A fc' crmitott tn THE ONLY SCRANTON P 1 IsR RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE O I? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREA TEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD .... I. i S"t . . i. i i i , , .I, . . .1 . .1 . . - i . .... i. .,, ..I & TWO CENTS. TEN RAGES SOMANTOX. PA., FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1902. TEN PAGES riv TWO CENTS. -".iV SECRETARY TIig Principal Orator at an Immense Gathering of Republicans In New York Gltu. GOVERNOR ODELL AND SETH LOW ALSO SPEAK sjrcretnry Root Feels Proud of the Record of Governor Odell Gives a Brief Glance at What Has Been Accomplished by the Present Gov- ernor of New York An Appeal for the Citizens of the Empire State to Stand by President Roosevelt. tV Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Press. New York, Oct. 30. Cooper Union was filled tonight with people who had come to attend a Republican meeting, the principal speakers being Mayor Low, Governor Odell and Secretary of War Root. Mr. Low eulogized Gover Jiur Odc'll and his administration of state affairs. Governor Odell followed in an address In which he cast aside as absurd the prediction that his ma jority would be as small us some had prophesied. Secretary of War Hoot spoko after the governor had finished. Mr. Hoot said in part: As a. citizen of Now York I liuve been pioud of Governor Odcll's administration rliirtiiir the past two years. Ho has shown himself a. strong man and an honest one in the governor's chair, as he has always been In buslnc.-s and polities. Ho has reduced taxes and mado the public ser vice more effective and has given tho state n clean and effective bus-lness atlmlnistra-, lion. He ought to bo re-elected for thu good hi.- Ill's done as governor and the good Jig will bo nblo to do during another term. And he. ought to bo re-elected as n rebuke to the outrageous and unfounded pnrsonul attack that has been made upon him by opponents who arc trying to obscure and set away from the real issues of the campaign. The national issue of this political cam paign, in -Its most important and prac tical aspect. Is whether President Itoose vclt shall be sustained In his administra tion of the national government. Will the people of tho L'nlted States elect a house of representatives with a Republican majority to work in harmory with the president, or will the people elect a house with a Bemocratli; majority which will be hostile to the president, will not agree with him upon any course of conduct, and will hinder and embarrass him In all his efforts for tho public good during the remainder of his present term of office? There ought to be no Indifference upon this question among tho people of tho state of Ntw York. If they think he has mado a good president, as I believe they do; If they are proud of him, as 1 think they nro; proud of his manly and noble qualities, his coinage, his frankness, his freedom from guile and double dealing, the genuineness of his Republican sim plicity, tho sincerity of his love of country and of his countrymen, the rugged strength of his character, tho exceptional power of his trained Intelligence, the wise thoughtfulncss and boldness with which he Is grappling problems of government when smaller and selfish men would tem porize; then the people of the president's own state will do their duty by him as lie Is doing his duty by them, and will send representatives to congress at the coming election who will stand by him nnd work with him for the good of the country. Praise for Congress. Mr. Hoot said the people of the coun try have reason to be well satisfied With the ability, sense and duty, and honest patriotism of the Fifty-seventh congress, and there was no reason for a change. Certainly no reason is to bo found in a desire for the curbing of trusts, for un effective treatment of labor troubles, or; for a revision of the tariff. Continuing, ho said: Our Democratic friends talk as If f-ome capitalists Fceuiing unduo piollts, and some tariff provisions becoming outgrown with changing conditions and Rome still), born contests oetween employers who wish to pay less and wage earners who wish to bo paid more for labor, where now and strange phenomena, threaten ing our social and political system nnd calling for desperate and revolutionary remedies. They are not now or strange or threatening. They are but reappearances in slightly varied forma, of s-oinu of tho difficulties which have always accompa nied material prosperity siuco the begin lne of successful enterprise. I'nfuir an.l oppressive trusts, so-called, urn weeds in the garden of prosperity and these can bo weeded out. Hut in ourbhur nnd lvmi. luting these combinations 0f capital which are Injurious to tho public, either because they monopolize the maikut or the sources of supply or tho avenues of employment or prevent competition unfulily and op. Picsstvely, care must bo taken not to stop great enterprises which luivu legitimately ltduced tho cost of production, not to tuku America out of tho race m' competition for the market of the world, not to closa the mills and mines, not to throw mill ions of workmen out of employment and vlloprlvo tho farmer of bis market fur i ' raw material of manufacture, 'ana oylla complained of are an out growth of tho process of Industrial duvol opmont of tho ugo. There has been greater progress in pro duetlve power dining thu 1,1st century than nny in a hundred years before, Thu total number of wage, earners In Urn United States employed In manufacture in ISoO was M7.0W. in WW it was MKJ.w). '1 he wages paid to tlieni Increased from Ky,.ouo,uo) in iwo to w:.m,m.m in iwa; that Is say, about live (lines tho number or workmen received about ten times tho "mount of wages, or wages just about doubled dining tho fifty years, On the other hand while ?.V!;i,wio,ooo Invested lit n5'lctl!!'e '" Wj0 1,;,a wed to $,83.-.,. Ooo.ono In Ituo-owy dollar of capital ao invested 11 1900 received Jess thin one third of the return that every dollar of the capitul received In JSM. Thus while tho returns of capital ecm great be cause they are massed together and tho returns of labor seem small because they me scattered, capital's proportionate uhare of the now wealth Is constantly in creasing. Thti Itepubllcan party proposes to leg V'ite und curb and tmouress the bad ROOT AT COOPER UNI(M trusts tathnr than to destroy the good ami the bad together, and, with them, the piosperlty which brings such beneficent results to all our country. The only fed eral law to accomplish this result tho Sherman act was passed by it Republican congress against Democratic opposition. Attorney General Knox after ciitoful study has given his opinion that thnt law can be extended and made more fur 1 caching and effective. On Labor Troubles. Addressing' himself to the continual ly recurring contests between capital amriabor, Mr. Root spoke of the con tinual approach towards a good under standing of the terms' and relations which tire dictated by a recognition of mutual and reciprocal Interests. Said tho speaker: If you will look buck at tho condition of the railroad business at Ulo time of the Debs riots, then consider the relations since established between tho railroad owners and tho associated engineers, lire men, trainmen and conductors under tho leadership of Mr. Arthur. Mr. Sargent, Mr. Clark and Mr. Morrlssey, you wilt seo a striking Illustration of the progress to which I refer. Another good illustra tion Is to bo found In the agreement made tho other day between the tin plalo man ufacturers and their workmen, In which tho workmen voluntarily agreed to a re duction of wages In order to enable tho manufacturers to underbid foreign com petitors for the contract to supply tin cans for tho Standard Oil product. Another llustratlon Is the agreement be tween employers nnd employes for tho an nual adjustment of wages throughout tho greater part of the bituminous coal Held. The more intelligent the parties nre, tho more readily such relations arc reached; and as wo are ah growing more intelli gent, all learning all the time, the pros pect is not dark but bright. When our president, In his brave and di rect way, noting out of his deep feeling for the needs of bis people, undertook to get coal for them against the coming win ter by urging the substitution of peace for war In tho anthracite region, Mr. Hill In New York, and Mr. Olney In lios ton condemned him; but I have nn idea that the people of this country do not agree with them, and I have an idea also that his action will prove In tho end to have resulted, not merely In getting tho coal, but in making a valuable contribu tion to the peaceful and reasonable pro cess of development I havo been describ es. McNEELY-COCHRAN WEDDING. The Coach of Princeton Toot Ball Team "Weds Williamsport Girl. By Kxrlusire Wire irom The Associated Tresi. Philadelphia, Oct. SO. Miss Eleanor McXeely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox McXeely, was married today to Garrett Cochran, of Williams port, chief coach of the Princeton foot ball team. itov. Dr. Foley, of -Williamsport, performed the ceremony. Miss Florence MeNeeley, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and Langdon Lea was best man. The bridesmaids were Miss Avis Cochran, of Williams port, sister of the groom; Miss Ida Riley, of Washington; Miss Virginia Chauvenot and Miss Almira P. Mc Xeely. The ushers ineliu.,..",",liarle.s Cochran, of Willlnmsporl; Addison X. Kelly, Xew York: Davis Elklns, of Elkins. W, Vn.; George Peterson and Richard P. McXeely, of this city; W. Orville Hlckok, Ilarrisburg: r. Lyon and Henry Parsons, "Williamsport. MURDER MYSTERY. Being Investigated by the Police nt Reading, Mass. By Kxi'hialtc Wire from 'ilie Associated I'resi. Reading, Mass., Oct. 30. The police in their investigation of the death of the woman whose remains were found near here yesterday under circum stances pointing to murder have found a man who has partly identified the body as that of his former wife. It has- been learned that this man Is Sam Weingert, of Boston, and that the police found upon the woman's body a murluge certificate bearing his name. Weingert Is a Hebrew peddler. He says that the woman whom he mar ried lived In Baltimore, but that the wedding took place In Cincinnati, about 15 years ago. Weingert obtained a di vorcer about twelve years ago. Wein gert says that bis 'wife was weak mentally. She went by the name of Mary Meurs, MR. CLEVELAND SPEAKS. Addresses a Political Meeeting at Morristown, N. J. B.v Kxulusbi' Wire from The Associated I'tess. Morristown, X. J,, Oct. 20. Former President Cleveland spoke here tonight tit a political meeting held In Lyceum hull, Special trains brought hundreds of people from other cities and towns in this vicinity, anil Mr. Cleveland was given an ovation. Following the meeting there was a non-partisan reception to Air, Cleve land, at which about two hundred prominent residents of this city were pteseiit. Suicide by Hanging, 11 Kteliulvt Wile from 'flip Associated 1'rni. Lancaster, Pa pet. 3(i. Mrs, lsaau G, Simmons, aged " years, committed suicide by hanging at her liuma hero today, A duughter who la critically ill with typhoid fever, was ministered to by the woman at noon after which sho was never seen alive. Her body was found suspended from a tatter in tho cellar tonight by 11 neighbor. Brooding over her daughter's Illness Is believed to have prompted the deed, Her husband Is employed at the Brill Car work, Philadelphia. The Vote Must Be Certified. Uy Kxcluslvo Wile fixuii The Associated ITes. Ilarrisburg. Oct. SO, Secretary of tho Commonwealth Qrlcst has Issued written instructions to thu commissioners and protbnuotarles of the vaVlous counties of the state,, that tho return of tho voto of next Tuesday'!) election must be certllled so that each party shall receive credit for tho votes polled und that tho votes of candidates whose r.ames appear In more than one column on tho ballot must not be lumped. MAHER AND O'BRIEN SPAR. Six Rounds Are Fulled Off with Even Honors for the Pugs, By Kiclmhr Wire bom The AocUtrd l'ic.'l. Philadelphia, Oct. HO. Peter Maher, and "Philadelphia Jaok" O'Hrlen, spat red six rounds tonight at the Penh Art club with even honors. The men 'were in line condition and the bout was a determined one from start to finish. In the second round Mulier Moored O'Brien with a heavy right hand blow on the Jaw, hut O'Brien was nit Ills feet In an Instant, Jabbing Maher three times In the face. During thu first three rounds O'llrlen took the Initiative devoting most of ills attention to' Mailer's face. He used his left to good advantage and occasionally varied the straight punches on the head und neck with right hand swings to his oppon ent's stomach. In tho fourth round there was a lively exchange of blows, Mailer reaching O'Brien's Jaw several times, Both men tried to make it a finish In the last round. Mulier delivered a smash ing blow 011 O'Brien's eye nnd botli countered nit the Jaw. Kach played for the face during tho entire lound. In the early part of the contest Maher tried body blows, but found them In effective and followed O'Brien's ex ample by leading for the head. RIOTING CONTINUES IN PORTO RICO Business at Ponce Is Suspended. Federal Club Plred On Shoot ing in a Theater. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pits: San Juan. Porto Rico, Oct. 30. Poli tical rioting at Tonco was renewed yesterday evening. From nine to eleven o'clock the city was in the hands of a Itepubllcan mob, 'allegedto have been aided by municipal police. The Federal club was fired on. One man was killed and several were wounded but not fatally. The rioting was renewed to day. Business at Ponce Is suspended. Another man was killed during to day's attacks of tho Republicans, which began early this morning, and a number of men were severely wound ed. The rioters announced that they. In tended to attack the Federation of Labor club and another club during the day, which caused the close of all tho stores in Ponce. A Spanish dramatic company which bad been playing at Ponce applied to the Spanish consul for protection and it Is reported that the consul com municated with the Spanish minister at Washington. Shooting nnd rioting occurred inside the theater Tuesday evening and since that day the com pany has been unable to perform. CONGRESS OF MOTHERS. Third Annual Meeting Held at Pittsburg Many Speakers. tiy Kxrluslrc Wlie (rem The Associated Cress. Pittsburg, Oct. 30. The third annual meeting .of tho Pennsylvania congress of mothers began here today. Miss Elizabeth U. O'Neill, president of the Pittsburg Kindergarten association, made the address of welcome. Her address was responded to by Mrs. Fred eric Sehoff, of Philadelphia, president of the Pennsylvania Congress of Moth ers. Reports of the various delegates were then heard. At the afternoon session, "William E. Moehan, of Philadelphia, spoke on "Special Schools as a Preventive of Reformatives." At the mass meeting tonight Judge J. II. Beitler, of Philadel phia, addressed the session. Dr. II. J. Price told of the "Work in Dela ware County"; .Mrs. Frederic Sehoff spoke on "Special Xeeds of the Court," nnd Mrs. Alice Montgomery, 011 "One Year's Work In Philadelphia." FRENCH STRIKERS UNRULY. Renewal of Disturbances Between Union and Non-Union Men. ' By i:.clusUe Wire from The AasocUtec Press. Paris, Oct. 30. A renewal of minor disturbances between strikers and itou Htrlkers was reported today from the mining districts. At Denaiu, the strik ers demolished a coal yard, broke the windows of buildings and sent u threat ening letter to the mayor. At Lens, there was also much petty destruction of property. At Dunkirk fourteen arrests were made, and It Is expected that many more will follow as a result of tho re cent disorder there. The national com mittee of the Miners' Federation bus adopted a resolution asking the miners to stand together and' insisting that the tompaules shall unitedly accept arbi tration. PENROSE AT BEDFORD. The Senator Addresses n Large Meeting of Republicans. bf Kicliibhe Wire Horn The Aioocittrd I'lW, Hertford, Pa Oct. 30, Senator Pen rose addressed a large meeting of Re publicans here tonight. His address was chlelly confined to national issues und he made a profound Impression by the manner in which he called attention to the great era of prosperity and the direful results that would ensue by placing Democracy In power, He ably defined the position of the Republican party towards capital nnd labor, and showed that u continu ation of tho Republlcun party was needed for tho benefit of both. Accident Due to Carelessness, 8 Kxiluiive Wire from The Aisociatcd Vitit. I'atsklll, N, Y Oct. 30.-I.ust night P, Uecker und (leorge Dlekmnn, employes of tho Alsun Cement works Ht Alsou, visited Saugertles. While there DIckman Hour Uhcd a revolver which was discharged ac cidentally. Tho bullet struck Decker and ho dropiA'd dead. Dlckmau was so over 'rome with grief that ho tried to shoot himself, but was prevented by bystanders. Pensions Granted. By Excluint Wire trom'ITie Associated l'rn. Washington. Oct. 30. Charles Knelbler, of Wllltes-Hnrre, has been granted a pen sion of JS IS HOPEFUL FOR CUBA The British Railroad Head Predicts an Era of Prosperltu tor the Isla d. CHAIRMAN TODD'S VIEW OF SITUATION Optimistic Report on Crop Condi tions Made nt Meeting of Cuban Central Railroad in London The American Administration and the ) Franchise Laws Commended. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'resi. London, Oct. 30. At a meeting of the Cuban Central railway, limited, today, the chairman, J. AVhlteVTodd, spoke en couragingly of the political nnd eco nomic prospects of Cuba, in spite of tho present depression In the sugar trade. He said tho new government inaugur ated in Cuba under American auspices was proceeding most satisfactorily from the standpoint of the British Investor. Perfect quiet and confidence prevailed. Assuming the passage of the Ameri can reciprocity bill, coupled with tho favorable influence of tho Brussels sugar convention, there was every rea son to expect a great business revival in Cuba, and tin era of general prosper ity. The best information now pointed to the sugar crop being at least equal In quantity to that of last year. Referring to the promulgation of the new railroad laws, prior to tho Ameri can evacuation of the Island, the chair man said the American authorities had showed every disposition to act fairly toward the invested interests of the railroads, lie thought the revised laws were not only not prejudicial to the company, but that they constituted ad ditional protection for the company's Interests. PRESIDENT RETURNS TO THE WHITE HOUSE Entire Family Will Leave the Jackson Place Quarters Some Day Next Week. By Kxclii-ttc Wire from The Associated IVess. Washington, Oct. 30. Many of Presi dent Roosevelt's personal belongings were removed today from the tempor ary executive quarters on Jackson Place to tho remodeled white house. Tonight the president Is using the room formerly occupied by Lincoln, Harrison, and at times by other presi dents. Tlie room has been refitted en tirely. Next week the president's fam ily will return to the white house and the temporary quarters on Jackson Place will be relinquished, both as tho residence of the president's family and as the business olllces of the chief ex ecutive. FOR REVENGE ON MAD MULLAH British Forces Will Be Collected in About Two Months. fly K.clilsle Wire from The AsOLl.ited Prcsn. Aden, Arabia, Oct. 30. Col. Swayne, the Rrltish commissioner In Somallland, has reached Herbera in safety. His wounds are doing well. Xo further movement of the Rrltish troops against the Mnd Mullub will be made until a large force Is collected, which will be about two months hence. There Is no doubt that the Somali lev ies showed the white feather In tho recent lighting. Colonel Cobbe Is In command at Ho hotle, Somallland, where the guns have arrived. The garrison there is not threatened. TRAINMEN TO GET A RAISE. Railroads nt Chicago to Grant In crease of About 12 Per Cent. By Ilxchuhe Wire hum The Associated I'lest. Chicago, Oct. 30. Demands of tho Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen for Increases In wages will he replied to by the railroads entering Chicago before (ho end of the week. The local com mittees of tho brotherhood mot last night and made reports. All announced that tho roads will grant, the demands, and that they pro bably will settle with the union befotc the llrst of tlie month, It Is the general Impression that the increase granted will be In the neighborhood of 1L' per cent. This probably will bo accepted, Senator Jones -Visits President. Uy Kxilusbe Wile from The Associated I'resi. Washington, Oct. SO. Senator James K, Jones, of Arkansas, chairman of thu Dem ocratic national committee, called on tho president today, lie remained with Air, Jtoosevelt a considerable time. As he left ihn white housu. liu said that ho called 'merely to pay his respects to the presi dent and to congratuiuiu nun upon tin recovery from his recent injury. He ad mitted having talked polities with thu president, but added that this bus no special significance, . 1 Oyster Bay Postofilce Closed Sunday, n Kxclmhe Wire froiu'i'lic Associated I'fess. Washington, Oct, 30. First Assistant Postmaster General Wyneo has ordered tin) postofilce at Oyster Hay, Long fsl and, closed on Sundays, beginning Nov, i, Oyster Hay was opened Sundays Inst summer to uccommodate tho newspaper correspondents located there duilug Pres ident Itoosovelt's vacation. Nicholas Noonan Killed. By Excliuhe Wire from The Associated press. Philadelphia, Oct. 30. Xlcholas Xoonan, Democratic nominee for state representa tive In tho Twenty-second district, coni posed of two wards of this city, was' in stantly killed today on 'the Pennsylvania railroad at Frankford Junction, a suburb. Ho was a freight conductor and fell un der the wheels of an engine. PRINCE'S DAY IN BOSTON. He Shows Interest in Battle Flags, Visits St. Mark's School. By Kxelushe Wire from The Associated Press. Uoston, Oct. 30. The' Crown Prince of Slum, act;oniiunled by his brother, Prince Chakrabonsge; 11. II. D. Pierce, third assistant secretary of state; their aides nnd secretaries, this morning cnlied at the state house und the city hall, to return tho visits of Governor Crane and Mayor Collins. At the state house tho party was met by Adjutant General Dalton and escorted to the ex ecutive department, whore greetings were extended by Governor Crane and his staff. Tho prince spent a few min utes exchanging courtesies with the governor, and then wns shown to the chamber of thu house of representa tives, which ho and the members of his party greatly admired. Afterward they .passed through Me morial hall, nnd evinced Interest In the state bnttlellags. The party wns pho tographed on the steps of the state house, and then wns driven lo the city hull, where Mayor P. A. Collins re ceived. The formalities complied with, the prince was driven through the parks, returning to the Hotel Somer set for luncheon. He left at I o'clock for Sottthboro to visit St. Mark's school. JUDGE PENNYPACKER SPEAKS AT READING He Is Tendered a Reception nt His Hotel Mass Meeting at the Academy of Music. By Excitislre Wire from 'Die Auociattd Tress. Reading, Oct. 30. The Pennypacker campaigning party arrived In this city late this afternoon. A special reception committee mot them at the station. At 7 o'clock this evening, Candidate Pen nypacker was tendered a reception in the parlors of his hotel by a reception committee consisting of over live hun dred citizens. A mass meeting was later held at the Academy of Music. The building was crowded. "William Rick, of the Berks county bar, presided. Judge Penny packer devoted his speech largely to showing how the "Pennsylvania idea" had dominated the policies of the coun try over since the founding of the gov ernment, why this was the greatest na tion on tho globe, and tho influences that this state had always exerted in national affairs. It was his belief that prosperity could continue only under Republican rule. The Democrats, he said, made many senseless charges, but their reasons for a change were devoid of argument. The other speakers were William I. Schaeffer, of Chester, nnd Congressmen Morrell and Adams, of Philadelphia. PARIS ORCHESTRAS JANGLED. Many Music Hall Proprietors Give in to Avoid Strike, lly Inclusive Wire from Tho Associated lMv. Paris. Oct. 30. The strike of the members of the theatrical orchestras began this noon. The strikers assem bled at the Labor Exchange, bearing bass violins, drums, trombones and oth er instruments. Although the theater managers announced their purpose of lighting the strike, a number of them already have, yielded rather than risk the loss which would ensue from a protracted struggle. Most of the large music halls und cafes have yielded, and their orchestras have returned to duty, though a number of the halls are giv ing performances without orchestras. The prefect of police, having been ad vised of the intention of the strikers lo Invade theaters und wreck the In struments of Substitutes, posted 11 large force to preserve order at the threat ened places of amusement. McGOVERN TO MEET SMITH. Last Public Appearance in the Con test Prior to Fight with Corbett. By Kxelushe Wlie from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 30. Terry McGovern, the ex-champlon feather weight, has been matched to meet .Sammy Smith, tho clever feather weight of this city, to box six rounds at Industrial hull on Friday evening, November 7, This will be McClovern's last public appearance In n contest prior to his light with "Young Corbett" for tlie championship, Tho contest will be given under tho direction of Kennedy and Powers, and Johnny Kokhardt will referee the bout. STEAMER FOUNDERED. Body of the Second Mate of the Lockwood Found on Bench. By Kxi'luMte Wire Irom The Associated I'rras. Ashtabula, O,, Oat. 30. The badly de composed body of Second Mate John C. Hrotz, of tho steamer Lockwood, which foundered twelve miles off this oort during a heavy storm jn the evening of October 13, has been' found tin the beach near here, liretz, with nlno other members of tho crew, left thu sinking vessel in uu open boat, The latter, It Is supposed, was swamped in Iho terrillc sea and nil nt the men dtowned, FOR ELECTION FRAUDS. Court Asked to Appoint Special Ses sion in Philadelphia. 11 Kuluilvc Vi'Uf from The As-oclaled Press. Pittsburg, Oct, 30. Tho petition of Henry Flanders, John Cudwalader and others, asking the justices of the Su preme court to appoint one of their number to hold court In Philadelphia on election day, was presented to tho Supreme court today by ex-Judge Thompson, of Philadelphia, The court held the matter under iuU vlsement. General Miles nt Manila. By Kiclushe Wire from The Associated Tress. Manila, Oct. 30. The United-States army transport Thomas, with Lieutenant Gen eral Miles and his party on board, anch ored in Manila harbor tonight. The Thomas left San Francisco October 1, and culled at Honolulu and Guam GUATEMALA . ZONE $03,497,180 FOR WHITE STAR. Stockholders Get Ten Times the Par Value of Their Shares. By Ktclmhc Wire from The Associated Press. London, Oct. 30, It was announced ofllclully today that the purchase price of the White Star Line paid by the In ternational Mercantile Marine company is $o3,4!7,lS0, o'r which $15,730,180 is pay able in cash, $2.1,174,000 In preference shares and $lL',iS7,000 In common stock. The shareholders thus receive over $"'0, 000 for each $1,000 share. Xo particulars were given out today at the olllco of J. P, Morgan & Co., as to the basis on which the White Star stock was paid for. As the White Star stock has always been closely held and is not. listed it was not possible to learn positively here what the actual or book value of the stock Is. The par value of the stock is 1,000 per share, so that according to the dis patch the stockholders receive, of course, at the rate of ten to one, of which about one-third Is cash and the other two-thirds In preferred and com mon stock of the American company, so that what the White Star stockhold ers really receive or will receive de pends upon the value of the American company's stock. Steamship men fa miliar with the real values of the sev eral companies and tho basis on which control of the companies In the com bination was acquired said that it was well understood on the other side, and here, too, in Inner shipping circles, that the W.hlte Star company had got a little better terms than the other com panies: that the builders of the White Star ships had really made the bargain for tho stockholders, and that the cash payment represented a little morecon servatively speaking, than the value of the ships bought, and that whether the stock of thu American company was worth anything or nothing, tlie White Star stockholders were really on vel vet, as whatever they might eventually realize on their American stock would really be so much more gain, which might be regarded as representing their good will, etc. REGIMENTS BREAK CAMP. The Members of the Fourth and Eighth Have Returned Home. By Etclushe: Wire from The Associated Tress. "Wilkcs-Barre, Oct. 30. The 'Fourth and Eighth regiments, which have been stationed In the Wyoming valley for some time past, broke camp today ,ttul returned to their homes. The Ninth regiment will break camp tomorrow. The entire coal region is now peaceful. The only place where trouble Is .looked for Is in the Lehigh region, whei;e tho individual operators and the miners have failed to come to an agreement. Some of the troops may be kept in that section until the miners return to work. This was a busy day at all the mines working and the output of coal was heavy. President Mitchell has cancelled bis engagement at Baltimore, -where he was booked to deliver an address next Sun day evening. The chief ofllcer of the United Mine "Workers now awaits a call from the investigating commission now at Scranton. .Mr. Mitchell said tonight that ho might go to Scranton tomorrow. FIRE AT WATER GAP. The D., L. and W. Station Burned. Delaware House Damaged. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Stroudsburg, Oct. 30 Two explosions in succession, between 12 and 1 o'clock this morning awoke the residents of the Delaware "Witter Gap near the de pot. They found on rising that the Delawure, Lackawanna and "Western railroad depot was on fire. The build ing was totally destroyed, together with some freight and express matter, as was the lilsbing residence on the river side of the tracks opposite the depot. , The famous Delaware house was bad ly damaged by heat and water. The total loss by the lire will be near $10, 000, fully covered by Insurance. Maria Romano. Convicted. Dy C.whishe Wire from The Associated Vren. West Chester. Pa.. Oct. :M Mniln 11 Romuuu, a young Italian woman of Avon dale, near here, was today convicted of murder In tho second degree for killing Michael Impereall. Tho woman claimed that Impereall hud slandered her, and she slabbed him with a stllleto. Coun.Acl agreed on a second degree verdict. Three Persons Cremated. lly DvcludV'J Wlro hum Tlie AocUeJ Prejs. Milwaukee. Oct. 3D. An Evening Wis consin special from lllkhorn, Wis., says; "William WIckliiKson, aged lii: Albeit "Wlcklugsoii, a brother, nged L and Julia Wlcklngsou, a sister, aged 3.1 years, were found burin d to death lit their home ten miles west- of hum today. Tim Wicklug Ko'ns were well-to-do furmtTX." Trolley Car Collision, lly llsclinlie Wlie from 'he Assoilated I'resi. HiilTlsburg, Pa., Oct. 30. Lulu this af ternoon two trolley cars collided on tho West Falrvlow und .Marysvllle Traction company Hue, fatally Injuring Ko-s Jaii.-i-'. iiiotoriiiuii, of this city, and pain fully Injuring George Allemau. the olh t uiotoi'umu, about lh head. Several pass engers wero also slightly Injured. The Eighth Arrives Home, By Kuluslie Hire fiom 'Ihe .ociatfil Press. York, Pa.. Oct. SO.-Company A. L'lKhth leglineiil, Xatloiuil Guard of Pennsyl vania, -returned home tonight from their three months' service In tho coal region and were accorded a warm welcome, a fund hud been raised for tho purpose, ' The reception Included a parade, hr.i worlis a baunuct and speeches. Steamship Arrivals. Uy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. Now York, Oct. 30.-Clcart!d: Celtic, Liverpool. Sailed; Ia Suvole. Havre. Southampton-Arrived; Southward!;, Now ioru; st. a.ouis, ow voik. liueenstowu -Sailed: Teutonic, New York. Havro Arrived; La Touralne, New. York, COFFEE DESTROYED Immense Plantations Wined Out bu Flames and Smoke from Vol cano at Santa Maria; LIVES OF PLANTERS ARE IN DANGER Cable from the Castles Indicates That the Finest Coffee Plantations in the Country Have Been Ruined. The Volcano of Santa Maria, Which Has Been Quiet for Many Years, Has Shown Signs of Un usual Activity Eruptions Threat en Every Living Thing Within th Reach of Its Fumes. Dy Kxcluslte Wire from The Associated Press. San Francisco, Oct. 30. The entire coffee zone of Guatemala has been de stroyed by Humes and smoke from the volcano at Santa Marin. Eruptions threaten the destruction of every living thing within reach of the fumes and lire that pours from the burning moun tain, according to a cable to Castle Bros., Importers, of this city, received from their coffee plantation In Guate mala. Only meagre details are given. "Last Monday," said Louis Hirsch, oC Castle Pros., "I wired to our represen tatives there asking for news of the eruption of Santa Maria, and last night I received In reply this cablegram: " 'It Is true. Enormous losses. Prob able volcanic eruption. Coffee zone de stroyed. Our lives are in danger. Further reports will follow.' "The coffee district referred to," said Mr. Hirsch, "are the Casta Cuso and Costa Granda. They are the finest plantations in the country. If the cof fee district is destroyed, as the cable seems to indicate, one-third of tlie eT-o'i)'" Is most likely Involved. "The volcano of Santa Maria is lo cated between ltetiilhulen and Quezel tenango. The towns In the neighbor hood most likely to be destroyed are San Felipe, Muzatenango and Quezel tenango. The volcano has been quiet for many years. "I was in the district last April, at the time when earthquakes racked Iho country. Xo volcanic eruptions accom panied the (iiiukes, however." CONCHA IS FRETTING NOW. Anxious to Hear Colombia's Verdict on His Hold-Up of Treaty. By Kxiliislve Wlie fiom Tlie Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 30. It developed today that Senor Concha, the Colom bian minister, Is growing restive under the delay of his government In giving him further Instructions In answer to bis despatch regarding the conditions which havo risen since the forwarding of the letter directing him to proceed with negotiations for a treaty with tho United States affecting the right of way for the Panama canal. He has sent several requests foe this Informa tion without avail. The legation officers, However, ate moved to the belief that the despatch of Secretary Hay to Minister Hart, sent on Tuesday, will have the effect of accelerating matters, and that an early adjustment of the questions which are delaying final action on the treaty may be looked for. Much of the delay has been occasion ed, so it Is learned, by the attitude of Governor Saluzar of Panama, who has been writing numerous letters to the legation hero and these more or less Influence Mr. Concha, In postponing action on his Instructions. TO RUN CARS TO TROY. Hudson Valley Non-Union Crews May Cause Trouble, tly f.xclulte ire from Tlie Associated Press, Saratoga, Oct. 30, It Is announced that tho Hudson Valley Railway com puny will resume Its trolley service be tween AVaterford and Troy this after noon over leased lines of tho United Traction company. As the Hudson Valley employes are non-union men and those of the trac tion company are union men, who havo threatened to strike, National Guards, men will uccompany ih Hudson Val ley cars into Tiny, An Outing Day in Virginia. Uj Kiclusire Wire from The Awlate, Cress. Washington, Oct. !!u. - I'rcsldent Roose velt and a biuall party will Umvm hero to. morrow on un outing of a day or two In Vhgiuia. It Is probable sonn- ol the bat. tlt'tleltls of the Civil war will uO'vUited, YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Luull data for October so, l:xi.'. Highest temperature ";' degrees Lowest tumperutui'u :'5 dcgiee:' Itelatlvo humidity: , 5 a, 111. ' Pel' cent,' 6 p. 111, ,.,.., ' ii-'i' cent, Precipitation, -t Louts euiKtl .) p. in. , truce. " si ' ' -t: -H i'fH4- U-r -W 4- 'WEATHER FORECAST, -f 1 f r f ' -f Washington, Oct. Si. Forecast 4- -f for Filday and Saturd.iM IC.isU'rn 4 -f Pennsylvania Full" and warmer 4. 4- Friday; Saturdaj fall j fi -sh aouth- 4- west winds, . itt.-r"t:.t. t tfftttitt a 1 & 'JiJtf&ilt K-tmtfeM J.