The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 30, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Fubllhd Dally V.tctpl Bund', by 1 he '1 rthun
PublUhtBf Company, l Fifty Onti Month.
t.iVY n. ntctiAith iditoi.
O. F. BYXUKH llUJtmil mNAHlft
Knierl l to rostoflk at Bctttiton, second.
ClMI Mail Mttr.
Tf hn tpitca will txtmtt, Tlia Tribune) li
livafl Rind to print thort tatter from Ha
friend! bunting on current topic, lint It
rule li that lliele ntut be aliened, for puli.
I lent Inn, by (he writer' real nenmt unil
tho eontlltlon precedent tn acroutnnre I
that all contribution! ihall li iuliject to
rdltorlal revision.
The follcmldir table aliocva (hi jirke per Inch each
Insertion, apace to be innl within on yean
HldltlB rill
fipi thanM Indies i
(0 Incht-i , .
loo " . . . .
rvo "
Ml "
IikiO "
Hurt of
1'or card' of thanks resolutions of condolance , ami
Imllur contribution In the nature oradiertllnf,
ILp Tribune nukes a cbantu of 3 lenls a Hue.
KCriANTON, OI'TOIli:i! 30. 1HU-'
Govcinoi-S V riJN.VYr.rivi3H
Lieutenant Gnwiiiiii- .M HltpUN
Seuttniv uf Inlcinul .ITiilisIh VAC u
County. esi-Wll.U.WI CONNIJI.L.
.iii(iqc-. a .
conii.'isioii.'ii-ioiiN coi'itniit non
ius, jon.v tm:nman . r
Minn lnstv,.lms-.,l.i:.Vr,l,V. M. fiV
rii-t i3itiin-.losm'ii nuvnn
Mfomi niiiiht- mux srm:i r:i!, JR
llillil Distil, t i:i)AI!D TMi:S.
I'orntli Dixlilit I- A I'ltll.lMX
like tlnn tl i . Vnv I
As .i nuittei uf hunt mullein for T.y
nett'i licit nil Tlnn". no iimko tneiitlun
Hint tiro toiiii-ii.iplici riT the Oiilmti'
i nut l not Mi. Cimni'ir. pi hate sH'
i"t.n. lint .luliii M. IMw.ncK a nilive
Of ili P.llU. .1 1111-! (Ill's sU'lIDRI.l-
rihei iiiiiI ii rimi I it How. A litMU'i if
Icctlon could not hive Ik en in.Kli .
A.cnts of Civilisation.
Till: PIIOPLi: of Sinmton and
(if lilt- I OllllUllllit.V of Willi ll It
i- tilt it HUM IDllllllllV Wt-'l-
i out the "tilUo .n lilt i .i
tlun oonunl'-sloii mill titn-t tlmt it-. vNIl
lieif innv b" iil t1-nit as c 11 .is In
strtiLllvr .uul Tln m.i no-e
or the vMt iiiiiimc-nds itscll tu tin- jjooil
jllllRllUMlt Of C'VC'I vllOelv llllllf WOll.U",
opei.itoi- .mil public alike. In .i mmi'-c,
'he toiniiii'-,ion N the et of the people,
upon whose letln.i an to be lenis-leud
tho piu 1 t.u t- lii(r lllioii the letellt
Luntior. It will neitnini no btltt
KHivhe tli.m to simc iu .i nic.'ins of on
llshteiiiiis the iitt thlid p.ut In in
teieit upon lonilliloni with to
which thiMPlime been iinuh inHtimki
.standlns: .mil a m cat dnnl of iKiioiaiue.
Uy xlsltins not unl. the inliie but the
mineis nml mine woiluia in theii
1)01110, llOtlUS tllLll M)li.ll ( OlltlltlOIlS,
stfiudauls of IK lilt,- and oppot tuuitit -foi
the, eduiutlOT and udxanceiueiit of
thcii ihildKMi. the nieinbei'- of thlii
ntiKUit tilbuual, who-e (Inclines aie to
h.ue the uioi al font- of ultimate law,
Will be enabled thtollKti thell lt
pnit tu tutoini the anxious publle at a
distance and ilKpul niNounciiliun.
In the heat of tonlioveisj eticme
plrttiii" lia bfcn t hlbltfd on both
Miles, not iiee'"-j;n i to mislead but
:iettiall tPllillllK to LDIlIUse the opin
ions ot laiutMi. One etieuie 1ms iep
KhtntPil the initiei as without Jut
p: ipvame, a plunoiiunon ol piosppilty
.'unountiny; almost to allllieuoe, wliilc on
the othei hand the hie l bus been i on-ei-d
to l)n oulslde woiltl tint he Is a
ieionlll nllon of abjet l destitution, le
idinsf In a tumble-down h.iik, ptound
down b odious tiaun. uul Utile less
then a si,it.. mul u mmI. We hae no
doubl tint the lonitnlssloiitis will f nil
Instnmcs In width soium minfis ue
eij piospiMous and otluis (pilte us
notabb destitute. CMiMues of 111 t
aie as natiii il In the mil lit Ms as
elsewlieie lint we hae talth
tlmt thelt nhsei x.itious will enable
thCMii in put tho tani) ol l.ilst upon
llllieli that Ills llbelnl the wnikets of
this nl".v, aad that when tiioj uliall
lluxe iiiinplcleil the ell.utslle eMUll
Initlou on th xiouiid whliii Is wIkI.
iiKluildl in the Mope ol theii duties
tlltv will Hike Willi them upon deputl
tii" a hopeful bw ot the conditions!
lutsent ami piospeclhe In the antlua
dte teuitoij nml a heller tlmt the o
yioituulties heic open to tlulfl, eutei
piib" nml Ildullt.s in ceouoiule idalious
will slisialli favoiabte i oinpiiiksou with
those Hi an Aineilean t omniuiilly
h.nlim simllai i omple.Nllle.s of iiopti
lutlon mil luuliae.N of tinpio.Miieiits.
'Hie distinguished Benllemen lo ihom
the Anioilean people, tluousli tlielr
pnli iotlt and teiulens presldem, luno
toiiiinltiPd the Huliition of niir Imlu.s-
lilal pel ple-slues so to the iiiactlvul
pm of thelt t.mkhecuie in nubilo i onll
deuce and entitled to the fullem to.
npciullon. 'i'hey signally pemoully the
trlupph ot 'rtrtS'on oer piejiullce, p.u.
, aloiAaiid tendencies tow uul unauhx;
nS1l)eB Is no nunc uiKent publlu or
private duty than to fuillliute their
lahoqj and uphold thell hands,
TljeaiHlii.cte eoiunils.sloit cnideutly
does Tjot Intend to lie lesmded ns an
ornamental body onlj,
rA Clupter al history.
itN FfJB, 10, 1S0J, a combination
5; 1 of the iteudlns, Jersey Oen-
m i. .i .....i i ,.i.i..i. 1...11. .
iiu aiit l.i;Miell IllltJJ Hill
loads uiiH iiiiuoiiiie(l. Itiwiivit
as i)e "McLeod fonililno," and ideally
In (ionlllct with the Pennsylvania ton
HtUiIlioit. whleh, In Article XVII,, set
tlou0i)s1 that "no, mnal
or ithei1 vQM't'iutioii, ot the lo.sseen,
lituiiuiKOtri or ntuiiageis of any tall
loailte l.i mil inipoiallon, i-luill eon
Boliatjtj tlie moel.-, piopeuy or Uun
chibeso .mjih cot potation with, oi
lease' or purchase the woiks oi Iran
ehl)fe of, or in any waj tonliol any
ojher ( jaljiotitl or mjol-cpipoiatlou
owning oi li.ulntr under Its cmmyl, a
parallel or eomnetlns line."
Klslirdayi luter the governor of
Pennsylvania and hla ntlomey Bcnernl
nnnounced that nothing would he done
nbottt It UIiIors formal rnniptolnt
should he tnntlp. The dav followiitR,
foininl (oniplulnt luii tnade, by A. .T,
Cnssftlt. of Phlliidelphlit, and T. V.
l'owdeily, nt Hcutnton, wheietttiou the
BoVPituif 6t PeiinsyUitiilii unuotiueed
that he hud lefeiied the ma tier to the
attorney Ronoint. Tills olllolal went
tliiuilfili HOinr imillonH of aotlvlly In
Hie tnatter, hilt imlhliiK ienlted, and
It wih left to the uovcinor of I'enn
nylvaula tu hu.v In his messaae of 1SH1
tlmt the "ooinbhip" had been bioken,
not by the action of lennsylvitnlr hut
by tlmt of u ulster state, New .leiey.
Two eai.s inter this same RoVttjnor
.said In liis niesnae that the case
against the dial combine hail been
diopiied beeatise Hie ti)iuanlps had
inoinlsed to he aood.
Who was this envoi nor of lonnyl
vuiilit mid who was Ills attorney roii
i'iiiI? You din wee them both It you
will ko to the LM'oUiu tnnlKht. The
Bin ei nor was lion. Unbelt 13, l'uttlson,
whose piexent speclnllv Is clnlmllit?
that the Itepubllean pait is Mtber
lent to empointloiiM: and the Attor
ney genet al was lion. Wllltam lf. llen
.sel, now a Metre aiiulgner of Kepubll
eimlsni because It does not deal Vlir
oioiisly wlih' trusts.
We chaise that the "itiitl-tnuohlne"
bosses dellbeiately clioated T. P. Hoban
out of the nomination for the Oi prions'
conn Judgeship, tukliifr odvantase ot
his nbseiite at the bedside of his dying
inotber. Theie's u topic for Martyr
Howell rind we slimiest Its dlseus0n
Record of P. A. Philbin.
IT IriX'T long but It is fnt tolot
and full width and, length con
.sideied, It equals the best. It
begins. In n humble home where
light Influence pievnlls. guiding1 the
Itituio iepieentulie thiough the
til. ils of e.nly ioedy into a studlotih
ami soif-iespecllng nihilhood. It tells
of an education won bv liuul woik
and depiixatloli; of clean grit in the
masieij of adeise fluMimstance; of
steadx glow th in the esteem and eon
lldeMce of his associates, culminating
in the election two jeais ago to lep
tesent the Foui th logislatUe district
In the gelieial asseinblv, bv a vole that
was an eloquent testimonial of popu
l.ii It.
Then oame it test that pioxed the
stuff tliat was In him. When seeking
the nomination -Mi. Philbin hud
pledged that if elected he would enter
the i.uicus of his parly and abide its
lesult. Il was a idodge oluntatlly
glxen .Hid lepiesenting ills conscien
tious iew of party obligation and nc
(esalty. Al lived at llailisbuig. new
lo its temptations and poor in money,
be was besought by lepresentatives or
the nioxement to deadlock the senatoi i .incus and told Hint by absenting
lilmelf f i om the cauciib and pledging
Mippoit to an Insuiieotlonaiy pio
gi amine lie could soeme piefeiential
(ommlttee assignments and a sum of
iuoue. suindent to make the axeiage
man ilch loi lite. It was a ciuel temp
tation to put beloie a young man Just
Maitlug out In the woild and It was
one to which man a man of hugei ex
pcileuie, that it was made
by piofesots of pin itj and lefoini,
who had winked up a sentiment favoi
able to their spmious claims, would
hae succumbed Put lick A. Philbin
did not waver loi a minute. Tlie piop
osltlon was no miouim' made to lilni
than It was ionised, and fiom that
-taiidaid of ottlclal as well as peisorial
honor he lias not slnie sweivod ,i
liuirs bieadth.
In the last leglslatuie theie vveie
men who did as othei.s told them and
fiaiiklv confessed tlieli amenability to
"oideis." Mr. Philbin vah one who
took counsel and leieived Miggestions
and advice chteifullv. but took no oi
deis. Nobody owned him. Nobody
could delivei him. He did not set up
as bolter than olhei men or pose as
a hiipeiioi example, but lie did his
duty as he s-aw It and went to bed
eveiy night with dean hands
Tills is the iccoid which he piesents
to ills lonstituents for their review
next Tuesday. It de.seives to win and
il will win.
For eveiy poison theie Is an aliti
tloie. Republicans attending tonight's
cai nival of defamation at the Lyceum
inn get the bad taste lemoved fiom
their mouths b hen Hub Chailes Jim
my Smith, a oiator, tomoiiow
night, in the wiliie. place.
Robert Emory Pattlson,
BY COM 1X0 to our citv to iiM;
P.epubUeaus again to help
him to the gov pi not. ship of
P.opublioan Pennsylvania,
liobeit Ihnuiy Pattlon Invites an In
spection of ills iccoid In that office and
il tells against him.
lie went in twice upon waves of lle
publiiaii dissension, pioiulsiiig in ie
tutu for Republican help lo puilfy and
legenetate tlie politics of the common
wealth. Then, as now, the tenor ot his
song was thru lie was not a pnitlhau
but a puie hpliii ulsed for tlie occasion
to dlitur-e sweetness and light. Hut
who does nut lemember with what
swift and cat thy vowulty lie seUed
upon the executive power to fill the
sl.ii veil bellies of hi Democratic cainp
I'ollowcis and eieet tlie slate govern
ment Into a Ueinooi alio piutlaii ma
chine.'.' Don't liilsuudeistand ilh. We inako
no loiiiplalm Unit PattUou, the Demo
c.tai, used olllcinl powei In the inteiest
of the Doniociuty. That Is what poll
tit s expects ahd encts, Uul Republi
cans have u light to buvk at being
bunt tied, as lliey weie by Paulson's
piomises of uou-p.utlsaiishlp. He lame
hefoiu them a a lamb, lo snip later an
a wolf; ami It vvus not fall
.Mr, Pitllsmi peisouall) Is mi udiiili
able gtiitlemau for whom we have un
qualllldl lespeit Ills ability unit elo
quent e lommaud our euthiislabtiv nil
miration. Hut politically we ate souy
to have to Miy In the Intel est of tnuli
Unit he Is whut tiie bos would call
,i tluee cud moiite man, a shell game
wuikei, u dealer lu gieeu goods and a
llghliiing tod agent tolled in one. Ills
methods of beguiling the unsuspecting
into political purchase of pdd bricks
aic those of the confidence sharp, who,
In othei lines of entei prise, jivhen found
out and caught, does not auk a place
In the executive iiinnMoit but In glad
to eeeape tho penitentiary.
It l mire to guens that Mr. Putll-on
will toll his heal pip tonight what it
vicious Male tills In and how the gov
ernment of It iceks with Hllii and cor
iiiptloii, That Is one of Ilia specialties,
and lie lias been leheiuslng II so long
Unit lie does II well. Hut It doesn't
lake a long tnemoiy lo go back lo the
time when PiUIIkoii himself was at
the helm, and was theie any different e
then.' In the omcc-holdeis, yes.
Though non-pat tlsun when seeking
Hepublleuit votes, they weie all Demo
crals after election, and some of them
about as lank UeiuooiiUs as glow.
The fait of the mutter was and will
be again, If Pattion Is again elected,
which Is fortunately not piobablc, Hint
Uemociutlc nianagoiuenl ot slate af
falis Is no better thun of national or
local affairs, for the obvious teuson
that a sticani iiinuot iie higher tluin
Its .solute. Individually able Demo
ciats iiiuy lift llieniselves for a time
above the genet al level, as Paulson
tiled to do when couched by the In
couipaiuble Cassldy; but in executive
olllce tlie man cannot long hold up the
muss but must adopt Its plane. And
with nil lespett for Individual Detno
oiats of ability and worth, Il Is a fuel
of history tlmt the Demociacy of Petin
s.vlvuiilit. taking It by and latge, Is not
a competent or ti ustwoitliy Institu
tion and Is the lat thing on eatth to
nttiacl the confidence of Judicious Jte
publli alls.
Give Mi. Pattl-oii a gteetlng tonight
betlttlng his station and peisonal worth.
Show lilm tlie honor due to any dis
tinguished visitor. Let him nut have
cmiae to fed that Hlnce the halcyon
days of the .Scianton convention, when
lie scalped the old Koni.ui, Wallace,
Scranton hospitality has detei ioruted.
Kut don't let him fool ou again, for
that would be on indictment ot Sscian
ton's intelligence.
If Lynett knew how little influence
his anaichlst i.-ivlngs cnirled, we won
der if he would continue to waste
ink and white paper.
Fwr Frill, Mor Frih Air.
view of the folly of
loading upon the public school
com so a thousand and one
f tills and fancies, to the detiiment of
substantial instruction In the few but
mightily important fundamentals, Mich
as leading, writing, spelling and the
ability to do sums quickly and cor
lectly, is old-fashioned but eternally
Our schools tiy to tieat the pupil as
the countrvman tteated tlie holel
keepei, by eating eveiything on tlie bill
of fate. The lesult Is a form of mental
djepepsla, leMilting fiom a lot of
mincing and nibbling and not e.iougli
c itlng and mastication of good, solid
victuals Sticng men everywhere are
men ot simple tastes and limited topics
of knowledge rnusteied thoi oughl.v. The
pioduct ot the new-fangled Mhool idea
is like the shotgun loaded with biid
shot and scatleiing over a te.i-.uie
field, with only a iuHIIhb of tlie lcathri?
ot the object aimed at, compaied with
tlie lille that doesn't scatter but kills.
The scuttei-biain does well enough for
show putposes, but makes a decidedly
poor leli.inre in a time of stiess.
Another thought put forth by Mr.
Stetson that Is woith lepeating is tlie
need of moie outdoor .school woik. Per
il jps the bo5S get enough exeicise as it
is. Hut outdooi instruction means moie
than excuie. It means the ability to
ce things neai at liaiid and see them
iritelligeutlv. Digging in books or nib
bling at them doesn't shaipen the eye-s-ighl,
phsic.U or mental. It simply
loadfc a lot of law inateiial into the
biain, to be utilized as chance peimlts.
The beautie.s and wondeis and insplt
alionx of the message that nature lias
lor us light lieie at home, among our
dingy coal dumps and apparently bleak
hills, would sutTite, if pioperly intei
preted, to comprise a ery good and
piactitul education, as well as one con
nlbutlng gieatly co thaiacter and con
tentment. Tiui.v, what we need in uur schools is
fewer ftllls and moie fiesh air.
Ha-vlug Kelly and Nevvtombe on the
bench, two of foui, isn't it gall for tlie
Democrats to ask Hepublicans to help
them to elect a thlid Judge, Snndo, the
leclpient or a nomination stolen from
Tom lloban under c licumstnnces pe
culiarly tev olting , Put a limit upon
their neive by Mippottiug Vosbuig.
Latest lepoits fiom the Poconu boaid
lug houses indicate Unit the lesldents
of the City of Iiiotiieily Love can some
times act like Kilkenny cuts, when fiee
from the enviionnionta of gi eater Phila
delphia. It Is not likely that any one will ob
ject to the coal combine that will put
out of business the uiihciupuloiis ie
t.illoi.s who dining the strike chuiged
til a ton for anthracite in New Yoik.
"With oui tegular aimy i educed down
to the lowest point possible under the
law, utiU-impeilnllHin and milltatlsin
go to join nee trade and fiee silver on
the Demociallc erap heap.
Piesident Hadley of Yale iiinkea
aunouucciiient that he is a Itepubll
ean, L'oribldeiing his intelligence, this
oughtn't to be necessary,
llN-Piesldunt Cleveland seems willing
to make political comments, but docs
not cine to indulge In speeihes,
I u the Colombian i evolution, vlctoiy
seems still to attend the heavier bit
tullons, Tliuiikhglviug day Jokes die now In
order aiient the Uusso-Tiuklsli iiiutio.
One of tlie iiiteieMlug lltr,le Incident! of
the meeting of tlio btrike comuiissioii lu
WuBhlngtoii en Moudny, which dirt not
get into the icrhIui piess rcpoits, is Urns
lepuited by Walter Welhi.un It lllni.
hates tho pleusuuter sltiu uf the seilous
wmk of the cominlHlon:
The operators thought, Mi. H.ier acting
as their apokesmun, that It would be well
foi tho conimlbslon to begin their work In
tho most noitherii pait of ilio legion.
"I am not Interested," Mid Jlr, Haer,
"In the tipper pail, but In tho lower. I
can t speak for the upper regions, as 1 am
nom the lower legion," and Mr. liner
gave an cipiesslvo dovvnwniil move of
his blind which rinphnslrcd the point and
iiinilo eveiy one luiigli,
"Uut at one time .vou did spcuk for , the
uppei legion," Raid Mr. Mitchell Instant
IV, lofpiiliig to Mr. Knot's celebtnted In
tel view In which he claimed pni tncishlp
Willi nivlup Providence.
Mr. Mitchell's rejoinder whs even mine
lieuitlly appi pointed by evniy one tlinu
Kiidi's oilghial reiiiark, and the two men
who seemed tn enjov It inol weie Ulslinp
(spnlilhttr and Mr. Ibier.
Facfs Concerning
Paffison's Uefoes
WD DL'SlHIi to call the ntlentloii (it
Uip vntots of Poimivivaiilii to
sninp of the bills which Governor
PatUi-on vctorcl when lie was hi
office the last time, and which were
enacted Into laws In Mattings' arid
Hlone's ndnilulslintlons. TIipic Is no de
mand for tho lepcul of nnv of them".
Pattlson would not dure to go on Hie
stump nml lu the face of the people. Jus.
tjfy the vetoes by advocating a lepcal.
The vetoes lu question were mistakes
that no man at tlie head of u gient
state like Pennsylvania uliould make.
. Foicniost among these bills Is the com
pulsory school attendance law. PattNou
vetoed two compulsoiy attendance nets
Hint of 1S01 and that of 1S9!. Whnn Pat
tlson wrotn Ills Hi. st veto of a compul
soiy atteiidnnte law, Connecticut, Mas
sachusetts. Maine, Now Hampshire,
Michigan. Tevns. Nevada, Cnllroinln,
New .Tcrsev .nd New York had nil made
the experiment, and In many oilier stnles
school super InteudPiits Imd urged such a
law. Hastings signed a compulsory at
tendance act In I8li, a measure lutro
diicod and championed bv a icldent of
this city, and Democrats and Republi
cans alike me glad that lie did o. Thoro
mo few voleis In Lackawanna couutv
who would, lr tliev could, undo the gieot
good that this legislation has wrought
among (lie children of tlie common peo
ple. Pattlson, in 191, also rtlsapptoved of a
bill providing for the payment of the
expcnsPH of school dliectois attending
tho election ot county supoilntendents.
AYIiat a niggardly policy that was for the
governor of Pennsylvania to puisne! The
benefits ot physical culture In large
cities, too, were twice kept fiom the
chlldieu of the schools by Paulson's veto
axe. In liOI, Governor Stone signed a
phvsical culture bill tor cities of the first
and .second class, and alt the cities af
fected by the act are heartily carrying
out lis piovlslon. Then, too. Smith's
Legislative Handbook was kept out of
the public schools by Pattlson. Two
years afteiwards, under Hastings,
Smull's Handbook was put into every
school, and now a vast fund ot informa
tion concerning national, state and locnl
government is accessible to the teachers
and the pupils. Smull's Handbook has
Information for the teacher that is as
indispensable to him as It Is to any other
pel sou employed m a public capacity.
Another illustiatioii of Pattlson's ever
slon to progress, was his elo of the act
urovldlng for the protection of tlie public
health. The doctors sav that science, ic
Inforced bv wholesome laws regulating
the public health, has taken avvav much
of their most piofltablc practice, namelv,
contagious diseases Kut the people of
Pennsylvania owe nothing to Governor
Pattlson foi tlie lessoning of the ra
vages of thcje fatal diseases. Title Jo
his Ideas of government, he held that
such trifling matteis, from cholera to
croup, should be left to the people of tlie
seveial municipalities and communities.
Hastings looked at the matter different
ly. He believed that tlie regulation of
the public health by the state Is good,
sound policy, and he was not afraid that
it would not meet with the approval ot
the people aftei It had been tried. Ho
signed Htihstantlullv tho same act In 1893
Who would dare asset t now that loports
of contagious diseases made ofllclally by
I lie doctors, placntds on the houses, dis
infectants, Isolation, speedy and private
burial, etc., should not be enforced by
the stiong arm of the state? Piobablj
Pattlson no one else.
The veto of the pure food act was one
more exnmple of Paulson's inos-b.ukcd
Democratic pirtisanslnp. He admitted
that it was, on the whole, a good thing
and In the Interest ot tlie public health
and sanitation, but because it was "a
needless Invasion of popular lights" and
compelled brewers to make their boor
pure with nothing but hops and barley
In it he withhold his signatuie. Again,
his Republican successoi. Hasting", had
tlie piogreslveness which Pattlson
lacked, and signed a pure food law. Pnt
tlson's foir that "the bill would work
far mote harm than good," has not been
leallzcil. He vetoed the soldiers' burial
bill on the poor gioimd that soldiprs from
outer siaies wonui runic utrie iu ue
bunod Hastings appioved the bill, and
It operates wpII.
The-.e aio merely a fpw of the many
mlst'ikes of Pattlson In offlce. They
could bo pardoned' If. as an olf.set. tho
public could credit him with nnv gieat
and substantial achievements. But what
and wheio ni e they? They ate not. This
fluent apostle of leform tinned his poli
tics over to William ". Harrltv, who cer
tnlnly Is not entitled to any linlo; and all
that thi'io is loft to icnilnd the public of
his piofcsslotiH in behalf of good govern
ment Is Ills voice, which is once moie
vocal with the old tune, and his prestige
as the foi ci miner of Deinocrnllo national
tiiiimpli, which tills year Is likely to do
hint moie harm than gcod.
Intrinsic values for everybody who will allow
themselves to be convinced are always to be found at
this store. We have
Four hundred to select from indeed the as
sortment is so large that we can't go into details.
However, you will be well pleased with what you
get here.
We have again to
large, we just say
Quite a variety, is it not ?
In this we are always prepared for you.
All Our Shoes Fully Guaranteed I
And Honestly Priced.
Lewis & Reilly
The American Favorile--Burt
'Korrect' Shapes. Low
est in price full of style
and comfort eve i lasting
in wear Our cash price
$3.50 and $4.oo
Lewis & Reilly
Misses' Shoes, 75c & 85c
Child, 8J4 to I1,65c&75c
Child's,5 to 8, 50c &. 60c
Infants' Shoes 2.5c
Child's Rubbers 20c
Lewis & Reilly,
and 116 Wyoming Avenue.
Wholesale and Retail.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Pcnn Atciiuc.
plead that the variety is so
& Reilb
Ladies' misses' and child's
overeaiters and
'St..'"1. $1.00
Ladies' misses' and child
ren's warm lined and felt
shoes and slippers, house
and street. Com- Qfl tfJC
forts from 25c to Wliliw
All colors and kinds shoe string
ana pons 11
Men's dress shoes 95c
Men's working shoes.. 05c
Boys' dress shoes 85c
Boys' working shoes.. 85c
Youths' dress shoes . . .75c
Little gents' shoes 65c
Little gents' never-rip
shoes, warranted
Youth's never-rip fiS
shoes, warranted!.
Boy's never - rip $f Afk
shoes, warranted iHB-TfU
Lewis & Reit!y9
114 and ILG Wyoming Aven'je.
' Wholesale and Retail.
Lewis &
We have now in stock the finest display
of these goods ever made in Scranton.
Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na
poleon post bed styles. They are ele
gantly rich.
Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully
finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis
XIV styles.
Me Invite Inspection Whether You Are Going to Buy at Once or Not.
Hill & Connell, Washin
t IS !, ? K IS IS V. V, VL V. It IS It It 9. V.
Always reliable.
ill & Grain Co
Sciiuiton and Olyplinut.
-4 '4 U U U ' ".1 '4 Vl iJ 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A
Atlantic City.
The temperature at the AdMiW,
Un the, in Clulsej, Atlantic Ct,
Mouiln vhih s7.
Kvery appointment of a modem Hotel.
Kcntwlj Awuue, Tint Hotel figm llcacli, At
lantlc CiO, t. J 1 C Ovun lt rooimi c
Hilty 100, utile fur ciUl iJtu. J. U Jrnlc
On a ipur of the Allechauy Mountitin. lhlh
Valley ral'rud; ntar 'lou-anJa. Dathlnj, lUMnj;,
iboiU, ttc. Excellent title. Iteaonbl rateJ.
P 0.. Spa. I'M "end for boolK't.
Lewis & Reilly
Our ladies' Edwin C.
Burt shoe, the perfection of
man's shoe creation
All admit they are worth
5555.00. Our cash Q Cfl
price is lEWiOU
You save $1.50.
Ladies' dress shoes 95c
Ladies' school shoes. . -95c
Men's Gum Boots.. $2.25
Men's Woonsocket
Boots $2.50
Men's Rubbers 50c
Ladies' Rubbers 25c
Ladies' House Slippers 45c
Misses' Rubbers 25c
Lewis & Reilly,
114 and 116 Wyoming Avefiut,
Wholesale and Retail
gton Avenue
Do You Want
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Not a thort course, nor an enj caurte,
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Easton, Pa.
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Special Departments of Jluslo, Uljicn.
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tw rjcp.iriniciu
liouuinu cNpciiBci WuU
Pupils admitted at any tlnn',
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W1ll.l1 for catu.
lOBilc f
U. ii. ftiiffif, A. (M.,
T J rostcr.Prcs. Klnior 1(1 t.uwoll.Ticas.
n J. Postor Stunloiv P, Allen.
Vice I'resideiit. I Sccretaiy.