The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 01, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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CTOMKH .11 Is hlfih festival
tlnyi muoswHl Hi" Lutheran
chilrclifH the world over, iih
It Ih tliu uniilvoimiry day of
the bcRlnnhiR of the itefor-
llie must momentous event C
On the 31st of October, K1., .Minim
Luther, the went rcfoimcr. nnllpil his
nlncty-llvo Hip.Im or declarations
HBiiliiHt the wale of IndulRCiiees on tlip
door of the cnntle chinch In Wltten
Iioir, and thus Ik'buii that gicat inovc
ineiu known an tltc lefoiinatlon. whose
Influence has most piofoinully nffeetcil
Chi lutchdoni for all time.
This day Is iiIho a niogt Important day
In the hlPtory of the lIvniiKelleiil nltth
ri'Hii church, of the Holy Tilnlty. Ad
ams avenue. Twenty yeat.s ago yester-
lii'$M -? '
iii'RunlBt and It. II, Ilrndcr, who will
have chiiiRD of the music:
Ht'NhAY, NOW 2. 10.HO A. M.
Morning Service Church Hook, iiiibci
1 to la.
Hcrinou...ltev. ar. L. XwoIzIk. Lccchbtitg
CONSKC'HATION snnvjci-j, V. JI,
(Ministers and ohuroh
Iji'iillntf Hlbles and motei
at the cbtltch cutinncoj.
1'l'lRPIItlltloll Of Keys.
Prayer Pastor
Psalm llcsponslvelv .
(Hlbles mill siiotcd vessel" to be
deposited In their places,)
1 1. inn, No. 2ni.
The Lcsson
I llllK. MMB.tteV. A. O. (iiillenkinnp
J Kliws, S:2.,-.!ll...1ti'V. .1. V. Itiltldolph
Prayer of CoiHcctatlon,
Itev. A. J. limner, I'll. D.
Thi' Nli "in- CippiI.
foiisrcutlloli Senium. Itev. M. L. X.wcl.lp;
Hhowcd tlu't thu leagues atp In nood
condition. PieHldciit (.Mat k gave the ic
port for the Ulty union.
The following ofllccrs weie elected to
serve the ciiuIiik year: Pipslileiit,
r'liarlcs Clark, of Court street; eone
RnondltiK secretary, Miss St.iLkhoiiKo, of
ABbtny eliurcli: rccorilltiK aocieliuy,
William Hauls, of Kinbiiry chuich;
trpiisilrer, Miss tivntw, of St. I'aul's
chaiuer: exeeiitlvp committee, Mr. Stuf
fonl, Asburyj Air. Wilbur Kteslt-y,
Simpson; Mr, Davis, Dtiinuoie,
At tin close of the business session
the mm 1'aik chapter served lefiesit
nients to the leaguers.
Distinguished Minister Coming.
ttev. Will It. Cpcruft, of China, Is to
be one of the speakeis at the mis
sionary rally which Is to be held In the
audlloiluni of the Penn Avenue Hiui-
I'huieb next Wednesday ovenliiK.
m:v i:ii'im 1.1 nn .miu.i:i:,
Pastor Horn I'cb l.'i. 1VSS, to Mulch J, 1!V7.
driy, on Oct. ::i, 1SSJ. the congregation
was organized In the Voting- Area's
Chilstlim association hall, 431 Lacka
wanna avenue, with the lollowing tlilt-ty-llve
citizens of Hci anion as charter
members: ttev. Al. I.. .welzig. pastor;
Joseph Ober, A. Ilehrlgr. trustee"?;
JMilllp J. Vetter, It. II. Bruil or, Chas.
rtceker, deacons, and Philip V. Schill
er, Gideon Aloser, Chai les Uenon, Line
Honson, 1211a Oninstotk. Lydia f'oin
Moek. AIis, Uuibaia Ober, Alfred W.
Klotz, Julia Ober, Jacob 1!. Aloiton,
Allen Al. Kelpei, I-. O. Powers, Alary
A. Poweis, Christian Becker, Alary
Flecker, Levi C.etz, Catheiine CJetz,
Kmma Al. Sihuler, S. K Stlllwell, Airs.
K. .1. Stlllwell, Ficd H. Oerlock, Ali.
Rosa Gerlock, Jacob Il.Washburn, Alls.
Sarah Wasbbuin, Al. V. Middleman,
rtudolpb J. Peuster, David W. Aloser,
Lewi.s Aloser, membeis.
Sixteen years ago, on Nov. 7, Hie oot
nerstone of a new cliuieh was laid at
Adams avenue and Alulbeiiy stieet.
Xow, sixteen yeais after this event,
the congiegallon Is about to celebrate,
on Sunday and the three following
days, - Itli special set vices, the tlueo
fold festival of the twentieth anniver
sary of organization, the sixteenth of
the cornerstone laying and the eoiT-o-cratlon
of the chinch. A moi tgage anil
floating debt of ne.'iily $L00O, Inclined
tluougli building and inijnovlng the
chinch, for the i. Using of which spe
cial efforts have been made dining the
past three months, is to be extinguished
and the mortgage is to be binned at
the services tomoriow evening.
About thirty years ago elTotts ete
made to establish an Knglisb Laitheian
church In this city, sei vices being held
for n period ol (ive or six months liy
Uevs. D. Al. Ilenkel and Theo. Ileilig,
of Slroudsburg, and others, but for
some reason weie discontinued though
the Intetest and attendamo li.itl been
finite encoui aging.
In the full of SS1 another attempt
was made and with better success,
services being held in the dms slote
of P. J. Vetter, 407 Penn avenue, by
ttev. K. Al. Smith, of Philadelphia.
Itev. Smith was succeeded by llov. Al.
Ij. Zweizlg, of Heading, who was sent
hew by the authorities of the Rvau
gellcal I.aitliPi.m Allnisteiiuni uf Penn
sylvania, to establish a Hunch. On eh 111. 1SS Itev. Zweizig held lil.s
(list set vice in llie Young Alen's Cluis
tlun Association hull, wheio on Hie
following Oct. :il, an oig.iuizatlon was
cflected, of which Itev, Xwelzlg In
mine the lli'st p.istoi,
On Oit. lis. 1S8I, llie piesent chinch
site was pui chased for $.",,,",00, and on
July ;:, iw;, plans weie adopted for a
new cliun li, the coiigicg.ultm up in
that time having worshipped In the old
edifice of thf. Second Piesbytei Ian
church, which li.ul been seemed and
lemoved to their propert.
In Aluy, 1SS7, the new church was,
for the llrsi time, occupied. In Novem
ber t,r tlie same year Itev Zweizlg end
ed his pastorate heie and was suci d-
cd on Keb, r, ISSS, by the Itev. 1 3, L.
Miller, who continued as pastor for
nine yeais, mull Alaicli I, 1X07. when
he became pastur ol St. .Mink's chinch,
South riethlehein, Pa, Under Itev, AII1-b-r's
encrgelic labois, laitberan inter
ests piospered, not only In the cougi li
gation bin nHo tbroughout the city.
' Itev. Alllier oiganlzed St. Aliuk's
UJ.iithcran chinch. West Scranton, In
1MI; Si. Paul's, Providence, In ISfl.i,
and Si. Steplien's Slavonian chimb,
Peckvllle, in ISO",, all of whlili have
had a healthy giowth. The ulniich
Pioperty was aim in)iiocd and the.
)f?Vt of ?.1,000 larsoly i educed,
('iFtev. Miller was sucieeded on Oft. 24, the Itev. C. f!. Spleker, of
v Cluyelaud, u, under whom the ion
Riegatlou continued to piosper, espe
cially In an Intel nul giowth and In
ci eased devotion and cluuclillness, On
Dee. ill, loot, Jtev. Spleker leinoved to
Okoiuz, Philadelphia, to taku charge
of a newly established coiigiegatlou.
Rev, 15. K Itttter, of West Ilnzloton.
P,i leinoved to this city as pastor of
Holy Trinity on Apt II 10 of this year,
and It will fall to his lot tomorrow to
complete the work of his predecessoiH
by the consecration of the chinch fpu
from dobt.
The following services havobeen ar
ranged. A largo choir in charge of tho
4IIIIIVIII iiilllllillilliilllllliil i IH'll
ltt. I,, l.liiddstt'iilh. Wllki's-M.iiir
unVrioiy I'holr
llllli'l'.ll Putjei
Ite.V. .1. P. Heiilr., Wllkcs-llnrie
Offel lllg-.
Autb.'iii Choir
lllstoi leal Sleli h I'lulor
SfNUAV, 7W P. At.
Vesii r Sei lci- I'liiUt'll Hunk, phkcs
2rt tii ",'.
Allur Soi x Ice
lt"s. A. I., limner. Ph. I)., and II.
A. Kiniklc.
Senium- "Our Splilliuil Alolher Mini
What We owe Her."
I!e (!. W. Siuiilt, Phlliiilelplilu
I'lniiiii'lal liepnit,
Rliriihtg of Alortaage,
AIONOAY. xo'. ::. S P. Al.
Itciiiilun of Societies and I'ciinur
"Thu Siinila
Ph. 1).
Itev. A. I.. It.iiner,
Aid Socle K."
Itev. A O. (Inlli iikiinip
t. culler League,"
Itev. II. A. Kllllkle
C'iiugri'gatliiu"....Itrv. J. C. WltKe
('lunch Counell,"
Itev. J. W. P.anilolph
"Foniier 5leinbeis"..,,itp-. ;. y, Itltter
Tn:SDAY, NOV. 1-S P. Al.
Lectin u "Luther In the Iteloniiiitliin."
Itev. S. A. Itepuss, U. 1)., Allplitowu
AVnDNnSUAY, NOV. u-S 1'. Al.
Lectin e "Aloimonlsni,"
Itev. J. P. Iliatfc
Tomorrow evening, the daughter con
giegatious, St. Alaiks of West Sei. ni
ton, and St. Paul's of Noith Seianton,
will, with their pastors, unite with
the mother chinch In a sei vice ol lc
jolcing. Ke. a. W. Sanilt. or Philadelphia,
who will preach the sei nion, s the
niaiiaging editor of "The Lutheian,"
the leading church paper of the Luther
an church, and a speaker of eceptlnal
The following .lie the ofllcets and
committees of Hol. Ttlnin cliuieh.
Pastor, Rev. Kiln a id F. Itllici. si-uc-t.ny,
1. J. A'cttei: Iln.incial seciei.uv P.
II. (icilock: trensiirer. IJ II. Ki.ulpi;
oigaulst, Alls. It. K. Wind.
I'luuth -oiui"il Detenus, Willi. nn i:.
Warner P. J, Vetter, John M.ucii.ii I, II.
J. Scluibeit, T L. Helm, " A. Itelulg,
tiusioos. Matthias Slipp. 1! II. Hi.ulei,
!. W. Shlve.
Suiiilny Selui'il Assistant siipeihiK nd
int Jt. II. Uiadei. sect etai y li. .1. Sclui
hc 1 1 , liliiiillnn. lhll'l Stluilei. ticasmi'i,
Alls. o. W. Shhe; msaiibt. Allss Llcl.i
( asslstiiut niganlsl, Allss 15ess!e
Ladles' Aid and y Soclelv
Piesldeiit, Alls (i. W. Sehhe. sec ielai.
Alls, i;ilj. Amaint; tieasincr, All-. P P.
hchuen. nilsisoimi, tieasiirci, Alls. Ue.
Luther Le.iKlIc Pic-lilenl, I'ml Sehueii;
vice president, William Schuler; secie-
Air. upcrntt went to China ninelepn ago. and lias been one of the
most successful mlsslonuiies of model n
Uililng the recent Uoxer doubles the
mobs tiled to kill him seven dlffeient
times. Tlnee times ho was badly beat
en; once he was left ror dead like Paul
ut Lyslni. lie became the government
translator timing the latter part of the
tioublcs In China and was one of the
most potent factors for the establish
ment of peace, lie waved the lhes of
many of the missionaries and native
Cliilstlans. lti'cently some business
men of Clilnu olfeied Air. Ppcr.itt a
huge mini of money und live times the
niniiitnt be was lecelvlng as a mission
ary il lie would Join their enterprises,
but he declined them all, as his great
est joy was to lead the people of China
to Clnlst.
Hesldes Itev. K. S. Dobbins, U. D.,
the district nilssltmaiy or the Ameil
can Hapllst Allssionury union, Itev.
Chillies llilggi speak. Air.
Hrlggs has done a phenomiial weak in
ine i'lilllppine Islands, and nioie (linn
rour thousand are awaiting baptism In
the Islands ns a paitlal lesult of his
ministry, lie has a gieat stoiy to tell.
A 4
Pictured Tiuth Seimon.
Itev. Oi. Pleicc will give another of
his lllustiutetl seimon talks at the Penn
Avenue Haptlst chinch tomoirow even
ing, dining the "Hilght Hour" service
Pastor Pleite will speak on the topic.
"How to Heroine u Cliiistlan" and will
lllusti.ite bis (IKctiuisc with the nip
Idly tli awn sketches made while he
speaks, which have given him an Inter
national leputatlon as an lllutialor of
Bible tiuths. An evangelistic service
will be held in the lowei temple alter
the seimon.
v i- i
Religious Notes.
The bishops of the Alethodlst t lunch
ate In session in Wilmington, Del., this
week, to .mange time and picsldlng
olllcpis tor the spring confei ences.
lieginning witli toinouow, November
-', there will be it service ut St. Luke's
mission, corner Piescott avenue and
Vine street, every Sunday at 7.110 p. in.
All aie toidialiy Invited to lie present.
Itev. I. N. Steelman. foimeily n !ap
tlst. later a Alethodlst, still later a
H.iptlst, lias lastly gone over to the
Dowietle.s. Itev C. II. Pel solicits has
also gone to the same se,.t, with nil
his fnmllv.
The Aletliodlst nilnlstei.s will meet in
Kim, November :;. at IH.'iO. Pi of.
(I. W Phillips, siipeilntendent of
schools, will sive ;t lev lew ol Piesldeiit
ICIiot's atldiess bcfoic the Tcucheis' as.
Miciatlou, of fonnectlcul.
Alls. Almy II. lliint, of Postern, wen Id
and nalinniil siipei Intcndenl id Sclen
llllc Tciiipei.inic- Insi Miction ol the Wci
men's Temperance union, will
speak Sundav night In i:im P.nk
t hill ch. Subject, 'The Kllluie of Out
The ll'iptist ininisi.eii.ti LomVitiue
will hold Its tegular nierllng in tlie
Penn Avenue Uaptlst ehtiieh. Alonrtuy
inoiiiing. Nov ember ::, al ln.Hii. Paper
by Hit Itev. A. II Smith, of the Noith
Alain Avenue H.iptlst church, topic,
"An Imposition ot the Hook of Hosim,"
Josh,, xx!l-0.
Seoetiiry of Aitiellcaii Society of
Unions Kduciltlon.
INTItODUCTION.-Attcr Caleb leeched
his poitlou, tho bounds of tho Ulbc ot
Judah weie llxcd. Kpliutlm and tho halt
tribe of Alaunassch weie located next
(Josh., wl and xvll), The coiigiegatlou
then removed fiom Ollgal to Sblloh.wheio
the tabctiuiult) was sut up (Jo"h xvlllil),
Tlie leumlnder of the land was divided
Into seven pints Unto tho supervision of
n commission of tinea from each lilbo
(Josh., xvlll:S), and the assignment wub
Hindu by lot in tlila older to Ucnjaiuln,
Simeon, Zehuloti, Issachar, Asher, Noph-
iiinii and IJini. Wlien all this was ac
eompllnlicd Joshua selected for his posses
sion the city of Tliunatli-Seiali, hi Aloiuit
Lpuralm, within the bountls of his own
tilbe (Josh,, xlv:,Vl). Tlicie ho establlHbcd
Ills home, and tlicie sonio seventeen em.s
after, he died and was biiiicd (Josli.,
Nxlv:20j. Tlie division of the hind hav
ing been completed, so Unit nil the tribes
knew their appointed dwelling pluces, at
tention was dliected to civil legillatlons
designed lor the geneial good Thesu
weie iidhistcd before the sep.ilatloii Unit
tlieiu nilglit be common modes ot Justice.
U1V1NL In this disk nothing new was
attempted, Theio was no tall lor n leg
Isl.itlvo body to make laws. Doubtless
theio could have been nsseniblcd out or
nil tho tildes good it ml wise men win thy
of confidence, who would have been able
lo tlelbie hum. in t editions and duties In a
sclles ot statutes. And It Is piobublo
Unit thu people would have ncceiilid the
deliverances of such n bod.v. 15ut thu
government of Isiael did not ileilve its
'poweis fiom the consent of the gov
erned." Hod Imcl set these people np.nt
lor himself (Psalm. -lll:12i. He pin
posed not inih to tonsil net their lellg
lous Institutions, but 11N0 to legiil.ito
tlielr political iiirali.". It was lo be a
divine .state, in many icspeets aupet len
to every other (Deal.. I .si, nml In some
partleulnis n nintlel foi after tiroes, Imt
above all otlier consltleintlotis It was lo
he adapted to the rutiiie of t!od s people.
iiente, at me loot ol Wmil. the geneial
featuies of the Hubiew cunnnomvcnlth
vveic made Known to ATmes (K.. will),
and dv him lednced to wilting. Having
entt'ied the promised land, it only u
nialned lor the people to learn ami applv
what Aloses dud wiltten (Deut., vi:fi.
IIO.MI(Mm:.-The Hist thing oideied to
be done was in the Intel est of human
lile. ,tlvviis u mntlcr of pilm.ny Inipott
nnce In eh soclelv As in the Amcii
tan decimation the light lo live Is men
tioned heroic eveiy oilier light, o In
the decalogue the llisl offense agithi'-l
mini is the taking ol life (J. :l'i.
At tlie time of the settlemonl tlicie was
gieat need to enact laws on Ibis point.
For nion- than fortv yen is the iaiaeliles
bad been nuclei inillttii:. nile, iiccustoined
lo sei-nts ol dlootl I low they would sep
niiite and t liter into the pm suits ot
peace. Tlieie would be giealci piovoiit
tiou and le-s lesti.iinl. ludlvidiial hilci
ests would be snhoi dilute lo the ttphll
of iiidtv. t o-opeiation and mutual for
dcfii.niee. Llie tnltUit be put In leopauly
In two wavs b the Intentional malicious
attack of another, ami by accident The
foimei had been the subleet oT legislation
'llie niuitleier loiiud no meicv In the
i ode of Alose.s Pollowlng the toveci.i'U
cil isoali, :i,). he musi be put to
death (.Lev . .l:17), but onh allei tilil
(Num. xwlvlm The homi
cide might even be taken lioin the nltar
li:.. xnI.Ui The land polluted, toiidl
be (le.uised onlv bv the dlootl ol the
sl.i.ver iXiim v:.t!)
within tho walls ot tho city no one could
lift u hand ngalnst him,
PltOTIlCTION.-Tho city of lefilgo uf
fouled only provisional secililty . to the
mansliiycr. On nnlval at the gatu ot tho
city, which wna tho place of administer
ing Justice (Itiilh, Ivtl-L'), ho must de.
clnto his cause to the eltleis (vpihu 4),
and they would iciuiind him, under mi To
condiiet, for tilnl to the cltv vvheio tho
offense was committed, Tlicie the case
would bo adjudged, aecoidlng to tho leg
illations for tlelermlng iiceltlentnl killing
(Num., xxxv:-'.M). Ir In that healing ho
was doomed to bo guilty ot minder, he
was delivered to tin. avenger for execu
tion. Hut, It found Innocent, whole ho
must rcinnlu ut the evpeiiHo of tho com
munity until tho death of tho high pi lest,
after which lie might go fiee. Hut, If ho
went out bofoio tho high pilct's death,
ho might bo slnhi by the avenger (Num ,
xxv:s.--2ii). This conllnemenl in the cltv
ot icfiigo was partly In the natiue of
punishment, for tio iiinn was kept fiom
ins ramuy mm his business. Thereby a
public ttstlmony was made to the sanc
tity ot human life, and to the abhoiaiiro
of blood shedding. Kveu accidental kill
ing was an offense,.
THACItlNO .Many etposllois have le
gal ded the city ot lefugp a typo of Clnlst
who saves thoXslnner. Al leant In one
Place In Scilptuio such use Ims evidently
been made of It (Heb., vliisi. Ami cl
that feature must not he piessed Tlie fu
gitive to the city, unlike tlie sinner, was
free fiom evil motive, and while tu tho
city was confined puttlv for secinlly, hut
pailly to disadvantage anil loss. This
Item of history ami law may be best used
to show- how i evented lellglon impioves
man's tempoial Hindis, H appoints In
stitutions Hint elevate and bles. II
checks pilvate passion nuil plat-en indiv
idual lights under the cine of society as
such, ltellglon, the woishlp mid sei'vltc
of Cod, pioniotcs ehllUiitloii. makes- man
iinifiindle to law that law lo lie atlinlu
Istetetl by duly conslltutecl imtlioilties.
The enaclmeiit of Aloses unci Joshua lor
Hie liiausla.ver was the beglunlug or a
long weiles of benellciul piovlslons bv
which (lie customs of seml-clvlllzed peo
ple weie gradually changed Into tho per
manent tonus of model n llie.
Special Sale of
s kaiic Kmfhinn
juuijc) uiubiiiiiy.
The little toddler of 3 years, the
schoolboy of 8 years, the youth of 17,
his father or his grandfather, each and
everyone, no matter what his taste or
desire, may be satisfactorily outfitted
here. Stylish, seasonable, serviceable,
sensible clothing for the boys and
the best values we know of anywhere.
Good clothes cut right made right.
These small prices mean a money
saving opportunity for economical
tenellflh and Scotch plaids,
also Rolld colorings; many of
the tlosigni to he found only
nt exclusive outfitters; sizes
3 to l." yeais 53.50
A magnificent range of col
orings. In pure worsted scr
Ki'i and cheviots; beautiful
nppiiintniPiils; allK tics; high
class tailoring; si?ps ,1 to 10
years $3.50
A Rejection of the very choi
cest fnlirlcH, In tall nnd win
ter weights, mixtures, checks
and overplnldR; nlHo navy
bltio and block; bIzcr T to 16
years $3.50
Fancy cheviots and rasul
meres In all the latest Rhades
of cloths, reliable colors, and
also the nil-wool single and
double breasted black chovlot
Hiilt.s.Rlzes 13 to 20; good value
at $10. Special price $7.50
lllni I'.nk chinch
meeting al P.Si a m
Ion .mil lccepllini ol
m.: Sundav school
League at v;ii; Senior
in. At 7,"n Mr i. Mni.v II
ton, tvlll spp.U; on "The
.Simpson MelliodM rpisfopiii
Itev. II. (.. MclMiiiotl. 1). I)
Vie.ii'hiiif.' .il Id. 10 n. m. and T.
evening -nlilc.'i, "The Slmis
-I'l.cvei and piulse
: the holv ciiiniimn
inembeis al 10 "M a.
it l' p. in.; Junior
I.eiiKile at CM) n.
num. nt lies.
Futi f the
pist r.
!') p m ;
of the
nv iti.v. r. y pjiutoi:, n. d.
(I'loin Aullioi. Vulos lii "11),. SihiLn s, l,o jl
l.c.uii Hindi Hen," I'ulilMieil ly f. ,
lltttl A. Co, Chlciiu, 111.
ud Is our ichij.
pleselit help III llillllih
In eu a liliiiini oao
l'.islor I
I'Altl. tillltAHll .SI'lIJIvi:!!,
ioiu Oct. Jl, ISri7, ici Dec III. Jfd
liny .Miss Jennie lluher; tie.isuuor, UUiM'hkc; llu.lllt'iid )eeio,tiy,
mlHbouarv tie.i.suier l.vdhi lluher.
I 'Mhem William IIIokk', William AM
lor. William (lelz, llnny Schuler.
Ciimmltlee on Cliuieh Debt Uo V. r
Hilter. Mattbi.iK Stipp, II, .1. Scluibeit,
Conimlllte of Ali.iiiKementH F. IT.
Ot-ilock, l. ,T, Vetter ami the pallor.
, Rain over
t the
i Headache and Catarrh
Believed in 10 minutes.
M That dull, wretched pain In the hcud
ib oyer tho eyes is ono of tho a meal
blcnv that tho beeda of cutaiili h.ivo been
hovvi and It's your vvurnhiB to administer
tlhe iiulcket ond sincst tioutment to pio.
venttho peatblg of this dreuded nmludy.
Dr. VAenew'a Catuubul Powder will stop
all plu In ten minutes, nnd ciuo,
Or. AVnew's Ointment soothes alt skin diseases.
35 Cents. 9
Sold IV Wm. Q. Claik und H. C. Sjh.
Guernsey Hall Pulpit.
Sunday hvpiiIhk;, ul 7.!i0 o'clock, Itev,
Thonms li, Payne, pimtoi of .Ml Souls'
lTnlvet,sallt church, will begin, lor the
winter, one of the most Intel estlns, In
.plilmr iinil helpful (-eiles of t-eivltcs
ever held In the city. It is Mr. iMyite'.s
puipoi-e to etilisi in tills woik men of
Intellistuce, eNporleuce nnd public.
eplrlt, from eveiy walk of life, who i.m
Hiealc u word of wariiliifr and encour
iiKeiueiu to nil, but mi liihplilut,- vvoid
cspeclnllv to iho yoiuiK. Jn addition to
tlie wmk or u chorus of twenty to
thirty voice?, Mr, Payne Intends to al
lien the hei vices by ie,iding,s and fcnu.s,
instrumental and vocal, by tho cltj's
best talent.
The most of tho will be
given, under the general subject of ,'l!e
lirflou and Success In Life," but this
will not bo ilgldly adheied to. l.'.ich
horvlco will open with n teii-inluute
lervico of hacicd King, led by the
chorus, The oidtr of hurvlce for Sun
day night will bo as follows: Ton min
utes of sncied hong; leading of Seilp.
Hues and juayer; hymn; leading,
Longfellow's ".Saiidulphon," by Corn
Mortis (Irlllln; hymn; atldiess, "Twen
tleth Century I'loblems," Itev. Thomas
H. Payne; offertory, violin solo, inna
Myeis; hymn; benediction.
Mr. Payne extends a coidlnl Invita
tion to the public to attend these ser
vices. Meeting: of City Union.
Much Inteiest and enthuslusui was
displayed at the meeting of the Kp-
worin league uuy union, which met In
i;iiu PaiK ciiiuvh, Thuiiday evenlutr.
'the anntiul lepoits were lecelvetl fiom
each chapter tu llie union, 'inoits
(oliit'U Tel
-i i uuth, a vei.v
I's. IVl.l.
Hilt- li's.son has cvel
lol tilble hUltleuts
III lllicleiu Units it was po.sSihle lor
uiiiider to he committed unnvwtic.s .mil u
wise Pi evident e piovhlrd a shelter aid
a sine loi the man sl.i.ver hi tho
eltlfs id leliiKe cities writ, ,i.
W.I.VS op. a lo icceive those who needed
shelter and who would liee onto ihcm.
The way was nlwajh opep-li was
sliaUht ami chmI enlcicd It was ,i pie
pa veil way Theio was complete moiii--lly
for all who would avail thcinselve, or
tlie piotectlon so lieely ami gi.iclously
Tlilt. lesMin lias Utt pei.sonal aiipllLii
tlon lu Jesn.s chilst. The sinner, gulltv
beloiii Utiil and man, merits the sinner's
doom Hod giuclotid.v and men Ittillv
piovldts lor lilm a lefuge, even "Jesus
t'lnist the ilghteuus." All who urn iinm
Jesus, with a slneeie tle.slie "to Hoc from
the wrath to tome." will tiul ill n il in
lilm a ielui!i and icst,
Cltlts of ItefiiKo lor Hi.) Sla.ver in tlie
old dispensation A I loss of itetugo fur
llie Sinner In the new dlxpeiwuimi The
VHr.Ln'UUta!NI iS'sEn4u4lHtiu
ono llcc-lng for safety lu tho Cltj of Hc
tugu Is a paiablo In action of the sinner
lleelng lioin the wi.Uli of (iod and seek
ing salvation and seciuit) in Jesus
I'lnlht, the Incarnation uf tho lovo of
Now wo have sbiiltd, tlie adveis.n.v of
our souls Is aliendy seeking our de,(uie.
tlon. We must hubteii to our Only He
ttige. Now tho door Is open. Today we
may enter hi and bo saved.
Let llie teacheis wilte the following
sentence and peisouully apply thu lea
sous to each member of (ho class, at each
woid lit older Is ei.ised,
Can I Dud Itefugo In Jesus.
I llnd Itefugo in Jesus.
Find Itefugo In Jesus.
Jtetuge lu Jesus.
Ill Jesus,
"auy. wbeie is thy lefuge, poor sinner,
Ami whin Is thy piospect today?
'Twill -pi ollt theo nothing, but lea l fill tho
To gain tho whole woild, If thy soul
Sei union, Pa
AVHNlilMt -A ecistotii picv.iilin: lu the
ollentill will III. iclldeleil lenlsl.illon mc-
ssitiy lu heh. ill of .lunlelital UllliiiK He
line the ei.i the neniesi of Itln
must avelige the tle.ith ol .1 slain lel.i
lle This pi. n the slill common among
A I. lbs. ni.iv have khiwii out ol tlie lniilh
dl.v siiil ,n it m, iv hive heeii Inlell.d
Hum laws ilhlueU Imnoi.ed iCm.. K ",i.
making evi i mini Hie Itceper ol his fel
low (CI n.. Iv m While allowable and
suitable male! a slmpl.. I'oim ol s(ll,.j
lll.e the patilaichal, till-' mode of letillui
lloll cilll'lil not lie iie milletl willioill I e-
slialui in a si, ne uf aihaiieiil ihllla
tlon Tile sphlt ol i-iiii;e mnsl be
tin bed. in iiiiniv Innoieiit poisops m.ij
snlfei To .'Ifi ci this sl- .Hies weie ap
pointed as a.svlnnis to ihe iiitohmt.iiy
nlavi'i Tills nvnlatioii had been autUi
patcd verv eailv In Ihe hlstoi.v of the
ihiiMii people (J , lii, ,i in I meiitloiiid
H'pe.iuillv (Num. .v II. Dent. i..'
:'l It was line ot Ihe m.itteis lo be ad
liisied bv Joshua, which had been en
joined lu the . 1 1 1 ill!4 s o, ii.inii d
hel'oie. hut anangiil altei the conipicsl
'i:STi:itN -Time ol Ihe-e cities weie
on the west of Jul clan K.nlesh was In In tlie esiieme noith, about twent
llve mill s In a dheci line fm mllic sea of
C.lllhe Ullllgcs, l Id) Its kins is iKUUIll
among the thlll.v-oue (Josh. li:.'.'). Mill
lined bj Joshua. Slit ulu m was in the ten-'
ti'iil pan. lu Mount nphinlm. Tills was a
vetj anelelil town, lee c Ivillg Us name In
line the (line of Jaeuh (tien , xslv..')
Il the place of lliinl
when Joshua blessed Isuifl i.losh ..snIv-Ii,
It alterw.tld became noled hi llie
annals (Judges, l 1). Theio
was made king (J Cluon., :l). Klrjatli
Ai Imi. lu ll-.c tiihe nf Juilah, was lu the
hill country ol tho smith, nNo a veiy old
town (Num., III:L'.'), deilvlng Its ninno
fiom a gieat mini among the Auaklms,
tJosh , xivil.l). Attoiw.nd It was calltd
llebioii, fiom one of tho sons of Koh.itb
(I Cluon., vi:L'l, Theio Abiam lived (Clen.,
xlliMS), and Saiah died (Oen., .will:.';.
Tlicie Oavid telgned loi seven yeais (It
.Sinn., 11:1). These three cities Kndesh,
Sliechem and Jlebiou, divide d the west
.loidaii country Into neatly equal tllslilels.
l.'ASTIJllX. Tlie tlnee titles east of llio
.Ionian had been named by .Moses while
Isiael was encamped on that side of tin
liver (Dent.. lv:ll-4P, Joshua's p.ut theie
toie, consisting In le.ifllrmlng what Moscs
hail done Theie was ono cltv ill each
of ihe three eastern t lilies, liezlr was
designated In the tilbe of Reuben. It
was situated on the plain of Moah, east
of the middle of thu Dead Sea, about ten
miles distant tinni that body of watei.
llnmotli was In .Mount Hlload. In the
tilbe ol Cud, adjoining Itouhen on tlie
north 'Tlie tily was nhoiil liflcen miles
1 1 oi il the Joitlan, ne.illy opposite Klieu
hem fillentl was tho objective point lu
Jacob's lllght (Hun., nxnI::'I), tlie sceuo of
mnny Impoitant events (If Cluon, xvli;
28), rained I'cn Us spices ami ointments
(Qen , Nvii.2') and tJor, vlli;i'J),
In Ilnshnn was in Mauasseh, a mountain
ous legion iPsnlm, lxvlllil."ii, thlity-llvo
miles distant fiom tho sea of lialllee, Tho
comiuest of tills place by .Moses (Num.,
xxl:UI), was legaided as ouo of tho mudl
notable events In his mllltiuy c.ueer, and
was afteiwaid colebiatetl in sacred song
ll's.ibn, cwnvL.'O). Ileer, Itnniotb and
Uolaii weio all ronsplciious lowns.
i Iiik-s. Iht oilier sei vices us usual
The people ,ii" lordliillv- hulled.
Cml'lii.N .Methodist Cpistopal i hllieh
l!et, Jiimes r.ennlnger, p.istoi. I'leach
Ing al 10 'W a in,, siiblect. "The Kadbig
Leal the i;inb,.n of .Moi lalit.v' : class
iiefthm .it . jo a. in.. Suiidiiv school al
- p. in.; Ki'Weuih l.eiiriiie at ii.JO p. in,
leader. .Mamie Stanton, evening pn lull
ing si iIce al 7. jo; s,,im h Uev. T M.
I'hllllps, or Wasliingtcin, -ul.iec-t 'Tic
''luistlan's llo'e."
Ash Sin-el McthoilUt Kpl-iopal ehiiiih
-Uev. J It. Austin, p-isoi- Pieacblug
at In n a. m. ami 7."" p. m , i lass ineei
iug at 11. .il a. in., I'll. ule- ('loop. I.'iulti ,
Hiind-iy scheol at J p. m. V. W Wtcint.
supeilnl. ndeiil, Cpwiilh l.c.ig al i, I",
p. in. l'leneldia: hi lh N'iv Aug .Mttln-
ilisl Kiilnopal eliliieh ill .1 p 111 A hii
dhil v.eltome.
Our line of Boys' Overcoats em
braces all the nobby effects of the sea-,
son. We show a superior line of the
swell, broad shoulder, long cut coats,
and invite the parents to come and
see them.
Asian v .Vlelhoilisi
lt"V ( 'Inn hs A.
Ilioll'ei hood
.i.::m a, in., pi cat hi. i,
ID '111 a. 111., siihleel.
Assiuauee ol Vietoi j
'."'l ii 111 .
at 7 "'1 p.
I'.t Hi imln
pl.t.vei si i vli ci
; b the iMs..r
Nt c 1 (beless, il o
Suildii.v suhmil at
L'umi" al li "'l p in., liieaehlig
m .object "ltPl-.lnilllnt; Ihe
lues" Seats fi ee All we'eoine
I'mvld jnce .VlethcHlisl Kpi-i opnl ehiinh
Uev. liiiigt A. Cure pastoi. 'I hi
Uiotheihood ol St I'aid on el at hi a ci.
I'lenelilng ul I'll'O: .Suinla. school a' 'J p.
in . Hpvvotth I ensue at i". '" p m.. topi .
"The llesl (J. ' Cuue Hell-on h adei ,
pieiielunu al 7 :M.,siilii'ei, "A.i Interest
big I'.ll.l h'l "
I 'unit ?liO"i Melhoillsl I.'plsc iii,il
hill il J. (' l.vm.ui, ptistoi f'.iss Ml",
a m. O I) rieWlll leader pi t-ueliiiig
In.: i a in,. Sundav hciol, 11,1", a in.. (!
It. (Mink siipei luteiiilent . Lpw'til lb
League, i; :;a p. in.- ev.uigellslle meetings,
7 .a n. in, Ittv (" T Van Hoiilei and
wile have cluilgt ol these met Una Tiny
will I'onthiiie inih ei nlng loi iwo
w.el;s. nv'i.voiu Is weieoiiie and inii'd
to attend. Pools ale seeking the
Kt. I'aul's .Mctboilist Cpistopal ellilicli,
coiner I'illston nvenue nnd 'ear surd
Uev. I'' I. Doty, pastor Sei lees Suil
llliv III bneniei,t of the new chill eh.
At hi. 0, 1001111111; wpishlp and seimon,
bv the pistol : 11 I". a. in., riun.'.iv school:
l.pwiiith l.i-ague, at
I.M p. m., Npwoith
set v lee; 7 .0 o'clock.
bv Hie p.tslol. All
all tile si Vie,., uf till
Comp'slo Outfitters to Men and Boys.
:::o p m., .iioimi
the paisouajte, i
League di oliiiii.ll
evi nini; disiiim-e
made Well nine lo
Afilian Melhoillsl i:p.,iop,il
llownnl plate Dr. I. S lleiille.v
Pre.iehhm al lO.iso a. in.: Sundav
2.! 'i p m : puMt'hini;, ".I." p. in.
dial welcome to all.
. hllieh,
A ooi-
J'LljrJTINO These sl" I tiles weie un
der thu special cue of tho Lovltu-s (Num.,
.xx:l"i), which tact lucieased their value
for tho puiposcs named. Wlion a man
actldentally killed another bo must leavo
all and lleo tlutliei Tho uiealcst ills
tunco from any point of tho laud woultl
not exteed fifty miles and that inljjht bo
covered In half a day. or lu less time by
a. stionii man, fleet of foot To fiitilluite
the pussoge the loads to these cities weio
kept clear (Dent., xlx 3), and linger posts
vvero circt l at every tut nlng point,
marked "icfiiBc" The rabbliiH .if thin
that tlie Bauhcdiln In after ap
pointed various helps to the letimee,
iiinoni; othets two students ul law- to ac
company him to tbn city and bcfileud
him on tho way and on bis aiiivul. How
long these cities weie lontinuctt lor tho
icfuyiu is pot known, but they weio cer
tainly in use lu tho time ot David, four
bundled je.un utter (II Sum., Mv:ll). Thu
lit. ell, i IhiimI,, iit'itiliilr.iM l. el... .. .,
misbt be sl.ilu by tlie avenger, but once
1'ellll Avenue IS.'.pilst chinch, Venn
nvenue. leHwien Spnnc and Linden
stieet'- Klnuif,eis aie always welcome,
Pieneliimr, moinlUK at Vi.'M and evening
at 7,:'.ft, by the p.istoi. Itev, Hubert l- V,
1'leie-e, D, I). .Mornlnir players lu llie
lower temple at ti.l", topic of nioiniliK
seimon, "Tlie Kltfll of the Cioss," Sei
mon followed b the icceptlon of new
meniheis and i onimiinloii. Hlhle scliools
al 'i o'clock al the J Vim avenue chinch,
and nt :.": at the Meiuoilul mission, on
Present! avenue Yninu? I'eople's nieet-
Iiibt at 0.::o p. m. At tltc- "UiIkIU lloui"
seivlce, the topic will be "How to He
tomo a I'lulstian." The pastor will ue
ciayon sketches to lllusti.ito tho seimon
talk, and the set vices In the aitilltoiluiu
will lie followed bv an evannellstiu nieet
lllK 111 the lowei temtile.
Clu-tn ltldo Uaptlst cliuieh Tito pas
tor, Itev. ileniy Sterlliih" I'ottei. will
pteach ul both services; UHo a in,
"The lteveliitlou of (lloiy 111 llie Fate) of
Hlllsl ; -,:.Si p. m. "WeddiiiK Hells tho
fifth In the seile. lo llie yoiuiR Tho
land's supper and the icceptlon ol meni
heis ul the ol tho nioinlni; sirvlce.
Hlblo school at 11.4". a. m,
Jackson Sleet H.iptist chuicb Itev.
Thomas tie fiiueliy, D. D. pastor. Morn
ing llieu' pi. i) oi nicellllK' at OS'), leader,
mother (leotKu Mldillck: seimon at 10.M
n. m., by Itev. f O. Miiltby. D U . of
I'lilladelpbi.ii Sunday school at 2 p, in.,
John Llo.vtl, Kiipeilnleiiilent: evenlinr sei
vlcii at Y Bharp; praise and souk set vice
Hv leciuest, sntno of the teatuiea of our
Hally Day conceit will bo icpeuted, sees
pi Oh'i'ainmo. Seimon b Itev. t. O. Jlnll
by, i D. The public Is coitllully Invited
lo ntteiul, Seals aie all free. A special
lolleetlau will be tuken to defnij ex
penses. Memoilal Uaptlst cliuu li, I'huitii avo
line I'.iBtor Hnv. W, I" Uavles. Seivleo
Sunday at 10 a. m and I, p, m. Tlio pis
tor will pieach lu "Welsh in tho inonilug
ami Liigllsb In tho evening. Hulijoi-t lu
tho mmuluir. "The IJveilasthift" Woid." lu
the evening. "A Day of Hest " Hllilo
school at '.' p. in. Monday evening, nils
slonaty ineetliig. when tho pastor will do.
liver a special .utdiess on ".Missions lu
Big Opening Sale of
The Twentieth Century Butter.
Rich, Pure and Sweet.
Biat&erine at Butterine Prices. I
Purify Butferine
(J a pound.
s for 50c.
Continued on Page 11
Dr, Stearns' Exposition
of the .Sunday school lessons, Cinis
tlap Kndeuvor topics and lllble icad
Ings, legulaily lu "The LvaiiBOl," edi
ted for past ten yeais by Mis. IL L.
Peabody. Send 1.00 for annual sub
scription to "The Kvangol," Hciunton,
Pork Sausage
3 pounds for 25c
I'etei Hiogan, or Plilludelphla, Is ls
lllni; lil.s mother on lllll stieet.
Miss Mui'h'utet Katun was a taller lu
Peckvllle yesteiday.
Pattlsou can't get uuu fiom the fact
that he never (efoiins after election.
Mis. James Nicholson, of Jerinyii,
spent e.sterday with her tl.iui;htci,
.Mrs. A, Ciarkson, of Main stieet.
Tiled anil tme In count Ms, sate a(
IJuiTlhhuiK .loseph Oliver, elect lilm.
.Miss Sadie Itarieti called on fiionds"
In Peckvllle yesteidny.
Hebuke Lynett'.s red llaj; rajc by vot
ing your HeiHibllcanlsin stialKht,
-Mis. Jacob Lluderman spent ester
day lu Jeimyu.
Mis. t. A. Samson and dauslitcr,
Louise, of Scrunton, aie visiting i da
tives in town.
v ;