THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-11? IDA Y, OCTOBER 31, 1D02. .&, NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESPALE. Biicclul to tins Soi-unlou Tribune, Honesdnle. Oct. 30. The tti-wt snow furuall ot the season visited Honesdnle on AA'etlnostlny. Thirty-one ears f eonl arrived In Honpsdulc, AVednesdny noon, for the Krlc company, tho first coal train over the Honestlalo branch since the strike was. Inaugurated. Mrs. William II. Stone Is entertain ing her sister, Mrs. 1-X AV. Carter, of Greene, N. V. Manager Sllvcrstonc Is arranging to recetV-6 the election, news for both par iles... on election night, In the opera house. An orchestra will bn present. TThe 'dress circle will bo reserved for ladles. Subscriptions are being received to pay tho expenses. Captain James Hani circle opened Its rummage sale on Wednesday evening In tho storeroom next door to the Na tional bank. The annual meeting of the Neei,lo lAVork guild will be held In the town hall, LSaturdny, November 1, from 2 to ! p. in. The citizens of Honesdnle and vicin ity arc Invited to meet with the board fif trade, Friday evening, October 31, at .30, to consider a proposition from a Barge manufacturing plant, and discuss Pother matters of Interest to the com-- inunlty. Some Idea may be obtained of what the Wayne county apple crop Is, from the fact that one Shipper, Courtrlght & Son, has thus far shipped ulglity car loads, or 111,000 barrels, and has on hand 20,000 barrels, and has used at their evaporator 5,000 barrels. There have been ninny other local and foreign buy ers In the county, also, who have han dled large quantities. L. M. Atkinson, chairman of the l!e publlcnn county committee, anil George P. .Ross, of Honesdnle, have Issued a neat little booklet, In the interest of the' Republican party. The booklet con tains the photographs of the slate and county candidates and a number 'of other leading Republicans of Wayne county; also places or Interest in dif ferent parts ot the count-. A brief sketch of each candidate is given, and many points which should be consid ered by voters before the coming elec tion. The scheme to place the candi dates before the voters is u good one. Franklin A. Ham, aged 51 years, died at the home of his brother, Thomas J. Hum, on Third street, Monday, Octo ber".'?. Deceased was a printer by oc cupation, but had been In 111 health for several months. He was unmarried, and Is survived by two brothers, Will iam II. and Thomas J. Ham, botli of Honesdnle. The funeral was conducted by Rev. James I Ware, at his late home, at U.30 p. in. Wednesday. Inter ment was in Glen Dybcrry cemetery. HARFORD. Special to the Scritnton Tribune. Harford, Oct. 30. The annual library meeting will be hold Monday evening, November 10. All books should be re turned beforu November 3. . Mr. nnd Mrs. II. S. Fstabrook and laughter, Lizzie, spent Sunday with their son, II Hand, who Is in the Thir teenth regiment, stationed at Olyphant, They also visited friends in Kcranton. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Sweet, of Troy, are -visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs, George Leonard are vis iting Mrs. Leonard's mother, Mis. L. AA. Moore. The young people are wondering if the 'Harford directors heard what J. T. Stewart said in regard to Increasing teachers' wages, at the county in.stl- .- tute. ' ""''-Mrs. Benton Swectser and son, Clay ton, and Mrs. Edward McConnell anil "sun, Kenneth, spent Sunday with friends In Scranton. Mrs. Hall Is In Harford this week with ii full line of millinery goods. "A Hallowe'en party and box social will lie held in the lecture room, Octo ber 31, by (lie Young Men's Union class. ,, Jloxes will be sold at auction. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pel ton, of T'nioii mil. visited his pare nls, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fulton. Monthly. H. M. Watson, .Miss .Minnie narrow and .Mr, and Mrs. Walter nrainard and family attended the sliver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dai-row, in Oak ley, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Whiting, of 'l.enox, visited their diuiBlitor, Mrs, Lewis Conrad, Thursday. Miss Golds Wcscott spent last week with East New Mllfoiil friends. Mr. Cameron Is working In Lenox, vlllo creamery, owing to the illness of the manager at that creamery, BROOKLYN. Special In the Soinnton Tribune. Ilroiiklyn. Oet. 20. Miss Chrlsllnl Frank has been spending some u un lit J, II. .Stanton's homo, Mr. and .Mrs. S. R. KlUrldge and daughter, Edna, returned Saturday -from a visit with relatives In Scran ton. A, dance will be held at the Rami hall 1-rlday evening. Messrs, Sage and Stephens are issuing the Invitations. H. W. Roper Is driving the Linda vlllo stage this week, Mr, Mack being away .on ins wcuuiiig trip, Ho married Miss Allqo Lines, rormeiiy of this place now of Rlnghamton, .Mrs. W, L, Kent Is on the sick list. vrMrs. F. p. Miller and daughter, Florence, who were quite sick aro lm proving, ' Miss Rcitlia Richards is visiting her father. Mrs. Elizabeth Richards, died Tues- fltiy, Oct. 21, after suffering for months with a cancer on her forehead. She , was the widow of Lemuel Richards and wan nearly ninety years of age, Slio Is SUrvlVCll by two sons. TIenrv ,.,l Charles and u daughter, Mrs. Emellno Snx; a sou and a daughter having d rd within tho year, The funeral ser vices were held ut her late residence Old Stories Retold, People never tiro of hearing the oft t-peated story of ihe success of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. From nil over tho country and oven In far away I f India, China and the South Sea Islands come leuers iroin urugglsts and deal ers, stating the rare pleasure thev ie. .Jive from handling a preparation which sives universal satisfaction. They ill tell the same story of the undoubted lent or mis remedy, and of Its em icy in the relief of coughs, colds and oitp, and personally recommend it to eir customers. Tho remedy la sold on positive guarantee and has never lied to do all that Is clulmed for It. pr saie oy an druggists. Friday afternoon, Hcv. Smith oftlcliit lug. The large attendance testified to tlie esteem In which she was hold, Mrs. a. II. Terry entertained at ten, Mondny, Misses Jennie Tiffany, Mabel Tiffany, Gertrude Waldle and Fanny Tiffany, In honor of the Inlter's birth day. Miss Cnlllc Kelluni, of Towanda, Is the guest of Mrs. Josephine Sterling. Archie Savage, of Hlnghamton, visit ed friends here this week. W, A. Stephens and sons, spent one da'y lust week In Scranton, Mix and Mrs. Charles Kly, Mr. and Mrs. W. It. lily and daughter, visited friends In South Montrose, Saturday. Miss tiernlco Doran visited her uncle In Montrose last week, returning Sun day. PITTSTON. Special to the Scrnnloii Tilbuiic. Plttston, Oct. 30. While at work as a miner In the checker vein of the Exe ter colliery of tho Lehigh Vnlley Coal company, tit West Plttston, this morn ing, Andrew Rrooks, of Sturniervlllo, n. Polnnder, was caught beneath a fall of rock and had his back broken. Ho was token lo the Plttston hospital for treatment. Ills body showed no other severe bruises or contusions and the man may live for some time. The low er portion of his body Is completely paralyzed and Insensible to pain. Rrooke is a married man with a wife and six children. A mysterious case came lo light at Wyoming this afternoon nbout 1 o'clock when the dead body of a man was found In a cistern at the ait. Lookout colliery of the Temple Iron company. I'P to this evening the body was un identified, and not one has any idea as to how it came In the place where It wus found. The body was that- of a well-dressed man, middle-aged, and with the general appearance of a for eigner. The cistern in which It was found is located near the lire room. It Is of brick and cement, built down In the ground, and Is surrounded by a picket fence four feet high. The body was In a good condition and had evi dently been in t lie water only a brief period. It Is thought that ho got into the cistern somehow during the night, and was drowned. The property about the colliery, however, Is well lighted with electric lights, and although there were watchman about, no sign of any stranger had been seen about the place. The case Is shrouded In deep mystery. Ethel Beers, aged 4 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Beers, of Montgomery street, West Plttston, was severely burned, near her home, this afternoon. She was standing near a lire In the street when a. bottle which had been thrown Into the tiro exploded nnd threw cinders on the girl. The cinders burned through her dress quickly, reaching the flesh and Indicted bad burns. A number of small cinders were blown In her face, burning sev eral small holes. HALLSTEAD. Special lo the Scranton Tribune. Hallstead, Oct. 30. This evening there will be a. stereopticon lecture given in the Y. M. C. A. hall on the "Destruc tion of Si. Pierre in the Island of Martinique," by J. Reed Powell, of Syracuse, X. Y. Mr. Powell went to the Island of Martinique during the eruption of Mt. Pelee and secured full information concerning St. Pierre be fore and after Us destruction; its peo ple, habits and customs. He also ob tained 200 stereopticon views of Mt. Pelee In action, together with views of tlie ruins with bodies in the streets. Admission 15 cents. Charles Matzle Is moving into the liouso on Charles avenue, recently va cated by Barney Chldester. Melvin Miller Is moving Into the house at the coiner of Chase avenue and Du Bols street. Business at the Chair factory Is rush ing. The employes aro working over time. Hon. and Mrs. James T. Du Bols re cently entertained Hon. and Mrs. S. B. Chase, at a dinner party In honor of Captain and Mrs. James R. Taylor, of Ithaca. E. J. Churchill will have a coal ofllce on the corner of Pine and Railroad streets, Harry Van Loan and Miss Alice Van Loan, of the Catskills, are spending a few days at the homo of John Van Loan. On October 19, at Franklin, X. Y by the Rev. John Marsland, occurred the marriage of Miss Alice Brown and Henry Natgle, two well known young people ot Hallstead. Miss Emma Howell attended the funeral of James Underwood, at Blng hamton, Monday. K. M, Tiffany, of Hopbottoni and Leo J. Do Witt, of New Mllford, Democratic candidates for representatives, were shaking hands with their many friends Tuesday. Edward Humphrey has returned from Buffalo to taku his old position on tho U.. L. and W. at this place. George O'Brien and W. S, Thomas have accepted positions on the D L. and W. railroad as firemen. Mrs, lsil Smith, of Franklin Forks, and Mrs, Edith Smith, of Susquehunna, are spending a few days with their many Hallstead friends, W, K. Barnes who was transferred to Scranton, a short time ago as clerk for Trackmnster Dowllng, has been re turned to this plnco and will act as a clerk In tho Lackawanna shops. This position was formerly occupied by John W. Crook, who Is now in Hobokcn. Frank Lamb, a former Hallstead boy, is acting as secretary of the Albany Railroad V. M. C, A. Wlllam Hnhn Is in Chicago where he expects to remain until spring, WELSH HILL. Special to the Scranton Tribune. AVelsh mil, Oct. 30. Prof. John Rich aids, of Great Bend, was home over Sunday. Mrs. J, S. Owens mid Miss Anna Jones, of Scranton, nnd Mrs. G. A. Sheppard, of Forest City, were guests of Mrs, AV, II. Butler, Saturday, Miss Gladys MoKeaver, or Sidney, N. Y Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. V, D. Jones. .. Reese Hughes, of Carbondale, was a visitor hero over Sunday, T. B. Reynolds, of Scranton, called on friends here Saturday, David Richards and children have re turned to their home in Scranton. Alonzo Kinney, 06 years of age, one of the oldest residents of this county, died at hla home, Thursday, October 23. Funeral services at South Gibson, Baturdny. Interment in the Mnnstcr cemetery. nemEforp. Special to the Scranton Tribune. "New Mllford, Oct. 30. Mrs. Shoemak er, the aged mother of Mrs. M. O. Bradley, passed awny on Tuesday, at the home of her daughter, nfter Jive weeks of Intense suffering. She Is sur vived by two children, Mrs. M. O. Hradley, of this place, and Grow, of Rush. The funeral services will bo conducted from the house by Rev. R. N. Ives, on Thursday at 2 o'clock. The "Sigma" society will meet with Miss Mildred Cook, nt the home of Mr. nnd Mrs, S. V. Trumbull, on Thurs day evening nt 7.30 o'cloott. Mr. and Mrs. John Golden mid sou, Frank, of Cohooton, N. Y., were guests at the home of Myron Reynolds, this week, returning home on Wednesday, nccoiiipanled by their nephew, Georglo Qulnn. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dennis are re joicing over the arrival ot a little daughter. Mr. and Mrs, F. D. Eatherly, who have recently visited relatives here, returned home the fore pnrt ot the week. TAYLOR. The funeral of the late Mrs. David J. Harris will be held tomorrow after noon from her late home on Atherton street. Interment wll bo made in the Forest Homo cemetery. Secure efllcloncy and economy In county business by re-electing Penman and Morris. A vote for John Scheuer Is a vote for results at Harrlsburg. Mrs. W. B. Owens and daughter, Miss Jessie, of Oak street, attended the Francis and Splker nuptials at Scranton on Wednesday. Tried and true In councils; safe at Harrlsburg Joseph Oliver; elect him. Vosburg has made a good judge and the Democrats have enough. Fleet him. The Christian lOndeavor society of the Welsh Congregation church will meet this evening. All members are requested to be present. Vote for Evans and Williams and first class mine Inspection. The choir of the Calvary Baptist church will hold their regular rehearsal this evening. In the Fourth district. Philbin and efllclency. He owns himself. Invincible Commander-, No. 2.'i2, Knights of Malta, will meet this even ing In regular session. Eddie James did well his first term. Give lil in another. If you would sustain Roosevelt, vote for Connell. Rexford Cat-dwell has returned from his visit to Youngstown, Ohio. Rebuke Lynctt's red flag rag by vot ing your Republicanism straight. Common sense upholds Republican ism. Let well enough alone. Rev. D. R. Davis, of Allegheny, visit ed old friends in town on Wednesday. Prohibition candidates for county commissioners George AA". Biesecker, Newton; Gomer D. Reese, Scranton. Give the common scolds of the Dem ocracy, the villflers and detainers, a good ducking next Tuesday. They need it. Miss Elvira Jenkins has returned to her home in West Scranton, after spending .a few days in town. Don't croak. Get In the sunshine. Join the march to victory of the party of prosperity. AA'ashlngton Camp, No. 402, P. O. S.' of A. will meet this evening In regular session. Don't overlook Jordan for senator. He's a sure winner. MOSCOW. Under the auspices of the Junior League, a Hnllow'een entertnlnment and social will be held in Odd Follows' hall this evening. A good time Is In store for those who attend. Admission, six cents. Secure efficiency and economy In county business by re-electing Penman and Morris. A vote for John Scheuer is a vote for results at Harrlsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, of Mill City, visited at the home ot the former's sister, Mrs. AVilson, the fore part of this week. Tried and true in councils; safe at Harrlsburg Joseph Oliver; elect him. Vosburg has made a good judge and the Democrats have enough. Elect him. Mr. AValker, ot Blnghamton, N. Y., Is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. F. T. Pelton. E. N. AVells, of Scrunton, was a call er In town Tuesday. A'ote for Evans and Williams and first class mine Inspection. In the Fourth district, Phllbln and efficiency. Ho owns himself. Mrs. Horace Jones Is preparing to move to Buffalo, where Mr. Jones is employed In the steel mill. Eddie James did well his first term. Give him another. N Rebuke Lynctt's red (lag rag by vot ing your Republicanism strnlght. If you would sustain Roosevelt, vote for Connell. Mrs. D. J, Roberts, daughter Mary and grandson AVllllam Davis, were vis itors In Mooslc, AA'ednesday and Thurs day. Give the common scolds of the Dem ocracy, the villflers nnd detainers, a good ducking next Tuesday. They need it. Nathaniel Eschenbach and family will move to Dunmnre next week.where Mr, Eschenbach has secured u position. Common sense upholds Republican ism. Let well enough alone. Don't overlook Jordan for senator, He's a sure winner. Don't croak. Get In the sunshine. Join the-march to victory of the party of prosperity. MOOSIC. Miss Edith Snyder is visiting Iter couslon, Miss Irma Snyder, of Hlakcly, A voto for John Scheuer Is a -ote for results at Harrlsburg. A reception will be tendered Rev. and Mrs. AA'altcr Edwards at the Metho dist parsonage this evening by tho congregation and friends. All are cor dially Invited. Secure efllclency and economy in county business by re-electing Penman and Morris, Mrs, Rett Smith and children have returned to their homo in New York city after spending a month in town, Tried and true in councils; safe at Harrlsburg-yJoseph Oliver; elect him. Vosburg has made a good Judge and the Democrats have enough. Elect him. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Edwards were callers in Wllkes-Barre Tuesday. Vote for Evans and AVIIIIams and llrst class mine inspection. Mrs. AV. 8. Hutchlngs and daughters I Is like Playing with a loaded Gun. If you have Kid ney. Trouble attend to it at once. It Is easy to tell whether your Kidneys or bladder are diseased , Take a bottle or glass tumbler and fill it with urine. If there Is a sediment a powder-like sub stance afterstandlng a day nnd night, If It is pale or discolored, ropy or stringy, there Is something wrong with the Kid neys, Other sure signs of disease are a desire to urinate often, pain in the back, or if your urina stains linen. There is no question that Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Is the best nd surest medicine In tho world for dis eases of tho Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Chronic Constipation, and tub sicknesses peculiar to women. It quickly relloves and cures inability to hold urine and the necessity of getting up a number of tlmos during the night, and puts an end to tho'scalding pain when passing urine. The Rev. Henry P. Miller, pastor Bap tist Church, Spartanburg, S. C writes: "For years I suffered with Kidney, liver and heart troubles, swimming in the head, dull headache and numb ness of the limbs. Physicians pre scribed for mo and I took different medicines, but none of them did me any good. But Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy cured m in about two weeks." It is for sale by all druggists In tho Maw SO Oertt Slxo and the regular $1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose. Sample bottle enough for trial, free by mart. Dr. Dyld Kennedy Corporation, Hondout, N. Y. Dr. David Ktnimty'j Worm lynip, most effective madiclnc of tho kind known. lo. Druggists. attended the production of "The Em erald Isle" at tho Lyceum on Tuesduy evening. In the Fourth district, Phllbln and efllclency. He owns himself. Eddie James did well his llrst term. Give hlin another. If you would sustain Roosevelt, vote for Connell. Mrs. George Tregellns entertained tho following ladles at dinner AA'ednesday: Mrs. James Balbralth, Mrs. L. D. AVar ner, Mrs. M. H. Edsell, Mrs. S. J. Hinds and Mrs. Jumes Brown, ni Rebuke Lynett's red flag rag by vot ing your Republicanism straight. Common sense upholds Republican ism. Let well enough alone. The business meeting of tlie Inter mediate society of the Presbyterian church will bo held this evening In the church. Give the common scolds ot the Dem ocracy, the villflers and detainers, a good ducking next Tuesday. They need It. The young sou of Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Young Is III with pneumonia. Don't croak. Get In the sunshine. Join the inarch to victory of the party of prosperity. Dont overlook Jordan for senator. He's a sure winner. HOPBOTTOM. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hopbottoni, Oct. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bcardsley are spending the week in Oswego. Sheriff Maxey was a caller In town yesterday. A Hallow'een social will be given by the Y. P. C. U., Friday evening, In the rooms over the furniture store. Supper and hallow'een games will be features of the evening. All tire cordially In vited to attend. THEATRICAL King Dramatic Company. A'csterday afternoon ut tho Academy of Music th3 King Dramatic company re peated "Illuo Jeans" and last night "A Guilty Mother." Uoth to largo audiences, For the balance of tho week thoy will present threo excellent plays. This af ternoon "Siberia," tonight and Saturday matinee, "Shenandoah," u famous war drama, Saturday night a thrilling play, "Slaves ot the Orient." Clark's New Boyala, "Clark's New Royals," tho burlesque company billed for tho Star theater yes terday were unable lo reach tho theater In tlmo for tho matlneo owing to a rail road wreck along their route. Thoy gavo a pleasing performance last night, how ever, to a largo audience, Tho Clark com pany Is supplied with n largo chorus which appears to good advanlngo In the opening farce entitled "Only a Klne." Lizzie A'an, Alina Ilurnham, tho Crawford sisters and other well known biirlcsiiuu stnrs aro included In tlie company, In tho olio tho threo La A'alls give a J startling acrobatlo act and Hartell and Reynolds, Borgess, Smith nnd Uurgess, tho trolley car trio, Rosalie and others give entertaining acts. Tim Clark Royals will bo at tho Star the balance, of tho week, Louis Mann TomorroAV. Chaileiuiiguo Hoch Is tho high sound ing name which the author gives Louis Mann In tho now comedy, "Hoch, tho Consul,'' tho piece In which ho is appear ing this season with considerable suc cess, in tho tltlo role, Mr. Mann por trays tho part ot on erratic individual who contrived to have himself received as American consul nt tho court of Car hithlji, an Imaglnaiy principality in Eu rope. Ho has socialist Ideas, incites tho people to violence against the reigning prince. Introduces tho rag-timo melody, "Thero Is a Hot Tlmo In tho Old Town Tonight" as tho American national an them, runs tlihiBS his own way for a short time, nnd Is finally foiled In his intrigues by an American girl. Tomorrow afternoon nt a matinee and tomorrow night Mr. Mann will present tills play nt tho Lyceum, Ho has u very largo production, unusually so for a com edy. Wm, Favorsham Next Week, Charles Frohman bus decided to hnvo AVllllam Faversham commence this sea son's starring tour, In his now play, "Im prudence," nt tho Lyceum next week. Tho play Is by Henry A'. Esmond, author ot "When AA'o AN'ero Twcnty-ono," Tlio prln cljial characters aro said to bo unusually strong, The leading female roles well be as sinned by Fay Davis and Hilda Spoug. All Next Week. Tho Huntley-Moore Stock company will open a week's engagement at tho Acad emy on Monday night with an elaborate scenic production of "Tlio Now Domin ion." Tho company is well and favorably known by their splendid production last season. They 'Will give eleven perform ances during their stay in Scranton, changing tho bill nt each performance, with an extra vaudeville attraction be tween tho acts. At the dUforcnt performances somo of tlio largest Kcenlo productions will bo pro seated. Including "Lost Pnradl&o," "Tho New Domonlon," "Davy Ciockctt," "Roa- THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Only Half a Cnt a Word. For Kent. FOR RENT Half tumor floor. lUl Pits eott avenun; stenm heal. Apply Scranton Ynrn Finishing Co., 23 Prcscott avenue. FOR RRNT-Ti5.73, liouso 527 Ollvo street. M. II, Holguio, Commonwealth bldg. FOR RENT-Onc-hnlf ot double house! all modern Improvements. Apply H. D. Lnthatn, '.'227 Mntitovnrd avenue. $18 For Rent Ton-room house; excellent neighborhood; all modern Improve, meats, on hvenue. Apply to It, P. Ham ilton, 426 Spruco Btrcot. For Sale. FOR SALE A young black pacing horse, rubber tired top wagon, hiirness, blankets, etc., will bo sold cheap for want or use. Apply to AV. V. Sweet, 1214 Short avenue. FOR SAL10 At Scranton Woodworking Co,, Limited, nit! Pcun avenue, sasli and windows, blinds, moldings, cherry lumber, ash plunk, glass and the build ings. Clearing sale. D. K. Oakley, Treas urer. 1" OR SALE Elegant diamond ring con taining 3!4 carats of finest diamonds set In plnttnum, S2I0, oost In Europe over !00. Largo Hungarian opnl ring surround ed with forty-two line diamonds, sot In platinum, $12.1. Three diamond nnd two rubles set in ring, $10. Gent's ring, carat. JU5. Tiffany, one carat, $S0. Tl fe nny. lA carat, J90. Tiffany, 1V& carat, $120. Gent's Htud, Hi carat, $1)0. Gent's horso shoo scarf pin, li carats, blue white gems set In platinum. $150. Ladles' brooch, rarat, $4.",. Ladles' car drops, J!6 carats, US. Ear drops, ono carat, $70. Ear screws, carat, $15. Your money back (without argument) It not satisfied. AA'al ter AA'. AVInton, No. 005 Mcars bldg. 1-OR SALE One hot air furnace, throo mantels, gns chandeliers. Charles D. Sanderson, 136 AVyomlng avenue, Scrun ton, Pa. FOR SALE About 20 foot of desk coun ter, surmounted Willi gluss front and two openings, lower portion nicely pan elled, with drawers and shelves under neath. May be seen at the ofllce ot Tho Tribune. For Sale or Rent. FOR SALE OR RENT-The 3-story brick uiiuuing, witu Doner House nttaclicil, and long row of sheds for horses, wag ons, 'tc; also railroad switch suitable for manufacturing purposes; lately occupied by the Cloclt Tobacco Co. B. M. AVInton, Room No. 503, Mears Building. Eeal Estate. FARM FOR SALE Near Elk Hill, ISO acres, lino fruit, excellent spring, one milo from postofflro; telephone connee- tlon. Address Ira II. Reader, Tresco. Pa. Booms for Bent. THREK ROOMS for rent, suitable for two; inquire 3.13 North Lincoln uvenuo. Furnished Booms for Bent. wwwvwwvwwvw l-'OR RENT A furnished room on second floor front, $1.30 week. 633 Adams avo. FOR RENT Front furnished room, C22 AA'usliington avenue. Furnished Booms Wanted. AA'ANTED Three furnished rooms, cen trally located, about within four blocks from court house. Address Furnished, Tilbune ofllce. Booms and Board. PLEASANT rooms with board for four or llvo young men. Imiulrc 3.12 AA'ash iugton avenue. Board Wanted. ilOARu" xVAND-lncenti-al city by two young men; state terms; steam heat. Address F., Tribune ofllce. Business Opportunity. FOR SALE Complete Manufacturing plant, for making enameled steel bed steads and springs; no chills used and no foundry required. Address Mfg Plant, caro of Tribune. FOR SALE Hotel business In a hustling Pennsylvania town; tlrst class In ovory respect; cheap. Reason for selling, 111 henlth. Address box S31, Hallstead, Pa. STOCK AND AVHEAT TRADERS with out delay. AVrlto for our special mar kct letter. Free on application. S. M. Hlbbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange, 44 and 46 Broadway, Now York. Established 1864. Long Dlstanco 'Phono !SS Broad. Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY. Dunmoro. launders shirts at Sc. each and collars nnd cuffs at lje. each. Family washing, I cents per pound. LEGAL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GA'EN that the partnership between Morgan Davis, Jr., Geotgo AV, Tappan and Edwin Q. Jones, who were conducting their part nership business under tho uamo of tho Coalmont Coal and Coko company, was dissolved on tho twenty-second day of October, A. D. 1902, so far lis relates to the said Morgan Davis, Jr. A now part nership has been formed between Georso AA'. Tappan and Edwin C. Jones and thoy will conduct the business ot the Coal mont Coal and Coko company under tho same title until further notice. E. G. JONES. GEOIK1E AV. TAPPAN. noke." The past three seasons' reputa tion ot this company is a positive guar antee of their present worth, Thoy will, no doubt, do tholr usual big week's busi ness, Tho Iiockhart Elephants. The world famous Lockliart's trained elephants will bo seen nt tho Dlxlo next week. This is tho biggest card and tho most expensive act on tho vnudevlllo stugo today, Theso animals perform feats which aro tho wonder and admiration to all bcholdeis, It Is marvelous how such enormous beasts can bo trained tu do such different tricks with such perfect caso. They walk across the stuso on tho necks of bottles, lido a bicycle, play ten plus, play tint band and do many other almost liupossibla feats, Tho four Lockhart elephants lovo their master and go through their act with scarcely a word of command. Tom Tom tho baby is always a favorlto with la dles and children. This act does not play excepting In tho largest cities and tho IlncJt bouses and Scranton Is fortuuuto lo havo nu opportunity of witnessing It, Mr. Dlxlo has gone to much troublo and expepso to secure this attraction for tlio edification of his patrons. Etiquette Was a Lost Quality. At tho tlmo of tho coronation ceremon ies in London, tho streets were congested from early dawn to Into ut night. An en tliuslasllo throng of people had possession of the streets. They elbowed, pushed and Jostled, but could only inovo in tlio direc tion of tho current; tho Jam presented a scene never to bo forgotten, and was a veritable sta of packed humanity as tai ns tho eye could see in any direction, Tho police wero simply lost before such a mighty power nnd wero themselves, caught and Imprisoned In tho crush. This Is ono of the forty great scenes that will bo shown by tho Lyman II. Howe Moving Picture company In tho High School aud lloilum on Thursduy, Nov. ti. No Order Accepted Tor Less TImii 10 Cents. Branch WANT Want Advertisements Will Bo Bccolved at Any of tlio Follow ing: Drug; Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCHULTZ. corner Mill- berry street nnd AA'ebster avc. OUSTAV P1CIIEL, GM Adams avenue. West Side GEO. AV. JENKINS, 101 South Main uvrmio. South Scranton FRED L. T13RPPB, avenue. 2D Cellar North Scranton GEO. AV. Main street. DAA'IS, corner North avenue and Market Green Bldg-e CHARLES P. JONES. 1",7 Dick son avenue. F. J. JOHNS, H20 Green Rtdso street. C. LORENZ. corner AA'nshlngton nventio and Marlon street. Petersburg AA'. H. KNEPFI3L, avenue. 1017 Irving Dunmore J. G. BONK & SON. Help Wanted. wjiNiiij-AKenls to sell tea nnd cof . . . J consumers. Positions perma nent. Grand Union Tea Co.. 311 Lacka wanna avenue. ...... : - w-.., Help Wanted Male. nnninii-fli once. nriBiit young man stenographer, not over L'j years of agt-. Address Box :'S4, Scranton. P.i. AVANTKD Several KOod sizo bovs. at once. Jonas Long's Sons. Apply AA ANTED Reliable salesman tu solicit orders In Scranton and vlcinitv for steel and copper plate engravi-d business cards nnd stationery. Can work as a side lino If desired. Excellent opportunity for lithographic or office stutionerv so liS' ,;.. ,stato references and experience. lh? ihi.t0'K vans-Pen fold Co., Engravers and Stationers, Buffalo, N. Y. AA'ANTED An experienced Clothing salesman ctly. Ai1.1iv.uu !- 'i',.n.,...,. i-,i,r AVANTKD A man to do Plain cooklmr nc '"V1 "em tend bar at Chappell's hotel, 1S2i N. Main avenue. AA'ANTED Forty men at Tobyhnnna, Pa.. tO Wnrlt ln TTvm'Unrr ,,. .-.ll road switch and clearing a pieco of wood land. Call nt B Mcars building, Toby- nanna urcelc Ico Co., C. C. Ferber, treas- i nor. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic General Agent for this county. No books. Insurance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with merchants and manu facturers necessary. Permanent. Rond. State ago, experlonce. references first let ter. Address. Suite C72, No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. A AA'OMAN would like to go out working by tho day; can do any kind of work, such as cooking, Ironing, washing, etc. Address Mary Donnelly, Scranton, P. O. AA'ANTED a position to learn dry goods or clothing business, by young man, 21 years old; good reference. Address US A Drinker street, Dunmore. SITUATION WANTED by a young gen tleman as an orderly at an hospital; has four months' experience; tap glvu reference. Address .1. J. IC. general do livery window, Scranton postofllcc. YOUNG lady wants position as stenog rapher and typewriter, fins had ex perionce. At liberty after November 1, Address Miss II., Tribune. Wanted. AA'ANTED-Smnll furnished bouse. Ad dress Box 300, city. Money to 'Lean. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO I.OAN Qulclc. stiaight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to U per cent. Call on N, V. Walker, 314-313 Connell building. Lost. LOST A watch fob with sold locket attached. Finder will be rewarded by returning to 140 AVyomlng avenue. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDAA'ARD C, SPAULDING. C. P. a"T 2! Traders' Rank Building Old 'phono 1MJI. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B. Real Estate Exchango Bldg.. 12U Wash ington avenuo. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, 813 CONNELL BLDU. STEVENSON noil building, & KNIQUT, 720 CON- Dentists. DR. C, E. E1LENH13RGRR. PAULI building, Spruco street, Scrunton. DR. C. C. LAUBACII, 113 AVA'OMING avo Tire Insurance. SCHLAGER ei CO.. 401 Council Building. Patent Attorneys. P AT E N TS iffiiOB Tho only licensed and equipped patent solicitor in thu city. No charge for In formation on patentability; over ten years' exporloncu. JP'Jrlc&Co AlcarsUlcljf. Hotels and Bestaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127FltANf lit! avenuo. Kales misoiiublu. P. BIK1ILUI., Proprietor, SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L." & Y. Passi'nger depot. Conducted on tho l-Ju. ropenii plan. A'lctor Koch. Proprietor, Scavenger, A bTbRIGGS CLEANS PlflVy VAULTS and cess pools; no odor; only Inipioved pumps used. A. B. Brlggs. proprietor. Leavo orders 1100 North Main avenuo. or Elcko's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR Gil LACKA. avo., Scranton, mfrs. ot AA'lro Screens, Miscellaneous. MEGARGEE BROS.. PRINTERS' SUP piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine. AA'archouso, 130 AV'usttingtoii avenuo. THE AVILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN bo bad 1n Scranton at tho news t-tutid ot ReUniun Bros.. 400 Spruce uud COM Linden: M. Norton. 322 Lackawanna avc; 1. S. SchuUor, 211 Spruce' street. DIRECT0J 3 .- v' ? I U Only Halt a Cent a Wort. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. DolaAvnro, tnokaAvnnna nnd Western. Ill Mf-l-riM, -Tt.t.r. t 4r, Tfn-nSouv.0,So.r?l,l" for Now A'orlc L 1u J-M. COG, 7.Co and 10.10 n. m.s 12.40, W. iE.lIii II. 111. 1m Miitir "Vtt.1 !..! tit. tin. At 10, dolpiiia-,.w, 10.10 n. in., and 12.40 and'fl.35 p. III. tor don dsboro At ii.10 n. m. For nmlllV'15' ,!'" "ml !)0" n' '! l'W! -50 ,' Mil p'. 'IV or ItlUKhnmton, Kimlm t& rVny Btatlons-10.23 n. m l.tfi p. m. Fot Oswego, Hvrncuse and, nnd n7i ifjiSV'. Mw n- m- Oswego, Syincuso mm ,w,(U Vv"" "' R-- a. m. dally, oxcopt n ."tyft 1""' Montrose-!).00 n. in.; 1.03 nn ..2 f .'!' Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and c.15 p. m. in,,,i or".H!!,B "Ivlslnn-For Northumber land, at. 03.. nnd 10.10 a. m.i 1.53 nnd fi.10 a,ndmDfc'pt'm,.5,0,,tl, "1U' '"::l") r n-nul",K T''a!nsFnr New A'orlt, L10, 3.20. n,Af i ,U). 9i '"! :'-10 n"l il-K P. in.. For ii1 'e-l-1 and 0.22 a. m.i 1.53, (i.50 and p. m. For Elmlra nnd way iitntlons .i.'.'l,n" ' or niiiRlinmton and way st.x ffojis, n.oo n. m, liinomsburg Dlvlslon i.cavo Scranton, 16.10 a. in. and G.10 p. m, j&eulgh Valley Bailrond. in Effect Juno 13, iwe. i- t ,'fi'all,s Leave Scranton I-or Philadelphia and Now Vork via T. .,.1, nv at ut 7-"- through Parlor Car m.I , Pily Lacli Carbondale to New Yoilc ' ' ' 0; I a. m,, with L. A'. Coach Carbon ki t0 P'ailclphln, and D.1S, 1.35 (Ulnelc Diamond Express), and 11.4!) p. m. Sua Ul iy"' & u- Tl- K- 1.5S, 0.17 p. in. ..i '!'"? Haven, llazloton and-prlncl-Ft il"Ua '" fie eon! regions, via D. & tIa..11',.!".7-"' "IS and 4.33 p. m. For Pnttsvllle. 7.41 a. m. ,1'or lictiiieliem. Knstoti. Rradlng. liar llsliurg nnd prlncipnl Intermedials sta n?P; n-la,,D- ii. R. it- 7.41. 9.17 n. m.: -US, -Uo (Ulnelc Diamond Express). 1UU p. "-o 'A"C(Iny. D- & U. R. It.. 0.3S a. m.: 1...S, 0.17 p. in. for Tiinklmnnock. Towanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva r.nd principal Intermedin t stations via D., L. &. AV. R. R fi.33 a. m. nnd I,,.., p. in. ''r Geneva, Rochester. Rnffnlo, Nlas-ai-a I' alls, Chicago and nil points west via D. fc H. r. r 2.rKi p. m.: li.-.'S (Black .Diamond Kxpress). 10.41. 11.4!) p. m. 'Sun-JiT,'s,',D- ,L n- " 12.W. 0.17 p. m. -.. ''dl ma n imrlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh a oy Parlor cars on all trains bctwoan AAllkcs-Rarre nnd New A'ork. 7'htlndcl Plila, llurfalo nuil Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN Tf. AA'IMWR. (Jen. Supt.. 2H Cortland street. Now A'ork. CHART. I!S S. LEU, Gen. Pass. Agt., 2'3 Cnrllnnd street. Now A'ork. A AV. NONE.ATACIIER, Dlv. Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets and Pulhnnn reservation"! npply to city ticket ofTlce, 09 Publlo Sfiiinio, AA'llltcs-Rano. Pn. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Eallroad of New Jersey. Corrected to September 10, 1!W2. Stations In Now Vork, foot Ltuerty street nnd South Ferry, N. 11. Trains icavo scranton lor now ion;. . Philado nil In. Enston. Ilethleboni. Allen town, ftiuurii uniiiiK, wniio iiaven, ash ley, AA'llkes-Barre and Plttston at 7.30 a. m 1 p. in. and I p. m. Sunday. 2.10 p. in. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7.3(i o. in., through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phila delphia with o:ily ono change of cars for Baltimore and AVashlngton, D. C, and all principal points south nnd west. For Avoca, Pittston and AA'llkes-Barre, 1 p. m. and I p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p m. For Long Brunch, Ocean Grove, etc.. 7.30 n. m. and 1 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg via Allentown at 7.30 n. m., 1 p. m. and I p. m. Sunday. 2.10 p. m. For Tnmaqua nnd Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.; 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. AA'. G. BESSLER. Gen. Managor. C. M. BURT. Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Bnilroad. Schedule In Effect Juno 1G, 1002. Tiains leavo Scranton C.3S n, m., week dnvs, through vestibule train from AA'ilkos-Barro. Pullman buffet parlor car nnd coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts villo; stops at principal Intonuodlato sta tions. Also connects for Sunbury. Tlnr risburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, AA'ash Ington and for Pittsburg nnd tho AA'est. 9.47 a. m.. wools days, for Sunbury. Hnr rlsliurg, Philadelphia, Tlalllmoro, AA'ash biKton and Pittsburg nnd tlie AA'est. 1.42 p. m.. week days. (Sundays. d.SS p. m.). for Sunbury. Ilnrrlshurg, Philadel phia, Baltimore, AA'ashlngton nnd Pitts burg nnd the AA'est. 3."S p. m., week days, through vpsllbiiln train from AA'tlkcs-Barro. Pullman buffet parlor car and conches to Philadelphia via Pottsvllle. Stops at principal Intcrmedi nto stations. 1.35 p. in., week days, for llnzletoii. Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts- bl"S" ,T. B. TTl'TCITfNSON. Gen. Mgr. J. B. AA'OOD. Gen. Pas. Agt. Delaware and Hudson. In Klfccl June hi, 1!'02. Trains for Carbondale leave Seinnton at ill 7..M. S.3IS. 10.13 a. in.; 12.(0, 1.12. 3.11. 3.V..I, 3.29, 0.23, S.21, 0.13, 10.01 p. 111.; 12.15. For Iloncsdalo il.ll. 10.13 a. m.; 2.!l and ""piir- Wilkes-Barre-C.:!". 7. It. P. II. 0 17. 10 33 a. m.: l-'.O'l. 1.12. 2 is, 3.2S, 133, 0 10. 7 45. 10.11. 11.4! !' !" For L. A'. R. R Pohils-7.41. ?.47 a. m. 2.1S. 1.33 and 11.10 p. in. For Pennsylvania P.. Tt. Po!uts-(;.3i 9 17 a. in.; 1.42. "-s and 1.33 p. ni. For Albnny and all pulnts north 7.3'i .i. in. and 3.30 p. m. in. unu siiN-i)AV TRAINS. For f'arbondnle S..7). n.:;;i n. m.; 2.11, 3 3i:. n.r.2 and 11.17 p. m. For AVIIkes-Barre-0.3S a. in,; 12.0!, 1",1, 3.2S. 0.32 nnd 0.17 n. nj. ... For Albany and points north ..,i! p. in. For Honesilale-S 30 a. in.; 11.33 and 331 PAv!'L. PRA'OR. D. P. A., Sernnton, P.i, Erio Railroad Wyoming Division. In Effect SeplemiH-r 13, 10n2,, Trains luuvo Scranton for New Yoik, Newburgh and Intermed.latu points, also lor llawlcy and local stations at 7.20 a. m nnd 1-33 p. m. For (lonesilalo and AA'hlto Mills ut 1.31 Trains. arrive nt Seinnton ut 10.3S a. m. and 0.13 p. lUj Noav York, Ontario and Western. Time table in effect Sunday. Sept. :mi. NORTH BOUND TRAINS, Lou vt Lento A'lrlvn Trains. No. 1 ., No. 7 .. Scranton. Carbondale-Cariesla. ,ii.;:o a. in. 11. lu a. m. LiiiTu. in. O.lo li. iii.Ar.i'arbnniUiIo ti.Ki h.m SOUTH l IIUI'M'. "" Leavo Leave - ' Arrive C.l'dosla, Carbondnlci' 9eriJi!on. It.'il II. in. 7.2.Tji, ni. Trains. No. li Nil. 2.13 p. Illi -..DOp. m. 4,43,11. ni, SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH. HOUND. J.e.ivc i.lmw .rilv1 Heranton. Carhoiidalo. f'adosia. K.30 a. ni- 0.10 n. in. 10. 13 a. in, 7.00 p. m.Ai-.Uai hondalo 7.43 p.m SOUTH BOUND. ' Leave Loinn Arrive Cadosla. Carbondale. Scranton, ii.30 a. in. 7.:.)ii. in. Trains. No. a No, 3 . Trains. No. ii . No. Id Vl.30 p. 111. li.fni p. 111. (i. I p. 111. Trains Noh. I on week days, and-!) nn Sundays caunect lor Now Vork city. MM-(Ik-town, AVallnn, Norwich, Oneida, v Os fi n. weuo mid all Points west. - Train No. 0, with "Quaker Cltyi Er. press" nt Scranton. via C. Tt. Jtofji. .1.. for Philadelphia. Atlantic City. Haltiinore, AA'ashlngtoii and Pennsylvania Ttat points. Seo thno-tnblo and consult llckot ajfemtj for connections Willi other lines. -,. J. C. ANDERSON. O P. A . Now Ydrk. J. E. AVELSH. T. P. A- Scrunton,"P. ., I iition f Book or News i Done quickly anil reasonably at The Tribune oKlce.V 'Pfi i