The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 06, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    '-i ft. 1 '"-C "5 'Jvn(j"l
TillHl .T . . .""
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r-s. ' '- .ViiV ''4fe!'fJ5l 51
V3rW"Kfc4v i .' ' .' ill
' ., r..vcijiikre.KrarAr.iy.i-i' ., 'sw'. x I
v. j ,.n . i-iirv&t, - - j
i .IlZTST"
cts pie'acs'acrvt'ly?
Vcts BerveficiaFfy?
ctsAt r-vi ly-asa-Laxat Ave-
Sytup 01 Figs appeals to the culliinai and the
vdi-iiTi'uimvdaiHl totlie healthy, because tis com
ponent parts are simple and wholesome arnol be
oiuse it acts without disturbing the naturur fu-ui:-tions,
as it k wholly fit'efrom every objectionable
quality or substance. In the process of
nwnufactui iing tips are used, as thoy aie
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
fiom an excellent combination of plants
know n to be medicinally laxative and to
ait most beneficially.
To get iits beneficial effects buy tna
genuine manmfiactured by the
... 2&r,rCawl.
Louisville, Ky. flewYork.N.Y.
por sala- by all drurfi'ata. .Price, flf.iv" ccrts per-bottle.
The News of Cadbondale
1 'in niNsi'x it m I tii.t t-i -.
s.ituiii.u ,iiu 1 nciiiii- riom . tn 1 in 0 1 loc u
to miunicm i" mi in iliinit Hntmil.iv, Nut
11 I'h.ipiMiiiiv in iitti iiilmiif IiixtMii'
tliins tn i iiii-l-t it li.ill-tniim tl.i 111 ink. !" 1
tnitiMii .mil vnlliitf liiiiM'tm lit1-,
ilcpriitim-nt. Hi'. I'upils will pli.i-.i- mkU
tir licfoii- tI1.1t. turn I'm ti-nip. innl iilln-1
liirm matliin c.ill mi .nlilti""- Tilliiino of-tlci-.
m- will 111- pIl-.IMd tu l.lll .11 MI'll
liuini-. .1 COLLINS,
Mpmlior nf s-.oilinliiu liisii-i.-,
ol D.niiiiiMr. I' S .mil C. mail 1
Miss Hnniet Beny, Daughter of Mi.
and Mis. John Beny, Weds Chailes
B. Stevens, of Bethlehem, at the
Berry Residence On Cannan Stieet.
Pietty Seivice Amid Beautiful Sur
roundings. 3U--h let A. Hen), il.iiiKlilfi hi
Mr. .mil ill.-. J11I111 ISt-iij. ami ciiai It-.s
lj. Stet'iif, nf Ht-tlili-ln 111, Min nt' Mr.
mid Mrs. Samuel II. SieoiiN ol i'Ihj
HM'lUlf, Hi 1, niton, oii Veddeil I.ihI
r-eniim .11 tin l!i'ir ii'SldiMiic, KS t4ieet,
'I'lu' niiplliils wen- (fleliiiitt'il by lli-
A, 1'. cli.ilioi', p.i-tm- ol tin- l-'li.-.
MiMliodNi Cpl.M (luttili, in the p.ii
liu, w lil li lit-i (ituliiKly dei 01. 1 ted
wltli palms aiul lei 11s .Hid bniiHhs
silSKisii-i tin- p,is-.nn aiitlllllll, Tin-wi-ddliiff
was eMt-i-diiiKly Hlinplc, lint
lii-.iutitiil and linpit"-lw in Its i-lm-Jilicltv
The foi M'liI uhlics ol 11 laiKt
iiuiiilipr nC liniiii-iliiiti' 11 lends of ihp
(iniple aii-oinpaiileil the pliKlitliiH C
Ihf mi, The wedding niuli was bj
Mli-s A Hie lliIilKett, who lellileied the
vuldliis min h 1 1 inn "LolieiiKi in "
The Inide had no maid, and the
Kiootn was likewise unattended, TllP
In Ide, wilt) Is ol dlKiillli-d and stalely
lit-ai Ills, amis Kiiwiu-d in while sl;
nilllle, oei while sdlk, that lidded in
the thai 111 ol- her appeal tune,
The leieptlnn, ulih lis 1 iistiininiy
waiiu-lu'i'irted lellidtalliins I'lillowed,
mid then the lnldiil p.iuy and Kiiesls
sat nt the wedding Mipper. At,
Mr. ami Mis. SU-en departed on the
Uelawaie and IliiiNon tiain, on their
hoiieynioon. They will n-.-ide at lieth
leheni. l.i wheie the bhioiii Is aihlev
Inj? mine than oidinaiy --mieis-i in the
lll.lll.iitellient or one ol' the Keis eiii-uit
theateis. Tin- usual hearly wishes
that such an event calls Imih. o to
-Mi. and Mrs. Sleens lioin a wide ill
elo ol 1 1 lends.
Mis. ,Steens posvtsses the uilmlia
tlon and wannest lilendship of a linst
of her lioiiie people, won hy In r inui
tes .mil the Halts that nihil n a 1111
in.inlj 1 haraeler.
Mi. Steiens Is the Mm of Piuthomi
tfii S iniiiel Stevens, ol the Sciaiitun
Food That Makes It n Pleastue.
"I haw a 1,11-ko iiiuoum of lahmluiiK
hraln-latlKiiliiK- uil; to do," wilte.s a
yuiiilK: 1-idy Ironi Itii-huioiul, Va. "At'.
101" U'tlU'lUllK ilOlll Hie ofthe, I ja0
found lll(lf 'f-o eoniplelely e.hillisled
thai I uis unable to i'iikuku In any
iceieatlon m unitlsenieut.
"I tiled seveiul eponsle tonlis
wIlhiHit effettitml ilnnlly until Iiik an
ndwntlxemi-iit ot (IraiicNuts as n food
teiuniuitiideil to bialn uoiUei-.s, ptu-.
cli.ised a pai-KiiKf mid tiled it. I foiuil
It eNiieiuely ti.ihituble, and after a
week's use (two meals of it a day) 1
noticed a ju'liei il linpiovuiiu-iu In my
eondlttnn, the fii'lIilK of extreme ex.
liaiihtlou amis KiuwhiK lest,, and
ftitiiiRtli lsibly liiui'iiht'd,
"I Iji'Kiill to put mi and felt
ready-to (.'liter ItUti the unuiseineiits or
tlio other memheis of the family, ami
now, lifter usiiiK the lood for eleen
lnontliB, I urn llku a new pei.-nn,
liavo "ubholutely im sensation nf tu
tiguo; my brain Ih clear; eyua bright ;
skin rosy and healthy, and my niun-les
have Etieugtheiied to it murlced degu-e
I am now able to -walk fiom Hie niilie
home, a distanca ot 3'5 miles, up one
of tho bteepest hills for which our ilty
Ja fanjous, and to engage In any
amusements that may .-ome In my
iay, without any sensation of extta
"I am also uslne your robtum Food
toffee with excellent results. My sister-in-law,
Avh'i lives Jn Norwalk,
Conn., wiiles me that she uses it also,
end has not utilfereU from tho distress.
Jntr sk-k headaches alio formetly had."
Namu given by I'ostum Co., Hattle
ClteK, Mich.
ciiAUDis it. sti:vi:xs.
dlstih t of the Supeilor i iiuit. Tie Is u
youim man, whose business tan and
Miiutes have pi, ued him on a iouis-p
that he Is sine to dliett to InlKlit .siu
less. One uf his plea si m; f-haiaetei Is.
lies Is humor, which he has happllv de-
eloped, IteadelS of' The Tilbline will
le'eall hli eutertaiuliiK sketehes, under
the title of "The Kidder." lp to a
mm i" iiKo, In- was tieastuer at the
Atadeni.N nl Mtisli, Kerantou. In that
eapai liv, he displayed business ipiall
lles that weie leioKlll.ed by his pto
lliotloit to the handsome WVltlltR opeia
House at Siyraeuse, x. y., peiltap the
best In the lleis eluuil. A few months
ai;o his uiei It was liu-thei- leeoKiilxed
hy Ills beniK- given Hie sllbslanital posi
tion of niau.iKer of the Uethlehein
tneater, leiently adiled to the lieis ( lr
cult. In onl a lew months, Mi, .Ste
vens, tluoUKh his imiiuiKeineiit, plnied
the play house on a sound p.'ijIiik
basis, theu-by justllylnn the belief of
his ablllt.v to achieve emluiliiK lesults.
AlllnilK ihe.ollt.fif.lowtl KlU-sts ueie
Mis, L. V. Deiislnw and iliiufjlitei- Jen
nie, of Iowa: Mrs, O. L. iirlwald and
son chat les, ol I'otlsvllle, I'.i.: lieorse
lioekwpll, of k, .V. ,1. Miss
Ti ankle llm-kwell. New ink, N. .1.: Miss
ieitlllde Uockwell, llopesdale. Mi's
i:ilziiheth Hun fit, lloiiesdale; 1'icd
Iteinlall. I'lltslon; .Smith DeiinK l'mt
JeivH, N V,. Mr. and Mis. OeniKo
KiiKllsh, I last Windsor, N. v.. Mis, li.
s. I-CelUiKK, New Yoikj Miss l-.'dlth
Itoot, llliiijliaiiitou, and the following
fiitni Perantoir Misses Lizzie Keiu
meier. IMIth I'oust. U M. .Stevens,
l-'iederka Dei man; Mcssis. Fred Bpi
iy, I'hiirles Adams, Hairy Itelnhait,
Walter P. .Stevens, J, D. .Stevens, Mr
and Mis. c. II. Tieimaii, Mr. and Mrs.
H. S, Herman, Mr. and Mrs. ,S. n. Ste
vens, and Mesihiines M. II. I'ratt and
,T. I,. Coiini-ll
An Enjoyable Evening' of Music for
Beneilt of Tiinity Oigan Fund,
A L-uiiuert for the benelit of tho Tilii
Ity church omau fuml was held In the
Trinity pailsh house last evenliiB,
The cuiivtit. which was an eieed
Ingly good one, was well patioulised,
Mrs, Mattlu Hughes Ihown, who was
to havo given a tecltatioii, was unanle
to appear. Mis. Haker rendered a piano
solo in placo of this number, which was
very well tecelved. Among those of the
younger tulvnt who dlstingulbhed them.
selxes ueiu IJiof. .lohu Kvans at the
piano, lliiRh Klilh with Hie lolin, .Miss
Isabelle Mitchell with a oinl solo, and
Itobeil daidlier with the violin Mr.
Ralph Wlllinins' solos weie ai tistleally
idndeied. The plaiio work of Pi of.
.hihn i:ans showed the stamp of niiisl genius.
The piogiaiiiine was as !ollows:0ei
tiue. "Hatiest Home" (Tobanl). or
cliestia; ocal solo, "Madilgal" (Vielor
Hauls), Italph Williams; piano solo,
".Mill Wheel" (BoMiton Smith), John
Dvans, ioliii solo, "La Cpneientala,"
Master Hugh Filth; nuailotte, " "i'is
Mom" (Gclble), Misses Mitchell and
Olver, Mpssis. ItowNou and Hhepheul;
oeal solo. "The Danaa" tUhadwick).
.Miss Mitdiell; tiuai tptte, "The Owl and
tho Pnssv (it," Messis. Claik, Hoe,
Thomas and Pheplieul: piano solo. Mis.
Haker; Mieal solo. Ualph "Willlaius,
i.eal s0o (selected), Master Kenneth
Smith; iolln solo, "Andante" (Dnncln),
Hobeit Ci.trdner; solo, (a) "Moin
ing," b) "Kvenlng" (Langdon), tiom
Sung t'cle "Summer Time," Ualph
William; oxeituie, "Finale tiom
Xala'.' (I'aniini), oiehestia.
Committee with Mayor to Consider
Its Appeal to the Supieme Couit.
Select Council Doings.
Alter a somewhat piolouged petiod
ot iesl and quiet, thcie was an echo
last night of the long-duiwn tight for
municipal owneiship of water C.nbon
dale. At the meeting of select council City
Cleik Moon suggested that the matter
of Hie appeal fiom the decision of Judge
Ilalsey against the consti uction of the
pioposod water plant, was as yet un
disposed ol. The common council ipso
Union dlieitlng the appeal tn be taken
was still In his hands.
Desultoiy discussion followed In the
ionise of which It was brought out that
the matter will he the subject tonight
ot a joint lonfeience of the Judiciary
committee, Mayor O'Xell and City
Solicitor Stiiait, It Is likely that the
(onleienie will l econimend some action,
either for m against an appeal.
Council passed finally the Hniiett
lighting onlliiauce, which as published
a few weeks ago, piovides for two score
or mot e Incandescent stieet lights cov
eting the whole city. This very coin
pieheiislve incasuie will now go over
to lomnion nunc!!.
A coininiiuleutlnu was load fiom City
Tieasiuer Connor, appointing himself
ills collector of delliitiuent taxes, as eiis-
tomaiy. The appointment was couth m
e'd loilhwlth.
The only other business was the ic
I'eiome to loinmlttee ot the mayor's
veto ot the lesolutlon giaiitlng pel mis
sion to .lames Drat tn to make a sewer
connection with his pioperly on Has.
pltal stieet,
The Misses Failey Entertain at Resi
dence On Canaan Street,
The Misses Mayme and Kva Failey
eiitei tallied Tuesday epulng at their
home on Canaan' stieet u honor of
their guest, Miss Anna llosle, of
It was a happy gatlieiliig of young
folkn who spent a delightful uvoiiing
with tlieh charming hostess, After a
season of social enjoyment, lofiesh
uipnts weie soi ved. Tho guests weie
Misses N, Wllhims, Mniy Williams,
Mury M'liI rlsoii, 1-Ilizabeth Howaid. Klla
Slueeliuii, Kate Hhieehnn, Claia Uohbs,
Mary Walcott, Margatet Helidon,
dweii AVilllams, Heutrlce Hobbs, Nellie
and Mabel Hlackeiiburg, Maigaiet Mc
Denuott, Kuthryn McDonald, Mamie
Mmra. Nellie Caiey, Mary Caiey,
Anna, Maine and Dva Taiky. Dster
and Miss Anna llosle, of Jeunyn;
.Messrs, John Wedeman, Ji , William
Mc-Derniott, Michael Cavanaugh, Hairy
Hobluson, Aloyslus Fentou, Ft auk
O'Nell, Harry Keglar, Charles Alexan
der, Al. Ileddan, James Fellows. Joseph
Caiey, William Slueelian, Htiuy tllea
son, Patrick Farley, and Mi. and Mm,
Kdwaid King.
Funeinl of John Edwards.
The funeral of tho lato John Kdwards
took place yesterday afternoon fiom the
residence on Salem avenue. The large
number of friends which the deceased
clnJtnfid weie well represented in the
attendance at the ouseaules. Itcv. A,
F. Chaffee, pastor ot the Methodist
church, conducted services. Ilurlal was
In lh-ookslde cemetery.
The ciifllcet-boarein weie Peter HI veil
burg, Hatnttel Smalc, Moigan ltecsc,
Wllllnm Kvans, John Heck, Daniel
Allen. Then were several beautiful
floral offerings, which were carried by
Will Kobeits, John Clolden, John Wal
ters, Wllllnm ltobarl.
E. L. Rltter, of Philadelphia, Head
of Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows Will Visit Carbondalc on
The Odd Fellows ot Carhondale will
bo unnoted the coming week by the
visit to tills city ot K. h. Hitter, ot
Philadelphia, giatul master of the
Grand Master Hitter Is coming lieie
to conduct the ceietnonles that will
admit Into juembeishlp of the order
the past grands of the local lodges.
Past grands aie those who have passed
through the various offices of Odd Fel
lowship and they wll now have rights
coufetied on them by Grand Master
Hitter, which will give them standing
In tho grand lodge.
Grand Master Hitter will also conduct
an Instruction class In the third dugire
of the order. This Is for the benefit
of tnembets who cannot go to tho larger
cities to see the exemplification of this
portion of the woik.
As this will be the first visit of a
grand muster to Carbondnle, local Odd
Fellows aio looking fotwaid to Wed
nesday night with a true spirit nf ap
preciation. The exercises will take
place In Cambrian hall, Church stieet
and Seventh avenue.
Connolly & Wallace l
5cranton's Shopping Center
Indians Couldn't Leave Positions to
Qo to Scranton.
The Indians weie compelled through
foue of clicumstances to disappoint
the All-Scranton team yesterday.
The management of both elevens ar
i.iuged for a game at Athletic park,
Sci.iuton, yesterday, which It was hop
ed could come off. It was the eager
-wish of every one of the Indians to
get Into this game as it was believed
th Scianton jilayeis weie as stiong
and swift as might be met this season.
When a majmlty of the team, however,
eiideavoied to seek a leave of absence
for the day they weie confionled with
the danger of causing some fiietlon
with their eniployeis, f-o they abandon
ed the idea of getting away, though
with the gieatest leluctance. It was
a source' of keenest legiet to have to
disappoint the Scianton eleven, but
theie was naught else to do.
This Is the second game in which
the Indians weie disappointed this sea
son, The other was at Athens on Sat
urday, when a patched team was sent
lather than disappoint the Huong that
was awaiting the contest. The fact of
the mines hereabouts winking so stead
ily makes it haul for those who are
so employed to lay off to follow the
spoit. This It is feaied will prevent
the Indians fiom playing but exceed
ingly few games on the giid-lion this
Funeial Services Over the Late Mis.
George Lewsley.
The late Mis. Geoige Lewsley was
laid at lest In Maplewood cemetery
yesteulay afternoon with every show
ing or leaped and love. Though the
tuneial was pilvate, thpie was an at
tendance of close fi lends of the family
that filled the lesidence on High street.
Services weie conducted by He v. Dr.
II. .1. Whaleti, pastor of the Herein
Baptist chinch. In his eulogy of the
depai ted woman, he dwelt on her long
life of usefulness and if her stpadfast
devotion to the church of which she
had so lon'g been a member.
.spveial fi lends to whom the dec eased
was especially dear expiessed their
leinemberaiiie in beautiful fiotal offer
ings. The pall-beaiets weie D. M. Peck,
Frank Colwell. William Ulmer, James
Smith, Chailes Kase and Nicholas
Moon, Jr. The floral pieces were curled
by Geoige Benton, JI. H. Vi!co and
William Shannon,
TJncliamed Letteis.
1. 1st ot letteis remaining In the Car
hondale, Pa, postofllce, Nov. ii. IfiOJ im
pel sons unknown aie as lollows: H.
C. Fainsley, Dr. McGower, Di. F .f.
Lamb, Mrs. Jessie Hunter, Mis. Almlrri
Wlnlleld, .Miss Vivian Labai, Miss
Annie Smneis, Miss Kdlth Wlliains,
Most-., n. Kelll. .1. H. Thomas,
Among the Sick,
Thomas a. Shannon, of Canaan Mitel,
piesciipllon cleik In J, A. Kelly's pli.n-
Marriage is very largely an accident.
In few cases do men or women set up a
standard of manly or womanly excellence
and choose by it. In most cases people
become engaged as the result of pro
pinquity rather than because of any deep
rooted, preterencc,
And so it often
happens that the
wile enters upon
the obligations of
maternity just as
thoughtlessly ns.
she entered on the
marriage relation,
because no one
has warned her
of the dangers she
Thousands of
women become
invalids for lack
of knowledge of
themselves. It is
to this large body
of women that Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
conies as a priceless boon, because it
cures womanly ills. ,
"Favorite 'Prescription" establishes
regularity, dries weakening drains, heals
iutlainniatioii and ulceration and cures
ftmale weakness. It makes weak women
btrong, sick women well.
"After my first iliild wa boru " writes Mra.
Jordau Mout ofl'ani-cttgap. Frederick Co., Va .
"my health wa very poor for a long time, and
last winter I was so bail with pain down in back
I could hardly mine- without urcat iiilferliiK.
Mv IllliUauJ vat me u bollleof llr 1'iene' So.
... .. F-l . . - - . .- TL.T .
onie description unit a Mai ol Ills
Vellets.' which I used as directed
lii louruayt
1 was Kically relieved, ami now, after lulue the
medicine lliiec months. I seem to be entirely
well, l ciu't see whv it is that there ure no
many sufieriug women when there is such an
easy way to be cured I know oiir luediciucs
are the best in the world."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the fa.
vorite family laxative. One ' Pellet ' a
laxative, two 'Pellets' a cathartic dose.
The store th&t serves you best
today Is the store that expects to
erve you in the future. It can't
afford to sell a poor thing.
Small Furs
One hundred and fifty different styles
of boas it's likely you'll not fiud half
that number in all the other stores in
We're never content with what the
makers show us there's some little
change or other that would improve the
looks or make the fur more comfortable.
We suggest these changes have them
made for us alone, and that's one reason
why we do most of the fur business in
Union Suits
It would be a waste of space to tell
women the advantages of the uuiou suit
they know how it does away with the
tolds at the waist, how it gives perfect
freedom, aud how it distributes the strain
so that you don't feel it anywhere.
But perhaps you don't kuow that we
have made a great effort thi3 year to get
an unusual variety of these garments.
The variety is uot only in the kinds of
material and in the price, but in the large
range of sizes and a -uuiou suit must
fit or you will soon become disgusted
with it. 50c to $6. Jo a suit.
if you come to Conrtol ly & Wal
lace's once you will come again.
And that is perhaps the great
est test of a store does it hold its
customers ?
A Remarkable
Jacket for Women
A cheviot jacket lined throughout with
satin, well tailored, with velvet collar and
cuffs; 26 inches long, $10.
Aud we've had some, not so good, for
But there are not mauy only fiity,
If you want the best coat $10.00 ever
bought, this is that coat.
Domet Flannel ,
Night Shirts, 50c
Longer and larger across the chest
than the usual 50c night shirt, batter
material aud better stitched" and finished.
Take it home to your wife or mother,
she'll soon see the difference.
The maker threw up his hands when
we told him all the things we wanted
changed, but the larger order brought
him around.
Not euough to last through the win
ter and we can't get more at this price.
Iti the Baby Department are all sorts
of warm coats for very little people.
Long white coats far wee babies, $2 to
$17.50, made ot Bedford cord, cashmere
aud silk, aud lined with soft wadding
just the things that babies would choose
for themselves if they couid.
Short coats in 2, 3 and 4 year sizes.
Some of them dainty white, pink and
blue, coats of silk, Bedford cord and
cashmere, $2 to $10.
Others for sturdier wear red, blue,
tan. green; mostly box coats, with or
without capes, $4 to $ 10.
A few aristocrats of velvet and silk,
with collars of lace and batiste, $4.50
to $11.
There couldn't be a better place to get
pretty winter things for the babies.
And Hosiery .
The winter stock is most extensive
and complete for men, women and chil
dren. The underwear is made to fit largely
made to our order upon tested patterns
by good makers.
Fix your own price and we will give
you the best the money can purchase, or
select your quality and you may be sure
the price is right.
1 Connolly & Wallace
g 123-125-12M29 Washington Ave. 8
limey, who has been quite hh k for ,se
eial da!, Is noticeably Impioved, and
it l.s believed that the attack ol- typhoid
fever which was ilituatened has been
.Mlhs Kllssabeth iluian. of the Wes.t
Side, clerk In the trioiety depai tllient
of riaike Hi os.' utoie, wus compelled to
leave woik yesdeiduy totenoon by 1111
attack of hicknehs. It l.s believed hhe
Is sulfeiliiK a ,evero attack of Bi-lp.
Changed to Scranton.
fleorge I- JitniC!-, who has been in
chaise uf the Western Union telegraph
olllco on North Main httcet, has been
Kiven an advanced position In the
Si'i'iintnii olllce of the Dclawaie and
Hudson company. .Mr. James, how
oyer, will not make his residence, ill tie
Kleetile city, his position pei'inlttlnK
lilm to bo to and tiom Ki-ranton each
.Mr. and Mis. J, tf Anderiui, who
have been visiting their paients, .Mr,
and Mis, William Alideion, of Cur
boudale, and Mr. aud Mis, William
Pecker, of .Scranton, have it-tuined to
their home In VandlliiB,
Mr, and Mrs. John Kearney, of Jes.
sup, who weie wedded In that IioioukIi
yesteulay afternoon, weie dtlveii to
Carbondnle last evening, and took hup
per at the Ilarilbim house. They weie
accompanied by the bridesmaid, Miss
JsYllltj Heap, and the Kiouinnnmn, John
X A. Hulbeit, the .Scianton music
dealer, was a t'aibnndale vlhltor yester
day. Stephen Xealon, of 1'lke street, who
came home to vote in Tuesdays elec
tion, letutued to his studies ill the
Medic 0-Chliui'Klcal collegu at Philadel
The stlioul diiee lot's have notified a
number of the naieuts of i-lilldien who
are not attending sehool to be pie.-ivut
al their next meeting, which takes
place on TuesMuy, to offer excuses lor
the chlldien's nbii'iiUendunce, Wo
have been asked to leniind the parents
of the fact that It is most Important
that they should bo piesent, because
1C the eliiliUeu aie not excused, the
bo.ud has no alternative but to enfotce
the law, which Is not u pleasant task
for the biiaid. They have, however,
lecelvcd lustilietlniis that the law must
be enforced, and will havo to do their
The nieinheis of Allien a lodge, Pico
ami Accepted Masons,' went to Cat-bon-ilale
last evening, when- they had a
Joint celebration with tho (.'iiibondalo
Masons of the Washington sesqul-cen-tennlal,
Miss Itobinsou, who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mis, Jl. A. Wlllman
tur the past I'm might, will loturii to
her home at Mlddletown. c'oun,, today,
A minor was In i-iiculatlnn last
evening that Mi, Andrew Oaitcr, of
t'aihondale. u former Jermyu lesldeut,
had died, Fiom a relative, we learned
that the rumor was untitle. Mis, Car
ter Is, however, very seriously ill.
.Mis. navid Ciiilllths and daushtei,
Alice, of Scruuton, were guests of Mr,
mid .Mrs. T. 13. llrllllths, of Noith
.Mala street, Tuesday.
Miss M.ugaiet Thompson letiuned
home yesterday, after spending tho
past six weeks In .Voith Ciiollua, the
guest of Mrs, J. I). Slockei, of this
boiough, who Is still at he. fanner
home In the South.
Old Stories Retold.
People never tlto of heailug tho ott
repeated stmy of tho success of Cham,
berlaln's Cough ltemedy. Piom Uu
over tho couutiy and even In lar away
India, China and the South Sea Islands
come letteis fnan ditigglsts and deal
ers, stating the taro plenum e they de
ilvo fiom handling a ptep.iratlon which
gives such uiilvcisal satisfaction. They
all tell the same stoiy ol the undoubted
meilt of this lemedy, and of Its eill
cacy In the icllef of coughs, colds and
croup, and peisonally recommend It to
their customers. The iciuedy is sold on
a positive giiuiautee and has novel
la I led to do all that Is Calmed tor it.
Voe sale by all ditigglsts),
$32.85 to New Orleans, la., and Re
turn vln the Lehigh Valley Rall
load November 8, 0 and 10.
On nc count of Anieilcan Hankers' as
sociation convention at Xow Oilcans,
Iai November 11-13, the Lehigh Val
ley will sell special tickets at
$3.',S5 for the round trip, good going
November Mh, iith and 10th, limited to
lolurn to II days, including date of
sale. Extension of return limits to
November JJuth can be obtained by de
positing ticket with joint agent at New
Oilcans on or befoto November ISth,
and payment of SO cents. Tickets good
on all tialns cwtopt tho Hlnck Diamond
e.piess, See ticket agents for fuither
Harlow's mlns-tiel show, with a thst-c-lass
company, will slve a perform,
ance at the Pathcr Mathew opeia
house pet .Monday evening, The
juices will be only 10, u and 30 cents
The Women's guild of St. Oeorge s
mission will hold a lummage sale for
the benelit of th mission, beginning
Nov. .'J.
(lev, David Spencer, I), D partici
pated Jn the special services held In the
Uaptlst church at I'ockvilln Tuesday
IMwaul liogaii has leturned home
fiom a hunting ulp to Starrucca.
Mrs. .1. M. Kvans, of Lackawanna
sircet. Is visiting lel.tttves at Mahonoy
.Miss Sadie Itogan Is spending a few
das wltli tileen Itldge fi lends.
Mi.- M. H. Hull and daughter, Mis Hull, have letiuned fiom a visit
111 Now York.
The Olyinplit oicbestra gave one of
their delightful soelals in Million's hall
last evening. The attendance was
vMis. J. II. Malum and son spent yes
teulay with telallves at Oieen Ilidge.