THIS SOKAMTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, .1902. -S l jii'mvfmiipn"t9'mniixlit -i-" -ft" '- v,a VOTE FOR William Franz For County Commissioner, Because He Was an Honest Commissioner When He Formerly Held This Office. You Will Find His Name on the Citizen's Ticket. Hff t- PS' ' '!Pts& He Is in the WILLIAM FRANZ, Candidate for County Commissioner on the Citizen's Ticket. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Special to llic Sc trillion Tilbune Monti ose, Oct. 31. Kail Nash N visit ing at Camp "Wvekoft, Oljph nit Alls Jaines Coiutiislil, ol Kingston, is .i guest at the home ot hei son, Jus tice John S. Court'iight, on South M tin street. W A Haiiington lPtuinod the (list of the week from a business tilp to Johnstown "fio 1-tftaatn Tncf ii Int. it i lintj lit- t it visiting Susquehnnnu relatives, relumed on Saturday to this place. Chester Reed, who has, been stationed tit Olyphant, was in town the Hist of the week. Horace Stevens, of Elkdalt, was a guest at the home ot his uncle, Dth ington Thatcher, on Maple stiect, the latter part of last week. The Sayre High School foot ball team was defeated kibt Satuiday afternoon by the Montrose High School on the grounds in this place, the score being 10-0. The Sajie team was not oveily anxious to play, claiming- that they weie too light to buclc up against the home team, although to an outsider the dlffeience In aeiage weight was not pnitlcularly noticeable, and it was only upon, condition of ten-minute halves that they finally lined up. Montrobe'a pace was too fast, ho they quit at the end of the Hist liulf, with tiie bcote standing as gien aboe. Mr. and Mis. James Scott, of Tunk hnnnock, were guests at the home or J. R. Cooley over Sunday. Mr. and Mis. F. D. Spiout and chil dren spent Sunday with Silver Lake relatives. The remains of Mls Mabel Ciand.ill, daughter of Mr. and Mis. c, X. Clan dull, of Wuveilv, Weie uiuught to Montrose on Satutdav last and iuter nient was made In the Monti ose ceme tery Sunday atteinnon, Iter. B. A. W.u ilnur otllciating Her age was 21 jeais. Nows of tl- death of Mis. isuloie Bald Lines vas lecelved hoie Moiulav morning, stating that she had died quite suddenly at the homo of Mr, and Mis. Edwaid MoKciiIe, at Philadel phia, wheie she had been n guest lor a Bhort time. The lPinalns i cached Mont rose Tuesday eenlng and weie taken to St. Paul's Knlscopal rhuieli, and Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock sct vlces weie condiiLted In the chinch by the Itov. K. A. Wm liner, ami Intninc-nt was made at Mnntiosp. Mis. Lines was a woman (pilot In disposition ami whu had a kindly teellng for all. Messis. Leo Wlmlpii and Ciemge Mack spent Siinduv with Forest Lake lelatlves and fi lends, A business meeting oC the I'lulstiuii Endeavor boclety oi tho Piesbyterlnn ohm eh was held In the chinch nailois Tuesday evening, after which those ab sembled partook of dainty lefieMuuonts served by the young ladies of tln soci ety. On Tuesday, W. D. B. Alne and wlfo left for their southern tilp, which It Is hoped will benefit Mr, Alney'h physical condition. Itov. A. I nn Tobel ac companied them uh far as PhlladPlphlu. Mr. and Mis, it. O. Scott, of .Scrau ton, have been In town this week. Hany D, Jones, of Hnirlsbuig, b hi town. Mlbs Kotluiiliie Altken letuincd to her home In this place Thuisday after Bpenuing sovPi-al weeks In Wilkes Baire ami Caiboudalp, Tho death of .Miss Ciay Hiodhe.ul occuueil at hei late homo on ITnlon Old Stoxles Hetoltl. People liner til ft of lieailug the oft lepeated story of the Miccebs of Cham beilaln'H Cough Benudy. Pioni ull oer tho countiy and oen In far uuay India, China and tho South Sea Islands tome letteis tioni diugglsts and iIlmI eis, stating Ihe uiio pleasuie they dc ilve fioin handling a piepaiatlon which gives such unheisal satisfaction, They all tell tho .same stoiy of the undoubied met It of this lemtdy, and of its efn cucy In the i oiler of coughs, colds and I'totip, and peisonally recoinmeud It to their customeis. The lomedy Is sold on u posltlso guaiantee and has notr fulled to do all that Is claimed for It. I'or sale by all dtugglsts r 0 f He became a candidate upon the urgent request of many friends, in the interest of good government. His nom ination papers bore the endorsement of 292 sound representative citizens. Having taken up the fight, he ap peals to the voters of the county to consider his position and recognize the character of his past record. Fight for Honest stieet, Thinsday. cening about 6 11 o'clock, hhc had been ill imlv a -hoi t time with tphotd ltpi. Hti lathei is also in i ( slate, but hope, .uc enlei tallied lor his lecoveiv. Dpi eased was but eighteen eaiM ot aye, and possessed a quiet, pleasant disposition. A blothti. Hmt, difd about a j e.n ago of tills s.une maladj. The fuiipial will be held it oni the house, Simda attei noon at J o'clock Do not loiget Bailow'j- uiiiistiels to night at Village hull. J1AWLEY. Special to the Sci anion 'I'lllnnit IIuwlu., Oct 31. Mis. s H. Siioers, of Matamoias, was the guest of ic.ln.tUPS bpie this week. Mr. and Mis. Pi auk Uusv,ell and llts Ulhi P.ilmci an- tho guests ot S. T. Palmer. Jlis Joffiies, oL Matamoias, Kited nt the home of Ilauy Pelhilck this w eek Mibs Siuah H Knapp K Impiolng, aflei a tlnee week1-' illness Miss Nell Dingman w.ib .i Ilonesdale visitor Inst week. The Ping Pong club entei tallied about twentv-fiw of their fi lends with a masquetade paity at the homo of MKs Wllma H Kiuipt), Inst e Piling. All ie)oit a good time and oled the Plug Pong glils excellent entei tilneis. I.cstei Clitlstlan i and IMw.ud t.vnch went to rjlen, Sunday, whole they will woik in the towet, which hns been fatal ted again. Miss Claia Puidy was In Soianton this week. John Stiauss left Tuesday foi his homo In Rejnoldsvlllo MKs Lillian Fiitt.s left Wednpdny, 'after a Klt with her mother, Di. O. a. Fiitts. Mr. and Mis. Jtldiaul Duslnlipny, of Ilonesdale, weie the guests of iPla tles heie Thuisdav, Miss Cella Winteis iPtuined Wednes day Jiom a islt in Pittston. P. F. Miuiay, ol L'asnm, was a islt oi heio tlie loie put of this week. Mis. Couglilin has lctuined home li om Kubton. FOREST CITY. Special to the Sciiintrn Tilbunc. rout City, Oct. .11. Tho cotim II on Tuesilaj eenlng Anted down the An tluacltp Telephone' eompnny'b oulinauce on tlilul leading. Company A. Thliteolith leglment, wlileh lias been stationed hue was oi dPied to Join tho lest of tho command nt 01 phaut yesteulny. They weie a due body of men and weio liked by tho townspeople. The distinction or having tho coal commission lieic cu-ated little Intel est among our cltluns II. Jolop has lippii appointed coal In .speilur at the Cllffotd. Mm tin Plinth e, or Pleasant Mt was heie yesteulny. Wan on Stcillng tho Hopuhllcan cai. dldute for sheila' mn k, x, liruMi, Demociatlo candidate weie In town jpstouho. T, C. .Mniuer Is again In Wheelei's nt Caiboudalp and may hao to iiudeigo another opeiatlon, M. T. O'llaiii, late telegiapher for tho lliln heie, thiH week was inade stntluu agent at Avoca, The people of that town will llnd him a competent and liuulnl )nuilg muii IS rCIl OLSON, Spirlnl to Bin Scinnton Tribune Nicholson, Oit, 31, A voiy pleasant ovenlng was spent by the Itebokah ol der of the Independent Older of Odd Follows, ut this place, last Wednesday, About twenty-live membeis fiom tho Liuly of Estbei lodco of Tuiikluinnotk weie piesent to enjoj tho luoceedlngs, two new membeis weio Initiated Into tho oulor and the win I; dono by tho lodge heie was said, h seveial of tho vUltlng ineinlieis, to bu tho best they bad been In tho county. After tho se ciet wotk a shoic luogmnuiie of nuisio and lecltutlons was lendtued. Follow ing thb lefiebhmentb vveto seived. In all about one bundled weie piesent, mid had u veiy enjoyable time. Mis. Oscar Williams wnb a caller In Seianton, Thinsday, Mlbses filliel Stuik mid Floienve Wll kins spent Thursday and Fjlday In Seianton Government. THEATRICAL. The King Diamatic Company. The King Diam itlc conip.tiiy will cloo tilth week's oiiKuneinent at the Academy this o cuing with a tlnilllng itorj of tlie Cast, called ".Slaves ol the Oileut " ThK is ono ol the hesl ilas in tlicii f imotis ippertolle This alltituion "Slien an ilo.ih" v.ill bp leptatcd List night It was pioiluecd to a prowiled house. Special Matinee This Afternoon. l.ouls Maim will pi est nt. Ills new tciiu u t comedv, "lloch. the Consul.' at a special iiiitinip al tht I.jepum llils af ti moon, and again this evening. Tlie onipiuy suppoi ling "Ii. Mann in "Koch, the Con-ul," is a veiy stiong and cap alile as vvell as an imusualU largp one, ntimlierliur loitv jieople. A hiln tin secnlo (ciiipmcnt Is aKo ei5 ilaboiate, two stv-foot biggiinii cats behih requiieil to c.iuv the sc encrv and pinpeitits used in the production W'ultei " Yugei. who K stalling Louis Mann in "lloch, the Consul" vvibhes to couect a wioug Impression that seenis to have gotten abioail in regal d to the title, ot tin- coined. It has no reference at .ill to the mucli-tnlkod-of poem, "Ilotli. tier K iKer," In which the divine right of the itcimin emperor is satirised, "lloch" m tho name of the charactPi as sumed bj Mi. Maun, and Is piouounctd like the sumo sjielt Ccimin wind utd in tho aforesaid poem It .should be pto nnuiitfd so as to ihme with "coke," and not with "io k." Double Souvenir at Dixie. 'I lie Dilo theater Is ceitalnly outdoing Itself this week, and for the Siturday mnthitp, November 1, ovpiv bolder of a leserved scat ticket and eveiy child In tlie ftont low of tho baleonv will ip celve a copv of the beautltul photogra phic souvenir of the house nnd audience taken two weeks ago. In addition to which ovor pet son entering the theater, both nfteinoon and evening, will receive n pei f umi d piogmmme, togther wllh a little phial ol the latest and most papu la I odor. I'm npt vviek. the best tiouuo of tialned elephant In tlip world will make thch lint appeaiance In Scraliton. Thev do almost evtrvihlng, and go through tilth ael with woudeiftil since and hu moi. And, stinngo to sny, they uppio e latp appluuse as much as human ac tors nnd take advantage of every chance to make fun. This is a delightful act foi both old and voim, nnd now that tho boycott bus been lifted ft om tho house, no doubt great ciovvils will witness tlie antics ot thP-o wonilerlill nniinals, Huntley-Moore Stock Company. ComniPiicIng Mondiy night, the llunt- lej-Mooio Stock company will open their annual week's v Wt at the Aeademy of Music, in an Plnboratn scenlo pioduc- tlou of tho metinpulltan sue tens, '"I ho New Dominion," The eompnti nindo a decided lilt at Atlantic City dining their inn theip this summei at Young's pier Thcntcr. Since then, n full line of plays and bpeclaltles bnvu been added. Dining thdr eiiBitgemcnt heie, they will present the following plnvs. "Lost PaiaelibP." "Roanoke," "Queeu'H Evi dence Tho Now Dominion," "Golden (limit Mine. Davy Crockett." "Tlin DaultCb," lligli-cl,isb specialties will le lutioeluted between the acts by llcniy IIurrKon and Baby Mack. William raveisham Next Week. Miss Fay Davis, whom Clmrlos Fuili. man has (-elected as leading woman for William Favmbhnin In bis now play, "Imprudence." Is a Boston gill whoso thentileal success has all been confined to London Sho was becuied by Mr. Pi oliman foi his Now York and London presentations and for i sptelal part she Is to crcatei In both titles beloif tho sea bon closts. .Miss Davis was tho leading woman ol tho St. James and Wi)ham theateis, appearing hi both serious anil comedy ioIis, She originated tlie piluclpa! pnit in "Tho Squire ol Dainet." "Tlio Pilncess and the llutteiuV' nnd "Tho Ambassa dor," lltr last London appearance was as "Ills," In the new Plneio play, In which Miss Viiglnlii llarued has achieved such n iriumph at tho CrltPiloii theater, New Yen It Tlio Hist pioduetlon of "Impiudence'' on any btage occuis at the Lvceuin net Friday evening, tlio engagement nbo coiilluuliig Sattiida mutiiico unit ulRlit, TAYLOR, The funeinl ot tho date Mis. David J, Hauls of Athciton stleet, will bo held this aflei noon. Sei vices at tlio Methodist Eplstopil c liui th at L'Su o'clock. Itov. D. C. Jones and Rev. A. C. Lewis, of Seianton. and Rev. W. II. Hovvells, ot this place, will officiate, liiteiment will ua made In tho Foi est Hoiiki ccmeteiy. 'Thu Second Wuid Political club will meet this evening at their rooms at Wols rtilHih'a hotel on Union street nt 7.30 o clock. All mcmbcui of Prldo of Lackawanna lodge, No. IS, American Protestant La dles' usnoclntion, are requested to meet this afternoon In their rooms nt 1 o clock slintp to attend the obsequies of their be loved ulster. Mis. David J, Hauls. Deputy Clerk of tho Coutts and Mrs. 12, T. Daniels, of Main street, gavo a pleas ant Hallowe'en party lust evening hi honor of a number of friends. A delight ful tlnio was spent In tho tisual party dlVci Hlons, Dnlnty lofreshmotits were set veil. The nbiltiatlon commission nppolnled by President Hooscvolt lo settle tho gieal conl strike, made a tlip to tills town jes teulny In a special trolley car. They did not stny long. Set vices at tho Calvary llnptlKt chinch tomouow will be held nt tho usunt hours, tho pastor, Itov. Dr. Ilnirls, ofllclatlug. Bundny school nt '.' p. in. All nro wul conio, Tlie Thlid Wnid Political club will meet this evening In their looms nt O' It lien's hotel on Main street, MKs Ida Speiber, of Camden, Is. .! Is visiting her sister, Mis. V. J. Nelger, ot Timor sticot. Mrs. Ann Wilglit, of Itockavvay, N. J,, Is tho guest of Mr. and Mis. Chillies Kg belt, of South Tnvlor. W, II, Davenport Is sorloiihly III at his homo on South Main stiect, They Pay the TTSer. If you wish a half-tone or lino cut, let the Scinnton Tribune make it for you. Our equipment for this work Is complete and up-to-date. We have facilities for doing tho finest sort of work at lowest pi Ices and what's more, wc do It. A trial order will convince you. LEGAL. AMDNDMIINT TO TUB CONSTITU TION PROPOSBD TO TUB CITIZBNS Of THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF TIIE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COM MONWEALTH IN PFRSUANCE OF ARTICLE XV1I1 OF TIIE CONSTITU TION. A JOINT ItESOLFTlON Pioposlng an amendment to section leit of article one of tho Constitution, so that a dlseluuge of a Jiuy foi fniluie to ngiee oi other necessaiy cause shall not work an acquittal. Section 1. Be it lesolved by the Senile nnd House of Repiesentatives of the Commonwealth of Peniibv lvanla In Gen eial Asembly met, That the following be pioposed as an amendment to tho Con stitution; that Is to sav, that section ten of nitttlc one, which reads as follows: "No peison shall, for any Indictable of fense, lie proceeded against cilmlnally by lnfoimnllon. ecept in cases aiKIng in tlie laud or n ival foices, oi in the militia, when In actual seivice In time of win or public dangei, or bv leave of the cotut lor oppiession oi misdemeanor In ofllco No poison shall, foi the same ofiellse, bo twice put hi Jeopaidv of llfo tu limb; noi shall pilvate piopertv be taken oi applied to public iis-e, without authoiity ot 1 tw ain! without Just compeii'titlon bc'uu Mist in ule m .stsiueil," lie ami nilcel so as to lead as follows: No poison sImII. fni ii n v Indictable of fense, be pioceedcd against e i Iminnllv bv lliloim itlon, ctept in eases nilMng in the land oi naval loices, or In the militia, when in actual stivice In time of wai oi pnbllo diingci. oi bv leivo or the couit foi oppiession oi niiseltmeanoi in olllee No peison shnll, lor the amo offense be twice put in Jeopardv of life oi limb, but a gc ol the Jin loi failtuo to agiep, oi other necessuv c luse. shall not woik an acquittal Noi shall pilvaiu piopeity be taken or applied to public use, without authoiitv of law and with out lust compensation being fhst nindo oi seemed A tine copy of tho Joint TJe-olutlon W W. GR1EST. Sceicl.uv of tlie Commonwealth AAIF.NDMENT 'lO THE CONSTITF TION PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OP THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BV THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Ol' TIIE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OP THE SECRETARY Ol" THE COM MONWEALTH IN PFRSFANCH OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITU TION. A JOINT RESOLFTION Pioposlng an amendment to the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth Section 1 Be it lesolved bv the Senate and House of Repiesentatives oi tlio Commonwealth of Pennsvhnnla In Gen- eial Assembly met. That tho following Is pioposed as an amendment to tlio Con stitution ot the Commonwealth of Penn sv lvanla. in nccoi dance with tlio nroil- i blons ot the eighteenth .illicit: theitof: Amcncuni nt. Add at the end of section seven aiticle tlnee, tlie following words- "t'nloss be foie II shall be intiodticed In the General Assemblv, such pioposed special or local law shall have been (list submitted to a populat vole, at a gpneial or spei ial elec tion in tho locality or localities to bo af fected bv Its operation, under an order of Hip couit of common pleus of tlio re spective county after healing and appli cation gi anted, nnd shall havo been ap pioved by a majority of the voteis at .such election: Piovlded. That no such election bhnll bo held until the eleeieo of com I autlioillng the f-ame slia'l bnvo been ndveitised for ut least thittv (30) davs In the locality oi localities affected. In such mannei as the com I may direct. A tine copv of the Joint Resolution. W. W. GRIEST Secietaij of the Commonwealth IN RE: Estate of Ann Phillips, lato of tho City of Seianton, County of Lack awanna, deceased. Litteis of .idmlnistintiou upon the above named estate having been gianttd to tho uiiilei .signed, all prisons having claims or eleminds uaainsl the same will Piesent them lor pasniPUt, and all thoso Indebted thereto will mako immediate IMMnent to GEORGE W. PHILLIPS, .Munlcinal Building. Seianton, Pa. TIIOS F. WELLS. Attorney for Estatp NOTICE Is heiebv given that aiilliatlon will lio made to the Governor of tlio Commonwealth of Peiuisj lvanla on Mon iliinv the L'llli dav ot November, Il'OJ, by W, K. La Har. William II. Edluger, A. B. Dunning, P. F. Cnslck nnd Tboinns M, Lneh, under nn Act of Ahsomblv ol the tlie Commonwealth of Peiiusjlvitnla en titled "An Act to piovidu for tlio incur poiatiou nnd legulaticm of teitalu coi pouitloiis." uppioved Apill 21, IS7I, and the Mipplements ihnieto, for tho chaiter of an InteutlPd coipointlon to bo called "The Pnraillso Watei, Stoiago and Supiilv Com pany," tho chaiaettr and object of which Is to supply wnter to the public or tho supplv, stoiage anil transpmtntlnu of wa ter and water powei for leminieiclal and manufacturing ptuposes In the dlstilct eomposed or tlio cnuntleH ot Wane Plkn, Monroo and Noi thampton; nnd tor tlitbo pin poses to have, possess and enjov all the lights, bencllts nnd pilvileges of tlio bald Act of Assemblv and Its supplements, J, W. CARPENTER. Attorney foi Potltioneis, NOTICE Is heieby given that an applica tion will be nindo to tho Ooeuior of the State of Ponnsj lvanla on Tuestl.iv, tlio elov'enth day ot November. 100J, bv P, J, Iloian, J, L. Council and W. W. Wat son, until r tho Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Ptuiisvlvauiu, entitle d, "An Act tu pinvldn for the lucot potation and Regulation of ceitnlu Colourations," approved April 20, 1S71, and tho supple ments theieto, for tho chnrtei of on in tended ten potation to bn titllul tho Strantoii Rnfilgeintlug Company the ehnioctcr and object wheieof is ciiiiJug on a genoral storago and waiehouso busi ness, and for tin so pin poses to have, pus. sess and enioy all the ilKhts, benetlts and Pilvileges of tho said Act of Assembly and Its supplements WATSON, DIEIIl. & KEMMEREIt. Sollcltois. Peisonal, A RETIRED MERCHANT -Vol' y wealth-, never muiiltd; vMtnts a plain boiislblo home-loving wife Addiess 3Ii. Clilliu, Guy Bldg., St. Iiul.s. MATRIMONYAttractlvo joung widow; no udatlons: worth i'i9,0im wants iiiiuio dlattlv a icllable, iiontst husband. Add. Veiouu, 201 N. .'d st , St. Louis. Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY. Dtuunoro. launders sbiits at ie. eaeli uud collars nud cuffs at IVlc. each. Family washing, 1 cents pci pound. THE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" Only Half a Cent a Wori. For Bent. CIOOI) BARN for lent, rentiallv located. Inqulio at iVil Waslilngtoii uvciiuev FOR HF.NT-Smnll hIoip loom Noi th WnHliliiRion nveniie, ;'oo blot k .!l".v' to Oeoigo B. Davidson, Connoll bulldliig, or ur. van cieef. FOR RENT-Half npiier floor. Oil Pies cott avenue; steam heat. Applv Seianton Yuin Finishing Co , fIJ'i Pi c cott nveniie. FOR niJNt-tl5 75, house 5.27 Olive fituet. M, II. Ilolgitle, Coiumuiivvcallli bldg. FOR RENT-One-hnlf of doublo liotHt-i all modutn ImpiovetneiilH. Apply 1. D. Lnthiim, 'iSi Uoiilevuid avenue. JIS Foi Rent Ten-room hoil'o; excellent neighborhood: nil model n liupiovu monls, on avenue. Apply to II. P. Ham ilton, Ut! Spiuco stiect, For Sale. FOR SALE-A pair of well-matched geld- nigs at s.'ii uiecn Jiuigo sireei, citv. FOR SALE-A voting black pacing horse, lubber tiled top wagon, harness, blankets, etc., will bo sold cheap foi want of use. Apply to W. D. Sweet, Ull Short avenue. FOR SALE Al Seianton Woodvvoiklng Co , Limited, nil, Peiin avenue, sasli and windows, blinds, moldings, chetiy lumber, ash plunk, glass uud the build ings. Clearing ale. D. K. Oaklej , 'I re.ib tiiel. FOR SALE Elegant diamond ring con tulnlng i(. catats of llncst diamonds set In platinum. $.'10, cost in Em ope over $.'00 Ijugp Hiingailan opal ilng suiiound ed with foi tv -two line diamonds, set In platinum, $lL"i Tlnee diamond and two iiibles set In ilng, ?40 Uunt's ling. , eaiat. yr, Tirfanv. one cunt, $sn Tiff nnv, VU caiat. $90 Tiffany, Hi caiat, $1.0 Gent's stud, V caiat, Jin Bent's horse shoe pin, li , eaiats, blue white gems set In platinum tl"0 Ladles' biooth, r caiat. $13 Ladles' eai diops, l1'. carats, Jll'i Ear diops, one cat at, $70. Eai seievvs, 34 caiat, $13 Yoiu inouty bad; (without aigiiment) If nut sailslled. Wal ter W. WInton, No on Meais bldg. FOR SALE-Onc hot air furnace. Unco mantels, gas phandclleis. Clunles D. Sanderson, 1 U Wjomlng avenue, Scran ton. Pa. FOR SALE About 20 feet of desk coun tei, suimounted with glass front and two openings, towet poitlon nlcelv pan elled, with dinweis and shelves- undr neath May be seen at tho office of Tho Tilbunc For Sale or Bent. FOR 8LE OR RE"NT-Tho'?-'si"orv bifck building, with boilci house attached, and long low of sheds foi hoises. wag ons, etc , albo lailioad switch suitable foi m iniifncluilng puiposcb, latelv occupied bv the Clock Tobacco Co B. M WInton, Boom No !XK, Meais Building Rooms for Bent. THREE ROOMS fot lent, suitable for two; luqtdic .B Noi lb Lincoln avenue Furnished Booms for Bent. 1 OR RENT A tiiinishtd loom on second tlooi liont, $1 ri0 week CITi Adams avt. I'OR RENT Fi out fuiiilslieil loom, WJ Washington avenue Booms nnd Board. FLEVSANT looms with bond foi lour ot flvo oung men Inqulio J:!- Wash ington avenue. Boaid Wanted. BOARD WANJ'ED-ln cential citv by two ouns men. stnto tpuns; steam heat. Addiess F Tilbunc oflice. Business Opportunity. FOR SALE Complete Manufacturing plant, loi making enameled steel bed bteatls and spilugs; no chills used anil no founds lequhed Addiess Mlg Plant, cue ot Tiibune. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with, out delay. Wiite lor oui special ma". ket letter. Fice on application. S M. Illbbaid & Co. membeis N Y. Consjll dated nnd Stock Exchange, 41 and 48 Broadway. Now Yoik. Established 1SG Long Distance 'Phone 2TS8 Broad. Benl Estate. FARM FOR SALE Near Elk Hill, 130 acaes, fine tiuit, ecpllont spilng, ono mile fiom postofllpo; telephone connec tion. Addiess Ir.a II. Readei, Tiesco, Pa. FOR SALE BY HACKETT Steam heated lesleknti' with bain for t7,l)0ft, woith $10,IN Sto Haekett, tlie Biokoi. W. T. Haekett Offers A steam heated house with bun foi $u,0i)0 A b tl gain. $4000 Buys Double House lu Giten Ridge. House Is new and lo cation dimming. See W. T. Haekett, Bi okei . $1500 Buys Tenement House Anangpil for foui families, paving itntal of $.') pet month. Owner must sell quickly, bco W. T. Haekett, tlio Broker. Steam Heated House in the ciutinl city, with laige lot and bain lor $7,000 Seo W. T. Hilda tt, tho Biokci, $10,000 House for $7000 A beautiful home with bain. Itotiso Is steam lieattd Finn gioiuuls, with ft ult and shade ttees. bco W. T, Haekett, tho Biokei. For Sale by Haekett Piopeity hi city and toiintiy. Bust ness piopeity and pilvutu itsldenccs, Tencnitnt piopeity palng lo pei cent, Country Homes for Sale IIpio nio two samples; One a few miles south of Stianttui vvltb ncro of gioiuid foi $7W. Tho other a fovv miles not Hi of Seianton witli ten ucios, an Ideal spot for J'iOOo. Both on I J., L, and W. Seo Hnckctt. tho Hiokei, $1,800 Will Buy u Hcutitiftil Home If Taken at Once This Is u model u houso, all eonveul. entts, Includiiig ulectilc llglit, Is (-limited in Gicen Rldgu on a lull lot unit Is convenient to Wubhiugton aveiiua btuet car line Property Is vtilued ut J.',lVH). Terms to Suit Purchaser. M. H. H0LGATE, Real Estate 5ecurltloi, riortRnges, Loans Negotiated. Commonwealth Bulltlliic 4 Scran ton, fa, No Order Accepted for Less Tlitin 10 Cents. Branch WANT Qfte Want Advertisements Will Bo Hecelved at Any of the Follow ing Diug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBBIIT RCttULTH. cotnei Mill beiiv stiect and Webster ave. GFRTAV PICIIBL, CM Adtltns avenue. West Side Gi:o W. JBNKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scrnnton PRKD L. TBRPPD, 729 Cedar nvenuo. Noith Scrnnton GDO w. Main stiect. DAVIS, coruci uvciiuu and North Market Qieen Bidge CHARLBS P. JONKS, 1337 Dick son avenue. V. .1. JOHNS, 020 Gieon Rldgo street. C. LORBN55. coiner Washington avenuo and Million sticot. Peteisbuig W. H. KNCPFBL, avenue. 1017 living Dunmore J. G BONB & SON. Help "Wanted. WANTBD Agents to sell tea .and eof. fee to coiistimcts Positions peima ncnt. Gtand Union Tea Co. 3U Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. -.. "" --"---- vv.TBD-2. cniponteis. Call at SIS Wy oming avenue. MANTLD At once, blight joung man stenogiaplier, not over 23 ears ol age. Addiess Box 281, Seianton. Pa. WANTBD Severn I good sle bojs. Applv at oneo. Jonas Long's Sons . M AM'LD-Rellnblo .salesman to solicit otdeis In Seianton and vlclnltv lor steel and copper plate engraved business taids and stationeiv. Can woik as a side Hue It ileshed i:tellent opportunlty loi litliogiaplile. or office statloneiy s0 ,.(,ll0!", State lefeienccs and expel lenco Ihe Vthlle-Bvaiis-Penfolcl Co. Bngravtis and Slatloneis, Buftalo, N. Y. AANTi:D Foitv men at Tobyhanna. Pa. to woik on giadlng for a i.tll roatl switch and dealing a piece of wooei anel Cnll at 10.! Jteais building. Tobv baiina Creek Ice Co, C. C. IViber. tuas uitr. Help Wanted Female. WANTBD A woman to do genual hottsc woii: Applv at lVI Penn avenue. Agents Wanted. CANVASSBRS WANTBD lo sell our Cloth Tov-j Ilng Dolls and Alt Pil low Tops. Best selling Hollda Novelties made Anvone can sell them ptotlt. Art Fabilc Jlllls, New Haven, Conn. LARGB CORPORATION wants eneigotic General Agent foi this county. No books, insuiancc, oi canvassing. Ac quaintance with moi chants and manu factmeis necessaiy. Permanent Bond State ago, ej.netience. refetences first let tci. Address. Stiilo D72, No 1001 Chestnut St . Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. A WOMAN would Ilka to go out wotklng by the da : can do any kind of woik, such as cooking, honing, washing, etc Address Slaij Donnellv, Seianton, P. O YOUNG lady wants position as stonog raphei and tpiltti Has had e pcilence. At llbei tv after Novemboi I Addiess Miss H, Tilbuue. Wanted. VANTBD-Small ill ess Bo 300, fmnished house, city. Ad- Honey to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OI' MONCY TO LOAN Qulck, stialght loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 314-315 Connell building. Lost. LOST A watch lob with gold locket attached. Finder will be levvatded by i dinning to 110 Wyoming avenue. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. Sl'AULDING. C. P. A. 23 Tiadeis' Bank Building Old 'phono 1601. Architects. FRBDBR1CK L. BROWN, ARCH B, Real Bbtato lXctiango Bldg, 120 Wash ington avenue. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L HARDING, M5 CONNELL BLDG. STBVBNSON & ncll building. KNIGHT, 7.8 CON- Dentlsts. DR. C. V. BILBNBBRGBR, PAULI building, Spuico stieet, Seianton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING avo Pile Insurance. SCIILAGBR Si CO.. 401 Connell Building. Patent Attorneys. P AT E N TS UtttiSZ'ISttr Tlio only licensed and equipped patent solicitor In the city. No chuigu for In foimntlou on patentability; over ton yeais' eMiot lento. Heploglc & Co., Mcnr.s Bldg-. Hotels and Restaiuants. TUB BLK CAFB. 123 AND 127 FRANK Hit avenue. Rates t disenable. V. JUEGLBH, 1'iopilotor. SCRANTON HOUSB. NBAR D , L &. Y, Passenger depot Conducted on tho Bu ropean plan. Victor Koch, Pioprictor. Scavenger, A. B BRIGQS CLBANS PRIVY VAULTS and res.s pools; no odoi; only impioved pumps used, A. B. lillggs, piopilotor. Leavo oidets 1101 Notth Main avenue, or Blcke's dtug stoie, coiner Adams, and Mulbeii, Both telephones Wiie Screens, JOSEPH KUBTTBI-. RBAR 511 LACKA, ave., Stiuntou, nifis ot Wltu Sciccus Miscellaneous. MBGARGBU BHOS. PRINTBRS' SUP plies, envelopes paper bags, tvvlno. Wuiehousxj, B0 Washington avenue. TI1U WILICBS-BARRB RIX'ORD CAN bo had In Strantoii at tho news stand of Relsman Bios, lOei Spiuco nnd 50J Linden; M. Noi ton. i21 Latkawunna ae.; 1. S. Scliutzci, 211 Sprucu utteot. $ - DIRECT! Bnsiffiopwijiii;!i:i;mjf,ifs I r Only Half a Cent a Vf arl, .k.SEA-L.EQ. PROPOSALS. SBALIID PROPOSALS will bo lecelvcd nt the orilee of the sieiotuiv tit tbo Seianton lluaiil of Feilitiol until p. m. MouiliiV. Nov. !l, UH3. foi the pllliliiiso of tlm old Homo roi tlio li'ilendless building, iDCitted on lots belonging to tlm schnot dvvlstilcl, on Adams avenue. Tho piltu offend s to bo fen tho building only, tho foundation walls, Hugging, fence, etc.. to I cilia n the piopeitv ol the dlstilct. Tlm building to be lemtivcel at tho expense) of the bldilei. and the premises left fi'eo tioni lilbblsh A sum equal to 5 per cent, of tlm iimount of the bid Is to bo enclosed with each pioposal us an ovldonco ot good faith. i Hv older of the Seianton Boaid of Con-t'ol- B. D. I'BLLOWS, Secretary. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, , In Direct Juno 1, K02. Tialns leave Sci anion for New York A.t,1v3"0' 0 05, 7.U) and 1010 u. m.i 12 10, V0',1',''5 L'- m- ror Now York and Philadelphia-! Co, 1010 a. in., and 12 10 nnd TSi V, U?', x or Gouldbboio At (1 10 p. m. For Uurtalo-l.lj, a n nnii nun u, ,.. iz, r,a and 11.10 p. n For Blnghamton. Ulmliu, and way statlons-10 23 a. m. 1 OC- p. m. I or Oswego, Siroctiso nnd Utlca-1.15 nnd ;', n;,,m,: " P 'n. Oswego, Sjtacuso antl Ullca train at (. 2J a. m. dally, except i il& r'' Monti ose 9 00 a. m.; 103 aim c co p tn. Nicholson accommodation -I 00 and fl 15 )). in, Bloomsburg Division For. Nortlutmboi-. land, at 033 and 10 10 a. m.; 1.55 and 61(1 .. imoJor P'J mouth, nt 810 a. tn.; 3 49 and 9 0j p -u. r J?-Ul,,'3llv T'-fns-For Now Y'oik, 1 50, S 20. COj. 1010 a. m.; 3 10 nnd 3 33 p. m. For Buffalo l.n and C 2.' a. m ; 153, 0 50 nnd ii in p. m. For Blmlra and way ntatlons in .o a. in. For Blnghamton nnd wny sta tions, doo o. m. Bloomsburg Division Leave Scranton. 10 10 a. m. and C 10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In Bffect June 13, 1902. , , 1'ialns Leave Scinnton For Philadelphia and Now Yoik via D. & II. It. R , at at 7.11, through Parlor Car unci Day Coach Catbondalo to Now YotU and 9 1, a. m.. witli L V. Coach Caibon elalo to Phlludolphlu, and 2 IS, 1 J3 (Bl'toH Diamond Btpicss). and 1149 p. m Sun days, D A. ir R. R , 1 BS, 917 p. m. l'or A hit" Haven, Ilazleton and princi pal points in tho coal regions, ia D. 4s U..H..!'- T41. 2 IS and 433 p. m. For. Pottsvllle, 7.11 a. in. For Bethlehem, Kaston, Reading, Har risbuig and principal Intetmedlate sta i,0n,;.y,n D & I' R. R . 7 IT. 9 17 a. m ; -18, 4 3 1 (Black Diamond Bxprcss), 1149 p. Sundajs. D. .v, II. R. R, 9 3S n. m.; 1 5S, 9 17 p m. For Tunkhnnnock, Towanda, Blmlta, Ithaca, Geneva nnd ptlnclpal inteimedlato stations vlitD, L. t W. R. P. . 133 a. m. and 1 5. p. m. For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo. Nlag nta Tails, Chicago nnd all point3 west la D, & II. R R , 12 03 i) m : 3 23 (Black Diamond Bpiess). 10 II, 11 H p m Sun days D & It R. R, 12 01. 917 p m Pullman pallor and sleeping oi Lehigh v alley Pallor cats on nil tialns botwoan AMlkcs-Ritno and New York. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLTN II. WILBUR. Gen Supt , M Coitland stiect. Now York CHABLBS S LBB, Gen. Pass. Agt, 23 Cortland stieet. New York. A W. NONBMACHBR. Div. Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to clv ticket office. C9 Publlo Squato, Wllkcs-Banc. Pa. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Collected to Suptcmbct Id, 1U0J. Stations In Now Yoik, foot Liberty stieet and South Feiry, N. R Trains leavo Sctantou for Now Yoik, Philadelphia, Baston, Bethlehem, Allon tovvn Alauclt Chunk, White Haven, Ash lev. AVIlkes-Bario and Pittston at 7 30 a. I m . 1 p m and 4 pm. Sunday. 2 10 p m. Wiinkcr cuy uxpicss leaves scranton 7 To a m, tlnough solid vestibule tiaiti wllh Pullman Buffet Pallor Car foi Phila delphia with oils ono change of cats for Bnltlmoio and Washington, D C, nnd alt principal points south nnd west For Avoca, Pittston and Wllkos-Bnno, lpm. and I p m Sunday, 2 10 p in. For Long Bt inch. Ocean Grove, etc, 7 "0 a m. nnd lpm Tni "npnitlntr. T.olinnnn nnil T-rnrrlslinrc j via Allentown at 7 30 a. m , 1 p. m and 4 p m. Htmtiay, z tu p m. For Tnm iqua and Pottsvllle, 7 30 a. m.: lpm. and 4 p m For intes and tickets apply to agent ao station W. G BBSSLBR. Gen. Managor. C M. BURT, Gen Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Bailroad. Schedulo in Blfctt Juno 10, 1902. Trains leavo Scranlon 0 J! a. tu , weole davs, tlnough vestlbulo train fiom Wilkes-Batto. Ptillmnn buffet pallor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts-i vllln; stops at principal IntPt mediate sta tions Also connects for Sunbttty, Ifnt rlsbttrg, Philadelphia, B.altimoie, Wash ington and for Plttslmig and tho West. 9 !7 a. m . week tliys, foi Sunbury. II ir risbuig, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and tlio West 1 42 P m , week daj s, (Sundays 1 ,3 p m ), for Sunbury, Hnulsbuig, Philadel phia, Baltimoic. Washington and Pltts Luig and the West. !!"S p m week dajs, thiough vestlhutei trahi ii om Wllkes-Darro. Pullman buftnt pallor car and coaches to Philadelphia via, Pottsvllle Stops at pilnclpal Inteimedl ato stations 4 33 p m , week d ivs, for Itnrloton, Sun limy, Iluulsbuig, Phlliidelpliia und Pitta- bl"S' J. B. IIUTCIHIv'SON, Gon. Mgr J, B AVOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware and Hudson. in Blfect Juno 10. 1202. Ttnlns foi Caibondnto leuvo fcicianton atl fill 7.'ii, S30, 10 13 a. in.: 12 03, 112, 2.11. &.. &:; C.'3, b2l, 913, 10 01 p m; 1218. For'lIoncsdalQ-fi4l, 1013 a. m : 211 anel 5 11 n in For Wllkcs-Bnrie-0 35 7 11. S II. 9 17, 10 ran m: 12, 1 12, 2 IS, 3 2 433, CIO. 7 4S 10 II. H 40 P "I For L V. R. R. Polnts-7.41. 9.17 a. m. 2 IS, 4 33 nnd 11 19 p ni , Tor Pennsylvania R. R. PoInt3-6J3 9 47 a. in : 1 12. I! -S nnd 1 23 p m For Albany and all points noith 7.3S a, m and 3 5u P m m. uuu "slNt)AY TRAINS. For Carbondale S U 1131 a. m;, 3 r'i. G 32 and 11 17 p. m. For wilkes-Riuio-OSS n. in ; 12 03, tfil. 3 2S. 1.32 and 9 17 P m. For Alb my and points north 3 SO p. "m. ror Honesdalo-S 50 n. in.; 11 33 and IFU ''wI'L PRYOR, D. P, A , Scranton, Pa. Eiie Bnilrond Wyoming Division. In Bffect September 13, MO." . Tialns leavo Seianton for Now York, Nuwbiugh and litti.-i meill.tlei points also for llitwleij and local stations at 7L0Jn. in nnd 1 33 p m. For Honesd.alo and Whlto Mills at 1.57 Tinlns nrrlve at Scuinton ut 10 SS a. m. and 9.13 p. in New Yoik, Ontnilo and Western Time tublo In cbect Sunday. btpitlSi, lthtf. NORTH HOUMJ TRAINS." . i.cuvu .Mrtrii Seianton. Cnibond do, CadivsLi. Tinlns No i , No 7 . lUuiiti in it ii) u nt i tu pi El ,,,,, Olup in Al Catbondaleju 10 n.iu SOI' I'll BOUND -T Leavo Loavo Airlya Cudoslu Caiboutl.ile. Seianton. . . 'I r0 a in 7 .'3 a. ni. ... 2 13 n in 1 Mn nt 4 13 fij-in Trains No li No 2 . SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUND;. Leuvo Leavo .uf Tialns No a . No 5 . SciitntDil Caibouditli) e"'ailnlt. Sulla. Ill 9 lu ii in 10 13.1111. 7 00 p in Al Cat boiulalu 7 13 p.m SOUTH BOUND i. Leavo Leavo Airh'q Tiulns. Cadosla Caiboudnlc Peiuntoii, No 0 , , C50 a. m. 7 23 a. mi No 10 1 30 p m t. U p in t 13 p. pi. Tialns Neis 1 oil week ilnss. and 9'im Stindnjs tanuett tot New Yoik tlty. Mid dle town, Walton, Noivvlch, Onold t, Os wego and all points vvest, 'liuln No 6, witli "Quaker City Ex piess' at Seianton. via C R. R of N. J., fot Philadelphia. Atlantic City. Baltimore! Washington and Pennsj lvanla stato points Seo timo-tnble and consult tlplrnt norenta for connections wltli'othen lines 3. C NDPPSON. O P. A . New York7 J. D. AVCLSH, T. P. A, Seianton, Pa,