-TVe" : -1 ' ' JS THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1902. Atf 4fcf. r i m The News of cCARBONDALE MINERS 2 ON MITCHELL DAY i'JCwo ThoUfennd Anthracite Workers U Join hi Marching Demonstration C to Honor President John Mitchell Z and Felicitate Over the Victory In gj 1000 Features of the Day. " About 2,000 miners, nil from Cm bon ; OiiIp, except a mIiikIc local rrom Simp won, contributed to the observance ye- tcnlnv of .lolin .Mitchell dnyby 11 parade '.that covered the central streets of this ,'U'ltv, to the accompaniment of music of , 'bands that quickened llwlr flops and ''heightened the Jubilating spirit that , 'Jilted them. The day was", perhaps, a ' trifle sharp and keen In the chill winds i..'that blew, while occasional Murrles of '-,'suow .gave a roretnsto of winter Unit lawns' not rollshnbtc, :, It Was ii holiday (or the workers In . .anthracite, and the holiday .spirit showed Itscir In the light-hearted man- iter of the marchers. Resides cnmitieiu- ,i orating the victory of the llrsl strike. , n IPOU, the occasion was taken lis a iineans of rejoicement and felicitation Stiver the recent strike settlement. All ' 'of the locals weie uwiily fully repre- i seated, evidence of the place Unit John ' Mitchell holds In the Pearls of Ciir- ,bondale miners. None other than mine workers participated In the celebration, ;" it was tiuly n miners' demonstration. Along the long line of miners were portraits of John Mitchell. Knch man had on a badge, which bore a half-tone . illkencss of the t'nited .Mine Workers' ,. president. These were supplied by a 'Philadelphia dally, through Roberts .t 5 Reynolds, the local newsdealers. The procession did not get tinder way until nearly 11 o'clock, a delay being caused by one of the carriages, bearing cltv otllclals. becoming disabled. Harry r Kerins was rnnd marshal, with nldfs as follows: Chief of staff, .htines Kee- nan: assisted by a staff composed of one aide from each local In addition to the two division commanders, Isnace ' Veroskl and. John (iaffnc.v. The aides .were: Frank Nolan. Felix Clone, 844: John' Toolan, STT; Jacob Williams, 3(i: John Mildon, 1,S!T; Thomas .Murphy, 1611: .Martin Hat tic. WiH: Joseph Pidg- win, iRiii; William l'urlcii, jugniunu 1'ark local. The police force, headed by Chief Mr ' Andrew, led the prncessior., which ' moved up Main street from Seventh avenue, and along the line of inarch published yesterday, the procession end ing in a countermarch on Main street. 'After the police came carriages con tainlng the following: .Mayor James J. O'Xeill, city controller (Jcorge AV. , Kvans, City Treasurer C F. Connor and Chairman of Select Council John D. Davis were seated in the first enr- rlage. In the second were Rev. Charles .Lee, pastor of the Fir.M Presbyterian church: Itev. Rollin A. Sawyer, rector "of Trinity Episcopal church: Rev. A. F. Chaffee, pastor of the First Metho- dial Episcopal church, and Itev. II. J. W'halen, D. D., pastor of the Kcrcnn Baptist church. The thlid carriage held Very Itev. T. F. Coffey, V. CI., pas tor of St. Tlose church; Itev. Anthony Cerrutl, pastor of Our Lady of Alt. Car mel church: Itev. (Jeorse Dixon and Itev. Walter A. domain, assistant priests at St. Rose church. In the next carriage were National Organizer .lenry J. Collins, District Coininittte Members John M. Marrelt and Patrick Walsh. The .Mozart band led the First divis ion, which was made up of the Simp son, Highland Park and Hhick Diamond locals. In the Second division were No. 1 shaft Local. STT: Powderly Inside Local, !!!: Powderly Outside Local, li'.DI: Coalbrool; Outside Local, lull; CorIIuooI: hii-lile Local, Ml. Five drum corps were in line. There were numerous interesting fea tures, conspicuous among' them being the marching of a half-hundred. breaker ,lads. some of them very small young sters, witli the Simpson local. The in scriptions on the banners aroused a good deal of lutriest and amusement. The most striking read as follows: "In the grimy and bruised hand of the miner was the little white hand of a chllil. It is for the little children we are fighting." John Mitchell. " "The soft coal workers stood nobly to and helped us win a gieat victory." "We love scabs and Imports and that man with divine rights nit." "Mitchell and Roosevelt killed the finer and cubs." This banner contained pictures ot President Roosevelt and Mr. Mitchell. Another banner contained a picture of President Itoosevelt lassoing a bear and the inscription: "Teddy, the Hough Rider, lassoed a bear." a parody on the famous newspaper cartoon. "dovernor Odfll, of New York, rend the riot acl to Air. George liner and bis pals at New York," There was one display In the proces slon that came In for a good deal of adverse criticism, It was Independent, however, of the mine workers' pro gramme of the day and was rrowued upon by the officials. At the rear of the line was an ns.h . truck wagon, from up Simpson wnv. that contained i btilf-dozeu foielcnei'K. .Mie or two of whom were women. There jis -u plentiful supply or beer aboard, jghleh wan freely drank by the men, id jlu some fnsfunoes piissed out to 36e crowd. Nest, to tin. iiiw... o... tin: :m' holding.;. crudely built banner or ,'ii., Thw-wari attempt to print i Inscription', the attentat resniHno- ,. :l!ow:iflf?ow la .Mitchell. II., IL. ..i'i 'X I'VbiW-' 9n', 4'Jiifbt,' Mitchell. imn ' ANAEACiER INTEREST. It -r j ' 3jpubHca)AntlclpatIng Rally nt 2 'the Gland Saturday Night. ESfl'hp (irand 'pjn)rU.Mtouhe is certain to SaJntiiln an audience .Saturday night SXBat'M-111 glvo;a splendid greeting to ft)ij., Serepo EPayhe) chulrnuin of the Siy arid-mean's committee of cougreBs, .JPio Will fiead the forceful speakers who r VOld .Stories Retold. JSJPeople never Jlre of 'hearing tlm oft Xgpeated atory ot the success of chain itBrlin's Cough Remedy, From all Ser'.the country and even In fur away dla, Chintz and the South Sea Islands lUme: letters'1 1 rojn, druggists and de.tl Dtft, itatiriff'the rare pleasure they de- te irom handling a preparation which, es, such universal satisfaction. They tell the same Story of the undoubted jtli of this remedy, ana of its em jgjcy in the relief of coujfh9,.oy8 ojid Wpun. and pere6nally"reomnientJ It to jjelr customers. The remedy is sold on yi-. positive guarantee -anfl hasnever tm tfp?.ftjrttwat:'f iiwwvjfor it, yor'isrlebjfcil'arogstsj ' ' ' Carbondale will discuss the political Issues on tills occasion. As Is Irui! among Republicans all over the cotmly, there Is the greatest Interest among- these voters In C.'arbon dale, Interest horn of the confident feeling- or victory next Tuestfhty. This will be stiiklngly demonstrated at the mass meeting' on Saturday night. The Aloznrt band will be there, with music galore. Kverybody Is Invited, and It Is strongly hoped that women will accept this In vitation and spend an evening of Inter est and profit. CLIFFORD DUPLICATE SETTLED FOR $6,250 School Board Fixes oh This Amount After Tedious Wading Through Exonerations, and the Fidelity Surety Company Promises to Send a Voucher for This Sum Before Monday Next Satisfaction Over Settling the Matter. After several weeks' dealings with the some what Involved preliminaries neces sarily Incident to such an undertaking, a settlement of the unpaid, and partly uncollected, duplicate ol' School Tax Collector Frank I!, Clifford was effected last night. The sum fixed upon is JO.'J.'n. This will be paid over to the school district by the Fidelity Casualty company, ot llaltlmore. Aid,, within live days from Tuesday night, when the amount due the district was ascertained, The figure agreed upon as a setl le nient of the unpaid balance was deter mined at Tuesday night's meeting of the board, which was prolonged until nearly Wednesday morning. There was a tedious process of examining the ex onerations presented by the surety company, and determining how much of these should be allowed. After par ing and taiueezlng these to the limit uud allowing the commission due ror the settlement of the duplicate, the same as if It had been collected, the sum of Sii.'.'.'ifl was fixed by the board as final settlement. In deciding upon this figure, all the exonerations and commission asked for by the surety company, the original bondsmen, were not granted. These claims were compromised, and alto gether the directors are satisfied that the best settlement possible was the result, and that the Interests of the dis trict have not suffered. The settlement of litis mueh-ventl-lated mutter, and so satisfactorily In the judgment of the school board, will be generally received with similar sat isfaction, it can be safely said. The situation, so far as it affects the three Carbondalians who went on .Mr. Clifford's Indemnifying bond, is that I hey are likely to suffer some loss, more or less; but there is some chance to recoup themselves In the collection of t lie taxes yet unpaid. The settlement fixed by the board comprehends the whole duplicate, whether or not the money was collected, flow the settle ment will affect Hie criminal prosecu tion against Air. Clifford, by the surety company, Is not known. THE HALLOWE'EN DANCE. The Bon-Ton Social Club Will En tertain This Evening. The Hallowe'en dance o the Uon Ton Social club will take place tonight in the ritirke building. The committee of the club has spent a good deal of time and has used a generous allow ance of cash in the arrangements, and an evening of social enjoyment, beyond the ordinary seems assured. There will be a programme of Hallowe'en divers ions, and dancing- of fnncy figures will precede the opening of the usual sev eral hours or dancing. The hall will, It is expected, be resplendent with decor ations and Increased electrical Illumin ations. Tile dance has been eagerly an ticipated among- it large number of young folks ever since the announce ment, several weeks ago. It was the intention to have a chicken supper served at the Imperial, in con- iiccuun wiui ine nance, uiu it was found necessary to dispense with this because of the restaurant not opening until today. Luncheon, however, can be procured at the restaurant, If de sired, during Intermission, At a Dance in Jermyn. A huge crowd or young people from this city enjoyed it dance in Jermyn, Tuesday evening. The .Mitchell Social club, which Is composed of some of Hie best known young men in Mnyfleld and Jermyn, conducted tho dance and wore exceedingly hospitable. Among those who attended fiom this city were: Messrs. Otto Xlexon, Robert Cox, Michael Cavanaugh, Charles Alex ander, Willis Wilson, David Harvey, John Fox. Ray Coiuirion, William Hill, Harry Robinson una Boyd Oliver. Lady Workers to Entertain. The Young Lady Workers of ihe Methodist Kplseopul church will be cn tertnlued by Mrs. t'liurles II. Horton and Mis, Fred W, Clark at .Mrs. rior um's home, ;; North Main street, litis afternoon, between the hours of :s ami i. A cordial invitation Is extended to till the members anil the young ladles of the church. Back at the American. Kdwanl Kelbnld has resigned his posi tion behind the desk at Hotel Schadt ami is back in hit. former position as day clerk at the American In this city, The numerous friends that Mr, Ke. hold's courtesy and obliging spirit won for him during his slay at the Ameri can will be pleased o greet him there again. Bagged Phensents and Quail. i'asseimer Knglneer John' I.lngfelter and nephew, Oarliold Anderson, of Oil bert street, enjoyed a hunting trip out towards Crystal lake, Saturday, and were successful In getting (he material for a choice .Sunday dinner, and Mon day dinner, for that matter. They killed six pheasants and three quail. In Charge of Cafe. Kdward F. (Sniper, or .New York city, has assumed charge of ihe cafe or Hotel American. He succeeds Jerome O'Rourke, who left some weeks ago. Mr, Grauer has had abundant experi ence and has a pleasing personality, which Is essential to succecs In his line, Aged Woman's Mishap. While moving about In her bedroom, during Tuesday night, Mrs. L. A. Stone, of Darto avenue, fell und fractured one rib, sustaining, besides, painful bruises, Her" 'advanced 'years, belhg past 70, make the family fearful of dangerous consequences. When the accident oc curred, Mrs. Stone was endeavoring to get medicine, which was close to the bed, and which she hits been taking far rheunmtli) trouble. Hhe lives with her son, Albert Stone. LAID AT REST. The Late Thomas F. Herbert In terred In Maplewood Cemetery. The late Thnmns 1 Herbert, the for mer successful merchant In this vicin ity, who expired suddenly on the street Monday morning, wus laid nt rest In Maplewood cemetery yesterdny after noon. Services were conducted nt the resi dence of A. F. Loftus, on North Ter race street, by llcv, U. A. Sawyer, rector of Trinity church. There wn a representation at the obsequies of the wide acquaintance of the deceased. The pallbearers were: llcesc Hughes, Johh J. Howen, Abe L. Hnhni, B. S. Clark, Michael Stone and fidward .Morgan. TO PLAY AT SCRANTON. Indians to Line Up Against Best Team There on Wednesday. Malinger J. Russel Jones lust night arranged to play tho Scranton team nt Hcranton. on Wednesday next, nt Athletic park. The team goes to Athens, N. Y on Saturday. Change of Positions. Chris Powderly, formerly a brakc tnan on the Delaware and Hudson rail road, bus accepted a position with Clarke Bros., and Is In charge of the large delivery wagon. Paul Roeslger, who was scaler a I the Delaware and Hudson freight station In this city, has been advanced to a place In the office of Al. U Fine, coal shipping ugent. Kugene Dhuock bus been given the position vacated by Mr. Jtoesiger. John Kearney, of the West Side, has bi.en placed In charge of the 'bus line of Hotel American, taking the place of Oley Piatt, who has taken another position. Commission Coming to Caibondnle. The arbitration commission of the anthracite mining situation will come to (irbondnle today. The train will leave Scranton at 0.15, over the Dela ware and Hudson. It will be made tin of five coachet", three of them Pullmans. Kngine Xo. 434 will draw the train. KiiRineer Edward Atkinson will be at the throttle and George Chapman will be the conductor. The train will be taken from here over the Ontario and Western and the Krie to the mines alone; these roads. Pleasant Social Entertainments. Alrss. II. O. Watrous entertained last evening, at cards, at her home on Darte avenue. Her guests, who passed a delightful evening with their host ess, were members of a social club, of which Mrs. AA'atrous is one. These en tertainments are held in succession at Hie members' homes each fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reynolds were host and hostess at a delightful gathering of thirty-five friends at the residence on Wyoming street, Tuesday evening. The entertainment was In honor ot Mr. and Mrs. X, E. Rice, 101 mer Scrantonlanp, now residents of L.os Angeles, Cul. Want Road Repaired. George I.ee, a taxpayer of Carbon dale township, brought James Walkf-r and James Mcllale, supervisors of the township, before Alderman Atkinson Tuesday night, on the charge or fail tiro to keep in repair a road hi the township. Neglect or this character is a misdemeanor and punishable in crim inal courl. The defence was that the road is a private driveway, and be yond the duties or the supervisor to be kept In good condition. The citne was continued, by agree ment, in order to reach a busts or settlement. "Faust" Company Goes Away. Alan Tabor's "Faust" company left Carbondale yesterday for Hamilton, X. Y to resume its season. The ten days' stay of the company in this city gave rise to the belief that the organization was In inaneial distress. TIiIr was far from the truth, as the season thus far has been prosperous. A change in bookings, the engagement of a new electrician and the rehearsing of pans by new. members or the troupe caused the stay here. Carbondalian's Cottage Despoiled. The cottages of Joshua A. Brown, of Houesdiiie, and Mr. Olios, of Carbon dale, located at Klk lake, were broken Into last week by a party or foreigners from the Lackawanna valley, and a quantity of bed clothing, cooking uten sils and other household furniture was stolen. The daring looters were in the act of carrying a stove across a near by Held when discovered by several farmers, on their way to Carbondale after coal, llonesdale Cor, Carbomlnlian Promoted. Martin Kennedy, of South Main street, who lias been employed as sten ographer in the office of superintendent of motive power of the Lackawanna road, at Scranton, has been promoted to the same position In the oflice of Cten cral .Superintendent Clarke. The ad vancement of Mr, Kennedy is one in which he can justly take pride, as It Is a recognition of trua merit. Branching- Out. John I', Milady, manager of the Sun Advertising company, which makes a specialty of publishing time-tables, etc, has taken an associate u the business, Flunk MiiDerinott, who has the qual ities to appreciably Increase the patron age of the Sun company. Both hustlers leave today on a business trip through York state. Arranging for Concert. Mrs, Cliailes Perkins and Miss Hello Rowers are arranging for a concert that will be held in Trinity parish house, Wednesday evening, .Nov, 5. The proceeds will go to the organ fund of Trinity church. A programme that promlsuH a good evening of musical en. lertalnment is being arranged. A Case of Diphtheria. Rartha Dlx, aged e years, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. c, Dlx. or Canaan street, Is reported to the secretary of the board of health as suffering fioni diphtheria. Meetings of Tonight. George Randolph camp, Sons of Vet erans. Georga W. BmJUi's tfuntral. The funeral of the. late aeorsre Washr Ington Smith, who died t tho hospital A Wonderful Medicine. Beecham's Pills FOR ALL Bilious and Nervous Disorders, Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind and Pains in Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered liver and Female Ailments. FRErARXD ONLY BY THE PROPRIETOR, Thomas Beecham, St. Helens. Eng., and 365 Canal St., New York. Sold by all Drugslat In United SUtc.i. In boxes, 10c. and 25c. Monday uiffht, will take place this af ternoon. Services will bo conducted at the residence, corner Pike street, be ginning at 3 o'clock, by Rev. Dr. H. J. Whalen. ISurlni will be In Brookside. PERSONAL MENTION. J. R. Shannon, of Shannon & Co., is in Cleveland, O., on a business trip. William Thompson, formerly mali nger of Hotel Anthracite In this city, Is visiting at his former home In this city. Mr. Thompson is now manager of a hotel at aft. Clemens, Mich., the centre of a number oC health springs. Mr. and Mrs. William Cliff and fam ily, of No. 4. left last night on the Erie flyer Tor Nebraska, where they will locate. The family was tendered a happy farewell a few nights ago by their neighbors. vote zor jonu a. Jordan, Republican candidate for state senator. James Golden, of Dunmore, was In the city last night, the guest of P. V. Donnelly, prescription clerk at TIiie:- ley's pharmacy. Mr. Golden was here to say farewell to hlstCarbondale ac quaintances prior to leaving for Tead vllle, Col., on Friday. He goes west to accept the position of window- decor ator for the leading men's furnishing house in the bustling Colorado town. Mr. Golden resigns the position of head salesman in J. J. Collins' clothing store, Scranton, to no west. He is qualified to succeed in his now Held, and takes with him the best wishes of his Car bondale friends. Prohibition candidates for county commissioners George W. Be'esecker, Newton; Gomer D. Reese, Scranton. Miss Nellie Gallaghy, of Salem ave nue. Is suffering from a severe attack of grip. JER.MYX MAY FIELD. Miss Klla 13. Mulheran. a well known young lady of the Kast Side, and Michael Muldoon were united in mar riage at 9 o'clock yesterday morning in Sacred Heart church. The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin. They were met at the altar rail by Rev. Father Dunn who performed the ceremony. After the marriage rites had been concluded a nuptial mass was celebrated. The bridal party afterwards left the church to the strains of Mendelssohn's march. The bride was attended by her sister, Margaret, and the groom by his broth er, William. The bride was attired in a gown of white silk tissue over white taffeta silk, with Irish point lace. The bridesmaid wore a beautiful dress of moussellne de sole with chiffon trim ming. After the ceremony a sumptu ous repast was served at the home of the bride. The newly married couple departed later for .New York, where they will spend a brief honeymoon. They have the wishes of a large circle of friends ror a bright and prosperous future. The Mine Workers of Jermyn and Mnyfleld paraded through the principal streets of the borough yesterday af ternoon to tho strains of martial music rendered by bands from both boroughs. The men and boys and the general public afterwards assembled in Wind sor hall, whore they were addressed by Hon. p. A. Philbln, Prof. Howell and Frank P. O'Hare, a socialist. The meeting at one time was quite excit ing owing to tho hard hits .Mr. O'Hare gave the Republican and Democratic parties, Vote for John I!, Jordan, Republican candidate for state senator. Mrs, H. A. Wlllmnu and Mrs. C A. Rattenberg gave a progressive thim ble party to a number of ladles yes terday afternoon, The pleasant affair was largely ntteniled. The hostesses wore assisted In receiving by Miss Winifred H. Robinson, of Middleton, Conn, Tho Young Ladles' Cooking dub assisted In serving refreshments. J, t), Blocker Is shipping potatoes from Minnesota. He expects another car this week. OLYPIIANT. The funeral of ihe late Doiululck Fadden, ot Dunmore street, will be held tomorrow morning. A requiem mass will be celebrated In St, Patrick's church at 10 o'clock. Interment will he made In St, Patrick's cemetery. Henry McKlnley lias returned home from Brooklyn, X, Y, Misses Sadie O'Malley and MjskIu Doherty attended the banquet given by the Hlooinsburg State Normal S.chool ulumul at the Hlryelo Club house at Scranton, last evening. Miss Mamie I.awler, Is visiting rela tives at Plymouth. Vote tor John 1!, Jordan, RcpublUaii candidate for state senator. John O'Brien, or Scranton, Is visiting his aunt, Miss Mary O'Rrlen, or Lacka wanna street. Allss Margaret Kvans participated in an entertainment at Providence hist evening, TAYLOR. Mrs. David T. Han Is. wfe or David T. Harris, passed uway at her home on Athcrton street, yesterday afternoon. Deceased was an old resident of this town. She was a kind und loving mother and was u faithful member of the Welsh Congregational church and 5pUXKMWXK$)KraKK)$ra) Connolly & Wallace! Scranton's Shopping: Center The great sale of Children's Stockings at Sc a pair continues. Some sizes are already sold out the 814, 9, and 914 sizes. But we have plenty still of sizes, 5, sy2 6, 6y2, 7, 7, 8. Something over 8,000 pairs were sold yesterday. Women bought them in one dozen, two dozen and five dozen lots. One woman who has a large family of little ones, bought twelve dozen pairs. I Women's Rain-Coats and One of the busiet places in the store is that little spot where we sell rain-coats. Dozens of women trying them U 8 J on and being fitted all day long; and no wonder can you jf think of anything better looking or more sensible as aX lj wrap ? And not only does the practical side appeal to women, but the styles are those of the best ulsters. S J Except that the skirts are wider, rain-coats and ulsters K are alike as two peas in style; but ulsters are running JJ heavier and are meant for colder weather. JJ Some are quite elaborate; some are just sensible and SS J cover you from top to toe equally. Have you ever thought 5 J how absurd it is to give a little added weight to your JJ ? shoulders and arms when you go out and to neglect the O rest of you? You ought to cover yourself all over on a S I cold day. Two special numbers in four colors, new in style $20 and $25 each. K Fine 5ilk Waists. While makers throughout the coun try have complained all the fall that business was bad, we've been selling more silk waists than ever before. Of course, the prices, the quality, the style are the things that do it everybody goes where the best money's worth is to be had. Gloves for Everybody Men, Women, Children. Just'about twice as busy as" last Jear selling double the number of gloves every day. If we didn't have the right gloves, or enough gloves, it would be too b:g a strain to stand but we're splendidly ready for it. Womens 25c to $6.00 Mens 25c to $5.00 Childrens 20c to $1.25 Are people thinking of Christmas already ? You ought to see how many things customers are asking us to hold for them. It's the time to buy gifts when the goods are fresh the variety unbroken, and before the crowd comes. I Connolly a 123 - 125 5SSKKM5K5055COSKMX5lKX her calling- away will be a great shock to her many friends, Sim is survived by a husband and four children, Mrs. Lewis Davis, of Rdwiirdsvlllc; Mr. William Lewis, Mrs. Thomas Kvans and Thomas J. Harris, She was n member of the Pride of Lacka wanna lodge, Xo. IS, A, I'. L. A. Funeral announcement inado Inter. Tullle Thomas and John Reynnn, two rockmen, employed at the Holden mine, were painfully hurt yesterday by a fall of rock, ThnmiiH resides on Main street uud Heyimu resides in West Scratitnu. Weber's rink was the scene of a bin demonstration last evening when the Republicans held a grand rally, The spacious rink was crowded to Its ut most with followers of the Brand old Republican party. Vote for John H, .Ionian. Republican candidate for state senator. ,JI Mrs. James Powell, Mrs. T. L. Jones, Mrs, J, K. Davis, .Mrs. R. W. Reese and Mis. Charles Jones attended tho funeral of the lato Mrs. William It. Williams, tit Plttston. yesterday, Lackawanna Valley Council, Xu, SI, Jr. O. r. A. M wlll meet this evening in regular session, Prof, D, 1-3, Jones, of Main street, will leave today for New York on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas ("Irilllths, of Washington street, arc spending a few days wltli relatives at Tioga county. Miss Katherine Oluistead has re turned lo resume her studies at the Hloomsburg .N'ormul school, after spending a few days Willi bet parents here. Mrs, M. J. Lloyd, of Prleeburg. was the guest of her mother. Mrs. Robert Llewelyn. r t'nlon street, yesteiday. R. J. Davis, of .North Main street, was a business visitor at Moscow, yes. terd.iy, i I. They Pay the User, If you wish a half-tone or Hue cut, let the Scranton Tribune muke It for you. Our equipment for this work is complete and up-to-date, We have facilities for doing tho finest sort of work at lowest prices and what' more, we do It. A trial order will convince you. mens Tailor-flade Suits From $10 to $100. If you want a plain, inexpensive knockabout suit for winter, it's here. If you want one elaborate, and beau tifully trimmed, its here,, too. And you needn't jump from one to the other;, there are dozens of grades in between. & Wallace - 12M29 Washington Ave. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Reduced Rates to New Orleans and ' Return Via Southern Railway. On account of the meeting of Amer ican Rankers association, .'ev Orleans, La., Nov. llth-Ulth, IDOi the .Southern railway will soil round trip tickets front Washington. D. C. to .Vow Orleans, La, on Nov, 8th, nth and 10th at rate of one fare, via, $-'7.."0; final limit 111 days from dale of sale, except by depositing tickets with joint agent, New Orleans on or before Nov, istli, and payment ot fee of fifty cents, tickets can bo ex tended until Nov. SOlh, 1002. Ritto from Philadelphia :w.S,", Cor respondingly low rates from other points, The Southern railway operates three through trains dally with Pullman lirawlng-i'ooiu sleeping cars from New York, Philadelphia and Washington to New Orleans without change: dining car service on nil through trains. Charles L. Hopkins. D. P. A. Southern railway. SiS chestnut street, Philadel phia will furnish all information, There's No Place More Homelike, Lakettoud the fashionable Lakowood the glorious, Is the one renin lo which the resorter now turns for a period of enjoyment, and such enjoyment In cludes every known sport. Lakewood's dilves, than which there aro pone better, attract a gay throng and traps of every kind arc in constant n:-c. The hunt attracts many, llkewlso cycling and polo, but when one lluds such delightful, yes wonderful links as Lakewoml possesses, one little wonders thafgolf Is the popular game. Another feuturu of prominence Is llsliotels, hos telries commodious, grand or ratlin palatial, wheic one's welfare Is the llrst and foremost consideration. Thoso qunllllcatlons, Including a most mar velous atmosphere, have made Luke wood famous the world over. Thjff re sort is i delicti only via the New Jersey Central, nnd Its passenger department In New York has Issued a booklet on Ulsters. For Winter Knitting. For shawls, leggins, tam-o'shanters, etc. Shetland Floss, 12 hanks in a box. 7c a hank or 80c a box. Saxouy Wool, 20 hanks in a box 7c a hank or $1.30 box. Spanish Knitting Worsted 8 hanks in a box 12c a hank, 95c box, t u Lakowood which Is replete with infor mation, and It's yours for the asking, $3S.85 to New Orleans, La., and Re turn via the Lehigh Valley Rall lond November 8, 0 and 10. On account of American Rankers' as sociation convention at New Orleans, La November 11-18, the Lehigh Val ley railroad will sell special tickets at $3:,,S."i for the round trip, good going November Sth, :Uh and lOth, limited ti return lo 11 days, Including date of sale. Kxtcnsiou of return limits lo November 30th can be obtained by de positing ticket with Joint agent at New Orleans on or before November lStli. and payment of ,"0 cents. Tickets good on all trains except the Hlnck Diamond express. See ticket agenls for further information. AIKKBALI). One of tho prettiest mar.iiages of tlm season took place yesterday morning at Si. Thomas' church, when Miss Jeu nlo Kearney was united in the holy bonds nf matrimony to Mr. John Rro gan. The happy couple entered thu church to the strains of Mendelssohn s wedding march, played by Miss ICIla Hovers, a niece of the bride, Tho couple ai rived at the altar, where Rc V, J. Conierford awaited them to niako them man and wife, with a solemn high mass. The bride was becomingly dressed In blue ctainiue over silk, wltlij a beautiful hat to mutch, und carried a pearl prayer book. Her intild, Mlsi Nettle Clark, wore silk foulard and black picture hat, ami carried chrysH aiitliemums. The groom was utteudeifl by Ills brother, P. P. Urogun, Afte; the ceremony the bridal party retini to the home or the bride, where u , ding breakfast awaited them. which tney toyic the :s.oi train ol Delaware and Hudson for Phi phla. On their return they wlllj a neatly furnished homo on 1 street. Vote for John H. Jordan, It- candidate for state senator. mt ' f iH. :) '