'sti 1 ' ribiitte. THE ONLY SCRANTON PAi I RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD V A SCRANTON, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 00, 1902. TWO CENTS. TEN RAGES TEN RAGES TWO CENTS. J- I ir - .a-sgr mmmmi.. . iflyiMit?ti 4Awm'i fw i " i js-- m itffrMrvWt BisESfei?Si f -tjsSBBmSEasiOSmSI MR. ROOSEVELT ON THE ARMY fln Interesting View ot the Situation Written In 1900 Which Is Soon to Be Published. RESPONSIBILITIES OP A CHIEF MAGISTRTAE .A Glance nt the Army Oignniisatiou, Which Is So Often the Target of the Demagogues, Bread and Butter Politician and Cheap Sensational Newspapeis No Occasion for Amiable People to Be Afraid of the Military Element The Ameri can Army Has Never Been and Never, Can Be a Menace to Any body, Save America's Foes. By Ka-uive Hire from Uic Vssooialcrl Pics.. Boston. Oct. 29. In an .11 tide wilt ten for the Youths Companion, which will be published next week, vTheodoie JtoofcvelL giver- Ills Ideas ot the duties nnrl responsibilities of the president of the United State. Mr. Roosevelt wioto the article In 1900, while he was gover 110' of New York, nnrl previous, to the Republican national convention which liutuiii.ited him for lcc-picMdent. In It Mr. Roosevelt sajs: The president of llir Uniteil Status oc cupies (1 position of peculiar impoitauec. In the wholo w 01 Id I In 10 i no othei nil'-r, iicrt.ilnly no other uilcr undci fiec insti tutions, vi hose pniver compaies with his. 11 couisu. there is t lie euoi mous pcisumil actor of iho Incumbent himself to bu con- Jdeied rntlii.lv upnt from the pover of In- office Itself. 'I his Is meicly another civ of Matin,? tn it in iinv 01 1 ico tno ic-rsriml question Is alwajs of It.t 1 cou rse fjiienc-. The scnalnr.s are the constitutional ail- vlscis of Iho president. The secrclnilcs who loun the cibinet mlvlse him on 111.it teis of general pohej when he so dishes It. With the senate, the advice ami eon tult.ttiop am obllgatoiy under the con stitution The senate li.is no light to dic tate to the pic-sklcnt who sh.ill le np Iiotnted, Hut they have an entile Unlit lo my w lio? nail not bo nppoii.rl. for un der the joiibtltutlon this has been madu thjli c'aly. Although many men must shine with tin- president the tcspoiisibilltv, theie is upon him alwajH n heavy Inn den of lc sponsibillty. It Is easy enough to give a bad administration, but to give a good ad ministration demand the most anxious thought, no less than eiy unusual pow ers, of mind. The War Depaitment. TlKio l.s ccry reason whv the piesi dent should bo held to a shuip acioimt nblllty alike for what ho does and tor what ho leaes undone Hut wo injiiio ourselves and the nation if wo fail to treat with prop r re.speet the man who, In the highest ofilco In our land, is stiiv lng to do his dutv. We h.io had piesl dents who have acted weakly or unwisely in paiticular ciises, but we havo never had one concerning whoso personal In tegritv tlioio was as murh as a shadow ot BUBpleion. Appointments and policies Tihleh aie nominally routine anil unim portant may suddenly become of abso lutely Ital consequence. The war de partment was utteily neglected for over thlity jeais after the Civil war. Neither the iPKiii.tr officer nor the 1egnl.11 soldier takes unv pait In polities, as u itile. so that the denngogue and lucid and butter jiolltlelnns have no fear of his votes, and to both ol them, ami also to tho eluap j-cri-ationul newspaper, the aimj offeis a iiunilto subject lor attuek. So It often happens that some amiable pioplo irnllv f,ti a little atiaid of thu nimv, and ha-n some Idea tint it may lie ued uumo time 01 cthei against. 0111 llhoitics, Tho armv never h.w been, and I am bine, It will novel be, 01 can be, n men ace to .invbndy savo Amei lea's toe-, 01 aught but a souico of pihlo to eveiy good and fai -sighted American. When an cinoigency IIUo that caused bj thu Spanish war arises, tho socio tary ol J ivar becomes tho most Impoitant ofilici In the cabinet Altogether the to am few linuler tasks than that of tilling well and ably the ot lico of picalilent of the I'lilted Slates Hut If tho man at the rhi'-o of his teim is iililo to I'-ei that ho has done his duty well, lie has tho sattslactloii ot leollng that he has poitoimed one of the gieat woild tusks' and that tho moie iieitoim nnco Is In itself tho greatest of all possi ble lew aids. NO NEW TESTIMONY. Decision of Boaid of Inquhy in the Case of Bishop Talbot. Ily i:.diul.e Wilt Mom Tin- .ioc.iatul l'tf. Hunlsbuiff, Oct. L'fl. The buatd of Inquiry convened, by llev. Thomas Jlarcli Clink, of Ithodo Islund, tho pie elillng bishop of tho Uplscopal thurch, to pass on tlia alleged new ovideuco offered by Ilia prebenteis in llus matter of the ohaiKes ah'ulnst illshop Talbot, of Ceutinl I'eniiHyJviiniu, gtowiiiK out of tho unt'iOLl'lnu of Uo. Dr. I. N. W. Jivlue, loimti lector of the I2plHcop.il church at Huntingdon, met in this city today and decided that theio wits no now testimony, The hoaid's action was In thu foim of a lesolution, which was unanimous ly adopted, that no fuiiher piocecdlugs lie hud on thu charges preferied by Itevs. J, AndiowK Hants and D, I. Odell, or Philadftlphla, against Dlshop Talbot, and that tho house of bishops be officially notMed of tho bo.ud's de cision. -- Verdict for Mr. Gould. U Kxilusns AMie liuni TI10 Aiioclated I'cmi. "lew York. Oct. "J -A veidlct fen thu jfcndant, Jlowaid Oould, was given to- ny ma jury In 1 10 second tilal of a lage nult bi ought by Frank D, Slow. wno was at onu lluio in, Gould's On tho mat trial, $3,0u0 was uward. .tno plaintiff, but on appeal this was ,i usiuo unu a ro-tilal was Mowbray claimed that bu lost It of one eo while in itr. Gould's $ BIOTS IN PORTO RICO. Violence and Disorder in Many Lo calities Aic Reported, B' Ctcliuhe Wire from '1 he Associated I'rni fan Juan, I'orto Itlco, Oct. i. In complete iftmns fiom various parts of the island regarding tho Inst registra tion day, yesterday, confirms the re ports that riots nnd shooting; occurred In many towns and thut violence was used everywhere. The- rumor that tho fedcials weic shut out at San lauensso, wheio 11 mob attacked tho police, with the result that two of tho iloters weio killed, mid llfteen men, among whom were three policemen, were desperately wounded, Is also confirmed. It Is added thnt the mob entered the town carry ing a corpse at the head of the pro cession. The police attempted to disperse the participants in a fight at Patlllas, a Fcdeial town, which was Invaded by a large mob of Republicans from Ouay nmo, which forcibly took possession of tho booths, shut out the Keelprals and registered the whole of the Guayamo non-iesldent party. In the shooting and lioting which ensued four men weio badly wounded, Including Coiporal Ccpeto, of the Insular police. At Ponce, many shots weic filed, but there weic no casualties. Minor disoiders, stabbing and other woundlngs, have been icpoitcd fiom other towns. REAR END COLLISION NEAR LANCASTER Passengeis on the Harrisburg Ex press Have Narrow Escape fiom an Awful Catastrophe. 0ivhi3n Wire from The Associated Pi HI. Uincasttr, Pa., Oct. 29. Passengeis on tho Ilairisbuig expicss, lcaing this city .it 7.1" o'clock this evening, fned a catastrophe of appalling possibilities, and miraculously escaped with .1 vio lent shaking up. The express was run ning at the rate of loitv miles an hour, when it suddenly crashed into the ic.ir of a freight train which was standing on the tiack at Dillcrvttlc. one mile noithwesL of this city. The engine of the cxpicss ploughed f.ii-t'i t!y lyt car of the freight trainvliii li wis an empty box: car, and there it .stuck. I'rom some inexplicable cause, none of the cats wero derailed. Tho violence of the compact shat tered the windows, of the passenger coaches and hurled the passengeis from their seats, but aside from the Jar, no one was hurt. The escape of the en gineer, Harry K. Thomas, and bis fire man, C. 11. Downes, of llatilsburg, was even moie lem.nkable. By the" roof of the fi eight car they weie knocked down against their fire-box, but managed lo crawl out of the, wreck, slightly scalded and bruised. The express engine and three freight cats at once caught flic and weie consumed. The passengei cais weie uncoupled and pulled back from the conflagration. Engineer Thom as had the usual 01 dots of .1 clear ttack through to HatrlsbuiR. The freight ttain was waiting lor outers tc go onto a siding at Dillersville. The flagman of the latter waved a danger signal when he saw tho expiess coming, but did not attract Engineer Thomas' at tention until It was too late to avert a collision. ..MUSICIANS WILL STRIKE. Parisian Theateis Aie Liable Soon to Be Without Melody. By E:tltisbe Wire fiom The Associated Vctn, Pails, Oct. 20. -The musicians of the Paris theateis at a meeting today voted unanimously In favor of a genet al stilke, beginning tomoirow at noon. Twelve hundred musicians weie lepou ed at the meeting. The decision to stilke the lesult of a piotractcd conflict with the miiu ugeis of the theattes over wages and extius for lehearsals nnd matinees. The managers insisted that the ai lists rehearse fieo and that the muslUans should also do so. The strike affects most of the theateis of the city. The nianagoiH icly on non-stilkeis outside tho mganlzatlim to win the light, Tho meeting adopted lesolutlons fo e,cept the grand opeia and tho opera coinlque fiom tho strike movement be cause these houses letelvu government subventions. All the other theateis of Pails, how over, aie Included, DEATHS OP A DAY. Uy Exthuhe Wire from The Asvulatf J l'rrt Stioiulsburg. i'.., Oct, 20. Alter un Ill ness ot three jeaia, William I Hush, piopiliuor of tho populai summer ic-sort, Locust Grove House, 1" i.st StioudHbuig, fot a peiiod of about fcuty jeats, died at Ills late lesldcuco last evening, uged a lew months over M eais, Oi-ueiul liability, lolluvvlug Loiuplcto paialvsls, was the cause ot (Until. AVilkes-IUrrc. Oct. '.'O.-Chai les II. I'.u iW, superintendent of I'lttshuig detective agency, died suddenly ot pneumonia In this Lily tonight. Kim a tho ljea'lunlug of tho to.il stilko ho had chaigu of special officers sent heio by tho detectlvo agency to uuuid tho piopeity of tho toul com panies, Heading, Pa,, Oct, 20. Ito. Auiun Pill flock, one ot tho best known I.utheian ministers of Ilatteiu Pennsylvania, dK-d at bis homo lielu today, agtr .' jcais. lie was bom in I'redcrkk, Md , was ginduatcd fiom the 1'oimsylvunla College and Theological bemlnaiy at GeUsburg, and was otdiiiucd In JVtt. lie occupied pulpits in 'Womclfadoif for tliirty-llvu jeais und camo to this city five jcais ago. 1'htlndfljlhl.i, Oct. 20. Former Judge James A. Logan, gcnoial solicitor of tho Pennsylvania Jtatlioad company, died suit, dtnly tonight tit bis homo in Ualu, u tut buib of this city. .Judge Logan was born In Westmoreland county, this state, In 15W. Ho studied law In Giecnslnug- and practiced there until elected to tho bench. In 1VT9 lie was appointed assistant general solicitor of the Pennsylvania, lallroad and became gcneiul solicitor In li. CONTEMPTIBLE ASSAULT. Workmen nt Pittsburg Throw Con crete Blocks nt Soldleis. Ily Kulmlio rc fiom The AnuUaled I'r.M l'lltsburg, Pa Oct. 20.A scene, de nounced by bstnndeis us contetiiptlblc nnd outrageous, maikeil the leluin of the soldleis of the Foui teeiith regiment fiom the anthracite legion today. "While passing down Fifth avenue tlu-v weio assailed with chunks of coucictc, blocks of wood 11s largo as bilcks, and even tools, thrown fiom the twenty-Hint floor of the new' Ruineis' Deposit Hunk building, u distance of -JTC feet, by work men. The act was evidently ptemedltated, for the woikmeu had collected enough missiles to be able to keen up tho as sault the whole time the leglment was passing. That no one- was seilously butt Is le innrkiiblo. "When the soldleis lcitllzcd that the missiles vvcie aimed at them, a line was quickly fotmed on the opposite pave ment, an officer gave the command to load; but the commanding oillcer countermanded the older and no shots were fired. JUDGE PENNYPACKER'S CAMPAIGN TOUR Ho Addresses Large Crowds at Doylestown and Lnnsdnle. Uy Kxclinh e t ire from The Associated t'rrss. Norristown, Oct. 20. Judge Penny packer addressed audiences today in Doylestown nnd Lansdule nnd tonight appeared before a largo audience In this town. His address bore was brief. Ho said hi part: "I have never sought the office of governor of Pcnns,lvanin. I do not seek it now. 1 have asked no man in the state to vote for me. The lespon slbibty ot the election test upon you. Should I be elected next Tucsclny, then without any tense of elation, with an appreciation of the gieat conllelcnco reposed in me, I shall accept the office, which I icgard as one ot the highest upon the face of the earth because it is the highest executive office in the gic.it cst of the Anieiiean commonwealths. And I shall go forwnul to the per formance ot my duties with n. sense of responsibility and with a determina tion to poifomi those duties to the vciy utmost of my abilities." DOG FINDS THE BODY. Hunter Discovers Evidence of Foul Murder Near Reading. Bj rxrhr-iie Wire from The Associated l'rcn. Reading, Mass!, Oct. 20. A hunts man's dog found the body of a mur dered woman just off the woll-travclLd bltrhwav near the "Wakefield line this alternoon. "Waltci j.ock'. whose dog drew him to tho place, found the body to be w.atm and with six wounds in the head, five ot them from pistol bul lets, while the sixth which had gashed the left car and plunged deep in the neck, had been made by some sharp instiument. Theie was eveiy indication that the murder itself had been committed else where and that the body had been taken from a wagon and dragged into the field where it was found. The chess of the woman seemed to indicate a pei son piepared for long journeys on foot In all sorts of weather. TROOPERS AT AUDENRIED. Men Will Occupy an Abandoned Flame Building. Bj 1 xiluhc Wne horn 'Iho A.ocuti'd I'reas. Hazleton, r.i Oct. 20. The Second City tioop, of Philadelphia, ai rived at Audenrled, a shoit distance south of heic, fiom Wilkes-IJaire, tonight. The men will be quartered in an nbandoued frame building that has been fitted up lor their oeeupane, and their hoises will bu sheltered In thu coal companies' stables near the town. It Is understood that tli two battalioub of the Thlul leglment at Audeniled will be wlth diavvn the latter patt of the" week. Colonel Bowman, in command of the Flist leglment, tonight sent a detail of troops to Haulebmok to piotect tho homes of several non-union woikmeu lrom the attacks of an angry cioud. DEATH OF J. A. MORGAN. A 'Stinight Out" Democrat Driven to Suicide by Fusionists. By f.velmhe Wire from lhe Aisoelatcd 1'resi Norfolk, Vn., Oct. 29. John A. Mor gan, a lender of the ".Stialght Out" Democratic paity of Not folk county, which faction has ben fighting the or ganization of tusloulsis, for sevetal yeais, blew his bialns nut nt his lesl dence here today. He was lound by u servant in his tootn In Hetkley. On a table was .1 note which stated that It had been said thut his death would smooth the waters of the county politics, and if such was the cuse it could be shown now. ills wife- was visiting her daughter in New Yoik, when tho n fruit occurred. Six Millions in Glue. By Ischnl.c Wire frum fhe .VHoiUted. I'rtss. Trenton, N. J., Oct 21 Tho Glue cot piiiatloii of Jeisoy City was iucoipot.itcd heio today, with u capital of KOuu.ikjO, divided In to V.WO.OOcj healing k per cent cuniulatlvo dividends and 5),0w',ikxi com mon sioek. Tho coinp'tny Is to iiiunuf.ic tme glue or any ai ticks In which glue tnteis as .1 pail Thu lucoipoialois ale Not I Galo and John i Ctiailtoii. of New Y01U, and itlchaid 1". Tnllv, of Jpisj;. City Hnlf-Bieed Held for Mulder, Ily l.iclu.ho Wuo fiom'llio A.i-ociuieil Wca, lledfoid. Pa., Oct. 20-Geouo Lelglity, a liall'bicccl miner, of Kearney, near hue, was uirebtcil today on tho chuiga of mur der. DH Chambcilulii was found dead on tho lallitMd Tui'bday uml ho was sup posed to huo been Killed by 11 train Jjiter dovloiments biought .suspicion upon I.eighty und sufflclcpt ovidenco was pi educed at tho hcuilni: lo waniiut his conimltment, Two New Ciuiseis for England. By Evculve Wire from The AssocUM l'rc.s London, Oct. SO. Tho udmiialty has or dcicd tho constiurltoii of two novy ciuls cis which, it is claimed, will bo tho most powerful and probably tho fustest vessels of their kind hi tho woild. Their speed la expected to exceed 2C knots. CELEBRATING MITCHELL DAY The Principal Demonstration ,ol the Anthracite Region Is Held at Wilkes-Sarrc. EVERYBODY WORE A JOHN MITCHELL BADGE A Dny of Snow nnd Sunshine The City Pncked with People It Is Estimated That Ten Thousand Men Were in Line The President of the Mine Workers Receives nn Ovation All Along tho Line Mr. Mitchell's Speech Some of the Bnnners Carried. 11 I'tcluihc Wire from The AjioclateJ Tre'j. Wllkcs-Bnrre, Pa., Oct. 20. Jlltchell day was celebrated in all the pilncloal towns of the antbiaclte coal region to day, nnd in 01 dor that all the mino woikeis might have an opportunity to participate in the exercises, the mines were closed down. The pilncipal dem onstration was held In this cltv. and President Mitchell took part. In the enily morning there was bright sun shine, but tovvaids noon, tho time for the big parade to move, It became squally and .snow fell for several min utes. This was followed by more sun shine and then more snow. But the changeable weather did not keen an aimy of strangcis out of town. They came in street and steam cats and all other kinds ot vehicles, and when the noon hour appioachcd the stieets In tno central part ol the city weic packed with people. Everybody wore a John Mitchell badge. Tho procession staitcd shortly befoio noon and was neatly one hour in passing a given point. As the weather was cold, the marching was lapld and there weie few delajs. It is estimated that there weie ten thousand men In line. The parade was headed by a platoon of police. Then came the chief marshal, Nntion.il Oiganizer John Fallon. The chief officer was followed by carriages containing the pilncipal officers ot tho "United Mine Workeis' organization and invited guests. Presi dent Mitchell, Mother Jones, Rev. Povv ei, of Spring Valley, 111., and ThoSnas Haggerty, ot Ueynoldsville, Pa., occu pied the 111 st can lage. Ovation to Mitchell. Piesident Mitchell was given an ova tion all along the line of march, and whenever his carriage stopped tho ciowd from tho sidewalk pressed atomic! and Insisted on shaking hH hand. An Aineiican flag was carried at the head of every "local," and biass bands by the score furnished music. The ban ners carried bore many cuiious inseiip tlons. Some of them lead as follows: "By Aibltratlon We Hope to Gain Our Just Demands." "eJnity and riiendshin Make Peace." "Wo Weie too Much for Baer." "Hall to Mitchell, Chief of Men, "Who Diovo the Baer Into His Den." "Wo Will Never Foisake Our Union." "Wo Will Stand by Our Uieat Leader, Mitchell." "God Bless Our Countiy and Our Union." "We Honor und Hespect Our Ptesi dents, Roosevelt and Mitchell." After the pai.ulc a. mass meeting was held at Y. M. C. A. paik. Rev J. J. Cm ran, of Holy Savluur church, this city, was elected chairman. He Intro duced as the lltst speaker, Rev. J". F. Powers, of Spilngr Valley, 111. Rev. Powers said ho had known John Mit chel'. since boyhood and he always found him noble and uptight. Ho was delighted to see the gient ti Unite piid him by the liaid coal miners. They had just lought .1 battle which had been fought In Illinois some yeais ago. Tho bituminous opemtois weie now satisfied that an ugieement with the United Mine Woikeis was u good thing and no doubt the haul coal opeiutors would soon come to the same conclu sion. Rev. James Mome, of the P1I111 itive Methodist chinch of Avoca, ad vised the minei.s to stand by their union. Thonins Haggeity, of Reynoldsvllle, Pa., who wub down 011 the piogramine as the pilncipal speaker of the day euleigU.ed Mitchell for his gic.tt wmk In behalf of the miueis. Sovetal ad dresses 111 foreign languages then fol low oil. Piesident Mitchell's Speech. Piesident Mitchell was the last speaker. He was received with gieat cheeilng. He said In pait: Liiiguagc Is lujdeiiimte to oxpiess Win gintltuda 1 teel for thu gieat inception 1 have, icvclved at the hands ot the 1111 thiaclto Illinois, tind i reel that thu vie tmv Is not due to iniself, but 10 the nit 11, women and children who madu so inativ sun Ulcus, 1 hope thut lliuro will never again b a stilko In the coal Heidi of iViuisjlvniila. I vvuiit the union milieu to inove thut they aie hettei wrukmeu than thu iiou-uuloii men. I ileshu the men anil tho oporaiois lo meet. 1 do nut want lo imiku enemies of thu opeiatois. In closing, t wish to im. piens upon .ou that inunilicn.hlp hi tho union is tho only safeguuul. 'iho opera, tors aro not going to pay tho bill of the strike, They will make tho workeis pay It If they can, but Jf not they will iimko tho ptililiu pay It. it behoove the mine woikeis, theietoie, to sua to t that they nio.uot made thu victims, und I liopo ou will bo true 10 yoni selves und to 0110 another and see to It that the cost of tills gieatest labor struggle thut has ever otouued is not pluced un jour backs. Btlek by jour union and tho union will stick by jou. President Mitchell was busy tonight completing his plans for tho Hist meet, lug of tho arbitration boaid at its meeting In Scranton, tomorro,w, Prof, Weyl, of Philadelphia, Is nsslstlng Mr. Mitchell in preparing his caso for pies dilution; nlso Dr. Peter Roberts, of Muhauoy City, an uuthoilty 011 tho an thracite coal Industry. Pi of Robeits bus received a degiee from Ynlo col lege for writing it book on the an thracite coal Industry. Ho Is nt pies ent pastor of the CongiegiUlonul church of Mulumoy City. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION President Roosovolt Sets Nov. 27 for National Observance. ny Kiclmlie Wire fiom The Asiotblcd 1'reu. Washington, Oct. 20. Piesident Roose velt today Issued his piocluuiutlou des ignating Thursday, November 27, ns a dav of thanksgiving. The proclamation follows: Accoidlug to the yearly custom of our people, It falls upon the piesident at this season to appoint 11 day of festival and thanksgiving to Ood. Over 11 centuiy and n a.iui ter has passed sluco this countiy took Its place among thu nations ot tho caith, and during that tlinu we have had, 1111 the whole, more to bu thankful for than has fallen to the lot ot any other people. Geneiatlon after generation has glow 11 to manhood and passed avvny. Bach has had to bear lti peculiar bin dens, each to face Its special crises, und each linn known yeais of grim tilal, when the country was menaced by malice, domestic or foreign levy; when tho hand of the Txird was heavy upon It In drought or flood or pestilence; when In bodily distress nnd anguish of soul It paid tho penalty of folly and a frownrd heart. Neveitholess, decado by decade, wo have struggled onwntd and upward, wo now abundantly enjoy material well being, and under tho favor of tho Most High we an- stilvlng earnestly to achieve moial nnd spiritual uplifting. Tho year that has just closed has-been one of pence and ot oveiilovvlng plenty. Rmely has any pcoplo enjoyed greater prosperity than we are now cnjovlng. For this wo render heartfelt and solemn thanks to tho Giver ot Good, and wc seek to pralso Him not bv words only but by deeds, by the way in which wo do our duty to our selves and to our follow men. Now, thercfoie. I. Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States, do hereby designate ns a day ot general thanksgiv ing Thuisday, tho 27th day of the coming November, and do lccommond thnt throughout tho land tho pcoplo cease fiom their oidlnaiy occupations nnd ln? their scvcial homes and places ot worship len der thanks unto Almighty God for tho manifold blcsslngss of tho past ".car. In witness whcieof, I havo heieuuto set my hand and caused tho seal of the United States to bo affiod. Done at tho cltv of Wnshincton, this 29th day of October, In the 3. ear ot our Loid, one thousand nine bundled and two, nnd of tho inc'pendenco of the United Slates tho one 1. Mildred and twenty-seventh. Thcodoro Roosevelt. By thn President. John Hay, Seeietary of State. EIGHTH REGIMENT RECALLED. Colonel O'Neill Says Soldiers Will Be Out of Region by Tomorrow. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Preij. Wilkes-Barre, Oct. 20. The Eighth regiment, which has been stationed nt Duryea, this county, has been recalled. Thieo companies left for homo tonight. Company A, of York, and Company B, ot Harrisburg, will not leave until to man ow night or Friday morning. Tho companies that weio recalled today ate from Pottsvllle and Shainokln. Com panies C, I and G, of the Eighth, sta tioned at Pat sons, will break camp on Friday. Orders have also been issued for the wltluhawal of the Fouith legl ment, which has been stationed at Nan tlcoke and Plymouth. Colonel O'Neill, tho commander of the regiment, says all his soldleis will be out of the region by Ftldny. The Ninth leglment expects to get ordeis to leave the field on Friday. FIRST FAIL OF SNOW. Some Sections Kissed by Featheiy Flake-s of the "Beautiful." By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Presi. Altoonu, Oct. 20. This section ot Pennsylvania was swept by a snow storm at dawn this morning. Ov el an Inch of snow fell, and all day there have been snow flunles, with the tem petatmo ut the freezing point. A high wind has been blowing. New Yoik, Oct. 29. Snow fell today thiougliout western and northern New Yoik. At most places it melted lapid- ly. Cumberland. Md., Oct. 20. Snow to the depth of two inches fell this morn ing in the Allegheny mountolns at Hiking and Fairfax. W. Va., Oakland, Md., nnd Sand Patch. Pa. There was a slight finny heie. Almost seio weather Is it-parted at I'lklns, SAFE CRACKERS ARRESTED. Their Location Revealed by a Quar lel Over Division of the Spoils. By l.icliube Wiia fiom fhe Associated t'ruj. Tittln, IM Oct. 20. A lepoit leached heio today that pait of the gang ot safe ciucUe-rs who looted the Westmor land Coal company's office In West Ir win, yesteiclny, weio sui rounded in tho vicinity of New l.luesbiug, north of bei e, Accoidlug to tho lepoit, one of the white men and thu negjo In thu gang got Into 11 qunirel over a division of the spoils, A light resulted ami the col oicd man wus all but stubbed to death. OlllceiH lett foi the scene shoitly after noun. KILLED BY ELECTRICITY, Geoige Hariison Receives 1,500 Volts fiom Incandescent Lamp. By Kxduslie Wire fiom lhe Ai.uclitrd I'reJi Piedmont, W Va., Oct. 2D. While sci owing nn Incandescent lamp into a .socket at his lioiuu tills evening, 1,300 olectilo volts passed thmuli tho body ot Geoigo W. Ilaiilson, Jr., killing him ilibtantly. Tins who which furnished tho clectilo light cuueut for thu icsl- de-ncu bad been c-iossed by a power eh- cult on thu outside. Hariison was thu son of (leoigu W Hoirlson, gent-ial posseugnr agent of thu AVest Vhgluia tVntial Rallioad company. Prince Leaves for Boston, 11 i:cluslu- Wiie bom 'lhe Attociatcd rr-si. Nov. Yoik, Oct, 20 Tho eiown piluco of Slum left this city today (n a special cat lor Boston Jlo was accompanied by his biillo and p.uty which includes nlnetcun other Siamese Altoona Soldleis Return. Uj rciuhe 'tVfrc from The Auocl-tcd I'rtu Altoona, Oct. 20. Tho western battalion of ifio'Flltb' regiment, which' had been 011 duty up Ashland, uiivtd hciu ut 2 o'clock this morning with nil well. DISTURBANCES TOUR OF PATTISON PARTY. Tho Cnmpnigners nt Mnuch Chunk nntl Allentowu. ' By I'xchisbe Wire from The Aoclated I'reni. Allentowu, Pa., Oct. 20. Repiesentn tlve Joseph W. Maync escorted the Pat tlson campaigning paity 'here fiom Mauch Chunk this evening. Ex-Stuto Chairman Robe-it 13. Wilght, who Is a member of the stnte campaign commit tee, received the vlsltots und gave them n luncheon at Ills homo. With ex-Clov-ot nor Paulson wore James Nolan, of Reading, candidate for secret.uy of lu ternnl nfl'nlrs; ex-Attorney General W. U. Hensel, of Lancaster; John S. Rill ing, of Erie, chulimau of the state cam paign committee; John F. Anconu, ot Rending, chairman of the Berks county committee; A. M. r.ilmer, of Stiouds burg, district cluiirmnn, and Dr. J. R. Shull, of Stroudsburg, candidate for congiess from the Ninth district. A mass meeting was opened ut 8 o'clock In Lyilc theatre, nnd the nudl ence was limited only by the- capacity of the house, which Is two thousand. Dr. W. H. Ilmts-ell, who was the un successful candidate for mayor In 1SSS, presided. Speeches were mndu by Messrs. Paulson, Nolan and Hensel. BATTLE AT CARUPAN0. After a Haid Fight with the Gov ernment Soldleis, the Rebels Re treat Many Killed. By Eiclu.h e Wire from The Associated Fresn Willemstad, Island of Curacoa, Oct. 2'). News has been received heie that .the town of Caiupano, stale of Beimu dese, Venez.iiela, was attacked by 1 evo lutionary fotces Sunday and Monday of this week. After a huid fight with the government soldiers, In which the reb els lost one cannon and had a number of men killed and wounded, they ir ticated. Tho government accuses the 1 evolutionists of having burned foity three houses in Carupano. These ehaiges are denied by the revolutionists, who say .that the houses In question weie burned as a result of the fighting. The French steamer D'Esties has lett La Guinra with Jf. Quievreux, the French clause d'affaires in Venezuela, on boaid. M. Qulevereux goes to in vestigate the situation along the const. The government gunboat Znmoia left bore- this morning, with 1,000 soldiers on boaid, bound lor La Gultirn. These tieiops aie to leinforco Piesident Cas tio, who is still inactive at La Victoila. THREE GIRLS KILLED. Daughters of a Negio Faimer Mur dered During Fathei's Absence, By Evcluslvc Wire from The Assodited l're-s. Memphis, Tenn.. Oct. 20. A special fiom Wynne, Aik., s.ijs: "Maiy, Sophie and May Gibson, aged 17. 12 and 10 yeais lespactively, daugh ters of Thomas Gibson, a piosperous negio laimei, weie killed, and one of them was the victim of a. ciimlnal assault at their home near heie jester day. The minders occurred while the father 6f the ghls was uw.iy fiom hume attending a clicus, leaving the tlnee gills alone In the house. Upon his leturu he lound the bodies of two of the ghls with their heads ciuslied, while the body of the thlul lay In the yaid tenlbly mutilated. The gill had been subjected to the most ntioclous Indignities. Posses composed of both blacks and whites weie termed and David Cioss, nn old negio, was ane.st ed. Ciojs denied all knowledge of the crime, but finally confessed that lie had witnessed the killing unci said that a negio named Johnson was the guilty nmn." POCAHONTAS OFFICIALS. The Great Sun's Council Elects Ofll ceis nt Philadelphia. B Km-lusise Wire from lhe Aksociuttd I'rcsi Phllidelpllla, Oct, 20, The Gieat Suns council ot the Degiee of Pocahontas, In session heio, today elected iho lul luwing olllcuis: Gieat poeahontus, Salllo Clouser, Reading; gieat weiiouah, Anna Millei, Philadelphia; gieat miunehaha, Emma Muurcr, Reading; gieat piophett-ss, Anna .1. Fulmer, i.'nston: gieat keeper of lecoids. Paulino Do Baufc-, Philadel phia; gieat keeper of wampum. Mlu-c-ivn Mayers, llaillsbuig, Tho lepoit showed the membeishlp to be It.CiiS, Thu council voted to lieconut slibot dluato to thu national council Instead of the statu council. Steamship Auivnls, By Kicliulve Wire from Hie AgiucUtrd 1'rr", Now Yoik, Oct. -. At lived; Ruttur dam, Amstcidam, dented' La hiuvole, llavio; Rotteidam, Amsterdam Sailed: Philadelphia, Southampton; MoJctlc, I.U eipoul. Uieme-n Aiilvcd; (liussur Km Ifiuit, Now Vml., I.lwu pool ,i lived: Oceanic, New Yoik Sailed: Tuutciule, New VotU via c-tieeustovvn Rottuid.ini Ai lived' Potsdam, New Vmk via lion lorfiio Sur iter I. Uaid Passed' Hi bonis, New Vmk fm .Southampton. Flow of Anthracite fiom Rending, By ruluehe Wire liom lhe Ai-ailttcc! I'm- Iteuclll'g, Oct 2'i-Uuillig tho last twi-n. t.v-toiir hoius, fltteeu long lialus, neaily 20,000 tons ot auiliiacltu coal passed tluougli tills elty. Tonight at 12 o'clock tho (lulus which lll bo ci edited to to luol tow's inn wcto .stalled fiom tho col fieilcs. This consisted of about seven bundled cms or 20,000 tons and will icacb Philadelphia by tomoiiovv afternoon. Snow Falls in Maryland, By f icltulvt Wire from The Associated lrt4i. Hagcrstown, Md., Oct. . Tho first snow of tho season fell hero this morn, lug. Thero was a light Hurry and tho tlukcs melted us fust as they fell. Theio was u heavier fall on tho mountain, IN MOROCCO Mlsslonaru George G. Reed Rtv aards tlie Situation as Veru Grave Indeed. DIFFICULT WORK IS BEFORE THE SULTAN Unless He Succeeds in Crushing the Dlsloynl Tiibes Who Have Been tho Chief Moveis in the Recent Raids nntl Robbeiies, Trouble Is Bound to Thicken Americans Caught Like Rats in a Trnp in Mequiuez. By T"icluh e Wire from the A-i'ociatrd Pres?. Gibraltar, Oct. 20. In view of tho dlstuibed (onelllion of tho Interior of Morocco consldeiablo Interest was n-anllested todnj In tho depaituie fiom here of Commissioner Lnngcimaii, ot the St. Louts exposition, who staifll for Tangier and Fes, to enlist the Inter est of the sultan of Morocco and se cure an impoitant Moioccnn exhibit at the fair. The fact that Mr. Langcimnn Is vico consul general at Tangier, and that ho Is familiar with Moiocco, and thu 11 lend of influential officials enhnnccs his chnnco of success. A letter lecelvcd from Geoige C. Reed, a Kansas mlsslonni j nt Mequl ne, with several other Amerlcnns, In dicates that, numerous Interior tiibc3 have broken out. Mr. Reed sajs: , "I consider the situation grave In deed. If the sultan Is able to call thu lojal tiibes to his aid quickly and thor oughly punish the icbcllious glrwun.', who were the thief movers in the te emt raid and lobbeiies, he will make his position all the mote secuie; but If he does not succeed In doing so thu tiouble Is bound to thicken. If I were in Morocco meiely for my health I would make for the coast as soon as possible, though at present wo are as securely locked up in Mequlnes: as ints hi u. tiap. - REST IN MOLINEUX CASE. Evidence of Piosecution Is All in Defense Mny Occupy Two Dnys. By f"!eluhe Wile from the As-ocia'.ed Press. New Yoik, Oct. 2!i. The piosecution in the Moline-ux wise tested todaj, al ter the defense had seeuied an Impoit ant advantage In the dcc-Mou by Jus tice Lumbei t that the lcudlug ot the testlmonj given at the lb st tilal by Mamie Mc-lnnclo and Detective Fan ell, both of whom sue beyond the- jutlsdlc tiou of the com l was iundliiKsable. The giealer pait ol the session was devoted to thu examination ol a liaurl wiiting expert, who, like all those who have picceded him, testified that onu hum! wioto the poison package addles--, the Uamet and Cciinish le-ttets and letteis luliiiittodly wiltn-n by Molli, eux. Tho picsciitation id' the- ca-u for the- delen-e Is e-pi-e te-d tei occupy not moie than two dav,-., and inteiest ccn ties In the itietloii whether Jlollneu' will testify in his own behalf, THREE ROCKMEN INJURED. Seiious Accident at the Holden Mino Yesterday. Tlueo loeknien weie Imdly Injured by the piemutuia explosion ol a blast In the Holden mine nt Taylor jesler day. They were Gwllj'in Thomas, of Mi Raymond coitlt; T.illle Thoma?, of Taj lor, and William Heynou, of West .sVl.lUloll. The iimn weio engaged In blasting nwa.v a lutgo mass of lock and wore e-iuglit by the Hying fragments caused by a blast befoio they had thllfi tc leach a place of safetj. tlwilyii Thomas was tho most badly injuied, his skull be-lng iinctuied, tie wus n moved to tho Moses Taylor hospital, wliuic his (ondltlou Is set Inns. Tie oilier men lecelvcd painful Jitulse.s and cuts and weiu taken to their homes. Dwyer Defeuts Comstock. Hi I xclu.lie Wire from lhe AocUted I'rf.i. Ni-w Haven, Conn., Oct 2D. M. J.'Dvvj. ei defeated J. C. Cnmstnek, ot Deficit, .In a handicap wiestliug inateh heie taulght, Uy agiecment ('omsiuek was to'thmw Dwyer four times hi an hour without be. lug thrown. After I'omstock bad won two lulls, Dwj'ei- put ('(linstock's should cis to thu mat, wliuilg thu match. Pension Ginnted, Sy 1'vlIihIvo Wire from 'I he Violated Pren. Waslitngton, Oct. 20.-A11 IS pension ha been gi anted Jonathan I) Ivlug, ot Nay Aug YESTERDAY'S WEATHEB. -T j Local data for October -0, .. Highest tempcratuit) II degree Lowest temperatmo ,., o.' ik-giees Keluttvo humidity; 8 a. ni. ,,.,. ei i'-r cent. t p. 111. .,,. Pieclpltatlon, .0.) Inc-lu cl ended p. l- cent. 21 hums b p. m , -f -f "f i t t t t .WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Oct. i" rmei ust for Thursday atal Kildij. R.istein Pennsylvnnla Fair Tluusday unt Friday; blovvly ilslng icmpeintiue; iresn uorinwest winus, uiimnii-iimg. &.&&t . t .t .t t .t