1 ! r A"VJ' X $fty & vf f.""' w?7syi3wy I 0N THJiJ SCJLtANTON TMBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 3902. tot 2V " tf SOMETHING ABOUT EYES EXAMINED FREE Mniiy per.oni come to 1110 to nalc it t examine their eves fiee. My answer It "NO." Al foiiio places you pet your "o.ves ex amined free." They say yen, but then you Have nil that It Is uoith nothing. In moil ot the wise you haTtt'Btlll le., n ruined ejt slKlit. No reliable speelullst wilt trrnt you for nothing; his itmllcf, his iib'llltles to rcstoic your health 010 worth the fee he iflts. The eve-speclnllst, the teal competent one, H woilh all he hhU. Your celcht I) ur life look out for It. In examining eye I 110 four tllctliiet ini'tluiilo: Sd-eopy, Ophtliiilinoeipe, Ophtlialmoine tor ami the Tout Case. Don't know what this means? These aie the most tlimotiBli, most if liable and most pioRiessed nit'thnilM known to the piofesslon and ucd only by thee who know how. In connection with my nlllee Is a inaiuifnrtuilnB department for the Rilnillmr of lense, llttlns of fiamcs and other details of line optical voik, thus allowing not only the examinations to be Riven pctHoiml attention, bill nNo the constiucthm of the Kla'-ses, lo Rcthcr with the pioper ndjust inent of the ft nines to suit the 1 entitlements of each case. I (It only the bet slaws at pi Ices no hlRher than Ihey should lie lor seniles lcmlcieil. One chaige covets the entire cost of examination, glasses nnd flames. DR. B. A. BAER eye jjcuiiii.. MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN 331 Washington Ave SCKA TON. IA. ICIAN. I Coiinfy Sauings Bank and Trtisf Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receives Deposits in Sums of $1 and and pays 3 per cent, in terest thereon. A. WATRES, Piesident. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pies. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Win, r. TTnlMoncI, H. P. KliiRvbniy, O S JullllMJtl, 'i:PLftt "Win 1 1 n. lAilguM ltnliliion, i.los. O'I'.i Ion, A. AVaties. Every aiticle is woith your at tention, you can buy more new nnd up-to-date goods at a teason nble price than you can find elsewheie in Wall Paper Paints, etc. Picture Fi times you can find a. lnige assoitment. Jacobs & Fasold 200 Washington Avenue. oooooooooooooo "They Di.aw Well." orris' Magnet Cigars 8 I HMtA Vinet- rn1nn fnn T. nni-ita i Try one and you will tnioko no A ttlier. Y r'AII Mm lo 1.1 1 tin- luoii.la rTn f rlpnifj at 91.73 per box, or G for 2Zc. robnecos In town. E. C. MORRIS, xne utcrar .Man 3S5 Washington Avenue. v oooooooooooooooo Readers Attention, All Magazines for No vember now ready, leisman Bros.' BOOKSHOP, ' Spiuce at. New 'phone, 43. and About OiOtOi The City An Automobile Run. I I'll 0 Scuiiiton Aulomubllu club will con. net u clpb urn till Httoiiioon, leaving iioiey &: uiooks- utoio ut .' M o'clock. Ibout tuenU-lho cuii lanes mid uuh will 111 Hue, Askfe for a Divoice, i). .li'iililu llvaiu yehtcuKiy bumulit action In tlhmoo iiffulnst her lius- id. Oumdoc Kvuiih. The fouplo weio Irled on August 1. 1V)T, ,iinl kopuruud iJctoucr 15 al llio.mumu cm. Airs. Lie ulltcs uuel uiul barbnious tieat- ment nnd IihIIrhKv to grotiiutR for her action. her !cron at Taken to Wilkes-Baire. Hepsle lluv, the coloicd woman, who ut iitictlnt In ttilt eliy 011 the chuiite of laireny, was tnKen to Wllheo-Hait-o Vi"?tntiliiV, to nlltucr the cliillRc of Html Inn a Htitn of money fiom it Iioiibo In l'UKOII. Scianton s. Caibondale. 'I lie Cailiondiila lndlaui inul 1111 All Meiuntoii foot hall team will meet at A'.hlctlo put U on Wodnecday afternoon, Nov. "p. llotli teams ale (.oiHdciod vciy formidable, 11111I a llvelv ronteit Is nntlcl iateil. The Rame will bo called tit 3 o'clock. Socialist Labor Paity. John Ilmscliell, J. II. Dirtier, Henry Tciikliis, I'ot it lluirchcll mid Aitliiir ,lon )lns csletday llled nil nllldavlt with lliu ptotlionotniy, claiming for llirinMclvcH, as mombciH of the Soclallut Labor paity, the right to use Unit title In the county elections In IPO I. evidencTall in HEMBERGER IS HONORED LOCAI. MUSICIAN'S STANDING IN PRIZE CONTEST. Arguments in Thornton Insuiance Caso and Charge to the Jury Will Be Mnde Wednesday. All the evidence. In the Thornton In sin nine case which has been occupying? the attention of the United .States coiiit for the past wek was In yester day afternoon at adjournment. The lituyeis on both .sides will sum up and .TndRe Aiohbald will deliver his clialRQ to the Juiy next Wedncdiiy. Adjourn ment wns taken until that time In order to Rive the juiyinen an oppoitunity to U'tutn to their homes and ote on elec tion day. The defense called Fiank Puekley, a Wlllces-Hane book dealer, to the stand yesterday moriilnp; to testiry as to the value of the books ot the- plaintiff. Mr. Puekley had examined the books be foie Insurance was placed on them and he testified that their value was about $1,000. The dainaprc done to them by the file was about JG00, he said. Thoinion tlulins their value to have been about $3,000. II. V. CSeddes assistant iii.imiKcr uf Iwiuie T.ons'.s stoie, testified as to the value of the ladles' w cuing app.nrl binned in the file and rhi llmues oouildeiably below tliobe named lv Thointon. JIi. Lymim Asnew, an ai riiialntance of the Thornton's testi fied as to the value of ceitaln of tht fuinlbhliiKi. In the Thointon home. The plaintiff's called .1 number of witness1. In lebutlal. Anions: thee woic l"i,tnk CJolden, who was foimeilv .1 new-paper lepoiter in Wilke-M.ine. He tstllled to havlnp; Kited the Thointon home ut Kingston on the nlsht of the fhe just after they had moved In. lie lenuilncd in the hou-e tor ome time and came hail: to Wllkes-Ifaiie with both Sir. and Mi-. Thointon sepjwillng fiotu them at the public squaie. They went on tow aid their foimer home, he t.iid, after an nounclus' their intention of lemalnliiK theie over night. lie couldn't 1 ('mem ber whether or not the kus was put out befoie they left the King-ton house. Mi, Andiews iho moved out of the lioiife In Kingston Into which the Thointon' 1 moved, testified that she at their leanest had lighted a flit- in the fui note on the morning; of the day on which their furnituie was moved In. Hhe went away about noon leav ing this file lit, she said. .Mr. Thointon was. called and denied ceitaln statements which had been made legrardlng ceitaln fuinltuie wliiih he was, alleged to have tinned ovei to his mother-in-law, Ml". Campbell. The laltei eonoboiated his testimony along this line. Big Scianton People Inteiested in a Oil Company. The Cleveland Scianton Oil (Oii.paiiy. which Is now oiganlylng, has- illicitly met with wondeiful success. They have purchased 513 auies of the bet oil giounds In Hancock county, Ohio, a, id have twentv-seven producing wells, with a pinductlou of 2"0 ban els dally, with oppoitunltles of plnclng- seventy live mine wells On" new well, which was shot last Monday, is pi educing J.'O b.iuels dally. This piopcrty Is all piovn oil ten Hoi . The Standiiiil Oil company has nil the neees-saiy pipes 'o pump the oil to their main pipe line. The coimmuv has been successful In seeming Mr. Chailes II. Jlair to take the position of field Mipoilutendent. Mi. Muir Is one of the vtteiau oil men In the business, having been a pioducei and leflner all his life. To Mr. Mtnr belongs the ciedit or having- opened up the Coloiudo oil field, partluuhiily at Florence, Col, wheie ho brought to the tiont the oil piotluction and lellulng of the ItocKy Mountain Oil company, be coming so actlvo a competitor of the Standard Oil company that it vv.ih In duced to puiehsiso the stock of the Kooky Mountain OH company at a laigo piofit to its stoekholdeis. Mr. Mair was nlo asocInted with the Uackus Oil company, of Cleveland, (lining the eaily days of the oil business, nnd latei 011 was associated with flail; Jhos, & Co., another one of th eaily and successhil oil coinpaiilcs. lJuilug the last ten yenis he has been associated Willi sev- cial piomlnenl eompaiihs, notably the Columbia Ueflneiy company, of New Yoik, and the AVilsou-fhuk Co,, of Cleveland, Ohio, Tim company will be oiganl.ed under the laws of New Jeisey, und will have a capltali.atloii of $.'00,000,000, with .1,000 shines of stock, par value $100 per share. Twenty new wells will be drilled at once on tho properties and these will undoubtedly hi lug up tho dally settled pioductlon to at least -100 ban els. With Its piesent pioductlon us It Is today, tho company will be In a position to ptiy 12 per lent, on Us capital stock, A limited number of shines of tho torn pany 1110 being sold at the piesent time ut $.',0 per shaie. This stock on the pi ohent basis would net the holders :M per cent, per milium. With the addi tional wells to be put down, no limit can be placed as to the company's earnings and ability to pay dividends, The following gives a list oi the few of the moie piomlnent stoekholdeis of the company; Messis. Winer II, La wall. D, M. lteynolds, John Iteynolds, II. c. Kobliihon, u. j Lewis and M, J, Taw st, of Scianton, Pa., and Walter S. Howler, James j. ci.uk, jr a. (i, G'laik, Hony A, Manchester, James A. Manchestei, i-'umk M, Kiik, Chmle.s II, Wellnun, William U. White mid Ilnny Jones, of Cleveland, 0 and Or. Casselheny, of Ilazleton, Pa. New Eye Glass Fiame. Or. 11. A. liaer, eye specialist, a.ll W'ushington avenue, Iuib Just hi ought out a new Ideu In eye-glass fiaincs, Tt consists of a special cut led tip on the temples of tho fiumes. While holding the spectacles Hi inly 011 the nose this device does away with the old hook which often hint the ear. Another novelty Is an eje-glass cleaner which will be oppi eclated by all eje-glass we.ueis. Entcied the Competition for a Prize for the Best Musical Composition Setting to Music a German. Poem nnd the Adjudicatois Decide That His Selection Possesses Moie Ar tistic Woitb. Than Any of tho 097 Others Submitted by Musicians in All Pnits of the World. Sometime ago the Saengeifest noclety of nultlinoic, Md., offered a prls-e for the best musical composition setting to music a poem entitled "Das Deutsche Volksllcd." The contest was vvoild- wlde In Us scope and composers from nearly every countiy lu Continental Europe and ftoni nil over the I'nlted States cnteied. The adjudicators selected the music wiltten by Louis V. Snar ns being the best qualified of the 387 compositions offeieil nnd a wauled him the pilze. They also formulated an honorable list of twenty-one otheis with the explan ation that the compositions submitted by the fhst tlnee on this list far sur pass the pilze winning composition In nitistlu worth but lack one lequlslte, niimely, a popular style. The first name appealing on this list Is that of Theodoie Ilembergcr, of this city, whose abilities ns a musician aie so well known. Mr.' Ilembciger can therefore lay claim to having: produced the most aitlstic composition .submitted In the content. The Translation. The following Ualtlmore despatch tiaiHated fiom the Xew- Yoik Stoats Hclttitifr gives the official announcement of Ihe ofncctB of Iho saengerfest society! At a session hold by tho omccrs of the HueiiKertest society, It wns deckled by tho Judges of the prize tong competition to give an official statement. The stnte nicnl Is of pnitlculiir luleicst to musical circles of 'the whole civilized woild, as twenty-olio ot the prize song compost lions lecelvo thcleln hnnoitible montloli. The list was accompanied by tho follow ing icucr: To Mr. L. It. Wlemnn, riesldoni' of the SneiiReifent society IJcnr Slrl We, the timlpt'lRiied, 111cm bers ot the coniinlttce ot adjudication fur the' host musical composition to the )?' Wllm "iKHWi Cnl I'ltOr. TlinODORi: HCMBKRaKIt. poem. "Dns Deutsche Volkslled." bv Pus tor Hlldebrandt, of Constablnvillo, X. Y., have. In our last meeting, unanimously decided that of the "97 compoiltlons re ceived, the one under tho motto "Hell Deutschem I.eld tuiil Sang." by Louis V. Sanr, the most quullded for tho purpoc, and thercfoie entitled to tho prize. In our following meeting, after possessing a full list ot tho names of competitors, we have also decided to make public the announcement of twenty-ono names wor thy of honorable mention. Wo heiewlth klndlv request you to publish, In lolnllon the names on tho atcoinpanying list, 'tho letter wns signed by tho ltd Indicator, for prize song competition O. U. Holse, D. Melnmet nnd Kd. llcltnendahl. Tho list Is ns follows! Tho Honor List. 1. Theodoio Hembeiger, Sciiiliton, Pa, 2. Hcimnnn Ftplellcr, New York. 3. Olistuv Haldnnuts, St. Oallen, Swlt zei land. 4. Arthur Clniiseii, llinoklyn, N. Y. fi. Hugcne Kntschena, Xililch, Switzer land. C. Pi of. Oscnr Wciinalili, Diesden, fleimnny, 7. Tlieudoio Podborlsuy, Mtinicn, ucr mnnv. S. Plot. Hmll Utirgsteller, Pllen, Ho-hcmln. Rclnhold licckor, Diesrton, Johannes Yolleit, WiRcack, Schiillfs, Welslindell, tier- P. Plot. Germany. 10. Piof. Gn many. 11. Km I many. 12. llclmlch Xocllncr, I.clplc, Clei many. 11. Ploilan TheMg, 81. IVIclshlltg, Ittissln. II. .Illllits T.oienr, New Yoik, Julius Schmidt, tinsel. Swltrcimm,. Oustav Cords, Wclsbailen. Optiniui. Knoeehel Crofctd, Germany. Carl Samnns, Phllndelphln, Pa. A. Sehwinz. Straublg. Geiinanv. Anton Relchert, Diecden, C.eimany. Kdwmd Brencole, Osnnbruck. Tho public iinnnuucompiit of these nnnies Is of special slgninciincu to the the tlnee Hist named composcis, the chah man of the committee having de clined that among the ."Hi" compositions received, there weie at least tlnee, which, fiom an aitlstic standpoint, eclipsed the chosen composition but which weie 1 ejected, having lacked one condition only, namely, national popular style. Ot these Mr. Ilembet gel's tood flist. n. PI. 17. IS. 11, . 21. The Scranton Lledeikianz. On account of the funeinl ot nur late member, Peter Huottlch, our monthly meeting will be held .Sunday, Nov. 9, 1902. All lueinbeis lequested to meet at the hall Sunday. Nov. 2. at 1 p. 111. sharp, to attend the f uncial. Iiy jndur of the president. ' : : 30--STAMPS--30 With a dollar purchase. Our Mr. Hagen has been iu New York the . entire week selecting goods for our third Great Autymn Sale SaUirday and Monday, November 1 and 3. NEW COATS FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN NEW TAILOR SUITS FOR LADIES NEW SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Fine Dress Goods Ciepes Voiles, littaminees, all wool and silk and wool: beautiful light weight fabrics, in all (oloi 73c to $1.00 Whlpioid-., Pebbles Ll-i.auls all hatcl finish goods: splendid value at $1.00 I'l-lmli Coverts, all new shades 4Pc .ibi-llnes and Camel Hair Mlxluies, $1.10 value... $1.21 Aonetlans Vicunas and Coverts $1.23 value $1.00 Poplin-., Anilines, etc, $1.00 value 73e New L!auI Weaves, all shades S'u Vj-lnh Snow Fluke Tweeds $1.00 Black Goods iO-liuli I'.lack Cheviot, 3c value fvc ."e-liuh Mack i iuv lot, !We value 7."c ."'Much lll.id; Cheviot, $1.2." value SiSe Waistings 7'c Pi luted Fieucli FlanucW S9c 7."c X w Fancy Wnistings, In shot t length Til'c Leautllul Hedioid, with silk stiipe 2.'o Pietly Woi tod watstings 1"c and Jc New Silks T.ifletlni' Lining .Silks, 23 shades: .50o value tor 33o- Tafictns coloied shoit lengtli; 73e goods for S'lu (iieue.v's Soft Finlli Wash Talfetas 73c I.tiuli!til Chiystal Satins, .small fismes $1.00 Mack Pcau tic Sole, 90c value loi 73c Golden I-dge Tllack Peau do Sole, ii3c value ' MT(k Peau de Sole, 23 Inches wide; .special !'3c Full Vmd-Wide Peau de Sole, $1.30 value $1.2". GL'AP.AXTL'HD BLACK TAFFP.TAH. Haskell's High Giade Silks 7.V, Sic, flic. $1.30 limner Mack Taffetas, lull yaid wide !).".( Mack Taffetas, ynul and halt wide; special U..-.0 Italn-Pioof Mack Taffetas $1,23 and $1.30 7'ic Kilght Clan Plnld Silks, for 30c 1.00 llileht Clan Plaid Silks lor 73c Lot Taney Tafletns, 75c and $1.00 goods 3"'c Lot Fancy Tafietas, C3c goods lliu Table Linens Fine display of Old Bleach Linens; look well and wear better than other Linens... roc I'nbleached Damask 23c 40c t'nbleached Damask IJKc 43e I'nbleached Damask :!Sc 3!ic I'nbleached Damask f,0c f,3c Vnbleached Damask .' 39c $1,00 I'nbleached Damask 79c $1.23 Fnbleuched Damak., $.fl0 79c Snovr White Danuihk 1,3c $1.00 Snow AVhlto Damask S!)e $1.23 Snow White Damask $1,00 ."1.30 Snow White Dama&k $1,23 $.'.00 Snow White Damask $1,30 Sheetings' Bi-st LocKwood 12-Inch Pillow Cahlng loo Best Lockwood 13-Inch Pillow Casing Ho Best Lockwood IS-lnch Pillow Casing 12c Best Lockwood 51-lnch Pillow Casing i;ic Best Lockwood S-l Sheetings,..:'. lGc Ust Lockwood 9-1 Sheetings isc llc.st Lockwood 10-4 Sheetings ucio Bleuched Lockwood 12-Inch Pillow Casing He Blenched Lockwood 45-Inch Pillow Cai-lng 12c Bleached Lock wood CO-Inch Pillow Casing jyo Blenched Lockwood 51-tnch Pillow Casing l4o Bleached Lockwood S-l Sheetings Se Bleached Lockwood 9-t Sheetings 20u Meat lied Lockwood 10-4 Sheetings 22c Coat Department Friday morning we place on sale hundreds of Latest Styles of Ladies' Coats and Suits, Hisses' and Children's Coats Don't fail to see this splendid assott ment before you buy. Corsets Oui Little Beauty Cor.sets, light blue, pink and white a wonder for 30c P. X. Coi sets the best on e.u th French goied, lunliuui or low bust; straight fionts, long or Mioi I on hips M.00, $1.30, $2.00, $2.30, 'i 30, $3.00 Fleltone Coi sets unexcelled lor stout foims $1.00 to $J.30 Underwear and Hosiery Bos' and Girl's Fast Black Hose 12'lc Hos' and C.Iils' Blaok Cat Hose 23c Ms,es' Fine Bibbed Hose 23c Ladles' Faht Black Hose 12c Ladles' Fiiiu Mack Hose liio Ladles' .Miiio Black Hose 25c l..i llt'i' Fancy IIoe, In gieat voiletios. Specials at 23c, U3e, 50c, 75c, S3c, $1.00 Childi en's Fine Fleeced t'ndeiwear 13c to 30c Ladles Heavy Fleeced Undeiwear 23c Ladles' Fine Jersey llibbed Underwear 50c Ladles' X.itmal (Swv Underwear 75c Lidi-s" White Wool or Natural Undeiwear $1.00 I. idles' i:ti.i Fine Undeiwear $1.50 Ladbs' Union Suit' 50c up to $5.00 M' n's Fast Mack Hose '...3 pair for 25c .Men's White Foot Hose 15c Men's IJxtu Fine Hose, black or fancy. .M"n'b Da tic Fleeced Undeiwear .Men's Light Fleeced Underwear Men's Fancy Fleeced Undeiwear 230 "J9c :i9c 50c 0 Men's Xdiiunl Undeiwear 50c .Men's Jersey Hlbbed Underwear 50o M n's Heavy Wool Underwear $1.00 Men's Light Flue Wool Underwear $1.00 Vlen'ft Heavy Doublo-Bieastcd Undeiwear $1.73 Notion Department Specials v '.Oil Jeisey Vets, gieens, giay&, blues and black; T $1,00 and $1.23 gouds for 59c Knitted Shawls Ladles' and Chlldien's tlolf Gloves 25c and 50c t Cashnieie and Silk linger Tip Cloves 25c to $t,00 Silk Knitted Oolf Gloves $1.00 ty New Black Beads, oral, jet and peail 2"c to $1,00 rf&, 25c Oxidized Belt Plus 15c Y New Satin Belts, cIioIcq buckles; 73c for 50o New Satin Belts, choice buckles; $1,00 for 75u & li.'.c New Chonlllo Spot Veilings 20 a Gotiiiaiilnwn Yiuns, Lion Brand tm v Shetland Yin us, Lion ill and Sc A Best M. &. II, Gloves $1.10 Special Sale of Blankets and Comforts Grey Blankets White Blankets 10-t Good Cotton Blankets., 6:o 1. Good Cotton lllaukels SOo 11-1 Heavy Cotton Blankets $1.00 Jl-t Pine Cotton llhuikets $1,25 l.M Fine Cotton Mankets , $1,15 Jl-l lino Heavy Cotton Blankets,, .!.25 1). Cotton and Wool Blankets..,, $3 00 10-1 1'ino Cotton and Wool Blankets, $173 JiM HoikmI.iIo Woo) lilaiiketx $125 11.4 llouosil.ile Wool Blunkets $1.50 10-1 Iioii.ui Blanket $5.00 ll-l HeiiV) Ilonesdale Blunkets.,,, $3.25 1M Utavj lloiiesdnlo Blunkets, ,.,$.ro 10-1 Callfcuula Blankets UE0 11. 1 California Blankets $7,00 A to-1 Good Giey Blankets,,,.. 33c II I Heavy Buckskin Blankets Sflo 10-1 Fancy Grey Blankets '3o 11. 1 Heavy Gioy Blunkets $l.CO 1L4 Heavy Buckskin Blankets $1.25 ll-l Heavy Giey Blankots $1.50 10-1 lino Giey Blankets $J0J U-4 Fine Giey Blankets $2 50 11-4 Cotton and Wool Blankets. ...$1.25 10-1 Centuiy Wool Blankets $150 11. t Lakepoit Wool Blankets $5 25 11-1 Santa Bosa Blunkets $t.73 Children's White Crib Blankets, 50x40 Blunkets 36x30 Blankets ,...,,, LMiu FIiiq Blankets Best Blankets ,..,,, I, ,,..$1 w0 ,,,,, ,,..,$ wi ,.,,,,.,,..$i 50 ,,,,,., f,,,. ,,.,.. $1.00 Comforts All Filled with Wlillo Cotton Flno Lmge ComioitK $1,00 Heavy Laigo Comfoitb $1.10 Hxtia Flno Comtoits $1.1 LMra Largo Comfoits $1.50 BMia La I go Flue ComfuilH 200 Flno Sllkolluo comtoiu $2 50 Finest Sllkolluo Comfoits $100 Down Quilts $100 to $150) Outings and Shakers Canton Flannel ,,,,.,,,, 5a Canton Flannel, tluu .,.,.,, 7o Good Shaker flannel,., -to Heavy Shaker Flannel , 7c Outings, pietty ptttoius ,,,, 5u Flno bu Heavy Fleeced Outlugd C'.u Fancy 10o Fleeced Outings .,. b',ie Best Double Fleeced Outings,,.,,,, lOo t $ Cut Out This Coupon Present at our office, purchase $t,oo worth of goods or mora and you will receive 30 stamps. Nov. 1 and 3. MEARS & UAGON. Mears & Hagen ; 415 and 417 Lackawanna Ave weaeaaeaaaanBWMPiiaaaiaiBiMtaBMMaaa!amM , What's 5 tile USe Ot jn yoUr 10U5C at1c running Keeping Money tho risk of being robbed? Better Begin a Savings Account with tho Third National Bank 118 Wyoiuliijr Avenue. Where You Will Receive 3 Per Cent. Interest, Whether Your Account Is Large or Small. Open Saturday Evenings, 7.30 to 8.30. K5soo?50KKU:K)Kunnfi Saturday at McGonnell's Ma Is Always a Busy Day h X0 Customers say we can fill their needs better than any K other store in town, hut anywav the people come in prefer- CJ enee to goiiifj; elsewhere, and they all go away satisfied. J WOMEN'S CORSETS. H Without a piopis iiuIiir cniHe'. vim cannot lmo a slmpily IIbuic, or JJ a poiioi't ntiiiiK waist. i;ii cmtrt. in ot 1 1- hiucu vvhh liniiBiu lor tins Hca "om'm liadc. 'I'hat meiiin much to the wcnicr, as II makes it ulisultitclv ccr. tain that the model Mdcclul will lin 111 liiiiuiiiuy w ltd the Hlvles of today. mntiK the nianv CuiH"tH cairhd hi stock ao have "II O." COKS13TS. "iii:r ma.ii:stv 'cohsiits. tmo.vkson's "cu.ovi: pittino" and "liPCtlllSS" COItSllTS. the lnttfi cxnedallv' di.sluiii'd for stout flcuies. P "Till: ftOVAl. WOrtSTIlIt" POttSPrS. lioln: the new pilncess hip, nn. llllll IVAII.MIIi'S l'O.VUMl.n: I.I.VIi Ul L'tJItSUTH, VMtll mill Wltllllllt Slip- 0 j """ 0Ui GLOVIO STOCK SJ V "COEONA" GLOVES. 5 tur Ale fullv Kiiiniiitceit and aio the licit bIuvc ever offeied a't C (( y? 0. tho ptlce. All the new filiailcM and -.t.clts hen1, al f. PW g ill lomp iiNim. Hotter C OK ' i lit for any lady. CI jjj ' j "CREMONA" GLOVES Ale nlvn Kuaianti'cd. and .lie IuvdiuI than ou can lmv In other tiiiesnt MAGGIONI GLOVES An Ktilitly IiIrIi cla-s mid a pel feet Rlovr All the sh ides, si.-, ele. I'llce The fniehriiiiK Klines aie all made In the famous MukkouI factory at Mllun. lt.ih, and in e i ut linm the latist Pieiiih patluns. .Mm In. Hin de I'miie. i:i Kllsh WiilkiiiK (lluviK ( Ic, Also Golf nnd Siotch Knit t!lnes In all the i,ewstIiw Prices, 25c, 30c and 50c. OUR HANDKERCHIEr DEPARTMENT Doc not tuKu seiniul plac with im.v In Hie cltv. It coveis the vvholo latiKe of llandkichlels, tuiui the ihi apci in the liest, and does It thoi oiirIi1. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. I.-ulles' Initial ll.uidUeu hlel. 1'uie neat emliiolduii d Initial. Hon. of ii at 7"ic liien. liicli. In mstltchod, with 15c All I.tueii. Iiemslltdied in einljioltteicd llandKei chiefs, a nice, flno OKn (lii.illly. H.itiudiiv onlv, Ic e.u'i, oi u loi www jr ! ilcConnel! & Co. g The Satisfactory Store, 400-402 Lackawanna Av: Stetson Johnston & Piyrphy. If your shoe bs.irs either of these names you are wearing the best man's shoe that you can buy. PRICES, $5.00 and $6.00 This may be a little more than you have been paying, but the perfect style, solid com lort and long service that goes with them will more than repay you for the difference in cost. 111K f',W STVI.KS Con list of (iPiitleineii's Diess Slui's. in Calf, Vlii Kill nnd 1'nlent Leather. I.lsht welgat in ImlH sole nml uppi. nit: $r,eo srvi.Ks Ale lie.n I'.ill anil Winter weights, in Box t'.ilf, Patent l.c iMier anil Knnmel, with dou lili bole .md slianK. LEWIS. RUDDY. DHIES I EMI isS,- ?. T mm ''law '! 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Next Door to new First National Bank Building. Talcj a look at our Fall aucl Wiuter line of 4b ! Undelpwear and fcs S I If these lines are not better than auy other in town, don't buy them, but at auy rate have a look. Our assort meut of Underwear is so large, we cauuot specify each kind in this small space. They range iu price from 50c to $5, Gloves We have forty different kinds to show you, from the 25c Working Glove, the $1.00 Walking Glove, to the pure O.ter or bsalskin, including Dent's, Fownes', Perrins', Tauuert's, also 'Rip-Proof" Driviug Glove. 309 Lacka. Avenue. 412 Spruce Street Sole Agent for Dr. .lacgcr'n Sanitary Liutcrwcar. uai mrirnaCTrgi hohhhhi s MTranr p now win you nave voursr SILK OR LISLE? Medium or Best Grade ,, . Particular people are our best Hosiery Patrons, for they know the .true value of a good stocking. If you have bden disappointed in quality, style or ..rin ..,q I.m Mir-, loMii- incnortinn nf nur HnctArv ro. pilLC, VVC IIIYIIC IV'UUl IIIJ(l.k.Uun w vv. .v..j mw- partmentcomparison will result in your making it headquarters for new reliable goods. No. 126 vipifiriim tiiii 1 nr 1 .11.. w,.n - .,.., XllVIUI WAA4 WWUI mm. w,l . j ,,.,, ji ....w mm MM HHH HBHHH hI