,(u. .M rl-r f- V f V. "4 b' l& .if. , THE SCRANTON TKIBUNE-FBIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1902. ,' w The News of DR. WHALEN'S LETTER TO SALOON KEEPERS In a ConinnmlcAtlon to the Liquor Dealers of Cnrbondnle the Pastor of the Bercnn Baptist Church Clearly Defines His Position In the Move ment Against Sunday Selling and . Makes a Proposition to Dealers Not to Prosecute If They Religiously Close Their Places Has Abundant Evidence, but No Desire to Prose cute If Sunday Liquor Traffic Be Stopped Grand Jury May Consider Tliese" Cases Through Another Source Next Week. The open letter to rutull liquor deal era ot' curbontlulo which, It '.was an nounced through The Tribune Tues cluy, would In- addtcssed to them by m m t it'. 1)1! il.vu .. Uel'".m l!iitll"l .Miil.tii. Willi Addii'sse.i Mi"n l.etli'i' Hi I'liitiiinillile Saloon Kppjiois. Rev. Dr. II. .1. Wliulen, pastor of the P.! ri'iin rlmri'li, was glen to the piesi lust night liy Dr. W'hrtlen. Hr. 'h:;li'ii clearly defines his posi tion In the movement against the Sun day lliUor trulllc. itlllniillit; Hint his ac tivity Is ilue In the fact that the "sail results" of liquor selling have been iuanlfest"il In the church woik of his own congregation. Ilo vigorously In slns that no apology Is needed for his taking up the work of suppressing the Sunday liquor trufllc, busing his right to do as a minister who has the spir itual welfare of his Hock at heart. He indicated his willingness not to prose cute provided there is a response on the part of saloon-keepers to close their pMaees and keep them closed for all time, lie makes a proposition to this effect. lr. Whalen also answers the objec tions of saloon-keepers to his intorfur ence and repudiates their suggestions as to his closing- places on the outskirts of the city If Ihey be forieil to elo-e. In conclusion lu declares the move ment in the name of God, In the name nt law and In the name of common decency. The letter Is as follows: . To the Liquor Dialers til" ('arlioMilale 'lt, firs: In onlir thai my altitude toward you hi the matter of violations of Sunday laws may lie fully umlerstoiiil. 1 beg iu address yon this coiniunuicalioii. It Is a charai' mat admits of no sin, cessl'ul contraillctlnn. Hut. for the space or one year past, fully !in p'r tent, or the men engaged la sellug liquor 111 this city have vlolatnl Sunday laws liy the alnost coutlinious opening: of tlwlr ham on Suu- day; and It Is a matter ol positive recoid, that can he amply pinvd by competent witnesses, that over i;u per cent, of thesu dealers have been notorious la these vio lations. Will Surprise Saloon Keepers. A little morn than a ,ear ago, I om . felled With Hie chief ol poller upon tills matter and lie confessed the Inability ot the force to successfully cope with thu evil. This fiM'innil a little stianue to some of us. thai the police who, could ar rest, and Hint the major who could lltiu the salnon patinu tor any dlMiideilluess on the outside, were powerless iu dealing Willi the men on the inside, who In addi tion to being (,iw breakers Iheinsclves were hugely lesponslbie for the offenses of their patrons. Hut accepting: the state, nieiit of the chief, whoo honor and ver acity I hive never had teason to ilouhl, ns Indicating the actual situation of him self and his men, wo set io work upon independent lines, and ,ne now toady io give Hid liquor llealeiH some surpils,'s 111 relation to their gios.s violations of law, which lliev have doubtless .supposed were passing all unniUieed, My visit to a l'lrsl wind saloon on Sun day evening, September ,, wus"5lniplv iu have it personal leason fur Inviting thu attention of .Major O'.VelM to M condl lions. In a letter to the mayor and alsu 111 a poisoual Interview, I Indicated that It was my personal wish and the wish ot those associated with nie. that u proper obM'ivanco of lilts law inlghl he (secured without the trouble of prosecutions, und jPiajsested that lie might In soino way notlly the liquor dealeis and warn them tuaL'1'iu.'tlit'r violations would lie followed by prosecutions. I tqoU.thiH course l. cause I did not want to appear as, the public prosecutor of my fellow-townsmen and because the mayur and mvself believed that such a course, might lie ef fective. The mayor, I unilcWtiqiil;' convoyed a friendly hint lo the dVnle'is" 'iluouuh the jolleo foiie, and for otuvSitnuay I bore wan a semblance of an niderly Sabbath; m by .Sunday, October su, the old condllloi. . iWK I'l'ired, ami u a personal canvas iriHile iMHweVn llio- hours or six and seven In the livening-, l found saloons llghled, tticucwicreguted, and In quo cusu the iroiu uoor open to all comers. This I can only regard ns both a defl. npco ami a challenge, which l would be JUKtitled In forthwith accepting, but I ! nm yet so lontho to talio up the work ot prosecution against my fellow. townsmen j that J propose a further opportunity for i a peaceful udjustmont of the matter at Is. BUB-a pioposmon wnicii ought to com. mend Itself to every ralr.mlnded man, Proposition frpni Dr. Whalen, t Although I feel Unit liistill has ben added t,o (njury, I am retuly to pledgo nu . eelf (am my associates that no proceed Jngkt-wlll'lje .Instituted, except against thoseAuTalofs'wJVo fiom this date on shall violate the Sunday laws; but It must he exprqsly understood that tli violation of the law wjl bo presumed to exist, whur- ever jrace Is open or lighted, and whet men nra; kfeoh golngr or coming, or found congregated In the place. Wo wilt not at (this triage of tho case seek to obtain legal . evidence, wo do not need It. In our boy ' tiood days .we Iearnd that it was a poor EUimec who. stirred up hla birds before rOtliilriKUilmself with ammunltlonl' i This proposition places the matter whoi ly la the, hands of the men Involved, and If prosecidlons aro forced' upoit us, there YrfJlt roo.a ffir-wy criticism or our Utctbri. , ga ..mz aunIciUanaed. ot; uufatr, Carbondale. This will cerlalnly lutve weight Willi any lllhulial, since It Is the. personal Htali incut of certain Judges tlutt their leniency Iu liquor cases Is often extended because of the sei'inlng ni'i'altnrim and nerdless hostility of the pioseciilois. Wo mean to have all such chum; for leniency ellinln aleil from any action that nuiy be forced upon us, As a further Indication of my desire lo lie nlwohtttly fall'. I will agree to nhow any dntlcr who may cull at my house, our record on his' place for fifty three Hnmlays p.ist, with the inUlerstaiul. Ini; Hint when tills record Ih glvon to him It Is tit the siitne time to be given to the public. And In this connection It Is per haps fair that 1 say that such offenses as m'llng to minors, mid Hie shameful of fense or allowing- Ihelr places lo become tho rendenvous for dlssolutu women will be Included Iu nity anuiuiiiceineut intuit) to the dealers Hint to the public, and 'will most cerli'lnly be connected wlt)i any ptosectitlons Instituted In the language of the day (hen, It's up to the men engaged Iu the business to determine what our future aullon may he. A strict surveillance will bo kept on tho offending places, and one that will not cease when a Sunday or two have passed, and the appearance of violation will bo Hie signal far piocedure. Hepudlatcs Saloon Keepers Sugges tions. Iu couesilslou, I heir lo say that I am Infoi med somewhat of your feeling In the matter and among other things I am told that .Mill consider Hint tills matter should be no concern of mine Is i cully I none of m business I beg lo say that It concerns uu- closely, I In (lie flrtal lil.iee It Iu Hull's luilv dnv which Is involved, and the true minister of religion need not lo apologize for seeking lo prevent It's being- turned Into a day for the debauching and damning of men who are made hi tlod'.s Image, In order that a few men may get a 1 1 1 1 lo gain Iheieby. If the church, through Us ministry, has not a light lo lift Its voice and exercise Its power for the defense of the Sabbath, who ImnV In the second pliue, the plodnct of the saloon, the mifottunutc drunkard, come;) to use for burial. The record ot the past tlilrlj mouths shows how sadly fiultfnl i the saloons of this city have been In multiplying tlia number of men, whom we have had lo lay Iu graves over which the floly Ohost has willton the awful words, "Xo driiiiUaul shall Inherit the klnmloin of God'1; and we will make no apology for an honest effort lo cut off one-.-eveiith of Hie saloon's work-. In the third place, it Is to the church and the ministry that the suffering wo men and ehlldr-n turn for comfort and protection, afler the saloon has turned the faithful husband and Indulgent father Into a llend. With my own heart sick ened by such expei leiu-es as these, 1 deem It my business, most decidedly, to see that the community H saved from th'j liquor truffle's operations, the one day In seven which the law guarantees to us. Will Show Saloon Keepers' Records. When any of the dealers call lo see I lie let old lo which I have referred earlier In my letter, I will want to show them some data which I have galheied to show why interference with their business is m Inlsliu.'ss. I am told also that many or the dealers tlnow up the defence Unit while others are keeping: op"ii they will. The ab surdity of such a defence is too clear to call for comment. Would Uiey consent to Hits line of argument in ulher men who break law'.' Then, the thief could say when others slop-stealing I'll stop: the murderer cotihl say While otheis kill l have tin? light to kill. It needs only a little light of a line manhood to be turned upon the question to make eveiy dealer see that individual responsibility, before God and befoie the law, is not set aslds by the action of others. I lieu, I am mid further (hat ceitaln dealeis fce that they are being discrim inated against. W'ell. that's an old story. There's not a criminal In durance vile bin feels thai he has been di.-cilminated against. It would peihaps be convenient lor a class of men who persistently vio late law. if they could determine Just where and how. and against whom pro ceedings shall be Instituted, and to dictate In teiins of the law's enforcement, but unhappily for Uiem such conditions do not exist. Of course there will be discrimination; Hie location of a saloon, the charncler or the proprietor, the history or Hie place, the lellabllity and amount ot evidence available and even thn Insolence of the offender toward those 'engaged in de manding that saloon' men be law abiding, will all have weight in every movement made, Cause of Movement Declared. The case Is now fully before you, and disavowing all desire to persecute, or even to prosecute, and with no apology for my position In the matter, I declare the move ment against the Sunday-open-saloou to be on in the name of our God. In the name of law, and hi the name ot common decent-'. Sincerely yours, II, J. Whaleu. rarhondnle, I'a Oct. :io, 100:.'. In connection with 'the letter from Dr. AVhalen it can be .stated that the movement in which he has taken such a pronounced stand Is likely to be the subject or a grand jury Inquiry next week'. When tho constables make their returns next week- it will not be sur prising If the saloons which Dr. Whalen visited ami round therein a litis; busi ness going on, will be returned as selling on Sunday.' In truth It seems certain at this time that this Is what will lake place. If this be done, as Is now Indicated, the isvidence which has been collected will probably be asked for by the grand jury, Prosecutions will likely follow In such an event, whether, or not there Is u disposition to abate them on the sacred promise of local saloon-keepers to close and keep closed, their several places. These prosecutions, however, would not ho carried on by How Dr. Whalen, but through thn district attorney's office, This development of the situation, now that It is Indicated, will be awaited with eager Inteiest, Dr. Downton's Paper. Dr. K, W. Downfall, of Thompson, was a visitor In town Wednesday even Ing. He was present at the regular THU ODD PENNIES. For the sake of .saving odd pennies don't buy an inferior emulsion when you really need Scott's Emulsion, The difference in price is pennies. The difference in re sults is pounds pounds of new flesh and days) of strength and comfort. Those who have lost flesh can regain it more quickly by means of Scott's Emulsion than in any other way. Stud for fttt Simple SqotT BOWNE, CfceiuiiU, o, ftul St., N. Y. monthly mccttntr of the Carbondale Medical society and by request, read a. remarkably lenrned ntld brilliant pap6r on ihe action of nhtUtnslii results from Its use. The paper wos warmly com mended and cordially received by the society. i Dr. W, l' Dixon, graduate of the College of Physlolans d SUrfceonit, of Utjltlniore, brother of Kev. Geowc Dixon, of St. Hose church, wiis wel comed as a new member of the society. A SOCIAL SUCCESS. Brilliant Event of the Bon-Ton Social Club. The Uon-Ton social club scored an other social success In the Hallowe'en dance In the llurke building- last nlfthl, A lavish display of decorations of green, palms, potted plants and ropes of evergreen were artistically arranged, transforming the hall when the flood of Illumination was turned on. The softened clow ot Incandescent bulbs, shrouded with red tissue paper, added to tho effect. The Mozart orchestra, located behind n screen of green, potted plants nnd ferns, provided sweet mel ody, which Klnddoned the happy danc ers as they glided through the differ ent figures. Tho attendance was the largest at any of the Don-Ton's dances und tho affair was, perhaps, the most success ful under the puttonage of their organ ization. A WORTHY RECEPTION IS LOOKED FOR Republican Speakers at Rally in the Opera House Saturday to Be Met by Big Escort. A reception, characteristic of the Jle publlcaiiM of Cnrbondnle, will be given Hon. Sereno K. Payne, AtuJor Hverett Warren and the candidates on the county ticket who will come to this city tomorrow night to aid In demonstrating- the enthusiasm and confident feeling there nre among Kepnblican voters here over party .success at the polls next Tuesday. All that itepubllcans In furbondale need Is a simple reminder of the coin ing of the speakers and parly to turn out In edifying nunlhers to greet them. It will be an occasion worthy of what efforts and enthusiasm Itepubllcans In this city are capable of.' Hepublicau voters are requested to assemble at the city station or the Delaware and Hud son tit T o'clock tomorrow evening to meet the party which will come from Scranton. The Mpzart band will head the procession that will escort the visit ors to the C5rand. George A linger will direct the paraders. Every Republi can, whose duties will not prevent, should turn out to be a part of the escort. Carbondale has been fortunate iu the speakers .secured for the rally. Hon. .Sereno Payne is one of the orators en gaged by the national Republican com mittee, and his coming to this city Is somewhat of a compliment to Carbon dale Republicans. The eloquence ot Major Warren Is too well appreciated by Cnrbondallans to be dilated upon. Republicans are requested to Invite their friends, and ladies ore particu larly Invited to listen to the good "cam paign oratory that Is assured. Progress of the Ailing. Miss Cora Allsbce underwent an op eration for appendicitis at Dr. Wheel er's private hospital, "Wednesday.' David Dltchhurn, of Oanaun street. Is confined to his home by a painful in jury to one of his limbs. While de scending a (light of steps he suddenly experienced severe pain In one of his knees. It was found that the muscles had become detached from tho bone. George Philllpson, of Delmont street, who a couple of weeks ago was cut on the fool by u heavy wood chisel, Is .suf fering from blood poison. The poison has been drawn almost completely and it Is hoped that from now on his recov ery will be rapid. Harry Matthews, of Grove street, who several weeks ago underwent tin oper ation for appendicitis In Dr. Wheeler's private hospital, has recovered and re sumed his duties at the Hendrick works. David Itees, an employe of the Dela ware and Hudson locomotive shop, is home on account pf sickness. Llewellyn Williams, who was so seri ously injured on the Delaware nnd Hudson road, Monday, Is improving rapidly. Harvey Williams was admitted to the Kmergency hospital. Tuesday, nnd underwent a slight operation. Laura, the H-ye,ar-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bishop, of Lain el street, who was threatened with ty phoid fever, is much Improved nnd It is hoped the danger point has passed. W. C. T. U. Meeting. The W. C, T. l will hold a ineetlne In W. W. Watts' hull at 3 p. m. today, at which time the report of the state convention will be given. A full at tendance ot members Is earnestly re auested, ' NEWS IN BRIEF. Mr. and Mr. Frank Krauts:, of KlBhtli avenue and "Washington street, are rejoicing over the arrival ot a baby hoy, Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shafer, oir (.'opnland avenue, has also been gladdened by the ndvent of a baby boy. Secure efiicieuey and economy In county luiHlnes's by re-electlns I'unmuii and Morrlf, The Imperial Ulnlnjr rooms, which have been closed during- the strike, were reopened last night by the new owner, Owen) J. Tlmmons, The res. tuurant has been thoroughly renovated. Vusburar has made si Rood judge and the Democrats have enough. Elect him, Yesterday's AVayne Independent con tains an excellent out of K. A, De f.aney, a former Carbondallan, who in now wio nopuuiican candidate for pro thonotary In Wayne county, Vote for Evans and Williams and lirst class mine Inspection, In the Fourth district, Phllbln aud elllcleney. Ho owns himself, A meeting or the Hillside Cemetery association was held Wednesday night. Undertaker H. A, Purple, of this city, one of Its members, was lu attendance. If you would sustain Hoosevelt, vote for Council, Don't croak. Clet in the sunshine. Join the march to victory ot the party of prosperity, During the strike insurance agents from the mining districts have reaped a harvest In Honesdale and vicinity, IJoneadale Citizen. Give tho common scolds of the Dem ocracy, tho villflers and defamers, a gdod ducking next Tuesday, They need It. Common eense upholds Republican ism, Let sell enough alone. ABSORBING PROBLEM Of the Present Day. Titer absorbing problem of todaj Is, how to expend one's Income o as to at tain the best restills! that Is, get full Value for one's money. It tuny truthfully be said that this has been, Is, aiid always will be an ab sorbing problem to those with limited means! but the fact remains that, with the price of living necessities constantly rising one must husband one's resources more carefully than ever before If he would live within his Income. In say ing that prices are rising, we except one nrtlcle which has come to occupy a prominent place In the family medi cine closet, and that Is the specific for piles or hemorrhoids known ns Pyra mid Pllodtro! this remedy Is still sold by druggists at tho old prices of fifty cents, und one dollar, and these prices will remain unchanged. Those to whom this preparation has brought relief nnd a cure, after years of suffering, do not need to be told of Its merits; others are advised that It Is the greatest boon ever discovered, to all those ninicled with any form of' piles; It Is In suppository form, Is easily applied, reaches the seat of the complaint, and gives Immediate relief and a lasting cure, The reader may have tried salves, ointments and lotions without benefit, and feeling that his money has been wasted, resolves to suffer on rather than experiment farther. The reason for the failure ot tliese treatments is, that they da not reach the scut of the trouble, and hence do not remove the cause, as does Pyramid Pile Cure. A little book describing piles, their, cause and cure, Is published by the Pyramid Drug Co,, Marshall, Mich., and anyone may procure a copy by sending name and address to above firm, As shoe ing the estimation in which this rem edy Is held by the public It may Inter est the reader to know that Its sales now exceed those ot nil other pile rem edles combined. TERM YX MAYFIELD. In the examinations for the second month, the following pupils of Mnyfleld public schools attained the roll of honor: First grade, Jennie Holleran, Kenneth Dergan, Marie Farrell; second Riade, Mike Totichlnski, Margaret Pugh. Michael Kostinh; third grade, Millard Cogglns, Paul Ciulsh, Thomas Daley; fourth grade, Mary MeGunnls, Paul Dottier, Agnes Moloney; fifth grade, Mary Jones, Lucretia Hound, Mary Cole; sixth gride, Pantelmon Klllieuwa, Mary Xeldow, Rosy Obuch; seventh grade, Bessie Mnloney, Mary Grady, Agnes Xenry: eight grade, Fanny Dellmore, Andrew Kuymluh, William Forkel; ninth grade. Edith Waters, Xora Donnelly, Madeline Walsh; tenth grade, James Daley, John Adamlah, Xellle Xeury; eleventh grade, Julia Pudden, Mary Cuff, Sarah Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bennett, Miss Vana Beugough, Miss Alma Buher, David Williams and Mr. Klnba'k, of Archbald, attended the production ot "Ktnerald Isle," at the Lyceum, on Tuesday evening. Vote for Evans and Williams and first class mine Inspection. Mrs. John B. Jones, of Mayfleld, has gone to Shamokin, to visit her parents. In the Fourth district, Phllbln and efficiency. He owns himself. The Ladles Aid society of St. James' Episcopal church, met at the home of Mrs. George S. Dunn, yesterday after noon. Give .the common scolds of the Dem ocracy, the vlllflers and defamers, a good ducking next Tuesday. They need It. Common sense upholds Republican ism. Let well enough alone. Maurice, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hochlng, Is suffering from a slight concussion of the brain, the re sult of an unfortunatv accident, Tues day afternoon. The little fellow, with others of his playmates, was playing in a burn, when In some manner he slipped and fell from the mow, a dis tance of about fifteen feet. He was not thought to be seriously Injured until Wednesday evening, when he re lapsed into unconsciousness into which state he has continued to be ever since. Rebuke Lynett's red flag rag by vot ing your Republicanism straight. Don't overlook Jordan for senator. He's a sure winner. OLYPHANT. Helen, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Heady, ot Grassy, died Wednesday night of whooping cough. The child hd only been 111 a few days, The funeral will be held this afternoon at i o'clock. Hew E. J. Haughton, of Uunmore, will officiate. Secure efficiency aud economy in county business by re-electing Penman and Morris. Mts. Jennie Kohl, of Carbondale, Is visiting relatives at this place. A vote for John Soheuer Is a vote fur results at Ilarrlsburg, Mrs. 10. J. O'Malley, of lireen Hidge, spent yesterday Vlth friends in town, Tried and true In councils; safe at Ilarrlsburg Joseph Oliver: elect him, .Mrs, John I'.lchards, of Providence, visited friends hern yesterday, Vosburg has made u good judge aud the Democrats have enough, Elect him. Mr. John Wheeler, of Carlmndule, spent yesterday at this place, Vote for Evans and Williams and first class mine Inspection. Mrs. M. H. Hull, Muss Hull and Miss Clara Hull, left yesterday to visit re latives In New York, In the Fourth district, Phllbln and edlelenuy. He owns himself. S. J, Cowley has taken possession of the Union hotel on Lackawanna street. Eddie James did well his lirst term, Givi) him another. George Williams, of Hill street, has accepted a position In Harris' cash Htrore, If you would sustain Hoosevelt, voe for Council, Miss Grace Edwards, of Delaware street, has returned from a visit with Huyde Park friends. Hebuke Lynett's red flag rag by vot ing your Hepubllranlsm straight, Common sense upholds Republican ism. Lot well enough alone. Street Commissioner McAndrew ami a force of men gave Lackawanna street a cleaning yesterday. Give the common scolds of the Dem ocracy, the vlllflers und defameis, a good ducking next Tuesday, They need It. M. V, O'Malley has been promoted to train dispatcher for the Delaware and Hudson railroad company. Don't croak. Oet In the sunshine. Join the march to victory of the party of prosperity. Tho Olympla orchestra will give a Hallow'een social In Mahon's hull this evening. Don't overlook Jordan for senator. He's a sure winner. ;KKX;ra;5o:xK;xKXXKx:tfx Connolly & Wallace 5cranton,s Shopping Center The great sale of Children's Stockings at Sc a pair continues. Some sizes are already sold out the 814, 9, and 914 sizes. But we have plenty still of sizes, 5, 5, 6, 62, 7, V2, 8., . Something over 8,000 pairs were sold yesterday. Women bought them in one dozen, two dozen and five dozen lots. One woman who has a large family of little ones, bought twelve dozen pairs. . Women's Rain-Coats and Ulsters. One of the busiet places in the store is that little spot where we sell rain-coats. Dozens of wonien trying them on and being fitted all day long-; and no wonder can you J think of anything better looking or more sensible as a v wrap ? And not only does the practical side appeal to women, but the styles are those of the best ulsters. Except that the skirts are wider, rain-coats and ulsters are alike as two peas in style; but ulsters are running heavier and are meant for colder weather. Some are quite elaborate; some are just sensible and cover you from top to toe equally. Have you ever thought j how absurd it is to give a little added weight to your J shoulders aad arms when you go out and to neglect the ?S rest of you? You ought to cover yourself all over on a M cold day. Two special numbers Fine Silk Waists. While makers throughout the coun try have complained all the fall that business was bad, we've been selling more silk waists than ever before. Of course, the prices, the quality, the style are the things that do it ft everybody goes where the best money's O worth is to be had. Gloves for Everybody j Men, Women, Children. 5 Just about twice as busy as last year C selling double the number of gloves rfff every day. 0 If we didn't have the right gloves, 5 or enough gloves, it would be too big a 3C strain to stand but we're splendidly M ready for it. JJ Womens , ,...25c to $6.00 Mens 25c to $5.00 A Childrens 20c to $1.25 Are people thinking You ought to see how It's the time to buy gifts when the goods are iresh the variety unbroken, and before the crowd comes. I Connolly 123 - 125 0y00nifjir0iM0JtJiPHi'vjit PECKVILLE. .Secure elllcleney and economy In county business by ru-clecting Penman and Morris. Dr. Fred Leonard, or Worcester, is. Y Is visiting William Frear. A vote for John Scheuer Is a vote for results ut Hurrlsburg, Tried and true In councils; safe at Ilarrlsburg Joseph Oliver; elect him, Vosburg has made u good judge and tho Democrats have enough. Elect him. Druggist W. S. Rloes Is having a sub stantial flagstone sidewalk laid lu front of his Main street property. Vote for Evans and Williams and first class mine inspection, In the Fourth district, Phllbln and efllcleney. He owns himself, Eddie James did well his lirst term, Give him another. Tho Consumers' Powder company mills have started up, after nearly six months' Idleness. If you would sustain Itoosovolt, vote for Connell, Hebuke Lynett's red flag rag by vot ing your Republicanism straight. Common sense upholds Republican ism, Let well enough alone. Prldo of Orient. Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a social at the home of J. K. Hcrkhelser, In Hlakely, next Tues day evening. All members of the order urn Invited to bo present. Give the common scolds of the Dem ocracy, tho vlllflers and defnmors, a good ducking next Tuesday. They need It, Don't croak. Get lu the sunshine. Join the march to victory of the party of prosperity, S, Hchermer, of the East Side, has opened up a new gents' furnishing store In the Mack building, opposite tho Delaware aud Hudson depot. Don't overlook Jordan for senator. He's a sure winner. To Cure a Cold in Ono Say Take Laxative Dromo. Quinine Tablets. This signature JiX.JL every box. 23c. G ifi&r in four colors, new in style $20 and $25 each. For Winter Knitting. of Christmas already ? many things customers are - 127 - 129 Washington Ave. yffrj?n0jt00Mrx000000iui0000j00M. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS CReduced Hates to New Orleans and Return Via; Southern Railway. On account of lla meeting of Amer ican Hankers association, .Vow Orleans, La.. Nov. Hth-lilth, li'OL', thu Suuthorn railway will sell round trip tickets from Washington, D. c. to New Orleans, La. on Nov, Sth, Uth and ICrtli at rato of one faro, vl. $i7...0; llnal limit 10 flays from dulo uf sale, except by depositing tickets with Joint agent, New Orlenns on or beforu Nov. isth, and payment of fee of fifty cents, tickets can bo ex tended until Nov, IlOth, 1002, Rate from Philadelphia laj.s.". Cor respondingly low rates from other points, Tho Southern railway operates three through trains dally with Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars from New York, Philadelphia and Washington to New Orleans without change; dining car service on all through trains. Charles L. Hopkins, D. P. A. Southern railway, S28 Chestnut street, Philadel phia will furnish all Information, There's No Place More Homelike, Lakewood the fashionable Lakewood tho glorious, Is tho one resort to which tho reporter now turns for a period of enjoyment, and such enjoyment in cludes every known sport. Lukowood's drives, than which there arc none better, attract a gay throng and traps of every kind aro lu constant use. Tho hunt attracts many, likewise cycling and polo, but when one finds such delightful, yes wonderful links as Lakewood possesses, one llttlo wonders that golf Is tho popular game. Another feature of prominence Is Its hotels, hos telrles commodious, grand or rather palatial, where one's welfare Is the first and foremost consideration. Tliese qualifications, Including a most mar velous atmosphere, have made Lake wood famous the world' over. This re sort Is reached only via the New Jersey Centrul, and Us passenger department in New York has Issued a booklet on For sliawls, leggins, tam-o'shanters, j etc. ' Shetland Floss, 12 hanks in a box. ) 7c a hank or 80c a box. I Saxony Wool, 20 hanks in a box 7c a hank or $1.30 box. g Spanish Knitting Worsted 8 hanks J in a box 12c a hank, 95c box, Women's Tailor-Hade Suits From $10 to $100. If you want a plain, inexpensive knockabout suit for winter, it's here. If you want one elaborate, and beau tifully trimmed, its here, too. Aud you needn't jump from one to the other; there are dozens of grades in between. asking us to hold for them. . Wallace Lakewood which Is replete with infor mation, and It's yours for tho nsklng. $32.85 to New Orleans, La,, and Re turn via the Lehigh Valley Rail road November 8, 0 and 10. On account of American Hankers' as sociation convention at Now Orleans, La., November 11-1U, tho Lehigh Val ley railroad will sell special tickets at SiC'.Sa for the round trip, good goltiff November, Sth, Oth and 10th, limited to return to 11 days, Including date ot sale, Extension of return limits to November SOtli can bo obtained by de positing ticket with Joint ngcut at New Orleans on or before November ISth, and payment of DO cents. Tickets good on all trains except the Hlack Diamond express. See ticket agents for further information. ' More New Motive Tower for the New Jersey Central, Tho management, of tho New Jersey Central has placed an order with the American Locomotive company lor twenty-llvo new locomotives. These en gines will bo built at the Dunkirk works. Ten will bo heavy Consolida tions for use lu coal service; six aro to be for fast freight service and nine will bo heavy switching engines. From tho Ualdwlu works will come eight Subur ban locomotives und seven switching engines, and when this consignment H received, tho New Jersey Central will have a motive power equipment second to none. Follow the Sun via the New Jersey Central, In going to tho Sunny South select the bf.it route, it costs no more, Tho Now Jersey Central with its luxurloun vestlbuled equipment of Pullman nnd day coachts. is the shortest line with thu quickest tlmo via Philadelphia to all points south aud southwest. Through tickets sold at lowest fares, baggago checked t" destination and Pullman 'lescnations made through. Write or call on J. S. Swisher, district passenger agent, Central Railroad of New Jersey, Scruntou I f 4 j k ) -i ' fife. m