7 1 . "'W"'5"''':Js'S5rf' V .-r-- t THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE O F THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREA TEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES SGRAKTOX, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, .1902. TWELVE RAGES TWO CENTS. t.xvV '!?' lif 4 FIRST FINDING 01 Whatever Decision Is Made Altect- ino Waocs Will Retroactiuelu Take Eited Nov. I. COINCIDES WITH THE MINERS' CONTENTION Another Preliminary rinding Is Likely to Be Made Regarding the Questions Which Were at Issue During the Strike With These Out of the Way There Will Be No Par ticular Occasion for Haste in Framing the General Report Inde pendent Operators Notified That They Are Welcome to Present Their Case Commissioners Visit the Manville and Take a Trolley Ride Through the Mining Suburbs. The mine strike commission yester day gave out a statement making pub ic a decision that any change made n wages shall take effect ns of today, N'ov. 1. The statement reads as fol lows: "Voted, unanimously, that If the com mission, at the conclusion of its hear ings and deliberations, makes any award affecting existing rates of wages, such awards shall take effect from Nov. 1, 1002." The recorder of the commission states that this resolution was adopted by the commission because it felt that it was important to make its investi gations deliberately, and that it might jo wrl). in order to relievo Itself from vressui'e from any source which might a use undue haste, to inform the oper- tors and the miners that should the investigation and the deliberations fol lowing it warrant any change what ever, either in the way of increase or redaction of wages, such change should be from a certain date, thus enabling ill parties to facilitate their calcula tions. Will Facilitate Calculations. ThlsTs the first decision made by the commission and an important, one. As stated by Recorder Wright, it will facilitate calculations, in that it gives notice to both parties to keep records of earnings, but In addition to (bis, it will have tho effect of tending to relieve any restlessness that might result from the sessions of the com mission being unexpectedly protracted. The decision. In a way, Is a victory for the minors. In the arbitration proposition made to President Roose velt by President Mitchell, of the mine workers, it was stipulated that tho finding as to wages should retroactive ly take effect the day the miners re turned to work. The operators' propo sition, under which In a slightly modi fied form the commission was appoint ed, contained the provision that tho day on which the finding as to wages should go into effect should bo left to, the commission. It Is not exactly what the miners contended for, but substantially com plies with their contention. If they get a raise in wages, they will enjoy the benefit of the raise for cvci-y day after work was resumed, excepting nine, the number of days intervening between resumption of work and Nov. 1. District President Niehnlls said the decision was eminently satisfactory to the minors. Superintendent Reese A. Phillips, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western mining department, when asked If the finding was satisfactory to the companies replied "Unquestion ably so." Commissioner Wright stated to a Tribune reporter yesterday that the commission Is considering the exped iency of making a preliminary finding regarding tho ciuostlons at Issue during the strike and having this feature of their task out of the way, proceeding -more leisurely with the work of for mulating their report on mining con ditions and whatever recommendations they may havo to offer for the pre vention of future strikes. Base of Grievances. The three matters which the cum mission contemplates rendering the earliest report on are, increase of wages, shortening of hours and weigh ing of coal. These formed the base of tho grievances emanating from the Bhamokin convention, and the demands made by tho miners and refused by the operators. With decisions rendered In these matters there would be no par ticular necessity of the commissioners limiting any great sacrifices in tho In teres t of haste, While It Is not definitely decided that this Idea will bo adopted, it Is almost n certainty that it will be, The com mlssloners view It with favor und can be looked to for an announcement any ay that the idea will bo carried out, 'ine pian Is almost suggested bv tho instructions under which the commls- iion is working. Substantially, they Iuuei iuok 10 decide tne mutters in dls ute In the last strike these three par- uuiur manors aim then report a Jinpiete working agreement for a eriod of five years. Tho three "strike" luestlons could bo dealt with and the rihion announced; afterwards they m uo m me jmai and genera flnd- ts. There may be some objection to own, out, it there Is. it has not as buggested Itself. U the commission Is bent on rench- aecision on the "strike" nuestinnn lut delay Is evidenced by the en- iney are displaying in prosecuting vur. corning, afternoon anil fo they keep to their task, per- ueuner ineir private business, t. THECOMMHION personal comfort, nor tf. other con. slderatlon to Interfere. ,4 Ah them In their momentous public Are Working Hard. Of Itself, their nnhesltancy, not to say anxiety, In undergoing extreme hard ships that they may prepare them selves to readily und Intelligently ap preciate the testimony that will come to them when the formal hearings are under way, Is evidence of much zeal. To see gray-hnlred men like Hlshop Spaulding, Judge dray and General AVIlson, unused as they have been recently to great physical exer tion, tramping for miles over rough roads, In the dark mines, most of the time, In stooped positions, breathing the smoke and dust of the workings anil coming out wet and grimy, Is a sight to inspire a sermon on self-sacrlllce. Only a little less fatiguing and none the less distasteful is it to younger men of the commission, yet all go at their duties with zeal. And on top of it nil, they are not only making these and the other sacrifices for no remuneration other than the feeling that a duty is being accomplished, but with the possi bility always existing that their ex penses will have to be paid out of their own pockets. How long the commissioners will be engaged in their task none of them have the remotest idea. They propose to spend some few days more person ally examining the mines and talking with miners. Next week, it is expected the taking of testimony will be com menced. When the miners' statement Is ready for presentation, a. session will b.e hold to receive It. The operators have stated that they can present their counter-statement or answer in three days after the miners' statement is re ceived. With both statements In hand, the commissioners will, likely, want some little time to peruse them, and, having acquainted themselves with the claims and counter-claims, will be ready to call witnesses. To Hear Small Operators. What may have the effect of some what prolonging and possibly compli cating the hearings was a decision ar rived at by the commissioners in a con ference conducted yesterday morning before starting out on their day's trav els. This was that all independent com panies and individual operators should be notified that they will bo given the siinm privileges as the big' companies in the bearings. If any one of them or all of them jointly wish to be heard, by written statement, witnesses or counsel, they will have- that privilege. Letters were sent to sixty-seven of these operators yesterday morning, ap prising them of the commission's ac tion. There was no bar at any time to any operator being heard, it is slated, but the commission thought it best to have the Independent operators under stand they were free to come before the commission. Yesterday morning the commissioners spent two hours and a half under ground, and In the afternoon made an excursion by trolley In and about Heranton, viewing various of the min ing suburbs. Today they will go to AVilkes-Harre, at S o'clock, over the Delaware and Hudson road, and spend the day viewing the conditions there. It Is likely they will go into either the Woodward mine of the Delaware. Lack awanna and Western company, in Kingston, or the Prospect mine of the Lehigh Valley company, in North AVIlkes-Barre. It is possible, too, they will visit Ashley or Sugar Notch. Nothing detlnite was decided upon further than that the day would be spent In the Wilkes-Rarro region. Spend Sunday Here. Tonight tho commissioners will re turn to Scranton to spend Sunday. To morrow morning they will go to the cathedral to hear Bishop Spaulding, who has accepted Bishop Hoban's In vitation to preach at the 10.30 o'clock mass. It is probable that tho commis sion will leave Sunday night or Monday morning for Ilazleton, to spend sev eral days there and in the Schuylkill region. The Manville mine in Ureen Ridge, operated on alternate months by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western and Delaware and Hudson companies, was tho one visited yesterday. The party consisted of thirteen per sons, and Included six commissioners, tho two assistant recorders, Mosely and Nelll; General Superintendent C. C. Rose, of the Delaware and Hudson company; General Superintendent Reese a. runups, or tho Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western; District Presi dent T, D, N'icholls, of the Miners' union; P. V, Tolnn, president of tho Manville local and an employe in the Manville, and one newspaper corres pond' nt, who represented the other news gatherers. Foreman William Watklna and Fire Boss Peter Compteas went along as guides, The party which visited tho Forest City mines Thursday wus too large and for this reason the number of persons permitted in the mine at one time was cut down. Recorder Wright did not accompany the party owing to a pressure of work In connection with the Investigation. Asked Many Questions. They Inspected practically the entire underground workings, und us on ThurVduy, found much to Interest them, They asked numerous questions of all men they encountered iu the gang ways or chambers, and did not seem to mind the discomfiture of the trip. The Manville Is said to be one of tho worst mines In this region for the miners to work. Tho veins of coal are not more than three feet thick on the average and the miner has a more dlillcult time In getting the coal out than where the seam Is thicker, The commissioners walked several miles through the gang ways, and owing to the exceedingly low roof they had to do their tramp ing almost continually In a stooping position. After tho arbitrators had been In the workings an hour Judge Gruy who Is over six feet In helghth decided that his back ached enough mid he came lo the surface accom panied by Bishop Spaulding and Super intendent Rose. Altogether the commissioners Inspect ed three chambers Where minors were at work at tho face of the breast blast ing coal. The fjrst bn'ast visited was 2,000 from the foot of the shaft. There the Investigators found a miner hud his helper at work, General Wilson and Messrs. Clark and Parker crawled Into the three foot horizontal opening between the rock out of which the coal was being' taken. The commissioners presented a novel picture as they sat around with llamlug lamps In their hands listening to the grimy digger giving his testimony. Interviewed Miner. The miner was asked how much he made a day, how many cars of coal he was able to get out, how many hours he worked, what he paid his helper, how much he made per month before the strike, and numerous other ques tions. General Wilson was the chief Inquisitor and was ably assisted by his colleagues. The representatives of the operators and also the two repre senting the miners Interjected ques tions to bring out points favorable to their respective sides. The miners' re presentatives and tho company olllclals often differed in some of their own statements made for the benefit of the commissioners. The visitors were then taken four thousand feet in another direction to where a miner was working In an accumulation of water. This miner was questioned principally regarding the water. He told of bow he takes It out every morning before doing any min ing, and also told the commissioners what compensation he received for do ing it. He called attention to the loose rock overhead which made bad roofing it often falling and compelling him to spend considerable time in improving conditions about the breast. In reply to a question as to how much he got for removing the rock be said: "We take it out for the good of our souls." After the commissioners, superin tendents and the miners' representa tives had asked him Innumerable ques tions, the party journeyed up a plane or tunnel to the second vein, which measures from two feet four inches to two feet ten inches In thickness. At the end of one of the chambers of this seam of coal, the commissioners were shown by Mr. Tolan how tho miners drill a hole in the narrow space. The visitors then returned to the surface. Matter of Topping. On the way lo the first breast, im mediately after being lowered to tho bottom of tho shaft, which is about 3115 feel from the surface, Superintendent Ruse called tho commissioners' atten tion to a train of mine cars filled with coal. The rules of the company require that there must be six inches of top ping on each car. Tho cars exhibited were filled only to the top edge of the sides. In commenting on this to tho commissioners, Mr. Rose said it was a "sample of how tho company Is im posed upon by some of the men." Before coming out tho party was photographed in a chamber by a rep lescntative of one of the New York Illustrated weeklies. It was nearly 1 o'clock when the party returned to tho hotel, but at 2.30 all were out again aboard a special car for a trolley excursion to the mining sub urbs. The purpose of the excursion was to see the general character of the homes In a mining community. Tho car was run first through West Scran ton to Taylor, then back to Scranton and out tn "Sport hill," Dunmore, and then to Throop, reaching the city on the return trip at 5.30 o'clock. The party remained on the car throughout the whole journey. Mr. Nlcholls was desirous of bavins the commissioners Inspect the interior of some of the poorer class of miners' homes, but as It was considered some what indelicate to do this without first having received permission from the occupants, it was decided to put off this part of the investigation until later. Mr. Nlcholls will arrange to have the commission Invited to visit some of the homes later. The operators will likely arrange to have the commission visit some of the better class of homes. Local members of the party sat with the commissioners, pointing out to them the interesting views that pre sentcd themselves en route, and answer ing the questions which tho scenes prompted, In tho evening the commissioners had their usual conference, and at an eariv hour went lo bed, thoroughly tired after a long and arduous day. CRESCEUS LOWERS TWO-NILE RECORD The Great Son of Robert McGregor Makes Good His Claim to Championship Honors, By Kxchiilve Wlie from The .Undated lies. Memphis, Term., Oct. 31, Creseeus, the great son of Robert McGregor, mudo good his claim to championship honors this afternoon at the Driving park iu a remarkable exhibition of speed and stamina, The horse was sent against the world's two. mile trotting record of 4.2SM, held by Onward Silver, and completed the circuit twice with out a break in -1.17 fiat, clipping IHi seconds off the former record. Both tho horse and Mr, Ketcham, who drove him, received an ovation from the large crowd present. Time by quarters; S3, LOG',, 1.39, 2.10, 2.11, 3.13, 3.15, 4.17, Another brilliant performance was that of Prince Alert, who went against the pacing record for gedlngs or 2.00?;, made by himself. Driven by Demarest, the horse moved away like clockwork-, reaching the quarter In 29. the half In B9, tho thrue.-nuarters In 1.2951, and beating the former record by three quarters or n second, the time for the mile being 2.00 flat. Governor's Appointments. 0 Exclusive Wire from The Associated frui, Hariisbnrg, Oct. 31. Governor Stone, to. day apoplnted Spencer K. Ollbert. of llurrlsburg. trustee of the statu Insane hospital located hero 0DELL TO RUN 37,600 AHEAD The Republican Managers Give Out This Statement Alter a Thorough Canvass. GOVERNOR THINKS HE WELL GET MORE Places His Plurality nt 40,000 at least in the State Confident An nouncement Made by Chairman Dunn Democratic Claims Declared to Be Greatly Exaggerated Hig glns Brings Cheering News from Up the State. Xew York, Oct. 30. New York slate Is being claimed today by a plurality of more than 37,000 by the Republican leaders. After a consultation with Governor 'Odell, Col. Dunn, the state chairman, issued a statement making tills forecast with no uncertain tone. The talk of the Republican workers from the governor and Senator Piatt down, Is today bouyant and assured to an extreme. They firmly believe that If the voters do their dutj. Odell will be re-elected Vy a conclusive ma jority. The following is Col. Dunn's state ment: I am entirely conlldent as to the out come of this state. The Republican or ganization throughout tho Interior was never in better working order than it is today. Reports, which havo come to us, Indicate that Governor Odcll's plurality in tho state will bo 37,0O. even if tho claims made at tho Democratic headquat tors of Now York and Kings counties had any substantial basis. Wc havo tho best of reasons to believe that these claims are greatly exaggerated. Iu that c.vcnt Gov ernor Odcll's plurality will be largely in creased over tho figures given above. I urge upon all Republicans and inde pendent workers in tho state tho neces sity of vigilant efforts until the closo of tho polls, that tho affairs of the stato of Now York may continue to be admin istered with the same ability, honestly and economy as during Governor Odcll's first two years. That tho claims made at the Demo cratic headquarters of Xew York and, Kings counties "will fall far short" Is regarded by. the Republican leaders as a foregone conclusion. The assurance that tho upstate organization is in its usual working trim was hailed with delight by tho Republican followers. It makes Odcll's victory a certainty, It Is universally proclaimed. About the Harlem Eiver. On good authority it can bo said that the Republican prediction is based ion at least a lead for Odell of 113,000 above the Harlem river. This would allow the boasted claims of the city Demo crats as some 77,000, a lead which the most acute local politicians are both loth to allow "Sport" and his fellow leaders. In fact the Republicans really believe they can apparoach 120,000 or more up-state and cut the Democratic lead below well down tinder 75,000. Frank W. Hlggins, the Republican nominee for lieutenant governor, called on Governor Odell today with excep tionally cheering views from up the state. His figures as well as those of the majority of the up-state leaders, make the estimate of Col. Dun above the Harlem river seem extremely low. Tho colonel is conservativeness Itself, however, and he refused to alter his earlier figures, preferring to be on the safe side. "Cattaraugus, Cayuga and, In fact, all the counties up my way are rolling up tremendous Republican majorities." said Mr. Higgins. "The whole state is aroused and the Odell sentiment is rampant from boundary to boundary. It looks like a sure thing, provided tho voters do their duty, as we have every reason to believe they will." GENERAL MILES ARKIVES AT MANILA. A Salute Is Fired in His Honor nt Fort Santiago. By Exclusive Wire from The AssocliteU Treat. Manila, Oct. ni.-Genoral Miles, who reached here yesterday on the Culled States transport Thomas from San Fran cisco, disembarked this morning. A sal ute In bis honor was fired fiom Fort San tiago. General Davis and a squadron of cav alry mot General Miles at tho landing place and escorted him to tho Malaeunun palace, where Governor Taft and tho other members of the civil commission awaited thu visitor. The garrison In Ma nila will bo reviewed by General Miles to morrow, Tho general's plan for a tour of tho archipelago has not yet been coin pletcd, j KILLED IN SEWER. Four Men Die from Effects of Gas at Niagara Falls. By Kuluthe Wire fiom The Atsuilutcd l'resi. Niagara Falls, N, Y Oct. ill.-By a slid, don rush of gas, supposed to havo been nulfuruted hydrogen, four men were killed and Unto seriously affected near tho Twenty. fourth street heading of tho big tunnel trunk sower tonight. The. dead are: Lawrence Fisher, George Rhodes, colored! Hugo gwunson and Will iam Hradlsh, Of tho Injured, Romano Kovlch is not expected to live. Steamship Arrivals, Uy Kjduslve Wire from The Associated I'reii. New York, Oct, 31. Arrived; GermaKge. Liverpool. Cleared: Luhn, Genoa and Nuples; Rotterdam, Rotterdam via Hon. logno; Finland, Antwerp: La Oascogne, Havre; Ktrurlu, Liverpool. Sailed: Rot terdam, Amsterdam; Celtic, Liverpool, Cherbourg Arrived: Columbia, Now York via Plymouth for Hamburg (and proceeded). Qucenstown Arrived: Lu canla, New York for Liverpool (and prp. cecded). Naples Arrived: Allor, Now York for Genoa and proceeded. Boulogne Sur Mer Sailed: Statendam (from Rot terdam), Now York. ONE OF THE LAST CARDS. Senator Quay Denounces Some of the Democratic "Roorbacks." ByDxcluslte Wire f rent The Axoi'lattit lr(M. Philadelphia, Oct. 31. Chairman M. S. Quay today said: , "Among other 'last cards' being played by thu Democrats In the closing boms of the campaign, Is the circula tion of u statement to the effect that, If the Republicans control the next gen eral assembly, they will repeal the law compelling miners to secure certificates of competency and skill, before being permitted to mine coal: also that the law enacted at the last session of the legislature, providing for Inspectors, will bo declared unconstitutional. "It is my opinion that no credence will be given such 'roorbacks' us these, but In order that there may bo no mis understanding, I pronounce these stories false. A repeal of the bill providing for certification of miners, or the question of the constitutionality of tho mine In spectors law, litis not and will not be raised by the Republican leaders. Such canards as these are being circulated at the eleventh hour In the hope that they will influence voters In the anthra cite coal districts. They will fall of their purpose." OPERATORS DECLINE TO ANSWER MITCHELL Illinois Association Makes Reply Through Their Commissioner, Hermann D. Justi. By Exclusive Wire from The Assocuted Pren. Chicago, Oct. 31 The "Rlaek Dia mond" tomorrow will say that the Illi nois coal operators' association, through its commissioner, Sir. Hermann D. Just!, has declined to answer certain questions propounded by President Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers of America. These questions were: 1. The views of tho Illinois operators as to the responsibility of the miners' or ganization. 2. Tho advantages of joint contracts wtlh that organization. 3. Their approval of Us methods of dis ciplining its members, 4. Their views concerning the reason ableness and conservativeness of its of ficers. Mr. Justi, in his reply to Mr. Mitchell, said that, up to this time, the anthra cite strike commission had not called for any testimony from the bituminous operators In Illinois, and the associa tion had decided that none should be given until called for by the commis sion. Mr. Justi added that, should the an thracite strike commission find it nec essary, during Its investigation, to for mulate a scries of questions, the bitu minous operators would answer them, and "will give tho composite opinion ot all the operators of the State and will speak through their association." In Mr. .Tusti's opinion, it would bo discourteous to the president, and to tho commission appointed by him, to anticipate in any way any questions they might ask. JUDGE PENNYPACKER VISITS LEBANON He Is Greeted by Large and Enthu siastic Crowds An Address to the Teachers. Br Exclusive Wire from The AsocUtecl Pret Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 31. Judge Penny packer was greeted here this after noon and tonight by enthusiastic crowds of at least 5,000 adherents. The Lebanan county teachers institute, which was In session, adjourned and 899 teachers, the full quota of the county inarched to the rooms of the Lebanon County Historical society In the court house at 3 o'clock when Judge Penny packer delivered an address of a char acter In keeping with the name of the society. A reception followed at the Kagle hotel. Tonight a mass meeting was held at the opera house at which Judge Pennypacke'r, Congressman Olmstead, Supreme Court Reporter Schaeffer and Attorney General Elkln delivered speeches. Judge Pennypacker talked on the general Issues of the campaign. He expressed himself confident that the entire state Republican ticket would win out with handsome majorities. He thought there would be an unusually heavy vote polled, as he believed vot ers were more alert than ever this year. OPINIONS CLASH AT CONGRESS OF MOTHERS. Chief Factory Inspector Campbell and Others Make Speeches. By Kscliuivo Wire from The Astlated I'rwi. Pittsburg, Out. 31. Opinions clashed at tho second day's session of the Penn sylvania Congress ot Mothers. James Campbell, of HarrisUtug, chief factory Inspector for Pennsylvania, spoke on "Children in Factories." Ha contended that the age of thirteen wus enough lo allow a clillil to acquire a foundation of education. Mrs, Florence Kelly, of New 'York, replied to Mr. Campbell. She said con ditions In Pennsylvania are no better than other states, that this great In dustrial state brings up a shameful rear In the matter of employing child labor and that the stato has gone back live numbers iu comparison with other states of the Union, because ut the growing Illiteracy of her children. The Rev, 'Dr. J, Levy made an ad dress on "Progress In Economic Re. forms," The general subject of "Menaces to the Home" was discussed tonight. Rev. AY. L. Wnrdster, of Philadelphia, spoke on "Social Evils," discussing profanity. intemperance, gambling and other social evils, Pensions Granted, By Exclusive Wire (rem The Associated Pi mi, Washington, Oct. 31. Pensions granted: Henry Hockenbcrg, Wllkes-llano. jr.'; minors of Andrew R. Pagan, of Archbald, US CHAIRMAN DO NOT FAVOR ARBITRATION. French Mine Owners Prefer to Deal with Their Men Alone. By Kxcluilv Wire from The AnocUteil Pre. Paris, Oct. ;it At a meeting of the. coun cil of ministers today, Premier Combes announced that the icports received from the mine owners showed a disposition to open negotiations with tho slilkcrs. This Is taken to indicate that the companies havo advised the government that they prefer to deal directly with their men In stead of accepting general arbitration. There were two collisions between strik ers and cavnlry at Mosselx last night, Tho strikers attacked tho huadqunrtcis of the coal company there, but were repelled by cavalry. One soldier wus wounded. At Lens, Deputy liasly, head of the na tional commltteo of tho miners, had an altercation with a gendarme who was guarding a house occupied by non-strikers. Tho deputy was roughly handled and used his cane on the gendarme. Tho crowd and other gendarmes joined In the row. but nobody was hurl and no arrests were made. A clash between stilkcrs and gendarmes Is also reported from Lourches. St. Ktlenno, Fiance, Oct. III. The mali ngers of certain coal mines where- the miners are on strike havo written a let tor to the prefect of th department ot Lobe saying that they consider arbitra tion premature, as the demands of the stilkcrs have only Just hecn received. Thu managers .vay they will submit these de mands to their respecthe boards of di rectors. THE NINTH REGIMENT HAS BROKEN CAMP Soldiers Marched to Tlueir Armory at Noon Yesterday Thanked by General Gobin. Hy Kxcliiiive Wire from The Associated Press. Wilkes-Barre, Oct. 31. President Mitchell has all the data prepared which ho intends to present to the in vestigating commission when It is called for. Ho has statistics from nearly every colliery In the anthracite region, showing what wages the em ployes earn; what it costs to live, school facilities, duration of school term, etc. The Ninth regiment broke camp at noon today. The troops marched from the camping ground to their armory in this city. When they passed the Hotel Sterling, they were reviewed by General Gobin. The Hue was baited, and General Gobin publicly thanked Colonel Dougherty and the officers and men of the command for the excellent manner in which they all did their duty. Ho said every citizen in the state should be proud of the citizen soldiery, who nobly responded to the cull to pro tect the commonwealth from peril. Colonel Dougherty called for three cheers for General Gobin, and they were given with a will. SEARCHLIGHT TURNED ON. Charges Made Against Some Harris burg Mayors Being Investigated. Special to the Scranton Tribune. llurrlsburg, Oct. 31. At a meeting of tho councilmanic committee to investl sato the charges made by Mayor Mc cormick that former Mayors Patter son and Krltcliey did not pay all of the fees, etc., they collected into the city treasury, a further communication was received from Mayor McCormlck to the effect that he will show the com mittee that police officers under Frit chey had collected money from street exhibitions nnd not paid it over; that fees collected for serving subpoenas by policemen bad not been paid over, but collected by Chief of Police Kaut, and divided with two outsiders, and stat ing that If the committee so desires, Mayor McCormlck will furnish it evi dence to show that police protection was afforded gamblers, bouses of 111 fuiue, speakeasies and crooks for a money consideration. The evidence tonight was to show that Mayor Frltchey had been paid by the county, as fees in court cases and collected ns fines, etc., at his office, about $2,300 more than be had paid to the city. Witnesses were also ex amined to show that as police officers they had served subpoenas, but the chief of police collected the fees, which, further along, It will be shown that he kept and divided. President Thanks Carpenters. Uy Kxchuiie Wire from 'I he Associated I rem. Washington, Oct. 21. After bioakfahtiug at tho white house this morning. Pros), dent Roosevelt Informally received ltd of the mechanics and laborers who have been engaged upon thu repairs of the mansion. The president stood upon the front parch of thu while hous and greet ed the workmen as they passed, bavins a pleasant won! and smllo for each. Ho thanked them In a body for having fa cilitated by their work tho completion ot thu repairs lo tho mansion thoichy en abling him at once to occupy It. Would Not Work on Saturday, Hy i:iliiilve Wiro from The Av.oil.ilcd I'lfs. Washington, Oct. St. Win. L. Quack, enbusli, a clerk In the appraiser's ofllco In Now Vork has been discharged be causu ho refused to work on Saturday. Mr, Quacluubush H a .Seventh Day Ad. ventlst. For sonio time his wish not to work on Saturday has been compiled with but when tho Increase of work Iu the ap praiser's oflh'ii necessitated Ids attend, nui'u on that day he declined to woik and was accordingly dismissed. Burglar Wymau Re-captured. Vy Inclusive Wire horn The Associated Presi. Nyack, N, Y Oct. Sl.-Fiauk Wyman, a prisoner convicted of burglary, who es. caped from Rockland county jail on April 13, after murdorously assaulting tho jailer and who was recaptured In New York last week, was today sentenced to twenty, four years and six months' imprisonment In Sing Slug prison. Wyman makes the claim that he paid tho jailer 1160 to per mit his escape. The charge 1$ being in. vcstlgated by, the. authorities JONES GIVES IT UP Practlcultii Admits That the Next House ot. Representative! Will Be Republican. ROOSEVELT ISSUE SWEEPS COUNTRY The Rainbow Man Sees the Hand writing on the Wall nnd Practical ly Admits That tho Republicans Will Be Victorious on Tuesday Next Calamity Administration Recalled by Cleveland's Tnlk. Dy Kieluvlve Wire from The Assoeltled Treii. Washington, Oct. 31. Senator James K. Jones, chairman or the Democratic, national committee, In a statement made here, practically admits that the next house of representatives will be controlled by the Republicans.' The reason for it, he intimates, Is the "gen eral belief In the rectitude, sincerity and courage of President Iloosevelt which has aided the Republicans much mme than they will ever know." There could be no higher tribute than this to the great influence which the president's personal popularity exerts upon the pending campaign. What Sen ator Jones admits Is In line with all the other Information that comes to Wash ington. Chairman Babcock, chairman of the Republican congressional cam paign committep, and his associates have informed the administration that the outlook for Republican control of the next house is very bright. Mr. Babcock seems to be entirely con fident of the result. He his written to friends here that he docs not see how tho Republicans can carry toss than two hundred congressional dlst.-lcts. As a matter of fact, he believes- they will carry several more. The Democratic congressional committee doe-.1 not offer any figures to combat this ch.lin of the Republicans. In fact, the tommlttce does not seem to know exact y where It stands. Apparently from the kind of assertions put out the committee is ob livious to tlie fact that the reapportion ment law has gono into-effect irrcertaln--states. Chairman Griggs has been claiming certain districts in Pennsyl vania which went out of existence with the redisricting of that state two years ago. As if the outlook' were not already bright enough the administration Is gratified that Grover Cleveland should reappear as an advocate of the Demo cratic ticket. The speech which Iir made at Morristown, N. J last night, is believed here to be the most power ful argument for Republican success which has appeared during the cam paign on either side, it confirms what members of the administration have mistrusted from the beginning that the real issue of the Democratic campaign is a "tariff for revenue only," such as wrought disastrous results exactly ten years ago. THE PRESIDENT WILL HUNT "WILD TURKEYS. Is to Seek Birda on the Farm of Rep resentative Rixey of Virginia. By Kicluslre Win from Tktifioclited 1'rtii, AVashlngton, Oct. 81. President ItoostM velt accompanied by Secretary Root, Secretary Cortelyou and Surgeon Gen eral Rlxey, of tho navy, left hero tonight at U o'clock on a special train for a gun ning expedition near Manassas, Va. Tho open season for wild turkeys and quail begins la Virginia tomorrow, Tim party are traveling over the Southern railway as far as Manassas, where th train will he side-tracked und tomorrov tho party will shoot over tho farm of Representative Rlxey, of Virginia, a brother of Surgeon General Rlxey. Tho president and Ids traveling companions spout tonight on the cars. A stenog lapher. two secret service men and sev eral servants are with tho party. STRIKE THREATENED. Trouble Brewing Over the Discharge of Welghmen. 0 Kivliuive Who from lhe Aswcited Trew. WUUfS-Ilaire. Oct. ill. Trouble Is thicut- ened at tlio four mines operated by tho Kingston Coal company and which em ploys V.TuO men and Imi.vh. 'file company officials served notice on the two weigh men today that tltoh presence on the cobi pauy's property was no longer desirable', Tho welghmen are in I no employ of tint miners and look alter the weighing and Inspection of the cos. I In the Inteicsta' o( tho miners. A coiunillli of the United Mine Workers will w.ill on General Bi. peilutundent William tomorrow and tin. less the wclghuieii are allowed to remali a slrlko may be oulend. Corporations Chartered. Uy Kxchisive Wire from The .-ot ijted Pun. Harrlsburg, Oct. 31. -charters were Is. sued by thu statu department today to the following corporations: The Valley Hurt? Vein Slate cdmpuny, I'lirliuuilale; capital .'.,u00, ' Hermaiice Maililne. company, Wllllamspoit; capital, H'ihom. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. " ft.i Local data for October Ul, IPo.'. Highest temperature ,... rl degree Lowest temporaturo ,,,, ,,, :i."i degrees ttelutlvo humidity; S a. in. ,.. Tii per cent, S p. in '" per cent, Precipitation, '.'t hours ctulud 6 p. tn.j none. ' ' ltH l ttl L T -Al WEATHER FORECAST. L. Washington, Oct. 31.- Forecast 4- for Saturday und Sunday: Kuatern -f 4- Pennsylvania fair Saturday and 1 4- Sunday: light vnilablo winds be- 4- coming fresh south. A.t.t.ti:.t.t..t..ii I A