The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 04, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    IT VT-vvS?
,v ?R?rst fwjcp Tri
1 PV V 4
$0e cumfott CriBunc
rnblttheil Dslly Except Sunday, by The Trlbiint
Publishing l'otnpny,t Fifty Cnta Month,
Livv b. ntciiAnt) i:uito.
O. F. IIYXIIKU BcstNtai MAKAntn.
Kntsrsl lit lta Postofllcs t Bcrahton, 9oml.
Class Mill Hatter.
When spftca wilt permit, The) Trlliunp Is
always) glntl to print ihort letter from Hi
friends bearing on current tuples, but Hi
rule la that these must be signed, for lit'
llnntlon, by ths writer's real nnme) nnil
the condition precedent tn itcceptnnrr Is
that nil contributions shall be subject to
editorial revision.
The foltowloj: table slums the price per Inch each
Insertion, space to be metl within one rear:
Siding i j.,,)!
ii'i'm. PItlon
Jlntl of
1 r than SO Indies ,
M Inches . . . .
IM "
50 " i i
W "
Ill (II HI
.10 44 HI
,10 .11 .111
M .':; .10
,.'u , :: ..'I
.111 1 ,I7 M
For csnls of thanki, resolution1) of condolence, and
1mllr contribution In the nature of nrtvertlilnf,
'I ho Tribune makes a charge of 8 cenli n line,
scuantox. xovi:mm:u 4. tw,
Go(Mnoi-S AV. Pi:.VXYIACK r.n.
l.lcutumint (luveinui V. M. HKOWN.
Secietnrv of Intel nnl Affulis-ISAAC B.
CoruiO!i-VII,T,IAM COXXi:i.Ii.
Juelc-e-A. A. VOHIII'llO.
Coninillnneit-.IOIIN t'Ot'Itmit JlOIt
Mine Insncrloi-l,I,P.Wi:r,YX M. EV
riixt DMiif i-josnpir or.tvr.R.
Second Dltii( t-.inilX ftfl I K I '11 It. JR.
'Ihliil DMilrti:nWARI I WHS
jvniiiii dmiIli-p. a. pimi.uix
Election il-iy, Nov. t
All our lesnlir foiieponelenls uif
Inslntrtrri, ,ukI intr IiIpiiiN in all pm tn
of the count', nit lprnic-te'l to semi in
tonight's lplinns inniiiptl..-, bv 'phone.
Hlieio imi-MIiIp. ntlieiuNc hy wit p.
Howell' Last Card.
-T-Iin "l.tvl (.ud" ol the Howell
I tiiinn.iixii .ippe.iipil Mui-
M d,i in the loiin of n
with mi in title in thlee lan-
KiiiiKc- sin'-Mv lii.illtjnlnfr Wllliiini Coii-
nell .'iinl .i (.it toon siieiislns him of
tolibliiR ititiif i - thilelipii of tluli el illy
bie id.
We sinmo-e this eli.iMe .Hid
tlifrnlllptl t oi m ot .iikiiiiuiH lias
Mi. I low ill' eniloi-epnii'iit: .it all
events he his not (ll".toeil It anil
his icient speeches lime been along
the sunt1 line He pn-.p. .is a tultnieil
gentleman .mil bess fot siup.tthy be
cause ejected bv cites of his own p.nly
as-.ool.ites It oin tin siipeiintemlf no of
the Stiantem si linol Jl lonKs iih
thoush lie Mtie bent on kInIiik a tlnn
onstiatlon ot tht wisdom of that ejec
tion. Xothini; liutliti need be -.ilil of the
oil cular, etept that tho'-e who be
llee that William t'onnell is a uib
ber of little i nihil en cettilnly oiiKht
not to ole foi hini lot any public
ofllee, while, on tlie oilier hand, thoe
who iloubt tlie i ontents and piontiety
oi the HowpII "last find" slioulil she
all. C'onnell the benellt of the iloubt.
Vote t.tilv and woik haul for the
entile Republican liiUet. JlaKe yoin
work tell.
Tlie Ticket to Vote.
AT ITS II HAD stands Samuel W.
I'lliuxi) iikcr, with a stainless
k. 1 1 lomI as a ,iud,e, an able
sdiolni and hlsioiian, full of
initio in his n.Uhe state, hei jitople and
their utlileeiuuu- i ilean Republiian
whoe eleiliim tin ans the tll-appeai-nuif
of lacllonal lamo. and a letiiin
of Roveininent wlthotu scandal. Vote
for Penn.xpaiUer for noeiniir.
Nit in line is William M. Mi own, one
of the niakets of the piosiesshe lity
ol Newcastle, this state: a lotnier state
senator who--e moid be.ii? inspittlon
and wliosy ttiulpiiifitL for the place id
tlist-ilass. Vote ioi Hi own fot lieuten
ant ROVCtllOl.
HllllKlliir up the uai ol the stale
tltket, but in the tijlus times of the
(hil wm alwa.xs anions the (list on iho
battle line ol ilutj, and in civil Hie an
clticieiit, ( oin teems and obllgiiiK Kentle
inan. now the talthlul doputv in the
olll(e otr whiili he seeks to pte-lde
Is 3h.uu It. Ihown. Vote foi him lor
!-eciitai. of iuteinal allaiis
Tlie candidate who heads the i canity
ticket has wiltteu his own blostaphv
and tuloBy In achieM'iiieiitH which aie
tlie niainsiay or Sii.tuton's ii(isieilt,
31ut nioie ihaii that' In this i lection lie
ifpieeiiis iltn polities and lutuesis of
the piesldent of the Vnlleil Slates,;
thcieioie ote lor Wllilani Connell for
XtM below him on the ballot Is ,, .,
Yoahiug, nu attouipllshed Jtiiist, foi
ini'i ly nu ailoiney who won leudeip
nt the bar by hum It, sened niceptably
and elllclently as i Ity .solicitor and was
lionoiud by appolntnient by the Binti
nor to the bench of the newly tieattd
JTiphaiiM' couit. whose woik and inles
of pioiediiie he oifjiiuled with etep. ability, A'nte for A'oshuig lor
; JuJkp.
In John t'ouiier .Mini Is and John Pen
inaii we have two Induhtiious and em.
nouilcal adinlnlbti.itois of the lounty's
business affahs who, after one teim of
Hgnally eltocthe set vice, ask a icelic
tlon. Vote for Mom Is and ppiinuiu for
county L'ouilllissonei.s,
Hy ipcent legislation lliaUluir elective
those whoso dut It U In the name nf
iho mate to bee that our mines aie made
.safe for the men and bos who eam in
tltem their livelihood, Meweilyn M,
'lviins nnil David T, Williams appear
on tilt) ticket as tlio III st candidates to
K befoio the people for mlua Inspeu.
toi.s. They ait! elllclent and tiust
w ot thy. Vote (or them.
At the beail of the legislative ticket,
In John 11. Joulaii, the Republiian paity
pusents a capable and piopetly am.
bltious joiuiff man, u ilslns llBine at
our bar and endoisecl by all who know
him as staunch and Hue. lie will make
a good senator. You tan lest assuied
of that. Vote for Joidan.
Finully, In the seveial leglslutUo ills,
trltts aieOIUei, Hcheuer, James and
.Phllblll. it. alinntr ilnlcirnllnii
fctaunthly ja'publUaii. each stue to otel
for a Republican tfnllecl State senator
and to represent lila dlstilct ably nnd
each certain, In the event of his elec
tion, to linvo the Imltienre and fildiully
aid of the Potinj packer udinlnlslrallon,
without which a icpteientntlvr would
be little mote than u llsllielieiitl, Vole
for any of lliese fotin and thui help to
sectne s1''t tppiesentnlloh.
Ctet to the polls catty this inoinliirr.
After .oii have voted, olunteei some
vvoik for the Republican tlcliet, Help
to pull out the .Mtuy.nthtme.. Make
5 our power Tell.
Don't foi get that the leirlHlatoi.s anil
senatoi s elected today will have a. vote
well for a United Slates senator this
winter. l,ot no Republican vote to tie
President Roosevelt's hands In the
A Contrast In Methods.
A UR12AT drnl of campaign bun-
combe and clnp-tlap Iiiih nil"
jt .. dotibtcdly been peippttnled
upon a defenseless public din
ing the campaign now dosing, though
not neai Iv so nuieh as In a campaign
of otdluaiy length. The Intelligence
of most oteis will, howeei, be suf
ficient to discount and dKeaid it, Af
ter today theie will be un Intel val of
Yet as eompaicd with a few
ago piesent campaign method Indicate
uiaiked piogiess. Mote and mote ev
eiy year nigunient Is detnaniled by
voteiu in doubt, and liteiatuie and
speaking ate tailed for. The stump
speech of a lew jeais ago was oidln
uillv a veiy lontiuonpl.iee Intellectual
pel feu malice. Id sn nothing of Its hick
of candoi and sometimes of tiulhfiil
ness The stump speech ot today, how
ever, has to ha,e infoini.ition In It
and If the Miteis nnil that tlie In
lot iii.tlion It pui pot Is to contain Is false
or mlsltadlng, tlie p.u ty iesponlble for
Hip deception sullenc In inuih the
s.nne wit Is it with the 'liewspapets.
While we stilously doubt that the so
called Independent newpapti, e-petlal-lv
when, has in leccnt eais
gte.ttly slienglheued Its hold upon pub
lic lunllile uce, eiept when
and lull In its pteseiitatlon of news,
et In almost all newspapeis Inelutl
Ing the so-called put. otg.ius, the tone
of disc ii".on is higher and theie Is a
glowing leniltncy lo appeal lo iPiison
lalhei than to iiejudlces
The Republican tuiup.ilt-n In this
loimty tliN je.u has been slngulaily
(lean and lilgh-tonecl. We have had
a gt.ide of speal.eis lar above the cm -din
u y, Including a i.ibluet inlntsttr,
an e-iabinct the (loot le.ule: of
the hou-e ol ieiueeiit.itlves at Wash
ington and a number of othei leading
ilk ii, and unite unlfeuiiilj theii ad
dicsses have been educational nnd en
teitalnitis as well as paitls.iu. AVe be
lieve that In point ot decenc.v and liee
lom liom deiniigoglsm or pettllog
irlng the Republiian liteiatuie ued
in this di-tiict this campaign has
been ot a compaiativ elv high gi.ule.
Although li oin at least, two ot the of the oppusltlou time has
been a of billings
gate and libel cllitcted at one in moie
of the I'epublican landldates, theie has
been Utile letnllation in kind This
was not due to lack of wilnei ability on
1 lie p.ut ot the candidates on the so
i.illed "Anti-.Machliie" tli ket but to a
sense of tha linpiopt It ty of abusive
While we must await tonight's ip
tuins to illstmer vvhlth tl le of tain
pilgulng is the moie eflettnal in Lack
awanna county, we should like to be
lieve that ou i piople ate not behind
the people ol other loiiiinuiilties in
glowing away fiom the old-fasliioned
bluster and buiuoinbe method of polit camii.iiguliir; and tow. ml the and petsoti.tlly touiteous
method now coining into vogue. Cei
taluly if l.nett and Little aie conect
judges ot what constitutes effective
ness in political discuss-ion the llbt 1
laws had better be lepealed and so
e lety ftankly ituifess that so lar as
the Tenth dlstilct Iscotueined clvilla
tlon is a talluie.
It ou would sustain Koo-uvelt, ole
foi L'onilell.
The General Situation.
WHH.K suth a thing as an
oil" in polities should
be unknown It Is a fact
tint the elections mid
way between aie
uuall eh.uaeleiized by indifietence
and ap.Uh.v on the p.ut of voteis ot tlie
majoilly pail; ami hy gains b.v the op
position. Theie is a leason tor this loundcd
in human naiuie. l'lesldentlal cam
paigns ustiillj Involve peisonal expec
tations beyond the ability of any ad
nilnisliatlon wholl to leallo. This is
peculluily lino of pin ty woikeis. The
man In an nlllie has less luipntlve to
woik than the man who is out of olllce
but un.Nlolis to get In, Kor eveiy mull
apiuiinled lo an ollltc- a men on
an avenge, sue disappointed and
ehugilnocl If not actuallv einbllteifd,
They usually show their lecliugs at Hie
'" election. Moie than that,
the policies of an admlnlhtiatloii, how
ever admliable, taiely lieiome so ole.u
ly deilued In the Hist or KPCond jear
as to attiact liom the muss of people
not peisonally luteiested In ofllce-seelt-Ing
the nieasuie of nppmlatlvo sup
poit uecessaiy to offset the loss of en
thusiasm among r tlio disappointed.
Then, If the geneiul conditions of busi
ness aie sutislaotory llieie is a tendency
unions' business men to loigot to appear
at the polls and give the paity In
povvei the benefit of the appieciatlon
to which It Is entitled.
Thus It has tome about that, with
one eM'i'pllon, eveiy tougiess elected la
the past two decades Immediately foi
lowing a change In tlie piesldency has
been continued by (lie opposition, at
least In the house of lepieseplatlves,
The exception was the Fifty-sixth con
Bless, ihosen dining Hie elation ot vie
toiy In war. For tlieto leasons It would
not be stiauge It the congiess to be
elected today should be Demociatlc,
And jet, fiom a higher standpoint It
would be exceedingly stiunge, since It
would Indicate captlousness at a tline
when the stale of the tountiy Is ex
ceptlonully piospeious nnd when the
policies of the administration are not
only tleutly denned but extiuoullnailly
pupular and suciessful.
rottuiKitely the Indications all point
to a vote of confidence In Tlioorloi1'
Roocvelt, extending from ocean to
ocean and tovcilng substantial!!' eveiy
locality In oiir country w hen e electl ins
aie full ly r5p'eentittlve of public opt
ion and piefeience. A conseivatlve
forecast of the piohabllllles would con
cede a Republican inujotlt.v In Hie
Klfiy-elghth congiess of nt least twenty
and It would not be stit mixing If the
majoilly should be twice that. While
In the light ot political precedent nny
mnjoilty nt all would be a victory, the
excellence ot Republican ndmliilstintlon
and the extiaotellnaiy well-being of the
counliy miller Its cine excite wonder
that Intelligent cltls-ens should feel nay
Impulse to take elmuees.
With o many evldentes of piospetlty
ou all sides and so much to be thank
ful for, It Is u wonder the Demociats
do not take advantage of the situation
(o help their own cutlse a bit. Instead,
they aie still advocating calamity. An
unknown poet has evpiessed his views
in a bit of Jingle, which Is llttlng:
As tlie lioiuy hand of lnbor
And Die velvet hand of wealth,
Ate clasping eneh the oilier
In u least of tut Ic unci health!
AVe tan slug of "sweet piospelit"
And oilier ttliiiNnine lavs.
While Hip Deinocuils me pointing
To those good old "sntipholtse ebi.vs."
IJvei since the beginning of the pies
ent campaign, the Demociatlc oratois
have been demanding that the Hag be
hnuleel down In the Philippines. "Old
Glcuy" still waves, however, and .vlll
continue lo do o un'tll civilization has
made it unnecessniy.
And now It is announced that Senator has ed for expansion. It
is only the oeeaslonal wall of some
oi.i tor of the William Jennings Biyan
stamp at tlie fate of dead Issues thnt
would cie.ite doubt tint tlie woilrt
Good, dean, economical government,
against w hli h not a chaige has been
i.iised. This Is what tlie lounty has
had untie.' (.'ommlssioneis Mot i Is and
Penman. He-elect them.
A Deiiioci.'illc vlcloi on Xovembei 4
would make It much hauler foi Repub
lican success In 110-I, when a Republi
can pte-ldent will be needed to con
tinue piesent piospetlty.
Judge Voslnng has earned an elec
tion. He has made a faithful and el
lic lent judge. The Demociats aheady
have two ot the judgeships. Don't let
them ac t hoggish.
It begin-, lo look as though the Pana
ma vvai would nevei be settled until the
I'nlted Slates makes a coaling station
out ot the neck.
John Scheuer is a leadei at Huitis
bing and can do a lot ol woik for his
dlstilct. He Is the man to keep theie.
The men who piotnised good majoi i
tles foi Patlisem will all take to the
woods tomoiiovv.
See in e efllciemy and economy in
couutv business by le-electlng Penman
and Mollis.
Vosbuig has made a good judge and
the Demociats have enough judges,
Ulei t lilm.
This is a good time for the Demo
ciatlc election better to r-u!ctly hedge.
'Piled and ti nc in" councils! safe at
Hat i isbuiti Joseph Ollvei; elect him.
Patll-on can't get away fiom the fact
that he never ii tonus alter election.
The silent oter will now demolish ate
his supeiloiity over the noisy talkei.
How many judges do the Demociats
think they .lie entitled to, anyhow?
3nite pittaTJiilty to stay by voting
the sti night Republican ticket.
In tlie Koutth dlstilct, Philbin and
efficiency. He owns himself.
A ".ote for f'onnell is a vote for
Roosevelt. Roth deserve It.
Common sense upholds Republican
ism. well enough alone.
Vote lor Uvans and Williams and
llist-class mine Inspection.
A ote lot John Scheuer Is a vote for
lesiills ut Hanlsbuig.
Don't ovetlook Jen dan foi senator.
He's u sine w Inner.
Helelle James did well his Hi .st teim,
(live IiIni another.
Uniform 1
Unique i
Gentleman's 1
Wfciskey f
SoM at all Drt-rlai ealei aa4 j Jobkcrt. c..
. VVM LASA1US bO.S,Ha tlniore, IW
2 O sJxJ.IkJ, J,'
Green Valley Rye
May be compared to gold, 18
karet fine. Try it; if you do not
agree with us,' your money back.
Four quarts delivered locally,
or anywhere east of the Mis
sissippi river, for five dollars.
j&" Sales DEPMTMENTfl
W2ii LackawamnaAve.ScramtonV
Old 'Phone
.sflsfsssssssssssssssHS SrOr' V
I IjI j(9'f
sV sbbbbbWL- i?sV AT
-4jHHH'- -.w'
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
Next Door to new First National Bank Building.
r (
now will you nave Yours:'
Medium or Best Grade
Particular people are our best Hosieiy Patrons, for
they know the true value of a good stocking.
If you have been disappointed in quality, style or
price, we invite your inspection of our Hosiery de
partmentcomparison will result in your making it
headquarters for new reliable goods.
Meldrum, Scott
Take a look at our Fall aud Winter line of
Underwear and Gloves
If these lines are not better than any other in town,
don't buy them, but at any rate have a look. Our assort
ment of Underwear is so large, we cannot specify each kind
in thi3 small space. They range in price from 50c to $5.
We have forty different kinds to show you, from the
25c Working Glove, the $1.00 Walking Glove, to the pure
Otter or bealskiu, including Dent's, Kownes', Perrius',
Tannert's, also 'Rip-Proof" Driving Glove,
309 Lacka. Avenue.
Sole Ajrcnt for Dr. Jacjrer's Sanitary Underwear.
'l,,l' 'i,,!''i,1'i,'t' ! ! i'
X If YOU Want Of A lJ.O forCa5,'''''Easy J
J The Best JL I JT 1 1 J Payments. Call 011
Wareroom, . . , .117 Wyoming Avenue
Various Makes of Pianos at All Prices. Old In-
srrnments Taken in Exchange.
Lubricate Your
flachinery by
Scientific Hethods
and savo SIXTV PCU CUNT, of ex
jienses. We malcn n specialty of piopcr lu
bileants for pioper pin poses.
Tho Sanderson
Oil and Sneeialty Co,,
I Race Street) City,
Done quickly and reasonably
at The Tribune office.
New 'Phone
The L, R., D. & M.
Shoe for Ladies
A hand-made shoe of su
perior quality that sells for
And not only weais better
than many higher priced
shoes, but holds its shape and
alwajs looks dtessy.
STYLE A VIpI Kid Vnmp, mat
kid tap, putcnt lcnthcr tip.
STYLE B Enamel vamp, mot kid
top and toe.
STYLE C-Vlcl Kid vamp, top
and toe.
& Co.,
No. 126
Wyoming Avenue
412 Spruce Street
. . . 3. . . .
Manufacturers ol'
Old Stock
NtSSk. Scranton.Pa.
Old 'Phone, 333i.
New 'Phone, 2935.
is 1
$20.00 in GOLD
For a Christmas Present?
Twenty Christmas Presents
To Be Cilven by Tlie Scrantoii Tribune lo the Children of
Scranton and INnrtlieustcrit Pennsylvania.
One Present $20.00 In dold $20.00
Ono Present IOtoo In dold 10.00
OnoPresent 5.00 In Oold 5.00
Two Presents 2.50 Each 5.00
Five Presents t.oo Each 5.00
Ten Presents 50c Each 5.00
Total Twenty Presents
Junior Educational Contest.
A Contest in Word-Hulldliijr.
Who Can Make the Most Words Out or the Letters in
TIIFS IS much easier than last year's contest, and twenty of
tlie brightest boys and girls will secure Christmas Gifts
in caslt lor making the largest number of words out of
these letters. It is lots of fun to think out the words and hunt
them up in the dictionary, and besides it will help you with your
spelling. Yon will be surprised at the number of different ways
these twelve lelteis can be used.
Rules of the Contest.
Presents will be given to the boys or girls, whose parents
01 guardians are subset ibcrs lo THE TRIBUNE, building the
largest number of words out of tlie letters contained in "The
Home Paper."
Xo letters must be used any more times than they appear
in these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be
used, but there might be two "IPs" or three "EV
Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Web
ster's International Dictionary" (edition of 1808) will be al
lowed. Anv dictionarv can be used, but in judging the contest
THE TRIBUNE will debar all words not found in Webster's.
Pioper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap
pendix" will not be allowed.
Obsolete words are admitted if defined in tlie dictionary.
AYords spelled two or more ways can be used but once.
Words with two or more definitions can be used but once.
No single letters counted as woids except "A" and "O."
flow to Write Your List.
'Write on one side of tlie paper only.
Write very plainly; if possible, use a typewriter.
Write your name, age and address at the top of your list.
Write tlie name of parent or guardian with whom you live
and who is a regiilar subscriber lo THE TRIBUNE.
Eold the lis"t DO NOT ROLL.
Number eery woul In tlio list, beginning' at the first and con
tinuing to the last conseeutKely.
All letters of inquiry for information will be promptly an
sweied. Address jour list of words, or any question you wish
answered, to
We have now in stock the finest display
of these goods ever made in Scranton.
Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na
poleon post bed styles. They are ele
gantly lich.
Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully
finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis
XIV styles.
We linite Inspection Whether You Are Going to Buy at Once or Not.
Hill & Conitell, Washington Avenue
4, v
iwSieninfW ;
Of anything in the lino of
j, opilCiU gQima wo unit Buyyiy it. .j.
and Eye Glasses s
Propeily fitted by tin expert
From $1.00 Up
Also nil kinds of piescrlp
tion woils nnd lepahing.
Mercereau & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue,
Atlantic City.
The temperature at the AONEW,
On tlio lleadi, In Chelsea, Atlantic Clt,
'Iliursilii!, wan 40.
Eveiy appointment of u modem Hotel.
Kentucky Aunue. I'list Hotel liom llcach, At
Untie Cll), N. J.; W OuMti le roomj, ci.
tucily 400, M)U lor tpuUI liUn. J, U. Jenk
ins, I'rop
On s ipur ol the Alleghany Mountain'. 1 rliltfli
Valley lallrojd, near 'luwjuda Il.itliln?, Hi iln;,",
tpotts, etc. Eice-lltiit Colilc. Itcasoiulilo rate).
p, 0 , Ape, l'.
Ses.1 tor booKIot.
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Not s elicit course, nor so tuj count,
cor s cheap course, but tlio best cducstlon
to be had. ho other tclutatiou li wortb
spending time and money on. U 0U do,
write (cr a catalosuo ol
Easton, Pa.
which cHers thorough prrpJUtlon In ths
I ngineering aud Chemical rrofesjionj u weU
u the tesular College courjes.
HeBiihr Sttito Noininl Cqursei and
Speclul lJiaitnieut!) eif Mtisle, Klocti.
lion. Ait, PliiwIiiB. Steuugraiiliy unci
Tjimwiltlns! htionu College t'lenaia
toiy Department
Honitllns expenses J3 30 per weelc
Pupih iiilinltteil nt any tlmo Winter
Teim opens Dee. L9th Wilto for cata.
E. L, KEM1-, A. M.,
T. J. roster.Pies. llliner II l.aall,Treas.
11. j i o.sioi rsiiiniey i. Anon,
Vice TrcslUciit. . Beeietary,