H r ' . -4, r r A .tf , THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEAIBER 3, 1902. fi 6LQBE-WERNSK I SECTIONAL eOOICOASES. Wo are pleased to announce to the people of Scranton and vi trinity that we liave secured the sole agency for this locality ot the above line. Thes., beyond question, are the most modern and best existing sectional bookcaics. They arc the beat BECAUSE TlJO Glotw-WcroH.0 Co- aro tnc originators of sec tional bcohcoaes. RJFCAUSE """V avo moro patents on dcclrablo and necessary features than all other makc3 combined. BECAUSE Tioy havo Uid roller bjariwr dooro. BECAUSE Titer can be hail l.i any desired hefGht or depth. BECAUSE Tll0!r are -Jnnt7uitc.il o only the highest grndo of wa- cened lumber, and nro tliorousvlil., dust-proof. KFCAUSP They can be bad In ircnulne nialtosany, walnut, nuar--"" " tei-natvud or plain cilc. BECAUSE Their Iliibh Is or the lilchcct otandnnl. BECAUSE They aro miltanlo lor a library of 21 or W.CCO. BECAUSE I'oat Inlt nai- 'JFti tnoU- :r!ccs aro lower tlian any otlior wake on the market not containing their i cfcptlon.il high standard of merit. Aia Inspection is SolicUcd. Model liomefarmshers. 322 Lacka. Avenue. "The Store That Saves Yon Money." SSI THE MARKETS. "Wall Street Review. New Yoik, Oct. .".1 Tho lmpioonient in ilif stock in.ukct estenlay was continued 1nil.iv anil tho list, while Mill 10111p.11.1 llvclv dull and n.iuow, gao evidence ol a mole hopolul feeling. Advances v. rip gen- i.il at the opciilno:, tlin giin In Al mil it tun being n.ost noteworthy. Ilaltimoio and Ohio was tinother strong issue, unci 3hle, Jllsosiui I'.itlhs. Canadian Patitie, Southern Paelllo, Heading .uid .St. Paul o-,e fiaetlonallv. St. Louis and Sail 3'iantlsco iidwim ed a point. Little was done in the indnstii.il issues at nnv time dm hit; the dav. Steadiness was shown by n liutnbir ol those htoeks. how over, among them the rnilcil St itos Steel shaio. Louisville and Nashville was weak at the outsit. On moiliM.ilelv l.ngc ti.tiis utlous thi' .stock made a iiiaNliniim di'i line oC ovei J points but mine tlii.u iirowuil this loss, making a art pun of I" Itcullng was nnothoi stock ag'ilnst whkh lon slder.iblo presume was kIiowii, but all otfeilngs woio ficoly taken, find the stoek made a Rain equal to that ut Loii!sulll and Nashville Mtinli ittau was the fi a tuie of the dav. both In lespoct ot ictlv ity and sticngth. The Hading amounted to TT.OiiO .shines ami a net t,iin of 218 jiolnts wn.s Kglstniil. Some of the eiv Mibstanti.il speculative luliests weie --lid Hi In bai k ot the inoe in Al.iub ittan. and one of the .ligaments udvaimd in its Miippoit win tli.it the loinn.inv will show n gient iriluciion In opei.iting expenses as f-oon as its cl.'i tiic.il oiiuipnn nt Is completed. Mm h ( the M.inli ittau buy ing came fiom intnests tint woio piom Jnent in tho leiont Mi-souii r.ielllo pool. - ienew.il of the demand for I'oloiado 3'iipI w.ih aocomimiiid bv npoits that In-f-lilo dlffeiences had beep .settled. . tui ther haidonlng of pi lies was Miovn in the late session .mil moio tiuleis who sold on srstPiil.n'.s advance loiiml It ad visable to i'iimt tin Ir lontiaits 'I'ho lln.il hour deelopeil no new fo nines, though the tendeni to fuither inipue Jiient was cheeked in a inensini b Hie aihniuc to I pi i e. ut in the late ten i.ill inoiu'j The elnshiK was thin though dull Total siUs todav ir.'.M shims A 31 1 in unileitone was shown b the bond in.li Kot. but the di maud continued small. Total Mies, par iiK, jl.tiinoiin Tnlted Stutcb -s ikclimd 'i per cent, on the last cnll The follow Iiik nuotntlons me fmnlshecl 'I he Tllbune bv lliiicht ,; Tieese Co. 311 fl'i Alrais Unildlnt; y. D. Ruin on, man- Am. ljeomotho . Am. T.OCO-. Pr Am. S. & It. Co ... Amerirnn Sugar . Atehlon itchls-on. Tr . Ii II! .i2"Vj :.'j . SSU vs- I5.ilt. & Ohio lft"J 107', JtlOOK. t, T lijtg Jlf, Cnnadlnn l'aeille ....ITG"', 1X flies. Sz Ohio .-.nis -,11$ f'hlcapro A Alton .... nil ,"ii"K Ohio. Ai O "V Iit 30". C, AI. & St. P TSSK. IS'iV ""., It. I. & P -1T; L'OD Pol. Puel .S: Jioi S7i SS"g Pol. .t Southern .... ;!.'it 31 Pol. ,- South , L'd I'r. 1M'. 4V. Dm. & n. r, us hi, Den. & n. O. Pr .... ooi. np. Detioit Sotlthein .... ai " Si " i:iie '. .-; us-: Ihio, 1st Pr i,7 S IS Ihie. 2nd Pr r.j r.J Illinois Central 116' J 1 J7. Iowa rentj.il 12", 1 1'7 Knn. City ,t South.. ?" ?,'AR I.ouis. & Xn.sh 1!7J i)7i Abinhuttiin r.rt", ns7 Alet. St. Itv in nj A!eie.in Cential .... 2Vi y-.i'. Mo, K. it Tei: loi "'i'i AIo., K. ,i T., Pr ,i)i A 1,0 Mo I'aciilc m)i; hoij N. V. Ccnti.il l"i, i-,i,m .soi icuu at vest Out. & -West .... Piiiific! Alall nil .Jii.Pi .inii . t'-'"n .ton 91', iV, l'l ss 100 h'il4 liM l!-.'s r)' , -H", !', ISS'i S7i, ro'j f-S'i lOU'i 1U7 I.Pt 1 Ih-S, r,i', LOU .T11. '- i i: h,fi i.; 1.7 ss !S'i IS', ll1 11 0V. Pi', J) Li) ::s'i 'i r.7 r.s r.j r..' IK.'i 147'i Us 4V, "-"' !""o 1. '.',:: I!',', 1 'li', 1 lSi 111 111', 2V "V'. 21', I'iij. f.ii'i u vv no's in'i r,; 7l'i 7I'J :.: ?; ti's t; i&r-g v.v 10T, lu','4 i. i,.-, Im I.I. , SN SS J1KCI. Amnl Copi i 'Am. C. & ' . On. n Iliuh.I.ow Cloie. 1 1." U'l' . l.'i li'i .. 5l'i 511S !iPi l".7i FINANCIAL Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 21 &. 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. UOODY.McLELLAtf &C0. BANKERS, No. 57 U roadway, New York City. JIUSlDEItS NEW YORK STOCK IIXCllANfiE. STOCKS.BONDS and INVESTMENTS OBDEHS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN StUUBiaaft )fn f..A. Postal Cnrd JTM1X3 UCni ulll brlnir vo.i our booklet "Tho Ono Way" ' uit.i.j .... iwniv.tur in. w ,n innKH your money ism ft Titular iiioiithly Incoiuo uitliout n.U vi lovs rilo at film to AMl.l(IA..Fl.NAt'c': vouicni;co. jl ,u uii curriH, now xoi;.. M ::iit 71 : ' ion ... .". lie .... lir, lid', Pr .... 01'. It ' Pr ... !r, is 10 r ss-; kpi IV, ii :, tii M, 10- !H'A H'5 ,r in'', Isri ri'i .:iu 7IH-S .'i.K ill's u", " .. in I', It TS .v; si m 2'i Peiin.i. It. n People's Gus .... Pi esse il Sterl Car Keadltn: Itiadlim, 1st I'r ss IteailliiK, 2nd Pr 77". lie public Steel 21",, SI. I. A- Sm P 71 St. I.. So. V 'il'A Soul hpin Piicitii: .... 7n'I houtheiu P. It i , Southern H K., Pr.. vrl lenn, t-o.il & lion )eas k. I'.u I'niou Padtle I'niou Paehie, V. S. Leather V. S Loath. r I. S. Itubber P. S. Steel .. I S Steel. Pr wnbisii .. . Vitba.sh Pi AVest. Pnlnn 01 "Wheel A. 1,. 13 ' A ns. rc.nti.il 27" 2 'I otad tales. 110,700 Minics. Aloney, 7 per cent. rjJJG0 GliA AND PROVISION. HI .A I Open. High. Low. Clos-) IDecember 7J7 r; 7m- -... Alav 71 CORN- Decunbcr fiiii, Aluy lt. OATS- h December :oi'. Aluv yp: PORIC- October MTA Jjiiimi v lofH LAKD- Oetober 007' .Innu.iiy o.!"i nms- Oetober j.-,o Januiuv s ; KUW yORIv COTTON' MARK l-.T Onen. ttltrh. l.ntv eine. October Mil ,s,i i. ... e .i December Si! s.i? f, s u .Iunii.it y STil xr.ii sr.i c-.i May N27 s:tt s ,: s?i UUmoth'i'iyfii O.mijl i.!li9S99.'l-o wk wis m h Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Tar of 100. STOCKS. Bld.Asked Lnrknwaima Duhy Co. Pr.... Jj,""'ahea- routiiy av. u.iiik i Trost Co Duo Pliht Nat. Hank (Catbonualo). ... Thlid I'utlonul Rank ao Dinio Dep. Ai Dls. U ink soo Kronomy L , II & l. Co first National Rank jjoo Lack, Tliist A; Bafo Dep, Co , 191 Clark & Snovoi Co , Pr 123 Scmnton SiiNhiBs Itunk con Tradcis' National Rank 23 Sciuntnn Holt & Nut Co 12. People's Rnnk 133 Scianton I'acklns Co UONDS. Sernnton Passenger Hallway, tirst inottBage, duo lu.'O lis People's Street Railway, fli3t moitgaBe. duo 19is 113 Peoplo'a Street Railway, Oen- eial moitgago. duo V)ll 113 Scmnton Trac. Co., 0 per cont. 115 7Pi r.PJ ll's ::o'i sn, llj Vf 1". 1.3 10 07 12 .Ml s: . .'8 eOlj i- "01 S ::i's 1 10 ') ITi CO 10 07 0 12 12.-.0 K'li Ml .11"' 71 .li.i'. .z I,'. II. . Il' I s op. IPs "l'l IS lo IS'. ni'i ri', r.i'i :oi, M1! in ".0 33 ij 1097 .O'U 32 "0 S JJ COO 46 33 ( x , Being-, with our various stores in other cities the largest of the kind in the an United States, we are enabled to buy for less, and consequently to sell for A 1pi f"fuin ntrv nfl-ipr tinner in m-tv 1iq TU-'r. ,-.,1-. , -,,i, 4 .. " mw "- "- w.v. weeos- xj. vcci. axu.. x licit, o wii wc oay uu uu, your best interests will always be best served here.'' m &9mnar : A glance through our Carpet Department will convince you that we have just what you are looking for at the right prices. A sample of the many good values: The kind to cell at 50c per yd : Size, 0 ft. 3 In.x10 ft. 6 In; worth $15.00. Special price Hi W22SM m ra Extra heavy, choice designs, the 65c kind. Special price jyB is ilfilmgfs Or Choice patterns, cotton warp; a 32c value. Only imv wjB Hsj 3S3 kkm Ifeft fcgo3 Extension Table. (Like cut). A rich design, massive turned legs, highly polished; made to retail at $15.00. Our price, ' Tfk. (Like cut). Solid oak and highly fin ished. Deep draw ers and has French plate mirror; a $13.00 value. Spe cial price, Besl, Board A massive, nice ly carved and per fectly finished side board. Serpentine drawers, large mir ror; worth $18.00. Only n Various colors, large size; made to retail at $15.00, Special price, iilllliliJiSn 'Mm ,14m It Is remarkablo the nmount of these stoves we sold the past week. You will not be sur prised If you will but see them. High in quality and handsome in appearance. If a good heater at reason able cost Is your de sire, you will find It in this at lIBf !5rikfe4aggg"""f """ High Grade Range like cut. The "Bride Make," has 16-inch oven, du plex grate, cabinet base, complete with high shelf, as illustrated. (Like cut) full size. This bed is low in price, but Us durability is of the highest kind. Only : 18.50 Solid oak, size of top 16x16 inches; a 75c value. Special price. - brOOil 322 LAm&wmm vefiije. Ill 60 It ' , i i . I ..will tmmm M .1 i Mi mmmi.wi . i. m mm i wm w. i'i.i mwwwi Economy Ij, II & P Co N, Jeibey A. I'ocouo Ito Co.... Consolidated Water Supply Co 97 97 103 Scranton Wholesale Maiket. (Conected by II G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave) I'lour-fi 10. lluttor Flesh eieamerj, 2yjc ; fteslj duhy, 21V Clieestlu'ul3Ue 13bb Ne.il b , .'? : btoiaso, 22c. age, j.'e Alurow Reana Per busliol, 3. Onions Per bushel, 90c Potatoes-lijc, per bushel. New York Grain and Produce Market Now Yen is, Oct. 111. riour Mntket was full ly nc tlvo ititiihi and III in. Wheat Spot easy j No. 2 led, 7s' it. eloator; No. 2 led, 7s'e. f. o. 1). ullout; No, 1 uoithcin Du luth, !J?bu, t, o b. allo.it; options up to midday Hi in mill active, The unloading dCMiIopeil In suflleleiu rUintltle-H to pto moto wriiknchs anil a li action which last ed all tho uttemoon, tho eloo lulnj? Jic net lower. Alaich closed S0c.! Alay, 7S'e ; December, 79'c, Coin Spot steady, No, 2, iMjC. elevator anil (17'ic. f. ' atloat: No, 2 yellow, t9c.; No. J whito, oOe ; options HOlil light up at the stmt hut Ihully cased oil a llttlo with wheat and closed about .steady at liaV. net advance January ihwd r.ll-ic : May, 17c.; De cember, tuv. Oath Spot quid, No. 2 oilM, :i(e ; Htiiml.iul white, .Lot No. 2 white, uVJiiuCe : (lack mi.ed western, ffi i A'lliO i tini'k while, western. M.allc ; tiaik whlto state, iluallc ; option niitket was cpilot and about steady; Deceniber i losed I"'.c, Jluttet Steinh ; elui iieameiy, 23e,; do, laetoi.s. PuilSc.; eieameiy, iom mon to choice, lau'lHc; imitation eieam eiy, 17a20u ; btuto dih Iba'.'lc ; ieuiiutei, I7!a21e riiceso Quiet but Him: now stato full eioiiiu, snnll enloud fiiucy. old, 12',:e.; now, 12'e ; small white, old, ljuc,; now, 12',ic; luigo white, old, liymc; new, 12e,; lingo eoloied, uid, 21ljc ; new, 12e. I'ggs Hiuely sti'udy: .stato and Penus 1 v.iulu aeiago lust, 2la2ue.; westein can dled, J.'uJIc; Htllgeiated. ISKaJle. Chicngo Grain Market. Chicago, Oct. SI Liquidation b.v local longs uiiihciI li weaker tone to wheat ut tir a fulil steady opening today and Do comber closed 1,0, lower; December coin closed Osti'.e, higher anil oats Ihii'iC low m j .lanuaiy inovlsloiis closed tun liuiiBed to 2'-.c, lowei Ca.ih fiuotutlons woio us tallows: l-Toui Phm: No. 2 spiliig wheat, 71'yi7.'e1 No !1, o'i.iili',: No 2 led, 71'a 71'ic.; No, 2 coin. Me ; No. 2 cllow, S7e , No 2 oaks, 2!'.i:.; No 2 white. : No I white, 2S'ia.l2'c.; No 2 rje. 19.e ; good feeding bailey, luul.'e ; lull" to ehoieo malting, l.'af.ti.; No 1 llu teul, $1.13; No. 1 uoilhwe.slein, $1.18; pi lino tlniothv seed, ; mess peak, per ban el, 1b.rio.ili.73; laid per )0i) pounds, JIOD'.aU; slunt iIIm, $10 M all: shoulileis, 10al0.:3; shoit deal sides, JU.23.ill "j0 Oil Cliv, Oil .11,-Ciedlt balniieiv, 3.U. eeitinuiles opened UT. bid: highest, $ l.l.l. Ii.un.it 1 !", 1,1(1 - eloslll 1,. bio. Ot- ! feted at lis: shipments, fl.,120 baiiels; tiv leiage, HI 710 bniiels; urns, IQ-MJO bauels, aeiuge, 79,i9 bauels. S Don't let any one insult your intelligence by compelling: you to take a 98c. g rocker or a 79c lamp after you have spent your time gathering stamps tor g us US! HOUSEWIVES ! j$ GEO. I'. EYNON ife CO. US SEAMANS'DROS. T, EELLOWS MASON. O. E, OROSSMAN. U Wtt PERRY. ;S EVANS & POWELL. YELL. J- XI II7!AI- J.t ill.H DXSJI-JJ .. I. l. -e. ....M -iSIa T1 ijix inuiiLiib. vvilii me leisuw ivius yuu can ouy iiicul iui yuut uimc, ui g shoes for vour child. Thev are as s-ood as jrold. That's whv we call them W " a - a v ! 1". FOSTER & CO, JOHN GARD, A. NAEGLI. W, A. M'CONNELL. J. J. DAVIS. XRANK STERLING, LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO. O. V, PALMER. SLADE & VAUGHN HENRY KRAUSE STARK & CO. W. J. MARVEL. w A. W. HTITSON B. STIENMAN J. K. SMITH. ENOS FLYNN. WM. PASS. J. B. DOYLE & CO. K&na Jfogk HEISER & WARNKE N. C. MAYO. ANDREW FRANTZ, HAND & PAYNE. W. C. COWLES. MTJLHERIN BROS. WM. R. SIMS. J. M. FAHRINGER F. C. HAZZARD. THOS. B. HUGHES. WM. ROSSER. JOSEPH P. REDINGTOl,. ; XEaS, RUDDY, DAVIES & MUR- PHY. GEO. W. JENKINS. Z. MYERS & MANSFIELD, "; J, P. WOODLING & SON g 6. R00S j-. er. These Are the Hen Who Will Tell You All About Them, flore Names Are Added Every Day. -