K vn-ji , ,' ,-r -tifS-m y V,, "-r THE SCRAOTON TRIBUNE-MOjNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1902. G WEST Rev. T. A. Humphreys, B. D., the New Pastor of the Plymouth Congregational Church His Sermon Yesterday. P.rv, 'I'. A. Humphreys, U. U, tho ncwl. olci-tcd pastor of Hip Plymouth I'nnKi-tK'itlnnnl church, wtm limit nonr Mum, lu Allen county. Uhlo, ami after pnsslng thruilKh tin' inilillc school nt Lima lie entered the college lit Lob- UEV. T. A. HUMPHREYS, B. 1. anGii, whore he Inter graduated. Up became a teacher in the public schools and for over ten years was actively en gaged in educational work. During that period, and later, he was also engaged In .several Ohio colleges as a teacher of music. Believing his life-work to be the min istry, he entered the Oberlln (Ohio) Congregational college and .studied for the ministry, later graduating with tho title of B. D., there being but very few .out of a large class who received the title. Almost Immediately he onteied upon his ministerial duties at Rrncken brldge, Missouri, and since has been the pastor of largo churches in Colorado, Kansas, Ohio and Pennsylvania, his last charge before coming to Scranton being at Sharon, Pa., where he had gone but a short time before from Cleveland, Ohio. Tn 1S.S9, at the time of the great Johnstown Hood, Rev. Humphreys was pastor of the First Congregational church at Johnstown, and the church, with thousands of other buildings, was fuvept away, leaving tho congregation homeless and poor. He immediately went nut through the United States from Maine to AVIsconsin and raised enough money to build a now and better church. "When ho left Johnstown, a lew I FfiRF! Five stamps given away with each bottle of Dufour's French Tar G. W. JENKINS. ISWS FREE! FREE I The Man I 1 Who Sai "Talks Cheap," got away with a pretty smart thing. Many Dry Goods buyers have found to their cost that talk is quite expensive, because it is often misleadi ng when used in advertisements. Our reputation in this city has stood for absolute truth for over twenty years, even in our Huvciusemenis, ana wnen we say that Our Dress Goods Department Is the only complete department of its class in the city of Scranton, wo simply reiterate a fact known to every intel. ligent buyer in the city of Scranton. Our New Costume Velvets And Corduroys are attracting much attention, and well they might, as the range of prices, qualities and shades leaves nothing to be desired. The Other Dress Fabrics Such as "Bud'' Suitings, Knickerbocker Checks; Scotch Tweeds and other rough-faced woolens, our line is limit less. The same remarks apply to Dress Stuffs of smooth finish, such as Prunellas in winter weights, Venetians, Broadcloths, Meltons, etc. In a word if it's fashionable you'll find it here, and lots of it to choose from. Special Offerings This Week 3000 $5r?&h00tM KOoa 8,mdlB- 19c 25000, 25c 2100 ;,,i,'JS 25c 1600 Slnwoo ff Wltm s"''pe3' An 29c 1500 AliVf?.01 a,;l",,l,, Clotlis iriircl'twVsV'lVnlslV."' Tho most diir- 'JO. " able dress fubile mndo, Wim Wc, Now , ,, OtC 5000 S ""'"I'tcfl fabrics. Tho niobt popular weaves of tho sea- A(n tivrF BOt)i All wool, Average vnluo about too. Now 4,C 1250 inches .de. All r)9o 10m'l;l!fy "ml ' 59fl 1600 ?&&&, 0c llM$?y.TOM 59c S00 J;,,h M'"'01' Piunnellas hi Hhick only. This Is tho fad of llio r "" hour for tailored suits or skills,... ................ ()5C 500 M'&W'ffi S9c Sale of Waist Cloths 1 wo hundred pieces Fancy Waistlngs. embracing a full assortment of all that fashion demands, such as Satin Stripes, Ribbon Stripes, Satin Stripo Plaids, Lawns, Alba trosses, Tuckings, Persians, Cords, etc, Bargain prices at from $ i. oo to , f 9C Light Weight Black Goods l he finest collection of New Novelties ever seen in this city now awaits your inspection. It includes all the new weaves you have read about, and, as usual, the selection is abundant. If a a a a a a & a 'f m 'MVMvmvmvkvm. I Globe CRANTON years later, the church was without debt. Hov, Huinpliirys tnttrs an active part In church life and alms to inuke him self personally acquainted with every member from the youngest to tho old est, He also takes an active pnrt in inlfislonnry ami temperance work and by his mimical talent proves a great help In all meetings. Ho also conducts special revival meetings and docs not have an evangelist," as he secures greater results by personal work. All churches which he has been pastor of have been loft at the end of long and pleasant pastorates. Increased In num bers, and with greater spiritual and financial nower. Social Notes. A blrthduy party was tendered W. V. limning, at his home on North Jlyds Path avenue, Saturday evening, Ho ru'shments were served nt a. late hour. Miss Grace HIcc, of Schlager boule vard, entertained her numeiotis friends on Friday evening. Miss Uloe proved to be a charming hostess and a most enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pike, of 323 Thir teenth street, entertained a few friends at their home on Friday evening. Vo cal Instrumental music, also games weie enjoyed till a late hour, when Mrs. Pike served refreshments and dis tributed pretty souvenirs In memory of the happy event. With the Churches.. Rev. Kdward Howell occupied the pulpit of the Sumner Avenue Presby terian church at the 6 o'clock service, and also preached at the 7.30 o'clock evening service of the First r.nptlst church on Sunday. The Loyal Ciusaders attended divine service at the First "Welsh Baptist church In a body Sunday evening. The pastor, Rev. D. D. Hopkins, preached a special sermon to them. Rev. James Henninger, pastor of the JSinbury Methodist Episcopal church, delivered a very Interesting sermon Sunday morning, from tho text, "The Fading Leaf, the Emblem of Mortal ity." In the evening Rev. T. M. Phil lips, of Washtngtoji, D. C, preached a thoughtful sermon on the "Christian's Hope." ' Rev. C. O. Maltby. D. D., of Philadel phia, preached a profoundly Interesting sermon to a large audience at tho morning service of the Jackson Street Baptist church. In the evening tho rally exercises given one week ago were repeated. "The Signs of the Times" was the subject of a unique, yet very interest ing sermon by Rev. Hugh C. McDer mott, D. D., at the evening service of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. John P. Moffatt, D. D., occupied his pulpit as usual at both services of tho AVashburn Street Presbyterian chinch yesterday. tsr. ( y mvwMvmvmm v'arahote?. The celehrnllon of ttie Holy Eiichar 1st took place at St. David's church Sunday morning. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. There will he a meeting or the hoard of mine exninliiers In tho oulco of Al derman John, this afternoon. Mlfcs Margaret lOvans, of North Oar fleld avenue, Will entertain the Jovtyt club nt her home on Wednesday even ing. A regular meeting of C. It. nnd U. A. council, No. 169, will bo held in Y. M. I. hull this evening. Mrs. George Lewis, of St. Louis, Mo., Is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. David H, Hughes, of North aurflcld nveiuie. Miss Olive Escott, of South Main avenue, Fpent Sunday as tho guest of Wllkep-Hitrrc friends. Miss Alice Lee, of North Lincoln ave nue, Is quite ill. The funeral of Helen, tho 4-year-nld daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Itobort M. Pockuns, of Jackson street, who died Friday night, after a long Illness, will be held this afternoon nt i o'clock from tho parental home. Miss Lily M. Strong, slate secretary of tho Young Women's Christian asso ciation of Pennsylvania, hnd charge ot the gospel meeting nt tho West Side branch, Sunday afternoon. ' Miss Mamie Trainer, of Emmet street, Is suffering from an abscess of tho eye. Mrs. McGee and daughter, Mntm, of North Rebecca avenue, are home from Orange, N. J. Miss May Durkln, of Luzerne street, Is In Now York city. A number of West Side people at tended the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kvans, at Green wood, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Evans formerly lived on this side. Miss Norma Williams, of Eynon street, Is quite ill. THE TICKET TO VOTE. It Is the First Column oil the Ballot You Will Get Tomorrow. FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET. MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. REPUBLICAN. Governor. Mark One. Samuel W. Pennypacker. Lieutenant Governor. Mark One. n William M. Brown. Secretary of Internal Affairs. Mark One. Isaac B. Brown. Representative in Congress. Mark One. William Council. Senator in the General Assembly. Mark One. D John B. Jordan. Representative in the General Assembly. Mark One. Joseph Oliver. Judge of the Orphans' Court. Mark One. Alton A. Yosburg. County Commissioners. Mark Two. John Courier Monls. John Penman. Mine Inspector. Mark Two. Llewellyn M. Kvans. Hi David T. Williams. NOTE. Tn tho Second legislative district, h plaeo of Joseph Oliver will appear tha name of John Scheuer, Jr. In tho Third legislative district, tltu name of Edward James. In the Fourth legislative district, tha name of P. A. Phllbln. PETER HAETICH BURIED. Services Over the Remains Yester day Afternoon. Funeral services over the remains of tho late Peter Hactlch weie conducted yesterday afternoon by Ilev. Oscar A. Uallciikamp, pastor of tho JSIon Ger man Kvangellual Lutheran church, A large delegation from tho Scranton Lleilorkrntiis were in attendance. Tho church choir and a nunrtette from tho Lloderkraiiis sang nt the house, and tho latter ulso sang at the grave In Forebt Hill cemetery, whero interment was made. Tho pall-bearers were John Horn, Theodore Fahrenliolt, August Krelgel stelu, Oenrpo Klnback, Conrad Wenzel and FipiI Hurr. The llowcr-boarers were Albert Zonko and Puler Zleglor. Killed in an Abandoned Mine. Hy Kiclusitc Wlif (mm The Aswl.itnl l'rr. Now Blr.illMlJIo, l) No. 2. Maurice O'Hilcn, a minor; (.'h.lllcs Sampson, stnble boss,, and Ilcrbcit Cnrnn, bookkeeper, were killed by an explosion of gas In Lost Ituu initio, near hern today. It Is hlipposed tho gas found its way Into tho mlno fiom mi adjoining mine which has been abandoned for several years. It Is believed the men went in to exploro the mine and that tho gas was Ignltd by the lights thely cairled. AH OLD AWJ WEtL-TRITO REMTOT, KK3; , WINBLOW'S SOOTHING- SYRUP for children teething. Is the prescription ol fcns of the best female physicians and burses In the United States, and has beea used sixty year3 with never-falling sucJ cess by millions of mothers for their chlN flren. Durlne the process of teething its Value Is Incalculable. It relieves tho chili from .pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In the bowels, and w nd-cpllc. By giving healtU lo he child It rests tho mother. Price, twenty-live ccaU a botUa. SOUTH SCRANTON ANNIVERSARY OP BEGINNING OF REFORMATION, Services Were Hold In tho Parish Houso of the German Probyterinn Church nnd Wero Participated in by Members of All of tho German Evangelical Congregations of tho City Those Who Participated in tho Exercises Funeral of the Lato Mrs. Jano Duffy. Three hundred and eighty-seven years ago, Martin Luther fired the first gun of tho reformation, and this momentous epoch In church history was observed last evening at the parish house of tho German Presbyterian church on Hick ory street. Hundreds of tho members of the German Evangelical congrega tions (locked lo tho spacious audi torium, which was crowded to the doors. An appropriate programme had been arranged for tho occasion, in which the newly reorganized church choir, under the directorship of Prof. C. U. Derman, took a leading part, the accompani ments being rendered by Lawrence's orchestra, and Mrs. Eugene Fellows, who Is acting ns temporary organist. When tho services begun at 7.30 p. in., the following clcrgyipen wero seated on tho platform: Uev. AVIlllam A. Noidt, pastor of the Hickory Street German Presbyterian church; Ilev. Jacob Schoettle, of the West Scranton Ger man Presbyteilan church; Itev. Aug ust Weber, or the Taylor Evangelical church; Hov. J. Schmidt, Pr.D., of the Prospect Avenue Church of Pence; rtev. Eugene WeisskopIT, of the Price burg Evangelical church; Uev. Felix Stelnmann, of the German Presby terian church, Petersburg; Ilev. Gustav nobolln, of the Adams Avenue Gorman Methodist Episcopal church; Ilev. Her man Rltter, of St. Paul's Evangelical church, on Prospect avenue, and Rev. J. J. Schmitt, of the Hickory Street Raptist church. Tho programme of ser vices was as follows: Opening IlemarUs Ilev. W. A. Noiclt Singing Congiegutlon Praer Ilev. Jacob Schouttlo Hymn, Gloila," from the Creation, Choir Apostolic Creed Rev. August Weber bciipture Heading from Psalm 10. Luther's I'avorlte, "Tho Loid Is Our Refuge, and Stiengih and Help," Rev. E. J. Schmidt Solo Mrs. Alfred Guthelnz Address, "The Necessity of the Retm- mation" Rev. G. A. Hnusser Luther's Reformation Hymn, "Kin ceste Bing 1st Un&er Gott." Congiegatlon Address, "Work of tho Reformation," Rev. Eugene. Weiskopff Hymn Congregation Address "Blessings ot the Reforma tion" Pastor Felix Stelnmann Singing Choir Lord's Prayer Rev. Herman Rotter Closing Hymn Congregation Benediction Pastor G. nobolln At the morning services, which were also well attended, Rev. Mr. Nordt spoke on the reformers, under three heads, as follows: First, "Humble Seivants of God"; second, "Witness bearers of the gospel"; third, "True friends of the people." Tho services and anniversary were conducted in the parish house, because of repairs to the church, which will be formally opened the first Sunday in December, the sixteenth anniversary of tho dedication of the church, and the eighth anniversary of Ilev. Mr. Nordt's Incumbency as pastor. Yesterday's Funerals. Robert, the 14-months'-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hemold, was laid at rest yesterday afternoon. Services were held at the home and many friends of tho bereaved parents were in attend ance. Interment was made in Dun more cemetery. Mrs. Jane Duffy, whose death oc curred Friday, was laid at rest yester day afternoon from the home of her father, John Gibson, of 313 Prospect avenue. Services were conducted at St, Mary's church, Dunmore, by Rev. Father O'Donnell, and interment was made in St. Mary's cemetery. The pallbearers were: T. A. Hope, John Hope, Patrick Nealon, David But Ice, James Langan, Peter Merrick, An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Balderis, residing at 2013 Plttston avenue, was laid at rest in tho Cathe dral cemetery yesterday afternoon. NUBS OF NEWS. Every member of the South Side Re publican association should be at the headquarters on Alder street at 7.30 this evening to take part In tho mass meeting and also act ns an escort for the speakers of the evening. Communion services weieheld lu the Church of Peace on Prospect avenue, yesterday morning. Madeline Reidenbach, of SIC South Irving avenue, Is seriously HI, Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers, Professor C B. Derman, lender of tho Choral union, has also been chosen as musical director of the Presbyterian church choir. GREEN RIDGE MATTERS. Green Ridge Lodge of Odd Fellows Attended Service nt tho Church of the Good Shepherd, Thlity memheis nf fltecu Itldgo lodge, No, U0.I, Independent Order of Odd Pel lows, met at Masonic hall, Dickson ave nue, last evening and marched In a body to the Church of tho Good Shepherd, cor ner Mousey avenue and Green llidgo hlreet, whcin Hov, Fiances It. llatcm.iu ilellveied a most Interesting sermon up propilatc lo tho teachings ot Odd Fellow ship, Tho speaker dwelt upon tho doctrine nf Justification by woiks as being thn eoiol lary of the P.iiillun doctrlun of jiiitlllea tlon by faith. Mo Mild that tho faith by which a man Is Nived Is tho faith mi Hummed up In tho apostles' cieed tlm Faith of the Gospel; that It Involved ac ceptnnco of tho moral and siilritual au thority of Jesus Christ and obedience to the lawn of thn kingdom of which J lo Is tho Dlvlno Head. He then proceeded lo dcseilbo tho kind nf faith such a man as tho apostle had In mind would poiscss. Ho said ho might baso his claim to hava faith on tho ground of certain religious opinions, or on cer tain religious feelings, on tho gioiuul ot udmlratlou of pincticnl goodness in oth ers, or on tho ground of satisfaction with himself as being ns good as other people. The pieacher then lusscd on to notice the Illustration of St. James as one which would appeal to tho faith of an Odd Fel tow, whoso organization he had heard paid iiioio attention to tho sick and tho beicavcd than any similar organization of which ho knew. Ho-concluded by urging Odd Fellows to try and conduct their ceremonies .with tho grcntcst scilousticss nnd not to say, as somo wero In tho hnblt of saying, "My Lodge Is my church," Whatever they know of piactlral piety nnd woik ot mercy wni learned of Him who said, "I was liungiy and yu gave ino meat, thirsty and yo gave mo dilnlt, sick nuil In pilson nnd ye Visited inc, and, In nsnuich ns yo havo ilono It to the least of theso my bicthicu yo havo duno It unto Mo." SHORT PARAGRAPHS. William Oblesby, ot Sandcifion avenue, has been nppoluled imijoilly Inspector for tho Thltd dlitrlct of this waul to titltu the place of O, II. Nlcol, resinned, Mrs. B. P. Hull, of B.indoison avenue, has returned from Washington, D. C ac companied by her daughter, .Mis. James Kays, who will spend the winter bote. Postmnslcr and Mrh. W. ,1. Peck, of West Plttslon, spent Sunday at ltnetawn, the homo or Mr. Peck's paicnls, Mr, nnd Mrs. W. H. Peck. Mrs. Arthur Dunn, of Delaware street, cntei tallied S.iliiHlny nftcinoon In honor of Miss Hall, of Elmhn, who Is her guest, Miss Mnblo Maneo, of Wyoming semi nary, and Miss Hrwood, of New York, aiu guests of AIIsh Elizabeth Lansing, ot North Park. The work of laying crosswalks on Dola waio street nt Its Intersection with Ca-' poitso and Mousey avenue has b'-en com pleted. Elcettlc City Wheelmen and the first team of Green Ridge Wheelmen will open the bowling season this eenlng In the championship sciles at the club house, on Wyoming avenue. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Columbia Literary Club Celebrated Its First Anniversaiy News Notes nnd Personals. The membeis of the Columbia Liter ary club celebrated tho (list anniver sary of its organization, In Its rooms In tho Auditorium, Friday evening. The rooms weie beautifully decorated with the club's eolbrs and potted plants and palms. The side walls weie draped with the national colors. After an hour's enjoyment the guests proceeded to the parlor, where a bounti ful supper was served. Rlchnrd Hughes, RICHARD Ht'GHES. secretary of the club and chairman of the airangement committee, on behalf of the club, warmly welcomed the guests and gave a brief report show ing the club's standing. During the evening a short musical programme was given by the Misses Bertha Williams and Emma Weaver, of Olyphant, Among those present were tho Misses Bertha Williams, Emma Weaver, Anna Davis and Ethel Evans, of Olyphant; Helen Roderick, Cirtie Longmore, An nie Rhule, Emily Thomas, Bessie Will iams, Mary Richards, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hollister, Eveline L.inyon, and Messis. Daniel Davis, Evan Thomas, Richard Hughes, Morgan Willhims, Frank Cole man, David Sciib, Thomas Howells, Zaeharlnh Williams, Stanley Davis and Ivor Danvers. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. The North End Stars basket ball team will journey to PI union tonight to play the team of that place. Chailes Dougherty, of Thompson street, has returned from a sojourn in New York city. Oscar D.ivis, or Bueknell university, is the guest of his parents on Summit avenue. Mr. and Mis. John Jorvls. of Wayne avenue, spent yesterday with Mis. Jcr vis' parents, In Taylor. Patilck Mullen, of Bloom avenue, has returned home fiom a iiwi months' Islt In Ireland, WILKES-BARRg LOST. High School Team of That City Met the Local High Si "ftl.Tenin On the Grin...., One of the finest football games seen lu this city was played at Athletic park, Saturday afternoon, between the .Scranton high school and W'llkes-Ilario high school. From stmt to finish the game was replete with ninny brilliant i tins and sensational tackles. Although WIIkes-Barro had tho heavier team Scranton easily made up In energy what It lacked in weight and won by u score of IS to 0, In tho second half, Levy, of Scranton, distinguished himself. Scranton lost the ball on a fumble nnd Wllkes-Ilano calling back their guards sent McCaa through the line. Ho got clear of ovcry one except 1 lower and ho, by a beauti ful flying tackle brought MoCaa to earth, wiving what looked to be u sure touchdown. The Scranton boys then held them for downs. Quickly lining up they gave Levi's signal and amid the cheers of the crowd ho dashed around the end and do'dglng man after man, sprinted to ward tho goal, With ten men ufler him and ouo In front to block his pas sage, he cleverly dodged liliu and plant ed the ball behind Urn goal pusts after a wonderful run nf wonty-llvo yards thiough tho whole WilUos-lt.irro team. Bower kicked the goal, This ended tho scoring and the crowd collecting In ono plaeo gave three hearty chceis fur Levi, Tho line-up; S. 11. S. W. II. II. S. Lovl, Jones left end Kaufer Evans left tackle Mitchell Wellard left guard llelnz Kltzolmau center. .Sheppard, Rchco Hooligan right guard Richards (Julim right tackle (,'oiigblln Thayer (capt.)... .light end Bradel Bower (luarter back itecjo Edwards tight half back ,. Hook Allen left halfback Mct'au Hurly full back..., Cupplcr (caplj Refcrco Fellows, Cornell, Umplic Laulmch. Timekeepers llurhman, W. It. II. S.; Thayer, S. II. S. Llnesmen-Rhine-hlmcr, W, B. S. H.; W. Evans. S. U. S. Time of halves Twenty minutes. Touch, downs Levi. "; Edwaids, Kupplcr. Goals. Bower, 3; Kaufer. IHKliil iii kwk We H Distinguished Medical Editor Tells HW Many Aro Subject to Semi-Starvation or an Habitually Half-Fed Condition Because Their Stomachs Won't Work. A Way to Curo "Chronlo Starvation" and Its Attendant tfeaknesscs end Disabilities Is Pointed Out. isyfc 'WEB liilpin If An editorial tn tho October, (901, losuo of tho Mcillcal Brief, a journal publhhed by and for llijr,!clan3 and having tho largest circulation of nay strictly professional medical publication In the world, says: "There aro many p&tlcnts who havo nothing organically rrong with tlicm, but aro kept in a weak, anomlc date by a lack ot digestive power. If wo can Itnprovo dlRestlon wo Incroaso their energy, products o output, and senso of well bulnE." "For this class of casei, alcoholics nnd strong bitten often do moro harm than good, while they temporarily stimulate and IniproTo the appetite, If long used they bring on a reaction worso than tho first state. Gastric catarrh Is llkoly to follow their prolonged uso from constant and artificial conuetloa of the gastric nwcous membrane." ostuarfs Djsp9psla Tablots nro tho proper roniody for this condition, lictng In tablet form they are not only convenient, to carry and tako hut aro necessarily free from all alcoholics and the objectionable stimulating drugs do not enter into their composition. Kvery organ and tissue of the body depends on Maniii'iictiii'crs oi Old Stock ! 5 S ! 4 J h ? S' ! ! ! 4 ! m. r. - - - .". irwn. fr 4 4f & v 'f '!? !' I' b Brewrv, ., 435 o .5S N. seventn St., Old 'Phone, 333i. New 'Plion.', 'J935 FOR THE FOUNDLING HOME. Donations That Are Aoknowledged by That Institution. The following donutlons ure ackiinwl fdBQd b.' St. ,uei)h'.s Foundllns Home; A friend, Ju, 1'. U. Flnb, ,; Mvh. Jo scih O' illicit. ?.'; u li lend, $1; a niend, $1; Mm. John 1'iiIIk.iu, ": Jll'h. l.Miett, U Mis. .niile JkC'onnlelr. tl; Mi. l.awer miii, 'S c(llt; .Min. J. J. lirnwn, $."; Mm. Thoni.iH Ilob.ui, $.",; Mis. .. .1 Casey, $-'",; Mrs. 1'. J. CMaey, $:'."; Mis. M. V. O .Mul ley, $:.; Mis. IMtilek liuvlii, Jli U. ijiihin, Hi Mis. J. II. Du'siin, 11; Mli Muignret Ciiyle, M cents: .Mrs, 11, (Viry, Jl; .Mis. I'. A, H.iuett, SJ; .M. Iliuiis, $:,. KiiIkIUs ut Columbus bread, hum ami fruit; Trade) .s' Coal Co., bairel npples; Coisiiniei' Ice Co., leo for tho season; YV. J Maivel, llsh, fiult and veKotnbli's, every week; Miss Kalo h. Muwu, Zi lbs, flour; a. filend, tea, coffee and cakes; .Mis, John Hiuno, bushel pmutoes; Mrs. John Kelly, W lbs. Hour; Mrs. John Keefe, :: lbs. buckwheat, nine beads nf eubbuiso; Mr.". Thom.ib Kennedy, box kers; Mi". (Sinister, HIlNo stieet. bairel nppleH; .Mrs. I'lillll; Sehioeder. :f lbs. Hour; Mis. I'on rad Schineder, b.iriel flour, ease crack ers; a filend, bnnvl Hour; Mrs. Itoluwas. s-er, box bread, c.ikes, two dozen iieam puffs; .Mrs. David Iteillv, l( lbs. Hour; Mrs. John Hulk, bus of pointoet, mid a UlesjMls. M. I', l-'lalieity. blanket; .Mrs. Or, (iarvey, uroeeilesj ijdiigo l' At'--Carty, bairel ciaekers; V,h McCarty, bir. rol apiilos; .Mary MeCiuty, b.uket i'iirnj Mis. Akiics Moylcs O'Malley, two pieces Klnghanis; u filend, barnd Hour; .Mis. W, 11. IIiiKKiiii, ens.i of (,'iiods; Mrs. O, T. limit. W lbs. Hour; .Mr. and Mis. Clins. (iiozenwr, barrel (lour; Joseph, Maiy and Kail flioiiengcr, Hi Mis.; a friend, hum mid baenu; M. M. Ituddy, bariel ollur; Mis. AValker. Uiecu Itlilge. id yalds oiiIIuk llanucl; .Mlhs S.u.ih Metvin, bushel apples; Mis. INitriik Ci.ivln, lluvu con densed mill;; Miss Kllz.ibeth Wnlsh, bar lol crackeis; .M. J. Kelly, bniiel crack ers; Clarke Ihos.. barrel Hour; Mrs. Mi chael Morrison, Cnibnndale. barrel Hour; T. J. Kelly, case of canned fruit and con doused mill;; Thomas l.oflus, barrel as sorted canned Roods; W, F. llolnud, JO lhs crackers, tluco cms condensed milk, n filend, 13 quarts pickle; T. 1 Mason, box boap; a filend, four doxeu glasic;. jelly. Excursion Rates to New Orleans, In. aud Hetuin Vin Southern Itrtilwny, On necount annual meetings National Hardware Association and American Hardware Manufacturers' Association nt New Orleans, La,, Nov. rj-lilst, 1S02. tho Southern railway will sell round trip tickets from Washington, V. C. to t riiis so Lager Been, floi Well. tho stomach for nourishment and renewal that will proparo them to satisfactorily perform their functions and resist dhenso. Stuart's Dyspops!. Tablets do cot simply stlmulato but they tone,, strengthen and build up tho stomach, make If active and capable of converting food into puro rich blood that will fully feed tho half-starved' tissues so they trill develop Into fulMunetlonod perfection. Thoro aro many remcdlos on tho market for Impaired or perverted digestion but nono aro to ' safe, so economical, so convenient, so effecting , so popular, as are Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets, Whether tho dyspepsia Is of long standing or Is I merely a case of temporary Indlgostlon, they glvo r prompt and pronounced rollef. Their continued J uso will euro all forms of digestive Inefficiency, ij JSy promoting porfoct dlgostlon Stuart' Dys' pepsla Tablets produco puro blood, sound and) healthy flosh, strong nerves; make tbs ejresi bright, tho slcln clear, tho mind cheerful, tho sleep natural and restful. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aro easily and cheaply obtained lor they are sold at all drug stores at CO cents a box. - Vrlto to F. A, Stuart Co.. Marshall, Mleb.. for their book on stomach diseases. It Is free; a postal card will bring It; eend ono to-day. AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Music M, Rels, Lcsseo and Manager. A. J. Durfy, Business Manager. Week slf Nov. 3. . Matinees Dally Commencing Tuesday. Hnntley-Moore Stock Company XI1W Seenory, Wnvdrobes. Plas. Three Vaudeville Acts. MONDAY NIGHT. "THE NEW DOMINION." DHIPCO Alatlnce, loanl 20c. rlUuLO Night, 10, 20 and 30c. Ladies' Admitted for 15 cents Mondny Night, Limited to 300. The Dixie Theatre HENRY FATINSWOIITII DIXIE, I.csseo and Manager. WEEK OF NOV. 3. Sam Lockliart's Trained Elephant? The Three Livingstons Deaves Marionettes And Other Big Acts. MATINHK DAILY. Ladles, 30 cents; Men, -0 cents. STAR THEATRE ALF. G. IIERTIINGTON, Manager. Monday. Tucduy and Wednesday, NovEMUiin a, 1 and ;. ii Irwin's Big Show" MATINKl-J i:VKUY DAY. High School Audituriuin Thursday, Nov 6. ICth Seinl-Annual Tour. LYMAN H- HOWE Will l'icseut The Greatest Collection Ol' loving Pictures Ever Seen in A. SEVEN fiREAT SERIES UP MOVING FICTUKES. INDIA JAPAN ARABIA AFRICA SWITZERLAND ENGLAND AMERICA Actual I.lvliiR Scenes of tho Oilcnt Pin nti'il with IhilllliiK iciillsm fcClll A (Ir.iiul SeiKs in nccnea 111 i.onucciion With tho (JOKONAT10N OF KING EDUAllI) VII. Seems of L'neMimpled Splen dor ami MiiBiilindo. I'rlees- 1'iipllt-. Si eent; others, W) cents Dl.isioina of Ubcived scuta ut 1'owellH Mualc Slnic. New Orleans, I.a, on Nov, mtli. 17th and ISth at rate of ono fare, vise, ?.'7.30; final limit 10 days from datd of tnlo. rorrespondlngly low rales from other points. The Southern railway operates three throush trains dully with Pullman ilKiw liiK-mom bleeplmr cars from New York, Philadelphia, and Washington to New Orleans without chant,?-; dining car set vice on all through tialns. Charles Iv. Hopkins, district passen ger ugent, SJS Chestnut street, Phlla dtlphU will furnish all Information. (