to produce a mooth
and even tone.
7. CHIPPING Ift addition to the usual "chipping" the strings
nro rubbed sufficiently to take out the stretch, thereby prolonging the
standing in tune of the piano.
8. ACTION All materials are the veiy best, and so constructed,
finished and regulated as to pioduco, a pliant, easy and responsive
touch, coupled with, uneriing piecision, and great powers of repetition.
9. KEYS The keys arc. made of tho finest grade of highly sea
soned stiaight grain wood, covered with the best ivoiy.
10. FINIBK Si:: coats of the very best Zanzibar polishing var
nish aie used. No iihellac 01 cheap grades aie employed for filling or
In any portion of the finish.
11. VOICXNG The hammeis are so tieated as to insure perfect
evenness and dui ability of tone.
12. OUR PATENT NOISELESS PEDAL The most simple and
best pedal in use today. No friction, and consequently no squeaks.
1043 to 1051
lu, Esuuin, or
r nn
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
Next Door to new Flist National Bank Building.
Rooms 1 nnd S
flfttiiiiinmuonllli Tlllr.
irvn A wn'nw i a
Made at Mooolc and llu.lidalo WorLa.
Iiflin & Hand Powder Co. 'a
U-'Urk Haltcrlcr, Klixtrfo Ihplodcri, Ex
liloJinj Illa-its, Safety 1 ue.
Rugs and Carpets
Details of Construc
tion and Points of
Superiority of the
JL ffV a JUIV-'
Capouse Avenue.
The L, R D. & M.
Shoe for Ladies
A hand-nmdu shoe of su
pei ior quality that tells for
.And not only wrait. liottpr
than many hlnher jirloed
i-liops, lint holds its slmpu and
ahus InoKa
bIW.i: A-Vlil Kid Vamp, mit
Kiel top, patent leather tip.
STVI.i: U Hiurael .inip, mat Mil
lop jitul tot,
STVI.I J CJ Vic i Wei N.imp. top
tmd toe.
nn cc
msnHi&rniPipsifh ;
ilHailI t
$20.00 in GOLD
For a Christmas Present?
Twenty Christmas Presents
-?.?. He C,ly.clJ by '' ,,c Scraiiton Tribune to the Children of
bcrniitaii and Niiriheastcrii Pennsylvania.
Ono Present
One Present
Two Presents
Ten Presents
Totnl Twenty Presonts
Junior Educational Contest.
A Contest In Word-Uuildlnjr.
Who Can Alakc the Most Words Out of the Letters In
TUTS JS lnuclt easier than last year's contest, and twenty of
the hi iyhtcst hob and girls will secure Christmas Gifts
in cash for making the largest number of words out of
t ice letters. It is lots of fun to think out the words and hunt
them up in the dictionan . and besides il will help vou with your
.spelling. You will be surprised at the number of different ways
these twelve letters can be used.
Rules of the Contest
Presents will be iven lo the boys or gills, whose parents
ot guaidians arc subsciibers to THE TRIUUNE, building the
largest number of words out of the letters contained in "The
Home Paper."'
No letters must be used any more times than they appear
in these three uotds. As an eample, only one "A" "could be
used, but there might be two "H's" or three "E's."
Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Web
ster's International Dictionary" (edition of 1S!S) will be al
lowed. Any dictionary can be used, but in judging the contest
Till-: TRJ HLTNE will debar all words not founcfin Webster's.
Pioper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap
pendix" will not be allowed.
Obsolete words are admitted if defined in the dictionary.
Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once.
Words with two or more definitions can be used but once.
No single lelteis counted as words except "A" and "O."
Now lo MrYe Your List
Write on one side of the paper only.
Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter.
Place the words alphabetically.
Write your name, age, address and number oi words at the top
of your list.
Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and
who is a renular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE.
Fold the list DO NOT ROLL.
AH letters of infinity for information will be promptly an
swcicd. Addiess oui list of words, or any question you wish
answered, to
We have now in stock the finest display
of these goods ever made in Scranton.
Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na
poleon post bed styles. They are ele
gantly rich.
Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully
finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis
XIV styles.
We Invite Inspection Whether Yon Are Going to Buy at Once or Not.
irii.vviii;rwi:i:x 'jui n aj. nnoi'iisra.
Convenient to Theatres nntl Shopping
Districts. Take 2jnl st. cross town
cars an J transfer at -4 tit avc. direct
to hotel,
lloomijwltlt llutli ) f Suits with li.ttlt
W. II. PARKE, Proprietor.
Cor, SUtrrntli St ami Ir Vij l'laco,
American flan, f3 50 l'cr Day antl Upward,
l-uropcan l'lan, ?1 00 l'cr Day and tJiiwareli.
Special 11 J tea to families.
For isiismess .wen
In llio he.iU of tho wliolcb.ilQ dltj.
Tor chopper i
.1 inliiiilfs walk lu W'nniwimKpia;
" llllinitc'H til hlOrfil t-'iioptl h lilt
HIcik i:.,s. ul iiufb'. tu tlio meat
ti (ioodd Stoics,
Tor Slfflilbcers
Olio lilocK fiom 11 w i (us, bK'
ing tiiilispuu.ltlon to all
imllltH nl llltiicst
coi mil Hi' i i Nivnitsm jr,
Onlj ono IllcieU tiom IltO'lii),
Rooms, $1 Up. ..VIS,,
f-H-f -f 4-ff-f -f -f 4 4- i -f
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HO! & Connell9 Washington Avenue
$ao0o In Gold $20.00
,0t00 Gold 10.00
5.00 in Oold 5.00
3,50 Each s.0o
1.00 Each 5.00
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DCCEMjHCR 20TH at 5 P. Al
Do You Want
a Gnnd Education? I
Kot a ehort course, nor n easy counrix
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Hon, Ait. Dinwlni,', StPiiuKianhy and
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liny j.yv.,at 1UIVIIC
Ho i relink pmiliihi's n.'r) nor werk-
I'ulills iiclinlltpel at utij time Winter
Tciiii opeiii Dei; 10th Wtlto for cata.
E. L. KEMP, A. W.,
Mm rfrTinrriTiiinnr.M -i
T .1 Kustrr Pics Klmcr II Uawall.Tre.isJ
Jt. J. l-ostvi KLinlcy l Alliin.
VKc I'Ksldent. Secicturjl