li'f f iS; 'V7T" v' r v THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1002. . -is "- . . yjBBMWBsST'fl rubtltned Dully Itxcept Sundty, by The) Trlbnnt Publlahlif Company,! Fifty Centt k Month. l.JVY 8, ntCHAUD ....... KoiTOa. O. F. BYXBF.K IIimixmi tfaHAain. Entered at ih roatotflc at Sfrnl(yi,i Heeond Ulau Mall Matter. TThfen apnea will permit, The Trlliuiiti li stlnny lt to print iliort lettr from lis frlondi bearing on current toplii, liul Iti rule la that thrie mint be alRnett. for iml. lloatloti, liy the ttrlter'e renl "nninet nml the condition precedent to nonpptanro l Hint nil contribution! alinll lie aitlijrrt to rdltnrlnl revlilnn. ' THE FLAT KATK FOK AliVEKTISINH. The following Utile nhows the prlr per lurli each Insertion, spue to be moil Itlilu one year: Him of wl;1'"ff ull 'l'" llllnr','08l,lm IIMI'IjAY i7- tKn6i)"lucliri r.n Inches , . , , 1(10 ' 580 " 0O " K'M " .M M . ,56 .Sll .111 ..V, .liO .U a Mi .II ,1 .so .si .19 For cents of tlianki, motiillum of condolence, and similar contribution In tlui tiAtUM of ndvertlslnr, 'llio Tribune tnitkr charge of 6 cents a lino. Sl'UANTO.V. NOVH.MHKIl 3, llMr.'. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. Governor-S. W. PKNiVYPACKllH. Lieutenant Governor V. SI. ItftOWN. BecrcUit-y ot Jntcniul A (Talis-ISAAC B. BKOWN. County. CongiesR-WIU.IA.U CONNKMj. Jtldsa-A. A. VOSIiritO, ComiPlssloiii'iM-.IOIl.V COURIER MOR RIS. JOHN PKK.M N". Mine lninootoii-1.1. i:VKr.YN M. EV ANS, DAVID "T. AVrr.MASIS. Legislative. SeiiiUor-JOIlN li. JORDAN. Itepiosetitiitlvcs Fhst DlNtrict-JOSi:ilf OMVRR. Second Dlsttlct-.lnflX SCIIMUKIc, JR. Tlilid DIslilrt-CDWARl) .TAMHS. Fourth Wllct-P. A. PIIlLTHN. Klectlon day, Nov. I. nebtiku T.yiiell's ted Hug r.'icr and T.lttlo's Seworlotiliin by voting your Uc publlcnnlsm stinlijlit. A Confession of Defeat. I IK rXKXASII'I.riD scurrility 1 of the Surnntnniaii of yester day, the latest organ of the ".intl-iiiiiclilne" recUi'r.-s nf the Lnt'lviuvannit Doiiioi'iucy, ba.s no other inoaiihiR- than as h confession of As ,-uch, it net ds no further notice. Hut what ln the mine uikei .- of this valley, who lately had to hi ins: the pub lisher of that lle paper to his knee- In abject apology to John Mitchell and the district odleeis of llir-ii oijjanlzation for . ntioeiotis slander, think of this and unauthorh'.ed attempt In swiiis the mltieis' union into politico V AV1I1 thev not I It their wrath upon It by htiiyiiifr the ticket in whose inler-e-t it was made-.' The only tliltiir which can Intel feiv with a iousIhr- Republican victory to morrow all alonpr the battle line is Re publican overconlldence or apathy. Hee that It doesn't. An Interval of Reflection. TDK NOISE ami of par tisan dUctisslon now gives way In the sober second thotiKlit pi ecedlu the tak ing of the ballot, and this is wholly in the Republican party's favor. It Is understood on all hide" that the one hope of the opponents of Republi canism in this state and comity has been in the possibility , their effecting a diversion of Republican strength. In the state they put up Paulson, think ing to catch Republicans unfriendly to Quay; and in the enmity Howell was named for congie.-s because the Demo crats thought he would divide the vote of the Welsh-Americans. The cam paign has been played by the Demo cratic loaders to these two ends. i:very thing which could tend to stir up dis sension umong Republicans and get them to fighting each other has bec-n used for all it was worth and some times more. They divw a. fiightful nightmare picture and labeled It the state machine and tried to scale the timid; and locally they dressed up a fearsome bogey man and labeled it Ho?a Council and did everything they could to get Republicans panic-stricken. It does not appear that they have been successful. Theie are no signs of u political revolution or panic. If here and there some skittish Republican has beep seated, a little sober thinking he lore going to the polls should allay his nervousness. There Is a homely saying which comes in pat in this connection, It is a dirty bird that would befoul its own nest. Let the Democrats try to make out that the Republican nest is foul, If they want to, seeing that they have no other subject to talk about; but let no Republican vote an endorse ment of their .slanders. Let Republi cans lemembcr that the party's good so far overbalances the party's bad that even If what the Demociatlc de tainers said were true It would be worth while to accept the bad for the sake of the good, But what the Demo crats say Is not true, and they know It .ami Republicans know It; and the best answer to, their untruths Is to go to the polls touiorinw and give them another swatting, as a reminder that back-biting and false witness arc not the nioper methods of seeming olllce, A little Instt notion along that line wjll do tlieni good, ' A votu for Connell is a vote for Roosevelt, Hnth deserve It. Aluke a Good Job of It. Till: SCOTCH filend of Mr. McKlbblu, visiting thlhcoun tiy dining our campaign and expressing his surmise that any party should want a change fmui the conditions nf abundant and mi iniEtakahle prospeijty which even a stranger could see sticking out In eveiy direction, may well he pardoned for his Eunnzenient, We think that his view of the matter must be sliaicd by nine tenths or the thinking class of resident .merlcans when they pause toreilect, Xever In our history were conditions lijoie hopeful than today. Indeed, the ape menace to Republican success lies In the fact that the Anieiicun people re so prosperous and so busy with the Browtli of their imnlneur; affairs Hint It Is feared they limy not inltc lime to go to the polls mid give an expression of their gratitude to (he parly whose ad ministration of national affairs litis brought about the piesent unparalleled inosperlly, It may piove that this fear Is unfounded, Wn hope and believe that It Is. Vet It Is human iniftire to be mine earnest In fitult-fllidliig when things uie going badly than assertive In appreciation When they ate going well. Then, too, there Is the peril of over confidence. The very fact that condi tions hip as lliey are tempts some rill zons to believe that Republican success will he achieved without much effott. This Is a mistake, It Is never wise to take anything for gi anted In polities. In spite of Us past htiffetlngs, mitt per haps largely on account of them, the nomocracy Is still hungry and thirsty for nfllce. It will spare no'palus or ex pense to lake advantage of any open ing that may offer. It can be defeated only by laud wotk. This haul work must be performed. Republicans owe It to their country anil to themselves to perforin It and to do a good Job. Let eveiyone of them go to the polls to monow In this spirit and we shall hava the pleasure on Wednesday of chron icling another rousing Republican til umph. ' After printing a false and malicious anonymous communication calculated to liijuie lion. P. A. Phllbln, the Times refused the use of Its columns In reply. Rebuke such infamy at the polls tomorrow. Branch Banking. AX JXTERKSTIXa nddiess was delivered at the last meeting of the Xew York Rankers' association by William A. Nash, president of the Corn Kxclmnge bank. Hranch banking Is already a venerable institution In England, Ger many, France and Canada, but until quite recently It had not been Intro duced Into this country. Our bankeis and llnamieis were well acinmlnted with Its advantages, but there weie various reasons why it was not or could not be introduced. In no country is banking more restricted by state and federal legislation. The treasury Is the center of our banking system. I'pim it the banks depend for their circu lating medium, for the expansion or conttautlon of the currency, for their ehaitois, for an oHlcial guarantee of their solvenoy, and for realizing their assets when they fall into dlllicultles or helping them over the fence when in danger of doing so. The relation ship between our national banks and the treasury Is In many directions more Intimate still, but these belong to the domain of high or scientific finance, of which people in general are happily un conscious. In 1SSW an act was passed by the New York legislatute authorizing bianeh banking in any city with over a mil lion of inhabitants. Availing himself of this law, Mr. Xash as president of one of the most nourishing banks in Xew York, absorbed some seven or eight small Independent institutions' which in tuin were re-established as biaucli banks, and added to as occa sion arose or buslnesj judgment ap proved. At present the Corn Exchange bank has fomteen branch establish ments in Xew York. They are neither duplicates nor patterns of those found in Canada, for Instance. The idea in which they originated is a common place of every business man who finds his affairs prospering. He follows the line of least resistance in gaining cus tonieis. He seeks them out. The subsidiary branches are entirely subordinate to the central bank. They make business, but they do not con trol it. They have no initiative inde pendent of the head olllce. Their officers are frequently changed and minute and exacting statements are demanded and given of each day's business. A depositor In a branch bank Is a customer of the head bank. The manager must of necessity be familiar with the business people and neighbor hood In which he is located and Is per mitted to act independently to that ex tent. The chief objection of the opponents ot branch banks is that owing to their dependence upon a central bank which has great capital and concerns itself chiefly with large transactions, they would not be likely to seej or welcome the so-called dime depositoi.s nml bor rowers. Mr, Xash says, this is a mis take, Small transactions, he says, are the most profitable and the most se cure, It Is largely to facilitate these that branch banks are established anil so many Independent banks founded. Mr. Xasli believes that the system Is capable of national extension. For some reason or other the Demo cratic orators and editors have discov ered suddenly that the American army in the Philippines Is a patilotlo body of whom the nation Is proud. Good, clean, economical government, against which not a charge has been raised, This Is wjint the county has had under Commissioners Morris and Penman, Re-elect them, Judge A'osbuig has earned an election tomorrow. He lias made u faithful and efficient Judge, The Democrats already have two of the judgeships, Don't let them act hoggish, Pattlsou's kindled (lie that Is going to consume Republicanism In tills state by a mighty conflagration will lmvn the hose turned on it tomorrow. (iiover Cleveland's .second raising of the soup-house standard calls for a sec' oud rebuke. Notify him that no free iradeis need apply, John Scheuer Is a leader at HaiiU bmg and can do a lot of work for his (list! let. He is the man to kec there, Secmo rflficleucy ami ecqnomy In county business by re-electing Penman ami Mortis. Vosburg lias made a good Judge and the Democrats have enough Judges. Klect him. Don't forget that the legislator and senators elected tomorrow will have a vote each for a United States senator litis winter. Let no Republican vole to tie IMoslilent Roosevelt's 'hands In the senate, Tried and Hue In commits: safe at Hurrlsblii-R Joseph Oliver! elect him. l'attlsoti can't gel away ftoin the fact that he never leformi after election. How tunny Judges do the Democrats think they ate entitled to, anyhow? Invite piosperlty to stay by voting the straight Republican ticket. lit the Fourth district", Phllbln and, ettkieney, He owns himself. Vote for F.vaus and Williams and nist-class mine Inspection. Common sense upholds Republican ism. Let welt enough alone. A vote for John Soheiier Is a vote for results at Hariishurg. Dun't overlook Jordan for senator. He's a sure winnet'i Kddlc James did well his first term. Cihe him another. If you would sustain Roosevelt, vote for Connoll. Growth in World's Coal Production Special Con cspondoucc. Washington, Oct. SI. TDK COAL production and consump tion nf the'woild, and especially of the United States In eompaiison Willi other coal-prndiicbig coun tiles Is the subject ot a monograph which will appear hi the 1'ortheonilng Issue of the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Issued by the tiensury bureau of statistics. The goneial demand for coat seems to have Increased very lapldly In lecent yea is, not alone In tlio I'nlted States tint throughout the world. One of the most charactet lytic icatures of modem Indus tilal development has been tho Use of the coal Industry. Modern society relies upon coal as the fuel and source of power, and the terms "lion age," "machine age," and "age of steam" may nil be tianslated the "age of coal." The inpidlty with which the pioiluetloii of coal has Incieased may be appreciated when the present volume of that pio duetlon is considei ed and when wo reflect in how tecenl a time tho production form ed but a very small fraction of that quan tity. In 1001 the total coal production of the wot Id was SiM.lfi'.OOO short tons. Until as late a peilod as 1SS3 the world's pio ducllnn had never been half so great, be ing only 4"(,!W0,tW) metric tons hi that year; and not until IsT had the world's pioduction been as much as a third as latge as It is at present. I?y ISiil the world's pioduction was only 171,000,000 metric tons, or less than -i per cent, of the production of 1001. The statistics ot the world's piodiiclinn for still e.uiiei periods can not be determined with any pieteiise of accitiaey; but on the basis ot the Hiitlsh statistics fiom IS.'!, and ot es timates for earlier pcilods, and fiom such statistics as arc obtainable from France, fierniany, Belgium, and Austila-lliiitgaiy. an approximation may he made of the ac tual pioduction. In ISijo tho world's production of coal was about H4 omi.QOO mettle, tons, or less than one-fifth of the pioduction of l'JOl, and cousldeiably less than the production of either the United Slates or the Culled Kingdom ut piesent. Ten yeais earlier the wot Id's production amounted to only about W.OOO.WK) meliic tons, about one tenth of the present world's production, and considerably less than the present output of the single state ot Pennsylvania In 1SW the pioducliou was much smaller still, amounting to little over 4r..000,000 meliic tons, or about one-seventeenth of the present output; while (luring tho thieii-qiuu teis ot a century since IS.'O, when the output was about 17,000,000 tons, the production has Increased about -t.JCO per cent. While the llguies for the world's pro duction piior to lsill are ueeessatlly de fective, owing to the absenco of accural statistics for the lOnglish and American Industry, they sulllclenily Indicate the im mense development of the industry dining the last century. The stgiutlcaneu of this development can not bo overlooked. The production of coal b- "hUfiy In the hands of three nations, the Rntlsh, the Ameiican, and the German. Dining the hint thirty years and even earlier, ihu i onililned coal output of the United States, the 1 nlted Kingdom and Germany lias aveiaged, sear for year, about live-sixths of the coul output of the world. Possess ing but a tenth of the woild's population, they have piodiiced about M per cent of the mlneial fuel, while tho lematnlng 00 per cent, of tho world's inhabitants have piodiiced only about 1? per cent, of the coal, and even if the savage and seml barbaroiis nations be dlsieg.uded, the Im mense preponderance of coal production In these countiles must bo conceded. To this gioup might be added Belgium, which tlt1-ttti-4-tttt1'tttf4-f-f--f--H--f-f-f-f--f4. GRATITUDE TO Whu the Country at Large Is Indebted to Him. Editor of The Republican Sir : As one of the mass of one hundred and forty-seven thousand tollers of the mines, I feel it my duty to express just one sentiment, and at the same time I would invite the attention of my fellow workmen to the same, As Is well known, we have just passed through one of the greatest struggles in which capital and labor have been engaged, and which cost us, as a body, five and a half months' Idleness and anxiety. Many had been the attempts on the part of persons occupying high posi tions In and ouside the state to bring about a termination of the unpleas antness. Personally, I entertain a feeling of gratefulness to every one who gave his time and influence to this very worthy object, even if their efforts were not crowned with the success they deserved, the fact re- t mains. Our cause as worklngmen X rf iVlA ohlfect man i-if 4liA frtiintu; t considerations had a ve.ry beneficial effect on the merit of our cause, and f A. (havafn,!) nil, CAncA rf rt.olafillnacp elmttll l nluan on Avnacptn ' therefore our sense of gratefulness At the very darkest moment of the whole struggle, when every at tempt at conciliation was looked upon as a failure, and when public sentiment was In the act of condemning every means which had been used In our behalf, as having deferred rather than hastened the close of the struggle, the voice of our beloved Roosevelt vas heard, command ing the heads of the opposing forces to come together, to devise means, make suggestions, exchange views and agree on a plan, all having for their object the ending of the great anthracite strike of 1902. What followed tliis philanthropic act Is already a matter of.history, Willie the united forces of labor were In a position to continue the siege indefi nitely, the happy termination of the strife was a relief to the community at large, and particularly to us, who were dlre:tly interested In the rnofllrt At this time, It appeals to me that this friendly act of the president X should be particularly noticed at this time, and this we can do by uphold- t tug his strong arm, by endorsing his policy, and by appreciating his f bravery and frankness by sending to congress such men as are, b a de- claratlon of their principles, pledged to the support of President Roose- 4: velt's administration, Mr. William Connell Is the man In this case, f and had It been some one else, I would vote for hi m on the same I account. Should we do otherwise, we will be found guilty of ungratefulness. A Miner, 1 tl4 - ttttttt - t - t - t - - r - t - t - t - 1 - 1 - - r je . n . it it it it n it it it it t it it it it it it it . . it it it t it it t t it it it n it it l RE-ELECT THE GRAND OLD MAN ' H l It l H K From the Providence Register. NOW that the argument In the case of William Council, Republi can candidate for congress, against ills opponents masquerad ing on the so-called "anll-niiichlne ticket, so far ns there lias been any nrgumeiit, Is praclleiilly concluded and the case Is ready to be submitted In the Jury ut Tuesday's balloting, let us review tho plead ing nml the evidence. Simmered down, the charge uRitlnst Mr. Connell resolves Itself Into the fact that he has be&n successful, In tho first place ho wtis success ful In business and made a fortune-. Beginning ns a poor miner boy, without en nil n I m hnnlt.lniit'ittntr. lie unil.-n.l bin u'nv nil bv attending K K H ti k n it it n It It It It It V closely to business and saving Ills Individual employer of labor In the anthracite regions, it Is not argued that he won his wealth dishonestly. It Is not denied that lie lias been it generous and considei ate employer, always willing to confer with bis men, settle liberally their grievances nnd extend to one anil all a friend ly and helping hand. Neither Is It disputed that ho has been enterpris ing and public spirited, giving freely of his moans to cnttscs of religion, education, benevolence and the Increase of labor-employing Industries. His opponents are shrewd enough not to question these truths. They know that If they should do so, witnesses by the thousands would coino forwaid to lefute them miners and minora' wives nnd children, carried through times of depression, helped In hours of bereavement, cheered nnd encouraged by this large-hearted grand old man, who never turned a deaf car to any appeal of distress. They attack him from Hiiother standpoint. They say that In poli tics he is n boss; that he Is ambitious and tyrannical; that he crowds other men to the wall. Xow, what is the truth? That lie has been successful In politics? Yes. That since he took an active interest In political matters our city and county have risen to high prominence In state and national affairs? Yes. That a Democratic majority lias been i K It V It It It It It It It It V It It It " It n V X' ' ' 'a' A" A' A' A' A' A' A' A" A' A A" A' A' A' A' A' A A' A' A' A' A" A' A A" A' A" A' A' A' It A A A' A" A A' A' A' A' A" A' A A' A' A' A" A"4 WILLIAM COXXKLL. converted into a safe Republican majority? Yes. That hundreds of poor but deserving men representing: all nationalities and sections and religions have been helped Into office by him, without exaction of fee. tribute or pledge? Yes. That he has ever derived from his political activities personally a cent of pioflt by unfair advantage of others? Xo. With him politics has always been a labor of duty and of love duty, to promote public Interests and secure better results In government; love, to aid his fellow men and acquire power for good ends. For three terms he has represented us in congress. Has scandal once touched his work at Washington? Not once. Has he defaulted In any public duty? 'iCven his bitterest enemies do not so charge. His loyalty to Republican principles stands unchallenged in national affairs; his efficiency in serving his constituents Is conceded. AVhat nonsense, then, to argue that any Republican should vole to replace him by a Dem ocrat. It is time now to take a common sense view of this matter. The Republican president at Washington needs a Republican congressman from this district to help hold up his hands. Ho personally asked Mr. Connell to stand" for re-election. The election of a Democrat by Re publican voles (and in no other way can a Democrat bo elected) would be a blow In his face. Neither Theodore Roosevelt nor William Connell deserves that. Doth are entitled to undivided Republican support. If the latter shall also receive support from friends In other parties, all the better. Therefore, Republicans, take counsel of your patriotism Tuesday and rally earnestly around the parly colors. Help to swell the big ma jority which will send our grand congressman ba,ck for further able service in the cause of the people at the nation's capital. "A 'A "A A A A "A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A produces and consumes more coal per capita than any other European eountiy except the United Kingdom, but for the fact of its small population placing It in the second lank of coal pi diluting coun tries. While the lontlnued output of these three countiles has kept puce with the production of the test of the woild. their telatlve position Iihs been maleilully al tered. In 1SCS the United Kingdom pio diiced over three times ns much as cither the United States oi Germany, tho output of these countiles being approximately .', IlV-i and liili per cent, of tile world's pro duction, lespectively. In 1870 tho propor tion was about the same, although the United States had gained upon aormany ns a coal producer. By 1875 the output ot the I'nlted Kingdom was still cousldeiably gi cater than the combined production ot the United Stales and Germany, the out put of these three countries being ).", :'0 and is per cent, of the world's pioduction, lespectively. The next half decennial pel lotl witnessed a reuiaikable luciease hi THE PRESIDENT. received the attention of a number inrl I fetal 4litr 4riacn --iii(ivi artrliKl a should be given an expression. - ff - ffi - f - ff4 - f - f - f - r4 - - ff - rf7 earnings until lie became tho largest the Ameiican production and a corre sponding l dative decrease hi that ot Great Britain, the proportion of theso countries being "ii, "S and 17 per cent., le spectively. This Increase was maintained during the latter part ot tho past cen tury, and In lSini tho output ot Great Bil taln and Ireland was only III per cent , that of the United Slates already SO per cent., and that of Germany IS." per cent, of the coal production of the world. In 1SU3, for the first time, tho coal pro duction of the United Slntes exceeded In quantity that ot Great Biltalu. This su peiloilty has been maintained for two successive years. During 1901 tho United States production was greater than tho amount of coal produced In Great Bri tain and all her colonies. During that year the shares of the leading coal-pro-duchig countiles wore ifn follows: United States, ;:i per cent,; United Kingdom. -S per cent.; and German, 19.2 per cent. X'or is there any prospect that the leading po sition of the United States may be lust In favor of another country within any cal culable future time. . IN A NUTSHELL. Republicanism means protection, pios peilty, progiess, sound money, high wages, honest elections and good times. ' Democracy means fieo trade, calamity, bad money, business failures, poor wages, Idle men, soup houses, dishonest dec tions and hunt times, If you want good times to continue do nil you can to keep the Republican patty in power. If you want haul times, votu the Democratic ticket, The Republican pai ly offers substance, tho Democratic paity offeis shadows. The people onco befoia dropped tho Republi can meat out of their mouths trying to grab tho Democratic shadows, timely they will not tepcat that folly. Tim Democratic party has been on the wiong side of every great political ques tion for tho last fifty yea is, and dining all that time has been predicting evil and fighting for tieo tiade. Tho pcoplo of tho United States got their flugcis binned ten yeuis ago fooling with Democratic free tiade llio, A burned child dreads tho fire, and the Ameiican people dioud Democratic) fieo Undo lire. Tho DcmocratH have n gieal deal to say against trusts; but tho Democratic loprc hi'iitutlves in cungress voted against a pioposed amendment to the constitution to give congiess the light to icgulalu and control tho ti lists. Tho Republicans oted for tho amendment. Deinociallc predictions of oWI six jeara ago all tinned out to bo false; the Repub lican predictions of good all turned out to be tine. Shall wo now reject tho paity Unit led us to piospeilty and accept tho paity that would havu led us to liiiu? Democrats say they don't want tho blown men of the Philippine Islands gov erned without their consent; but theso same Dcmociats havu dlsfinuditsed tho coloied men of tho south, and mo gov erning them In violation of tho constitu tion of tho United States. Democratic charity begins leu thousand miles fiom homo nnd never teaches home. Remember that In wuiklng for the Re publican party you am wot king for your self. All that wo have that Is good In our government wo owo to the Repub lican party. The Democratic pai ty has had both piesldent and congress ut the sanio tlinu only onco hi forty years, and tbut one Ilmo they almost ruined the eountiy. Let It bo foity years before they eel Into power again. Tho Democratic parly professes great lovo for tho laboring men, ,et It is a fact that every law on tho statiilo books to day that benefits tho laboilng man was put theie by the Republican party. WHO WANTS $20.00 in GOLD For a Christmas Present ? Twenty Christmas Presents $50-00 To He filven by The Scrnntoi) Tribune to the Children of bcrniitoti mid Northeastern Pennsylvania. One Present $ao.oo.ln dold $20.00 One Present 10.00 In Gold 10.00 One Present 5.00 In Oold 5.oo. Two Presents 3.50 Each 5.0o Five Presents 1. 00 Each 5.oo Ten Presents 50c Each., 5.00 Total Twenty Presents TUP. TRIIIUNIVS SECOND ANNUAL Junior Educational Contest. A Contest in Wortl-BullcIliiR-. Who Can Make the Most Words Out or the Letters in T-H-E H-O-M-E P-A-P-E-R THIS IS nuicli easier than last year's contest, and twenty of the briRlucst boys and girls" will secure Christmas Gifts in cash for making I lie largest number of words out of these letters. It is lots of fun to think out the words and hunt theni up in the dictionary, and besides it will help you with your spelling. Von will be surprised at the number of "different ways these twelve letters can be used. Rules of the Contest. Presents will be given to tlte boys or girls, whose parents 01 guardians arc subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the largest number of words out of I he letters contained in "The Ionic Paper." No letters must be used any more times than they appear in these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be used, but there might be two "IPs" or three "E's."' Only words defined in the MAfX PORTION of "Web ster's International Dictionary" (.edition of LS!I8J will be al lowed. Anv diclionarv can be used, but in judging the contest THE TRlU'rXE will debar all words not found in Webster's. Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap pendix" will not be allowed. Obsolete words are admitted if defined in the dictionary. Words spelled two or more ways cati be used but once. Words with two or more definitions can be used but once. No single letters counted as words except. "A" and "O." How to Write Your List. Write on one side of the paper only. Write very plainly; if possible, use a typewriter. Write your name, age and address at the top of your list. Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and who is a regular subscriber lo THE TRIUUNE. ' Fold the list DO XfjT ROLL. CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY. All letters of inquiry .for information will be promptly an swered. Address your list of words, or any question you wish answered, to CONTEST EDITOR. BED ROOM FURNITURE We have now in stock the finest display of these goods ever made in Scranton. Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na poleon post bed styles. They are ele gantly rich. Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis XIV styles. We Invite Inspection Whether You Arc Coins to Buy at Once or Not. Hill & Connell, Washington Avenue The Moosic Powcleff Co Booms 1 nnd 2 Commonwealth Bltlg. SOBANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER Hide at Moosic ami Itusliihlo Works. Laflin & Ettnd Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Klectrlc imtciles, Uloclrfo i:ploi1erj, Im ploding Masts, Bifcty I'use, BEPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. SUMMER RESORTS Atlantic City. The temperature at the AONUW, On the lleacli, in Clieheu, Aliunde City, 'I'litiruilnv iiik jnO. Uvery appointment of a modem Hotel. HOTEL RICHMOND, Ktnliirkv Avrnne. 1'iiit Hotel from lloarh. At, lantlo City, N. J,; W Ocean cw rooms; ca pacity 100; nrite lor rule. J. 11. Jenk ins, 1'rop peNNSrUVANIA, BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a spur el the Alleghany Mountains, I.etiltjli Valley railroad; near lowanda llatliint,-, ntlilii.-, (ports, etc Excellent table. Iteasonablo rates. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL V. O.. Ape., l'. Send (or booklet. O. K. 1IAIIUI3. TRIBUNE WANT "ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS ; $50.00 DECEMBER 20TII at 5 P. M SCRANTON TRIBUNE, SCRANTON. PA. EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a short count, nor an eisy course, nor a cheap course, but the best education to be had. No other education is worth ipendlns time and money on. II you do, writa for a catalogue of Lafayette College Easton, Pa. which otTers thorough preparation In the Knglneerlnc and Chemical I'rofeulorn u well as the regular College courses. STAIE NORMAL SCHOOL, EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. KphiiI.ii' Stiito Normal Courses ami Speclul Dep.irtniPtitH of .Music lOlocu. Hon, Art. matting, Htenusrnnhy and Tyncit-illlnB; Htioiig Colleee I'reparu toiy Dcpuuineiit EREE TUTION. Ilouiding cxpciifces JJ.30 per week. Piiplli) admitted ut any time. Winter Term openb Pee. 'JStli, Write for cita logue. . E. L. KEMP, A. M., Principal. TON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCUANTON, PA. T, J. l'oster.I'ics. Klmcr II. Uiwall.Trcas. It. J, Foster Btunley P. Allen, Vice President. Secrctury. V