I. , . M .' .- fa. W," V""sSnWWlF THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-SAT URDAY, NOVEMBER 1', 1902. P vv nrrv uvjiui vjvko Ilttpntcr heeds. nnd Finncls nnd Iluinco T1II2 naihcluis' bull will lio held Dppeiubcr .11. Tho Lummittcc will iiiinoiiiur- tho following pntionciHPR: Mih. .Iiuiioh Arelt linhJ, Mi p. Homy Colin, jr., Mrs. Pit ill H. Holln, Mih. aooiRO CI. Hroolii, Mrs. J. T)oitjitntn Dliiiinlek, Mis. T.d xsara Xi. rullcr, Mrs. Kicdcrlck J. Pin It, Mis. William Sciiinton, Mrs. Arthur II, Storri, Mis. Kverott Wnireii, Mis. Thorruti H. Wntldnx. Tho nioHt jinpulnr man connected with thn nnthrncltc commission Is Intoi Btatc Commence Secretin y Motley, at vVuililiiRtoti. Hp Is the one poi)t forth to prepare the way; to ninke smooth tho rough plueei; to see that the com mission litis ffood wire and to bo gen erally Indispensable. Judge Oi.iy Is tho handsomest member of the com mission; Oeneial Wilson, the most chlvfihously chut mliiB! Mr. Pinker, the keenest of eye; Mr. ("link, the most non-committal: Dlshop Spauldliiff, the quietest; Colonel Wilght, the busiest, and Mr. Wntklns, the one with the most Immediate icponslblllty, beauti fully borne with dignity and serenity. Altogether It Is a wonduiful commis sion, pei haps the most Interesting mured number of men ev er associated together on the giiue'-t question of modern times. Vaudeville has ceitulnlv tome to tnv nnd tho most excellent piogramine of feied this week keeps the Dixie p.itions In loais of laughter ftom Us beginning to the finish, with that most sensation al performance "Loop tho Loop" Moie good things .no coming next Aeek bin the people of Scianton aio row ding the piettv theater at oveiy neifoimanco. The piogi.imme this wetk is supcib Imagine lieailng loel Mui Ion ManoU after seeing her in "Friend Fi It." The Flslieis aie the star pcifoiuicis. Mis J. W. C'oolidge gave a unliiilP Hallowe'en paitv last evening foi liei iliiidien, Giaie and Kail The young guests on aiivlng lound the bouse shrouded In daikness and a ghastly figure at the enhance who diiected them to take the lope whiili led to the side enhance wlieie the guests were admitted. Thev weie thfii parsed on In "Hence bv a gioltsquely il.ul guide to the tippei looms of the house which weie dimly lighted bv oIoied candles binning in fantastically caivul puiiip klns. The little folks had a meiiy time indiilging in old lashionod games -with i least at the close, ot plates of pump kin pie w'ith doughnuts and oidei. Tho-e piesent vvpio The Mioses M.irgaiet Hessel. Helen I3es-el, Mai g.uet Post, Kveljn Post, Ada Connor, Lucie Logan, Ruth Steel. Marv Mi -Plane, Ethel Woolworth, Ooiotbv Bes sel, Hada Hunter. M.ny Tiaev, Mail.m Buir, Carbondale; I-itU Honsei, Uleh mond Tracy, Robeit Module, Phillip Piatt, D. Belln, Fied AVoolwoith Cednic Joslin, Mould Huntei, Antlion Arnold, Aithui Matthews, AVairen Haves, Kenneth JIcAsKle, Claienee C'allenclei, Hniold Close The "Spinstets" gave a delightful clance on Thuisdav night at tho Bicvcle i lub. It was a Hallowe'en affair and tho decoiations weie unique and beau tiful. Theie weie iosev lomeis hanil some lugs, palms and paek-o-lanteis to add to tho atti actions. Among the out of town guests weie' Mis-, Heaven and Miss Stuait, of Toionto: Miss Mc Clintock, of Willlnnispoi t: Messi-. Wagnei, f'apvvpll, Austin, fliant Xes hltt, Gordon. JIaipei, and Dodge, of Wllkes-Baiie. The ladies who lecehed weie: Mi F. S Godtiey. Mis H. A, Pierce, Mis, Geoigo Shai ps. Misses Hettigiew, Penw aiden, D an, UUe and Jones. Mis Boies gave a beautiliil dlnnei on Tuesday night in honor of Mr. and Mi" rrank C. Fullei. Tho guests who: Mi. and Mis H. II. Brady, 1r Mi nnd Mis B V. Wiiton, Ml. and Alls p. n I'.pIIh, Miss I.aiidenbeig, MI'S Watts, juss Geitiude W. Spiague, MIs Anna Hand, Messis. Call Welles, Tin lev. Woith Pcianton and Lieuten ant Now bin j Mis., T. Von Slouh g.ive two liinelieons this vwclc in honor ot liei gupst. Miss Stpvatt, of Washington, The otheis piesont weie: Mis, o. D Mm ray, Mis, Albeit Watson, Mis, II, II. Biadv. Mi.s, ,Tnmns Oaidnei Saudeison, Miss AIIip Matthew , MKs Auguta Auhbald, JIIss niaiv I.inen, Miss Bennoll, Mls Albiight, Miss Dale, Mis.s Anne Hand, Miss Helen Matthews, MKs Watts, Miss Fndoiwood, Miss, Helen Saudeison, Jliss Gcitrudo Spia gue, Miss Eleanor Iteynolds, Miss Howell, Miss Boies, Miss Watson. Mrs. y, y, Sciuutnn and Mis. N, G, nobiitf-ou huvo niinoiiiiceil the con tinuation of tho foitnightly taid club lor this season. v The Young Ladles' society of tho Flist Pi ohbytei Kin lunch, will have a cake sale today In the Washington uvo- We Will Give I pSBEO 5 Green Trading Stamps with every dollar's worth purchased Saturday and Monday. Cut This Out. MAHON'S SHOE STORE, 328 Lackawanna Avenua, nuo looms of tho Young Men's Chris tian Association, tho now building. The sale will open at 11 o'clock this motnlng. The 1S0S took book will also bo on sale. Tho cakes will be vvondci fully good, Mr. iiiid Mis. F. S. Godficy enter tained u housp patty at tho Steillng In Wllkcs-IIiitro over last Sunday. Their gupsts vvoio: Mr. and Mrs. Conn, Mr. and Mis. V. D. Zchnder, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, Mr. 11. H. Williams und Miss Wllllam. Miss Boles gave n small luncheon at the Country club on Thursday. Those piesent vvoio! Miss Watts, of Morils town; Miss Stow ail, of Wnnson, Wis,; Miss Albiight, of Buffalo; Mrs. Von Storeli, MKs Bcnnell, MKs Ilessel, Miss Mott. Mr. and Mis. Ktigene Thayer, an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Helen, to Hiniy Page Decker, of this city. Mr, mid Mi. O. V. Leeds, of 02.! Qulncy avenue, entertained a patty of joung folks Tuesday afternoon In honor of their on Healfl's twelfth birthday. Tho ehlldion assembled about four o'cloik and tendoiod thoir tongiatllla tlons. Itefieshments weie solved by in the evening by Mis'. Leeds assisted by Mrs. C. ('. Weston and Miss Sadie Leeds. Tho evening was spent in pitt ing games and the usual amusements, 'those piesent weio: Ethel Adam son, Ethel Stair, Marion Nlcholo, Edna Weston, Matguerlte Weeks, Margaret Wylle, Marlon Weston, Gcitmde Kim ble, Mlldied Leeds, Theodoie "Weeks, Geoige Harvey, John Huddv, Chester Thomas, oug Robinson, Righter Keck, Richard Matthews. William Rodriguez. Edwatd Spr.igue, Claj ton Hall, Gould The tniitlnecs nt the Dixie hip giow' Ing every day and hundreds of happy children onjoy this privilege now to our people. ( ' I TIip Misses Aichb.ild gave a dinner on Tuesday night in honor or inoir cousin, Miss Albilght,v ot Buffalo. Mr. and Mis. Wntklns entertained Judge Giiiy nt dinner last night, Mis. A. C. Twltchpll gnvp a luncheon yosteiday nt the Country club. Mr. and Mis, Geoige IK Smith gave a dinner on Tuesday night. The Mlses Nettleton elltet tallied at cards on Monday evening. ' Musical Gossip. "Ilfisv and XilluiJl Method of Sight Singing' Is the tltlo ot a new book lor Hi'IMnstitittlon and clats use Unit has .lust hem published bv Piolessor W. V. Schilling, organist and choir master nt St. Peter's cathidiiil, Scianlon. The tltlo of tho vvoik rcpiesentH the Ideal tow aid which the aillbor has laboied In Its pup ni.itlim, and thtie Is no iitiestlon that tho publication lives up to Its iinnie. While Invaliiablo for clnss vvoik limit r oont po tent insliilctois, tlie book will also onablo anone to nail inilhlc without the uld ot a teachei. 11 seems to be one ot thu most original nnd compiehenslvo woiks i vor written upon tho siiblect. nnd the pi lev, CO cents, places It within the leieli ot all musical students Tho Dininitle Jlli rot "nvs that John II, Ulaekwooil. iliamatlo edltm ol tile Wash ington Times, has been inndo biislnesH mnnnger ot the leoignnleil DoICovon Svtnphony onheslia. I1 II ' Acting upon a i.iblo riiR"t fiotn Koclan, the Bohpmlun violin vlituosu who will make his bow hifoio an Ameil c.m aiidlenee on Satiudav evening. No vember L'J, at C'ainegle hall, New Yolk, Manager Rudolph Aionson has pionucil tho co-oporatlon of resident Bohemians, who aie feinting a lommlttee to assist in a special conceit to take plate In Now Yoik city, the pioeocils to be given to the Bohemian poor ot Chicago, Ht. Louis, Cleveland, Milwaukee. Cedar Rapids. Omaha, Now Yoilt and other Bohemian criitcin In tho United States. The pro giamme on that occasion will bo nmito up piithelv of Bohemian compositions, u fol lows! DvoinkWA Minor Concerto." Sovolk's "ttollmtnadrooka." Sov olk's-"Notlurno (Brollstav,") fiovolk's-'-Fanlnlsle Bohetne." Koclau's "Duml'n," Tho following musical ptogtntnmo will be lcndcred at tomoi row's services In tho Waslibiiln Street Presbyteilati chinch: MORNING. Anthem, 'Tiithcr, O Hear Ir8"..,.Miindel. Choir. i Tenor Solo, "The Two Angols," Kroginann Mr. Glppel. Violin Obligate, Miss Edna Ciuyl. EVENING. Evening HVmn, "Day Is l'ast and Oone," Shepaid Choir. Anthem, "'lho Lotd Is King" Ulen Choir. Mr, Tom Glppol, Solo Totioi and Dhcc tor. ilbs Caiobii Ureill, Oiganlst. II II II The congiogntlon ot the WiiBhbiiin Stieel Viesbyletlan chinch lias l casern to cougintul ito Itself upon the appointment ot Mr. Tom Glppel as choli master, suc ceeding Mi, C. It. Derman. Mr. Glppel Is well known as one of the finest tcnois In this vicinity mid has bad considerable expeilence in tills lino of work, lie Is one of Miss Coulclla Freeman's advanced pupils; n sufilcleiit guaranty ot, his pio flcleiiey. I! II II The fololwlug musical selections will ho rendered at the morning and evening sei vlies tomonow at Elm Pink chinch un der the diitcllon of J. Alfiid Pennington, oiganlst nnd choir mnster: MORNING. Oigsn, Lai ghetto In C major Tiost Choir, Ilvnin, "Jesus 1 My Cioss Have Takt n" til ow u Oigan, Chanson Tilste Tch.ilkowsUy irjiiin, Anthem, "Remember Not Lotd," Auadelt Oig.m, I'ostltiilc In G minor Calkin EVENING. Oigan, Gland Choi us In C m.iIor..S,ilomo Anthem, Vcnlto In E Hat Buck Oigan, Offcitoiy in 1) Dlncll Tenor Solo, "Load Kindly Light". ..Evans Alfiod Woolcr. Choli, llvmn. "I'll Go Where You Want Mo To" Rounsctell Oigin, Postlude In F major ......i.Rlnck Elm Pailt Quintette! Mrs. Ezra Cou ncil, soprano; Sirs. Lenoic Tliomon, con lialto! Altird Woolcr, tcnoi ; Philip Wai ted, basso. In his sixth plnnofoitu "lulcipietnllnn Lesson" nt St. Luke's Palish house this morning Mr. J, Alfiod Pennington will play the following pi cgi amine: Sonata in 0 Major, No. It ., .Moral t Allegio con splrlto. Andante tin poco Adngln. Allgrctto ginr.loso. Noctuino In D II it, op 11 Ravtna Schpro In V major Kullak Muzurlut In A Hat, op, S4, No. ::. ...Chopin Mazuika hi A minor, op. 7, No. '.'.., Chopin Maotchenblider (Pally Tales) No. L', IJcndel Tho following selections will be used lit tomoi low's worship In tho Second Pies bvtcilan chinch: MORNING. Oigan, Pi etude In G Sinnit Anthem, "Soldiers ot Chi 1st Ailse." from tho Oiutotla Christ und Ills Soldiers K.nmer OltPltoiy Solo, "The Son of God Goes .Fotth to War," ftom tho Outtoilo Chi 1st and Ills Soldlcis runner Ralph Williams. Oigan Pctlude, Fluiilo In I' Capotcl EVENING. Oigan Pi elude. Andante Wldor Choir Response, "Sanctus" .... Cambridge Anthem, "Pol God u Loved the Win Id," .. Kingston Offeitoiy Anthem, "Walking with God,' Pontius Choi us of Men's Voltes, Chant, "Our Father" Giogoilan Hymn Anthem, "Ooiy Is Dvltig in the West" Bainby Oig.m Postlude .....I.ott .1. M. Chant o, organist und dliectoi. II II II The mii-dc of the teachei s' institute was a feutuio and J. T. Wntklns has in oven a gleat success. Ills solos weio a inre Heal. II il I Tho nun's voices of the Sciantoil United Choial society will hold a 10 heinsal tomonow afternoon at 3 SO o'clock In Music hall, and the whole tliolr will meet for loheaisil in St. David's hall in the evening at S o'clock. Eveiy member is lcqucsled to be piesent. Yesterday's Mariinge Licenses. William George Scianton Katie Met Scianton John Gabonls .....Scianton Victoria Undocllk Scranton , J M m ri m 444 WM rfl (y For Fall's L" M t, Uki K cm Needy Items I SA TURD A Y as theJast day. for itiL Heminway's Art Work to be on ekd libit at the Biy Store, in art depart ment A Change in a Few Departments. White Goods, Ribbons, Linings, Black Goods, Laces and Candy. i 1 1 The WHITE GOODS will be found at the Linen Counter RIBBONS are at Home where the White Goods were, near main stairway. LININGS are moved along near the Lackawanna Avenue entrance BLACK GOODS are located in their places, and SILKS extend the entire length of Dress Goods Department. Candy is back to its old place near elevator. Kindly bear in mind these few changes, you'll readily notice the improvements and convenience. . The Crown Prince of Siam Recommended by Our Government To the ' Soros is" 5 hoe Factory "SOROSIS." HOW A STATE VISIT IS PLANNED The Visit of the Crown Prince of Sinm to the Soiosis Shoe Fac tory at Lynn. Do you wonder at the wonderful suc cess of this Women's Shoe? Here's proof that the makers are recommended as the best by the Ameri can Government. The tallowing col respondent e gives rn iribltle view of the vvoik peifoimctl by the State Depaitment vhen cntcilainlng lqrcign vKitois. ri;Li:c.HAsr j Washington, D. C , Oet. lb, lOuJ. boiosis Shoe Vactoiy. TO Blake St., I.j nil. Mass. 'the Crown I'lince of Slam has e piesseil a dCMie to inspect an Amoi ic.iu Shoe r.ictoiy. 'Woiild it be con venient to j on loi him to visit oiu establishment riiday nltcinoon, Oc toboi thlitv-lhsl, between thiec and live o'clock.' 1IKRUEHT H. D PlURC'i:, Tblid Assistant facet etary of Stale .ettei Horn Third Assistant Sociotaij.J DEPARTMENT OV STATE, WASUINfriON, Octobei lii, 10'iJ. A. E Little JC Co , 70 lllako St., X.nn, Mass Sh: I besr to coniiun, at tho leanest of Mi. Plciee. the Tlilul Assistant Soc ietal y of State, his telegiam to jou of toda'& date. Dm ins tho nioinliiK ot J'lhl.iy tho Ciovvn I'llneo will Inspect tho Amoi ican AValtham Watch C'ompanj 's fae toiy at AVolthini. will lunch with tlia inesldcnt, nnd will lotinn to Boston about half-past two o'clock. Ilo will" be able to leave lor Ejnn immediately upon his anival at the Noithern Sta tion upon his lotinn liom AVaith.iin, nnd In u bpecial cai. Youis veiy tiulv. EDWIN MOROAN. Soe'y. ITEI.EGHA.M. t. nn. Mass , Oct hi. 1-'. llciheit II. D. Pit ire, Th I id Asilstant Seciotnij of Stalo. WnslllllKton, D. C, Secictaiy of Slamesn l.eK.ition has , nuaiiKed details for visit, Dito and hour jou iiiiino aKieeahlo to us, Soiosis Shoo I'actoiy. WALDORF-ASTORIA HOTEL. New- Yoik, October L'3, 1J, Me.ssi,s. A. E. Llttlo & Co., I.) mi, Mnhs, Dear Slus: Contlnuliiff our Conner coiii'spoiid enco as to tho visit ot His Roval UIkIi--nesH tho Ciovvn Pilnco of blam, and Ills In other, Pilnco ChaKiaboiiKbO, to your lactoiy nt Ljnn. I now have to Inform jou that tho paity, conslstliiK of twolvo poisons, will leave Boston at J.li P, M.. milvliiK nt Lnn nt l'hj P. M on Piiday, October aist, nnd will leave Lynn nt ) ! p, M, "or Bos ton. Will j on kindly liifoim tho po lice at Lynn, so that their lllBlmesses nny not ho subjected to annoyuncoH, nnd nlo fuinlsh cnriliiKcs to tnUo tlu pin tv Horn thu station to jour fao toiyV I am. Gentlemen, Vmy tmly joins, Ileibeit 11, D Ploiee, Thhd Assistant Seciclaiy of State, 4SOROSIS.,J VI IV I You may have worn these Shoes. If not, we ask your inspection to the styles produced by this factory this season. Always the same price, $3.50. SAMTER BROTHERS Complete Outfitters. From the Boys' Clothing: Department Make your boy happy and com fortable. All Wool Knee Pants, made from remnants. Pretty and ser viceable mixtures and a plain blue cloth. 3 to 15 years. -. Priced at 5(JC Boys' Reefers from the fore most manufacturer in this country. Made in his best way; come in dark plaids and plain blues, have velvet collars, buttoning up close to neck; 3 to 9 years. . . Priced at $ 1 ,4o Boys' Long Overcoats in dark grey and plaids, slash pockets, good velvet collars, full length, 40 inches long, 8 to 15 . years. Price at.... J).Z,VO Boy's 2-piece Double Breasted Suits; strictly all wool; come in pretty new colors, plain and fancy patterns. Size 8 to 15 years $2.9o Boy's 3-piece Suit, made with vest, 8 to 15 years, extra heavy weight and strictly all tf . wool. Priced at $3.48 From the lien's Furnishing; Department Three Numbers In Stylish Ties for 25c IMPERIALS, with wide flowing ends. Shield Bows, small size, est designs. new- Four-in-Hand, light, medium and dark ground, also plain black stripe-dot effects. Hen's Fleeced Lined Underwear at 50c Fine Wool Medicated Shirts and Drawers, camel's hair and grey, heavy quality, Prussian binding about neck, herringbone stitching in silk, pearl buttons, ribbed cuffs. A garment of rare attract- iveness for the price 5UC Men's Half Hose Oxford, grey, blue, light grey. and black, long cuff tops, double heel and toe, extra . heavy 1 5C c yTT"l!:flB Hm cv'vsvf AsVVVwxv'N'v A A " Ten Year Guarantee With Every Instrument. We Are Satisfied With a Fair Profit The reason why you can buy a thoroughly good Piano at this factory at a moderate price is because we are satis fied with a fair margin of profit. Every "Keller Brothers" Piano is built upon the best known lines of Piano con struction and of A-1 material throughout, Keller & Van Dyke Piano Factory, 1043-1051 Cpouse Avenue. WRITS HOff CATALOGUE,