The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 03, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    VITS-HS -Tlrf"iJ '"t-"' .rcr...ft!f..'lr -H --"' iJHT-Vf.v-n!??
t&l"t m'V'M,1'-'"VF
I .;
I Much of th3 Present Day I
In uetirlni? rlicui), limiciitcreit
Iciisc?, Mini (V) by Inronutctcnts,
or btmjtlit noiws counter No
pet son rlinttltl wear rIusfoh un
lc?fl jirr?crllictl by a l-clliililo Kyc
Spr-flullst nut thoroughly ue
(junlntcd with nimtoiny,
olojjy untl illsfflKO of tho eye, at a
nf llRht unci science OC optics.
J 111 only tho beat glasses, by
modern methods, nt prices no
higher than they should bo lor
Hcrvlee.s rendered.
Nickel Eye Glasses from $1.50 up
(Chmmntecd not to tarnish.)
Nickel Spectacles $2.00 up
(Cltmrnuiced not to ttiniHi.)
GoIdFIIIM Eye Glasses , $3.50 up
(Olnarnnteed in years.)
Gold Filled Spectacles $4.50 up
((Imiranteeil 10 yoais.j
Solid Gold Eye Glasses $6.50 up
(Only tho very llnest.)
Solid Gold Spectacles $7.50 up
(Only the very llnest )
Guaranteed 1 a Quality lenses used.
One chnrgc covers the entire
cost o examination, glasses
and frames.
Eye Specialist. 5
11 Washington Ave
9 I:
" I
Coiinfy Savings Bank
and'Trtisf Company,
506 Spruce Street.
ly, of nuniiioi-c, who was ehiUAod with
throwlnK stoats at 1'atrlek Tlgne, a tiotv
union uoiltinnn employed nt tho (lyiiy
Orovo mine. Itlelly was held under &00
ball for his appearance at court.
Has Acknowledged Chnllcnge.
John Tlgue, tho well known boxer of
this city, has accepted tho ehalloiiRO of
AVIIIIo Slack, of New York, for a match
for 11 liiilfo of t'm. The latter has ported
his money Willi tho Now Voile Journal
and TIkiio agree") to do likewise In enso
his orfer Is accepted. The stipulations iiro
that the weight of the boxer accepting
tlui clmllengi! shall be from 130 to 1.1.1.
Tlguo weighs nearly 10) now but savs hn
can tialn down to lit a few weeks. Ho
Is at piescnt walling to hear from Stack.
'I'heie la a possibility that an effort may
be made to secure the match for this
city should things bo Ilxcd up between
Mack and Tlguo.
Contnln Conrad Honored on tho
Occasion of His Birthday.
The nionibeis of (.'onipany A, of the
Thirteenth regiment, yesterday pie-
sented a handsome sword tn their cfll-
clent and popular commander, Captain
K. H. P. Conrad, on the occasion of his
The Eminent Prelate from Illinois,
Who Is Serving on tho Arbitration
Commission, Was Listened to by
nn Immense Congregation Ycstei'
day His Fellow-Members on the
Commission Attended tho Church
In a Body Quality of Man's Lovo
Only Real Test of His Worth.
in Sums of
and pays ? per cent
terest thereon.
t 4 and
JB 1 UP"
L. A. WATRES, President.
O. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pres.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
I'm. F. Tlallstoad, JEveiett 'Wniren.
5. P. Kingsbury, August Robinson,
O. S. Johnson, l.los. O'Drlcti,
r.i. A. "VVatres.
Every article is worth your at
tention, you can buy more new
and up-to-date goods at a reason
able price than you can find
elsewhere in Wall Paper Paints,
Picture Frames you can find
a large assortment.
Jacobs & FasoJd
209 Washington Avenue.
,,IH,HM.'.W M,i. , -
, V ,' ''' '-'' sv$y -vV ?'?k
tAl'TAINJC. II I'. I'U.Vli.YD.
thlrlj -seventh birtluhty. Tho affair had
been ai ranged to take pi. ice at camp,
but the calling home of the regiment
mwsit.itPd n change in the plans and
It was conducted at Hotel Sehadt, to
the accompaniment of a turkey dinner.
The presentation speech was made by
Inspector tf Itille i'tpctlcc Lewis li.
Carter, wlio also acted as toastmaster.
Captain was completely sur
Tiriscd by the presentation, but made a
very tilting iespone. Addresses were
also made by Lieutenant Thomas, Lieu
tenant. Daly, Sergeants 1'etry and
Hnptli. Ctniioi.ils l'r.itt and AVaile, ami
ex-C.iiitain JJiirns, of the Ninth legl-uient.
Y "Tliey Draw Well." X
g Morris' Magnet Cigars
The best valuo for 5 cents. 5
y Try ono hnd you will smoko no A
Q other. y
OA11 tho leatllng brands of He. 0
clpars nt $1.75 per box, or G for Soc. A
V The largest vailety of Pipes and Y
A Tobaccos In town. O
SIlss Clai.i ailPinsey entei tuliif-il the
M. i." elub ami li lends at her liium
Pine street. Krltlny evening. Oct.
u.iiHiiiK aim hid usiiiii inilloweeu games
woio indulged in mid a thoroughly good
time enjoyed by nil. Later lefreslunents
were served at which the "ring" c.iKo
wn inucli appreciated and the fortunate
leeipieiit of the ling was envied bv all
her f i lend-..
The rUNse.s Jlay and Minnie Miillley de
lightfully entertained a number of young
people Hallowe'en at their home in Kie.-s.
ler court. (James were iudulKid in. alter
which refreshments were seived bv JIih.
John Muilley, assisted by .Missei Jh'iv and
Minnie Muilley. Those iiiesent were as
follows: Misses C'anle Lowrv, lieiiha
Sayrcs. Lsther Williams. Mae AleNlei nev,
Ktnina Mill. r. Mnble Miller. .Martha Wl'l
II. tins. May Miitllcy. Minnie .Muilley.
Naomi Goodwin and ,les-e tinnier, ll.iri'y
Fischer, Walter Meehler. Iter-se Iteese,
Klmcr .leiiUius, David Williams, Albert
drier. It. Leo lliiber. Allle Hay, (ieoiso
Katun, Walter l.civl, William llolden.
James Heap. .lames Moid lames Uiiike,
Hainuel Smith.
Ht. Key, John Lancaster Hpauldlng,
of Peoria, III., n member of the coal
strike commission appointed by Presi
dent Koosevelt and one of the leadets
or modern thought In the Human Catho
lic church of this country, preathed u
sel mon In Hi, Peter's cathedral yester
day morning to an Immense congre
gation made up not only of Catholics,
but to a very huge extent of pel sons
of ulhcr faiths.
lilshop .Spatildlng's fellow-mcmbeis on
the arbitration board attended in a
body and occupied the two fiont pows
on the centre aisle. The patty Included
.fudge George Cray, of Delaware; 1'. W.
I'.uker, of Washington, V. (J.: lhlgu
ilier (ieneral John .M, Wilson, of Wash
ington. D. C; I-:. 15. Clink, of Cedar
Haplds. in.; Thomas If. Wrttklns, of
this city, and Can oil Jj. Wrignt, of
Washington, I). C.
Hlsliop Spauldlng mude an Impressive
llgure in ills put pie canonicals and
preached a masterly sermon based upon
the entire thirteenth chnpter of St.
Paul's tpisile to the IJoinaiis, bin mcue
especially upon the tenth verse, "Low;
woiketh no III to his neighbor; thrie
fore loe is Hie tullllliiig of the law."
He spoke. In pail, as lollows;
Bishop Spaulding's Sermon.
"Theiefore love Is the fulfilling ol tbn
law," hi (his poillon or Paul's epistle to
tile Itomans be loaches the deepest pi In- I
elples of lilt- and lellglon ami declines .
thai love is the unheal souice, tho pur
pose and the end ol life. The whole law
lests upon this pilnclple. if kept Intact
theie can be no Violation of any law. A
study of it leads to a thought of Hint in
llnite power behind and above all things
which is the power of love. If we would
lead loving and kindly lives It Is essential
that we hi lug our thoughts to bear um
this power. j
Theie can be no deeper thought than
lids. We cannol est ape from the idea of
a cause for all things. We cannot escape i
fioin the Idea that what anneals is inn I
For Sick Headaches
try these famous Pills.
They remove the cause aud
act quickly. You will feel
like a ucw person after tak
ing Beechams
Bold ):rjwlicr(. In botes 0c. and 23e,
dencon, Uev. D. 13, O'Byrno; tnib
deacon. Kov. La tor McLaughlin. i.
Hew lilshop M. .T. Hnban occupied tils
throne mid was attended by Hev. J. A,
O'llellly and Uev. J. J. Grlllln.
Miners' Statement Is to Be Presented
Today by President Mitchell Oper
ators' Answer Likely to Come on
Thursday Commissioners Will Re
assemble Hero Friday, November
14, to Begin Taking Testimony.
Spent Saturday In and About
It Is the First Column on the
Ballot You Will Get
Maik Due.
The Cigar Man 0
q 325 Washington Avenue. 0
In and About
The City
Injured in the Mines.
August Wahler, an employo nt tho llydu
Park mine, had his right arm fiactiuvd' on
Gaturdny by coming In contact with a
mine car. Ills injury was attended to nt
tho Moses Taylor hospital,
Taken to Reading.
Tho remains of "iillnd Tom" llellmuu,
who was found dead in bed In Horn's ho.
tot on Franklin avenue, wcro shipped to
Heading- on Saturday by Pmlertiiker Hac.
rett. Friends of deceased were located
,who ntrnnged for tho Interment.
An Automobile Run.
About a dozen local ailtoiaobllu eulhusl
rislu enjoyed a run over tho Klniluusi
boulevard on Satuuluy aflciuoon. Tho
Btail was iniido at IS o'clock and I ho city
was leached ngnln at 0 o'clock, Tim only
mishap -uns tho punctuilng of one of the
Mg tires on Qeorgo Peck's machine.
Had a Narrow Escape,
Little 7-ycar-old Helen Uetls hail a
row cscapo from being badly burned on
Friday last wlillu playing near a bonllru
in ft iint of IV.'.' AVyomlng avontio. ei
dress caught llio and who would havo
iiecn badly burned mad not .Mis. C. L.
MlkpatrlcU como to her atslstunco and
extinguished tho names.
The Defenders' Schedule.
Tho South Sldo Uefendeis, ous of tho
fluent basket ball organizations in thu
llato, has arianged for games during tho
joining season with tho following teams;
Uurko team, of Hoston: Jeffeison Mcdl
Ml collegq team, of Philadelphia; tho
Knickerbockers, of Xcw York; Strouds
puig btato Normal school team; Patlicr
lialscr team, of Uuffalo, and tho lJlooms
Dttrg Wiieelmen's team.
Major Millar Back ou Duty. '
Major W. S. Millar, assistant adjutant
Tenerol on Ocncial Oobln'a stuff, returned
:o his duties on Saturday after Imvlng
leeit on duly for ninety-four days. His
Ust cuic waa that against William Kelt-
Jliss AVinlce Mel'eek, of Tl.' Adams ave
nue, culei tallied a number of irleuds nt
a masciueradn last Vrlday evening.
Dunclmr and other dlversloiK weie In
dulged in. At a late hour lefieslinienis
were serwd. I lei belt Hill took some
llashllshts. after tin- meriy p.uty un
masked. Those piesent were: Jlisses
Anna Saul. Anna .fenny, S.ulle Davis.
Laura Kaekman. Xellle (ilnglier, Ida Par
frey, Verna nould. 3lnrg.uet JlacXelll,
TSertlia (iinnlnr.liain. Tllanche Kellow.
Irs. Traiib. Klla ttole. MiiMiie Paradise,
Susie Paraill-e. Hue, ill Xorlh. Minnie
Double, DMo -M. Watklns, .Mberla Sliot'
lleld, May Morgans, and lMwaid Me
rraekeii. .Maurleo Keltlier, (Jeorge Traub,
Hoy Lloyd, Malliew Jeltrey. Howard
Cobb. Albert P.oberts, .lames Malum,
Kraal; Miller, lleibtrt It. Hill, Howard
Miss Orace IJensnn enleilalned a num
ber of her triends at a Hallowe'en p.uty
at her home on Xorth slain avenue,
Noith Seranton. l-'ilday evening. Those
jiresent weie: Misses Peail Henry. (Ipor-
gie and Jeunlo Tra tiger, Lucy lieWIit,
Tailu Ponstuntlnii. l.nttlo Dlrtley, l.lzz'o
Powell, Helen Wllcojc, Des-Ie Stock,
ltlaiiehe White, Muy Cluest, I'lalm Smeed,
Cora Snyder, nnd Hoy Wheeler, (Jeoige
AVhceler, .lumes Lalid, Daniel Hnrtzell,
IMwatd Sanders, Kdwaid Collins, Sidney
Langan. Ddwanl Hunt. Clarence McAllis
ter, and Willlain Hilglit.
Hnbcit White, of Xorth Main lueniie,
(iiiertalned a number of his fi lends at u
masfinerade party, at his home, Krldny
evening. The gnosis were: Mls.spfi Lil
lian MerU, Susan Fl-dier. Xellle Dvau-,
Azuba Swnrtz, Anna Kelsllpg, viola
.lones, Dva Latehiliu, Mary Dishing, Ida
Dishing, Diir'ihcth lit nail, Olive Weaver,
Cora Hendcrlcks, nnd William Pisber.
itobeit While, l-'i-iinlc Carwardlne. Hov
White. Arthur Kelsllug, Lewis W'escolt.
Willlain Weseolt, Max Miller, Kdward
Adams, Ogileu Herse. Warren Wulback,
.losepli Walklns and Dvan Thomas.
Mr'. Lizzie Holibs was trudercd a Hal
lowe'en pally at her luiuie on LeggeH's
street, Friday evening. Among thosn
present were: Mr. and Mis. William IM
wards. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, Mrs,
Kdward Cirllllths, Mis. Dsail Price. Mrs,
ItechO Alexander, Mrs. Thomas Thoinni.
Mrs. William Ilobbs, Mrs. Michael Hobbs.
Misses Cassle Jours. May Pi Ice, Hannah
Hobbs, Kllolse CrlUlths, Martha Price,
Smile Owens, Xellle Thomas, May Hobbs,
and David Ddwnrds. Jessie Hobbs, Sam
uel Jones and TMward ll.tggeity.
A very pleasant Hallow-n'cn party was
given at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. M.
W, Dlddlemnn. of Woodlnwn Park, Frl.
day evening. In honor of llielr daughter,
firnce, Onmes, vocal and Instrumental
iniislo were Indulged In until a late hour,
wneu ledcsumeiiis were served by Mrs.
iiiiiiiiemau, assisted by airs. Davis and
-Ml.... Tn1.l... , .. ..... ...
ensr. ueoivios. l-ieaeoi were; -l 111) jUlfSCtS
r.steua iicnjaniln. itenn Hubbard, lies
slu Stanton, Mabel Weiss, Dertba Jen
kins, Mnrgaret Xoone. Margarel WIKon,
Jiilinlo Coyne. Ciracn Dldd(eman, Flor
enen and Porn Middleman; Mr. and Mis
It, Davis Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Middleman
and Oeorgn Hurdou, Thomas Sullivan,
Delia Thlilan, William While, George
Ditch, William Drug, Arthur atlflltlis,
Dert Davis ami William Soss,
Miss Le Vay at Hotel Jermyn,
Tuesday, Nov. 1th with tailor-made
and dainty dress hats.
Tho Wanlta dances hayo been dis
continued by the club and uro now run
by two members on Saturday even
ings f
wiiiil is; in,u mere must lie some causa
lrom which it spihigs. Why does thin
vast unlwis-e e.sist'.' It is thueMernallzi d
form of Clod making manifest ills dlxiuo
intbuslasm and bliss and love. TIiIj. uni
verse Is a liainiony because love Is a liin
inony. Theie Is liaimonv In all uatuie from the
mlcioseople iiioin lo the nlanels which
swing In stalely pioeesslou In the Iicimmis.
All things moe it i coiiceutile ln-les. It is
a co.sinos and not a chaos, it;, beauty is
Cod's smile of appioval at wbal He ha'-.
made and at Its center Is the iulinlle pow
er of love.
The iitiality of a man's love is the wily
ical lest of Ids value. To rate a man h
his mateilal )ossessons Is a siiperilelal
way of expressing his value. A man s
woitb is what Is in him and hi the tilings
be loveth. The uiialily of a man s love. I, Is the only mensiiie of iiih mi.iIIi.
If wo would seek to gunge a man. theie
loie, wo seek to nndeislaiid w.hal be
leally loves
Samuel W. Pcnnypacker.
Lieutenant Governor.
Mail: One.
William M. Drown.
Secretary of Internal Affairs.
Maik One.
Isaac D. Drown.
Representative In Congress.
.Maik One.
William Council.
Senator in the General Assembly.
Mink One.
John B. Joidnn,
Representative in the General
Maik One.
Drawn by Mistake.
The animal Ndiawii by lntiin.t and a p.
petite and lives solely In a world ol i'i
stlntt and appetite. It lemahis finally an
animal Just as does the man who-e
thoughts aie solely confined to the giatill
cutlon of his senses and to llihms piuelv
material. It is not possible lor a mail
whose only concern is what he shall eat
and dilnk and wear to ever live the kind
of life God would have him live until I-,'
turns bis thoughts to other Ihlngi..
It Is a trui.iiu that the highest lite Is not
tho Intellectual lll'o but i ulhcr ihe moial
life, the lifo of aympath.v, the life ol" love.
How shall We know the things In love'.'
What is Clnist Inn Uod's Infinite good-
nes.s, mercy, and love mad- manifest lo
man; but the revelation of the inillnlie
compassion of He who made lis. CIiiIhi's
whole lite was the puietlce and pleaching
of love. If we tin n our thoughts to low
it means sacrilUo. It means tho turn
ing away ,fi oni our selfish lives to the
poor and flic sick and tho .suffeilng.
Thn natural dtift of man's mind Is fo
wauls the woisliip tif success ami to
wards the beautiful. C'luisfs mission was
to turn man's iinlvui so ou Its uxis; to pun
his thoughts ami desltes-tovrnids the love
of his neighbor: to the sei vice of the
lame, the halt, the blind, the poor, the
.suffeilng, the Mill til.
What Is our piuposo here below '.' What
Is our predominating thought and pas
sion': We must aNk ourselves those ipies.
lions. Ale wo striving solel.v aflei- ihn
mateilal: after money, and the niaieilal
things which ate the .'univalent ol
money'." Are we seeking after position or
distinction so thai we may become pioml
lieilt 111 the eyes of our fellow men'.' Ale
we thinking only of the accidental ami
(licumstaiiilal things that may tome Into
our lives'.' 1 take It that no mini ically
responsible gives all bis thought nnd at
tention lo what ho cats and dilnks and
weais because the man who does that Is
a ciuiunoii sensualist und nothing nioie,
His Mission Oii Earth.
Jesus Chi 1st lu I 11b mission on c.utli
aimed to cieate now possibilities nf love,
'I he tendency of all educational piocesses
Is to re-create and refoini; to make rcul
what Is potential. That Is what the land
wished lo do, Ho wished and wishes us
lo feci and understand somelhlng of Uin
Infinity of Ills love as manifested in
cm 1st and In the world about lis.
Paul says In this epistle, "thou shalt mil
commit adultery." Adultery Is a slu
agnlnsl love. Lust kills the soul ami kills
happiness, It plunges man Into a dark
somo nether woild In tho midst of nu
iismus wliero it Is Impossible to think
nobly or to do divinely.
He says "thou must love thy neighbor''
nnd heio wo havo (lod's command to lovo
not those near to us and dear to us b.v
ties of lelatlonshlp ami personal fiieuil
ship but all men of all creeds and nil col
ors even those In the nethermost pans
of tho world.
"Thou shalt not steal. " Heie refer
euro Is inailn to a part of mail's external
self; tho things ho owns, All elvllUulloii
Is founded ou n respect for piopeity. Us
possession Is the gicat inotivo which has
stimulated man to Ihe prucllco of tho
vlilues of Industry, self denial and ecop.
nmy for ages past.
Tho law of lifo Is tho law of lovo. AH
live by what they give. Tho happiness of
wicii inuiviiiiiai depends ou tlui lovo ho
shows othuis. All great things spilng
from love; tho love of God, Ihe love of
chinch, the lovo of country. The law of
lovo also enters in when wu appeal lo tio
social sense. Society is not possible with
out love,
Lovo Is equality because we uro all as
equals lu each other's sight If wo but
lovo unotlier. Lovo Is opportunity, for
wherever It exists thero are oppoittinl
ties cieated. Lovo Is Insight because
when wo lovo wo loam to havo sympathy
for others and know their needs and to
acquire tact so that wo may be of ser
vice, It Is as has been said. Clod's great
temporal vitality for His people hero ou
The mass celebrated was u solemn
high mass, and the oillceis were as fol
lows: Celebrant, Uev. J. J. Loughran;
Jutcph Oliver.
Judge of the Orphnns' Court.
Maik One.
Alton A. Yosburg.
County Commissioners.
Maik Two.
John Com ler Mollis.
John Penman.
Mine Inspector.
.Mn ik Two.
The mine strike commissioners left
for Ilttzlelon on their special cars at
11 o'clock last night to spend four days
In the further prosecution of their
search for Intimate knowledge of tho
physical feature!! of the mining Indus
try. On Thursday they will take a re
cess until Friday, Nov. 14, when they
will re-assfpihle to begin tho work of
taking testimony.
Assistant ltecoider Xelll remnlncd be
hind to leceive the miners' statement,
which President Mitchell Is to (lie to
morrow. Mr. Nelll will go lo Wllkes
Hnrro this morning to meet Mr. Mitch
ell. After receiving tho statement Mr.
Nelll will proceed on to Iliissleton to
rejoin the party.
A copy of the statement will be at
once given to the operators that they
nmy prepare their answer without de
lay. At the (list sitting of the commis
sion, the operators1 representatives said
they could have the reply ready three
days after the miners' statement was
The week's recess Is taken for the
purpose of giving the commissioners
time to acquaint themselves with the
contents of the statements and lo per
mit the two patties to prepare their
Length Not Known.
It is not known how long the sessions
here will loiillnue. it Is possible that
testimony will be taken In lluzleton
and Pottsvllle while the miners' side Is
being heard, and that Xevv York and
Philadelphia will be the places chosen
for the reception of the testimony fiom
thp operators' side.
Yesterday's despatches told of an In
tention on the part of the men at the
No. 40 shaft of the Lehigh Valley Coal
company to ask the commissioners
when they come lo Hazleton to take Im
mediate action on their complaint Hint
sixty of their men aie being blacklisted.
If these men are not reinstated a strike
Is threatened. It is not at all likely
uie commissioners win grant this u
quest, If il Is made. A day bus been
llxed for the hearings to begin and
the complainants will likely be advised
to biing their matter up then. It Is
hardly piobahle the commission will
consent in change all Its pluns and de
lay the linding on the general questions
at Issue, to pass upon a local grievance.
At Wilkes-Barre.
Saturday the commission left ft r
Wilkes-Barre on the Delawaie and
Hudson road at S o'clock a. in., and
spent the day much as tncy did the,
previous day In this city. of tbi' fact that It was All
Saints Day. which is religiously ob
served by ninny of the foreigners and
j others, three-fourths of the working
force nt the mines were itlle and very
I little coal was produced.
At Ibi Prnsneef colli. ev to vvht.Ui tlio
....... ... ..:.;. : ".. i if
commission prooeeueu, it was ti
found that the miner whom President ! JS
Take Time by tho forelock
prepare for Thanksgiving early. jji
Bcrnardaud French China Dinner Ware
Wo have Just received a large shipment of Jhls rich and fasci
nating ware; It will prove especially Interesting to those who ad
mlie exclusiveness. Being of open stock pattern It can be
bought In any quantity desired, and matched at any time.
DKCOHATIOXS: Tlneo lines ot scouied gold con edge, with key bolder on
center band In black, and hair blown border extending toward cen
ter of plate.
Walk in and look around.
the Use of
Keeping Money
In your house and running
the risk of being robbed?
Better Begin a Savings Account with tho
Third National Bank
118 Wyoming-Avenue. '
Where You Will Receive 3 Per Cent. Interest,
Whether Your Account Is Large or Small.
Open Saturday Evenings, 7.30 to 8.30.
B McConnell & Co., 8
g The Great Value Givers
f5 1" sliictly first-class Dry Goods, Cloaks, Notions, Furnlsh-
H ings for Men. Women, Etc. A complete, modern store,
Jj with a complete stock which does not contain one ounce
n of blioddy.
S5 orrt i
jr .latkPts f
jV any othei
PU. I' I. !.!'..( I, l.l.M
X nle pi lee ev.-r devl
JJ tils, (iood selectioi
2? i:xci:lli:nt
Jll,. III.. I... I.. Il.l,
an at
jo 11-4
Nicliolls had selected to
the M. Dvans.
David T. AVIlllanis.
In the Seciind legislative tlistilet,
plate of Joseph Oliver will appear
iiiiino of John Hcheiier. jr.
in the Thlid legislative tlistilet,
name of Kdwnitl Jitmcs.
lu Hie Kointh legislative district,
name of P. A. Dhllbln.
Regiment Relieved from Active Ser
vice on Saturday After Being in
the Field Since Sept. 82.
The Thirteenth regiment, after foi ty
days service near Olyphant returned to
tills city mi Satuiday afternoon and
was lelleved from active duly.
Colonel Wattes, who had been 01 tier
ed on Friday night to break camp,
iceelved further Instructions Satur
day morning fiom (.Ieneral Sehiill.
eonniiu ruler or the Kiist brigade, to
proceed to this city.
Camp was slrtiek at l(),::o o'clock In
the morning to the .sound of the bugle
every tent going down at the Mime ip.
slant, Theie was bustle and confusion
fur .several hours while the men were
engaged in packing up their belongings
but a start was finally made about 2,15
o'clock, Tho regiment touched this
city over the Delaware and Hudson
railroad shortly after L'.iiO o'clock and
inarched to the armory.
Tho eight companies were lined up
lu the drill hull and before tho order
to disband was given, Colonel Watrrs
made n bilef addiess In which ho
heartily complimented the men on their
devotion to duty and upon their ex
cellent conduct. He thanked them for
himself and for the other officers for
the showing made.
Company K, ot Honcsdale, got away
from en nip before noon us did also
Companies 1 nnd O, of Hastnn and
Montrose, respectl vel .
Tho Thirteen regiment was called out
on Monday night, .September 2:1 and
was on active duty until last Satur
day. The splendid discipline and order
which pievalled at Its camp was sur
passed at nonu and equalled at few of
the nther regimental camps.
.11 ClllDl.lll.Y III' , jfw
party was not working, and at Ills sug- j
gestion they went to the Dm ranee. On '
arriving at the latter place il vves jj(
learned thai very few men were at I
work, but the commission decided to ir- ! vJ
sped it just the sumo. It Is a very j jf
gaseous mine anil the party bad to
carry safety lumps. The veins me from j J
seven to fifteen feet Illicit and the party , iX
In consequence did not find traveling
laborious as was the case at the ilini-
Orrt Dl'SV CLOAK rilU'AHTMHXT Theie are mow suits, coats and
fiom .McConnell ,fc Co.'s seen ou the streets of Hcranton than from
ier bouse In town. A visit to the Department will disclose the rea
son why.
A SlDXTi: CAItl.O COAT AT $I0.I Tight-fitting garments at the
same pi ice. We'll place these alongside the best $1".."0 values offered by
any other dealer In this city and guaiautee to sin pass theni in goodness and
OI'TINO KLAXNLL XltillT HONKS A good ipiallty. prettily
made, timiiv patterns, nil fast colors. Cut veiy full. Special at
I'LKKCi: LIXKD WKAI'PKII CLOTHS The best mateiial at a moder-
L'isiil for cozy winppei.s or House waists; last col
on ol pattei hi. jnid
MLAXKI3T VALI'i:S Ootid Cotton Dlaukels began at
I'ic. the pair, but here's one that's a crackerjack in value at "lie. Large 11-4
slz". rnncv boi dels, color-t. giey, tan or while. KMia. heavy, clean, n(p
soli make. Sneolal v
Taney stilpe lllan'aets suitable, lor robes or wiups. Very pretty
and very Inge
Ol'lt D It CSS HOODS DKl'AHT.MKXT leads all others A sumplo Is
submitted lieiewlth.
-lti..l, Vll W.w.l llt.itt-v VitncMiin Clritli of Nllliel ini- Mlllsll anil lW
5 inline make. All colors and black. The yaitl Oil;
ZZ ''"Oil SCASOXAI'.LK l'XDKUWCA It Vou c.uuui! the values or-
3 I'eml lie AlcCiuuiell .V Co. We me not egotistical or vain 111 tills matter. A
a visit lo Ihe depaitinent will piove thai we are modest unci conservative lu
our statements.
Sec tan- line of Ladles , Allsses anil Chlldieu s I nilerwear at
(mil values for men and .voulbs at i) and .;.ic
Olhei pialitit" Cotton. Wool, Wool Fleeced or Silk fioni 10c to a gaimen
IIOSIKHV THAT'S ItCLIAIILC can be had hole, but no Hash. Pilces
fioin inc. lo Sl.r.n the pair
Special lor this week or while they last. U". tloz-n women's Kleeco Lined
Hose, rind Clack. All si-.:is. Our tegular Ulic. Hose for this Q,
week only. 'Hie pah- vj
LAD1CS' HAStllOXACl.C KL'ltS ThN Is our Hist season, therefore
styles shown ale all new. The .skins lion) which most of our garments,
neckwear, mulls, etc., uie made, wein purchased by us slv months ago
and Ihe goods oll'ei-cil weie made lo older during the pievlnus dull sea
son. The values olfeied uie fully one-lourth under cm rent pilces.
Nice fur scarfs from 98c
All other qunlities up to S50.00
- mm
Occupants of the Emergency Hos
pital Released,
After a long siege of small-po.v, which
lasted nearly a. year, tho dreaded dis
ease has, apparently, been stumped out,
nnd there now remains nut one case in
the city, and that one Is convalescent,
It is in a family In North Seranton,
prcvioubly reported.
All of the occupants, save the watch
man, have been, released from the
Kmergency hospital on tho West moun
tain, where over Mxty putteuta were
successfully Heated, and not one death
was recorded.
vllle. whore thc-y were in n stooped I 0
position almost constantly because of
the low roof.
Tile commissioners talked with tli-
few men they encouiileied, questioning
them at length ou wages ami other
After lunching lu their car Ihe com
missioners went out for a trolley ride
to Ashley und Sugar Notch, viewing
miners' homes and talking with miners.
Kuily in the evening they returned lo
Seranton, and several members of the
parly ut tended the peiormuiice of
"Ilocli, the Consul" nt the Lyceum.
-Manager Duffy having Invited them lo
occupy lioxos.
Bishop Preached.
Yestenliiy morning lilshop Spauldlng
pleached at the 10,30 o'clock mass lu St.
I'eter's cathedral, All tho other mem
bers of the commission attended the
service. At 1 o'clock they wew taken
fur a hhort drive about the city by Mr.
AVutklus and at 2 o'clock weie enter
tained at dinner al Mr, Watklns' home.
The evening was spent at the hotel,
At 10 o'clock tho commissioners'
parly went to the Delaware and Hud
son station and got aboard their spe
cial cars thai they might get asleep
before the train pulled out at 11 o'clock.
They proceeded directly to Hazliitoii,
where they wcro scheduled to arrive at
5 o'clock litis morning.
The commission will be met at fi
o'clock In tho morning at I'ond Creel;,
about nine miles north of Hazleton, by
Thomas Duffy, tho president of that
district of tho mine workers' union, who
will represent the miners, Cieneiui
Supeiliitendent 'Wanliier, of the Le
high Valley, and Clenoral Superintend
ent Ulchards, ot the Lehigh anil
Wllkes-Hatro company, will represent
the ouerators.
The mines which tho commission will
visit havo not yet been decided upon.
Superintendent Wurrlner, of the Lehigh
Vulley company, has suggested tho No.
10 shaft, operated by bis company, Tho
miners prefer to have tho mbltratora
inspect the Harwood colliery of Calvin
Pardee; & Co. Thero uro twenty-Hvo
mines in Unit region and all hut So, 10
shaft are entered by means of a slope,
Tho Harwood is a typical mine of this
region, and as tho commissioners havo
thus far only visited mines with shafts
and havo not yet gone down a slope,
the miners think they should select the
Harwood, Tho commissioners on Sat
urday retp.iested both sides to agree on
ono mine, and If they fall the commls
slon will probably decldu the mutter.
' ' ' ' i 1 1 i
They Pay the User.
If you wish a half-tone or line cut,
let the Seranton Tribune make it for
you. Our equipment for this work Is
complete nnd up-to-date. AVe have
facilities for doing the finest sort of
work at lowest pilces and what's more,
we' do it. A trial order will convince
flcConnell & Co.
The Satisfactory Store.
400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
Tak: a look at our Fall aud Winter Hue of
Underwear and Gloves
If these Hues are not better than any other in town,
j don't buy them, but at auy rate have a look. Our assort
ment of Underwear is so large, we cannot specify each kind
iu this small space. They range in price from 50c to $5,
We have forty different kinds to show you, from the
25c Working Glove, the $1.00 Walking Glove, to the pure
Otter or Sealskin, including Dent's, Fownes', Perrins'.
Tanuert's, also 4,Rip-Proof" Driving Glove,
412 Spruce Street
laegcr's Sanitary Underwear.
309 Lacka. Avenue.
Solc Agfent for Dr.
!" .j.
If You Want
The Best
struments Taken in Exchange,
for Cash or on Easy
Payments. Call on
, . 117 Wyoming Avenue
Various Makes of Pianos at All Prices. Old In-
g i22444,4,t44l''iHi'it4la42lk4i
Central Agent far the Wyoming Pi'slrlct Ut
Dupont's Powder
Ulslns, Dlutfnjr, Eporllnj, Fmokelca tni) th
Itepauno Chemical Cempiny'i
Eifetjr Fuse, Caps tntl Eiplodtn. Hoom 401 Coit
cell Uulldln; .Senates.
JOHN n. SMITH & BOH I'lymouth
E. W. MULLIGAN ,., ,.,..., WlllevBirr
Lubricate Your
riachinery by
Scientific Tiethods
nml .s.ivo SIXTV PKU C'HNT. of ex.'
Wt' innlio u Hici'l:ilty of pioper lui
bliiauu lot' propel pui post's.
Tlio Sanderson
Oil and Specialty Co.,
1 Race Street. City,