The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 30, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Bpeetnl to tho Scrnnton Tribune.
Plttslon, Oct. 29. The funeral ot tliu
late Mr.. William II. Williams tool:
plncc tills afternoon from the family
home on Lagrange street. Services
were held In the Welsh Baptist church,
Itcv. W. D. Thomas officiating. Inter
ment was made In Plttslon cemetery.
The Sunday school teachers of the
Trinity church will give the scholars u
Hallow'een party on Friday evening.
The Plttston Male Glee society will
give a concert In the Water Stteet Bap
tist church tomorrow evening.
Mrs. Anna Morrow, of Husiiuelmnnii
avenue, West Side, entertained llfteen
guests last evening, In honor of Miss
nimkln, of New York city, who Is visit
ing Mlsrt Gorman. Miss Worn I.eo
Cook, caterer, served.
f An nll-Plttslon foot ball team has
been formed to play the riloomsburg
Normal school team at the Young
Men's Christian Association Park,
Wllkes-Uarre, next Saturday after
noon. Haggerty and McCue, of Scran
ton, will play with the Plttston hoys.
The Xorth End Stars of Scranton arc
booked for a basket ball game against
the Plttston team next Monday even
ing In Kliby's hall. This Is the second
game of the season here.
The local teatu will line up as fol
lows: vMcGuffle and Anthony, for
wards; Dodge, center; Blackburn and
Sheetz, guards. Dancing will be In
dulged In after the game.
Cameron Cool, of West Plttslon, the
veteran horseman, who now owns sev
eral fast horses, has gone to XeW Jer
sey to attend the sale of Ilendrlek's
high-bred horses and brood mares.
Cameron expects to bring back a couple
of fast animals.
William Scrimgeour, of Susnuehanna
avenue, West Plttston, leaves the lat
ter part of this week for Beellngton,
Va., where he lias secured a position
ns superintendent of a water and light
plant for the Consumers' Light, Heat
and Power company of that place, In
which a number of Plttston capitalists
are interested.
Although there was no formal obser
vance of Mitchell day here evt.'y col
liery In the llstrlct was idle today, and
the only mine operation that was not
idle was No. S washery. This washery
has no time to be idle. Its capacity Is
r.itecl at SCO tons, but ever since the
strike was declared off it has been
turning out on an average of 1.C00 tons,
and that without any night work.
Mr. and Mis. Dolph Glcnnon, of the
West Sldf, have returned home after a weeks' tour of Ireland.
Mrs. Gt-orgo Allen, of West Plttston,
was tendered a surprise party last
levelling in honor of her birthday annl-
Special to the Scranton Tilbune.
Tunkhannock, Oct. 29. C. K. Van
Wormer. referee in bankruptcy, was
here on Tuesday, holding a meeting of
the creditors of Samuel Feather, bank
rupt. An iiPo pond will bo made on the
Walter farm nlong Swale brook, for
the purpose of supplying ice for the
milk carrying business of the Mont
rose railroad.
William II. Morris has sold out his
meat market on Warren street to Har
ry Cooprr and Fred Quick, who went
into possession on Monday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Stephen Itoburti-on were
visitors at Wilkes-Harrv on Monday.
Horace W. Kiwcll. of FalK and Ci.
Winer Detrirk, of Itussell Hill, Repub
lican candidates for the offleo of coun
ty commissioners, were visitors In town
on Monday.
The contract for printing the ballots
for the November election haa been
awarded to tho Nicholson Kxaminor, firm being the lowest bidder for
the tuirk.
Spencer I). Reed and George Skin
ner left on Monday afternoon for IHm
oek, whore they spend several days In
In the trespass eui-e of S. L. Tiffany
vs. Nlclioson borough, tried In court
hero last week, a verdict was found in
favor of tho defendant borough.
Andrew P. Bedford, of Scranton, was
a visitor In town on Monday.
Tho foundation for the now hotel to"
bo built by Charts H. Dixon on tho
site of tho old Packer house property,
has been completed, and work will Ixj
commenced on tho building the fltst
of November.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
AVest fell from a second story window
of their homo on Third street, on Mon
day. The little one alighted in some
tall grass, and strange to say was not
Dr. Pierce's
! WN. loUI wreck could not leep ur eat,"
writes I Mr. J. C, Hem. of Herryraau. CiawforJ
C0..M0I I-nrlwoibirkl tried medlciuc from
doctor tlut received very little benefit. I lot
fle.h sml.strcni;tU, was uot able to do a good
day wort.I commenced tnkloK Dr, Pierce's
Oolden ediC4l Dicovry, and when I had
taken one tViUe I could sleep aud my appetite
was wonderfully iiui)roed. I liavc tokeu rive
bottles and ail" tlll improving."
The sole motive for substitution is to
permit the realer to make the little more
profit paid 1y the sale of less meritori
ous mediciuVs. s He jjains ; you lose.
Therefore, aVotpt no substitute for
'Golden Mxdilcal Discovery."
perceptibly injured or Inconvenienced
by Its experience.
Judge Dunham will hold n short ses
sion of nrgument court hero on Thuis
dny next.
It Is expected that n new postmaster
will bo appointed at this place some
time during the coming month, tho
appointment having been deferred un
til after election.
Postal Clerk Madeira, of the Mont
rose railroad, Is spending a short' va
cation at his old home In Reading.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Fargo wero
called to Blnghamton on Monday, by
reason of the seilotis Illness of the hit
ter's sister.
Speclul to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest Cits', Oct. 29. The council will
meet this evening and again WTestlo
with the exoneration list printed by
Collector Freedninn.
Mrs. G. Ji. Maxey's Sunday school
class will liold a social In the .Methodist
parsonage, Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McLaughlin
have returned from their wedding trip
and are domiciled at the Forest City
A. L. Cramer, of Carboiidnle, was a
visitor here today.
Rev. ftlr. Dolboy continues to hold
revival services In the Methodist church
with good effect.
Yesterday our constables made their
quarterly trip to court at Montrose to
vouch for the good order of our fair
The sound of the whistle calling men
to work and the appearance on the
street of tollers with blackened faces
and clothes is welcome after the long
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
Nicholson, Oct. 29. Miss Nellie Mack
was a caller in Kingsley, Wednesday.
.Mr. and Mrs. F. C Drlggs spent Sun
day with friends In Clifford.
Miss Mae Farrer, of Klmhurst, spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Fairer. '
F. N. Boyle is in New Yoik city on
Several people from this place were
called to Tunkhannock last week on tho
Tiffany vs. Borough cine.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Colvin, who have
been visiting relatives in Sayre, 10
lurned homo Wednesday night.
A Republican rally will be held at the
hose house tills evening.
Vote for John B. Jordan, Republican
candidate for state senator.
King Dramatic Company.
Tonight the King Drama tie company
will present "A fiuilty Mother" at the
Academy of Music. .yThls afternoon
"Blue .leans" will he lepeateil. The
pln.vs yeiteulay were "The Cheiiy Plck
er.s" and "Slljeil.i," both 10 big Iioutk.
"The Gypsy Maid."
Undoubtedly one of the most popular
numbers upon the excellent programme
ut Dixie's theater this week lHpresentcd
by Ainuiur and B.ikIp.v In "The Gyvy
Maid." While the s-ketcll Itself is of me.
dloeie quality, judged irom the vaude
ville standard, a rather dull an pointless
theme is made alti.ietlve ny the el
forts, of the pair.
Thu singing of Miss Armour has been
particularly ndmiird, and the audiences
are seldom satisfied wllh one encore.
Wood and Hay. who open the hill, giro
the host in the line or humorous song,
nnd put tho spectators In a happy frame
of mind at the beginning of the perfotm
ntice. An umisiinlly good list of attrac
tions, is offered lor next week. Including
Loekhart's trained elephants.
Saturday ot thin week will he souvenir
day. At the matlneo and evening per
formances copies of the picture of tho
interior of the theater will be given re
served seat liotdeis. and all will reeelvo
perfumed progiiinunesi ()f nn original de
sign. Clark's Hoyal Burlesquera.
Of tho many burlesque attractions that
visit Scranton during the season, thero
aro 11011 more popular than Clark's Royal
Jturlesquers, tho offering for tlin next
thtee. days at the Star. Manager Peter S.
Clark, Wio Is at the helm of this or
ganization, is n well-known .showman,
and thero Is noun in tho burlesque busi
ness moro enterprising. Tho olio vaude
ville talent contains no old worn-out
specialties, but artists who aro entirely
now and who will undoubtely moro than
make "good." Tho list Includes: The
a Vails, the Trolley Car Trio, Kelly and
Davis. Jiartoll and Heynolds, Crawford I
UlLtn..L A .. ...!.... n...l Tfnll.. ..,! T) !
nirittfl, 4l Hiahtutift mm null) .1(111 JIUSU-
Two sizzling builesques, "Only a King"
and "Meat (Me) at the Fountain," will
present a chorus of twenty-llvo carefully
selected voices, together with the above,
mentioned vaudovlllo entertainers. The
musical numbers will l.o found tho very
latest, tho comedy altuntloiis new, aud
tho costumes tho brightest and prettiest
that money could buy. Tho Star will
without a doubt huvo an excellent at
traction In the "Royals."
The Waggery of Louis Mann.
Whllo "Ilooh, tho Consul," company,
which will appear at tho Lyceum Satur
day unci noon ami evening, was rehears
ing, early mornings found I.ouIh Mann,
tho star, down town on many occasions.
It was his wont to walk, accompanied iiy
Ills manag'.-r, Walter D. Yager, with
whom ho discussed plans and operations
for tho season. As they passed along
through tho frequented biiblness section,
teamsters were hoisting a largo safe.
Tho vault had just left the ground, anil
one of the workmen bud Just Hutched
printing a feign to tl on a standard ns
a warning of tho Impending peril, lo
lead, "Danger Above." Mr. Munn saw
tho nhsmdlty of tho statement. lie Im
mediately picked up tho brush and
printed, "Safe above." Tho salo of seats
for "Much, the Consul," opens this morn
ing. Huntley Moore Stock Compauy.
Tho next attlaetlon at tho Academy,
lioxt week, will bo Hie Huntley Mooro
Stock company, Mippoitlng Miss Mabello
Slooro and M. M. Huntley, In a reper
toire of high-class comedies and diamas.
Tho above, company enjoyed a very
prosperous run at Atlantic City this sum.
mer, und will return thero early in tho
spring. Ono carload of scenery and olec
ti leal effects Is carried by tho company.
Hlgh.class vaudeville will bo Introduced
between tho acts. They will open with
an elaborate scenic pioductlon.
The llrst snow is generally (vripeted
about Thanksgiving time, but this year
It has came a whole month earlier.
Simply a Wonder
To shoppers are the new white taffeta waists this season Un
approachable values, quiet elegance, and an individual newness mark
them as leaders in dressy waists.
Style No. 1 Tucked with broad
effect across, tucked sleeves and cuffs,
ornamented with large white pearl but
tons. Really a lesson in $C ff
effective simplicity. Each U.W
Style No. -2 Pleated on either side
of large center box pleat, laid in pleats in
bade, open on side, stitched cuffs. A
waist that will appeal to women both
for dressiness and service. $A CA
Each .U
New Hosiery Ideas Arc Exhibited By Window Display This Week.
Meltrum, Scott & Go
K9 Wuominn Avenue.
There were two brisk snowstorms yes
terday, and while none offtliu "beau
tiful" stayed long with us, thlnga
looked real wintry while It was falling.
The first storm was In the morning
mid the second In the afternoon about
2 o'clock. The snow fell so thick and
fust during tho last Hurry as to render
walking a most unpleasant undertak
ing while It lasted. There was u most
decided drop In the temperature yes
terday, which Is expected to continue
The following Is self-explanatory:
"When I went Into the llepubllcun
primaries teeklng the nomination for
county commissioner, I did so with tho
full Intention of abiding by the result
thereof. Like every man who has u due
regard for the canity of our primary
'election. I accepted that result, and am
just as loyal today in my allegiance to
Itepublican principles and the Repub
lican party and Its candidates as any
one can be. 1 desire my friends, the
thousands of them who supported my
candidacy in the primaries, to know
this, assuring them thai my wish Is for
the success of every man whom Iho
Republicans have nominated.
"This statement ought to be unneces
sary to those who know me best, but It
Is rendered necessary by reason of false
leports now going the rounds that 1
am secretly opposing the ticket, or
some of those who compose it. I am
for the ticket. Itespect fully,
"G wily m Jones."
Tlan; was a fine meeting at Moosic
last night. It was held in Dymoml's
hall and was addressed by Hon. Jere
bnyder. of Allentown; Thomas II. Dale
and others. The speakers were enthusi
astically applauded. A big meeting was
also held in Webber's hall, Taylor, last
night, where the principal speech of the
meeting was made by J W. Fieltz.
it nt X
A Democratic mass meeting will ho
held in the Lyceum tonight, which will
be addressed by ifobert 15. Pattison
and George W. Guthrie, candidates for
governor and lieutenant governor, re
spectively, and other members of tho
party that is touring the state wllh
them. Some of these speakers will also
address a meeting to be held in St.
David's hall, AVest Scranton, tonight.
. 4 4
Tonight n meeting is lo be hold in
the hose house at Peekvllle, at which
addresses will be delivered by Hon.
.Tore Snyder, of Allentown: a. K. nivni.
and H. S. Al worth.
On next Monday night In .lane's hall,
nt the Archbald mines, a meeting will
bo hold, which will be addressed by AV.
It. Lewis and P. AV. Flolts:.
N TAH Ht&tyy
The ripening of fine fruits
brings to perfection their juicy
flavor and food element.
The thorough AGEING of
Convenient to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town
cars and transfer at 4th ave. direct
to hotel.
Hooms with Hath ) JHiilts with IlatU
S'-'-OO f I $3,110.
W. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
aitimore Eye
(Thj Purest Rys Product)
develops its
Rich Nutrient Quality
and makes it the
most perfect whiskey.
SuM nt all Ili-tclftM infes and l,y jobbers
IVM. 1.ANAI1AN i bO.N, ISattlmole, 5Id.
II. K. Francis, of Kingston and Miss
llessle Magdalene Spelcher, daughter of
Thomas Spelcher, of 431 Madison ave
nue, were united in marriage yesterday
afternoon in the bride's home, which
had been made beautiful with flowers
Vuul potted plants.
The ceremony was performed In a
bower of greenery In one corner of tho
room by Kov. Oscar Gallenkamp, pas
tor of YAan Lutheran church. The
bride was attired in a gown of white
silk and wore 11 veil. She was attended
by her sister, Miss Anna Speicher, who
acter as Ilower-glii. Prof. Schilling
played Mendolsolm's wedding march as
the couple entered the parlor. Im
mediately following the ceremony an
elaboiate wedding dinner was served
followed by a reception. Tho couple
left late last night for Now York,
where they will spend their honeymoon.
Mr. Francis formerly lived In this
city but Is now employed at Kingston
where ho nets as the forwarding agent
for the Hlanchard Coal company. Ills
Cor, Sixteenth St. and Ir Sag Nice,
American Man, $3.50 Per pay and Upward
Kuropean Plan, 51.00 Per Day and Upward.
Special ltates to Famlllei.
Lyceum Theatre
Friday Evening, Oct 31
X For Business Men X
f in the hcait of the wholesale dls-
For .Shoppers
.1 minutes' walk to Wanamakors:
minutes to Slegel Cooper's Big
Store. lSasy of access lo the great
Dry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
One block from B'wav Cais, giv
ing easy transportation to all
points of Interest.
Cor 11th ST. & VNIVKnSITY TV.. 4-
T Only ono Block from Broadway, -t-
X Booms, $1 Up. prSSs X
bride is a charming young woman
possessed of mauy graces. The couple
will live In Kingston upon their return
from their wedding trip.
Ceremony Performed in St. Thomas
Churchy Archbald.
In St. Thomas Catholic church at
Archbald, yesterday morning, Miss
Jennie Kearney was wedded to John by Ilev. T. J. Comerford, pas
tor of the church. The bride was at
tended by Miss Xollle Clark and the
groom by his brother, P. P. Urogan.
lioth the bride and her attendant were
most becomingly attired and the bridal
party made n pretty picture as tho
members of it were grouped at the
sanctuary rail while Father Comerford
pronounced the solemn words of the
marriage service.
After a wedding breakfast Mr. and
Mrs. Brogan left for Philadelphia
At 8 P. M.
Hon. Charles Emory Smith
Ex-Postmaster General of the United
Hon. Stuart Mac Kibbin, MX.
Of Indiana, One of the Ablest Speak
ers in the Country.
Ladies Invited
Come Out and Bring Your Friend
where they will spend their honey
moon. Mrs. nrogan is a sister of Dr. P.
II. Kearney, of this city and one of
Arclibald's most highly regarded young
women whoso Tricnds are legion. Her
husband is a substantial nnd progres
sive young nimi who is prominent In
the business life of Archbald.
Graduates of Bloomsburg Normal
School Made Merry.
The annual banquet and dance of the
ttloomsburg State Normal School
county was conducted last night at the
Scranton Bicycle club, and proved tln
most successful affair of a similar kind
ever conducted by the association.
Prior to the festivities a meeting ol
the association was held and the following-
officers wero chosen for the
coming year: President, Prof. Charles
It. Powell: first vice-president, J. C.
Tucker, of Clark's Summit: second
vice-president, Miss Edna Evans; finan
cial secretary, Prof. David Owens: cor
responding secretary. Miss Dessle Da
vis: executive committee. Miss Kather
ine Phillips, Wat kin Williams and Hay
den Oliver.
Boys' Suits at S6 up to $15.
Little Girls' Winter Coats for
girls, ages 3 to 14, $3.50 to $8.
Stylish Millinery, $2 to $10,
Cash or Credit.
A Factory and Thirty - Four
Stores means that the strongest
competition cannot undersell us.
Credit to Everybody.
Perfect Fitting Clothing;
In the making of every garment we sell, particular attention is paid to every little detail. There must
be no shirking of any part, no matter now trivial. That's the reason our clothes fit perfectly. That's the
ift&, reason we nave Duut up tne largest ureait uiotning ousiness in America.
Vi VI'V-.
Why not purchase your Winter Clothing on our liberal credit plan? It's
convenient and doesn't cost extra.
Everything in Clothing, Hats and Shoes,
For Hen and Women, Boys and Girls.
I 1
1 1 pM "'
Ladies' Suits
Worthy Suits and stylish, every one
of them. Venetian, Broadcloth, Basket
Cloth, English Cheviot, etc, in black,
brown, tan, blue, castor and mix
tures, $10.00 to $25.
Men's Good Suits
Every Suit tills season's styles, direct from the
factory. Men's Suits In Cheviots, Serges, Unfin
ished Worsteds. Every Suit splendidly lined. All
grades Suits at
SlO.OO, $12,00, $15,00,
$8,00, $20.00, $25,00,
Men's Overcoats
Get it now pay later. Choose from
our well selected stock and you won't
go wrong in style, quality or fit. Over
coats to fit all shapes and sizes of
$IO,00, $12,00, $15.00,
$18.00, $22.00, $25.00.
Lacjies' Jackets
The cool weather brings the Jacket proposition
forcibly forward. Why not see what we can do for
you? Every style Is here, including all lengths of
the popular Monte Carlo. All priced as low as the
$10.00 to $25.00.
coPLEs Worr
317 Lackawanna Ave
First Floor
Open Evenings