The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 05, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Cafeondale.
Indignation Among the Denleis Who
Weie Returned Because of Alleged
Disci imtnntion Subpoena Seivod
on Bev. Dr. Whnlen.
Tho tifm In the development f
the Sunday saloon-closing inoU'inent.
rmnpit hv Constable lldwuid .1. Xeary
returning to Linut Hum denims li oin
the Second wind, wns n fottlle topic uf
discussion iihout the olty ypsteiduy
Constable Neitiy, It nppeillH, has
pullpit ,i hornet's nest down on hl hind
111 the liellntl IIP took. AlllullK tile till op
sulooukpepeiH wlui weie returned t"
eoilit, therp I" a feeling "f ptotcsl akin
to Indignation over what they allege
rank ttliei itiiintitlon In helmr singled nut
nmoiiK the denleis of the Wind. Homo
ot the ti to decline that Hump was
Rrp.iter leason for it'iimtlng other
saloons in the waul ami they lo not
prpli'iut to pi how the constable i an
,1itllfy hN action In singling out tlnee
places on heal nv evidence that they
weie open.
On tin nthor liitntl, theie 1" n wood
lli'lll Of gllesslng us to till- Plllp0p ot
ruportlng these plmes, Itev. th. Whati'ii
made H a mutter of honor with the
denleis he would not divulge tin
evident e tigulnst thi'iii. ptovldcd they
rlose and luin.ilii closed. Till" tiny did
last Sunday, thpieby incepting Or.
AVIinlen's pioposltlon, whlih In publicly
pioniKed, in h's letter, to liilllll. If
now, however, In- l compelled to bo hi
foie tin- Btaud Jtuv and divulge IhN
evldeme, lie will pi'ilntii hteiik the
nuippiuent lie inadi- with the aloon
keepeis and which, lie s,(vs, would never
have been voluntatis hloKi'ii.
Little Miss Eulnh Bly Entei tains
Her Young Fi lends.
I'ululi Hl. tin- llllli' daughter ol Ml.
find Mi" 1" .1., lolebiattd hi- ti'iith
blitlidij, Monday iiltniinon, bv entei
tainlng 11 Iiiiki minilii'i ol her oung
li lends at Hi" it -lilt me. on Summit
riM'iiue, fi mil 1 until 7 u'llmk, The little
0111 s "iv.itlv eiiiitil thi'li .itternoon.
Little MI". i:ul ih wii jutM'tited With
ni'iiiv piett.v gilts iliui will serve as
listing teniliidcM of the happy occa
sion a ti-w il.i-hllnhts were taken by
CI Hide Oliver.
Among tlio-e who enjoyed the party
wi'ie M.ngu ilti U lialen, Mabel Stone,
cir.ue r.niell. Itutli Arnold, Margie
1 listed. Mildnil Miller, Frances Ken
wmihv .Mm v 1!Ihiiiib, Clara Osborne,
K.uheiliu Xii'hriivfin, Tfazel Faatz, Liia
5lotip. (ii.ue Mill- Anna Milllgnn, Lot
le HMpiI, Floieliu. Miner. EdllU. SlU
111.111. M.uv A llli.i in--. Millan Ilender
i)ii, Alln.i Steven-, U.iel llol.itp, Lois
Noi lis, l.lla C.nltini, l'miu.i M.i j, Lucv
MllliBtin. Maiguei Ite Sampson, Ihili
Kly, .mil MaMuis C.11I Hi v. I.nuis Pin
don, IS.iMuoud llue-ie, l!c Tuwnsend,
Kveiet Fostei, Itobm Stephen'-, Fiank
I'uidoii, H.uiy Dllvei, llainld Olhei,
AVIllle, Newell Town-einl, l!e
Stone and Maui lie Hly
Little Activity About the Polls Until
Thfie w.iir the iiiilel almost ol a S1111-
Iny afteinoon in Cubondale je-teiduv.
I'lloiiBli the da was stipitb In It"
.leather louditlou". lliele was little ao
(Ivlty about the polN. The sjnt; nljout
oiils a few booths ludiiated that iheie
was 1111 plectlon in piosies". This was
due laiseh to the mines wmklllB lull
time. That the m-h ot wink was on
was shown in the almost ile-eittil look
about the usual seeiui of aithlty on
election day.
The ne was lisht dllllnir the day.
escepillnsly lisht, but towaids eeuiiiB
thlnss wpi- 11101 e biisk and time n,n
(Itlite a i nsh 01 oleis 11 0111 ri.I'.U to 7
o'floik Tliei" wiibii'l the leat sjon of
j ilNtui bailee, lively s.iioon in tin c en
tial city kept nlosed house.
Iiik. A ilalnly luneheoii was served,
The follow llif weie ptPKPllt: MIhbps
.May and Durfy, MnigatPt
Dai 1 pit, Muilpllne IJenipsey, TeRsle l)p
loskpy, M.ny Qtilini, Miiiffntel Taylor,
C'ltiia Morrison, MkkIp Mollltt, Katie
MnllHI. May l)(.mpney, and Mpphih. IM
ward J. HoahIIiib, Philip lloIe, (Ipoiho
ntlBUi, Fiank Mhnilek, Coneiton,
llaiiy SuidlVal, Mai tin IiiiiTy and
Fianels Utlffy.
Thf (let lunula KIubIiib Koelety Im
plaimliiB to entpilalu at a dance to he
bIvpii In (tci mania hall, Momlav evrn
linr, Novpmhor 17. A usual, nil enjoy
able ewnltiB Is anticipated.
The FnttiilBlilly eliih, one of the cltj's
iPiiiliUB feilal (iigunlalioii.; was cu
te) mini d last night at the home of Mt.
I,. M. Smith.
Free Distribution
Dr. David
and ate unfamiliar with Its moillH. uiiangcmentR have been made for a mnu
DISTttllJt'TlO.V of BAMI'r.i: HOTTIjUS. ftom H10 diiiff Htores of thin city. Auk
yotlr ilitiRRlHt lor a FltHK IIOTTIjK nnd I'oiivlnie joiuaplt ot tho woiHlcrful Miltio
of HiIh Bleat ctuo for ,
Kidney Disease, Female Weakness
Caibondale Lodge Will Tonight Cele
bmte One Hundied and Twenty
lifth Annlveisaiy of George Wash
ington's Initiation Into the Order.
The Maon of Caibondale will Join
tonight with their biethreh thionghoiit
the laud in oIispivIiib the one bundled
and twenty-tilth annivcifmry of the in
Itlatlr 11 Into tin older of ('poise Wash
liiBtou, the i oimti.v's Hint piesldent. A
whol lot of impoi lauee Is atladied to
the e.enl and theie will be celebulions
111 himdieds or Masonic lodges tonlRht
111 I! sobsei value.
The eelebiatlon of the local lodge will
(oiupielipiul a haniiuet in the aimoiy on
Not lb Main stu(tt pioceded by exer
cises Pi .Masonic hall, on Salem avenue.
The eveiiises in the ar
iiiom assuie a tteat to the Masons, as
a i holi iNt of toasts has been pre
pnieil. The toasimaster la John W.
nimock. a most happy selection. Mr.
I ilinoek's wit and satire are Keen and
effective, but there is a gentle touch to
summit the sharpness. He Is 'truly
qualltled and well-equipped for the post
of honor.
and the other conditions for wlilrh It In
tixcil with such MitccpftH In thin Inenlltv.
Humpies Dee tit thi fallowing ding 'mores:
S. It. Honwooil & Co,, Matthews llios.
ccouiincnded, and for which It hns been
William It. McGnnali, J. II. 1'lielps,
Home to Vote.
Frank Collins, up to the present term
a teacher in the central school building1,
now a student in the medical school of
the University of Pennsylvania, was
home yesterday to cast his vote. Mr.
Collins qualified for the ilrst team of
the University, but has not participated
in any of the games because of an in
Jury to his knee, sustained in practice
before the season opened. The flesh was
so badly torn that Mr. Collins did not
deem it prudent to get into the game.
Dr. Charles Bridgett, of Darte ave
nue, surgeon in' the Medlco-Chirurgical
hospital, and Stephen Nealon, of Pike
street, student in the medical school of
the Medlco-Chirurgical college, are also
home to vote.
Will Play the All-Scianton Team
Theie Today.
The Indians fooi lull .lev en will bo
to Sciantou todaj to play Hit; All
Seiaiiton team. This eleven is the best
In the I'lctuii' citv and .will Blve the
Indians pei haps the best name they
m.'tv expeit ihis season. It. is hoped
iliat noihiiiB will iiileneie with Hie
Indians having lni with th full
MlPliglh m the eleven.. It U likely that
n number of r.u lunula!!. uis win .mom
p.iny the team.
Funeral of James Clark.
The late James Clark was laid at rest
in St i:oe cemetery, Monday foieiioon.
A laise piocesslon of friends aeioni
p.iuled the deceased to St. Jtosp cliutih,
wbeie a high mass of leciuleiu vvu sung
by Jtev. AValtei (Joiiiian. J!ev. Father
liornmu .spoke tendeily of the deip.used
and addies.setl waiinly sympatliello
winds to the soiely ainicted taniilv.
The pal!-beaiei, who weie mine foie
inen midei the Delawaie and Hudson
company, the aine as Mr. (Jl.nK, weie
Maik Campbell. John Scolt, Andiew
Patten, Patilek MitJauy, Thomas Joi
d.iu and P. J, Mooie. yestoday ot Thomus J. Hoclie, of
l'luil;p Hi op.' Htore.
William V. Hyine and Dan P. Uyrne
weie vlsltois hi Wllkes-liarie, Monday
-Mis. ThoiniiH AVnMi has leturned to
her home lit Set anion, after a visit
with friends in this city.
Lloyd diver has luttiiued to Jeisey
City, after sppiidlng 11 few weeks with
his patents on Canaan mieet.
Steve J. l'vans, of New ink, X. J
spent Satin day evening with fi lends
in town.
Mr. and Mis, CIiiipiicp 13, Spencer, ot
Lincoln avenue, have le turned from a
visit with lelatlveH at Ann Aibor, M,lcli.
Mrs. Lewis Day, of Dj berry, is vis
iting lilpuds in this ilty.
Mr. and Mis. John Hogeucamp have
leturned fiom a visit with lelatlves
at Vniden.
S. E. Swingle, of Richmond slieet,
has been spending seveial days with
friends at Trusslervllle.
Funeral This Afteinoon.
The mends who desliu to take llieli
faiewoil ot the late Mih. Geoige Lews
ley can do so today ,11 the lesldinie on
High stieet, tiom 10 a. 111. lo 1 p. in.
P.unal will be pilvate.
Social Happenings.
Miss nm.iheth Dull j entei tallied
lei nonie on p illbiool; sneer. Mis(.
nud games woie Jeatuies ot the evin-
Coffee Makes Some People Helpless,
We inheili our tempt laments. Some
children an happy and blight, whlhi
othuis ,u c uei v oils and cross. Cute
bhould be taken tint the child is glvon
inoper food and ill ink mi u.s not to lit natural noi Miu.suei'.s or to bilug
it op; but this is mien oveilouki by
motheio wno penult their ililldieii to
di ink "1 rtffee without clieck,
Thc-wiiu 01 a giOLuiyuhiii living In
Slloim, Mo., .s.i: "I was bin 11 with
a iiJ,5iU,"teViip"eTiaiiiihit, ami (IiIh wan
iiKitSahed by my puicntH giving me
ccitfioe when A child, umoiiHoloiiH of its
biuKettect .fin my iif Voiim Hystem, lu
tinij .1 cup ut coiiVi In the 11101 uliig
invijilably oini(l 011 my aioimuh, am!
a Hii'gle cup at night would nuke me
nervous and .iketui, and often cttu.-o
a djftiefslng heait-burn. Last year 1
lalirilii bed all minimcr wlih neivona
prosjiatlon, 11 (oninlftte vviefk lioni
coffpe di inking, i uaved a good, nour
ishing, hot di ink and commenced to
usefl'OKtuiu rood Ooflee,
There was a gradual Inipioveineut In
my'Jiealtli almost from the comment t
meiit 06 uMiig Postum. 1 could hleep
welJj tlie'he'ait-burn and neixuiaiieini
dlsampeared, my stomach tioublo
Utojined and now (a year later) I have
gone; from the slck-bcd Info the stoio
behljjd tlie counter day after day;
fioitjc a lielplekB to a stlirlug
wonjjin, with jiew lfo and strength,
BewCJiopes and ambition; fiom the pale,
jveak 102-pound .woman to my piesent
kvelglit of 130 pounds, Thanks to
J Wi cariV Postum Jn stock and iec
fcmnieiidrlt to our customers; We love
io sail It and often fe'lve a trial quan
tity Ao the faltering to induce them to
Use $hisi health-giving falnjfc.VsiHanie
riven by Postum. Co., Uuttle. Crei;k,
L. A. Kose, lot 11111 ly Ui le tiain des
p.ilcher at this station, is heie on a
visit to his sister, Mis. Povle. He Is
now in the sen Ice of the Delawaie
and lludbou in the uotthein p.ut of
New Yoil: htate.
William Lewis, who for some time
past has, been the ellleieni dellveiy
ileik lor the National 13xpiess com
pany in tlili, city, I1.13 been appointed
expiess agent on Hie Ilonesdale blanch
between this, city diul Wayne county's
'J he C. C. I, loot ball team challenge
either the High school, the SwIftwiuiU
or the Ilrokeif,, to .11 g.11110 of foo't brill
to be plaved on the Aluninl Held, on
Satiinlay next at .1.1,.. Swillwlllds jne
teiud. An.swer to Albeit Tlionm.s,
Ml. and Mis. Joseph AHone, of Hos
pital t-tieel, uie mouiulug the death of
their 14-iiionths-old son, John, who
passed away Monday, Builal was made
In St. Hose tcmeteiy ycsteidny nftei
noou, Mix. S. .SUilmmel, mother of Milk
dealer 1'", H. Hchlmmel, ot this city,
died at htr home In J'lmh.i, X, V.,
Sunday evening. Mr, Schlmmel leit tor
Khuli.t Monday afternoon to attend
the obsequies,
Mai tin Arnold, of Helujont stieet, Tind
Htiny J. Hall, of Ulikett nit eel, two
employes of tho lleudiick Manufactur
ing company, am confined to their
homes, by Illness,
John .Mini In, Kenneth Ha nor and
L'dvuiul Motlale, of this city, nil. play
toot ball with the School ot tho Laika
waiiua ugalnut the Seianton High
bchool at Athletic paik, Sciantou, this
The Woman's Home and l-'otelgu MIs
slonarj micIpiIph of Hip .Methodist
13plseopal chinch will be eutt'itaiupd
m me iiotiit) 01 .viis, ueoige lilies, on
leiiaco .stieet, this afternoon.
Miss laabelle Mitchell, who has been
a member of Tiinlty elniirh dioir tor
some time, hah le.slgned to become a
membei ot the choir of the rirst Pies
byteilau 1 Inn oh.
Italph W. (Hies, who leieully sold
his tin in at Aldcnville, will, with his
fninll.v. hereafter u-sldu In tho Fuller
house on Luuiel stieet, this city.
Itev, A, F, (iinlfee, pahtor of the Methodist llpiH-opal church, was
In Wilkes-Haue and Klnghton, Sun
da. In the luteient of the new bell
fund of his chut cli
William (llhbs has gone to White
Mlls, hi foimer home, vvlipie he has
seemed unpin) ment.
The funeral of Maurict, the little son
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hochlng, took
place from the home of his grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Theron Moon, of
Second street, yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock. Short services were held at the
house, and after viewing the remains
tha funeral cortego slowly wended its
way to Brookslde cemetery, Carbon
dale, where the last sad rites ot the
dead were observed. The funeral was
largely attended, and among the floral
tributes were many beautiful ones. The
flower-bearers were Charles Meehan
and Ora Reynolds; the pall-bearers
were Thomas Roberts, Edward Mellow,
Frank Hemelright and John Williams.
Mrs. Clara Williams and daughter
Helen, Mrs. Avery, Misses Susie Will
iams and Cella McGoff spent yesterday
at Carbondale.
Samuel Netherton, of Wyoming, who
ha3 been visiting lelativps in town, le
turned home jpsteiday.
Hallowe'en was fittingly telebiated
heie b.v those who attended the social
of the Junior Le.iBue. held In the In
dependent Older ot Odd Fellow .s' hall.
The songs, limitations, etc., weie much
appiei luted by all. The gypsy foitune
tellei was. often consulted by the young
people. Later In the evening a num
ber of ghosts appealed, which caused
much ineiilnieul. Dining the evening
Ice iieam, home-mude candy, pumpkin
pie, cake, apples and lemonade weie
sold. The pioieed.s amounted to JJJ.35.
Mi. arid .Mis. Kail Beck, of Siran
ton, visited the hitter's patents, last
Mr. and Mi.s. William Davis weie
vlsitois in Chatmentown over Sunday.
The Hist of a of lPttiiies for
the benefit of the Methodist chinch will
be given next Fiiday evening, by Rev.
L. H. Weeks, of Lesteishlie, N. Y. His
subjeit will be "Wondoiland of the
W01 Id."
Wllluid, the joiing son of Mr. and
Mis. Ainas.i Jlolllhlei, Is ill of dlph
tlieila. n. H. Liu hard t Is having his harness
hhop le-shmgled.
AVilliam Reynolds Is moving In pait
of Hie niii good house on Dtown .street.
Phoiles Jtiovvn has leturned home
fiom Easton, wIipio ho has been spend
ing seveial weeks.
Mi.s. Lymuu and chililien left Satur
day lor IVeksklll. x. Y vheie they
will make theli home.
Mis. Mitchell, or Siianlou, was the
guest of her bt other, s. J. Hombnker,
Mis. Van (touler has lert for Chicago,
wbeie she will spend the winter.
hlborh of Mr, V. V. Mate, Mr. Milton
Taj. lor and Mr. James Note. At thu 1 oil
tall six of the original munhers respond
ed, and many Inteiestlng facts were men
tioned of tho early dus of the church.
Special servirei are continued. Tonight,
Hpv. Dnvld Bnencer, t). D of Bliikely,
will preach, and tomoiiovv night, Hev.
Tlionias dp drucliy, D. 11., of Sciantou.
Ev-eryhody Is Invited to tlieFp sci vices.
Yesteiday was an Ideal day and the
voteis wcic out hi huge liumbeis, an e
ceptlonnlly lnige vote belag cast In
Blukely's tluec wolds.
John Day has ictiiiupd tiom Nl.igHia
Falls and has lostuned bis position with
the Consume) s' Powder rompauv.
Tho legulnr nipptlng of Hip Pocahontas
lodge will be held Kilday evening In tho
Gland Aimy of the Republic ball.
Captain S. It. Hilggs. of Wrtshhigton,
D. C Is spending a few days in town.
The oung people's mllv at tho I'eik
vllle Baptist chinch last Monday night
had a l.ugo attemlanre. Uev. Dr. Pieieu.
ot the Penil Avenue B.iptlxt chllieli, of
Seianton, dcllveied a tmisteily addicss,
full of telling Incidents with Instinctive
application. Jt was u'reil inspiintlon to
both oiuig and old. This evening Rev.
Thomas de much v. 1). 1)., of Sciantou,
will speak. 13vei.vuoil) Is Invited to hoar
List of letter lemalnlng unclaimed In
the postoHUe at Peckvllle. Pa., week mul
ing Nov. i. 190.': Leillcs, Mis Miiltle Coup,
Miss Hattv White, Mr. mid Mis. R. J.
Weit; gentlemen, William C. Jones, .lo
spph London; foielgn, 13lntr,
Danko Jlii!,uish, Lanko KIpIiT. I'pisons
claiming the above will please asv mlvci
tised and give date of tills" list. If. V.
Mace, imstiiinstpi.
Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping Center
Connolly & Wallace's is an
open book.
Something of interest on every
aislein every nook and cranny
of the store.
The advertisement it pays to
read is the one that appeals to
your good judgment rather than
to your imagination -to your
Hen's Lounging Coats
for the House.
House-coats and Smoking Jackets.
Perhaps "comfort" coat3 would be a bet
ter name, for they are the most comfort
able change a man can make when he
returns weary from his business at
night, and yet be dressed well enough
to see his friends.
Smoking Jackets $5.00
Long Robes i 7.50
Comfortables, 95c.
Two hundred and fifty, winter
weight, filled with clean carded cotton,
nicely quilted. But they are all in light
colors that's the reason the maker let
us have them under his usual price.
They arc regularly worth $1.25 each.
Suede Gloves, $1.00.
Today a new supply we feel sure
of the skins, cut and workmanship iu
every pair.
Black only most of them full
pique sewn, to avoid any seams pressing
into the hand. Some have one large
pearl clasp, others two of metal.
iuocua gloves, sole and velvety as a v
kitten's ear, for those who prefer grays. H
modes and beavers.
o . C2
Splendid Turkish
Bath Towels, 10c. J
1200 fringed Bath Towels, white, with jj
a small hair line stripe ot red in the bor- C
der, good weight and size, will soak up
water like a spouge. Value at least a J5
third more than our price. JJ
William Crocket, cmplo.ved as a miner
at the Archbnld mine, wan seiiously If
not fatally Injuied by belui; caught un
derneath a fall of lop lie was le
moved to bis home hi the ompanv ambu
lanco Trlieio medical aid was Imnipilliite
ly summoned. At pichpiiI vviltbiK he -was
resting' an well as eould be .pecte(l.
Pildc of'cawanna lodse, No IS,
Ameiican Pitilestnut l.adh-t' association,
Gave a icteptioii last evening In liouoi
of theli shtei, .Mis I.nuis lteese. who le
tiiiiied Horn a lew mouths' visit to Wales
Caltp, sandwiches nml coffee was seived
dm in; the evening.
The follonlni; deleprutes have been
elected to lepiesent the local blanch of
Hie Vouilff Men's Clulstl.wi association
at the sl.Nlh annual convention to be held
at Kingston on Xov. 7, S and !): John
Hovel, AV. B Sloisans, I'dwaid Hooper,
Willis Reese. K. R. Powell. Walter Millar,
Nicholas Nhholas' and r.utliet' H.uiis.
Noiman Sluices, tl student of RueKnell
univeisllv, is vlsitiiii; his patents, J'oie
nian and Mis. l' Stiuges, of Old
Foi ge.
Mis. Wesley I'atsliiBir, ol Atliciton
stieet. is seilouslv III at her home.
Daniel Davis, brother of Jleniv S. Da
vis, or Glove stieet, has lotinned after a
sit vveeUs' lslt to wales. He will spend
a levy weeks heie, then he will leave for
his home In Calitotnla.
Mis. .lamps Gilffiths and ehlldien, of
Htilptou, aie visiting at tho home of
Foieman and .Alts. G. J. Povvill, of South
Fine Knitted Glove.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take 1,,imiUvo Bioino Quinine Tablets,
All di ujfsists tefiind the money if It
falls to cine. K. AV, Glove's slBilatuie
is on each bo;, 23c,
AVIIIIani Gall, chief electilelan at the
IjoioiikIi elPitili' IlKht plant, lias tHiulcied
his leslguutloii to council ami lias nc
leptPd a siiuliar poslllou nt Sil-iiueliaiiua,
Mr. Gall will lenvo for that place as soon
as lellPVPd heie,
The annlvei.sary stivlce at the Peck
vllle Baptist chin ill list Sunday even
ing, was ot Bleat Inteiest, Mis, V, A'.
Maee lead a well pupaied hhtory ot tlie
Sunday school fiom Its small beginning
with only live scliolais to tho piesent
time. Mis, Mace was the oilBlnator of
Hie movement, and Mr, Mnee was the
Hist siipeiliitendent, vvhleh olllce he lu-ld
foi leu yeais. Mis, R Gillllths lead a
veiy intPiesthiK lilftory of the chinch.
II was oiiiul.pd with thlt teen memhci?,
Messis. Winton and Dolph eenerously
kuvo pei mission to cut Umber on their
land for tha ejection of u i lunch build
Ins. Special mention vvns made of the
Kugenu Hudson, who is einploed by
the Thompson Mnnufactmlne: coinpanj,
Philadelphia, s home to Mite,
Albeit Itutherfoid came homo this
week fiom iho Unlyeislty of Pennsjl
vanla luv school, whefo he la a student,
to cast his vole In yeatei day's election.
Henry Lewis, of Scruntou, is upend
ing a few days with friends In town.
Hairy Clarke, of Kciantou, was the
Loose joints, bow legs, big
head, and soft bones mean
rickets. It is atypical disease
for the best workings of Scott's
For the weak bones Scott's
Emulsion supplies those
powerful tonics the hypophos
phites. For the loss of flesh
Scott's Emulsion provides the
nourishing cod-liver oil.
Scott's Emulsion corrects
the effects of imperfect nour
ishment and brings rapid im
provement in every way to
rickety children.
Sed for Free Saaplt.
SCOTT X BOWNrv CbemUu, 409 Pud Si., K. Y.
1 . .
Michael riood died at his
Maishwood Monday mouiin?,
UngeiliiK illness. Death was due to can
cer. Deceased was fi!) years of ape. The
funeial will be held mis nioininK.
A ipriuiem high moss vvlll bo sunt: hi St.
James' church, Jessup, after which the
tf mains vvlll be tnlien to Hde Park for
Intetment. I'ndertnker J. W. Svvecne.v
has ehaiBe of the funeial.
Mr. and Mis. J. A. Hull entei tallied the
members of the Ulakely AA'hlst club at
their leslilence on Main stieet, Rlakely,
Monday evening.
Miss M.iliol Coolbangh, of Wllkes-Bane.
who lias been tlie finest of Miss Jennie
Patten, lias 1 etui tied home.
Georfie Mumford has oppned a barber
shop 011 l.acktivvamut stieet.
Mis. Gvvllym Kdwards, of Hdwaidsvllle,
Is the Riipst of Mr. and Mrs. John Prob
er!, of Susquehanna street.
Mrs. AVIIIIani Mason and Mu. AA. 1:,
l.lovd and son aie spending the week
with Wilkes-Hun 0 lelntivps.
Miss T.lle Uvaus, of Plttstou, wlio iu
been sltlnK' fiicmh In town, has ie
tuiupd home,
J, A. AVaiillg, of Alheltou & Sutton's
Cash stole, s In Xrw i'oik.
Knitted Gloves.
Women's, Men's, Children's,
Boys' and .Hisses'.
Warm Knit Scotch Gloves in gray, red,
navy, lawn, white, black, and fancy effects.
A splendid glove for children from i year to
8 years in all colors at 20c a pair, better
grades at 25c and 40c.
Ladies, at 25c, 40c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 in
all the colors.
Mens, at 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 in black,
white and gray.
Boys sizes 25c, 40c, 50c. ' t
Black and colored to wear
with unlined tailored suits.
Black is much woui but the
colored are eVen prettier, and
their are all kinds of rul'iles,
flounces and pleatings to
choose from. $5.00, $6.5o,
$7.50, $10.00 and up to the
more elaborate ones for $30.00
Winter Underwear
For Hen, Women and Children.
One of these days eveiybody will come with a rush after un
deiwear and wonder why we don't serve them as well as we usual
ly do. It is all right to shop at the busiest store, but the best time
is before it gets busy when the stocks are full, and salespeople
have time to wait on you properly. Everything is ready from the
finest things made, to as low prices as good underwear can be sold
for. Most of it was made for us, over our patterns and according
to 0111 ideas which are your ideas which we have learned from experience.
& Wallace
The Misses Illnnehe Tiesallas anil
Mnynio Minds spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mis. AV, G, Gates, ot (lieen Wdne.
Mis lliniy i.ot U and ihlldien have ie
tuini'd after speudhiK" seveial winks iu
MIsh Noi. 1 lllll, of Gibson, spout Sun
day with Mls Veilio K. D
Jilts Manx Jones has ic tinned after
spending a week iu Whllo Haven,
The Infant child or Ml and Mrs. Kd
Riir Davis diul Saliudnv, Nov. 1, after a
fen da' Illness, hoi vices weie
held Sunday afteinoon, Jnleinienl was
m.idp iu Maiuj eenietPiy,
A pieity widdiiiK oniurcd on Tlnus
day eveulnu at the home of Mr, anil Mis
C'hailes llollenbnek, of drefuwooil, vvhun
Joseph Itobln-on nml Mlbs l.uey 'I'hoinas
weie made man and wife After tho line.
ninny a wildhiB supper was si-ived I'lie
iiiuplo will m,.l;e their home with the
bildp'b paionts,
Mniij of the pupils of the Moosle hlsh
sehool iut;niled the luuheis' Instltuto in
Set anion Inst week.
.Miss li.Mtilcu Junes spent Sunday In
Mis James I.evan loft on Sunday for
A lli'ntnwn, called theifl by tho death of
her uneip
'J lie Ladles' .Mil soilety of the Meth
odist chinch will meet nt tho home of
Mik. Oeoigo TiegrellaB on 'i'huisday af
teinoon, A llalovvo'en paily was trlven on Til
day evenliKT at the home of James llob
llnif, of Mlnooka avenue, A veiy pleas
ant ovenhiK was spent bj all piesent.
'I'lioso piesent woie: Tho Misses Mattla
and MniffHiet Diown, Minnie and Maud
Hoblhib'. IJilna KIiik, Until hltuhead,
Hattle Kuapii, Meanis James lllswoith,
William ItobliiiB:, John Hi own. Aithur
Kins', OeniKo Thomas, Clydo AVaterman.
Anion nillhiKtou, AVIIIIani younger and
Louis Vaiilng,
Hev and Mis. AValter Kdwauls weie
talleis in Wilkes. Uairo Monday.
Peuy lt.'ivvfon spent last week with his
fclstcr, Mis Ueoige Doud, of Seianton,
H 123-125-12M29 Washington Ave.
Z 5 - 00000X0 g0 KM V''MMi' Jrt 'i5W5W!!r"?VKAii!w
2v.f. Annn(UlfMlwi'vtvtvfMWBiu'wwiiiimi
The Pilnce at the rails.
By Kxcnuirc iMro IropiTlie Asoclittii Hr-
Nlaguia Palls, Nov. I. Tho eiowu
piiiico of Slam spent today at Nlaguia,
Kails, he and bis paity being giratly Im
picssed wltli tho Immensity f tho falls
and the gianduir of the uceaciy. A vlhlt
was also paid to the electric power plant.
iReduced Bates to New Oi leans and
Return Via Southern Railway.
On iiL'counl of the uieuiInK of Ainei Bankeis association, New Oilcans,
I.a Nov. lltli-l'Jtli, 190J, the Soutlicin
lallvvay will sell louud tilp tickets Horn
AVasiilngton, D, f. to New Ot leans, La.
on Nov. Sth, !Uh nud 10th at i.ite of
one fate, I. $.17.50; llnul limit 10 dajs
fiom date of .sale, except by depositing
tluketn wltli j,olnt agent, Npw Oi leans
on or befoie Nov. IStll, and payment
of fee of llfty Lents, tickets can be e
tended until Nov. 30th, ISO.!.
Il ,,n,i, niillrwlnlnllln VI S",. OOt'-
incnnmllllKlv low 1MS llOlll OtllUf REDUCED
,Ln'M,,.D., ..... ..... . .....
The Poilthi'lli lattway opeiates tluee
thioiiKh tialiib dally with I'ullmnn
ill.ivvlnt?-looni sleeiilliB tms fiom New
A'ork, rhlladplphla and Washington to
Npw Oi leans without ihange; dining
car service on all tluough trains.
CluulesL. Hopkins, P, P. A. SouthPin
lallvvay. 82!. Chestnut stieet, I'hlladel
phlu will furnish all Infoimutlou.
?32,85 to New Orleans, La., and Re
turn via the Lehigh Valley Rall
lond November 8, 0 and 10.
On nLcount of Ameiican xiankeis' as
sociation convention at New Oilcans,
l.a November 11-1 J, the Lehigh Arul
ley lollroad will sell special tickets at
J32 83 for tho round tilp, good going
November Stli, :)tli and 10th, limited to
ictuin to 11 days, including: date of
s.ile. Intension of letuiu limits to REDUCED
November 30lh can bu obtuiueil by de
positing ticket with Joint agent at New
Ot leaps on or befoui November 18th,
and payment of 00 tents. Tickets good
on all trains except thu Hlack Diamond
espies. .See ticket agents for fill titer
Pennsylvania Raihoad's Winter Ex
cuisiou Route Book.
In puisuaucc of Its annual custom,
the passenger department uf tho Pcnn- iut of
sylvaiila llailioad c ompanv has just
Ksued an atti.ii'tlve and inniptehens
Ive book descilpllve ol the lending' win
ter icsoits of the K.iht and South, and
giving the tales and v.iilous loutes and
loinbllintloiis ol imites of tiavel. Like
nil tlie publications of the Pennsylvania
liailiond company, this "Winter i:.cur
Mou nook" Is a model of tpoginphlcal
and clt ileal wink, it Is bound lu a
handsome and aitistlc cover iu colois,
and contains much valuable humilia
tion for whiter totulsts nud tiaveleis
In general, It can be had lice ot chntgo
at the pilndpal ticket olllces of the
Pennsylvania Itailioad compan.v, or
will lie hunt postpaid upon application
to Geuigo W. Uojd, assistant geneial
passenger tigent, Hio.ul sltett station,
Vlft rennsylvftiiia Rnihond, Account
Meeting Ainoiican Bankeis' Asso
ciation. On account of the iiieotlng of the
Ameiican Itaukus' at-soclatlou, at New
Oi leans, La Nov. 11 to IS, the Penn
sylvania Itnlhoad lojiipnny will hell ex
cursion tickets to New Oi leans and ie
tutii, Nov, 7 to 10, good to loturii with
in eleven duH, Inclttdlnif da to of fc.ile,
at leiluceil i.iios. Hy depositing tickets
with joint agent at New Oileans on or
befoie Nov, IK, and tho payment of a
feo of no cents, uii e tension of tho
leitiiu limit to Nov, 30 may bo obtained.
Vov Kpecillo Information legaiding
lates and mutes, apply to ucinest'tlc agent.
Via Pennsylvania Rnlhoad, Account
Meeting American Fedoiatlon of
On ui count of the meeting of the
Ameiican Federation of Labor, at New
Oileans, La., November
Pennsylvania ituilioad
nil lound-tiip tickets t
and letuin fiom all htations on Its lines
Pittsbuig and Uiic, November
T IS tl) 22. tho
company will
lo New Oilcans,
10, 11 and 1L', good going on those dales
and good letuiulng to leach oiiginal
stinting iiont on or before November
li, at i educed rates. For specific infor
mation, consult ticket agents.
.Mr (i:ul Mrs. Illmer Finn, of Ciiffoid,
vlsltid relatlvts In thlsVlacu on Sunday.
Thu AVomen's Teinpeiance
union will hold a mothei's meeting on
Fiiday afteinoon at the homo of Mrs. V.
1". Rnydei. Tho nieotlng will bo la chaige
of Mis. Charles l'ieah
Ivuiigcllstln meetings aro being held
each cveuiug In the Methodist i Inn eh.
Tho pastoi, Hev. A J. A'an Cleft, Ph. V
is doing the preaching and ho is being
assisted bj Piof, Unci:, who has ehaigi
of tho blngllig. Lveiybod Is cordial!
Invited to attend.
Tho ouug men's social ami leading
moms weie opened for (Im time on
Satiinlay evening, Oaiues and papeis
have been placed In tho looms and a
libiaiy vvlll soon bo established theie. It
Is Miu'Ptdy hopid that this will bo a pu
maiieut fatioi in cmr town, and that It
will Iiipiciiso In membeislilp and in al
tiaetlous. '
On Himdtiy, Mis. Nlles Smith and Ml"i
Lmnia Picket weie lecilvcd into mem
beishlp lu tho Haptlit church. On Wed
iipsda afteinoon at 3 SO o'cloi'k the an.
liual l oil-call of this ehuuii will be held
I'loni S to U a supper will bo served lo
the members ot the chinch and a boclal
thno will bo enjoyed. In Iho evening at
7 SO o'clock, Hev II. J. Whalcn, 15. 1,
of Caibondale, will pieaeh 'Iho Mctbo.
dlst people will give up tlnlr seivlce that
they might Join In with tho Hapllsts.
John A I'oolo has ictiiined to (jeoiso
tovvu college altei a low das' vUit with
lelaltvis In town
Mli-s Lou Dolph, of bwantou, spent Sun.
day wltli fi lends In town
M II Tappan, ot Caihoiidale, was a
inllci lu town Suuda evcuiii';
Mi and Mis. John J Urogau have re
t lined fiom thrlt wedding tour and havo
gone to housekeeping on Lauicl stieet.
Mis T J I'llce, of Luuiel smecCbpcut
jcsteiday In Siiantou
Mis (' A. lialtenbeig, of and
her Ktii'bt. Miss Win Hi ed rtobhiboii, of
Mlddlctovvii, Conn, wcio iiillcin in town
11 A. Nlemcvcr, of Kiss, mlr, Fla la
vlaltlng iclalivcs in town.