The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 30, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Marriage of Miss Mable M. Boldry to William
Seagreves, at the Home of Her
Parents Last Evening.
One of the pielllest Ihhiil- wodilliips
of the season took place lnt eu-nhiK nt
tlic home of Mr. and .Mm. Fierieilck
Boldry, of 1207 Academy sit cot, when
their daughter. MIhs Mabel 11. Itnldiy,
was united hi mntiloRu to AVIIllain
geugiovos, of -Ml CheHtmU street.
At 8.80 o'clock, to the sweet Htialni
of the wedding1 tmiroH fiom I.nliuiiRiin,
hb played by Ml- Valid Clilllltht. the
btldal patty clileted the ft out pntlor,
Atttl hefoio a bank of p.tlnii and cut
flovveis they wete met by He v. John P.
Rloft'att. V, D of the Wnslihuin Street
Ptrsbyteilnn 'httieh, who united them
in manhiRC. "O Piomln- -Me" win
phiyed as a ieeelonal.
Ml?s .Minnie A. Iloldiv, -detei of the
bride, was maid of hmioi, while t'lai
rme DuUow was best man. Miss Heul.ih
(itltlln was ilowei Kill. The bilde was
beeomltiRly attliod In may lik etamlne,
over Ri.iy silk, tiimuied with lent hue,
and lattled bildal loses of white. Her
maid was Rowned In old uise s.itin
1'iul.iid, and ranted pink ioes. The
bildc's tuivrlliiK dtes m'is a tiillnr
made gown of blue.
The usheis eie dottles Holdiv,
In other fif the bt Ide. and Hoy Kill. in.
Imtnedlately nftei the leietnony a te
ccptlon was beld, and Intel a bniintlfill
wedding siippei was ,(.! vocl bj Cateier
Mis. Lulu- Molfatt. of Plttston. The
hi Ide was the leiipltnt of in.inv betiilll
rul nt cents amoiiR lliem IicIiir a Mor
tis i hah fiom the Civt.ll Hose (om
piiij, win if the Rioom N employed,
and a sot of Has Hand china fiom the
Columbia I lose, wlteie be was
fot meily einplined.
Lite last puiliiR .Mi. and Alls. Se.i
ciexes K-ft v in the Dtlawaie and Hud
son lor .in cNlended wedding tilli to
rhil.idelphla and tluotiKli Delawme.
On their letuiii the. will icslde in a
ikwIv luinNlied home at lib South
I- ti ott avenue. The bilde is a well
known and West Side vouiik
lnd. wliile the riooiii Is one of the
valued peiinanint men at the Ojstal
liovo house Until h.i a host of ft lends
who wlch them eel. happhus
The out-of-town Rtitsts weie Mis.
S. T. Towel s and Aliss Hess., of
P.loonisburR. All. and Alls, Fiank
Ackcinian. of L'lieKcM-tin-the-Ilinl'-on:
Aliss Hl.nulie Dolpil, of Cl.iik's Suni
irlt. and Alls. ". i: SniRiees and
d.uiRlUer, Uc-sle, of I'lilllipsliuig-, N. ,T
At the home of the btlde's patents.
All. and Alts U" . .lone ol 161.2
Jackson -tifet, ln-.t evening oiuimd
tlie maiilage ot Hull d.iURhtet. Aliss
l.eah Jones, to AIoir.ih Imanuel of
PittsbuiR. The home was be.mtlfrlly
Five stamps given away with
each bottle of Dufoui's Trench Tar
Cold Weather
Others may talk, but everybody knows
that there are bigger and better stocks ot
Undergarments for ladies, gentlemen and Chil
dren in the Globe Warehouse than can be
found in any other three stocks in Scronton
put together. All sizes fov all sorts of people
insures perfect fitting.
I Ladies' Undergarments
In Norton, fiom 25c. to $1.50
In Wool, fiom.. 75c. to $1.50
In Silk, fiom. . .1. 00 to $5.00
a Men's Underwear
In Cotton, fiom.. 25c. to 75c.
In Wool, from. . .75c. to $2.00
Children's Underwear
jj In Cotton, fiom.. 25c. to 50c.
In Wool, fiom. . .20c. to $1.25
romblnalion liaiment.s of ev-
;3 ety tles( ilptlou lor men, women
ICT and ehlldien.
:f Ladies' Underskirts
Of Soil, All Silk, Pine Ujo
Taffeta, with deep acrotdeon
llounee, and laige dust l utile.
Thin sklit will lit and wear as
well gs any you cap have made
to older. Price,
'3 Heat Aletceilzed, Sateen Sklitn,
'-A stainless black and a lustte rich
1 us satin's bi,een. Ilnlshed with
1 der) nccoideon flounce and two
; luflles. Cut laige and
Klne AleiieiUed Sateen Skills,
with outing flannel lining, Deep
nccoideon pleated flounce, etc.
An Ideal petticoat foi told,
bliihtry weather. Pi Re,
I Globe n Warebods?. I
decotated with palm.s, poind plants
ntul cut llowets,
At S30 o'clock, us Clailield On vis
plajed the Mendelssohn weddlnir match,
the eontructhiR parlle.s, unattended, up
pealed and, pausing" Into the parlor,
they wete mot by He v. T. A. Humph
reys, of the Plymouth Confitesntloniil
chinch, who, under n canopy of palms
and Ilowei s, spoke the solemn wolds
that united them.
The bilde was trowned In blue ioul
tnd, tilmmed with white silk mid up
pllciue, and eat lied bildal losts of
while. At tin LonclllHlon of the ceie
monj, eoiiRUitulatlons and a wedding
supper weie in nuler. The happy couple
weie the letlplcnts of many beautiful
tokens of the friendship and esteem In
whlcli they ine held b a host of
Air. and Alls. IJnianuel will leave
litis nioinlng lor Plymouth, the foimer
home of the suioni, wheie a teieptlon
will be tendeied them this evening. On
Satuidav tliey will leave lot Plttsbmg,
theh futtlte home, when- the riooip. Is
employed. The wedding was a veiv
fpilet nffalr only the Immediate friends
and relatives being pic-enl. Alls Jones
has a host or fi lends who will deeply
legiet hei depaituie fiom the city.
The out of town guests weie: Mis
Samuel Powell and family, of Ply
mouth; Allsses Lizzie and Alaiv Ktnun
uel and Keese Emanuel, of Plttsbuig'
Albeit Alenlt and Joseph Donnelly, of
Pl mouth, and Aliss Anna Alontabelle,
ot Plttston,
Open Window Club.
The Open Window i lub of St. Bi en
dan's (oum.ll, V. AI. 1 held tlieli second
annual social In Aleais' hall last even
ing. The hall was beautifully dfcornt
ed lor the occasion with the national
emblem, palms ,ind nit How pis, the oi
thestta being almost hidden behind a
bank of palms and potted plants. .
The membei- or the lIuIi an-
entei tablets and the hall was troweled
with the ieptesentatie oung people
of West Keianton and the ccntial city.
A l.nge number of Kpwoitli League
woikets tioni the Simpson and 12m
bmy .Methodist (hurt lies
will attend the meeting of the city
union of ICpwoith Leagues, which will
be held ill Him Park Alethodlst KpN
(opal ehuich this evening.
The I. W. 11. elide or the Hmliuiy
Alethodlst Episcopal dun ell will hold
a H.illovv'een social at the home of
Aliss Abide and Ella Hancock.
Aliss Helen, daughtei of All. and
Aits. Kobeil W. PtUtcns, of Jackson
hticet, is unite seilotisly ill
The Misses Nettle and INlhei Steph
ens, of BioiSklvn, Susiuehanna coun
ty, who base been the guests of Ml.
and Alls H n. Aluigan. of South
Alain acnue. liae utuined home.
AIis Patihk Compbell, of Giant .se
nile, while engaged in hei household
Black Suitings
" 0.
Tor Fall and Winter wear.
Tor sepatate Kii ti oi talloi- q
made gowns, o cannot Impiovc
on tlicf-e. even if ou pay moie J
ITo.n v r.l-lii, 1, "1),,,. IV'.ti,!
lllaek cheviot. A wondeifui
alue lot the pike asked.
liluik (.'umel's Hair .Suitings,
."-'-Ini'liCM wide, good medium
weight, but not too bulky or
heavy, A beautiful suiting at
.il-lnUi Flench Piunella ('loth,
In a pocullatly line shade of
blaei,, and oxcuihilu A
suiting that will never weai out
or look shabby, I'llce, ,
Jnst One Jacket
Fiom u bundled or moie
htyle'i that await your Inhpec
tion, Hoodness is the main fea
tuio of tills guiment, but It lias
style enough In It loto suit tho
mobt exacting buyer who Is not
In seaich ot oddities. Alade of
iinest Keisey, lined thioughout
with Sklnnei's satttii box shlold
front, pleat, back, high lolling
stock collar, two tipples, etc.
You'll have to fate this gaiment
to appieclate (ts worth. Pi Ice,
duties, stepped on n needle recently,
which became Imbedded In her fool.
The wound caused Hcvere pain, and
Pr. .1, I. TheiuiiMi wus called nud ie
moved Ihe hit of steel.
Caleb Taylm, of South Uieiett tive
mte. Ih home from HiiHtliifls, I'a,
All. and Mis. H, P., Slote, ot Swet
land stieet, nnd Air. and Alls. 13, V.
Miivo, of N'oith Lincoln avenue, mo
home ft out Uteat lieiid,
Aliss .lennlc lleddoe, of North Alain
itveiitte. Is on the sick list'
Alts. Thomas Davis, of Noith Alain
avenue, has leeovcicd fiom an Illness.
Joseph and .Tolnt Howen and John
Ueckelnlck, of Houth Alain avenue, me
home fiom New Yolk city.
AIis. diaries Snow, or Willow Point.
Is the guest of AIis. K. AI. Kiiinels, of
Koilh Hioniloy avenue.
Vole for John H, .Ionian, nepubllcan
candld'.ite for state senator.
Allnor Kresge, of AII1I City, has nc
(epted a position at Ansley'H lumber
Addison W. Chase, sr., of Noith
Alain avenue, bus tecuveied fiom an
Aliss tltaee Wllllaius has leturned to
her home In Caibondale, after a visit
with fiiPiids on North Ouillold avenue.
John Davis, of South Alain avejiue,
Is visiting at Cleveland, O.
Itev. II, C. AIcDeimott, of the Simp
son Alelhodlst Rpiscopal ehuich, will
odlclate at tho wedding of Miss May
Hlcunur Jones to Uev. W. H. Ciaw
foid, of Xoith Hanfoid. N. Y which
takes iilace this evening at the homo
of the bride's patents.
William Jones, of West Linden
stieet, has leeoveicd from an Illness.
William Oilfllths, of Laizeine stieel,
has leeoveied from an Illness.
Hay Aioigun, of Vlntoiidule, toimeily
of West Scianton, underwent an oper
ation at the Aloses Taylor hospital
yesteiday. He Is lepoited as doing
veiv nicely.
The Alei t Dancing class will con
duct a llallow'een hocial In Alcars hall,
Fi Iday evening, Oft. III. AI usicwlll be
furnished by Prof. Lewis.
Vole toi John B. Joidan, Republican
candidate foi state senator.
Washington Camp, No. 17S, Patilotie
Older Hons of Ameilea will enteitaln
theh lady friends at Washington hall
this evening.
The Allsses Anna Alay Jones and
Josephine Burns, ot the ceuttal city,
attended the Jones-Cinanuel wedding
last evening,
Jlaiold Zentel, the young son of Alls.
Zentel, of L'JS Noith Arain avenue, is
seriously Hi with typhoid fever.
Geoige Uuischell, of South Alain ave
nue, was agieeably surpiised on Alon
da evening by a numbci of friends. It
being the occasion of his thli ty-llfth
birthday. All. Bui.schell teceived sev
eial beautiful piesents, among them
being a handsome meeischaum smok
ing set.
The ladles of the Young Women's
I'hiistlan assoei.iiloa aie making piepJi
atioiib 101 a Halloween paitv to be held
at tlieii moms on Noith Alain avenue,
1'ililav evening Oailng the evening the
following ptegiamme will be lendeicd:
piano solo, AlUs Kvans; lecit.tlioii, Mi-'
Jessie Wells; vocal solo, Aliss Anna Tel
loid, lt-.idliif,, Aliss May Thomas, piano
solo, Aliss Ma j Tel fold: leading, Aliss
Beitb.i White; dialogue. 'Oaf Phut Itull
uiad Tilp," Sumontha and Josleh Allen.
All ecuing women aie Invited to attend.
Aftei the piogiamnie an infotinal paitv
will lie held and thosp pn-sent will be able
to have their foi tunes told.
Iheie will be a motheis' meeting In
the Young Women's Chllstlan association
pailots P1id.1v altcinoon at J !0 p. 111. All
motheis ate niged to be piesent. Tlieie
s i 1 1 In- a good pi ogi amine consisting of
music and leadings.
Miss Kate Hem v. of Jmm.Mi. has 10
tiiined home altei a visit with All. and
Alls, iiobeit Alenlik, of Gleen stiict.
'Iheie will be a lettlai meeting of the
Not th huantou itcpulillcun dub in their
looms on A est Alaiket stieet, Vilday
evening All membei s aie earnestly re
quested to be pte.sent as business ot im
pel taneo is to be tiansicted
Vote tor John 11 Joidan, ltepublUau
candidate foi state senatoi.
Alls Benjamin Hvan-, of Sciiool stieet,
and bet daugluer, Alls. Chailes Umeiy,
ol Adams avenue, weie In Oh pliant Tiies
dav attending the liuicial ol Alls. Pio
bcit, "Mis Smith, ot Phllo htieet, who lias
been ill loi the iiast tluee week-,, is con
valescing. GREEN RIDGE.
liiei'ii itlilge lodge, No. W,, Independent
Oulei of Odd Fellows, will attend the
Hplstopal cliuicli, Alonsey avenue, on Siiu
dav evening, NovcmlR'i -', In a body and
listen to a siMinou bv flu v. Plank Bal
leatlne. It is hoped that tlieie will be a
laige attendume ol the members of the
ordei at tlmt lime The lodge alM expect
to eoutei tin- second degieo at thli icgu
lai meeting this evening
Hey. All. Alessuiget, pa.stoi of the Ca Avenue i Impel, has letuiiied fiom
Wlllliuuspoit, wheie he attended tho gun
eial assembly ol the United Jv angelical
.Mis J. J, Williams, 01 I'oiclham stieet,
Is letovcihig tiom a seicie illness.
Oieeu nidge (ommandci,v, Knights uf
Malta, iuitliled two membei.s In the black
ilcgice at their meeting In Alasonle liall,
Dickson avenue, last evening. The woilc
of ptep.iilng a class of novices Ih neatly
Aliss Helen Hcii,, ol Cilboiid.ile, Is the
guest of lilt coiihln, AIis., .Meitloe Ha lev,
of Cieen Illdgo htieet
About eighteen ol the .veiling ladles ot
tin) Cieen Itldgii Piehli.vteiiait c lunch, aie
expected will b given eailv nftt month
"The Old Alalds' Convention," whlcli It Ih
expected wil be given enily ii'i.t nionlh
The ladles who have ehatge of the af
fair aie Mis, nabe Oltell, Mt.s, V,
Cur. Aliss Ti'iiuey and AIis Jackson
At tho meeting ot tho membei s ot 1I10
Uieeu Rldgo Piesbyteiian chinch, held
last evening lot the )iupo8 ot electing
two additional chinch membeih, A. O
Ives and John AlcC'ilndlo weie elected.
Dining iha meeting Aliss Wlnteis, ot
(Jiinibeikind (lap Wave a talk on the woil;
being done at Cumbei land Gap mission
school, and lepoits weie heaid fiom all
thtee of the local nilshions by ihnstt in
AIis. I'. I! Neltlotou, of AVaslilngton
avenue, will give a leeeptlnu Ibis altei
lioon at 3 SO o'clock for Aliss Winteis, of
Ciimbeiland Oiip All ladles imeiested
In the woik being done tltc-te aie in
vited to attend,
Vote foi John II, Joidan, Hepiiblirau
candidate for Btate boiiuIoi
(Sieeu Hidgo lodge, Kplghts of Pvtliias,
held an Intel estlng niertlug lasl eealug
in Nettle ton's hall
lli:.'nv OUAPP, the lutuiil fun of
Coiinellmau and Alls Chat lea Giaf, died
jesteid.iy, at tho lamlly, 1 evidence, 1.7
PittBtou avenue Tho funeial took place
yesteida.v afteinoou and was private, jp.
teimcnt was mule in the Plttston avenue
cemetei.v ,
for children teething, la the prescription oi
fane of the beat female pliyslelans and
bursea In the United States, and has beca
used sixty yeais with never-falling suoJ
ka by millions of mothers for their clilu
iron. During the process of teathlng iti
alue Is incalculable. It relieves the chili
from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping la the
towele, and wlnd-rolic. By giving- healttt
to the child It rests the mother. Price,
twenty-fly cent a bottla.
Miss Eunice P. Kimble, of That
Place, Became the Biiile'of Joseph
K. Sloeum, of This Pait of the
City Number of Sctantoit People
Piesent nt the Wedding Enter
tainment Given by the Epwoith
League of the Piospect Avenue
aermon Methodist Church.
A vciy pietty wedding took plate
yesletday at high noon, when Joseph
K. Hlocuin, one of the 8011th Side's
most popular men, rind Aliss Htmlce
P, Kimble, of Paupack, Pike county,
were Joined In wedlock at the home
of the Initio's patents. The happy
couple cnloted the beautifully deeoiated
pallor to lite strains of the I.ohetigiln
wedding maich, and the wonts that
made them man and wife weie pio
nounced b.v Rev. S. C. Himpklns. of the.
Haw ley Alethodlst Episcopal chinch.
The bilde was handsomely nttiied In
n hand-embroldeied white peislan
trnwn. nnil the bildesmald. Aliss Hillclle
flllngham, of Wisconsin, 11 cousin of the
gioom, was slmllailv atttreu. 1 ne
Biooin was attended by Jacob llmlck,
a sclioolmate and life-long friend.
Alter the ceiemony 11 leccptlon was
held, followed by a wedding dinner,
and the newly wedded couple left for
New Yolk city to spend the honey
moon. Thcie was a laige number of
friends in attendance, and the follow
ing out-of-town guests weie piesent;
Rutus Bingham, of Wisconsin; Mr. and
AIis. AI. Hai ding, Salem; Air. and Alls.
James F. Ilest and daugliteis, Anna
and Illldegaid, of Scianton; Air. and
Alls. William Zlesmai, Air. and Airs.
William HuicheJl, Jacob Kinlck, Aliss
Nora Loftus, Hugh Fairy, Air. and Alts.
W. E. -Blttenbender, D". Kverliait, of
Scranton; All. and AIis. Filend Slmond
and son, Ledgedale; Air. and AIis. AIll
ton Aimstiong. AVIlliam Augbe, Aithur
Alltchell, Allltotd; Dr. and Alls. H. A.
Plenn. Aliss Etta Weeks, Mr. and AIis.
Ait Slmonds, and Alahter LUanel Sl
mond. Hawlev. Air. and Alts. Emil
Oumbla. Airs. B F. Klllam, Air. and
Alls. Alfred K. Kellovv, Air. and AIis.
Alfred K. Klllam, Air. and AIis. Wal
ter Vettolein, All. and AIis. Chester A.
Pellett, Aliss Walte, Alls. Geoige F.
Klllam. James A. Klllam, Paupack,
AIis. Asher Klllam, Hawley; Aliss Nina
Douel, of Tafton, Pike county.
Young Peoplo Enteitain.
The Epwoith league of the Piospect
Avenue Geiman Alethodlst Episcopal
chinch g.ive an excellent entcitainment
last, evening in the chinch basement,
whlcli was specially ananged lor the
cum. islon. The piogiamnie, as given in
this column eteiday, wus lendeted
entile, and neatly eveiy number was
heaitily leceived. Among those deserv
ing of special mention aie Edw.ud 13.
and Fied t Hausher, who took .1 lead
ing pait in tlie affali.
A declamation by Fied Keuckei, was
also well lecelved, while the zither
duets of Alessis. Sclnoedel and Alasel
weie all that could be desited. Otlieis
who Lontiibuted to the pleasant atfair
weie Mis. Edwin Aimbiust, A. W. Noll,
Joseph J. Johlei, Alls. F. S. Hausscr
and AIis. John Sclnoedel.
Basket Ball News.
The undefeated Defendeis basket ball
team will open the season in St. John's
hall this evening, and will hav e as op
ponents the Twentieth Centuiy basket
hall team, who also have headquarters
on this side.
The champions have made no change
ot consequence in the plajeis who de
fecated all comets last reason, and they
will stiuggle as deteiminedly ab ever
to pieseive their lecord, so that to
night's game will be worth seeing.
The Aletiopolltan team, also of this
side, invited the Detendeis, of Piovi
dence, to a game Tuesday evening, and
tlie invitation was eageily accepted.
As the Piovidence bojs stood near the
top ot the list last ycai, they expected
to have an easy thing, but they weie
mistaken, and when tlie smoke ot battle
cleaied away the seoie stood: Aletio
politans, lb; Detendeis, 14. It was a
lively, Intel ehting game ttom .stint to
finish, with the scene lavoting first one
side and then the other. The playeia
lined up as follows:
AI. Coyne center Alalia.
Connolly light foi waul (.illgalloii
P. t'ovno left loiwaid Glllnide
Padilen light guaid King
lioh.ui .(.,.v...I.eft guaid Huddy
Reteiee Thomas l.owi.v. I mpln Wig
A special business meeting or the
South Side Republican association Is
called for this evening, to meet in Ath
letic hall., of impcntalice, in
cluding committee repents and dlstilet
committeemen, will be acted on, and all
membei s or Republicans aie utged to
be piesent.
Vote for Joint IS. Joidan, Republic, in
candidate foi state benatoi.
The Juvenile toot ball team with
Edward Dunleavy as manager, has 01
ganlzed for tlie season, and Issued a
challenge to play any team In thlb
pait of tlie state, the game to take
place Thanksgiving Day. Answer
thiougli The Tiibune.
A meeting of St. AloyMus T. A. H,
society, will be held In Pharmacy hall
this uveuing.
Hail Alc'NIihnIs, a pupil of No, 10
school, fell while playing ye.stetduy,
and sustained a fiactuie of the collar
Geneiul Grant t'onunandeiy, Knights
of Alalta, will meet la weekly fceshlon
at lIuitinun'H hall tomoiiow evening.
Mis. John Nahet, of Alder stieet, Is
seiioiihlv HI.
AIis, Chut Ie-. Wetzel, of Irving ave
nue, Is confined to the house by Illness,
Alts. William Hethclu'l of Alder stieet,
Is convalescing alter a. seveie attack
of typhoid lever,
Di, Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
guai anteed to cute all coughs. "No
cute, no pay," For salo by all dealois,
Dr. oud Alts, A, Kolb, of Cedai ave
nue, celebiuted their beventeonth wed
ding uimlverbaty yesteiday.
The Womaiib' Chllstlan Tempetance
union of Dunmoie will meet in the
p.irlotB of the Alethodlst Episcopal
ehuich, Thuibday uf lei noon at S
o'clock. Kvuiy member Is lequebted
to be present.
At a iccciit session of Diimuoie lodge,
No. SIC, Inilependent Older of Odd Pel.
lows, tho following named gland olllcois
wete prebont to lntnll.tho oftlcets elected
foi the cnsulii gtcrm1 District Depul. J.
E. Hauls, Giaud Hcmy II.- -1
1 iff, Oiand AVaiden E. T. Davis, Grand
If Local Applications Alone Ever
Cured a Case of Catarrh.
Alost lemedles for the iieiitntent uf
catarrh 111 0 In the Mint of sptays, In
billets, powdois, wiishei or salves, all
puiely local applications, and many of
them often give teinpoiary tellef, but
the leason none of them ever lenlly
cute chtonlu catimh Is because cnlatilt
Is not it local disease and It cannot be
cuted simply by ti eating tlie local
Aloreoyci' the 11101 e setlous foi nw ot
catarrh, like catutrh of tlie Htomaeh
and catarrh of the bronchial tubes, can
not be leuchcd at all by local applica
tions nnd Ihe fact that neglected en
tail h of the head vcty soon Involves
the bionchhil tithes, stomach and liver,
demonstrates, that Ihe disease Is a
blood d I sunder, a constitutional malady
unci not at all a local disease.
To leally cuie cnturih the system
must be cleansed from cataiiluil poi
son by un Internal icnipdy whlcli acts
effectively upon the blood and liver.
Tlie success of a new catairh lein
edy, Stuart's Cutarih Tablets, Is be
cause It drives out of the system,
thiougli uatuial channels, the cataiilial
polhon and the mucous lining ot the nose,
throat and trachea ine freed from the
excessive inileus which collects und
causes the hawking-, spitting and gag
ging, because the excessive sectetlon
is not turnlshcd from healtliy blood,
Stunt t's Catatili Tablets contain
many of tlie same valuable antiseptics
used lu sprnvs and luhalcis, hut In
stead of being applied to tlie Inflamed
membranes ot the nose and thioat, they
are taken Into the stomach and thus
leach the blood, the teal seat and cause
of the disease.
Stuart's Catuiih Tablets aie laige,
pleasant tasting lozenges, composed of
lied Gum, Hydiast.m, Bloodioot, and
similar catuirh specifics, and so safe to
use that little childien suffering from
colds tuke them with the hame benefi
cial results as adult poisons.
No ttate ot cocaine or opiates, so
common in catarth medicines, can be
found hi Stum t's C'ataiih Tablets.
Sec1ct.1t v, W. P. niiodes, Oiend Tieas
111 or, W. W. Biamlow, Gland Gtuiidlaii
Fied Hiimmler. The new ofllceis aie
Noble gland, If. F Aim shall: vice grand,
Win den S Ciiant: lecotdlng secictaiy,
Ilany Ki?ei ; financial ,secretai, F. K.
Spencer; tteasiiier, O P. Coiioll; tuistee,
Hatty Klzer; guild lodge lcpresentatlyi',
II. 11. Sprncri. After tho installation su
vices a social session was held In honoi
of the ginnd otliceis and many visitors
Horn other lodges Rev. Chailes If. Ncw
Ing acted as toastmaster and intetestliig
speeciies weie delivered by Judge Vos
buig, e-AIavor James Alolr, llemv Haid
Ing, Dlstilet Deputv Hauls, ex-Dlstilct
Deputy Oeoige W. Cl.nper nnd ex-Dlstilct
Depatff Colvin. No. Sib was oiganled in
JS7J and is in -i vciy lloutlslilng condition.
Daniel Bingham, of Ilavvle.v. is visiting
his daughter. Alls. C. AI, Potter, of Hast
Dtinkct stieet.
The speakeis announced to he at the
Republican mass meeting in Odd Fellows'
hall tomoiiovv night will diavv a big audi
ence. Go eailv ol vou want a good .seat
Vote for John B. Joidan, Republican
candidate loi state senatoi.
A car load of impoits who have been in
the employ of the Ene company at their
washeiies down the vallev, passed
thiougli bete jcsteiday bound .for anj
wheto outside of tlie coal legions. They
wete taken as lai as l.ackawaxeu by
the eompany.
The luneial of the late John llaiper
occulted estelday afteinoou. Seivics
wete conducted at the Alethodlst Eplseo
pal chinch b.v Rev. Charles II. Nevvlng
and music was lenUeied by a quaitctte
Horn the Alethodlst choir. A laige dele
gation from tlie local lodge. Independent
Older of Odd Fellows, was pte.sent, the
.deceased having been an active membei
fot tnanv yeais. Inteiment was made in
Dunmoie cemetety. The pall-beaiois
weie: Chailes Chamboilain, Peter Slegle,
John AValious, Hichatd Ilaivey, James
Alafatets, Chiistophef AVickes.
The funeial of Aliss Annie Sheeiin took
place fiom her late home on South Ulakc
ly stieet yesteiday nioinlng at 9 o'clock.
A solemn high mass of requiem was cele
brated by Rev. AIcNally. after which in
teiment was made in Alt. Catmel ceme
tety. The pall-boaiei.s wete: John Gol
den, James AtcDonuell, James AlcGiail
Thomas Cohgiove, Domlnlck O'Boyle and
John Campbell.
Lyceum Theatre,
AI. Reis, Lessco and Aranagcr.
A. J. Duffy, Business Alanagor.
Saturday AVftSffB Nov. 1.
Extensive Pioduetlon Complete.
PRICRS-Alatinee. L'lc. Ivc, 7."c.
Night, 2'c. Mv., 7,"ic Jl, J1.V.
Seats on sale TIiuimIiij at !i a. 111.
Academy of Music
M. Rels, Lessee and Manager.
A. J. Duffy. Business Manager.
Week SS'iv1 Oct. 27,
King Dramatic Co.,
Thiusday matinee, "Blue Jeans"; Tliius
day ulglil. "A lildltv Alotliet". Fiiday
matinee. "Slhoiia"; Fiiday night, "Shen
doah": Satin day matinee, "Shenandoah";
Saturday night, "A Waul of Fiance,"
DDIPCQ Matinee, 10 and 30c.
rnlukO Night, 10, ao and 3c.
Monday Night, "The New Dominion "
Dixie's Theatre,
Lessee and Manager,
llv I.ottio l.ahdoii
"A '.Maiden Horn Mats.'
"Half Wav '
( loi man Comedians
Comedians and Dauceis
Thiusda), Fiiday and S.ituulay,
Goldsmith's Bazaar
Cg. bT
It is well to remember that when you need Dry
Goods, here is the place to get them ; always some
thing new, seasonable and fashionable. Today's talk
is of things useful and profitable ;to you.
Mill Ends of
The chance came to us to buy this lot of fine
bleached German Table Damask, and we took it.
These "Mill-Ends" are two and a half yards to
the piece, and whatever the value may have been, we
make no distinction but offer them to you at SO'c the
yard. The choice is yours.
All Linen Table Napkins.
Those who know our linens are apt to come for
more. It takes use to prove their worth.
-Bleached Linen Napkins, fast edges and
dainty patterns. $1.00 a dozen and upwards.
-Bleached Linen Napkins, being one size larger.
$1.25 a dozen and upwards.
Fashionable White Waistings.
Fleece-back White Mercerized Madras, heavy
weight, handsome weaves, very stylish for waists.
Various qualities, all good at the price,
25c, 30c, 35c, 39c, 49c and 69c the yard
Colored Wool Waistings.
Truly a representative showing of these colored
Wool Waistings, and the prices are within the limit of
what you'd expect for such goods.
All the new and desirable shades of plain colors
and fancy stripes, 45c and 59c the yard
Dainty Dress
It's pretty hard for a woman to pass our Trim
ming Counter, for the display is irresistibly pretty.
And the Buttons this season, well, thty certainly are
charming. Come and see them anyway. You're
Your Own Ideas
Can be carried out by us with a nicety that will
surprise you when you need a piece of furniture
to tit a certain niche in your home. Our furni
ture makers and upholsterers are constantly turn
ing out handsome specimens from original designs
in any wood or finish that our customers choose.
Scranton Bedding Co.,
F A. KAISER, Manager.
Lackawanna and Adams. Both 'Phones
We eat
Mimmmm idd '
"The Perfect
Brain and
J.T7.',1-11 ""
utsim w
Perfect health,
clear complexion, bright eyes, clean
white teeth, sweet breath; these are
the blessings that follow a diet of
Malta-Vita is justly entitled to
be styled "The Perfect Food" for old
and young, sick or well.
Being perfectly cooked, pleasant
to taste, easily digested and assimilated,
Malta-Vita is an ideal food. Lead
ing grocers everywhere.
Table Linen.
Food "
sound, restful sleep,
. .
, . ivrssero
h, aU im.tL - uttrttbv,-. -Jjs-.j&S